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RESIDENCES IN nRTH WALES AND I ,H I:;HI H E. Wife F, BROWN & Co., Chestkr, Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers to the Princk of Walks will, on application snd post free their list of BKST HOUSES TO LKT. with o\her useful information. I A HE-ISSUE OF Cash Price List IS NOW READY. lITE invite every housekeeper to put our prices n to the test of comparison, feeling confident they will realise the advantage of purchasing at Our establishments. A copy of List sent free on application— E. P. JONES, SON A- Co., ItHYL, AND BRANCHES. ( Electric Treatment is a Sure, Natural and Permanent Remedy for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, and Obstinate Constipation. JUST ADDED ELECTRIO BA TH8, AND THE MASSAGE T RE ATMS NT AT THE HYDROPATHIC. BATHS AND SPLENDID BILLIARD ROOM OPEN TO ALL H. M. WALKER, 3413 Manager. Mr. A. Cheetham, FEGIzTEKED PR OFESSIONA L PHRENOLOGIST. (Member of the British Phrenological Associa- te, n, and Medical Electrician), lias opened liis NEW PREMISES, 30, QUEEN STREET, RHYL. Where he will give PRIVATE DELINEATION OF CHARACTER, ELECTRIC TREATMENT. & ADVICE on HEALTH, Daily, during the Season. Special Rooms for Consultations, and Electric Treatment, and a Spacious Waiting Room. ELECTRICITY as applied by Mr Cheetham, gives no shocks, is a pleaant boothing current, and can ùe ased 10 advantage iu cases of Rheamstism, Indigestion, Toothache. Neuralgia, Nervous Exhaustion, Paralysis, Headache, Liver Disorders, Ltc. Call and see the list of TESTIMONIALS. (3329 H. OLLO WAY'S QINTMENTJ Old Sores and Old Diseases. The eel; fT t1:se aisoruers are e!iecttl:1¡) expelled by thl penetrating L'I:ent. n.t unly irura the superLckd parts. bui freln the iUll.f1;al tWuC's tokxv\vi>e. Any c.i.-c, eVn of v*enW pears' .stndjn;. pecd11r yields to its influence. A Certain Cure for Bronchitis Sore Throat, Asthma, &c. "For curing ?;>re throat, l/ron-h-'i->. nsthma, tightness o> the clicst and pain in the side—which in.*>tuut treatment ah'tie prevents 0. generating int«> n1urc serious maladies, this Ointment has the a;e power over Chft complaints a a blister possesses without c..a.vin.^ pani or debility. (Jld athmatjc invalids wjj. derive marv.-lluiis e3se from the use 0f this Ointment, which ha* brought r<>un< many -uch sufferers and re-estabiisiied health after every other means had signally failed. Bad Ltgs, Bad Breasts, Old and Ulcers. Ty rsl.-binc the On.tr.ieiir r. v.m! t'.c affected pnrts. it pene- trdtc. ;.y thc ti.u :s ))c:¡c..¡th. and exercises a \t:wJerftJ power on a 1 the I !<x-,J r1f;WIl) lO, ait] returning from, tb Ji:-eased part. i..j i:i.'i.i:iniuci<>ii diminishes, the pain Lccuuies les- ltUoieraLlf, '.he n:r.tter ihl' kcr, and a c-.ire is -■•on effected. In al! longstanding eases, Hoiiowny's Pills -1.d<1 also bo taken, as they will thoroughly expel ail deprave i humours from th bouy. Gout, Rheumatism, Joints. Gout nd ;¡ri:,e :1-,lil inil.inimation in the part affected. To effect a permanent curc, adopt a c ■ ol ny diet, dïi:l! "icnty uf water, take six uf Koiluway's "ill.-j night and "turllin¡.; and rub this Ointment most effectually tv. io: a-uay into tin. suffering part.- when u.-ecl simullanct us'.y, they drive ail inflam- mation and depi cssioii fr-)1l1 the system, lbtÜh; aiul remove al. 11¡.lr,II,cl of the; joints, auù lea ve ;ie .Jul muscles Ll" and ÙUC""Lracted. Abscesses and Piles. Unv ■ rymg :.iLLC: .iHo.-Jb ad 1: !re,Ji. these t1¡'f.e" accordine ;• I he umple t,r;llbo direction* wrapped round t:H.h Pot. A ,.ttle attention, moderate |jersevcr;.neB, and trilling ex- pense, will enable the 1J10t diffident tu conduit any ease [u a nappy i.v.e wit!ft t.xpv»!!i;j 'Heir infirmities t ainoiie '1 he Ointment anvst, the spreading intlamnuUti; restrains the excited vessels, cools the overheated skin, alleviates Uirt-bbtic anil smar'in^ pains, and 0'ives iunnediate ea.-e aiid a'aaial' 8Ure. ¡""[[oltill:} ("UIII)' '(I in t" — Bad I.css Fi.-tuiiiS. Scalds i.'ad l.'r^sts Irjui N,rc- llm-M.' liitmjs U andttlur b-ve!l- 1 Ms<a..