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HARVEST.—The harvest in this county has been retarded by showers of rain and thunder storms during the past week. Comparatively, only a small breadth of wheat and barley has been cut, some in fine condition, some too hastily. The quantity and quality of the crops are alike various: the samples of wheat and barley on some lands are beautiful and productive; and in otlier-cases the crops are thin, and the ears small and meagre. Wheat and barley in the Northern Principality of Wales are very pro- ductive-there are, we think, fewer failures in these crops than in some parts of Eng] a lid .-Shrewsbury Chronicle. RAIL ROADS.—-It is in contemplation to form a Rail Road from Manheim to Basle and the Lake of Constance. CARPET TRADE--It affords us much satisfac- tion to state, that ^'Kidderminster the carpet weavers are fully employed.. The manufacturers have de- clined many orders in consequence of the advance in wool having rendered it impossible for them to be executed at the late scale of prices.— Worcester Journal. DUDLEY.—The state of trade has much im- proved here of late. Indeed, when the iron trade, which has mended, is good, all classes feel the benefit of the improvement. Still this temporary relief is no reason why a vicious system should be continued, or injustice not be rooted out, wherever its frightful head is visible. NEW CHANNEL IN THE MERSEY. — We feel great pleasure in being able to congratulate the enter- prising merchants and ship-owners engaged in the trade of this port, on the success whieh has attended the exertions of Lieut. Denham, aided by Lieut. Rob- inson, (who were deputed by the Board of Admiralty to make a survey of the river,) in ascertaining the ex- istence of a new half-tide chanDel, at once affording a most valuable and increased facility of navigation in the approach to the port of Liverpool. We are in- formed that the advantages stated to be comprised by the discovery of this new half-tide channel are these that a maritime intercourse may be pursued at all hours, and that a channel to seaward is progressively forming, which affords, at the present time, twelve feet water at two hours' flood, and seventeen feet at half-tide that a ship coming in with an easterl y wind can stand up the Crosby Channel, approaching from the northward, at as eai-lv a period of the tide as the Rock Channel affords,-Lirerpool Standard. LITERARY PURSUITS.—At a meeting of the St. Ronan's Border Club, at Innerleithen, on Thursday week, two sweepstakes were shot for, and both won by Mr. James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd and a race run, with spectacles on, was gained in grand style by Mr Henry Glasford Bell, Advocate and Poet. William Hepplewhite, an apprentice on board the Indian,of Shields,lastvear purchased an old clothes chest for 3s., which on being examined by the Custom House officers, at Cork, where the vessel is now de- livering cargo, was discovered to have a false bottom, under which were found upwards of 2,0001. Duruam Chronicle. DREADFUL EFFECTS OF INTOXICATION—An in- quest was held last week in Shadwell, on the body bf an elderly woman named Eleanor Smith, who came home on the previous Wednesday night deeply intoxicated, and shortly afterwards fire issued from her room. A person who entered the room found her with her head leaning on the grate which contained firing, her right arm burnt literally off, her head nearly severed from the trunk, and her heart and bowels protruding. She appeared to be in a sitting posture, with a short tobacco pipe in her hand, which it was supposed she was attempting to light at the fire place, and that in stooping, as the grate was very low, she overbalanced herself, and from her extreme state of intoxication, was unable to extricate herself from the dreadful situation in which she was.