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Family Notices



COMMISSION OF INQUIRY.—On reference to our advertising; columns it will be seen that the commissioners charged to make inquiries into the manner in which turnpike trusts have been managed in South Wales, will sit in the Town-hall, Cardiff, to receive communications on the subject. GLAMORGAN AND MONMOUTII INFIRMARY. Circulars soliciting the aid of the ministers of St. John's Church, Car- diff, and the several clergymen in the neighbourhood, with a view to the support of this excellent institution, hare been issued. For no worthier object can the sympathy and support of the public be interested. THE THEATRF..—The pressure on our space this week prevents us from noticing in detail the very excellent pieces produced since our last. The benefit of Mr. Woulds is fixed for Monday. The bill of fare (sceadv.)isrichin all the materials of a high theatrical treat, and will, we have no doubt, be fairly appreciated. The season closes on Thurs- day, when Mrs- Macready takes her benefit. Fourteen yards of netting, the property of some poor fish- ermen in the neighbourhood of Rumney bridge, were stolen last week, it is supposed for the purpose of poaching, when everything caught in the net is presumed to be net profit. ST. MARY'S CHURCH, CARDIFF.—We are happy to an- nounce to our readers that the New Church at St. Mary's, Cardiff, is to be opened on THURSDAY next, the 14th instant. The very Reverend the Dean of Llandaif has, we understand, becn asked, by the Vicar of Cardiff, to preach on this mot interesting occasion, and has consented so to do, CARDIFF RATES.—A meeting1 of rate payers and others interested in the equalization of the rates of the town, was held on Monday evening, at the Masons' Arms, Crockherb- town. The object of the meeting was to consider the best means of procuring a more equitable reduction of the rate- able property of the town. Various instances of alledged irregularity in the rating were adduced in proof of the necessity of its revision. The rate books were submitted to a rigid examination, and a committee appointed to report thereon to a future meeting. A requisition is understood to be in contemplation to the mayor, to call a public meeting on the subject. Should this take place, the fullest publicity will be given to the proceedings. As the meeting recently held, and the proposed ones on the same subject, can be looked upon only as of a preliminary nature, their objects are perhaps fairly met by this notice. REMOVAL OF CONVICTS.— John Hugh, John Hughes, and David Jones, convicted at the last Special Commission in this town, for the destruction of Pontardulais bridge and toll-house, were sent off on Wednesday, from the county gaol, pursuant to their sentence, in charge of Mr. Superin- tendent Stockdale. with a view of being forwarded to their destination. A FOOT RACE for 15 sovereigns aside, distance 2 miles, took place on Monday, on Cardiff Heath, between John Evan, alias Cue Cloff, and David John, men of considerable prowess and experience in this line. The competitors at starting kept together for a space. Evan, however, when near the goal went away from his opponent in good style, and kept the lead to the close, performing the feat in eleven minutes and four seconds. Both men were much distressed. Considerable sums changed hands on the occasion. There was a large concourse of spectators on the ground, who amused themselves by extemporising a respectable row on the occasion. CARDIFF POLICE.—MONDAY. [Before the Mayor, and C. C. Williams, Esq. John and Daniel Samuel, father and son, were charged with having stolen three geese, the property of William WTootton, proprietor of the Dowlais Inn. The geese, it appears, were safe in his possession on Thursday week. On the Friday morning he missed them. Information of the circumstance was given to Policeman Davies, who went to the house of the defendant, whom, from the circumstance of John Samuel being drinking at the Dowlais Inn on Thurs- day evening, he suspected. On searching the bed-room of Samuel, two of the geese, now identified, were found behind the door. On a further search the remaining goose was found buried in sand in the back-yard of the house. The father resolutely denied that he was privy to the theft of the son. Both were committed to the sessions. MUNIFICENT ABATEMENT or RENT.—The Hon. Lady Lynch Blouse, of Perrin Castle, Kingstown, has, through her land-agent, Philip O'Reilly, Esq., of Colamber, given to the tenantry on her King's County estate an abate- ment, varying from 20 to 40 per cent., from May, 1842; and also allowed the same per centage off any arrears previously due. The joy and gratitude this noble act has diffused it would be quite impossible to describe. WELSH METROPOLITAN CHURCH.