<» ] 'Ul1tt;ns ing .>M:iiy L'l'.ilb^.iiiis j f.t'.mbtijO .s.ire lleuts Chapped Uands Pies I uni' ur» L'ontraet-r! and Khci-.a iU-;i I k. s Stiff JMr.ts oorf Ni-ples Wo-nds Corns (:>u;'t) Sold It rr- or frJ\ i-n v.'s .b'hn-r'.l. 78,New Oit'ord Sc. flato 533. Oxford Hi ), Loudon; also by i.f y ■ the Civ.al in i: \c- a m 1' i~ i; ;<! FuU L't i:1' 'r' V ■ 1, 1 ■ r. I.1 .Hill I' x. ■O.l I 1. !■; V H.B. — Advice Or ::L at th*r ;¡::{: ad •: ess, daily, between the of 11 it ..1 4, or by letter. Mr, ,f.- EDUCATION-La Chatelaine Morillon, near • Geneva. for Young Gentlemen. Mr. C- Thudichnm.M. A.,Principal. High IU and long-standing reputation for its superior trainiiifr.moral,mental, &physi- ca. Pupils individually studwd.r Most SWITZERLAND. t alubrious situation; eight acres of b»?au- O fr 11 I). tat" ground?. Prospectus on appliration. T>ASSAGE to AUSTRALIA^-Fares from ■ £ 13 13s., including bedding and mess utensils. The splendid sailing ship IVANHOE, 3C00 Tons (Captain J. R. GEORGE, 1nll be despatched to MELBOURNE on 15th. carrying all classes of passengers. Passage money Saloon. 40 guineas; 8e"ond class, deck berths, 20 guineas aÎ1d third class from 13 inclusive of ship kit.—Apply to HOT. LDEH BRGS. <k CO., Hti, LeadenhallJstreet, London. E.C. A certain and reliable oure. — tegtimonjata^ ^1——— m j — HASKELL'S "NEYEK FAIL" Powders. In bou", post free. 1 3, 3 4 9. Apply JACKSON & CO., New Rrond Street, nli h'viists. DELTA & CO., 16, Featherstone-buildings, i- Urn 0n'c- rning wires, three horses, la. bd., s?KI> • special mid-day wire, oi:e horse only, la. livernn^) Established 1880. Woi goodwood Stakes, St. Leeer, &o. CO" PLACE,OXFORD ST.XONBOX.W TMooio u.OD,ini-0ions executed daily. Xo Limit. SPORTIVC TA?vt° Adc ress—" Ovf.rpa y, London." TVT/Vt7T<V Pw ket Book free on receipt of address. i\ r^LTIES! One Ageiit (either sex) Handsomp ( /?„ ,Tnm«dia.t„'lv in every town. Enormous Sales. X»rticalar« "P^sion. St?nd$stainns at once for samples, full r\ tonns to THE NOVELTY CO., READING. £ 45 COMPETITION £ 45 FORmiSST'S holiday for nothinb. Note.—I ivili give .£45 in Three amounts, viz. t„ £ 3 £ 1°, £ 5. To those *^ho solve 4, s, and 6 of the following w^a-»-ise letter ;■ uaJ>?Pose<i. Ao Catch. Each group of tetters for, 8 Jon-n, when placed in their rrnnsr order. TJie. are 3 Towns jn England. 1 in Ireland 1 in &;ot land. 1 in Wales. Note.—Should only ove solve G Towns h»„ she will rpceive .£30. If one only solve 5 will receive £10 If one only solve 4 will receive £ 5. The following are the Towns to be solved:— FODBDEB, OBONLT. LBOTISE, NIENKYKL, FRDUMIES, CNAAEGID. Shonld two or mart succeed in solving the 1, ■ and 6 Towns, then the £ 30, £ 10. and £ 5 will be equally divided. Send solu- tions. with 16 Postal Order, and a stamped addressed envelope to the oldest and best known promoter, lTCART LANCASTER, Wellingborough, Northant*. All Prizes in four days. T'nis -known remedy for c- bears on tile stamp the name of i IIt!entor. Dr..T. Collis Bl'Owne. JONES & SON, Liverpool House, Abbey St., St. Asapli. an Khyl TTTE bave pleasure in quoting the following YV as instances of our PRICES :— LIE BIG'S EXTRACT— s. d. 1 oz. jar for 0 j 2 oz..jar for 1-1 { ib jar fur 2 3 1 lb j,u- fvr 4 3 L RAN US Jj- Brand's Essence Is. tid. tin for 1 2J Do do. ■ • OJ. tin for 2 Concentiated Beef Tea 8: Beef Jelly 2 Oitin for 1 H Essence of Chicken 2s. Od tin for 1 k BOVRIL— 2 oz. tin or b.ittie ••• 0 114 -1 oz. ùo. do. •• 1 7 8 oz iii). 0.0. 