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0 0 lilw Tea, Grocery, and Provision Warehouse, SEED AND CORN STORES, MARKET STREET, PONTYPOOL. WILLIAM F. DAYIES thereto and supplying First class Articles at reasonable pnoes, to merit a contraanoe oftkanr peonage. Teas. Good,Useful, Pleasant Drinking Tea, I. U 84 w J p" lb* s'M » Coffee* (Fresh Boasted in the Berry.) Superior Plantation Is 6d „ Very Fine do Is 8d „ Choice Mountain Berry Is 8d Fresh Ground Coffees » Sugars. Meals always on hand, at Lowest Prices. Affent for the Droitwich Salt Work 8 Refined and Agricultural Salts. The only DIRECT Line of Steamers to PHILADEL- PHIA is the AMERICAN MNE I UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. n. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY, jffli^rapfrCalling atQuEENSTOwN everyTHURSDAY NBWHv* First-class, full-powered Iron Steam- ships are appointed to San: •LORD CLXVE May » *CITT orLiMBBiexMaySO OHIO May 16 INCIANA June 6 PENNSYLVANIA.. May 23 ILLINOIS •Jfo Intermediate Passengers carried on voyage warfcerf f The only TRANS-ATLANTIO LINK sailing under the UNtTKO STATBt3 FLAG, and carrying the American Rafts for saving life, besides the usual complement of Lifeboats and an extra number of Life Preservers. The accommodation for all classes of passengers any of the European Steamship Lines. Every Steamer carries a Surgeon and Stewardess. Passengers and goods are landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which has the shortest and most direct route to all plaees in the Western States. Passengers by this Line can pass direct into the Rail- road Cars without leaving the Landing Wharf, and under the same roof, there are REFRESHMENT Room, United States Letter Box, Telegraph Office, Exchange Officf, and Baggage Express Office. „ CABIN PASSAGE, 12 to 18 Guineas. Return Tickets, at reduced rates. STEERAGE PASSAGE as low as by any other TAST line, including an ample supply of Provisions. Steerage Passengers are forwarded to New York or Boston with- out additional charge. INTEITMEDIA,TI& PAMLLGE, including Beds, Bedding, O.naraf AzenU, 307, Walnut-street; in Queenstown, N. TS8? t 17 and 19, Water-street J. MOBOAN, Post Office, Pontypool. THOS. H. THOMAS, High-at., Tenby. JNO. THOMAS. Church-st., Tredegar mllan line. H SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE 10 Em M E R_! C A. Composed OF TWENTY FIRST-CLASS Roy AX. MAIL STEAMERS. 8AILING DAYS-from LIVERPOOL,everyTUES- DAY and THURSDAY to CANADA, and every AL- TERNATE TUESDAY to HALIFAX and BALTI- MORE, forwarding Passengers or. easy terms to all parts of CANADA and the UMTED STATES. Surgeon and Stewardesses provided free for all elassea Passengers who secure their Tickets before leaving U home are met at the .Railway Station in Liverpool by an appointed Ageut &the Company, who tttea charge of them Until they go <on board the steamer/ THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT grants ASSISTED PAS- SAGES by the ALLAN LINE. For Rates of Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS and Co., Alexandra Buildings, James-street, Liverpool; or to mqrgaN) Po8t Office, Pontypool. SAILINGS FROM GRFD T IT-AIIV. as CITY OF AGRA," lat May, from London, for Maryborough & Brisbane. SCOTTISH BARD 15th „ v „ Towosville & Rockbampton. "WINDSOR CASTLE,7th June „ Brisbane RENFREWSHIRE," 1st July, from Glasgow, „ Brisbane Female Domestic Servants free. Apply to local agent: J. R. MORGAN, Post Office, P°nTHE AGENT GENERAL FOR QUEENSLAND, 52, Charing Cross, London, S.W. FREE EMIGRATION TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA. THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA GRANT FREE PASSAGES To the following Artisans, viz.: Carpenters, Bricklayers, Masons, Plasterers, Agricultural and Railway Labour- ers, Copper, Tin and Lead Miners, not exceeding 40 years of age. Single, or Married with not more than 1 three children, also to Single Female Domestic Servan s. COAL MINERS ARE INELIGIBLE. All Persons who are considered eligible by the Emigra- tion Agent, paying their own Full Passage, receive a Land Order Warrant of the value of JE20 for every Adult above 12, and £10 for Children between 1 and 12 years of age. No Money, or Fee of any kind, is to be paid by in- tending Emigrants to the Local Agents for their re- muneration.. Full particulars and information, with Forms of Ap- plication. to be obtained at the Office of the Govern- ment of South Australia, 8, VICTORIA CHAMBERS, WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W., Or cf Mr MORGAN, Post-office, Pontypool. TO BE GIVEN AWAY.-GRATIS! A New Medical Work, entitled, CC HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH, or, the Confidential Friend," This Book should be read by everyone of either sex. BEING a guide for the Safe and Sure Treatment and Cure of all Debilitating Diseases, such as Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self- Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, end many other ailments which if neglected bring the sufferers to an early Death. Together with Hints on Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hys- teria, and all diseases of the Nervous and Alimentary 8ystero. This Medieal Work (112 pages) gives PRESCRIP- TIONS, with full INSTRUCTIONS for their prepara- tion and use. Contains also Friendly advice on HY- GIENE, or the WAY TO PRESERVE HEALTH. Sent post free for {one stamp, or by letter post three stamps. Advice by Letter, Oralis. SPECIAL ADVICE IN ALL DISORDERS PECULIAR TO FEMALES. THE FEMALE'S FRIEND and ADVISER will be sent GRATIS to any address on receipt of STAMPED ENVELOPE. „ .,„ ■Cgr- Address, Messrs BARNES # Co., 48, Lonsdale Square, Marnsbury, London, N. Important to Country Patients. MESSRS BARNES& Co. may be consulted personally JjjL or by letter, in all private and confidential cases, and for the benefit of Nervous Sufferers who cannot visit them they will, on receiving a description of their case, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready o give their opinion upon the nature of the case, and the principles of treatment necessary to effect a perfect sure.