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BLAINA BREWSTER SESSIONS. The annual licensing session for the Blaina district, which comprises Nant 'to, Blqina, Aber- .Lg it h ld at: an-1 til?ery, CwmtiEery 'Aber eg.wa e the Police Court, 131aina, on Friday last, before. Mr. James Phillips (in the chair) and Mr. T. S. Phillips. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. Gentlelmen,-I have the honouir to submit the fol- lowing report of the licensed bolkses t)Le Ala" licensing district, being the arish ot,'Xberystruth to.-ether with a summary of gose pertons proceeded, a,ainst under, the Licensing, Acts during the past, 12 months, and shewing how the mms were dia-t Posed of Population of the district according to the census Of 18pi, 25,782. Tlib number of houses in the district licensed for sale of intoxicating drink is as follows .n Alehouses 1*0- prea?*e 3? Beerhouses (on, Beerhouses (Off premisell? 3 Grocers. 5 90 The ale and beerhouses being in the proportion of 1 to every 303 of the population. The report of persons summoned for offences against the Licensing Act since last Brewster Sessions. Sum- uis- UC8. en- moned. Fin'd. miss'd. doreed. Beerhouses (on) 2 0 0 Alehouses 3 2 1 jJ Total 5 4 1 .« 0 The previous year ti were summoned, o mieu, tum I paid costa. i I have issued no notices of objection to renewal of licenses. I have received notice that application will be made for an alehouse licence for the Railway Tavern, Blaina. The house is licenced at present to sell beer to be consumed off the premises, a»a also that an application will be made for an ale- house licence for the Coach and Horses Inn, Six Bells. The house is licenced at present to; sell beer to be consumed oik the premises. I am lastructea to oppose these applications'. I have also received notice from Mr. FredJvield- ing, of Cwmtillery, that he will apply for a grocer g licence, to which I can offer no objection. Your obedient servant, J. W. PARKER, Supt. APPLICATION FOR AN ALESE LICENCE. Mr. T. G. Powell, Beaufort, applied on behalf of Mr. Tom Simmons, Railway Tavern, Blaina, to sell beer on the premises and for a wine and spirit licence.—Mr. H. S. Lyne opposed on behalf of the police.—Mr. Powell, in support of his application, said that the Railway Tavern, for which they were applying for a full licence was situated at the extreme end of the south end ,of Blaina, and'already held a licence to sell beer off the pr(?mises. It was comparatively a new' district of Blaina., During the past fi)w years a oonsiderable number of housesw,ere built, and at p??nt there was tL contract given out by the Bl&ina Cottage Building Company for the build- 14 houses in close pro it to the Rail- g of I_ r IMT,?ur 8 of the Way Ta e a. Out of that house, wre about completed. The granting of this licence would not increase the licences in this part of the district more than it was some years ago, the Old-Crown Inn house having been bought by the Great Western Railway Co?a?any and partly pulled down for doubling their ime. Th'a' ar ent of the?-Police that they.;ilught brin iglm ig- ward, that there were sufficiaiat. hadises in MM whol4q??chstriet, would not a IV j -U this Ifue.' Because Blaina prolper was t?n?ckl Uted with houses was no reason that ttep*npew- district should be thinly supplied. Further, he might add that the Railway Tavern was the nearest to the Cemetery, and although this refe- rence might call for some little mirth from the opposition, yet he contended that where funerals came from a distance, and especially in wet and inclement weather such as they had of late, it ndin able to go in somewhere near to obtain rest and refreshment. If the licence was granted his client would build excellent coach-house and stables. Mr. Powell then proved the usual notices.—Mr. H. S. Lyne, in opposing, said his friend had made much of the new district and its growth, which was very proper and right of him to do. The position in favour of the grant- ing of this application had very little indeed changed from what it was last year when Mr. Powell applied for the same licence, and it was refused. It was true that a large number of houses were being built, but only 8 were yet any- thing near completion, and it was questionable if all would be completed that day 12 months. He failed to see the necessity of an additional house here. At present there were already three double-licenced houses in the diskvt a population of 785 inhabitant& He t?hho' quite time eno ?gzh if his friend then worships in another year or "A )be satisfied with a beerhouse. Referring to the re- mark about the Cemetery, there was a house situated 400 yards above it, and he did not think it would be much hardship for those attending funerals, if they desired refreshment, to walk thus far to get it.—Mr. Phillips Tne Beach iave decided not to grant this licence, consider- ing there is ample provision existing at present. ANOTHER APPLICATION. '[ Mr. T. G. Powell applied" on behalf of Mt. John Esau, of the Coach and Horses Beerhouse, Six Bells, for an alehouse licence.—Mr. H. S. Lyne opposed on behalf of the police, and Mr. L. E. Webb, Pontypool, on behalr of the owner and tenant of the Six Bells Inn.