2 11 10 C7. ùo. do. 4 7 BO VILLI ON FLEET— H oz, tin or bottle 6 -H i f. do. do. 13 8 oz do. do. 2 3 VALENTINE S MEAT JUIOE- -is. öd. size for ••• 3 3 FAHTNACROUS FOODS- Dr. Ridge's Food Is. OJ. box for 0 10 Nenves' Food Is. nd. tin for 0 Bender's Food ts. üd. tin for 1 3 2s. 6d. tin for 2 2 5s. Od. tin for 1 0 Savorv & Moore's Food Is. Od. tin for 0 S4 „ 2s. Od. tin for 1 4} Meilin's Food Is. Od. tin for 1 IV %t „ 2s. Gd. tin for 1 10 Du Barry's Kevalenta Od. tin for 1 8 <( 3s. lid. tin for 2 10 tis. Oil. tin for 4 9 Nestles Food Is lid. tin for 0 8 2s. Od. tin for 1 4 Florador Food per öd packet 0 3 (A Delicious New Food ) Robinson's Patent Groats Is Od. tin for 0 S Chapnvu's Entire Wheat Flour ••• Is. size for 0 8 Allen & Hanbury s Food Is. size for 0 Riziue (New Foodi h lb. packet 0 3 „ 1 lb packet 0 õ A Visfi CORDIALLY INVITED. Orders nei Post or L airier promptly attended to. NOTE THE ADDRES-I LIVERPOOL HOUSE, ST. ASAPH, AND ABBiiY STREET, RHYL. C3270 T M. DAVIES, Dispensing & Family Chemist, BODFOR STREET & WEST PARADE, Begs to announce that his Branch Establishment at Victoria Buildings," ia now OPEN, replete with FRESH DftUGS & CHEMICALS of the finest quality, and a choice assortment of INVALID Sr TOILET REQUISITES T.M.D. tenders his best thanks for the support be has received in the past, and hopes to be favoured with a continuance of esteemed patronage (3346 EST A BLISHElJ 1836 FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE. STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, (TBAXX AUXILIARY COMPANY LIMITED.) 42, GHESBAM STREET. LNDON, E.O. Subscribeis, by obtaining timely information, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. Every Trader shonld read 8TUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, With wbidl i. issued a Supplement containing LISTS OF CREDITORS under all the important Failures. The Commercial Registers contain m' re than W SIX MILLION ENTRIES. DKBTS UECCVEKED Willi I'KOJIPI XTUOE. BRANCHKS at CHARLES STREET CHA VBKKS, CARP1FF, Belfait, BirnitugLam, Bradfoid, Brighton, Bristol Oubhn. Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, ilanohester, Newcastle, Norwich. Ports- mouth, Sheffield, at d 53. Conduit Street, London. SVB-f).FFICE-42. CASl LK STREET, SWAN- SKA, Bluckburn, Cambridge, Cork, Verby. Exoter, Gloucester. Grimnby, Hariley, Iluddersfield, flail, Ips- wich, Leicester, Limerick, Londonderry, MaidstonP, Middlesbriro', Newport (Mun), Northampton, Notting- ham, ('xfor!. Plynioath. Preston, Reading, South- ampton, Stockton on-Tees, Wnterford, Wolverhampton. Worcester, York. according to reqairMnente PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to any of the above Offices. i thEO TP.A'J^ Have nrot'i'd le^ejieial lo thousands and (lfe used and reconimended ly the leadiny Oculiats and gen thnen <>f the Medical Profession as a Loon to those sujferiu;/ from tailing or imperfect si j lit. Henry Lanranee's Spectacles— Are clear, coo!, and never lire the eye. Henry Laurence's Spectacles— Assist, stlengthen, and preserve the fight. Henry Laurance's Spectacles— Are a rereidy for all dtfeds of Henry Laurance's pectaclcs- Have the largest sale in the world. Henry Laurance's Pamphlet- On Spectacles, their use and abuse." Containing Hundreds of Testimonials from Medical Gentlemen, the Clergy, &c., whose sight has been bene- fited by osing these Spectacles when all others had fniled, to Le obtaiued gratis, on application 10- TREHEARN & AIJNSWOHTH. STATIONERS d- OPTICIANS, 165, & 166, WELLINGTON ROAD, RHYL By whom theso celebrated Spectacles are old. N.B -AJ1 Spectacles Stamped H.L.,without which non genuine. 3194 CURE fSI DEAF. PECK'S TUBULAR CUSHIONED EAR DR. :r$ 1. PERFECILY OVERCOME DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES, whether caused by colds, fevers age, r,r injcrries to the natural drums INVISIBLE, self-adjasting, and comfortably worn months without rmova1. All f'onversalioD, ven blspe;-s. beard distinctly. Successful wh"re 311 oiier lemo lies have failed. Sold only byFUREMAN IIISCOX, 351, BKO.VDWAY, NEW YORK. U.S.A. Illustrated book and proofs sent FREE, Solid Gold Mounted. 5. per pair: Silver Mounted, So.00 or £. 1 (h. 8d. per pair. Safe delivery guaranteed by regis- tered post to any part of the world npon receipt of draft on London or Paris, or money order. Send age and ex of patient. 3632 /HBAP PRINTING.