-Addresii Messrs BARNES & Co., 48, Lonsdale- isquare, Barnsbury, London, N. ._).{ 1,IXjtrf&iifi)ff::S' :<"f l"'i,}>l<S"<' ,"f'cJ, fi" '¡.:k. !o _I COUGHS! COUGHS and WINTER COLDS alse Consumption, Bronchitis and other affections of the THROAT and LUNGS are quickly RELIEVED and permanently CURED by Brown's Herbal Remedies." All who suffer are requested to test the efficacy of these Medicines. Sample bottles are supplied free of charge by all Country Agents, or can be had by post from the Proprietor. Address :—O. P. BROWN, 2, King-street, Covent Garden, London. Prof. Brown's "Treatise on Consumption," 44 pp., free by post. Prof. Brown's Complete Herbalist," post free 5s.-The above can be had of the Agent for Pontypool, E. B. FORD, Chemist, George-street. r The Oldest Wholesale and Retail Provision & Family Grocery Trade, CRANE-STREET, PONTYPOOL, (AND GRIFFITHSTOWN,) ESTABLISHED 1787. DANIEL & JONES flate Herbert J ETURN their sincere thanks to the Clergy, Gentry, it and Public generally for the very liberal support they have received since taking the business, and whilst they respectfully solicit a continuance of the same, they are determined that nothing shall be wanting on thpir part to give entire satisfaction. Every effort will be, made to ensure good quality, moderate prices, and punctual attention to all orders. Good Strong Congou at Is 8d per lb. Fine do. 2s Od „ S "nerior do. 2s 6d „ The Best A ha Cofeeg, Sparkling Lump, Crystals, and Demararu -art, Prime Home-cured Bacon,Cheddar, English, <. American Cheese Salt and Fresh Butters; English, American, and French Flour; Beans, Oats, Bran, Barley Meal, Maize, Sharps, Malt, Peat, Oatmeal; Preserved Fish, Salmon, Lobster, Sardines Australian Beef and Mutton, in 2lb., 4lb., and 6lb. Tins, at Lowest Prices. Agents for Huntley & Palmer's Biscuits; Spratt's Patent DogBiscuits, 22s. per cwt.; Worcestershire Fine Salt, Manure ditto. N.B—D. & J. strongly recommend their 2s and 2s 6d Teas, as being of superior quality. To those who suffer from Irritation of the Scalp from Scurf, Dandriff, or ioss of Hair R. FOX'S NUTRITIVE AND SEDATIVE CREAM is a certain remedy.—Sold by Messrs Roderick & Wood, and by the Maker, H. Fox, Commercial st., Pontypool. George Street, Pontypool, (Three Doors from the Crown HotelJ T. AGG'S Groceries and Provisions. CT Compare his Goods with others, and Judge for Yourselves. •TSIOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."— J7 See Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. C I'A'RKE"S WORLD "TAMED Trade Mark, Blood Mixture." THE ClEAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER SK1; DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches, Ulcerated U Sore Legs, Old Sores, Glandular Swellings, Can- cerous Ulcers, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world-famed Medicine. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PAETS. MPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cleanse the X vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Pro- prietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE is sold in Bottles, 2s 6d each, and in cases, contain- ing six times the quantity, lis each-sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of lone-standing cases,-BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDI., CINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by the Proprietor. F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, Apothecaries'Hall,Lincoln. Wholesale: All Patent Medicine Houses. LONDON DEPOT: 150 OXFORD STREET. Pontypool: E. Stephens (late Haddock.) B. Ford (late Conway.) A NEW MEDICAL WORK Bv HENRY SMITH. Doctor of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Jeua, and Doctor of Medicine of the Metropolitan Medical College, New York, by Examination, 1860. Just Published, Enlarged Edition, 144 pages, Crown 81"0" Free by Post Two Stamps, in Envelope, T\ebilitating and Nervous Diseases; their JL/ CAUSE, CONSEQUENCE, SYMPTOMS, AND TREAT- MENT. This work gives THE RESULT OF TWPIJTY-EIOHT years' special PRACTICE for the Cure of stll Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpi- tation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Constipation, Blushing, Hysteria Timidity, Self-distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, &c. It is a GUIDE TO HEALTH, STRENGTH, and VIGOROUS OLD AGE, invaluable to the Nervous, Sedentary, Dyspeptic, and all those whose constitutions have become debilitated and relaxed from Irregularities of Life, Ihtemperance, Climate, Age, or Disease, or irom Over-taxed or Abused Energies, whether of body or mind. Gives Instructions and Advice for the Treatment of Nervous and Physical Debility, Local and Constitutional Weakness, Premature Decay, and all Disorders resulting from loss of vital force. Also by same Author, by post, seven aramps in envelope. ON DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMAN; Their Cause, Symptoms, and Cure. This Work is written for the Use of Females. It is a Guide to the Cure of a Class of Ailments to which the Female Constitution is peculiarly liable. NOTICE.—The above Medical Works will be sent direct from the Author, in an Knvelope, on the receipt of the amount in stamps. