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"Elijah" at I r c P, y.




HINTS FOR THE HOME. THE MODEL HOSTESS. A woman may possess wealth untold, she may have the kindest of hearts and the brightest of minds, but unless she has absolute control 01 her feelings there will be some time in her career as hostess that she will display annoyance or flurry, and the contagion spreading to her guests will cause an otherwise successful enter- tainment to die out in undisguised failure. A model hostess must to all appearances be made of stone, so far as disagreeable happenings are concerned. Even though a guest or careless waiter inadvertently breaks a bit of china which can never be replaced, she must smile on as though the loss of the entire set would but em- phasise the pleasure of the evening. Her well- bred c(. m inspires her guests with a feeling of confidence, and though in her heart she. may be very dubious about certain important details of her dinner or dance, if she do,es not. she v her anxiety everything will pass oft to a happy con- clusion. An imperturbable calm and a ready tact are the two important factors in the mak- ing of a model hostess. Secure these by hook or by crook, and you need never fear for the suc- cess of any of your entertainments. MOLES. Moles on the face are now being successfully treated by the use of sodium ethylate. The mole is painted with the sodium ethylate, a line glass rod being used. When the mole has a var- nished look, the ethylate is gently rubbed with the glass rod to make it penetrate deeply. The mole turns nearly black, and a hard crust forms over it, which is nearly three weeks in becoming detached. When it comes off, the mole is raucfl lighter than before, and this treatment can be continued until the mark is scarcely noticeable. THINGS WORTH KNOWING. Fruit acids are excellent to relieve a rheu- matic condition of the system. I If your feet ache after dancing, soak them before you get into bed in hot bay salt and water, dry them and rub briskly, especially about the ankles, with a rough towel. Sleep as many hours as you find necessary completely to recuperate your strength and, as nearly as possible, take half of these hours be- fore and half after midnight. The teeth should be brushed at the morning toilet, and always at night- just before retiring, because then the process of decay is more con- stant than at any other time, on account of decomposing- food which may be lodged in the interstices. Dampened "alt applied to a mosquito bite will relieve the itching at once. In fact, damped salt is a good cure for the bite or sting of any insect. It should be applied quickly and bound tightly over the pot. HINTS ON CHILDREN'S FOOD. Milk is an excellent food for children. The curd makes flesh and muscle; the cream, which is the fat of the milk, gives warmth to the body. Milk also contains the salts necessary to keep the blood healthy. Children should have abundance of good wholesome foods, vaned from day to day as much as possible. Plain pudding, especially boiled ones made with suet, are excellent food for children. If you wish your children to grow up healthy, do not give them rich cakes, pasties, or highly-seasoned foods. Encourage children to eat porridge, for oatmeal contains lime, which is necessary for hardening children's bones. Give children all the fruit and vegetables that you can afford; these should be eaten in the early part of the day. SMOKING AND RED NOSES. According to the Medical Press and Circular, a red nose i by "no means a sign of drunkenness, and is as common among teetotalers as tipplers. Indigestion is responsible almost more than anything else for red noses, while excessive tea- .drinking is apt to play havoc with the com- plexion in general and with the nose in particu- lar. Sometimes the congested nose is a. sign of some serious disorder of the heart, or it. may point to a sluggish circulation. The habit of in- haling cigarette smoke and puffing it through the nostrils may contribute to the external wealth of colour. VARIETY IN FOOD. A sickly, waning appetite can frequently be ,e no stimulated by some change in the commonest articles of daily food. Slices of dry bread are particularly uninviting, but the same bread, lightly browned with a delicately poached egg resting on the crisp toast, becomes altogether another item in the daily menu. Oat porridge is a good breakfast dish, yet it is well occasion- ally to substitute in its place some description of fruit. There are some forty or fifty ways in which to prepare potatoes, remarks the Family Doctor, yet how few are the tables, especially in this country, where one sees the vegetable ex- cept in the stereotyped boiled, whole mashed, or fried? HOW TO PUT ON A DRESS. A dressmaker whose speciality is the dressing of young girls complains: I can make a smart costume, but unless the wearer of it docs her part she will not appear smart. Costumes that look stylish on my own models often seem commonplace, even slovenly, on the girls for whom they are made, either be- cause of the careless manner in which they are worn, or for lack of repairs, or because of a dis- regard of accessories. On my models the skirts hang evenly, because they are carefully adjusted. They never sag at the sides, front, or back, or shew glimpses of petticoats, for they are never thrown on hastily as though pitched at the wearer with a hayfork, and their bands are fas- tened properly with hooks and loops instead of safety pins. Sermons might be delivered on the subject of the placket hole, of the absolute neces- sity of knowing positively that its fastenings are in the right place and firmly attached, and that a glimpse of petticoat or straying lingerie stn'ra is likely to offend a critical public. Skirts that are pinned to blouses cannot be expected to hang gracefully, for if they do not draw up at the back they will certainly do so about the hips. Every well-made, frock has on its skirt belt a set of three hooks which perfectly ioin with loops on the blouse, but in a month after a frock is de- livered to the average schoolgirl such fastenings have dropped off, and are rarely replaced be- cause of the fallacious idea that a safety pin will answer the purpose as well. Belts and girdles worn by schoolgirls generally fail to fulfil their mission of concealing the joining of the skirt and blouse simply because they are too ha.stily adjusted, while nicely-fitting stocks fail to cover the blouse neckband on account of being too tightly drawn about the throat or because the blouse has been dragged too far below the belt. Ripped or buttonless gloves are inexcusable, as such slight repairs are quickly mode, but to go out with a torn veil is most of all reprehensible, as this shews more than any othcr.,faultv detail of the girl's garb." NICE DISHES. CREAM DRESSIXG FOR BOILED FISH.Take one pint of milk, or cream and milk, put in a sauce- pan over the fire, and when it comes to a boil thicken with one tablespoonful of flour rubbed smooth in a piece of butter the size of an egg. Let it boil one minute, stirring constantly. Then stir in three hard-boiled eggs chopped fine. Salt and pepper to taste, and turn over the fish boiling hot. SCALLOPED TOMATOES. Scald the tomatoes and remove the skins. Stew them with a little butter, place them in a buttered dish strewn with breadcrumbs, and pour over them a white sauce, cover the top thickly with crumbs and small flakes of butter, and bake till well browned. As a savoury, tomatoes may, after being stewed till tender, be placed on small rounds of buttered toast, sprinkled over with grated Parmesan cheese, a little salt and cayenne, breadcrumbs, and butter, and put in the oven for a few minutes. FRIED ARTICHOKES -Peel a number of arti chokes and cut them into small squares. Put them in cold water for a few minutes, then take them out and dry them carefully. Fry t-liem in boiling fat till they are a light brown, drain carefully, sprinkle with salt and pepp<n% ond serve. French cooks use mushrooms and arti- chokes in equal quantities together with toma- toes and eggs. A very tasty dish.results. STUFFED LEG OF MUTTON. — Choose a small leg, beat it well, and remove the bone, being -:ure. the. careful not to disfigure: the joint. Prepare a mixture with some breadcrumbs, chopped herbs, and onions, the latter previously parboiled in a little stock—this must not be too moist. Put the mixture in the place of the bone, tie the joint I round to a presentable shape, and bake in the oven till tender.




C ATEK ■ >! T.L AR\s Mill…