—Tradesmen and others who J require Printing executed with Economy aná Despa'rh cannot do better than patronise the "Rhyl Journal" Printing Work*, 30, High Street, RhyL S PR ATI'S PATENT POULTRY MEAL. Roars Chicks from the shell. I I Coin>noit\Sense ol Poullri/ Rearing :id. Post Free. Of nil Dealers, or of SPIUTr'S Li-.a'tc.l, Bjrmoadsey, London, S. E, 2909 T SI A BLISHED 1851 BIBKBkOK BANK, S ivsthauK.t-ij B.nldings, Chau>.ery Lace. THkEK PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repajahle on deniaod. TWO PER CENT, on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on minim inn monthiv ùaaucp", when not drawn below 1:100. StOJKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES purchased aud soja. S \.VlX;i S' DEPARTM ENT. For tie encouragement of Thrift lhe B*uk receives small surn on deposit-1, and Interest, atthc rafe of THREE PER CENT, per annum, on completed £ l. The Jllt"re5t is addad to the priueip..1 (,ll tue 318t March annually FRANCIS RAYENSCUOFT. Macag! r. HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO f! GUINEAS PER MON'llI. OR A l'i.OT OF LAND FOR FIVE SMILLtNG-i PER MONTH with immediate pi#s.-js.»ion — THE Bt ALMANACK. «i'L fu'l particu- larM, can Ie "L:eil¡t:;ù 1,0,1 free, wi a; till' a'iou t.) FRANCIS R A YEN SC RO F'i'. Managtr. SoathauiptoD Buiidiugi, Cliancery-Juus. 2900 BENSON'S "Liiss&n" WATCHES Are the Che.iyo '-t. nest V.iluv. the Strongest, and the Dumljlo Eriy'>li Vvat-he. ever made. THOUSANDS of Owners, in every position of life, now uing them in all parts oi the world, testify to their splendid Timekeeping and great strength. BENSON'S "LUDGATE" WATCHES Are made in thousands, on an Improved Interchangeable System. They are not liable to failure, hut possess Extra Strength, greater freedom from accidents,and Higher quality than any other Watches sold for Double the money. BENSON'S "LUDGATE" WATCH Is the Modern Three-quarter Plate make, not the ordinary old-fashioned full plate as sold by other makers. SIZE. In Silver Cases In 18-ct. Gold Cases Best London made THREE-QUARTER PLATE ElIgliÛ Lever, Jewelled, 13 action*, in rubies, Chronometer Balance, Patent Enlarged Barrel, Patent Dust and Damp Proof Rinjj Band, Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength and Value of any Watch yet made. A Xe(t and 1le¡rant size (as illustrated) For Gentlemen and Youths, or in Extra Small Siza for Ladies. In Handsome Sterling Silver Cases, with Strong Crystal Class, je5 5s. In 18ct. Gold Crystal Glass Cases. Gentlemen's size, £12 12s. Ladies' size, in Met. Gold, £10 10s. BENSON'S "LUDGATE" WATCH WORKMAN'S SIZE. Silver Cases Silver Cases Same qnaii ty Three-q narter Plate English Lever as described and illustrated above, £ bat. of Spcial Extra Strenplh throuprhout for Workmen, In Extra heavy and S.'erlinir Silver Crystal Glass Cases, enirinc turned and polished. An" Extra Lanre and Extra Strong Size of the LUDCr-YTE WATCH for Railway Men and Miners, Mcasnrbg indies ùiameter For fuller description of the Lndcrate Watch see Ulustrated Pamphlet, post freo on application. cltt!1Jøl Will send any of the Watches, toco!her with Warranty for correct pcM'ortrance, to any part of the world free and at his risk, on receipt of P.O.O payable at G.P.O Bank Draft,or Cash. BENSON 3 GLODI^S for the house, of every JJ kind, in L'reat v:«r:-ty and of the newest designs, from £1 to £ .500. '1 lie Lrest and newest stock in L<nvl'>n. Presentation Committees invited to view the Show Rooms, or to scad for Photographs. BENSON'S CHDRCH & TURRET CLOCK3 Estimates and ad vice free. Just, completed the Great Clocks for Portsmouth Town Hali, Ashton- undcr-T.vne Par'sh Chueh, Faversham Church TrawiiruVeTowu IIcll. Lockerbie Town Ilall, Ac. Ac' BENSON'S STABLE AND FACTORY CLOCKS. Silent. Ali5: Striking, £ 50. Be>t quality, wt'h brass wheels, pinions, 2ft. Gin. dial, with ;1,1 needful lines, weights, Ac. BENSON'S Turr.