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Election Addresses. DENBIGHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION, 1907. TO THE ELECTORS OF EIRIAS (COLWYN) WARD. Ladies and Gentlemen, In offering myself as a Candidate to represent Colwyn; on the County Council, I come forward as erne who has long been connected with the district and deeply interested in the welfare and 'ty pre.s.p.an -),f Colwyn. In Elementary Education, I fully recognise and accept the principle of Public Control, while I am most .strongly IN favour of evewy parent having the right to decide, the religious instruc- tion which shall be given to his child. The extravagant expenditure of the County Council' appears to me to demand close atten- tion. The County Rate has been nearly doubled during the past ten years irrespective OF all expenditure on Elementary Education, and at the same time the County has been saddled with a HEAVY load of debts. If elected, I will endeavour to make my voice heard on the Council against reckless expendi- ture. which is injurious both to the ratepayers and non-ratepayers alike. > To this pro wing and' popular nealth RESORT, it is most important that the roads should be kept in perfect order, and I see no reason why the roads in West Denbighshire should not at least be as well kept as those in East Denbighshire, and as one WHO uses mem continuously, I thank that I can, with modesty, claim to be an auth- ority on their condition. Another matter of great importance to all those who reside in a health resort is—the admamstra- tion of tb?e C,o.n,ta,??,io-Li.s Diseases of Animals Acts e -ab- 1894 +,0 ;903, inip,smi-i?ch as th ,health of the p lic del,enid,s? almast dir-ctly c? n the 1-i-ealth of the nieat a-, als of the dis- q(3. m?ill-I producing ,,nim t?,ict, ?,s ni,ajorit?, of the cc)ntoiqi(',U?S, and in- FACTIOUS diseases of these animals1—such as Tu- berculosis', Anthrax, &c., are communicable to man, and the prosperity of the framing and breeding1 community of any district depends on the health of its stock. T In this respect, Ladies and Gentlemen, think that I can be of particular service to you, as. I have spent the whole of my life in study- ing diseases of animals, and for many years have acted as Inspector under the Act for tnis d?'Istrict. I :,Iic?T)e t,) call -on vou, p?e,rsionally befoj-e the PolliT,i" Day, tn,d I ttust, Imeanwhile,, that vo?t, Wi',l n' -iy cytb?er C,a?d,i- ,)t your Vote to aT date, Yours obediently, FRANK BOOTH Tv Gwvn, Colwyn, 26th February. 1907- 170 T- TLLO! JAD CYNGHOR SIROI. SWYDD DINBYCH, 1907. AT ETHOLWYR DOSRAN EIRIAS (COLWYN). Foneddiigesau a Boneddigion, Wrth ?vnyg fv hunan fel ymgeisyad i ?n- t-ychioli C?n-ar y Cynghor Sirol. Y? ? dod ?n. rnlaen tel un sydd wed. bod yn ?yllt? ?r dLbarth er-s amser maith, ac ?sydd yn cymaryd dyd.dordeb dwfn yn muddiant a llwydddant y lie. r Mown perthynas. i Addysg Elf?nol, 7?? y? cydnabod vn llawn yr egwyddor o Boblo?idd, tra ar yr un pryd yn gryf ynJM_ i bob rhiant sael hawl .i benderfyn.u natur yr Addyssr Grefyddol roddir fw blant Ymddengys i mi fod treulion afradus y Cy ng- hor Sirol vn galw am sylw nedlduol Y maer Dreth Sirol bron wedi ei dyblu yn ystod y deng Tnly,nedd diwedd,af, a hyny ar wahan i bob treul- ?au yn n-glyn, A,, A?ddly,sg Elfenol, ac at hyny y Mae'r Sir w?