—The Bishop of Lon- don has been pleased to appoint the Rev. John Robert Williams, Curate to the Dean of St. David's, at Lampeter, to the Incumbency of the Welsh Metropolitan Church, in Ely-place. The well-wishers of the Church and the Princi- pality will be glad to hear of the appointment, and that a thing so long talked of is at last set on foot, as this will be the first Welsh place of worship in connection with the Establishment that has been opened in the metropolis. PROSPECTS OF AGRICULTURE AND CON- SERVATISM. The subjoined article, excellent in conception and most able in execution, is from the Northampton Herald," of Saturday. It is exceedingly a propos to the aspect of things, and we earnestly hope that so creditable an example may be followed by numerous similar manifestations of opinion and determination from our brethren of the provincial press :— From most parts of the country we are now beginning to hear the cry of agricultural alarm. The enormous sub- scriptions recently raised by the League, and their inces- sant activity, which compensates for the smallness of their numbers, have opened the eyes of the agricultural Con- servatives to their danger, and they have taken the first step of talking of the necessity of being no longer apa- thetic. "The late sales of foreign salted provisions, the remark- ably low rates at which they were sold (the best beef about twopence-halfpenny per lb.), and the immense importations with which we are threatened from the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world, seem to justify the fears of those who opposed the new tariff, that it would in- evitably lead to a permanent reduction in the price of stock as well as of grain. But, say many, that is a great boon to the poor thousands will now be able to enjoy a dinner of meat to whom the luxury was unknown. Were this so, it would at least be some compensation for the loss which the cultivator of the soil woultl sustain. To the possessors of i fixed incomes it will indeed afford an opportunity of con- ducting their housekeeping at a cheaper rate, but the c;1ildlen of toil, who have nothing but tlw wages of their la- bour to depend on, will have to endure the inexpressible mortification of seeing provisions infinitely cheaper and yet more unattainable, and more out of their reach than ever. Why is this B ecauso this cheapness and thie increase of food is only to be gained by the substitutiou of foreign for native production, the displacement of British by foreign labour. Every pound of American beef or pork, every barrel of Canadian floui so purchased, amounts in point of fact to the payment of so much money to the foreigner, which would otherwise be paid in the shape of wages to the British la- bourer. But, say the free traders, we shall find a compensa- tion in the greater export of our manufactures. Than this nothing can be more untrue. In the first place, as the British farmer does not manu- facture fabrics, an increased export can OC 110 compensation to him or to those whom he employs. In the next pbce, the fabrics exported are, in the greater part the production of machine, awl not of human labour and, in the third place, even this slight indirect compensation cannot be carried very far, inasmuch as America, like almost every continental country, has growing manufacturesof her own, which she is determined to protect. There never existed in this country an era of greater nominal cheapness and substantial dearness than the present. There never was a time when the money price of vartous commodities was less, and yet there never was a time when the means of purchase and the power of consumption were more straitened. IT IS a curious fact, that the more you examine the his- tory of "every manufacture the more you will find that, in proportion to the increasing cheapness of production, is the increasing distress of those engaged in it. Low prices bring low profits, againstt which the small capitalist contends in vain low wages follow in the train, and though a few wealthy men in a trade, by means of a vir- tual monopoly, and the ruin of their less powerful rivals, are enabled to accumulate large fortunes, the great mass of those employed are reduced to a state of the most lamentable des- titution. This is the history of the cotton, the silk, the woollen, 'the hosiery, the linen, the lace, and other trades. It is the present history of the tailor's trade, who arc being entirely ruined by the cheap-producing and wages-grinding capital- ists, and perhaps even Northampton itself, in its own staple trade, may not be without some parallel proofs of the inevit- able consequences of cheap production. Let the farmers, then, let the Conservatives, let the true friends of the poor, and of the working man look to this in time. Their enemies are all active and indefatigable in exer- tion; why should they slumber Who arc more active, who more united, who more energetic than the Conservatives, When out of power 1 It was by this activity, this union, this energy, that they achieved the victory. Know they not that the same weapons will be successfully employed