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jpotes anD Summary-


jpotes anD Summary- A meeting of Welsh Undergraduates at Oxford was held on the 12th infant with a vie.v of forming a society for the defence of the Church in Wales. The meeting was addressed by the Very Rev. the Dean of St. Asaph, who highly approves of the move. ment. Meetings wiil be held once a fortnight during each term, when pupers will be repd on matters hearing on the defence of the Church. At the first meeting Mr A. S. Griffith-Boscawen, Q leen's College, will read a paper on the tithe question. The Wrexbam Guardian "-a rabid Tory print- in one of its teceiit issues published a statement to the effect th ,t the Kev. Isaiah Jones, the popular miuister of the Wel»l. Wesleyane in this town, had been asked t, return a portion of his salary, and becautJ0 ht refused t.) do s) there was a disruption iu tht church The rev. gentleman has written tu say that there is not a particle of trntt. in this statement, and that the full(is of the circuit are in a satisfactory condition. He aids This is our experience of the voluutan system, even in times of depression, ani- should any difference hrise between mean, my people on the question of .tipend, I ttutt it can be arranged without the assistance oi laefcioneers, red coats, or emergenoy men. An association has recently b"en formed in Southport whose ohjpct is, in combinaticn with other watering places and towus con- tainitig a lar-)e r;uuiier of lodging-house keepers, and by bringing pressure to beir on their rpresentarives. to try to influence the Government to bring forward a measure of .Mief to them in the matter of the Inhabited House Duty. The principal, or, at nil events, the greivanoe which is more immediately pressing iffit the present time is what they ilot-isiller the unfair priucip'e upon which the inhabits house I Iltv is levied. The lodging- house they contend, is to all intents and purp sei, a priv.te hotel, and as such shollld he rated. As the law stands, however, it is placed on a ve-y different fo iling. Instead f being chafed, like hotels, shops, or other "laces of business, 6d. in the pound, the hlgiu-hollse ke, per has to pay at the rate of 91., the same HS IS demande I fi-o,n resiilential fioii.ieholdet s. This, nlthou^h at first sight rlfliriL, is in their opinion a metier oi no ,¡:iht importance. Buxton has aliea iy moved in the direction indicated, aud it would be ,vo-th their while for the lodgi? g-house ke- pers in Khyl to t-ke a similar step to give the uvement thut impeters Lecesdiry to uce, ss The by-elections are not the only Rig-ns of 1 the approaching discomfiture of the Coercion- ists aud the triumph ot M (i a stone's policy, -evet,ty-five resident graduates of Uxfl)rd, I iucludii'g some of the most distinguisbed members of the U iversify, h ive addressed a nemo iat to Mr Gladstone, expr ssing their 11 earnest Conviction of the justice aid exped- t,i.ey i-f the I, ish p Iicy joa have adoptid nd ptomtted." L.e addft ss of clerwymen of the ( hurch of Euglnnd to Mr G:tt,istot,e in favour of t ome Kule, has ahealy received 1 oie thnn 150 signatures. A protest against t the C, IPI Cillll Act with the signatures of 108 Nonconformist ministers, in the city of Norwich and ceunty of Norfo k, IIHS been sent to Lord Salisbury, and a similar Protest has also been signed by Nonconformist ministeis of JNoith Devon. Consistency cannot he said to be a feature of the address delivered on Wednesday even- ing to the members of the Rhyl Habitation ot the Primrose League hy Col. Bond. For instance, in OLe part of his address he stated that the League had become a a very for- midable 01 ganisation in the country," and directly afterwards proceeded to urge the adoption of new tactics by the several habita- tiolis-" some line of action whereby they could gain the sympathies oj the electors"-c to getthem to come to the meetings of the League; and, especially, that they should devise some ■ne^ns to '• attract" the working classes. I" Necessity is the mother of invention" When men, or organisations, are in the ut- most distress for the want of anything, that want generally prompts them to devise the means of supplying it. N twithstanding