-di. ei li?vytho A clyied dlom. C)s ctl-?ol'r fi, b?,d,d i mi ytndrechu co-di fy ll,ais Y'ri etbyn 'treuliadau diangerirbaid, yr hy,ii syd,d yr un? mor niweidiol. i Dreth,dalv?,yT a rhai heb f,,?,d yn talu trethi. -iiy,d,dol a phoblc),ga,dd gyrchfa,-n ie,(-hydo-I g3, f,el bon, y mae yri bwvsig iawii fod y Ffyrd,d yn c,,Iel e, cadw me,?,n ?refii briodol, ac nis gallaf -;rdd rha:,nbai-th Dwy, veleK! -un rhe,sr?.Irm d!ros i ff- relin,ic)l Sir D?tiinb,,ch ga? I eu cada, mewn gwell e ty-efn na'r eid.:d)o? CTicirliew,i?nbaith y Sir, a,c, f-el u-a -'Ydd, yn eu defnyd,dio yn barhaus,, gallaf beb frif f- hunan y,n awd?,urdod aT eu by CY -9.WT. a-rail o bw?isigrwy,d,d mawr cl cyrcli,fan i-echyd,ol y?dy Iw gnveinyddia,d Ded,dfau C'le-fyda,L HeintiLis m,ewn Anifeil?iaid, T-S94-1903, vii I chy-d' y cyho,edid yn dibynti ,ym;.iint a bod i,e brl(,n uniongyrc'l-??c)l aT yr anifeilia;?d m,ctdant -,m gig a Ilaetl-tl ac fod m-\vyafrif hc-itrti- yr a,i,f,-iliaid h?in-egis tubeTCUIOSiS', anthrax, &-c.?-n clueddc,l i g,a?el euL tro,s,,Iwycl?do i ddyn- ll,A-Vddiant y d,osbarth amaieth- ion. ac -,T m.,ie h??,d eu yddol n- y rhanba?th Yin d,ibyn-u aT 3-el- Yr,, y c.yfei,ria?d hwn, F<)ne,d,dig-esau a BoTied,d,?,,ion, cre?daf 3r g,allaf fo,d o wasana-eth n,c-illd?t,oi 1, ch,wi, i,gaii fy B,-int?au Anifeiliaid ar hyd fy ous,, ac we?di bod O,M',qyn7d,da,u IT-n Arolygydd, dan y Dd-edd'f. (7,-Dbeithiaf yii ber- allu ?galw 'Ydia -chwi Oll s(,,nol cyn Dyd,d, yr Ethc) Z, cyfainser, hl,T(iP-T,af l?i,ad, ac yn yais i'r Uri 11'a wnewch addaw eich Pleidl ymgeisydd arall. Yr eiddoch yn ufudd, FRANK BOOTH. Tý Gwyn, Colwyn, Chwefror 26ain, 1907. r? I.AN CONWY A LLANELIAN-YN-RHOS. ETHOLIAD Y CYNGHOR SIROL. 1 Anfonwyd y llythyr canlynol i'r cyfarfod gyn. haliwyd yn Ysgoldy Plas Llanelian nos Lun diweddaf gan Mr. William Jones, Ty'n y Wal:- Gair at Etholwyr Sirol PI wyfi Llani&antffr.aid Glan Conwy a Llanelian-yn-Rhos. Fonedigesau a Boneddiigion, r Am nas gallaf fod yn bresenol, yr wyx yn dy- «iuno datgan fy mhleidlais mewn ysgirif DROS ethol Mr. D. Mac. Nicoll i'n cynrychioli yn y Cynghor Sirol, a hyny yn ddiragrith, oherwydd fy mod yn oanfod ynddo gymwysder a gallu 1 lanw y swydd yn mhob cyleh ag y gellir meadwl am dano. Sylwer fod ei fanteiisnon aodysgol yn dd.am- henol, ac hefyd y MAE ei alwedigaeth fel Goxuch. wyliwr y ddwy Etifeddiaeth, set Coed Coch a Bryn 'Steddfod, yn ein gorfodi i gredu ei fod yn sgwybod mwy am amg-enrbeidiau y ddaoi Llwy Uchod nac un dye arall y gallwn F^DIWL am DANO yn yr holl gwmpasoedd; ie., cofiwn ma- aid dyn yn byw mewn. cylch bychan o alwedig- aeth ydyw MT. Mac. Nicoll, megis dyn yn ym. ddiibynu ar werthu rhyw itii gaiagc o atigeni- rheidiau y Plwyfolion, ond dyin ag sydd yn aWvbod beth vdyw gwerth llafur yr Amaethwyr A°r" Gwedthwyr vn mhob cylch; ac oherwydd hyny, gaii amddiffyn y Plwyfolion rhag eu goi- iethu trwy godi y trethi, pa rai sydd eiisiioeis yn FEICHIAU anhawdd eu dwyn. Hefyd, vr ydvm yn cael yn y boneddwr hwn ^id yn unig alhi i wtxeud daiond, ondi y egwyddor ag sydd wedi gweithio allan y gallu HWNW yn E^LUR i bawb O honom er's blyuyddau bella-ch, sef°CAM ei gymydog fel ei hunan mewn amryw ffyrdd. megis Hylewdra LR Amaethwyr a r Gweithwyr trwy godi y tlawd, dyrchafu yr '?ll?,g laf, a chefiiogi pob ,hen?us, meddy,giniaethu 3, c "Welliant, gan wneud yr hyn fydd,o yn ei allu bGb ainser. "Am hyny, i fyniy a fo,-Hwre! Rhown arwyddair iddo; Gwr yw