against themselves, if they cast them on one side as though they had no longer any use for them. Surely, it is better and easier to preserve the fruits of victory than to expose ourselves by our own negligence to the necessity of entering into a fresh contest to wipe off the atain of defeat. There is yet time, but the first step towards a cure of the disease is a knowledge of the full extent of the danger. This danger is now truly formidable. The League free-trade agitation might not have had Tnuch power in itself, but it is now adopted as the chcval de hattailla of a beaten party, formerly disowned and denounced, and who hope upon this apparently neutral ground to re- unite all the jarring and discordant elements of Radicalism, Whiggish, Dissent, and discontent, and revolution, by which they were formerly supported, and thus fight their way back to that power from which they were recently hurled by the indignant voice of British Conservatism. j CARDIFF FARMERS' CLUB. A monthly meeting was held at the club-room, on the 2nd instant, which was attended by Sir J. J. Guest, Bart., M.P. C. C. Williams; J. S. Corbett E. David; W. J. Watson, and T. Goddard, Esqrs. the Rev. J. Evans also Messrs. Whapham, W. Lewis, T. Richards, J. Babb, T. Thompson, E. W. David, E. James, J. Jenkins, F. Lewis, J. Thomas, W. Whapham, junior, G. Spencer, J. Richards, W. David, &c. Mr. David, of Radyr Court, in the chair. Sir J. J. Guest, Bart., M.P., and several others were elected members. Sir John Guest stated, that he should feel great pleasure in rendering the club any assistance in his power. He was not a practical farmer himself, but felt greatly interested in the improvement of agriculture. He could not avoid ex- pressing his regret at witnessing the inferior system of farm- ing generally pursued in this county as compared with most parts of England. He freely admitted, that we had some exceptions to this charge, but he was sorry they were not more numerous He considered our great defect in the sys- tem of farming pursued here, was the adherence to the old practice of naked fallows; also to the Glamorgan breed of cattle, and the sooner both were exterminated the better. For the former, the cultivation of green crops should be substituted, and it was full time to exchange the latter for other breeds of cattle, which would arrive at perfection two or three years earlier. Draining was also an operation which appeared to him much neglected, although greatly required in this county. If the meeting would suggest or point out to him any mode by which he could promote the objects they had in view, he would gladly adopt it. Would it not be a desirable object if a general review were taken of the present mode of farming in this county, pointing out the defects and suggesting a better system. Perhaps this might be attained by offering a premium for the best treatise on the farming in Glamorganshire; and he should be happy to place £ 10 at the disposal of the club for such purpose. (Cheers.) If they approved of his suggestion, he should be happy to arrange with the chairman the best mode of carrying it into effect. (Cheers.) The Chairman remarked, that the meeting felt greatly obliged to Sir J. Guest for his attendance that day, and the good wishes for the prosperity of their club. They must all acknowledge that the farming in thin county was in general very defective, and far Inferior to most of the English coun- tics. The three objects which had been adyerted to by Sir John, namely, the substitution of green crops for a naked fallow, changing the breed of cattle, and the adoption more generally of draining, were of the greatest impor- tance. This club had not adopted the practice of offering premiums, it being established for the purpose of discussing the merits of different systems of agriculture, pointing out their defects, and the adoption more generally of draining were of the greatest importance, —each of them had already been under heir consideration. The practice of the club had hitherto been to meet every month to discuss the merits of different operations and modes of farming. They also possessed a stock of books and several periodicals, which were circulated amongst the members, thus diffusing all the information they could amongst them. The liberal offer made by Sir John, would, he hoped, induce some one qualified for the task, to undertake the subject, and it could not fail to produce beneficial results. Mr. Watson observed, that they were under great obliga- tion to Sir J. Guest, for the liberal proposal he had made. He believed there was a desire for improvement abroad amongst the farmers of the county, which only required to be encouraged and assisted. The subjects mentioned were of great consequence to the farmer, and might again very properly form a topic of discussion at a future meeting of this club. Mr. Goddard said, that on referring to the list of subjects for the current year, those fixed for February