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Jpro^perity awaits evfery Wi Hi n^WorKcF i n .S' Yi New Lwld. Go ro Ila* H" th i*ln e, Taxes, ree-Scliodhlw FREE FARMS OF 16Q ACRES. For latest official Maps, Pamphlets and full particulars, gratis, apply to Mr. W. T. R; PRESTON* COMMISSIONER OF EMIGRATION, 11-12, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, S.W, OP Mr. A. F. JURY, OLD CASTLE BUILDINGS, LIVERPOOL. Mr. A. F. JURY. OLD CASTLE BUILDINGS, UVERPOOL A RT METAL WORK IN GATES AND GRILLES. {k. c5C0K:M^V: A 'i.: 11 I 'll. I fc\ I I liv.! I I I it) IRON HURDLES, WIRE FENCING, FIELD GATES, CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING Ac W. H. PEAKE & SONS, MAN CFACTUREBS, 25 A 27, SEEL STREET, LIVERPOOL. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. OTS&JTS PILLS FOR ALL Bilious and Nervous Disorders, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, WEAK STOMACH, WIND, I IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. I Annual Sale Six Million Boxes. ¡ In Boxes, Is. I £ d. and 2s. 9d., contain* ing 56 and 168 Pills repectively, with full directions. PAIRPARZD ONLY BY THE PROPBIXTOB, THOMAS BEECHAM, ST. HELENS, LANCASHIRE. COCKLE'S PMT S. o COCKLE'S PILLS. • COCKLE'S PILLS. • In universal use since the dawn of the century. A tried and trusted family medicine, Srescribed by medical men for be common ailments of every- day life, such as ACIDITY. HEARTBURN. INDIGESTION. BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHE. DISORDERED LIVER. These famous Pills will keep you in perfect health the stomach clean. the bowels free, the liver active, the bead clear, and the skin and complexion pure and free from blemish. IN USE FOR 92 YEARS. *COO E'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. COCKLE'S PILLS. Cockle's Pills are purely vegetable- warranted free from mercury. May be had thrcraghtfat the United Kingdom, in Boxes at 1S. •id.. as. 9d., 45. 6d., I is., and ::s 4 Great Ormond Street, London* W.C. -Nlmmmmmm.Nmnn- pon CDUCHflr ■HEATING'S LOZEIICES CrAa OOILY CURE t THE WORST COUCH. fl One flrts relief. An Increasing B H tale of over 80 Years is a certain K H test of tbcir value. Soldial3}d. H ■H tins everywhere. I WHY NOT MAKE ACQUAINTANCE! ^^K2yJJjdg|M ■ HE IS ANXIOUS TO KNOW YOU! ■ LIT THIS MMOUKCMKMT BE THE Elk. HBAHS OF BBIMOIIO TOU TOOKTHBB I Hit friends of so yisazs &do are hit Arm ■ Prlwdi to-day! H. Samuel, would Hk* H to MBd you A HANDSOME BOOK Pru yoR will find everything you want In Its p«|M or H. Samuel vlU supply it from 1 his Mormons a took e» rseslpt or par- I H. SAMUEL ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES YOU AGAINST LOSS, DISAPPOINTMENT OR DELAY §| H HERB ARE A PItW IMSTAHCE8 OF THE WONDERFUL MONEY SAVING VALUES, H ■ KSS. BUYRBI WILL FIND IN THE OREAT FREE REFERENCE BOOK:- H ■ SEE PAGE IS. SEE PAGE 85. SEE PAGE 15S. £ ■ C/C MAGNIFICENT SOLID E/C ^;52!?"p« t48? M Hoc/ TH1 'IMPERIAL' 0/0 QOLDOEM BETROTHAL *1/ U U1NNKR CKUBT-€ boat M uD/" Real ENGLISH LEVER RINGS, aet with Pearls.Rubles S,as* bottles. BW WATCH. Guaranteed equal to or Sapphires. (Hundreds to Enormous Se.ectlon. ■■ watches ordinarily sold at £ 3 select from.) ecu PAGE 