na cheir ei guro, A dyn fu 'n iawn,-dyna fo." Yr eiddoch, WILLIAM JONES. Tv'n v Wal. Llanelian. Election Addresses. I CARNARVONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORS OF LLANFAIR- FECHAN. Ladies and Gentlemen, Three years ago you did me the honour of elect- ing me as your representative on the above Council. I have again acceded to the request of a large number of electors to offer myself as a Candidate to represent you for the next three years. I have been a member of the County Council from its commencement, 18 years ago-the last twelve years as your direct representative, the six previous years as a County Alderman. I may conscientiously state that I have not be- trayed the confidence which you have placed in me during those years, but have endeavoured, by strict attention to the duties which I had to perform, to fulfill all promises that I made at the last election. The record of my attendances at Council and Committee meetings shows that I have attended no less than 75 times during the last three years. The Education Act of 1902 is still in force. The present Government have made a strenu- ous effort at the last Session of Parliament to settle this great question, but was frustrated in doing so by the action of the House of Lords. Wales, has been most fortunate in having the above Act administered by the Liberal Party, who', by their moderate and wise policy, were able to avoid adbpting the same course as they have done in England:, by which over 80,000 Passive Reisistens have suffered the indignity of Police Count summonses, and all having their goods distrained, upon, and a large n-umber suffered various terms, of imprisonment. If the same course was adopted in Wales, our prisons would not have been large enough to hold the Passive Registers. For the last five years, the main principle in- volved; in the Education struggle has been that of Popular Control, and Abolition of Tests, both of which I heartily support, as well a.s a Nation- al Council of Education for Wales, and for pro. vidiinig suitable sanitary buildings, whether. Pro- vided or Non-Pwvilded. for carrying, out the work of Education withini the County. Several of the Churdlandl Conservative mem- bers of the County Council advocate and sup- port the above policy. The present Government evidently are deter- mined that Education in Wales shall not suffer ) at their hands. Only a few days ago they ap- pointed two eminerut Welsh Educationists, en- tirely to look after Education in Wales. It is most important that when the Govern- ment do legislate that the administration of such laws shall not be obstructed by a hostile party, and I have not the least doubt that legis- lation.-]! in this direction will inevitably, sooner or later, be effected, and I believe that the re- sult of .such legislation would; be satisfactory to those immediately concerned, and beneficial to the course of Education. The present County Council have been most careful of the financial interest of the electors. They have succeeded since the last election to reduce the County Rate from 6d. to 4d. in the £ Having lived amongst you all my life, and having taken a deep interest in everything in connection with the welfare of this parish, and being one of the largest ratepayers, I earnestly 1tppeal to you for your su port. ?p I hope to have the opportunity of explaining to you I-D)7 views i-rioi-e fully, at i Ptiblic %Teeting, ?vliicti will be this 'Fliursda.v, the. 28tli inst., at the Public Hall. The l?',Ilectioi) take,; place on March 2fid, when I *11 recor(i vour votes e,-(rlv in my favour. tiope yoli w?, I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, ROBERT HUGHES- Bron-y-Maen, Feb. 20th, 1907. "<1" -P' Miscellaneous. 