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,==,==: • JLPUFTTAXT TO ADVERTISERS. I Y CLOlilANYDD." ESTABLISHED 1891. -OFFIVES- 1 'J. -{ .1"' I' ,t- ^ridge-st.reet, jblangefni TUB "CLOKIANYDI)" i, d u .Itj .h-L J IJ J T WEIjtfH NFVVSI'APER Cevoted to the uivec i c( A' US CULTURE with a LAH.ClF¡. dum any Pti-er of the kind accor I :<2 'it* rn Anglvavj a-rul Carnarvonshire. t THE 'Ci/.>iiIANYDD" j j l-SKY WELSH PAPER pablish«\l. in t!W County. PRiCE HALFPENNY. 'f «!¥k*j ?HURctDAY MORNING (Market ;r:7lJq its time for the fttarket CAM for O.HUO** i laces of the Inland. l. Gyi>JU XU-tMUM FOR ADVERTISEMKN••'8, CHAKUKS MODERATE. Pti'LIftliLiio (m mm mm CHRONICLE" Co., Ltd t Y "CLORIANYDD. SCALM OF uHARGES. Per Per Inch. a. d. JI. d. P;vTUaui«ntary Notices 0 6 L* Ii Prospectuses of Public Companies in f and Chancery Notices 0 6 6 0 fSwtion Addresses, Legal and Public Notices 0 3 3 6 ¡3.¡ if Real Property, etc. 0 i 2 t) Ocruvri's, Enteitainiiients, and Misct'ilaneoas Advettizemen-t- 0 2 1 8 tha above Advertisements are Scaled by Type J -< .¥ ,/J t' 1 v4-^ t-ha. 11Jr."T11 n»i v M lir-iAa *i a4- '1. .1 -«»> •.fcOV-i.Vj i.üç CfcU L UCH !-11JUU .1..L-UC" 1.1V UCjL1 tuLL*i H3U- -o. TRA DE ADVERTISEMENT. The are inserted at Reasonable Rates, varying *o:or.lu;g to apacr taken and number cf insertions ordeT ed. _Charge for an Inch Single Column Advertise- is as ioiiows :— 52 insertions at 6d per week. ?6 do at 9d do r 13 do at Is do For a Two inch Sirg'e Coluiun or an Inch Double- Column :— 2 insertions at Is per week 26 do at Is 6d do 13 do at 2a do bar a Three flJdi Goiumu or One-and-a-half Inches Double Column :— 52 insertions at 1s od per weak. 26 do at 2s 3d do 13 do at 5a Od do A considerable redn'-t-ioa is made when more than Three Inches are tken. PAK A < JRA PH A PVERITSEMENTS Cbvigad at 4d per h.p; Special Positions at 6d per ti ne. CHEAP PREFAH) ADVERi'ibEMCXTS. Under the Lead of "Wanted," "To Let," or "To of Bold," etc. Vv oito Oxcs. j y. < ThRSOIS. ti. a. d R. d. 13 j 0 6 1 C IS 21 1 j 16 2 0 12:: > 9 2 6 I G 20 3 0 REMITTANCES—CI:ear.es to be made payable to The NORTH WALES CHRONICLE COMPANY, LID. P.O. Orders t., D. WILLIAMS. Stamps not received on amount* t-xceeding Two Shillings and Sixpence. Extra insertions charged pro. rata. Twopence f'yf,r:> 1 <»<Mr~-sw>*d to the Office- P"" LATHERS tREElYAHD READILY. I i CALWERrS NON n CARBOLIC, &tW* &% SOAP. Unites a pure Soap and a strati;; Disinfectant. Most suitable for laundry of household purposes, as it 1, -tl, cleanse3 Bad disinfects, saving tiiiffe, txable and expense. ■ CLEANSES CLOTHES WITEOCT LABOUR. -c 1 CALVERT'S ■ PARAFFIN SOAP. ■ The best 1'iSi efore the cheapest to use. B B Each sold in ISca. twin tablets and lib. bars ■ I *>y OiKflists, Grocers, Stores, etc. fl IF. C. MTFFLTEO., SaBcteterJ A i, liVSCK i L j ..1 .1.. ( \¡ i V t N t'. t. ) j.