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY INVALIDS. CONSULTATION BY CORRESPONDENCE. THE AUTHOK OF THE ABOVE WOKKS J- will, for the benefit of Country Invaiids, on receiving a description of their case, send his opinion, free of charge, with advice and directions for restoration to Ilcath. A Confidential Form of Correspondence containing Ques. Hons, fc', to assist persons in describing their ease, will » sent po-t-.b ee on receiving a directed envelope. ADDUESS HENRY SMITH, 8, Barton-crescent. London, W.. THE BEE-HIVE SHOP, TRUSNANT STREET, PONTYPOOL. To Married Men and Bachelors, Spinsters and Widowers, Forgemen and Potters, Colliers and Labourers: Your patronage J asjc this year of '77 And I'll execute your orders u>ell and honestly, by heaven. USARLES MIA OR sells all kinds of FUBNITCBK Si BKDDISOJ At prices so cheap. it will pay far your wedding, GOODS are all QOOD and well made, you will find, It will pay you well to bear him in mind. Dofit think of the CAlaILIAGIC- he delivers geods PRER. Look at that It's a saving of trouble, you see. Belil be happy to see vou in Trosnant-street, where Be sells coccms and SOFAI and a good KAST CRAIB, MATTRBSSKS. also, in STRAW, FLOCK, and HAIR, So come to his Shop- you'll find everything there. AVew 46 Second-hand Furniture bought, sold, or exclianyed. Oeods delivered per own Van, Free of Cost CHARLES MINOR Otvee the Best Price for all hinds of Left-ejf, Wearing Apparel. In things that'. old, in things that's nets, I In everything doth Minor do | Brooms, Brushes, China, Glass, or Tin, At Minor's shop are found within. Wardrobes of every class he buys, 9 h ithout regard to jit or six, 1" quantities both large and small, Nis Gold is ready to if all. • Wanted Immediately, t PPRENTICES and IMPROVERS in the Dress and A Mantle Making Business.—Apply to Mrs GUNN, Clarence-street, Pontypool. N.B.—Mrs Gunn, having just returned from London, is prepared to execute all orders it the latest fashions for the present season. I OPENING OF SffO V ROOM. WILLIAM: POTTER BEGS to announce that Mrs. Pottbk has returned from London, and the SHOW-ROOM IS NOW OPEN with all the LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON, Is BONNETS, MANTLES, JACKETS, PALETOTS, COSTUMES, &a., &o., and all kinds of FANCY GOODS. Dressmaking in all its Branches. I PONTYFOOL, 1877. West of England Loan Office. Established 1856. MO¥EY. NO sureties required. Cash advanced in 80tns ot £ 10 and upwards to Farmers, Contractors, House- holders. Innkeepers, Tradesmen and others, on their own security, repayable by easy instalments. Distance no object. AGENTS FOE PONTYPOOL: MESSKS. PHILPOT & WINGFIELD, Auctioneers, Market House Chambers. BIRMINGHAM GOODS, Jewellery, Watches, Har- moniums, Household Furniture, &c. Agents Wanted. Enlarged illustrated book free. Apply—^Henry May, Birmingham. BVERY MAX m8 OWW PARNTML BUT LUNDY s Celebrated HOUSEHOLD PAINTS mixed ready for use. Packed in 1, 2. 3, 4, 8. and 7 lb. Tina which can b« opened with the finger and tnumo and closed again. Dry, hard and glossy within eight hurø. The popularity of these Paints have induced many mrer'v* imitations, none ot which will bear any comparison, necessary that every Purchaser should see that on ev«jy is stamped "John J. Lundy & Co., Leith." «w someBaw otherwise give the common imitations, which they ara mauoea to keep merely that they get it cheaper, and reap more pron*. gold by all Druggists, Grocers and Ironmongers. ,— A OCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY (Limited). No. 7, Bank Buildings. London. K.C. GKKIBAL AOCIDKHTS. | PSRSOHAL KA^WAT AOCZPKKTS. I ABDIN°41IILger. HE FREEHOLD PROPERTYj INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION (Limited). Offices, IS, Ooleman Street, Bank, London. E.C. Bankers, National Provinoial Bank of England, Biahopag&te 8fc Capital £ 100,000. Shares £ 6 eaota. Tutiarfm Dividends of £ 0 per Oant. per Annum paid a.t Mla- Summar and Christmas, ana# bonus at endi ofKm^oial Year. This AssooiatlQn prpridea wt erffeotive INVESTMENT in, S^Tre&Krt* liAtfD. bad HoC&«S. The objects Ot the Association are_ L-To secure a profitable return to Shareholders by making Advances on freehold securities only. 2.—To secure to persons ha monØ1 to deposit a nady and safe mode of doing so at a uniform rate of interest. &-To assist the acquisition of freehold property by instal- RmLmt ts. ex ing over a torin of Secretary, J. H. EDMONDS. mHE REAL PROPERTY TRU ST, Limited, -1-10, Begent St., London, S.W. Capital £ 1,000,000. In- yests exclusively in Real Est ate. Eeoeivei DEPOSITS at to A per Cent, per Annum, 6 offers special advantages to the Work- Glasses. Pamphlet with full details,, gratis and post free. Jnfiu§*tial Agents Wanted* Terms ftj^ar^mars on application. rxro T H O v E L T 1 E g; P ATM ST A-y MANTLE8 AT WHOL»SAL» PRIOHS. PAKISTAN KILLnrBRY AT WHOMUM Paunu. PARISIAN COBTTTMJEM AT WHOUUU Pbicb*. Every dMorfetion ofOoods PKICE0. Patterns poet free from TAMES SPENCE & CO., Wholi!8a.le Drapers & R, 17, 76 ft 79 ST. PAUL'^CHUR^IffiiUifi. LONPOy, Rp. A LBERT CRAPE, one fold of the new £ »- Patent ALBERT CRAPE is as thick as two folds of the Old make, is much cheaper & wears better. Sold by al^ .Drapers. ijiUNERAL Robes, &c~—■Newest Styles, Beat JL- Value. Flwnnel and Oambrio PrilUnw 4 Coffin lining*. Coffin CIqJm Baiy.es. Waddings, &c. W. CLABKE, Coventry. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—To Gentlemen residing in the Country & abroad. THE OXFORD CLOTH- INS COMPANY 454, 842 & MS, Now Oxford St., London.W.0„ hare now ready their extensive assortment of New Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of the newest designs in Diagonals. Checks. Heltons, &c., &o., ioi Frock Coats, Business Coats and Suits, also a large assortment of Scotch Checks for their famous Leinsters f or Spring & Summer wear. 5000 patterns of i Angolas, Checks, Scotch Cheviots and Stripes for our 15V- Trousers, A variety of each sent post free with plates ox f asnjon and earda for Self-Measurement* on application to 11-yJDi.iJ., Manager, 424, 542 It 64S, New Oxford Street, London,W.O. ^UNPARALLELED PINE AKT DISTRIBUTION. ulip ABALLELXD PINE ART DISTRIBUTION. 1 A GUINEAS for 16 SHILLINGS and XV a GUINEA PBIZK GRATIS to all. Six magnifloent Eugravings by Turner. R.A., An»deU, It-A., and Bouvier. R.A., sue 30 by 22, (genurne impressions from the original Steel Plates), published at'I en Guineas the Set. sum- oieat to furnish any Diuing or Dra^^ Room, sent seour^y packed on reoeipt of Ids., together with a Guinea Prize- Engraving and a Coupon for Guinea Prue free °n re°eip 2/10.-AH orders address JAS. Dbxtbk, Secretary, Art Urnon, PATH^JERRARD'S Pine Art Galleries, HO. Fleet-st., London. yhere the sets are on view. Eatd. 10 years. Prospeotus one stamy* BIRTHDAY or WEDDING PRESENT. rpHE NEW ILLUMINATED ALBUM, Registered. LB PENDANT DU PARTERRE. (Companion to the Parterre), HAVING 18 DIFFERENT COLOURED designs. Quarto size, bound in Russia and Moroooo. A HANDSOME PRESENT. To be obtained of the Principal Stationers and Bookaeuers. Each Book stamped, Registered with the Publishers' initials T. J 8. & Co. 