^t Clock Factory is the largest in the City of London, and only the best quality- is made. BENSON'S JEWELLERY and CHAINS in j3 tine Gems or Phun Gold of best London make. Many thousands of novelties at manufacturers' prices. The and Newest Stock in London. Selections sent to the Country on receipt of a reference. BENSON'S ENGAGEMENT RINGS, of special and exclusive designs, in endless variety, Bet with the tinest selected Gems, and of be-it London make "Speciality" Brilliant Rings, at £5, £]0, and £20; Selections free on receipt of reference. BENSON'S PAMPHLET, the largest and best of its kind, containing over 2i1(¡ pages of Prices and Illustrations of every class of WATCH from 23 to £:;00 CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWrELLERY, PijATE. and TURRET CLOCKS, new edition tllBt out, sent post free on application to      Esta-b. au¿ de/JlIJ01l¡ 1749. ilAKER TO H. M. THE QUEEN and EOYAL FAMILY, Tni ADMIRALTY, WAR OFFICE; INDIA OFFICE, etc., etc., THE STEAM FACTORY, 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL- Norton House, La Belle Sauvage Yard, and 1, Boy Court, E.C.; 28, Royal Exchange, & West End House, 25, Old Bond Street, W., LONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUBS.—These Clubs were first W originated by J. W. Benson over 40 years ago. Applications invited for Agencies, which form a con- siderable increase to income. Full particulars po" free. THE CROWN pERFlTMERY Co's Delicious New Perfume, 4#ac*3twaa. j" 1RAB A PPLK n^OSSOMS fw O A 15 (Rk«D.) KXTBA CONCENTRATED. I Deliphifully smeet and piquant, ,1 ^jVjSl; wi'h a yprinK like freshness find S** Ajfe, frfigr-n-e thai will commend itself to -=J:i:itoIIJi:\l. a Journal. lï.t.C\\()!¡ffl:Mri\YC,.1 A perfume that never cloys, but is —■ always fresh, and, being highly con- e>-fh cowc»rBAT £ 3 centrate<l. retaina its odoura long time.' ;j'j ? |j 'Highly coiicei.trate'l, ana very ^Jlasting, and therefore eeonoiuical in t V./ k iiDS(1- few drops suffice."—Ladie* ] k:v/c:d vicHDOt :j Pictori'd. ¡: 171 k:v/c:d vicHDOt :j Pictori'd. 1?7) NhW BOND ST., LONLON SOL]) EVERYWHERE. G U I E E N A! (REG fSTERED). FOR RUES, HEMORRHOIDS, "C" (.5r:.¡ Tlie Prop-ietor of Gu bena hegs t) siftfe (hat hav iag s'udii d the above couipl,-tit;ti f..r s m' vesri, hai hUf.cieded ia p,o !(;citi, -ta InfVlible Ointintnt, that is »uir«n!et;.l lo fii ethi- ('"s" ia a few dllYS If those who stiff-r and the e are sr. mativ) will give it a trial th-y wilt hud the trn'h of the above, and wi 1 admit that is is a bo m t» -uff riiig I uinanity. SOLE ADDRESS- J. HOWARD, 21, Kinjj Street, Hammersmith, London. Directions—A small portion to be used once or twice a day. PIUCE 2s. 6d. POd r FREE 2s. 9J (3435 T T,-T LUTE to AUSTRALIA.— 1 ÿ a n- orit | a n r • f, a-n-r oCR T VENISON vi 1 be sp it c i r.1I1 i.O.M)' on MAY 23 f v >YJ>XEY dnejt, aAintc as ♦•n r o :lJl An t'.a i-m a .d X C'r Zt':aL-J.n:l rorfs. '1 bis s'ei"' r.sp c'a y a. t f.»r !he Au.stir'.iau trade, has oxcei^tinn A rtceoniuiori mon tor saloon passengers. Marble Saloon, ladu-s D-/wd:nr, sn.oki; ig roo.n, piano. batii^(hofc and cold wafc'T:. Snrireor. nnd s -oj^^ctric li^hf j*.i2 t:,roiitriiout. THIRD-CLASS ACCOMMODATION "UNRIVALLED. For luli T-articdirs apjdv C. WM. MILBXJXIX & CO., Billit nr-avonua, London, E.C. ITHOMSONIS "GLOVE FITTING" CORSET. FERFhCTlOiS SoN by aU Drapers. One mdaon pairs annually. ImTSLII^'l < ^AGL0VE|^ FIH^kE^Abs? )i^'<A' "ie -=- -1 Lr d., :1 anufa' "l1r1-! s. Made in Unjths, VI, 14, ahd lo inch. To be had of i J. talb TT, i" j) 60, High Street, iUivl T|re"Ft"5^ n JW.JCsi.^w .4 W ji's&A. JL~i-J.il, £ F 19 f f >'m 9 i f. r* r* g ,(' l f ..11 i RED ■ GREY mmf HOSE. 63, LONG ACEE, LeNDON, W.C. p J In Patent i'irejiroof Plaster Cases—the ONLY Safe IvTIG-iir LXGHTS ask for Clarke's Patent, and see that you get them. 1"17:, '7 oil; vjehMKaareaeSesiseftps*1'1 J, II. ELLIS, Wine & Spirit Mei'cliiint, 11, k 12, Wnter St., ltliyl, WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN WlXi- S. bp A\„ ( Iir.'r US. Ac. llass & Co's and Ind. Coope & Go's Ales, and Gahux ss>; Stow in 'M.d s iJalloa '"asks, a »■* in b :itles of all sizes. Sole Agent for the Anglo-Bavarian Ale- ami /ra.-b's Pi: ner Las.ei iluer. ELLIS'S MINERAL WATERS. FOR HI(J-N CIGARS, tfv.,$c. 11 E T';ADK SUPPLIED ON L'PERU, TH.-PiS- F->K CASH OXLY. SAMPLES and full Luts of all Wines, Spirit- C-L.tts, ie., sent ou apidi- a'iou. .