< R.5TAHLI H I • Capita) — FiV& \} 11 .LIONS Invested Fuii^s .over 5 Millions. TSe Right Hop. i.f-n> ROTHSCHILD. Chairman TWHEHT LEWIS, General Manager. Oilice: Bartholomew Lane, London. o IlIFH I World-free and indisputable Assurances. Large Bonuses Expenditure low and limited. tiecurity UnesoeUed. Special Itei iicitatement and Nonforfeiture Plans. _Ju— PI BE Broposals and En<j«Jriesiattended to promptly I Sarteysand P1?im- .k IN-urance of extensive pro 8 •ertiea made free of cost. 1 RiateB moderate kopsessettled promptly 1 BRANCHE at—among other places— IJVF.RPOOL\ w. Exchange-street, East. H. T. C'WEN LEGGATT, Secretary. WREXHAM: 2S JOHN IRANna Secretary. ProsptCkUses, ftc., may be obtained from any cv tllEl Compa.ny's or Agents 195SC Kin YDi'\V InrYFEDDODAU BYTH YN mKEOD. Un o houynt S.wn Fawr Llangefni yr wythnos hon. -Fn arali ydivr ('ro:n::tJJ y Di-eniu Edward f ffeithfed m y n-»*i rn ymddangtw mai Rrenia » aardderch«jf Un amll ydyw VtUAIN "SET" o "HARNESS" ptirod i vi'.ith. J Cvn prvnu Mi-uri usriivw le arali, rhoddwoii IitiAWF ir- j Evan Yfilliams, SADllDRK, Hii^x-streei, a Market-: street, 1-1 h 1 THOMAS & FISHER. I IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, I LLANDUDNO. Modern and Antique Furniture, Artistic Carpets & Fabrics of all kinds. Curtains, Sheetings and House Linens. Removers and Storers. Furnitnre HOUSED and INSURED at most reasonable terms. Estimates Free. Prompt attention. T. "KIT. JONES,i THE LOUNGE," I Stationer & fiewsageijt, Fi qe "rt Dealer AND j Picture Frame Manufacturer A Large Selection of Views of Llandudno and District, Coloured and in Black and White, Framed, Mounted or Unmounted. A Complete New Stock of Leather Goods. 48, Mostyn Street, Llandudno. 9523 « HESJSL ^bS.rJL<l 9 Cabinet Maker and Auctioneer's Assistant FURNITURE REMOVER, &0." j DEGANWY, LLANDUDNO. POST CARDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. AUCTIONS ATTENDED. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY AT LOW INTEREST By Arrangement with W. H. Jones. JOSEPH WILEY & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ¡ Glass, China, and Earthenware Warehouse, 91, Central Mostyn Street, O. Ail kinds of Glass and China matched and made to order. Glass, China and Earthenware lent on hire. I Royal Worcester, Royal Crown Derby, Royal Doulton, Wedgwood, Minton, and Coalport China. I W. H. GOSS' HERALDIC PORCELAIN. THF- POWERsAr.REF- ON UNSURPASSED. +- -> +- 'Ii¡ e.' lfyou wanllo pureilase aTmoÎ h'ycu wa& topurchase arm of S BUSTARD' the name cj, eoLjnM-BUL^s HESD are on the v^fSEL. >\rrEBT0f< NO feftEfE^CE WhjAfEVEH AN*" Tl H WHICH i>0^ Not 6E/U^HESE I>iSTi/4QTiVE. JV\Ai\K5 l D. S.F. (DOUBLE SoiWflE) I;) 1¡iE J{;¡\E. ;>f.1tIE BESt qùj\LrÍ"¿ r till DEIIOTS ALL tM TOWNS. STANDARDS. SPECIALS. < 10 Guineas Cash J 15 Guineas Cash OR 1 Guinea, per Month ORVA Cuineas per Month IN 13 INSTALMENTS. | IN 113 INSTALMENTS. Catalogs and fuli infoFmation post free on replication to— RUDGE-VVHITWORTH, LIMITED. Head Office, COVENTRY. | 1 1 i FLAB MAWR, CONWAY — ° v. r f 3 i 5^1/ i j4 I .o". it-' I ,.r:£4; '¡-' J?" I' 7'=- -oO 0LD I :l Nt. J", Y í4 I '(' ELIZABETHAN PALACE I Open Daily. ^600 j SHIP INN I J. & S. ROBERTS, 316 and 318, High Ironmongers, P!umber Bangor. Decorators, Richard Williams, GAS, BELL AND HOT WATER PROPRIETOR FITTERS, PAPERHANGINGS. OIL AND COLOUB WAREHOUSE BREAKFASTS, Luncheons, and Dinners, are tt^ttoti A TT>o always ready. Visitors to Bangor will be J HOUSE Ri'lr AIJA/S. •— Establishment. "*rge'1—6 pti™ b"j LLOYD STREET, LLANDUDJJO -I ^-fetdMariMMaaaaBWBgaEaragfflB^aaa^BEaMatiaaOTHHw^^ '"— -T'T'r— I IBAE> SOREi; AND OLD WOUNDS. 