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By coI?J!E 8eRVICB AT WELSHPOOL, special coiwf-^ of Most Gracious Majesty, a made in most of the churches o1Ves and fnn es f'°r the patriotic fund for the "Uth Afrie'a 11 of our^ soldiers and sailors in 8hpool fiiir) AT!til til0 Yeomaury assembled at rpSr|tred intbe -!ew*JWI1i special interest was ■in-3 ^ay°r CMv^n c^urch on Sunday morning, nn ^ec* bin v Jones) attended officially, Uled by ot' office, and he was accom- n, The Vofnn! members of the Town Coun- vvn eers paraded in uniform at the hn°r?'3'ed ot'Dnsi; re^,llar Squadron of Yeomanry iCr0S8«'Se,t!ie Poet Office, while nearer ban^ ^o!°uel Sir Vp6™-1'8 were drawn np in line Yenw,COlI1P0sed of ^.1"iams-Wynn, Bart., with a manry bands P01J110D8 of the 4th S.W.B. and ■the band marched first, then the regular Yeomanry and the Imperial Yeomanry, the Volunteers, with the Mayor and Corporation bringing up the rear. The service was intoned by the Rev E M Fitzgerald, vicar of Prees, and a special sermon was preached by the Vicar the Rev D Grimaldi Davis. Towards the conclusions of his sermon [the Vicar made reference to the affairs of South Africa. The special message of the Church at this time of the year was that of peace. Her watchword at the present season was Peace on earth and goodwill arnongSu men." And yet, bearing in mind existing circumstances it seemed almost a mockery to pro- claim this, for at the present time we were at war with a people with whom we would fain be at peace. It was universally acknowledged that the HIGHEST OF ALL BRITISH INTEREST was that of peace and the policy of our country had been conciliation and forbearance. At the present time we have upon the throne one who had endeavoured at all times to preserve peace and goodwill amongst men. Our statesmen, following her example, had shown all anxiety for the preservation of peace. But some might say Why not preserve peace at any price ?" What did the Bible teach them on this all absorbing subject of the hour. The Word of God solemnly declares that the greatest of all national blessings was that of peace, while on the other hand war was re- garded as the greatest national chastisement. King David intended to crown his long and glorious career by building a temple to God, But he was warned that he would not be allowed to do so as he had shed much blood and that the temple should be built by his son, who would be a man of peace. David again in the Psalms prayed that would scatter those who DELIGHTED IN WAR. On the other hand they read in the Old Testament Scriptures that God again and again sanctioned war. These were wars for the extirpation of idol worship, for the destruction of moral corruption, wars in self defence, and wars againt invasion. Thus then it was that while the Bible declared that the greatest of all national blessings was peace, on the other hand it equally proclaimed that there were circumstances when war was absolutely inevitable, and if our country were to adopt a, policy of peace at any price there would soon come an end to all its greatness. There were dangers even worse than war, with all its horrors. Let foreign countries be impressed with the conviction that our people care for nothing except the counter and the till, to amass wealth and live in ease and luxury, that it would accept with equanimity any insult offered to them, and what would be the result ? We should lose the respect of others, and for a nation or individual to lose the respect of others was to lose one of the highest and best; treasures it could possess. We humbly but strongly believed that our cause was right and true, that upon the suc- cess of our arms depended the fature welfare of South Africa, and especially that justice and protection would be meted out to the native races of that vast continent, and the progress of Christian civilisation, individual freedom and rights. If then these blessings were at stake it was even worth a great war, much blood and treasure to secure them. And besides these con- siderations the war had shown how deep and uni- versal were the feelings of patriotism and loyalty in this land. What then was our duty in this great crisis ? It behoved us all to express a belief in the righteousness of our cause and in our dependence on God's help, first. by offering up prayers for the brave men who were in peril, for the sick and wounded and disabled in the war, and for all who suffered in any way by the present crisis. We should offer up special supplications that the leaders of our cause may be endowed with wisdom and insight, that their efforts should be crowned with success, and that there should be A SPEEDY AND DECISIVE END to the war, a,nd an honourable peace. In the next place we should help by our means our soldiers and sailors who were fighting our battles in distant lands, help the sick and wounded and disabled. Help the wives and families they have left behind and those who would suffer the greater loss of be- coming widows and orphans by this great war Our Gracious Queen had expressed a wish that on that Sunday collections should be made in all the churches of otir land as far as possible for these benificent purposes, and in response to that royal desire an opportunity would be given to those pre- sent that morning to contribute of their means to- wards these objects. He hoped and believed that our Queen's appeal would receive a right response. Lastly oar sincere and heartfelt grati- tude should be given to those brave men who had gone forth and to theae who intended to go forth to fight Mr battles. It was their privilege.and pleasure to have with them in that Church some of those friends who intended to go forth to fight the battles of onr country, and if. need be to lay down their lives. In the name of those who worshipped in that Church, and also lae would further add, in the name of His Worship the Mayor and the Corporation, he offered them all God-speed and a safe return to their fatherland and those they loved so well. The collection was then taken and realised over £20. Special and appropriate hymns were sung during the service. As the congregation entered, the organist, Mr T M Price, played God save the Qneenand as they left the Church Rule Britannia." The procession reformed outside the Ohurch, and large numbers watched its progress to the Town Hall.