-=-=-=-=-:=.===-=-=-=-=- -=-=. A,1;:?-iiÄ'       -=-¿/ -S. —i, v r, < i,t '■ '• •••'• XN. N- ii 'x •• ^7-— iw }. I < 4 A \mWmt m i /■ -vr- m -===.=- ",L, .f/tr¡. i.i:"i1Ii/I¡I/iI!I!V!íffi!IYj7jlf,                                                          .[¡\J; 0 ;laiilf¡;ffp!lI1 /;11/Mlij7f/¡ï $/ICl-Yi7,L —— L. L f AÇ 00F- t, A á A J?r75" {:i' ? rjITY 0P MANCHESTER.-LOANS.-The Corporation are x)ie;>are<l to KKCEIVE LOANS of JCIOO and upwards on the security of the City Rates, for throe or more years, at £ 3 5s. per cent.' Communications should be addressed to the City Treasurer, Town Hall, Manchester. Wil. HENRY TALBOT, Town Clerk. TOBACCO & CWAE3,-MDŒD PASCHS. Every reqnisitD for the Sniohcr in One Order MINIMUM of TROUBLE. MAXTMULI of PP/'F-TS Tl<e /("'low ;>n N'-n>; f"chnpi J I (!<(■ Tobirr.ns ifl nt th", r /.i.-it r. i;!UA t;t: I'A ri>: Wills, < -ope. 1 risnor.t, (i! t. hiT. Tathlr. O-<T •. Phil ips. 1*1 Marram. Aieli- r. (;<> 1- J nr- (iv.-ii'i'w-, Clarke, r.r,tr:k-(.o:t, Ki-an.-dv, 51 errs, l.i clit-il. f a.i: b, 3; Il, Hf.ee, r.a.ni llutli r, P.ic'e, Goo.lv. j. Kia;.(. lii"fr.-rs. Hi! ioi .l Kitnl):tll, Hich- nior.d. C:iv^t:«»»h Coin" a-iy. Cawli. l.'<mlar«l. -Vc., Arc. In.-h I.oil. Tar?.-Ht. I :,»&«, fine. :i »:i oS'.er Hard Toli.f also Flakes ShaT- Vi. pmi-is. Cut (tavpiuiish. Xavv Curs. :7\Ji;:t:ITf'.o:. anl tverv dpcrip jon or plain and fal.cy Ciit T< b .ccos ot standard ij^al.iy at lowest pric-os. ifinn.t'ih o' /'e foUniri, I!n.'s. r<I l.ist P/ ias: -Goodwin, Allen Cii.ter, Kinney. Kimball, An Hon Fumeur, Wills, i'jayer. I.a7nlx:r; ,V Bntltr.C(,]Hõ. :\íp:ltchr¡no Nestor Gianaclis, :U('z. iinrl other lebfhriK l-VP'ia:i anil Turkish lton -cs. PKIXISH GJGARÐ fr„m 4 to 20 rcr If O. All earefullv self ou-.l iitid w li mlttiire i. The leading popular lira-ids, and the tartfi st and most vari'xl Stoclc in the United Ki doin. Havana, irexiraii. Man) ia, Infliaii, ar.d Swiss Cigars and an IItll",p:a.lleol s lee ion at Imporiers' I'ri"P". T..bM'conisfs' Fancy (ioods, including 'In la'est Novelties, aiul Smoker. Sundries of every description at current rates. Carriage ) a>d on j,arc Is of £ 2 upwu df to nnii ft'ijion in England. Send Pest Carl for detailed Price Lists. SINGLETON & COLE, LIMITED, Tobacconists' Factors, Tobacco, Snuff. Cigarette, and Cig-ar Manufacturers and Import rs, Cannon Street, BIRMINGHAM. Xl^EAK MEN VITALHESA stops all t wasting of the vital forces, restores lost vital power, and gives perfect health, strength and manly vigour. ONE 2,9 bottle (secretly packed, post free, 3 -) will cure every case. HowojopjIthk^Bkmbov Co., 2."i, CitAKr.orTE St., Pohtsmoctfi, CRICKET GADNTLETS, BATTING GLOVES, &c. Cheapest in the Trade, beat quality. Price list free. T. P. IjEK Si CO., Lim., Deer, Chamois, Buff and White Leather Dressers and Sellers, Manufacturers of Cricket, Cycle, Fives Gloves, real Buekskin Walking and Driving Oloves, &c. 24, DUKE STREET. BLOOMS BURY. LONDON, W.C. PAQTI F WEEKLY SERVICE from UAO I Lu LONDON to the LINE G0LD FIELDS of SOUTH AFRICA. ■ For all information apply to the Malingers, DONALD CTJRRIK & CO.. Fciichurcli Street. LONDON; or to A, (i. Pinfh. E.-tite A cent, I.liineurlno. iminM I IMC for the SOUTH A FRIO\N~G0Ln UNlUiVI LIlvL. JtlELDS. T11E ROYAL MAIL ani JSTEUMKUIA-1'E STUAMEUS sa-.l from S<„,tham,>tv>i every Friday for South and F.ust African Ports. Calls madeal; Lisbon, 31iitle.irn.iiml Ciiwir,, A;.ply to T1IK UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY (Ld. Cunnte float!, SouthamptGii, and SouLh Ai'ican House. !H to ».i Pishopsgate Street. London. SouLh Ai'ican House. !H to ».i Pishopsgate Street. London. STAMPS, STAMPS, STAMPS. Old English, Foreign find Colonial Stamps wa sled. Highest !>riees uiven for old coliontioriS. Serd stamps, etc.. (In [11'1)\ fd or write fn Hugo Giiikbkrt. 