16 'WORDS, 6d-; 3 WEEKS, EI,SH JEWELLI,'RY NOVELTIES. Costune Brooc 'I-i, is.; Welsh Coat of Arms W I, Brooch, is.; Leek Brooch, is. 3d.; Silver Collier's Lamp Pendant, 2s. Gvvalia Oxydised Keyless British Lever, 21s.. post free; catalogues free..— Gibson, Jeweller, Pontypridd. A73° OW to make Cider from waste apples. in- H structions, is. postal order.-(3eorge Henry Gowing, Mulbarton, Norfolk. A716 ARCELS of good smart left-off clothing, alL P ?kinds, 2s. 6d. upwards; bales ?-i to ?io. ,Frocks from is., satisfaction guaranteed.-18, IGlenburn*e Road, Upper T- 00 -I ting. A697 EAU'I'IFUI?1,Y-finistied permanent Enlarge- B ments, mounted ready for framing, 15 X 12; copied from photograph, full length or part only vignetted. Post free 2S. 3d. Write for special terms coupon.—Waters & Co., Waterloo Liver- pool. ASTROLOGY.—Horoscope, two years' future; Character, Finance, Marriage, etc.; send birth date, is. P.O.—Prof. Gould, 27, Windsor-road, Newport, Mon. A634 MR. MALAM (formerly of Victoria Pier), Palm- ist, Phrenologist, Graphologist, may be consulted during the winter months at Pen-dre, Rhiw Road, Colwyn Bay. 1607 WILLIAM ERNEST HART, Stone and Wood Carver, (late with Earp and Hobbs, Lon- don and Manchester); 25 years experience.-Apply, The Cottage, Old Colwyn. 1589 LADlES'Cashmere Dress Lengths, all colours, 2S. 1 id., carriage paid. Tweeds, Habit and Venetian Suitings, Tartans. Patterns free.— Birkett's Dress Warehouse, Bradford. A7Q9 Medical Remedies. 16 WORDS, 6d7; 3 WEEKS, u. HEUMATLSM SPEEDILY CURED. — Mr. Baring Gould, Oueenswood Road, Moseley, Birmingham, strongly recommends wonderful and cheap cure for Chronic Rheumatism. Free informa- tion for addressed envelope. DWCEFree'for~Stamp.—Mrs. Stewart, Lady Specialist, 9, Guinea-street, Bristol. A685 GENTLEMAN, blind 5 years, now see to read anything, will send particulars of Remedy free to all sufferers with their eyes.—Leggett, Elm, Wisbech. A722 'HPHOSE suffering from Rheumatism, Nerve JL troubles (especially Women's Diseas.es), should consult the old-establshed American Clairvoyant Specialist, Dr. Alan Fisher, at Gwyndy," Grove- road, Greenfield-road, Colwyn Bay. Hundreds of cures effected. 1733 IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS.—Every Mother I who values the health and cleanliness of her child should use HARRISON'S "RELIABLE" NURSERY POMADE. One application k'Us all Nits and Vermin, beautifies an-d strengthens the Hair. In tins 4;%d. and gd., Postage, id — Geo. W. Harrison, Chemist, 118, Broad Street, Reading. Agent for Llandudno—J. Winter, 3, Mostyn Street; Deganwy-H. Rogers Jones, Chemist; Colwyn Bay—J. W. Adamson, Chem- ist, Station Road; PiC nlffiaenmaWT- T. J. Hughes, Chemist; Conway-Llewelyn Jones, Chemist, 5, Lancaster Square; LlaIlJfairfechan- W. G. RobeTtsi, Chemist. RAMAES Embrocation, the one certain cure for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, is. bottle. —Stone, Westgate Buildings, Bath. A739 Apartments. RES'I'A'rYN. ?l,)unta*n- and Sea air.