—Mr. Powell, in & a lengthy address, reviewed the growth of the district midway between Abertillery and Aber- beeg. A considerable amount of building had being going on in past years, and at present there were about 20 houses in building. There was also the large undertaking of Messrs. John Lancaster & Co., colliery proprietors, who were sinking two new pits within a distance of 200 Jards from the Coach and Horses Inn. This ouse had been built for 50 or 60 years, and' he threw out a challenge to the opposition to prove one single slur against the house. It was situated near the main road leading to Aberbeeg. He would also hand in, later on, a memorial in favour of the application, signed by various ntlemen of the district, ardongst whom were V essrs. John Dak-ers..T. Dawson, J. Swinburne, J. Golightly, G. 'D "jlammond, P. S. Phillips and otber well known gentlemen, who' iia'd occasion to go to the district to transact business. He (Mr. Powell) thought it very desirable that the licence should be granted.—Mr. John Esau, examined by Mr. Powell, said he had been in occupation of the Coach and Horses for six years. Since that tune no charge had been made again&t him. He had frequent ealls for spirits. If the licence was granted he proposed making certain alterations (plan produced). He would swear to the signatures on the memorial. Mr. Dakers had called several times with other gentlemen to do business, and he had told him itn-s) to try and get zthe house fully licenced. ?rther- .geiitieraen who had signed the memorial Called frequently ('O-e daily). The popwation was 6,9Zi, and about 20 bou-s were in building H. S. LYne' ?mid the ramellou the me.wr,rial were those of gertlemen eot liv- ilia thc- imlliediite district' and who weft noi I -M.IY after a wbile to visit the place at alL There was already a full-licensed house in the district, auip]^. xneet the requirements, and^ this was point he thought their warships had to con- quer, and not what it was going to be. He did n°t think for bne moment that their worships Woiild grant the licence for the sake of the few influential gentlemen named in the petition'. The inhabitants of Six Bells, who were nearly all miners, were not a community for drinking wines and spirits, the met now drank beer to get what might be called muddled, fuddled, and Doozed, but they drank spirits they got unmanageable. He would draw attention to the various licensing sessions throughout the country where it was seen that licenses were cut down. He thought that the Beach in this caw would see that the house was not required and not put additional teuiptation in the way ol the Polliers.Nlr. L E. webb also sl?oke in op- rery little trade Nosi?ioz, adding; that there *as I one in wines and spilits in the district. The t-i--iiant of the Six ibells paid C2o a year liee", and if the trade was divided it would b,6 iion- remunerative.—The Bench, after consideration, stated that the district was likely to become more populous, »tid they had decided to grant the licence. GROCER'S WINE AND SPIRIT LICENCE. Mr. T. G. Powell appeared on behalf of Mr. Fred Fielding, grocer^ Cwmtillery, for a wine and spirit licence.—The posting of the statutory notices having been proved, the application was granted. RENEWALS. The Clerk here intimated that all licences ?newed, with the exec t* were rf. pi ion of those of Wm. Lewis, Griffin -Hotel. BI" Edward Morris, King's Arms, NeiUwn ?nd John .kshton, Britannia Inn, CWmti-Ilery, Who had convictions against them last year, and whom he would call before the Bexieh.-W, H. S. Lyne, on behalf of the police, said he was in- structed not ta oppose th6'renewal of these licences this year. The only desire the police had was that these people should be cautioned as to their future conduct, and given to_ under.- stand that they could not infringe the licensing laws with any degree of impunity. — Mr. J. A.i Shepard, solicitor, Tredegar, said he appeared on behalf of William Lewis, and the owner of the house, Mr. Jenkins. His client, unfortu- nately, had a convection against him for an. oSence whicli was done in his absie'Nce. Through ?ome misunderstanding his client di? not appear in Court, neither was he represented by a soli- citor, otherwise, from the i!actw of the case, he <.Mr. Shepard) was sure his client would have ?a .tc?mlted. Mr..Jenkum had iMuod a CH?- '"?.'t.- ..?i.jy ? ¡" 'f' _.q, cular (which he would hand in) to all his tenants, cautioning them as to the conducting of their houses. William Lewis, the present land- lord,-was-an old--man,- and waa not able to be pre',ent,t but his son, John Lewis, was in Court, and if he Bench thought fit, a transfer of the licence to hixa.cpuld be. made. -Mr. T. M. Phillips N.ewp--6i*, ap eared on behalf of EdwarN Morris, and aiX that inasmuch As there s no ppposition to the renewal of the licence, a 1 1 w be would ieave_-the, matter -where it was.-The Bench then cautioned the defendants as to their W(' 0 f*ture epnduct, adding b )Ugb-t up agaiii they.would co?,,l%ratlleyye??n?;nl-?r the?- renewal iof their licences. This terminated the proceedings.




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