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LONDON. V THURSDAY, SEPT. 10. *HQM THE LONDON GAZETTE. Mr A Dov>n™g-Street, Sept. 10. %/■ rf OYLY, Aid-de-Camp to Major- I W H encral Cooke, has this morning ar- — *>V v dispatches, addressed to the Cadiz 9r!k st ky Majot-Gen. Cooke, dated Copv anW V uSUst> of Which the following are a i* j ana fin extract: ,Wy twv—i k« 1 Cadiz, Aug. 26,1812. Closed copy of a l ave *• refer your Lordship to the en- reP°itir^ that the 10 ^enera" c^e ^a:- of Wellington, *his t>.icc and the ^andoned his position opposite to ft o-.ung of the ir,iS 3 ^con> °n the night of the 24th and Ailiyer the Major D'Oyly, will >nve the honour to ctoi-y intelligence. I have, &c. Geo. Cooke, MAJOR-Gen. Al'r Lo,, Cadiz, Aug. 26,1^12. Wat the enemy ah^j honour to inform your Lordtftip. '^Cadij and the T fn ned ^is positions and works opposite the 25th s an^ on the night of the 24th, and morning of trooDs town ot P°rt Santa Maria, where a Jthdrew to the (!nainec' the middle of the day, and then l6ry in the sev"V?:tUP He has left a very numerous artil- P°W'derj an(j and a large quantity of stores and fred Useless 'hP most of the otanance has been ren- 'th more precin>a^^earS f0 ^ave retired from his position t_ Lc°nsiderabie v,3 j°n t',an 1 shouid have expected retreat com ° cavalry was brought down previous j towns of p*leriCin £ fe. tachnnen»e*n° .^ea* an(* Chiclana are now occupied CnU°Ver'ar> hu*<!3^ ?an's'a troops, and a party from the id Jtad i-amhert h J»$"ne first mentioned place, to which _|°nie mwed from the Portazzo with them, 7k< fr0m this dlv'^on. 1 have, &c. SWhU'V^ fefc. &Cm Geo. Cooke. (Extract.) "Trni:^7V^ that »vT at ^anzanili, Spanish troops under General cm~ j^tfirstion of Ma°u where they remained to draw '*»{ "eSJp stat hal Soult. °^rs^omme^ce^r,rr°VCls!liP' thatthe Regency has given 4 a con^era^ cut across the Trocadero, immediately, umber of workmen, so as to insulate it. • papers, froi^?F a re £ u'ar series of New-York /*ere received ^uly to the 8th of August, fea^ of 0yr q ■, ,e dispatch, announcing the re- «ncnvii at >S *n Council, had arrived, and was American r t>rk > b-t the effect precbaced on Papers «- OVe)'nment had not transpired when 6enCer> }j0w ^re ^nt off. The Na>#nal Intelli- Pacific nature t0nta'ns a" a^tcle of a very Vatican f a spvalc tbf sentiments of the the re'n«VienVment' ?here can be little doubt end to th ° °Ul ^r(^er& will put an imme- ^DAt,jeeti e war. It is ex+remelv unpopular, Staff. tlave ^een in all paits of the A11 a me rican^i 1 'ons «jndemning it. the town nf^i ^fer,t ^as entered Canada and hav^ hi nd^K'h 0n th^ Lake Huron. frAieclUence of thi»n Seno,;u l iots at Baltimore, in ^edfetr»ocrats- rePu^calion of a paper hostile > have i^iven in' f Inore bailed account of which G^TC IZ 4th ^e- «en. Lingan was severai others wounded.

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