'IflNGRAVlNGS, CHROMOS, Photographs, to. B. BROOKS ft SONS. Carvers, Gilders ft Pushers, WL Strand, Corner of Surrey Street. The Cheapest House In London. Fstabliahed 1750.. FINEST TEAS.] [BEST^BLECTIONS. THROM ALBERT A. DEAN AND CO., 41, Ludgate Hill. London. Choicest growths of the Season in China and India, in 4, 0, 6 ana 8 lb. Canisters, Chests, Half Chests or Caddie*. T. „ I I Coupons of the General nioe list of Goods of all I J Expenditure Association kinds, free on application. J ] giv £ n when required for Cash Carriage free on 42 worth and upwards. "IVTECHI's DRESSING BAGS & CASES. Despatch Boxes, Tourists' Writing Cases. Jewel Oases, Writing Desks, Saissors, Razors, Table Knives, the Magio Razor Strop & Paste, at Jleohi's, 112. Regent St., W. Catalogues free. fin H E SOCIETY OF ART S. JL ONE 8HILLING MOIST COLOUR BOX. Unadulterated Pigments. LBOHERTIER BARBE ft Co., SO, Begent Street, London. And all Artists' Colourmen, and Stationers. THE Every-Pay DINNER SEltVlCE. Set for IS. £ 4 IBs. A. marvel of good taste, eoonomy and indestructibility. Toughened Glass in great variety. Prices and patterns free by post. JOHN MORTLOCK, 203 4 204, Oxford eet.30 & 81, Orchard Street, Portman Square^ London. W. t^URNlTUXiE.CAfi-PETS, &c. Brusflek, 2144 J- 2/9, 3/8 & beat 3/11, none higher or better. Tapestry do., Ilioi. £ 30,000 of Furniture, Bedsteads and Bedding at very reduced prices. All Goods warranted, paoked and^delivered tree to any Railway Station.—WW. WAINS, Wholesale, Export and General Furnishing Warehouseman, 131 to 15U, Kewington Butts, London, New Illuatratqd Prioed last Gratis. «RAS^ItE £ D, S'rRtNG, A DRUM! JPIFE «RAS^ItE £ D, S'rRtNG, A DRUM! JPIFE BANDS. PlAWOyORTBB and HAEKONIOH3 at Wholesale P,it*s at J. MOORE'S, Baxton Rd., Huddersfleld. Pnees with drawings of every Instrument post free. ga/ kind of Band. Fatjroniseaby the Army,Nayr.&Katte uorpe. Becond-hand Instruments bought or taken |n Exchange. R A D-y 0 It Patent -;iVÖ'WEJ? Wringers, MUWIM ^S5ry S'OATALOGUBS free by post, lfo, hi, lit & 143, Jligh Hoiboru, London. Orescent,Iron Works. Manchester, & lao, Bold S^. Livarpool. ftlHE SOUThWaRK: LilADi GLASS CO., WABBHOUBM, PABK St., IMDOU, S.E. PKICBS to the Trade for Sheet taad and Pipe. Sheet Zinc, Tin. Solder, British and Foreign White Lead, Oils, Colours, Varnishes, Plumbers' Braas Work. Wrought Iron Tubing, Rain Water Castings, tas. Prices Current on application. STBTKAtTB 0.0lil per a f t CROGGON &: CO., MANUF ÀCTURERB 42, Upper Thanes Street, London, 69, George Square, Glasgow. 2, Uoree Piaiaas Xjvei pooi. IRON CHURCHES SCH00LSXR(5<5^. Jt- Erected by OBOOGON and Co., 43, Upper Thames Street, Londoa. 69, George Square, Glasgow. 2, Garee Piazzas, Liverpool. mSBTETRIFTIiia SILlCAfETOTTJ, JL PROTECT IRON from OORROBION; WOOD bom SECAT. Do NOT BLISTER, Am NOH-POISOWOHS. BKDHJANT, DCEABLE, BooNoaiioAii. For HOUSE, SHIP and GENERAL USE. jUanufautured in all Colours by the SILICATE PAINT COMPANY, LIVf.RFOO^ mMP HOUSES, DAMP CHUBCHES, J-J &c.. CAN BE CURED CHEAPLY & THOROUGHLY by the PETRIFYING LIQUID Manufact'trtd IVansp&reitt or in Colours, only by the LIVERPOOL SILICATE PAINT COMPANY, who are Mao the Sole Manufacturers of the Petrifying Silicate Paint. p ARD ]EffC-AiCtkg -JMf ARE THE BEST. Btnr or AUl, GEOOHBS. piMafcjMtos. Marmalade, PiekleB, jgauces, Bloater Paste, «o. g^MABKE's Pyramid ^ood Warmers, 3/6. 5/- Q) 'fY'W ",t}:J.V. For Sale, I A CART suitable for a Former or Haulier. Apply to I A JONES & SUMPTION, Pontypool Brewery. To be Let, I IN the early part of June, the DWELLING-HOUSEv Garden, and Appurtenances now in the occupation of Mr FRANCIS MORGAN, of Troanant.-For full particu- lars apply on the premises. Potato Ground to Let. ABOUT 6 ACRES, situate near Penyrheol: Is. 8d. JjL per perch, and 71bs of Potato Manure to the perch. Apply to Mr JOHN KNIPB, Craae-st., Pontypool. PONTYPOOL.—To Let immediately, a Dotible- JL Licensed House, coutaiaing 12 rooms Three Clubs held there. Apply to WAITS & SON, Auctioneers, Pontypool. Furnished Apartments to Let, i A SITTING ROOM AND BEDROOM, or TWO BEDROOMS if required.—Apply to Mrs CHARLES, Mtfu— and Maatle Maker, Clarence-street, Pc rent ices Wanted to the Millinery, r. V'k' Tt"- i tike Poor of the Parish of Trevethin, the Superintendent of Police for Hie Division of Pxtatypool, and all whom it may concern. WE, ERENBZER HARRIS DAYIES and WIL- 'Y LIAM SANDBROOK, now residing at Ponty- pool, in the Parish of Trevethin, in the County of Monmouth, DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that it is our intention to apply to Hei Majesty's Justices of the Peace, for the Division of Pontypool, in Petty Sessions assembled, at the Town Hall, Pontypool, on Saturday, the 2nd day of JUNK, 1877, for a License to hold any Excise Licenses to sell by Retail Beer and Porter, to be Consumed off the premises, at our premises situate at George Street, Pontypool, in the said parish, of which premises we are the owners, and which are now occupied by us as a Wholesale Ale and Porter Stores and Ginger- ade Manufactory. Dated the 3rd day of May, 1877. DAVIES & SANDBROOK. To the Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Llanvrechva Upper, tn the County of Mon- mouth, and to the Superintendent of Police for the Pontypool Division, in the said I County. JAMES RUMSEY MORGAN, residing and carry- ♦ ing on business for the last six months at Griffiths- town, in the parish of Llanvrechva Uppar, in the County of Monmouth, Grocer, DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that it is my intention to apply at the Special Sessions for Licensing purposes, to be holden at the [ Town Hall, Pontypool, in the County of Monmouth, on the second day of JUNE, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, for a eer- tificate authorizing the grant to me of un additional retail license to sell beer for consumption off the pre- mises under the statutes 26 and 27 Vic., cap. 33, sec. 1, 32 and 33 Vic., cap. 27, 33 and 34 Vic., cap. 29, sec. 10, 35 and 36 Vie., cap. 94, and 37 and 38 Vic., cap. 49, eec. 31, or any of them, or under any other Statute or section enabling me in this behalf, the said premises being No. 6, High Street, Griffithstown, afore- said, in my own occupation, and used as a Grocet's Shop. Given under my hand this first day of Mav, 1877. JAMES R. MORGAN. Cricketing Goods, Fishing Tackle, A RCHERY, CROQUET, BADMINTON, and all LX out-door games may be obtained at H. Fox's, Hair-dresser and Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist, Commercial-street, Pontypool. Tickets for Fishing in the Usk. XTARVEY & Co., having completed theii invehases lor ootmtiS Season are able to oompute with any v? or Co-OpERArrvB STORM, and at the same time offer the public unusual terms. 