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THE COURT. --+--



POLITICAL GOSSIP. I Pope has a serious quarrel with the Emperor of Mexico, as may be gathered from the fact that his Holiness is about to withdraw his Nuncio from Mexico. WE regret to hear that the Premier's progress towards complete convalescence is not by any means 'so rapid as his hundreds of thousands of well-wishers could desire. TEE King of Portugal, on the occasion of the pub- lication of the "Histoire de Jules Cesar," has con- ferred upon the Emperor Napoleon the collar and srrand cordon of the Order of Scientific and Artistic Merit, a distinction to which three individuals only have yet attained. THE French think that it is as delicate a compli- ment to the Emperor of the French as has yet been .Paid to him apropos of the "Life of Caesar" that the ■Qaeen of England has p!aced the name of the English 'translator of his Majesty's work upon the list of those ^ho are recipients of literary pensions. SANDWICH ISLANDS papers state that great. excite- ment was caused by a midshipman of the British ship lio, who removed the national ensign from the American Legation during the rejoicing over the fall Of Richmond. The captain of the Clio compelled the Oiidshipman to restore the flag and make a public apology, after expressing his own regret. THE Empress-Regent of France, preparatory to. re turning into the hands of the Emperor the exceptional Powers with which she has beea for some time in- vested has issued the subjoined decree:—" Napoleon, by the' grace of God and the national will Emperor of the French, to" all whom these presents may concern, greeting. On the proposal of our Minister of the Interior, we have decreed, and do hereby decree as follows:—'Art. 1. The warnings given up to the present date to the periodical publications of Paris and the departments, in virtue of the organic decree of the Y'th February, 1852, and the modifying law of the 2nd 1861, are considered as null and void. Art. 2. 'Our Minister of the Interior is charged with the ^^cution of the present decree.'—Done at the Palace rj, the Tuileries this 8fch day of June, 1865. For the ^peror, and in virtue of the powers which he has '^Ppfided us, EUGENIE.—(Countersigned) LAVALETTE, ^Joiater of the Interior." THE Press last week gave a prominent place to the following announcement, which must be accepted, of bourse, with the reservations common to unconfirmed statements :—We very much regret to learn that, owing to increasing infirmities and failing health, the Premier will retire from public life as soon aa the •pending appeal to the country is concluded. His col- leagues, anxious to avail themselves of the popularity attached to his name, are exerting themselves to bring the session to a close as speedily as poesible. We have "teaeon to believe that in consequence of Lord Palmer- 's toe's contemplated retirement, negotiations have \bee:a carried on by some ef the leaders of the Liberal Party, and an attempt will be made to form a Ministry ^ith Earl Russell as Premier and Mr. Gladstone as leader of the House of Commons. The programme will be a new reform bill, and the spoliation of the Irish Church. We have received this information on the best authority. MEMBERS of Parliament have been busy during the Past week is addressing their constituents, and jfrfcking terms for their re election. There are many ■fresh candidates in the field, however. Some of their !!i.mes the majority of persona are familiar with-a second son of the Earl of Derby, a son of the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer, &c., whilst the candidate for ^rliament' at Waterford is M. Napoleon Bonaparte jfyse, son of the- late .Sir Thomas Wyse and the princess Lasfcitia, daughter of Lucien Bonaparte, "rinee of Canino, and uncle of Napoleon III. IN answer to Mr. Grant Duff in the House of Com- mons, ttie other evening, the Fir-st Commissioner of PublicWor k«, Mr. Cowpe: expressly admitted the claim of me London University, which now examines* 3>bove a thousand students every year, to a fitting jocal habitation of ita own, which it has never yet toad, It borrowed rooms for a long time from the Inland Revenue-office in Somerset-house, and has sinoe been permitted to lodge—with the Geographical *tad a number of other soaieiiaa—at Burlington-house. A learned body, growing iu importance and public Illflueuce every year, with a convocation that must have electoral functions as soon as the aexb change is tQ&da jjj Q-QJ; constitutional machinery, ia clearly en- titled to a separate and. somewhat stately abode of ita t .,own.


