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LONDON H 0 USE, TENBY. W. G. TURL Is now showing a large Assortment of NEW GOODS, the latest Novelties in SPRING FASHIONS. MA3STTLES, J AOKETS, HOXjOyE.A.lsrS, &0. AN IMPORTANT SHOW OF FRENCH AND ENGLISH MILLINERY IN THE VERY LATEST FASHIONS. Chip and Fancy Straw Hats and Bonnets, Laces, Satins, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, and Ornaments in great variety. Also the latest production in Dress Materials, Corsets,. Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings, &c. A VISIT OF INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. W, G. TURL, LONDON HOUSE, TENBY. P^R^ORATED TOILET PAPER AND HOLDER. THE PATENT PERFORATED TOILET PAPER IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. f n 4 it consists of a roll of paper perforated at regular intervals, placed on a handsome holder in such a manner that the roll can easily revolve when |*y! _»p f. aj |i the paper is gently pulled. Each roll contains 1,000 sheets. The holder, [ EL y 0 H U iti f, which can be had in various styles, when once attached to the wall, will t last any length of time, and rolls of paper to re-fill can always be obtained. if H E A L T H. The merits of this Paper are nnjiiiPART ECONOMY, HEALTH, AND NEATNESS. If once tried, this speciallyprepared paper will always be afterwards used. Price: Bronze Holder, with roll of Paper containing 1,000 Sheets, com- i huuui plete, 2s.; Rolls of Paper to re-fill Holder, Is. each. Holders and Paper Tin-inr- are kept in stock by Chemists, Stationers, and Ironmongers. I HEALTH, | STRENGTH, Rl AND ENERGY INSURED BY USING THE GREAT SELF-RESTORER, OR DR. BELL'S PATENT VOLTAIC BELTS, A Safe and Positive cure for Nervousness, Nervous Debility Loss of Power, Consumption, &c. INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN AWAY, showing suffered how they may be cured and recover Health, Strength, and Manly Vigour WITHOUT the AID of MEDICINE, also particulars as to regimen, diet, &c., will be sent free by post on receipt of Two Stamps. Address, W. WRIGHT, Secretary, Volta House, 175, Wardour Street, Oxford Street, London, W. The curative powers of these life-giving belts are gimpty inarvello JPfMt. PIANOFORTES FOR £15. WMcKENZIE is now Manufacturing PIANOS, in • Walnut and Black Case, Panel Front, Column Trusses, Celest and Loud Pedal, Scones, Full Compass, for the smaU sum of £ 15. This is a genuine Instru- ment. An Inspection is respectfully solicited. Arch House, St. George Street, Tenby. PIANOFORTES TUNED AND REPAIRED. Having been for seven years in the employ of Messrs. John Broadwood & Sons, also Collard and Oolkod, and Chappel and Co., London. The public may confidently rely on the excellence of any work entrusted to him, coupled with moderation in charges. Testimonial from the Lady Catherine Allen. Woodfield, August 18,1884. Mr McKenzie has thoroughly repaired a Pianoforte for me and has given complete satisfaction. He has tuned it well also. CATHERINE AIXEN." I May 00 eaten like a sweetmeat, JKeuowiied for their eftic&cy iii Constipation, Bile, Indigestion, Liver complaint. Hemorrhoids, Flatulency, and alt ailments of the Stemach. Eagerly taken by children and the delicate. Highly recommended by the Faculty. Jfall Chemists, at la. lid., 2a. 9d., 4s. 6d„ lis., and !3a. per box; orpoat free ol tba Consignees, A. Feassits and Co., 61, Mangell street, LOHOOK. WILLIAM THOMAS, CABINET-MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER WHITE LION STREET, TENBY. New op Secoml-hnnd Furniture Stored, or Sold on Commission. Inside Repairs prom ptly attended to, and moderately charged for. havestTTAYSTIII YOURl A l»lwi m OWN 1 & J- MMMUBHTOH, IV WOOLLEN MANUFACTUBBKB, Ufnni PITLOCHRY, PERTHSHIBB, IBI Bv SB Pay carriage for Wool «ent them for Msjinfge- BEM ^B B-JI L tare into their Celebrated WTLOCHRY 'VB w VBB VWKSD8 SSES8 IVBXD8, BI/iKX £ I9t HA HP I NT A Ibd<toVBBS DBUGOBTS. 8HEETING8. ■ABE INTO INIXTING YABHsT *t?&o. Highest enlo- 4AY from the leadlnK Journal*. Patterns, ■"I IBB U charsea and full particulars as to time required, l>f Flirlr ■ Jirtd ol wool, 4c.. Ott application at above. nt- j!- V <\LU\W." Discov"riv > < If your fcrur .( groy m uge "The iiex ) E. Tient i. u icely restore in every caxn f;ey or White hair to its original colour, 'without loaviog thy disagreeable smell of moat "Heaterera." It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, an well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald spots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist for THE MEXICAN HAIR RENEWER," sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 3s. 6$, P«* Eottlfl. Wholesale depot remoTod to 33, Farnngaoa Hotel, Leader. OSAS. JBPFE/EYS, NATURALIST, 15, WARREN STREET, TEN BY, (Near the Railway Station.) Marine Shells, Sea Birds' Eggs, Crabs, Butterflies, &c. Many hundreds of species for Sale cheap. Inspection invited. Shells named free of charge MESSRS. T. DAVID & CO., IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, IMPLEMENT MAKERS, AND AGENTS, WOODSIDE FOUNDRY, SAUNDEBSFOOT. BUILDERS supplied with Ovens, Boilers, Grates, Railings, Columns, Window Weights, Street Grids. and Covers. Land Rollers, Horse Gears, and Agricultural and Colliery Castings of all kinds. Mill and Machinery Brass. Breakages Re-cast and Repairs executed promptly. JAMES FISHED, FROG STREET, Authorised Plumber to the Tenby Urban Sanitary Authority, 01 BEGS to inform the public that he has just received JD a large stock of the Regulation WATER FIT- TINGS, &c., which he can confidently recommend. Having been engaged upon several Water-works in England, the experience so gained will enable him to give satisfaction. Persons requiring Fittings or Repairs waited upon. BAD LEGS! The GREAT REMEDY,! I Wonderful Cozes throughout England 111 Innu- merable Testimonials (many from Ministers) sent. Easy Terms. Describe case to Dr. Clarfcson, Parley, Ripley, Ylca. PRICE'S RHEUMATIC OILS give -M- IMMEDIATE RELIST and ULTIMATE CUBE to the greatest sufferer from the dreadful pains of Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Ac. Price 2/9 per bottle, of all chemists in the world. Barclay & Sons, 95, Farringdon Street, Lon- don, E.C.; or Messrs. Goodall, Backhouse, & Co., Leeds, will forward a bottle, carriage paid, on receipt of 8s.


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