and April, would embrace the questions of naked fallows and the rota- tion of crops, which he considered most defective in this county. Sir John Guest said, that probably the observations he had made upon the farming generally pursued in this county, may be considered severe, but he really believed, that he had not overrated them. Could they not adopt some mode of proving, by experiments, in a practical manner, the defects in the present system. This would be more likely to bring home conviction to those who still adhered to old practises than any argument used at these meetings. He was, he confessed, quite at a loss to account for the supineness of practical men in adherence to systems which they must know were at variance with their best interests. They would soon have to compete against the agricultural produce of other countries, and the sooner the better they put themselves in a position to withstand such competition which he be- lieved was fast approaching. The Chairman said, that he feared the suggestion made by Sir J. Guest, namely, that of having an experimental farm even upon the smallest scale, was beyond their limited means. The council of the Royal Agricultural Socicty, with the large funds of that society, seemed to fear such an under- taking. He fully admitted, that no better mode could be adopted for bringing home conviction to an uneducated farmer than that of practically demonstrating to him the bene- fits arising from a different system. Hestrongly rccommend- 011, thnt this should be done by landlords upon their tenants' farms by giving them artificial manures for growing turnips, draining, procuring improved implements for the use of tenants, &c. He knew that these measures had been put into practice in this county, and he could testify, that the most beneficial effects were arising from it. He knew of old-fashioned farmers who entertained the strongest objec- tion to innovation and change, were now most anxious to have their corn drilled, their land drained, and to obtain arti- ficial manures. These persons expressed the strongest opinion, only three years ago, that no benefit could arise from these measures. With regard to the latter observations made by Sir John, he considered that this club had been formed along with others in various parts of the kingdom, for the purpose of promoting discussions on agricultural subjects, and of effecting a better system of farming in the localities they were respectively situated. If they persevered he did believe the time may come when the farmers of Eng- land might, with safety, follow the great example set them by the manufacturing interest of entering into competition with the whole world, but. he regretted, that that period had not yet arrived, and it could only arrive by an increased application of skill and capital in the cultivation of the soil, which he believed had been lately going 011, encouraged also as it had been, by the proceedings.of the Royal Agricultural Society, as well as others, but he thought this improvement would be arrested if the prospect of remuneration was en- tirely taken away. The manufacturing interest had been brought into existence, and nourished by similar means until they were in a position to need it no longer, but the English farmer, he was sorry to say, bad not yet arrived at the same stnte of perfection, and the withdrawal of that protection which at present shields him from foreign competition would be fatal, and at once remove the chance of his ever reach- ing it. Some further observations were made by Sir John Guest who said that he was afraid the manufacturers would not wait longer without some change. The Chairman here remarked that. in this conversation on protection, they had differed a little from the rules of the club, and he must, therefore, beg to remind them of the subject which stood for discussion that evening, namely, O11 laying down arable land to pasture." The Rev. J. 'Evans, he was happy to say, had felt much interest in this question, and his attentive observations upon the subject, and all others for so many years, would, he had no doubt, induce him to favour the meeting with his upon it. Mr. Evans then came forward and said, that his object in proposing the subject was not to give information, but to elicit it on a subject in which he was interested, not on a very great scale it is true, but though on a small one it was to him of equal interest, as the scale of greater operations was to those whose interest as well as operations were more ex- tensive, and he did not know where he could apply for in- formation on that head in a question, where he wais more likely to meet with success than to those experienced gentle- men he had then the pleasure of addressing he said he could lay sufficient emphasis on the word experienced, for hl, fOI his part, had much more confidence in what one sellsi111e experienced man woulJ say, than wh<1.t was written ill all the books published on