1;i. North Crescenf, Kedfoi-.l-stj., T.ohdoti.W C £ 45 CASH. £ 40 CASH, The above very handsome amount will be given in FULL, but in THREE SUMS, as toilows £30. sio. 3. You will not be disappointed, nor "jJl arty fur II. t; lc be set, but the money will be promptly paid, as rmlows &E30 to those rt-or, ,ir>o;>,ij the n:; 7, make THREE VERSES in fl", Ifon." of J OB. 10 to th, I IV <> I" E/iSEs. 25 to those vjikii: <)S]"EI!SE. 1st Verse. Dna ojb k»aps adn iasd. 2nd Verse. Tye amn si ronb tonu otrebul sa het aksrsp lfy pdrawu- 3rd Verse. Tm ispl asllh ont keasp ndsseeikwc ron ym gtnoeu tretu eeitcd. Send your Lst of verse or verses with 113 Postal Older and Stamped addressed envelope to GORDON MAYNE, 1M, ASYLUM KOAD, PECKHAM, LODOX, S.E., By July 30th. All Prizes in fo,r da. I can only say use your ingenuity, it will not be unpleasant, and may be very profitable. Borough and COUNTY BOROUGH of LEICESTES. The LEICESTER CORPORATION are rrepared to accept LOANS in snms of not less than £100. sccurecl by Debenture Bonds, and sul jeot to -ix months' notice Apply to THOMAS COLTMAN, F.C.A.. Borough Accountant, Town Hall, LEICESTER. AGENTS Wa A7.1 TED for efficient a-,id telling i,ovh]:.j. Oi'ders easily obtained; commission lOo/o. Goorl bl1>i!Je men wanted in every town in the U.K. All agents doing well. Novelty does not clash with any trade. Will sni", any oi e worki: g ether agencies A->p!v to' Z., 12H, Narrow Street, Limehonso. London, E. Ask !iir bloot- JJA Atrr M A H A F F VIS "T I P-B ITS for n. >v 1 oots and rej airs. Ont- vear 3 or ^ordinary tips or heels. Wholesale: Tie-i;rrs Co., Sraidenheud Coutf. London, E.C. I IRI HDAY CARDS. Beantitui Hand-painted J C'ards. as t*- iTinted fards an.1 more appreciated. 3 sd,.ct_e<) G. post f,e. -8. Fi)b,-I-t St., Ijce!ir.er-. EVERYONE SHOULD TRY THIS, OVER JCIOOO ALREADY GIVEN. O(or two-thirds entrance fee) will be oWWv/ given in 10 Prizes of £ °i each to the persons counting correctly the letters A, E, I, O, U, appearing in this Advertisement. There is no catch, r-imply count the letters, capital and small, in the whole of my advertisement, not merely the words underlined. All can do it, no matter where you are, whether in a railway carriage or by the seaside. I have decided to carry oat my Competitions throughout the summer months, und claim to be the originator of Advertisement Competi- tions. If only one correct, the same will receive £50, but in ease of more than IO a second FREE taRk wi'l oe set the successful ones. Simply write' the total of each letter, with name and address, and No. 13 at the top left corner, enclosing P.O. for 1/-and ld. stamp, with stamped addressed en- velope for result before July 20,result July 26. See amount already ffiver,. J. GRAHAM, 58, HOCKLEY, NOTTINGHAM. FOR YOU! II 1 n given to the person who arranges A. w most of the following live sets of letters to form narres of English Rivers. Only one possible answer to each. 1.S1.VNRE; J.THMEAB; 3, THNET; l.OSUE 5, MERSYE. First arrival £ 1. Closes July 20th. Prizes Aug. 1st. Entrance fee, I/ The Competition Journal free for 12 months to all who der, J. HUGHES, 27, Owen Street, Broughton, Manchester. DECAY OF VITAL POWER.-A FREE REMEDY — Results of •arly errors removed. Cause, trea ment, and cure of Physical Debility, Nervousness, &e.. with particulars for self- ireatment.- Address W H. Browne, Esq., 19, Walpole Terrace, Kemp Town Brighton,|Su88ex. Printed aud P IVriLBUEtf LItfS to AUSTRALIA .-The foi- -L> lováEg In:1 :n i!iCt1 t passcn.- cr steamers will h despatched as follows: Toti< For saihns Port Victor i.T'J.i 100 Al Melbonnie A: Sydney Aug. 5 Port Albert 3,5fio l(v Al Melbourne At Sydney Aug. 20 Port Chalmers ;(,SOO Kid Al Melbourne A: Sydney To follow. These steamers lun-c excellent accommodation for saloon and third-class xiassengers. i'3m'geoll, Stewardess.