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ELECTION OF COMMISSIONERS. The election of Commissioners for 1888 is over; the ratepayers have made their choice of seven gentlemen to represent them in the local parliament for a term of three years. Of the contest itself there is not much to be written its principal features are noticed in the report of the day's proceedings to be found m another column. But the result has been a considerable surprise. It was the almost general prognostication that the place of hon- ?^r ^blsT year woul(? be sained by Mr L1- ™ °?r' T an(i this proved to be correct. • r Williams also the prophets assigned a high place. Both these gentlemen denisA fJe^kln^ unmistakeable evi- in them C0I1fideace the ratepayers repose also ratftinoJ ^u6- more the old members them on the fact* But8 '1 T C0^r.atuIft? the roan 1+ before intimated, great anrVll had in elements of H of these that Mr J. foil It t i i?limW so h"gh 0° the would L ?aTBZ "ipakd that he would be one of the elect- bnt most sanguine of his friends and supporters hardly expected hjm to be third on the list. Me fellow fCft°ngrat*Iate 0,lr »ad ami- thfll T 8man on his access, and us!fnl °an doubfc 4hat he win1 make a useful representative. But the greater sur- prise of all is that Mr Wm WilE 1 We beea ,eft oat. We 0^ liwflStT#?7 fr'ipp0inted and we be- eve that is the feeling expressed cenerallv throughout the tom. Vrt fro^S i that MR Williams has already served the town faithfully fOR tWelve years in succession, HIS undeniable abilities claimed for him a more generons treatment. We do not regard Mr Williams as a defeated candidate and there are considerations which furnish a sufficient reason why he received so few votes. Owing to circumstances well-known to our readers he was unable to take a personal part in what may be termed the preliminaries to the con- test. He did not canvass the electors. Whether canvassing is a right thing or not, there is no doubt that it tells a great deal in favour of the candidate who practices it when the day of polling comes. Then again Mr Williams had no conveyances at his disposal, which was another disadvantage. Without disrespect to either of the successful candidates, we venture to assert that their success is to no small degree traceable to the fact that they were plentifully supplied with carriages to convey lukewarm and unwilling householders to the poll. And last of all, there was, undoubtedly, a determined effort made by a clique to keep Mr Williams out. His opponents worked silently, but diligently, during the week; and they have succeeded. But not altogether. He being the eighth on the list, will, if the Board act upon the un- derstanding come to at the last meeting, be at once elected to fill the vacancy caused through the resignation of Mr Go S. H8zle- hurst. Thus Mr Williams' valuable services may still be retained for the town and t is to be earnestly hoped he will con- sent to act. The loss of his services would be no loss than a calamity to the town. There are matters to come before tbotoard, to deal with which he is eminently qualified. Now that the contest is over, let us hope that the new Board will devote themselves with greater energy than ever to carry out all needed reforms and improvements with des- patch and economy. There has sprung up of late years among the ratepayers, and even some ex-commissioners, a practice of decry. ing the Commissioners and all their doings. Nothing they do is right. Whatever they do, or leave undone, is a subject of complaint. Such a spirit cannot be too strongly con- demned. Only recently we heard of one ratepayer, who happens also to be an owner, saying he would not disgrace himself by joining the Board; and yet the very same individual was willing to be elected through the" back door," as it is termed. He had not the courage to face the ordeal of an elec. tion. This continuous depreciation of the ser- vices of the Commissioners is neither fair nor generous. The members of the Board give their valuable time and their abilities to the service of the town and the least they can ex- pect in return is an acknowledgement that they do their best. Judging by the tone of the talk of some people, and the articles in some news- papers, one is led to ask-can there be any good or redeeming feature about the Commis- sioners ? To err is human. This is as true of corporate bodies as it is of individuals. The Commissioners no doubt have erred n the past; and infallibility cannot be looked for in the futuie. But then, it is really too bad to run them down on all possible occa- sions. To say the least they carry on the business of the town as well as any 21 gen- tlemen who might be elected in their place and very likely much better than if it were entrusted to those who are most prone to find fault.

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