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Branch Library Question

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LLANDUDNO URBAN COUNCIL. THE RATING OF CAMPING GROUNDS. The monthly meeting of Llandudno Coun- cil was held on Wednesday afternoon, Mr J as McM-asteir presiding'. The following mem- bers were present:Alessrs E. E. Bone S. Chantrey, D. Davies, H. Edwards, P. Jones, T. W. Griffith, R. Roberts, F. J. Sarson, J. 0. Thomas, W. Thomas, H. Wilson, W. 0. Wil- liams and W. Beaumont, together with Messrs A. Oonolly (clerk), E. P. Stephenson (surveyor., 117alter Wood (accountant), H. Morton (electrical engineer), W. Shadbolt (gas manager), and W. D. Longshaw (assistant clerk). r BRYNIAU QUARRY. The Council, on theadvic of a Works Com- mittee' decided, not to make, any charge in the present arrangements for the working of Brj/iiiaii Quai-Ty, and that it be worked as far as possible by the present contractor. The Surveyor was requested to make en- quiries with a view to the purchase of a small hand crusher for making gravel. THE ROAD FOREMAN'S SUIT. A letter was read from the road foreman asking the Council to make him an allowance of 25s. towards a new working outfit, his clothes having been spoiled by tar whilst using ttlre new tar-spreading machine. It was decided to purchase oilskin over-alls for use by the foreman .or any other workmen attending to the spraying machine, but the not see their way to grant the allawanoe asked Council could; not see their way to grant the allowance asked for. THE^ GEORGE STREET ALLOTMENTS. Larson esked for information as to Mr VVilliam Davies' tenancy of the allotments in George Street for which the Works Committee re conic ended the Council to offer him P,50 without prejudice. The Clerk replied that the tenancy was a yearly one, and that the offer was for the shell of the „ building thereon. Mr Sarson asked if the buildling was of wood, corrugated iron or stone. The Clerk said it was either bricks or stone. it. Mr parson: Then he has no right to remove The Clerk: I have received a further letter from Mr Davies. Mr Sarson then proposed thait the recom- mendation be. referred back. Mr Hugh Edwards seeendted, and the motion was agreed to. THE WOODWORK OF NEW SHELTERS. Mr Hugh Edwards drew attention to a letter from Mr Evan Hughes er-pressing the, opinion that it could have been done in town. and hoped some notice would be taken of it. Mr T. W. Griffith asked the nature of Mr Hughes' complaint, and the letter was read. The Chairman pointed out that the bulk of the shelters was made of glass and iron, aind Councillors were quite dn error if they tliouglit they eoiald be done better or .cheaper at home. In Glasgow, wlhere the shelters were made, the woodwork was all done by machinery and could not be turned out at Llandudno by hatnd at anything like the. orice At the same time be .assured the Cfo,uncil that the letter would not be lost sight of. PROSPECT TERrACE. The Works Committee presented a report of their negotiations with lVT-r R tt b,.™,™ + the alterations effected by him at Prospect Terarce, and suggested certain modifications wikh a view to meeting Mr Baown. which the Council agreed to. PL.48 DULYN PAINTING. On the suggestion of Mr Wml Thomas, the Gas and Water Committee was given power to open the tenders received for painting and paperiingat Plas Dulyn, and allot the ooiltract. ELECTRIC LIGHT WORKS CONTRACTS. It was decided thait in future no work ovetr the value of zP,5 be gi'ven out except by con- tract, and after the matter had been dealt with by the Eiectiiicity Committee. AN APPLICATION REFUSED. The Health Committee reported that the ap- plication of -he Superintendent of the Abbatoil's for an increase in his wages had been considered by a sub-committee, and recommended that in consideration of his long hours of work that. his wages be increased by 5s. per week. Mr W. 0. Williams.: What are his wages at present. The Chairman: Thirty-five shillings a week. Mr Williams: I cuiisidex that quite suffi- cient on a losing concern, and I move that the wages be the same as before. Mr Robert Roberts: If there is no overtime attached to the post I will second that. Mr Sarson: The Superintendent has to de vot3 hliS whole time do the work, and also to be in attendance on ,Sllnr1.vs. Y.pt hi" wcrc", -v .L.L. ""u.ov.:J are no more than those of a skilled slaughter- man, who he is supposed to belabove- He has to be in aittendance very oftear from four in the manning until eleven at night. As a member of the sub-committee which consider- ed the application I rtrongly support the in- crease if only because of his Sunday duty. The motion of Mr W. O. Williams was then put ana carried by seven votes to six. T'ENDER ACCEPTED. The tender of Messrs T. Esmor Hcoson, Ltd., for chemist's goods required during the next twelve months was accepted. CONWAY SHOREI SEATING ACCOM- MODATION. Mr Hugh Edwards asked that some of the iron seats on the promenade set at liberty by the construction of continuous wooden seats be placed on OonNay Shore, where the seating- accommodation was very scanty. Mr Bone seconded, but Mr Robert Roberts proposed an amendment, leaving the matter to the Works Ciomanittee, which was carried. A PRESENT TO THE LIBRARY. The Council accepted with thanks the offer of Mr F. lVI a.c"ldi son. M.P., on behalf of Mr Andrew Carnegie, a copy of the life. of Sir Wil- liam Randall Crenier. THE: RATING OF CAMPING GROUNDS. Mr Pierce Jones asked' if land on which holi- day camps wetre pitched ceased to be agricul- tural land when so occupied. The Clerk replied that was entirely a ques- tion of fact. If land' was so let all the year rotund or any part of a year it might be deem- ed something different to agricultural land. Mr Jones: Does it cease to be agricultural land for rating purposes The Chairmai: The question should be ad- dressed to the overseers, v ho are responsible for the assessments. Mr J. O. Thomas (Ûnei of the overseers) said the matter had been considered by the over- seers with a view to ascertaining if land so' occupied could be assessed differently. The matter then dropped. THE COUNTY COUNCIL AND WASTE LAND. A letter was read from the Clerk to the Car- narvonsire County Council in reference to the enquiry that body was making into [,he ques- tion of waste and common land, and as_king


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Llandudno Lifeboat Collection.


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