—Forfait parficu- lars apply to Win. Milburn & Co., BilIiter-¡VellUe, London, E.C. '11 F' -.SI.. 1:; LAOS BIffIIIS 1J rä '3 l'd E DIRECT FROM THE MACHINES. SEND for fli" Wondoi-ful 10. Parcel, carriage paid, containing 1 pair Iaco Ciirtains, PI yards long, 58 inches wide; 1 pair 3 j ards, 40 inches wide, taped edges; 1 pair Antimacassars, 36 inches long; 1 Lace Handkerchief: 13 yards Maltese Lace. One Sntin and Lace Antimacassar, f uU size, given with each parcel. Money returned (lwit approved. ALSO A TRIAL PARCEL DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. I will send 100 yards Lace and Lace Edging, 1 Lace and Muslin Apron, 1 pair large Antimacassars, 3 Silk Lace Falls. CalTiag8 paid, by post, 5. Also the 1/-Parcel containing 1 Lace Apron, 1 Lace Handker- chief, 6 yards good Maltese Lace, 6 yards Edging, 12 Engrav- ings, and 1 Packet of Beads, carriage paid, for 13. All Shop- keepers, Hawkers, and Auctioneers should send for price lists. W. COTTON, Weekday Cross, NOTTINGHAM. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS. IMLIjiA tlD & ii:u:-a(t-lle Tni»les. Imrnense Stock, 9_ Lists free.- «. EDWARDS, Kii-gshvr.d Road. London, T, ACE! L A C E I Send for the WONDEKFUI. -°SHILII3G TARCBL containing 11,ace APRON. 1 Lacb Handk- 1:1:0iik.f. e.d«. Goon SfALTrsK Lack, 6yds. Enoiso, 1- a v an.1 1 Packet Head. sent carriage paid for 13. W i.OTi-. N, V.'cekdiiy Cress, EAM E-t.40years. .I T A LADY'S PLAIN or FANCY WOOLLEN « £ 4 3 and 0 6. PAT TEUXS FREE. A:-? iyT. II. C'ait, 11 oi-foi-th, near Leeds. C-AS ENGINE..S, GAS ENGINES.-The COLNE ENGINEEB.ING COMPANY, Twickenhani, Manufacture the simplest, cheapest in the market. Price for two-h.p.. only £ 45. Send for circular. AGENTS WANTED. Id VOrft f \4\VeUGi}'B CfttUillowcrs & Brussels; «t It S^c.,cheap. Send for list. W. Home, Pevry Kill, Cliffe. Rochester. mo LADIES—in ia. jtm.E lir.JiKin' for obstructions, J- Arc. Before trying another remedy send stamped euvelono for particular- of this. MKi)]cus,Glenroy.Fawcett-rd..Sor.th-;ea. OSTEND, BELGIUlk.-Sea Batlis. SEASOX from MAY to NOVEMBER, rj,, 150,000 Visitors. ±ni3 iashionable and much-frequented sea-side watering- plaee—summer residence of the King and Queen of the Belgians -offers yearly greater attractions. Regattas, pigeon-shooting, races, nsning, boating, children's races, Arc.; magnificent Kur- saal, daily concerts, two orchestras of 70 performers, organ recitals soirees dansantes, children's balls, grand balls, festi- vals. Casino, theatre, Park Leopold, sea-bathing. Regular sea communications with London. Royal Belgian mail boat.3 between Ostend and Dover. Three services daily; passage, three hours. Distance by rail from Paris, eight hours from Brussels, two nours. Hydrotherapy Establishment. -i vA\ «•> 1' v iJLi.So *?" 5 j *.{)a«xnjVL ,s..t:ot q i|.t: jo: |i pjuc.p puw'y.iipiMop'padd^B^ 'S'tuom.i.w naat tti jjs.tiHiiii! A tj 'H'TA I'l HSI'IOICT f;'t°3r[ ex j" •> Mi .>i.vasl naAat fc-j-. w-t .1. ,T .I.JVod.U U1 1, H IUO(1943(9^ ,s.I'Ba. C ":VlBj{ f'c.J;S .In f-f.!P!A(Jr "roH S 'å IaAI!S BUTI -.nvi'dCiL H.KrTJAi ako Ai-oi'iv sim.) A\■!AU.;i l 01[t IO .T.H1JT3 'paiaj -s;-i.-od jo n.mpvt .iq pirj p.'5; -Hu j.js'jvot-iq poutoods t";unou!.c .iu} a.<p.io o.injo po,t jo i-.Paoa.t ».:o 'Niacins' jprn "0'2 <u°ptIOlJ&Il30tTO^8^ptl'I ^3a4sJJSptjg E/vtva*" -.t ia?s o ,\C iSSHDXVM i>JR!)XV&\ ,ia t- f .,rr. ,j •(ume* BH nsi !Lta.. ;h«K £ :o-\y .-w .S; > rxt >' IX.j AilXS 3(IAH'« ^lSrtooo aaujiav so.u a«Vl 'si-f-i.r, *3T«!><' -oijuinuid 'Sat •}.lods '■ S.WIW OiV -p.I ,w:|uut .i .:)t[i raoaj soiotp jo oiv^ vv; )T.Oott 7SJEW ILLUSTRATED LIST- MUSICAL TT. 3!hN 1 s- !IA-SS. liKfiI>. STliLW. Dl.UH and flPK cailly rtrJuceJ price- post iM u-u; t'oi" r'i1 -men's Cn])s, Old Insti'Uiaentsl.y any muki'i- wi* tiikeu m (lood second. & COndder"field, Nk4, -YM E IRAIV., I,, LSS 0 U I 1 -E L0 I T T S TriF VEG-TABLE TONIC). These Bitters -,issibt dizestion, promote jand facilit-ate circulation, strengt nerves and mu3cles, parify the blood, and brace u-o tll,3 system generally. As a purely they have no equal. Being t,,iftpd v7ith highly tonic and di tive prop-,rties they are peculia-.ly adap5L'aa to persons suffering f-om depression of relaxation, intiscuiar, fiatu[elcy, sleep, of tho Livor. L.ur O.I;LY LY Llf4liTED, 1 SOUTI-I WALES.        ":¡J & \-{;;{. -1] t fj" -=-==-j:\c'ilj -:====-=-=: iblie-bed 11.1 PEAKCE aud JON, al ;)1 ..tiigu ^ccl, l\byl ill the Pariaii of JUimddlau, cquuty FUui, 4. 4<