'H This invaluable Ohvnient readily ._i,,e.s bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds, n Any sore if treated by this celebralet Ointment will promptly yield to its wonderful healing K properties. Holloway s Pills should be '.ken to purify the blood. These famous medicines are E« known throughout the World for their unrivalled euicacy. S RHEUMATIC PAINS. § For the «ure of gout ?nd rheumatism or settled aches and pains it is most important tfiat this |& truly marvellous Ointment should be t horoughly rubbed over the com plaining parts twice a day. Bl Its .nothing influence will soon be felt, and a cure will quickly follow if the Pills be taken to lessen. IP the inflammation and purify the blood. j« ENLARGEMENT OF THE LEGS, GLANDULAR AND I the inflammation and purify the blood. s ENLARGEMENT OF THE LEGS, GLANDULAR AND I OTHER SWELLINGS, § H In tile reduction of al! glandular swellings no remedy equals th:s :^comoarable Ointment; it A r| prevents the formation of extianeous growths, aud is an invaluable remedy fo' checking ali chronic H |; discharges; when dif'-gentiy rubbed into he parts affected, the vvors^ ca^e will" yield in a H t :omparatively short space of time.. ;omparatively short space of time. H I COLDS AND SO R Hi THROATS. | For broncliitis, shortness of breath, cold, ->nd rore throats. t}/> may be considered 9 f>L n.arvellous if most effectually rubbed intc- the suffering parts night arid monutij. caking at *he- 8 '■ame time a few doses cf Holloway's invaluable Pills. A cure is .sure to atten<l this treatment fl SKIN DISEASES, I Ilm Ointment «ra certain remedy for all diseases cf the skin, whether simple m implicated. K Scurvy, ringworm, olofhes, pimples, and other cutun«ous disorders, are at once eradicated by this Eg invaluable U ngi lent. H .t'he Ointment and Pills are aold at jTllOMAS IIOLI/»WAY'S Esta^i-.hment» H 78. NEVv OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), f.ONDON; & also by nearly over/respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. ild., 2.r. g< 45-. I is., 22s., and 33.c. each Tlie 2s. qd. sizx- contains three times the quantity of the smallest size jn the 4s. 6d. size six; the Ii.v. size sixteen; the 2is. size thirty-three and the 331, size fifty-two II times the quantity of the smaller f'ots and Boxes. |i Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be haci in ;:ny language. |S JT.B—Advice Gratis, at thf- aDore addrsss, daily, tiefrweexi the fecui-s of II and 4, or by letter. £ 1 SKIN DISEASES, I Ilm Ointment «ra certain remedy for all diseases cf the skin, whether simple m implicated. K Scurvy, ringworm, olofhes, pimples, and other cutun«ous disorders, are at once eradicated by this Eg invaluable U ngi lent. H Ointment and Pills are aold at jTllOMAS IIOLI/»WAY'S Esta^i-.hment» H 78. NEVv OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), f.ONDON; & also by nearly over/respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Roxesand Pots, at H ild., 2.f. 9d., 41. I is., 22s., and 33.c. each Tlie 2s. qd. sizx- contains three times the quantity of the smallest size jn the 