agriculture from the da), of Morkham of olJ to the present day. He was solieitoug to obtain information on this subject as he was about laying down a field to permanent grass, and as the methods gene- rally adopted at present were in his opinion defective, he could wish to see a remedy to that effect. Before he would proceed to state to the meeting the result of his own ob- servations, he would go far trespass upon their time and patience as to glance briefly at the modes generally in practice as long as he can remember. The oldest method he could recollect was that of summer fallowing for wheat, the wheat followed by a crop of barley, with which broad clover, and rye grass, frequently with an addition of Trefoil and Dutch clover were sown. But there was scarcely any attention paid to draining and as the barley was generally sown in twelve furrowed ridges, the field when laid down was consequently very Uneven. As turnips came into culti- vation, the method was in some measure altered, and cer- tainly for the better. The field was in the first instance made as clean as circumstances would admit, for the recep- tion of the turnip seed, and then was the further opportunity of cleaning aflorded by hoeing barley and clover as before, with (at this time frequently the omitting of the broad clover) and substituting marl Or meadow grass, with the addition of planting1 became practised, and here began to be adopted the plan of sowing the barley on wider ridges. To each of these systems he thought there were two very de- cided objections,—the M-Us that if the barley succeeded well and the seasons proved wet and windy at the time when the ear had just broke out of its sheath, a time when the plant was in full leaf and in a very tender state, the whole field became complexly lodged as it is termed, and the injury did not end ia a thin, trusky, unprofitable crop of barley, hut the seeds which by this time would be growing finely under the protection of the barley, became smothered by its prostration. The next objection to that mode was, that when the seed did succeed they did not endure, but in two or three years at the furthest, with the exception of the rye, the seeds had for the most part, if not entirely, disappeared, and all the farmers had to do was to wait for what nature Would do for him when art had failed. Mere, he observed, he could not help stating that nature was indeed a very fostering mother, and he would proceed to lay before them a few instances, when art had done all she could to destroy her children, yet so truly attached was she to them, that art could neither burn nor smother them. Amongst other instances which he could name, he would more parti- cularly caH their attention to what he had observed happened on the Gream Farm. The late Mr. Davies finding the field covered with a coarse, and as he thought unproductive grass, proceeded to pan and burn it, intending to clean it by fal- lowing, to take one crop out of it and lay it down again. By some hindrances or the other, the intended process could not be proceeded with further than the spreading of the ashes. This, to the best of his recollection, was not done till sometime in the beginning of the following year, but whenever done the result was that in the course of the following summer, the field was covered with a beautiful growth of white trefoil—Dutch clover—the Irish shamrock (Trifolium rcpens), accompanied by many of the choicest natural grasses, and had in fact exchanged its covering of hairy shag, for a coat of the finest broad cloth. Other instances of a somewhat similar kind were noticed by him, but the conclusion he came to from what he had observed, was, he did not think that operations of nature were duly attended to by us in this & perhaps in many other agricultural processes. Here, he said, he would beg leave to state to the meeting how he intended to proceed with his field. It was his intention, he observed, to clean it as well as he could by fallowing for wheat, but, in the course of fallowing, not to apply any manure to sow it with wheat, which he would drag- and harrow in, so as to make the field as fine and as even as possible, trusting to nature to supply it with seeds, which he would endeavour to cherish by top-dressing. It may appear to this meeting a strange method, to say the least of it; but he had great confidence he should succeed, and he grounded his hopes, not entirely on what he had himself observed, but he recollected well being told when very young by a farmer, in that day held in some repute, that the best way to lay down a field for permanent pasture was to lay it down in a wheat stubble, without seeds, the field having been previously well cleaned." Draining, he observed, of course, was indispensable on wet land, but lie could not tell how far the Dranstone method would succeed on his soil-a stiff clay on a lias formation. He feared much, he said, that the alternate layers of clay impcrviou*, he