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¡ ST. ASAPH BOARD OF 'H'ARPIANS. THE CHAIRMAN AND R. J. H. ELLIS. ANIMATFT) SCENE. The fortnightly meeting d the Sr..Asaph Board of Guardians, was held at the Board Room, St. Asaph OD Friday. There were present: Mr. R. Llewelyn (chairman), Mj"8 Bennett, Mr. Robert Joces, Messrs EÙWH."d Williams, T. FTcWt Robert. W. S. Keren-, IM. ITorgan, OweD Owen. George Williams, W. H. Hugbe. J. H. Ellis, 1'. Mostyn Williams, T. Pierce Fugues, G. F. Gunner, J. Frimstou, Win. William*, R. Giiffiths, \Y. Jones, J. D. Jones, Thomas Evnn9, R. C. Thompson, John Joce?, John Kerfoot, E Morgan, Rev. A. J. Parry, and Sir. W. Grecville William?, alao Mr. T. F. Bircham, Fcor Law Inspector. CLERICAL AND MINISTERIAL SERVICES ACKNOWLEDGED. On the reading of the Chaplain's Book, the Chairman proposed a vote )f thanks to the Clergy and Ministers of all denotniuarions who bad attended to the spiritual welfare of the inmates, of that institution iroin the L"rd Bishop to the humblest lay preacher. He was sure they all felt deeply grateful to them Lz the kind interest they to(.k, and their st al in uiiiiis eriug to the spiritual needs of the inm-'te* (hear hear). Mr E. Morgan Berm.ded the vote of thanks •wh ich was heartily carried. CHRISTMAS DAY AT THE WORKHOUSE. The master reported that the inmates had requested him to convey to the Board their heartfelt and Bincara thanks for the plentiful supply of roast babi, piam pudding, mineral waters, oranges &i supplied to them on Christmas day. Bright aud pr. ntabie services were held in tho chapel in the morninar and the afternoon. In the evening a concert was held in the Dining Hali, the Rev. J. W. Powell presiding. Judging by the nany warm expressions of gratitude which he listened to during the day, he could not but conclude thac Christmas day bad been to all present a time of real plewsuie. He begged to acknowledge arifts for the inmates from the following ladies and gentle- mpn: Mr. Dold, hte or Uannerch Hall, valuable books and toys for all the children Mn Luxmoor, nse of the held for recreatiou throughout the year: Mrs Richard Birch, Bryn Celyn, St. Asiph, plum puddiu^ fur the sick, infirm women, and all the children; Rev. B. Jones-Bateman, £2 2:i.; Captain Arthur Reaton, £1 Is., and also Daily Graphics and other weekiy papel throughout the year; Mr W. C. Jones, Llannerrh Park, 23 couples of rabbiis; Mitsea Kate aud Mary Heaton, Tref Elwy, St. Asaph, gifts to ail attending their class in the Sunday Sehool; Dr. A. IJytou Llood, Rhyl, tobacco for the and intirm men Mr. Joseph Joce*, Waterloo Villas, W«llin«ton Road, Rhyi, ono ounce of tobacco for all the men, and also snuff for all who took it; caries of the Rhyl Journal," 44Rhyl Record and Advertiser," "North Wales Pioneer," and "St. Asaph Nows," from the Editors; Mr. Owen Jones, Penucha Row, St. Aaapb, toys for the children; Mrs Walthall, The Cottage, Christoiiis Cards for the children Misses G. A. Benley, 33 Portland Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Christmas letters und cards to all; Mr J. Talbot, High Street, Rbyl, parcels of Magazines and illustrated papers; Mr. Richard Jones, Elm Hurst, Stnoley Park, Rhyl, parcels of papers On Tuesday, 29th Decsmbsr, tea was eorved in the Dining Hall to all who could attend, tbo&e who could not attend being attended to in their respective wards, among those who ministered to their wants, being Mrs R. Llewelyn Jones, Miss Dot Jones, Misses May aud Dilys Jones, and Master Tom Jones, Rhyl; Miss Lloyd, Arsyllfa, St. Asaph; and Miss Roberts, Trefnant. They re-assembled again nt j. 15 in the \v*iting Hall. The Christmas tree and the tables were laden with presents for all the inmates. Mrs. R. Lisvrelyi* Jones, assisted by the other ladies distributed the prizes, and the Rev. J. W. Powell also assisted. At half past six an enjoyatle concert was given. The utual vote ot thanks to the ladies and gentlemen for their kindness was cordially given ont the proposition of the Chairman, The children laden with toys were then marched into the room to the strains of an action song which they bad been trained to sing with much success. They looked bright and happy, and evidently highly delighted with their possessions. The Chairman addressed to them a few appro- priate remarks. He expressed the hope that they would make the most of their opportunities, for they had much better opportunities than many children outside that institution. Some might think that they were not so fortuuate as those, bnt he thought be could safely say that they bad better i opportunities than most of the children of their class outside, and be hoped they would make the best use cf them. He exhorted them to be truthful and true; not pretend to be what they were not. Make the best use of their time when they were at play and at work. When playing to play fairly, and not tricky, and not to be false one to another If they would carry out these principles, they would be a credit to themselves and to that institution. He wished them all a most happy and bright new year (hear bear).] HOT v. COLD LUNCH. Mr R. Griffiths proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Chairman for the free lunch he had given them that day. Their only regret was that it was a celd and not a