Col. Bond's beastfui declaration, the general tone of his subsequent remarks indicate a sense of weakness, and indeed of failure. Having failed to bribe the electors by means of teas and concerts, they must now, if they wish to gain the sympathies of the electors," adopt some other plan. Then, again, he tried hard to make it clear that the Primrose League was not a Conservative organisation Aud yet he spoke of all who were not Conservatives as being, necessarily, the League's enemies. It was not necessary," he s-lld, that every Primrose Leaguer should be a Conservative." All this sounds well enough, hut it is easier -aid tbHn proved. A man is klllwn by his oompany. .t is not by the pro #is d c ee.,i of tile Lie ig e tint we are to judge vv hat it rea.l* is but rather by the company it ki eps, an e-peeialiy by its woiks. Loyalty to tht :hione and constitution is as much the pro- perty of atiue Liberal as it is of a Con- servative but the Liberals relieve in freedom —tree trade, free education, and free reli- gion. Do the C> m 'i vati ve-i belt ve in ties tmngs ? Do the Lea^uero teach and promui- "tcl these piinciples ? Decidedly not. How then, can the Ltague p'atfora, be wi 1e enough t. find place for such a variety and contrariety "t political opinion as is rep ea ujted by tb. p ii'ic ans whojii (Jol. Boud referred to. Till truth is, this argam> nt is used oLly for tht purpose of trying to att, act the workiut m asses into the fold ot the I.eigne, and to j in tor it the sympathy « f the electors. liui it il never do m Wa es and Col. bond mH) rest assired th It the League never ean by SilC a' tfices win the affection of the eleven huudre — 0, nor tven five iAindied—electuis in thi. division. The inhabitai ts of Kinm. 1 street have a strious complaint against the police. Iu fal ) they a e ci aiged, iii,t olily with wii,king at eitiin offenci s Hgamst moraiity, and against the law, committed night y and publ ciy 11 that imp rtaut street, hnd others but the) a>e—some ot them—charged with conduct winch is neither moral nor lawful themselves. It cantot possibly be unknown to the police hut at ce taiu hours of the evening week- day and Sunday tilike-a portilln of one sidt of Kinmel Street is being frequented by well known characters for unlawful purposes The conduct of these particular women hab hecJme an intolerable nuisance to the inhabi- tants. Again we say, the police know of the existence of the evil, and yet they have taken no action in the matter. Why ? One reason perhaps is, that some members of the force a a occasionally seen in friendly conversation with these women. Another reason is, that the pol ce are not all sober men it is not an unusual occurrence to see a policeman drunk in tne streets of Rhyl, or comfortably walking his be its in company with a female, smok- ing his pipe. The Hhyl police have gained an unenviable notoriety for vindictivmess, in- sobrierty, and inattention to duty. It may be thought that we have been somewhat hard on the po ice of late bat we have a duty to perform to the public, and we are determined to do it without fear or favour." We are sorry to have to complain once more of the shamefully bad support given by the Nonconformists of Rhyl to the cause of the elementary education, more especially to the British Schools. This school was established in their interest; and for years a faithful few have struggled hard to keep it going, and this has cost them no small aID onnt of labour. But they have done it maoflllly- it has been to them a" Isbollr of love." But how are they repaid ? The facts are known to our rea :ors and we will let the Nonconformists ,;f tibyl answer the question for themselves fiv tLeir actiou Nonconformist ratepayers of 11 h) 1 court a School Board, and it would serve them right to have a compulso-y educa- tion rate imposed upon them. But, uufortun itely, there are difficulties in the wiy. One thing, however, is quite ce tain. Either the British School must be better suppoited, 01 the edul-ation of the rising generation must "ebfivLHup entiie y into the hands of the Church. It is tur Nonconformists to say, IlJd q nckly too, which alternative we sh*d choose.

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