thought, to water would not admit of that method, hut it would be unwarrantable in him to say that it would not, especially as all he knew of Mr. Smith's method was from hearsay, but that hearsay was from sound practical men, and who assured him that they were coutideut it would answer. Indeed, he had heard that a sound-jndg- ing, practical man was now practising Mr. Smith's method something west of his own neighbourhood, on an extensive scale, and on a precisely similar soil and formation to that one alluded to by him and he was assured, too, that he was practising it with a prospect of the greatest success. Mr. Watson said that he understands Mr. Smith recom- mends, that to carry out his system of draining the land should be sub-soiled. He had drained land similar to that described by Mr. Evans, and was at one time afraid of the result; but he had afterwards experienced the greatest benefit from it. With regard to laying arable land to pas- ture, he knew of nothing better than St. Foile wherever the soil was adapted for it; and he thought such land as described by Mr. Evans would produce good crops of it, provided it was sufficiently drained. He had found it to succeed ad- mirably, producing immense crops on a soil resting on an open limestone rock, intersected with layers of clay, admit- ting the tap roots to pass down. On one of his farms St. Foine had not succeeded on this account,thc limestone rock having no insterstices, the plants, consequently did not thrive. Mr. Williams had lately laid down a field to pasture from arable. He procured from London fourteen different sorts of grass seeds, but no broad clover or rye grass. The seeds vrere hoed in with a crop of drilled wheat, which being a heavy crop, he found that much injury had been done to the young plants. The following winter he gave it a slight dressing of manure; the succeeding summer he mowed two tons of hay per acre off the field, and this summer he ex- pected he had as much. The herbage was of the best quality. The Chairman said that he very fully agreed with the ob- servations made by the Rev. James Evans regarding the necessity of draining, and also of thoroughly cleaning the land intended to be laid down to permanent pasture but we all know that this is an extremely difficult operation in this country, especially on gravelly soils, in consequence of the humidity of the climate; and until couch and other noxious weeds are completely eradicated, it is quite useless to sow the seeds of finer grasses, as they would soon bo smothered. Thus far he coincided in opinion with Mr. Evans; but he begged to differ with him in trusting to the grasses indigenous to the soil for the reasons he had just stated, viz.—that the coarser sorts generally predominate, and the chance of getting the finer was very remote. Next to cleaning the land thoroughly was the question of manure applied to the previous fallow crop. The most general practice, as observed by Mr. Evans, was to make a turnip fallow and sow seed with the ensuing crop of grain. Now, if this were farm-yard manure, the chances were, that after bestowing the greatest pains to eradicate weeds, you imme- diately re-ciopped it with them. For this reason he would most strongly recommend those who purpose laying down arable land to pasture to use artificial manure. He had often experienced the mortification of seeing land which had bcell thorouhly for tun, ugain in the foulest state within the four years' rotation, but did not discover the principal cause until he used artificial manures instead of long dung. Having now had about eight years experience of it, he found that the portion of his farm dressed with bones and other such manures far cleaner than the remainder. The next impor- tant consideration is how it can be covered with rich turf in the shortest period. It has already been well observed that nature docs wonders in producing a green sward in this climate, but he was of opinion that the soil of this country does not contain cither the seeds or roots of the most valu- able grasses, such as the Dactilus, 1'oa's, Plantain, Fescus, &c., at least not in sufficient abundance, and he contended that without either tHe seeds or rjots, we have no more right to expect them than we have a crop of wheat, of barley, or oats. As recently a.s 30 or 40 years ago, the saving of grass seeds had been very little attended to, and it was then difficult if not impossible to obtain the seeds of our best grasses in any quantities—three or four varieties only were then cultivated. Since that period the subject had received the attention it deserved, and he had before him a most valuable work, by Sinclair, on British Grasses, enti- tled Hortus Gratuiuens," which, 110 doubt, most of those present had seen, a work combining practice with science to a greater extent than any work he had ever met with. Mr. Sinclair had extended our knowledge of the value of British grasses, from three or four to almost as many