5 per Cent discount on every purchase orer *11. We still pay great attention to our OOCTVMB and MANTL* Departments, & send out some hundreds from our own form of Self-Measurement. Never having one returned. SILKS at old prices, VsLvsTjtKjf8. CABHMMBS. Our far famed Mb> anroa at 8/ AU the new Dress Materials, Caliooes, Sheetings, Flannels, Carpets, Blankets, ko„ to. Patternsfree. All Ord- must enolose remittance. Prompt attention to Post Orders ox Telegrams. Lambeth House, Westminster Bridge, London. rpHE QUEEN's LAUNDRESS THB GEENFIELD STARCK IS TIDI BEST SHE EVER USE CHEAP OoLLUOtlOtfS ▼ of Choice VEGETABLE ft FLOWER SKBDS foe AMATEURS and COTTAGERS. Collection No. 1, consisting » » of 17 Packets of the molt useful Vegetable Seeds, 3 Packets of Herbs and 6 Packet" of Ohoice Flower Seeds, with tural Instruction, sent nost free on reeeipt of F.o.O. for B/e. X^THEELER's Collection No.3, 6 Paokefa A ofU»oO Varieties of Choice Floww'seSS! gratis and past frea. ▼ V poet tree tor U »*»?»?■. WHKUB fc SON, BRKD QROWERS, Gtt/)nrm!HTKB. HE ALLIANCE SOCIETY. 51. Moorgate JL SteMC bUodoa, E.C. ° f is^si Drwte^ !I'e BORROWEBB: Advancel tree C?f terl8\. Proapectua oø Wi,lication, A. R. WORMA^g^WlLDR. Secret T/5KBON and SOUTH^AJRICAJJ BANS (Incorporate bf Jgaoj 10, Kimo WILLIA* T E.O. ftUd-ap Oapital £ 400,000 ISSC^ ^TTERS of CREDIT •nd DRAFTS en its Branohes at Elisabeth, Qrahama- JJ-l- SAFEGUARD PhoBni-* SfTWorki. Liverpool. X\TALKl«]lt's CaYSfAL CASE"WATCHKI Church T^ndoP. Rt" Establish^ x$u. JlJOTICE j CRlaP. 1>» Regent Street. Vondon. W. JuDSON'gColours 6d. each.— -^yone oan ase them.—. Jadson's br^-r>t Chemists and Vviiti at mode B AQ0A ntaining SKA f^il^ 'DsIlORpOISES, R^ /EONS ftlaixee* QoHectjonofFtaheg in th«WorM.>* —^llth.Gen.Managea. TpiANOPORTES on the three Years SyetMnj-SAMTJBL BREWER OO Manufacturers, 14 & lg. Ponitry oheapside, London, E.C. TRUNKS and FoRTMANTEAirg: W SON, Old Bond St., London, is a reliabU House. Apple ton', fj~ide.l«!6. Illustrated Catalogue post fre*. ipUMPSl PUMPS!! PUMPS! ^2rwaS5r Cisterns. Oardens, Kitchen and Agricultural BF. W. TT/rnet> St. Alban's Iron Works. Herts. EEP WELL PtJSFS, WIND ENGINBS^ i *«.,supplied 4 fixed by JOHV WAKima K-gSS1' Crescent Ponndry. Xiondon, -er bi/ their Local Agents. TN CA-SS:s ^OF ALL SIZES; Trade Mark Registered. EREZ.—Used extensively for Fininir Body an"5 Flarour to Poor and Spent Wines. A0* flavouring, MeUowing and Imparting the Softness o} °* every desonption. SOLD TO THK T*AJ>b otlX •JOLpEN, PALE AND WHITE XKR8Z. n_ Pirscttons for use given to all Purchasers. u?S,Mark as above has been Registered, and we art Proprietors for the United BLingdom. BAGOTS. « CO„ ■■ ■ WUliam 8treat, DfrBLIX. JrnrF§TT" OXD WffrsKET M William Street, ■, „ DUBLIN. JOHN A SON, Brewers 3 ?Pd S*OT7T, Axcaox BRBWHBY, DUBLIN. p—v-j tLargeet Brewery in Ireland bat ontfV ""pa^ed in all towns in which thwraaraiwma AT^KW^T^ATT A CK E T ~T B AT! WA^raP|naU part. oJ Ue K'.n^om for the the FOOCHOWFOO OOMPANX'S TKA. Admitted K„X?SIlomaur« to be the beet. V>ho<esale at the Company's ■arehous««, m, street, London. Kc. & W 'A. K 6 S s 4c 0 O. B—"— LIGHTHOUSE COLZA OIL ELf2i*ODBKATOR AND OTHER LAMPS. aMrebantg ( U«finew of »U kinds of Burning ft Lubrioatinc OSs PRICK LIFT PR*" Awmcatiow. i °™oesr 66. Upper Thames Street, 1 onaon, B.C. PRICK LIFT PR*" 811 Awmcatiow. Upper Thames Street, 1 onaon, B.C. will «Jw5?<1>9et assortment ft lowest prieee at MILI.mGTON'a, London. Ciook*. Watehes,Cutlery,Ootnbs,8pe«. T™?5tPens,Pip<i(i.i»urBes. Catalogues free. Krtd. 18S7. Cash only. JOHIT MITCHELL, the Inventor at ) PRESS-TOOLS fer the MAnufactar« of STEEL PENS. Established 1821. IAEEB to the QTJEEH. Pane for all writes.—London Depot, No. 118, Obeapaida. Works—NewhajljteeetLjirmiiighaTn. Poat frM from the Author for five Btamps. ON CONSUMPTION of the LUNGS; .Of, Decline, and the only suo^essful Treatrnentt that formidable disease to be euraWe in all ha Pta^ea, wtth additional Cases of Cure and Questions for l^tT^ETaiTJHAHSMrSr CthtEDW POUPARiys OCEANIC OZONE. For a Pamphlet send » stamps and dirpntfid enrelone to 7. Blackfriai-s Rd.. London. ENLaRSEK CARTEB DE VISITE copied, 12 for 3/- 7-^ « for 2/ enlarged to Cabinet, 2/ II Copies, 6/vto Ii inches Stamps musrt be sent with Parte, good work. STERLINO BRQTHgRS. l £ Sandall Road. Cannfon RJT.TT. ESTABLISHED 1850. f THE PONTYPOOL j General Furnishing &Bedding I WAREHOUSE, Clarence-street, Pontypool, AND (BRANCH) 95, BROAD-STREET, BLABN A vf)N. I JOHN BEVAN, in soliciting the patronage of the inhabitants of this dist 1-4 to I supply Articles of the Best Quality, at Lo C ^"live^ per Spring Cart; and any not approved of Agent for the Singer" Challengeu A great variety of every description of HOT &C. .S '• JOHN KNIPE & SON, SEED, CORN, & PROVISION MERCHANTS, Crane-street, Pontypool, BEG to announce that they have just received a LARGE ASSORTMENT of GARDEN, FLOWER, and AGRICULTURAL SEEDS which they oan confidently recommend. Seed Wheat, Barley, Oats. Spring Vetches ,Clovers, Grasses, Early Seed Potatoes, t-c. IfJJlhdflTTl BEWARE 0F WORTHLESS IW.llIlltMl IMITATIONS OF REOKITT'S PARIS BLUE The Genuine is used by the Laundresses of THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. AGENTS REQUIRED In every Town and Village throughout the United Kingdom, to represent THE GOVERNMENT SECURITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Limited. A Liberal Commission will be allowed, whereby energetic Agents may be enabled to secure.a good addition to their income. I Applications to be addressed to the Secretary, JOHN J. BLAKE. 