hot lunch (laughter). Mr Wm. Williams seconded and it was carried. The Chairman in acknowledging said ha hoped they had enjoyed the lunch. It was not his fault that it was not a hot one. Had he thought of it earlier and communicated with Miss Williams, it might possibly have been arranged. Mr Thomas Evans said there was a lot of com- plaint that a hot lunch was not provided, and it W88 especially hard for those guardians who came from places like Llanfair and Llansanan that on a cold day like that there was no hot lunch for them. They eave their time for nothing, and they ought to get something better than they Ldid in the way of lunch. Mi W. S. Roberts said that the Innch was right enough, but he wished they could have a drop of rum with it (laughter). It was resolved to refer the matter to the Visiting Committee to consider whether a hot luncheon could be provided. INCREASE OF SALARY FOR THE ST. ASAPH MEDICAL OFFICER, Mr T. Howes Roberts reported that the Finance Committee had considered the application of Dr. Lloyd, for an increase of salary as Medical Officer of the Workhouse and of the St. Asaph district. Upon his appointment in ISSo the salary for the workhouse wns reduced from JE50 to and for the district from £6 i to £50, but Dr. Lloyd was given to understand that both sums would shortly be increased to the former amounts. Since bis appointment eighteen years ago the amount ot medicnl attendance and medicine in the Workhouse had b:en greatly increased. The Finance Com- mittee now recommended that his salary for the Workhouse be increased to fM, and for the district JE70. That was an increase ofjE13 on the salary of his predecessor, and of £40 on the salary that he was now receiving. Mr Bircham Do you find the drugs ? The Chairman No, he provides all the drugs. Mr P. Mostyn Williams seconded the recom- mendation of the Finance Committee, which was unanimously carried. AN HONORARIUM FOR THE CLERK. Mr T. Howes Roberts next reported that the Finance Conunittee had considered an application by tbo O'.ferk fot remu&firfttton for preparing certain •vaccination returns asked for by the ^.o^eirn- ment Board extending over a period of eight years, and which did not form part of the clerk's ordinary duties. The committee recommended that the clerk be paid flU 10s. for extra services which was on the same scale as the clerks to other unions had been paid for similar services. He proposed the adoption of the committee's recommendation. Mr G, f. Gunner seconded, Ms R. 0, Thompson suggesfed that as these Teturns were asked for by the Local Government for their own information they ought to ask them to pay for them. The Clerk said application had already been made io them to that effect, but they said they could net make any payment, but said be guardians could do so. The committee's recommendation was then agreed to. THE ELECTRIC LIGHTING OF THE WORK- BOUSE: MR. J. B, ELLIS AND THE LOAN. A tetter was read from the Local Government sanctioning the Board entering into a contract with Messrs. D. T. Jones & Co., of Hhyl, for in- stalling the electric light in the new lufiraaary, and the Workhouse for £7(3) without in the first instance adveitising for tenders. Mr J. H.Ellis: Do I understand that the L(cr¡ Government Board are sanctioning a loan of £ suu over and above that already sanctioned ? The Chairman No. the Clerk informs me that the mnjor portion is inclnded in the loan already borrowed. The Clerk: There will be sufficient under the lottu of £5iOO. Mr J. H. Ems said thr-re was no provision in that loan for lighting the Infirmary and Wcrkhouse by electricity, nor in fact for lighting the building bv anv n Qans. It was quite an after thought after tl-e r trftct P;ad been let as to how the builmcg .i Ve lighted. He submitted that this £800 wa- I,t in the application made to the Local Gov"; ment Board. It would, therefore, be nee ry to add that «a.ouut to the loan, or the ■ n It for the building" !lJu.t be lt-s-t by that an,; UL.t. The Cic-ri, There will be a surplm. The con- tract ij £ 4 4CO, 6Ld the Local Government Board have sanctioned a loan of £ .i,7C0, inclusive of land, architects fees Ac., so that there will be a considerable surplus. Mr Bircham Surely the £,j.70f1 would be made up of certain items did it include lighting ? The rierk: No sir. Mr P. Mostyn William' It would include something for contingencies ? The Clerk Yes. Mr G. F. Gunner: Mr Ellis and everjbody else knew that the place must be lighted. Mr J. K. Ellis: 1 hen why did you not make provision for it ? Mr G. F. Gunner We did we did not decide as to the wear.s of lighting This is simply a bit of obstruction on the pHrc of Mr Eliia. Mr J. H. Ellis I beg your pardon I only asked for information. The Chairman The Clerk Bays that there will be sufficient within a hundred or two t ut of the sur- plus from the original loan. When we find how much we will require we will apply for power to borrow, or decide what other course to adopt. Mr E. iuorwan I think Mr Ellis is perfectly right there was no provision alide for lightmy. Mr R. C. Ihompson Ought it not to ba satis- factory to us to know that tha bahtnee is on the right side and not on the wrong iidL, of the account. The matter then dropped.


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