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1 - Treorky.



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Tiaz Higher Grade School agitation in the Rhondda is still occupying the serious consideration of the School Board. Public discussions on the need of advanced elementary provision are decidedly for the good of the people. The Rev. W. Lewis deserves the thanks of every ardent educationalist for initiating this controversaiy, and dis- tinctly the Parish of Ystrndyfodwg generally, owes many thanks to the Pentre gentlemen for focus-iiig attention on the proved advantages of a Higher Grade School in their centre of population. Though^ at the time their motive was character- ised as selfish, still the vigour of their protests only deepened the public con- viction that schools of the kind were r I adn)- istir utions. Their ardour OIL et,:tlril ii,, it :it Penti-e ]its lier centres of Rhondda popui, ke a similar demand. The AI orris and W. Charles and 1, of the upper part of the vnlh ;,s Mr. Dl. Thomas and othrol' It' ¡,¡wer part, are likewise on iy i i |, _r a direct local repre- seiita; trust in seeking a distribution Of vantages. From our stand poinl, ,I nys seeking the best possible provi- < boing made in these valleys for t- l.r:\ ;,t promising children of the work;, i-s, we have been delighted with tlv .resent agitation. It is progrv.-s which every lover of the people in hail with the greatest joy. It men fat a nobler, broader, and more e 'c-vional spirit is entering into the soul f "r School Board adminis- tration. We are distinctly of the opinion thrit the amendment moved by Mr. Hood, and seconded by Mr. Jenkins, will bring about the issue of a generous provision for all the children of the Rhonddas, irrespective of districts. The resolution is comprehensive in its reference, and suggests that the mover and seconde both large employers of labour, ate alive to the necessity of giving an advanced elementary education to those parents who are prepared to make the sacrifice of retaining their children in the schools until the age of 15 or 16 We venture to thit.k that 20 per cent. of scholar population of the Rhondda, when the opportunity is evenly and equitably distributed will grasp the advantages. In education supply precedes demand. The larger numbers patronizing Higher Education in the Rhondda to-day come from the mure immediate neighbourhood of the Ystrad School. That the more remote the child is from the School the less he seeks it, is proved by the statistics elaborated by Rev. W. Morris. The present decision of the Board appears to realise this, for we find in the resolution such words as, With a view of more equally providing such education to meet the demand of the district as a whole." The French are securing great results by their Higher Grade Schools. Mr W. Lewis, Llanelly Gilchrist Student and Head- master of the Intermediate and Technical School, Llanelly, says of their function in that country that the great distinction between them and the Colleges (with us. Intermediate Schools) is that they contain no provision for teaching classics. In most of them education is gratuitous. These Schools exist especially for the sake of the youth intended for commerce, industry, or industrial arts, for public and private business." There is surely ample material in this Rhondda aiming at the same like occupations. We must make provision for our foremen in all depart- ments of industrial life. In the struggle for existence, if a man fails to secure a livelihood in one way, he will try to secure it in another. There- fore plant deep and wide your general education. Experience will teach the lesson that a good education makes the farmer, the mechanic, and the miner a more skilful workman, while it adds immensely to his enjoyment of life. Experience will teach also that manual labour is quite as honourable and as least as healthy as mental labour. It is not over-education is the root of the mischief, but the wrong sort.

Cycling. -





,Ystrad Rhondda.