164, Queen Victoria Street, London, E. C. I ATERVOUS DEBILITY.—GRATIS, a MEDICAL Xl WORK, showing sufferers how they may be enred without the aid of quacks. Free on receipt of postage tamp. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. j\] iriTINO, Nets. Netting- for FISHING, O Po*ltry <$Garden from Id. I>« yd- Write for liaU Sc Bamplea a stamps. Da-rid Baid & Co.. Hilton St.. Manchester. "I^LEANLINESS." W.G. NlXEY's Refined BLACK T.Btn in BLOCK, tat polishing rtorea, and an IdDda o< Ironwork aaoal to bnrniriied steel, wMbaot waeMr or dust Sold ever ywhere by all Shopkeepers ifc Id., Sd., and 4d. Blocks, and 1/- Box- Ask for W.G. NTXEY'x BLA C-V LEAD OM see thai won have O. 1J, Soho 8<ra»re. LemdO!l.- OA f/r/Qjy.-There ara »ereral Imitattono. SODA WATER and LEMONADE O KinBim SIRING SYSTEM. Particulars post fre,& N. G. WI-LOOCKS, Itack Stwrt, BATH. A P G- ]I's PYKiiTIU SALINE 1 i is most agreeable and effioaeions in preTenting and onriac fevers, small pox and eruptive oomplaints. It instantlv reUeve* the most intense headache & thirst, and if given with lime-juice errup, is a specific in gout & rheumatism, lit, HoIborzv-hilC&Q, ^JOlTGHS,COLr)grAgTlIMA, BRONCHITIS, aDd NEURALGIA. DR. J. GOIXIB BBOwifK'a CHILORODYNB, A fewdoeee gnite effectual. —Oantion. —The extraordinary medioal reports on the affioaoy of Ohlorodyne reader it of vital tetportanoe that the poblio shoatdaMain the iniiiitae wMoh u 'br,it.í G8_"Dr.'J ,as J Oollia Browne's Ohlorodrne." Sea Oeeiaion at VtoM^haooenor Sir W. Pace Wood, the ''Times," July Mth, ISM. Hmurooi tasllamnisls from eminent Physiaiana aoeonwany eaeh bottle. From W. C. Wmcursox, Esq., F.B.O.S., Spaldinv X oonsider it inralnable in Phthisis and Spasmodic Ooo^M the benefit is very marked. Dr. M'Minman, of 1Tew Galloway, BuutlwwT. I eonaMar it lb* most raluabl* medioina knows. Bold in bottles, 1,11 8/9,4 4, 0 by an Obemiaas. Me Macw- faoturer. J. T. DA VBNPOBT. S3, ut. Rmsell-st.. Ijondon/W-U, RATE'S WORSDELL'ø 1(1 pILLS. TBI BX8T GPRING MEDICINE. Purify the Blood. Cleame th« system. So to the root of disease and restore healtti. Established »0 yean. Of all Chemists. J^KsTTHPTION, 6i0., canTi^BEDby Vv KKWMA1TS ImproTed pom EXTRACT of HALT Pre- pared from the finest Kentish Malt, being non-fermented and free from spirit. In bottleeat 1/B. As a sample balf-doseo 10/9 oarriar« pyd. 1M, Strand, Ixmdon W.C. AGEITTS wAWTKP in London, Qonntrr and the OonttneaK HiARAtYSIS, Threatened Paralysis, &(i JL gEB Mr. HALS^Ts Extraordinary Cares by means oi ftAT.VANISM of Paralysis, Debility, Lose at Muscular Power, Rheumatism. Indigestion, Iivw Ocmplainta. Sleeplessnese. ftot Send 8 or fl stamps to Mr. Halae, 40, Addimm Bd., Kmstwgton Post Free, Six Penny Stamps. A DVTCE AND INSTRUCTIONS TOR thb -a- INVALID in SEARCH of HEALTH. NO CATCHPElIw Y.—If you desire ] to make 30h per week easily and honeatly, enclose lO stamps *<* town Han* wivfiAid. Honey rfltttrDOQ IT TOQtiwtod, TliT TEA DEALERS | ^e and Addr««to WELIXAM JAT, Kj rnvnnS. K-, will receive x>er next post a sample v^i ani information worth many Pormds a-year NATIONAL RELlA^Ul X ADVANCE COMPANY make ADVANCES from £ 6 to £ 800 without delay or publicity to either 8ex upon note c4 hand alone, furniture without remoral, stock, plant, impl» ing ii Patent SMOKY CHIMNEYS. BiUmg'a P&tenti OnrnaA COTTA TEBSmjAM « £ the beat cure ae applied to Windsor Castle, Somerset House^War Office. Hon?e Quards. S.^Thomas's Hospital, Grwenw Hotel. 4 80,000 elsewharc Srfti UuTareatestsoooess. Price 10/8 each. Pro^eotns sent on ^^SSTXTTUB & Co-. T.Wood St.. Westminster. 8E2 5r Her Majesty's "Boyal Letteae Patent." t rUHE CALORETENTOR." Captain T. E. I nr.iwni presents his oompliments to h& friends wht ttink'ofi&ng or Open with Patant firebrick, reflating Chamben wiflh^CWmnej^woesjoiImiSSi w^^e^patS; pressed porcelain or plain flrebrfoksj con*, SLfrSSvl.m.ta & fender to match, aad they are particularly tooomnmnioate with him as early am possible as tSS f^y^torbeen perfectly unable to exawrte the fixlna Kr Jror2fri^s owing to suoh a preeaure of business and SLahSSudbeen e*s*t Clarke will be happy to forw^ <rf varioroi sowtp Clarke will be happy to forw^ <rf vairoroi sowtp Clarke will be happy to forw^ <rf varioroi sowtp ttTEAM ENGINES,BOURNE'S PATENT K-7 BALANCED HIGH-SPEED ENOINE& The best aad sheapest small steam engines madft. Prioes per aetiml horss power: 4 h.p.. *16: £ 28: 12, 80, £ 34; SO, £ 49; 40. £ 07; oO, £ 66; 70, £ 76; and 0O. £ 88. Goyernais and feed pumps extra. Boilers equally moderate. Veir eoono mieal in fueL Testimonials of performance on appuoation. JOHN BOURNE & Co., Engineers, #6, Mark Lane, London. IRON flUUDLES, IRON HURDLES'. ail Mnd« of iron Hurdles, Oonthnxow Fencing, Field and Xtatronoe Gates, Manufactured by BAYUSS, JONM and BAYLISS, Victoria Works, Wolrerbampfcw, aod I, Oooked Lone. King William Street, London. Catalogues free on application, /2J.UNS! BBEECH&3ITTZZLK LOADEKS^IFLSS. <fca,OatalogTie8 Free. J. P.C ABB, Pandas 8V. Haddersflcld CHAMPAGNE CYDER, Lime Juice Cor. v^dial VINEGAR. HEUXBY tc SOW, invite Aomrrs tat sale of the above, all priae artioles, of inereeuina demand. Pam« phlet on application. Office, Joiner SU.Tooley St., London, S.K.. ^TALKER'S SCOTCH FARL^ or ▼ ▼ OAT-MEAL CAKES. „ BaVd wf butter and guid Sootoh MertL Are prepared only by JOBfflT WALXEKl_ MANUPACTURKR of BIBOUITS to the QUXEEST. Royal Bisonit Factory, GLASGOW. Wholesale Agents. — Others Wanted. CHbson Brothers—Ji, Great Charlotte 8treet, London SJS. Northam and Co.