—Verdict Accidental Death. I A G-RICULTURE, COMMERCE, AND LONDON MARKETS. LONDON CORN EXCHANGE, AUG. IP. In this day's maket, which was tolerably well attended by London and other local buyers, but rather thinly by those from more distant parts, very superior wheat and oats were said to have been sold to some extent at an advance of Is. in some few instances 2s. per quarter; and beans, which advanced Is. per quarter towards the close of Friday's market supported their advanced position but with mid- dling and inferior wheatand oats, as also barley, pease, malt, and flour, trade, notwithstanding the above- mentioned moderate state of the week's supply, was exceedingly dull, at last week's prices Linseed and and tares, as also caraay, lucerne, and rapeseed, are held for, and in some instances selling, at somewhat advanced prices, but in other seeds very little is ) doing. s. S. ■ ° AVlieat, Essex Red 4H a 54 White 35 a 40 Fine 55 a 57 Boilers a 42 Old — a — Beans, Small 36 a 38 White 54 a 55 Ticks a 32 Fine. 56 a 58 Harrow a Superfine GO a 62 Oats, Feed 1(» a I" New — a — Fine 18 a 19 Rye 30 a 33 Poland a 20 Barley 2G a 31 Fine a 21 Malt 55 a 58 Potatoe 23 a 24 Fine 58 a 60 Fine a 25 Peas,Hog 32 a 33 Brail 9 a 111 Maple, 33 a 35 Pollard,fine a Maple, 33 a 35 Pollard, fine. iii a I LONDON COAL MARKET, August HJ. Price of Coal per ton at the close of business East Percy, 14s-Hollywell, 15s-Taofield, 14s 9d -Townley, 13s—Wvlam, 14s 3d— Lambtou Primrose, 14s 9d—Merthyr, 20s—Stone Coal, James & Aubrey. 26s—Wall'sEnd Clark and Co. 13s (-)d-Ul ilda, 15s —Hotspur. 14s 6d —Killinsw' th, 14s Od—Riddel's, 16s to 1I)s 3d-Hetlon, ltis Gd-Lamblon, 17s— Russell's Hetion, 16s 3d—Russell's Lyon's 14s 3d- Stewart's, Ii, fid—-AIUS^'OVC, l;)s-outh Durham, 15s 3d—Tees, 16s 6d—Ships arrived, 39. AUGUST 21. Beaumont, 13s-Dean's Primrose, 12s gd-Het)- burn, 14., 3d-Ulolywell, 14s 9d-Orde's Redheugh, 12s 9d Tanfield, 14s 9d-Townley, Us 3d-West Hartley, 15s 6d—Wiliington, 14s ()d- Wylam, 14s 6d Lambton Primrose, 14s 9d-Cowpen, 14-s 6d-How- ard's Netherton Main, 14s—Stone Coal, James and Aubrey, 2fls Nevell's Llanelly, 20s-Wall's End, Bell and Brown, 14s 9d—Ditto, Bell, Robson, and Co. 14s 9d-Ditto, Carr and Co. 14s 3d-Ditto, Heaton, 15s ôd-Ditto, Hilda, 14s 9d—Ditto, Hotspur, 14s 6d -Ditto, Killingworth, 14s 9d-Ditto, Newmarsh, 14s 9d—Ditto, Northumberland 14s 9d-Dltto, Rid del's, 15s 9d Ditto, Hetton. 16s 3d-Ditto, Lambton, 16s 9d-Russell's Hetton, 16s—Ditto, Stewart's, 16s to ls 3d—Ditto, Adelaide, 15s-Ditto, Musgrave, 15s —Ditto, Tees 16s—Ships arrived, 64, PRICE OF TAr, LOW AND CANDLES, IN LONDON. Whitechapel 2s 9d-St, Jairies 2s 10d s. d s d Town Tallow, per cwt 30 0 Greaves 14 0 Russia ditto, Candle 4'J 0 Good Dregs 5 0 White ditto 0 0 Curd Soap 0 Melted Stuft 37 0 Mottled ditto 70 0 Rough ditto 23 0 Yellow ditto 02 0 White ditto 0 0 Curd Soap 0 Melted Stuft 37 0 Mottled ditto 70 0 Rough ditto 23 0 Yellow ditto 02 0 Imports from St. Petersburg, 10,594 casks. CANDLES.—Moulds, 9s—Stores, 7s 6u—Inferior, 6s 6d per doz. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, AUG. 20. The transactions in the market this morning were trifling, but towards the close an animated demand took place, particularly amongst the speculators, and it is estimated that about 6000 bags have been disposed of, and au advance of ID per lb has beenobtained. 600 Marans at 12*D to 12fd 700 Bahias at 1 LJ to 12jd 150 Egypt at 14jd 2(X) Surats at 7JD to 8JD American description at 9d to 121d






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