hundreds he had cultivated upwards of 200 in separate plots in the garden at Woburn;—cut them at different period, weighed the produce, and analyzed their respective qualites. In consequence of the difficulty of obtaining proper grass seeds a scientific gentleman, of the name of Blakie, an agent of the late Mr. Coke, of Norfolk, was induced to adopt the plan of transplanting the turf from old pastures to arable land, which he termed inoculation." Mr. Blakie, published a small treatise on it, which he, the chairman, had mislaid, but reference was made to it in Mr. Sinclair's work. The system was to pare thin strips about I) inchcs wide out of a good old pasture, chop these in small pieces, about 2 or 3 inches square, and place them regularly over the field the land was then rolled, and a few grass seeds sown, and in two or three years the roots extended and covered the land with the best herbage. This operation was rather expensive, for, according to the extracts before him, it amounted to £2 9s. per acre. He, the chairman, had tried it on a small scale, and fully confirmed Mr. B.'s account the plant after being thus transplanted into a fine rich mould grew vigorously, and soon spread over the land. After some further discussion, which we must omit for want of space, the following resolution was agreed to On the motion of Mr. Watson, seconded by the Chair- man, it was resolved that this meeting recommends as the cheapest mode of obtaining genuine grass seeds for lading down land to pasture, that the best meadow land be mown at three or four periods during the summer, and the seeds preserved and mixed in the manner described by the chair- man." DARING ROBBERY.— On Sunday evening last, (while the family had gone to a chapel at Petimark,) the dwelling- house of Thomas Rees, a respectable farmer of Porthkerry, was broken into, and £-10. in sovereigns and silver, which had been put by to pay the rent, was carried off. David Ma1.ey, lately residing at Newbridge, had been lodging for some time in the house, and had followed the family to the chapel, and returned with them to the house, but upon some suspicions being hinted he suddenly absconded. Various parties are in pursuit of him, and it is hoped he will soon be apprehended. Much praise is due to Banner, the St. Nicholas police constable, for the judicious measures he took to prevent the ultimate escape of the offender. We have since ascertained that this burglar, who passed as David Mazey, is William Maxey, a deserter from the 11th regiment of foot, also from Newbridge. CO WBRIDGE. COWBHIDGE FAIR, Tuesday, 5th instant -The fair this day exhibited little or 110 improvement upon the late fairs. There was a good demand for heifers-incalf, which sold readily at good prices. loung cattle, especially steers of two years old, rising three, were also in tolerable demand. But fat stock and oxen were in very little request, the former not reaching more than 4d. per lb. Sheep about fid. Not- withstanding these facts, there seems to be a general impres- sion of a speedy rise in the price of cattle. Horses have long ceased to be a matter of interest at these fairs, and wo do not wonder at it, when we look at the animals that are produced. POST-OFFICE ARRANGEMENTS.—A special meeting of the proprietors of the Bristol and Pembroke mail was held on Wednesday week at Cowbridge, when it was agreed to start the mail from Bristol, at two in the morning; the up-mail to arrive in Bristol from Hobbs's Point at midnight. This will be an accommodation both to Cardiff and Newport, and some of the other towns in the Principality, but of no ad- vantage to the trade of Bristol. The alteration, probably, will not take place till the commencement of the new year. SUDDE DEATH,Mr. Jehosaphat Powell, aged 73, a lespectable farmer in the parish of Margam, was found dead in bed on last Sunday morning, the 3rd instant. He had attended Bridgend market on Saturday, and he appeared to be as cheerful as ever. He returned home and went to bed, in the morning when breakfast was ready, he not making his appearance as he always used, to do, his sow went upstairs to his vedroom tj ascertain what was the matter, when to his great surprise he found his father a corpse. It appeared from the manner he was lying that he must have died almost immediately after going to bed. He was a kind neighbour jind much respected by all who knew him. An Inquest was subsequently held on the body, before the Rev. D. Davies. After a patient investigation, the jury found a verdict- Died by the visitation of God." Mr. Powell was chairman of the late meeting at Kenfig, held for the purpose of taking into consideration the state [of the hundreds of Newcastle and Ogmore, and was most active in his opposi- tion to all toll-bar impositions. It is deeply to be regretted that he did not survive to see the good effects of his indefati- gable exertions in favour of the poor. MERTHYR. Mr. Alderman Thompson arrived at Penydarran