—General Merchants, Brissoj. Small and Grete—U, Preston Stfeet, Iiverpow. M'Leod. and Stemton—Hanging Ditch. MyehesteK r Wm. Taylor and Son-Elm Row. JEdmbcnch. »firjTlC)S6Ltf JpOOD oi HEALTH. One meal a-day wouW^vehe»Kh to ft««^s| •offering from Indigestion. Constipation, and their attendant Maladies. SoldbT Chemists and Oroofsewyiriere. Wholesale A Wranks St Co., littte Tower St., London. f ft 8" POST OFFICB TEAS. Sold ONLY at the i ,OOC° iKfonffbout ^tngdom. thmu Pttrs,Hloli & Strong, 1/B to 4^- w I$L** Teas at London rzio- Within the reach of a Sole Wholesale rmpot, Pilnrim Street, London. E.O, X^CHEllrs N«w Patent BONK CRUSHER. A. ARCHER'S NEW JAOTT STONE BEATO to. Sole Mani^actnreo, DUNSTON IMGnfg WORKB C*y., Gatesbftd-on-Tyme. •^TfT-ATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLER^, V qtjppXjIBD on the New Co-operative Club System nrw>r»M*ttve orioes. Secretaries required. Full particular! S«dPnSTLtot^Mon application to J. LOWE. IS. Sout^ wpton Street, Strand. London, W.C. Shopkeepers supphed. A BD S Kl NG. — B E ED a Etc. VX DICK RADCLTFFE A CO,ls Tnmittated prioed Catalogue post free to all who hare Qasdens. ""iSrHIGH HOLBORN, LOyPON. W.C. r^IC^lfiw^OWlTEt SEEDS for 1877. U- THE COTTAGERS' PACKET ■ (Registered), con- taining 12 beautiful varieties of easy oulture for the open Garden, *«-. inolnding finest double German Asteir and Ten Week 8took, Sweet Peas, Mignonette, Scarlet Iinum, &e..with dflsoriptive Labels & full eullural directions. Post free to any i £ jdre»a Is ad. "A marvel of Cheapness.' Tide Lloytfs Weekly London News. — „ DANIELS BBOS., Seed Growers, Norwieh. IH-ATTHEWWrniFFIELC ^ECLSI? UNSEED CAKE, 49108. per ton, MATTHBTWS' CORK CAKS.. MANVMS for BITI-BOUS ROOTS, 158. per- ton As 101L ton. JSUKTOSS for CORN, Icio lOs. per ton. MA Azws..$ON& OQ., DRIFFIELD, YORKSHIRE. yitfPOS^ANT Discovery. 8 AROELL's HAIR yitfPOS^ANT Discovery. 8 AROELL's HAIR JL RESTORER is perfceUy harmless being free from that un- nleasant & ntfaaions sediment found in other Restorers, it never tails to tt^tore the oplooir and make new hair Grow oa p. tfi Spots. In BOtftles, W- aao.3' 8. bv all Clienusta. 1 PANTEG & LLANFRECHFA | PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY,1 GRIFFITHSTOWN, PONTYPOOL. TRUSTEES. (For the purposes authorized by the Act of Parliament 37 and 38 Vict., e. 42, s. 25 and 28.) Sampson Copestake. Esq. John S. Cousins Esq M D Edward James Phillips, Esq. William Collins' Eso Wm. H. Osborne-Taylor. E-q. Alfred A. Williams, Esq. DIRECTORS. Dr. Cousins, Cwmbran House, Chairman of Directors. „ T K T Maesderwvn, Vice-Chairman. 2 ^u™,br#n Mr Thos. Edwards, Pontypool v S )1 R* Pkl>hp6 Mr J. R. Wright, Panteg i«r Mr J. Brown, Griffithslown Mr D. Davies, Stafford House Mr W. J. Rees, Swansea Mr l6aac butler, Panteg Sampson M.r H. Feather, Coedrcric Edward Phillip*, ERO ;Mr J, Goodenougb, Pantey Wm. H. Ofborne-Taylor, ;Mr C. Lawrence, Pontymoil Collins, Esq Mr P. Chapman, Pontnewynydd Mr W. ff. Roiser, Pontymoile Mr W. H. Pratt, Llanvrechva Mr W, Jacob, Griffithstown BANKERS. The West of England and South Walee District Banking Co. SOLICITORS. Messrs E. B. Edwards & Son, Solicitors, Pontypool, SURVEVOR3. Mr Ernest Deacon, Pontypool. Mr Roberts, Swansea. SECRETARY. Mr B. H. Madge, Pantfg Steel Warks. TREASURER. Mr William Collins. Pe „ > is Socistl .wMbftda-tb ;z:.Wtø-W JL borrow money repaya by monthly instalments, to purchase or build houses, redeem mortgages, &c.; or to accumulate monthly subscriptions at compound inte- rest. Profits to be divided among advanced as well as an- advanced shareholders. Subscriptions on unadranced shares, 8s per month. Half and quarter shares may be taken. Paid-up shares,' which are repayable at three months' notice, either from ithe members or the Society, are issued, hearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, reetåvable half. yearly. MONEY NOW READY TO ADVANCE. For further information, rules, &c., apply to the SBCHETAKY or the following Apents :— Mr W. P. THOMAS, Bridge Shop, Pontnewydd. Mr JAMES BROWN, 54, King-street, Blaenafoa. GREAT REDUCTION IN PROVISIONS I At T. PROSSER'S II Crane-street, Pontypool. NOW FOR HAMS, BACON, CHEESE, LARD, SALT AND FRESH BUTTERS, SALT AND FRESH BUTTERS, FRESH EGGS. TEAS, COFFEES. SUGARS, at a Great Reduction. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, Ot all descriptions. Currants, Raisins, Nuts, Figs, Plums, Cakes of Good Assortments. Candles, Soaps, Soda, Starch, Blue, &e. An Immense Sale of the above at unquestionably LOW PRICES. II Why Suffer? WHEN the following well-tried Remedies are II hand:— 11 Stephens's Cough" the a cure of Coughs, r^i-" 'relief.—In Bott* The Blood Pu. M" Fluid Extract of 3 a, and Quinine, cleanses the ji ^uriues, and gives strength and energy to constitution.—In I; Bottles, Is ld and 2s 6d each. j; Wigginton's Dr Moore's Vegetable Liver j: and Stomach Pills (prepared from the original prescription of the late eminent Physician, Dr Moore, I of Usk). For nearly twenty years these Pills have jbeen the most general Family Medicine for all persons | troubled with Bilious Disorders, &c., in the county of i Monmouth.-In Boxes. 7d, Is I id, and 2s 9d. Edwards's celebrated Worm Powders. M any children whose lives have been despaired of have 'been entirely restored to health and vigour by one dose of these Powders.—In Packets, tid and Is lid. Quinine, Rhubarb, and Dandelion Pills, the great remedy for Indigestion. In Boxes, 7id Is l|d, and 2s 9d. Stephens's Restorative Female Pills, pre- pared from the prescription of a celebrated London pared from the prescription of a celebrated London Physician.