4s. 6d. size six; the Ii.v. size sixteen; the 2is. size thirty-three and the 331, size fifty-two II times the quantity of the smaller Pots and Boxes. jtg Full printed direction:; are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be haa in language. NJ JT.B—Advice Gratis, at thf- aDore addrsss, daily, tiefrweexi the fecui-s of 11 and 4, or by letter. £ 1 irSSSL SECURITY-in' or 's riTTLE Cure "li SICK HEADACHE. I ER | FURRED T0NGUE.M W%M 1 I 0^jH SALLOW SKIN. 3 M v, E smaH pm. Doris. Srnall Pries. They TOUCH th2 LlwElH BS Be Sure they are CARTER'S .;}: -'u_ -u_ THE OLDEST, HORTICU LTURAL NEWSPAPHB. _A" 3d. The Gardeners' 15s WEEKLY. YEARLY VT Chronicle THE "TIMES" OF HORTICULTURES FOR SIXTY YiiARS THE. LEADING HHjH^AL t J i Ii. t. u. "I .'1.. j Its contributors comprise the most Experienced British Gardeners. &ml many of the most Eminent Men of Science a.t home fond abroad.- FOR fT" = OK ft OF PC.^rv'n Specimen Copy poat free on tr. erf PH>hK?b^t, R G. mvi 41, WELLINGTON STREET Me.T he of 110;1 BchoiffeSes1# astd •• u-v.>*■*■ 'HrcV' s. .h_===_ MOON'S HOTEL, LLANDUDNO II) § '_c>¿£;1,JjijQ'(i4' 1 j (1) Q) Q _:1 c+- '7j s:: s:: o Q) ..0 Co) o 0 ONE MINUTE WALK FROM CENTRE OF PROMENADE AND STATION THE MOST POPULAR PRIVATE HOTE NEW BILLIARD AND RECREATION ROOMS. PUBLíC AND PRIVATE SITTING ROOMS, ALSO VQMEROUS AIRY AND WELL-APPOIXTED BEDROOMS. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR HOCKEY, CRICKET TEAMS, AND CYCLISTS. CHORAL AND SUNDAY CLASS PARTIES. Charges Moderate. W. Winch, Proprietor. 'JIll Wave Crest, LLANDUDNO. BOARDING EST ABLISH.MENT (EN PENSION). ON GRAND PROMENADE, FACING SEA. Mrs •WALDEGBAYB ALLENBT -o:<('>¡a;,w.- THE CRAIGYDON" Boarding Establishment (Temperance), LLANDUDNO. Facing the Sea. Terms Moderate. Misses Middleton & Wood, Proprietresses. 87 å.- P" I 0RMESCLIFFE Boarding Establishment, On Gi AND PROMENADE. FACING SEA. Dark Room for Photography. Cycle Accommodation. Moderate TariS. 10062 Ms ALLEN SMITH .œM "FERNDALE" Boardinn Establishment, HaTuJ±3&T>T3 x>nsro, NEAR STATION AND CENTRE OF PARADE. He-Furnished Throughout. Mrs PEARSON, Proprietress. QCQQ vfOOO & V"" a a a** a B r" a !L-I E' BrnzB B*' B* B BpaS S JSR HERSCHEL HOUSE:, sc»1I.I -t;h. :Il=8]pd.. High-classlsoarding Residenee Facing Great Orme's Head, Pier,, and Promenade. For Tariff Apply MUGHES! (Late of LYNDHURST, Trmity Square,) .DTganwy CASTLE HOTEL Half way botweoia Llaaadudnt. AIITI the Juucbiori, OIRSSTIY iacing OO$»WAY Ca&tl» AND. BRIDGES. Hotel to the celebrated CaraarTonekire Golf Lin and within easy .j- of the BtoBth Wales. Links. VIDNIElNT FOR ALL COACHING AND RAILWAY EXCURSIONS. BO,ATING. BATHING TENNIS, BILLIARDS. GOLr < Good Aooommod&tiou for Cyclists. TARIFF ok APPLICATION TO "s TRITTONç V P'V 1"1 I ITS A V D°"ut' ECONOMICAL REAL HELP! %M IN USE Not only cleanaua th« tt la made from pure linen quickly a«d ea- ma4eria!^ lather. sily, but is useful for «Bta ISBSS^mBBSjSSS^ ly, and dees not run i all household.purposes |WM v WjHg- —woodwork, glass and ^40 w»«te like moa* |' ..¡. metal warn othe Soaps. < LOOK OUT FOR fiw/ N§|\ HAZLEHURST ?ulZn £ .,«P-u"ET 8/ At SOAP WORKS, MFYI W:FKL ly aU Dealers?^ RUNCORN. ntAl W £ CI\. y (S.H.CO.LON31