House, from Tredegar, on Monday last. The public in general will rejoice to learn that the worthy Alderman is quite convalescent. We regret to state that the scarlet fever is raging to a fearful extent in this town and neighbourhood. Pentrebach seems to be the out-door theatre of the tem- perance-men's self-denying labours for some time past. It appears, also, that they meet once or twice weekly in their Hall, near the Market-square. With what success, the ten breweries in the town and neighbourhood know better than we do. A troop of the 4th Light Dragoons arrived at this town on Monday last, at one p.m., from Becca's territories. They balled by the Castle Inn, and were ordered to their different billets, according to arrangements, where they did justice to substantial dinners, which had been prepared for them after a ride over Breconshire hills. The struts from Coedy- cyrnmer, down southward through Tydvil-street, over Mor- lais Bridge, and the upper part of High-street, as far as the Castle, exhibited one mass of human beings, anxious to see the Dragoons." At half-past eight on Tuesday morning they left for their winter quarters at Cardiff. MERTHYU MARKET, DEC. 2nd, 1843.—Our commodious Market-house this day, as usual, was most plentifully sup- plied with all kinds of provisions necessary for the sustenance of man. The following is a list of prices taken on the spot from the mouth of two or three witnesses" :—Flour, 4s. to 4s. 4d. per 28 lbs. Hay, f3 to £3 10s. per ton. Oats, 2s. to 2s. 6d. per bushel. Mutton, 4d. to 4;d. per lb. Beef, 3d. to Gd. Veal, 4d. to 5d. Pork, 4d. to 5d. Bacon, 6d. to 7d. Geese, 5d. to 6d. per lb. Fowl*, Is. to 2s. per couple. Potatoes (advanced), 16 lbs. for 6d. Onions, ld. per lb. Apples, Is. to 2s. per hundred. French apples, 2s. 6d. to 3s. per ditto. Cheese, 3d. to 6d. per lb. Butter, salt, 8d. to 9d.; fresh, 9d. to lOd. per lb. Eggs, Is. per dozen. Turnips, td. per lb. Vendors in general were loud in their complaints that it was a very slow" market. The northern street by the market-house (called by some, it seems, Victoria-street), reflects great discredit on some par- ties. We can hardly believe that the highly-respectable proprietors of the market-house can be guilty of such dere- liction of duty as not to repair forty or fifty yards of a road if they are, let the spirited butchers memorialize them on the subject, and we pledge our honour that they will immedi- ately attend to tieir complaints, and redresss their grievances. Captain Napier paid a visit to this town on Tuesday last, and, if we mav judge from outward appearance, found the utmost tranquility prevailing amidst much poverty, owing to the depressed state of the iron trade. INSPECTION OF VEIGHTS AND MEASURES. — Butchers, grocers, warehousemen, &c., were summoned on Tuesday to the market house by Mr. Edward Williams, Inspector for the district. We regret to state that some were found de- ficient, and were, of course, condemned by the vigilant inspector. DOWLAIS NATIONAL SCHOOL.—Such is the success at- tending Mr. Jenkins's mode of instructing the rising generation, that it has been found necessary to have an assistant. Every phi,illlthropist sincerely wish them success in their important vocation. Great praise is also due to Sir John and Lady Charlotte Guest for their kind attention to this institution. DREADFUL AND FATAL ACCIDENT.—The inhabitants of this town, in the neighbourhood of the railway-station, were thrown into great consternation on Wednesday, the 29th ult.. The morning train left a few minutes after nine, and having proceeded as far as the Dowlais branch weighing machine, when the brakesman, Robert Blight, aged 22 years, was thrown from the footboard of the carriage by, it is conjectured, a stick that was projecting from the pitwood truck of the Dowlais Company, which was near the railway, and the wheels of the carriage passed over his body, whereby his left thigh was dreadfully lacerated that amputation was considered necessary, which was most skilfully per- formed by Edward Davies, Esq., surgeon, of Cyfarthfa iron works, and Thomas Dyke, Esq., surgeon of this town notwithstanding he died at six o'clock the same evening. At twelve o'clock on Thursday an iiiquest was held on view of his body before William Davies, Esq., coroner, at the Angel Inn, in this town, when after the strictest investiga- tion of the whole affair, and the examination of many wit- nesses, it was proved to a demonstration that no blame was attached to any person. The jury, therefore, returned a verdict of "Accidental death," with a deodand of Is on the carriage. He was buried on Sunday afternoon, at ■Mortliyr okurohyard, and his funeral was attended by all the servants of the Taff Vale Railway Company in and near this town; and a grrat number of Hie t.-wlesmen were present. Blight was highly respected by all who him. The Rev. Mr. Leigh, vicar of Eglwysilan, officiated in the aec|,i^ interesting and solemn service.