-In Boxes, Is I id and 2s 9d. Th# above preparations are prepared only by I E. STEPHENS (Dispensing and Veterinary Chemist J (Dispensing and Veterinary Chemist J CLARENCE-STREET, PONTYPOOL; And, to prevent counterfeits, will in future bear hit I fignatnre on the Government Stamp. I Past & Present, a Present for the Absent. Price 3s., And may be had at the FREP. PREAA PRIXTIKG OFFICE, or of the BOOKSELLERB, LOCAL REGISTER; OR, Olhljottolofjlj; of$0lrfpflffl L 't AND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD. COKTAIKISO PONTYPOOL AND THE HANBURY FAMILY (WITH PEDIGREE;) I HISTORY OF THE GREAT STRIDE AND j LOCK-OUT OF 1876; Hand ALL THE INFORMATION KSOWN RELATIVE TO THE TOWN AND DISTRICT. TROSNANT, PONTYPOOL. To Shopkeepers, Parties Furnishingt and Others. Messrs. WAITE & SON HAVE been instructed by Mr WrLUAM WILLIAMS, who is giving up Shopkeeping, to SELL BY AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 7th of May, 1877, on the Premises as above, the whole of his NEAT AND USEFUL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE NlJ OTHER EFFECTS; ..j* ising harmonium, in mahogany case; hanJsomo mahogany Chiffonniere dining and other tables sofa, in hair; chairs feather and nnllpuff beds, bolsters, and pillows; iron and other bedsteads, carpet, palliasses, mattresses, dressing tables, wash stands, towel raih. chamber ware, pier and toilet glasses, pictures, orna- ments, cut glass, clocks, tea trays, map, fenders, fire irons, saucepans, copper and iron tea-kettles, table cloths, ware, and other useful household requisites. Also, grocers' provision, tea, and other scales, nearly new. Sale to commence at One o'clock. To Grocers, Parties Furnishing, and Others. CLARENCE SALE ROOM, CLARENCE-ST., PONTYPOOL. Messrs. WAITE & SON WILL SELL BY AUCTION, at the above room, on W THURSDAY, the 1 Oth day of May, 1877, at One o'clock in the Afternoon, a quantity of NEAT AND SUBSTANTIAL Household FURNITURE, GROCER'S STOCK-in-TRADE, FITTINGS AND EFFECTS, (Sold under power of a Bill of Sale, and removed for convenience of Sale.) Comprising weighing machine (Bartletts) capital flour, potato, provision, and tea scales brass and other weights, tea canisters, show bowls and stands, flour bin, butter stands, sugar cutter and board, coffee mill, treaole cistern and stand, shop steps, large store canisters, cheese boards, cheese and butter knives, soap cutter, twine boxes, reaching stick, scoops, tundishes, pewter measures, framed show cards, office stool, butter knives tea, sugar, and other paper; about 1 crt of lead paper tea bags; rice, groats, mustard, spices, pepper, ginger, cocoa and cocoa-nibs, potted meats, oatmeal, pea flour, baking powder, composites and dips, macaroni, tapioca, linseed meal, blacking, tobacco tins, lime and shoe brushes, twine, sweet bottles. &c &c. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Comprising "hand- some cottage piano, in walnut, full compass, by first-clasa maker; music stool; walnut drawing-room suite, in green rep; walnut oentre table; oorniee pole and rings; cneffioneer, with plate-glass panels and haok lounge, covered in chintz; Brussels and other carpets mahogany and other washstands and dressing tames half-tester and French iron bedsteads; feather and mill- puff beds, bolsters, and pillows; mattress, palliasses, gets of chamber ware, towel rails,oil cloth, butter's tray, clocks, pier and toilet glasses, mahogany and other chests drawers, fenders, fireirons, mats, preserving pan, and a large variety of other useful household requisite* too numerous to mention. Also, about 500 Pieces of Paper Hangings. No RESERVE TROSNArr VILLA, HANBURY BOAlJ, PONTYPOOL. ToPartiesFurnishing,Connoisseurs inWorks of Ait, Collectors of Curiosities, Coins, Medals, Old China, Fossils, Butterflies, Shells, &c. Messrs. WAITE & SON HAVE been favoured with instructions from ALn. n EDWARDS. Esq.,who is leaving the neighbocrhood.te PELL BY AUCTION, on the premise ss abova, 011 WgpyjwojLT. 29th and i KXCBTRNXT Household FURNITURE, Antiquities, Curiosities, Law Bookst &fC.t c. FlJLL PARTICULARS IN NEXT mus, Auctioneers' Offices Clarence-street, Pontypool, May 3rd, 1877. 4' WHIT-MONDAY. By the kind permission of J. C. HANBURT, Esq., A GRAND FETE & PIC-NIC Will take place in the Beautiful Grounds of PONTYPOOL PARK, On WHIT-MONDAY, May 21,1877, IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF THE HANBURY RIFLE VOLUNTEER CORPS. The Hanbury Band, Under the leadership of Mr KING, Will be in attendance and perform a Select Programme of Music, — •" > ft BAND for Dancing. we ill also be a variety of I I C SPORTS, COMPRISING Bicycle Racing, Foot and Hurdle Racing, Don- key Racing, Jumping in Sacks, Archery, Aunt Sally, c. c. The whole to conclude with a Splendid Display of Fire-Works, By Professor BAKER (Pyrotechnist to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales,) Victoria Park, London. DURING THE AFTIIRNOON, A MONSTER BALLOON RACE; And shortly afterwards An Animal Balloon Race Will take place. AND IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THE FIREWORKS DISPLAY, A MONTGOLFIER BALLOON fl2 feet high by 30 feet in circumference J WITH MAGNESIUM LIGHT, DISCHARGING FIRE WORKS Sufficient to illuminate the whole Park, will ascend. AND AT THE CLOSB OF TilE EVENING, There will be a large Balloon with Parachute attached. The Park will be throicn open for th* admiteioi* of the Public at 12 o'clock, by Tickets only. REFRESHMENTS MAY BE HAD ON THE GROUND. For further particulars see small Bills. Arrangements arc being made for tte convcyance of th* m Public at Reduced Rates Oil the different Railways. J. F. WILLIAMS, Capt. Commanding, 5th Mon. R.V., Chairman of Committee of Management. HIGHTJFE BELOW STATRS. "Writing to the Mornivg Adv?rti*cr, a correspondent, who signs himself Kensingtonian," savs The fllow- ing sketch is not exaggerated: Time, 12.30 a.m. Scene, Kensington. Husband sitting up reading and smoking after a dinner party. Ring at the bell. ITtifband, all the servants being in bed, opens the door. potieemap on the steps, loq. Beg pardon, sir, but are all your ser- "ants at bome 1" Gentleman;" At home yes, and in bed hours a.gt)." Policeman • I don't think they nre do you mind seeing?" Gentleman knocks at the cook a door, housemaid's, parlour-maid s, and his wife s lDaid N'nooclv at home. In desperation goes to the nursery. Surely the uurse will be able to explain the mystery. Three children asleep in the nursery; nurse and baby missipg. C4entleman: "Tell lue, for God » Fall". where is my baby r' PolMemac: "Forowme sir. Gentleman follows policeman, and is conducted GOTWI a bv-strett to a dancing saloon. T|*re he see* his i-ervants disporting themselves, and hi* Tabj' with> six others, wrapped UP in shawls asleep (drugged) on the sofa. I he fat'nergelzes hi. child and rushes home. ihe servant^ on their return early hours, are astoanh.d to find the doors closed agaim-t them. Pleasant for the residents at Kensington. la it any lonjrer • how diseases are sj read