174 HH H 10a. ft upwards. Solid massive eee da ftp or — H B hall-marked Silver caaea,fully kauc. «o. P0 £ jIaHED WALNUT flfl ■ Jewelled full-plate lever move- Q/C SOLID 9-CARAT GOLD i}/' MAN TL13 CLOCKS 10}in. H| ment. 7 Tears'warranty. Z/U KKEPER RINGS hand- high,30 hours striking move- somely chased. Great Yariccy. mem. H| ■ SEND A POST CARD AND IN A FEW HOURS THIS BOOK WILL BE IN YOUR H M HANDS WITHOUT COST AND WITH TEN FREE PRIZE LISTS. M Dept. FAARKET H. SAM U ELY 26 STREET. MANCHESTER, THEY TOUCH THE LIVES ^"Carters ^K^SflprAbsolutely Cur^j riTTLE JjkHfiPfBILIOUSNESS. WM | p P% S'CK HEADACHE. I \M ■■ ft^ TORPID LIVER. W mm FURRED TONGUE. M <mn ]p« INDIGESTION. W^u CONSTIPATION SALLOW SKIN. Sm.„ P,„. I B K f55^ M 8maM Dose* They TOUCH the I—. 1 yg tn. fl Small Price. Genuine Wrapper Printed on S7 WHITE PAPER, BLUE LETTERS. book for the Signature. The ■ AvI A ■ &M A Cure for Gout, I pi I k I 1 I hH ■■!&■ 9 ■ Rheumatic Gout The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigeation, If. rhild So- Bilioiw SSS and the Sickness of Pregnancy. i^iyMAGNESI^| W i.f J IJ jl 11 For ECZEMA, I SKIN and BLOOD m 8CURVY, I DI8EA8ES, vldrkcs m 8WELLINQ8, I 80RE8 of all kind* Its effects are marvellous. -FOR THE l-#I J rASPrfft BLOOD IS ■ | £ £ \fm Qout «nd THE LIFE." 11 Mm B Rheumatic Paine* for it removes the ritnttt & ge°nmes.the B,°°d CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE has stood the JM "| Test for 30 years, f^B # I and thousands of testimonials of wonderful m ^B ^1 W<wi I cures have been received from all parts of the M I fl ■ I I It is pleasant to the taste and warranted free I from anything injurious to the most delicate I constitution of either sex, from infancy to old B age, and the Proprietors solicit sufferers to eive it a trial to test its value. Chemists and Stores throughout the i i ■vnv limn ■% ■§■ ■■ ni <>J £ !&g&!U. THE WOSLD-FAMED C>se9* g jontyof long standing I PR0M WHATEVER BLOOD PURIFIER Qryil nr of worthless imitations CAUSE ARISING. I DtWAnt and substitute. | || AND RE8T0REH six times the quantity. price 11/ sufficient tCJ c anse the Blo rom permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing all impurities cases. I FRON WHATEVER BLOOD PURIFIER Qryil nr of worthless imitations CAUSE ARISING. I DtWAnt and substitute. | || AND RE8T0REH Q VEGETABLE (I) & FL- OWER, DS Seed Potatoes, Garden Tools & Sundries. AUibeilt qualities. Carriage Free. llltuUattd Cataiepe Sez Post frtt on application. O Royal Seed Warehouses ISAAC WILLIAMS & SON, REGISTERED PLUMBERS, GLA/JERS, & GAS FITTERS, i- CUPPIN STREET, CHESTER. PIuruhers' Brnsawork of all descriptions; Patent Water Closets, Lavatories, Baths, tc. Glasa of aU qualities and patterns kept in Stock. MS The Universal Disinfectanti ■ THE ONLV DISINFECTANT i R Fit for Houseliold Use. I B FRAGRANT. NON-POISONOUS. R ■ DOES NOT STAIN. ■ 111 SAKITAS I- sed at most HOSPITALS, ■ and by most BOARDS OF HEALTH. R B Pamphlet. Free on Application. I FLUID, SOAP POWDER, POWDER. FUMIGA RORS, SOAPS. FLOOR POLISH, EMBROCATION. SULPHUR CANDLES. StC.9 &a. I THE "SANITAS" CO., LtdL, Betlmal Green, LONDON.




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