- Comfortable apartments' for lady or gentle- P man, terms moderate.—J. G., :c/o Alderley, Pres- tatyn. A746 Houses and Property tor Sale. [ AND IN~~COLWYNlsAY (Dundonald Road) L for Sale for erection of 6/- to 8/- per week 1 ?iouses.-Janies F. 'I'aylor, Solicitor, 7j., Lord Street, Liverpool. A744 'LOSE to Colwvi) Bay.-Ideal spot for either C Bungalo\v o? larger residence, containing ,il)out i- acres. Grand run for ooultr?, firmll)9. 0 On Sale at once.—Apply, W. F. Williams Rees, Land and Estate Agent, Old Colwyn. 1777 'v- For Sale by Private Treaty. REE HOLD.—A commodious and exception- ally well-built Country Residence; 3 enter- taining rooms, 6 bedrooms, bathroom, &c., front and back hall and stairs perfect sanitation brac- ing climate. Good stabling, loose boxes, coach- houses, &c.; eight acres meadow land, and could include adjoining farm of 38 acres. Near centre of Anglesey.—Apply, Trustee," Weekly News Office, Conway. A679 5 "O be Sold by Private Treaty, Freehold House, X Shop and Stables, &c. (newly built), front- age to Abergele Road, Colwyn Bay. Situation most central, with all modern conveniences.—To view and treat for same, apply to W. P. Williams, Llangollen. To Let OLD COLWYN.—House to Let, March 25th. Two sitting rooms, six bedrooms hot and cold water, bath, good kitchen, pantry, nice back garden sunny, pleasantly situated. Rent £ 24.— Apply, Bryn Eglwys. A749 GLAN CONWAY.—Large Bungalow to Let; detached grand river and mountain view near station.-Particulars apply above. A748 BETTWS-Y-COED.—Pleasantly situated semi- D detached Villa, known as Church Hill. Accommodation Breakfast, dining and drawing- rooms kitchen, back kitchen, scullery, pantry two bedrooms and dressing-room on first floor, and five bedrooms on second floor. Nice garden, with green- house. Immediate possession.—For further par- ticulars apply to O. Roberts, 1, John-st., Llanrwst. GOOD House, to Let, next Metropoie Hotel, in Penrhyn-road, Colwyn Bay low rent.— Apply, Davies, Fern Bank, Victoria Park. DOLWYDDELAN, vicinity Bettwsycoed, de- tached Cottage, 2 entertaining, 4 bedrooms. Partly furnished or unfurnished.—Apply Vicar. A735 0 I-E'I', March 25th, Arns'de," Wyiiiistay- Troad, Colwyn Bay. 'I'hree sltlt* 7 bedrooitis, I I boxroom, bath (h. & c.), and w.c.; kitchens, &c.— Apply, Brompton Lodge, Rhos-road. A.733 '"PREFRIW.—To Let, the Buildings, formerly ]_ used as a Forge, with good Water Power.— Apply, P. Mclntyre, Llanrwst. RAZING LAND, about ten acres or less, Cae VJ Pen Ponciau and Nant Isa'.—Apply at Bryn Coracb, Conway. J649 -HPO"LET.-—Detached villa, known as Meadow X View, Trefriw,—Hall, three parlours, kitchen, back kitchen, wash-house, five bedrooms, bath- room and lavatory (h. & c.), and w.c. Good gar- den. Immediate possession.—Apply, P. Mclntyre, Llanrws1. 162 I To be Let or Sold. "~PO be Sold or Let, good semi-detached Freehold J_ House, sunny, bright, open. It is in good style and has large rooms.; 3 entertaining and 6 bedrooms, good square hall, &c.-Apply, XY., Porter & Amphlett, Colwyn Bay. 1738 OLD COLWYN.—To be sold or let furnished, small house, 9 rooms, beautifully situated.— Beverley, Briarfield, Old Colwyn. 12.-7 Motors for Sale. 16^WORDS, ~6d; r 3" WEEKS, is. 3 H.P. Enfield-Minerva Motor Bicycle for sale, 24 splendid condition. No reasonable offer re- fused.- Williat-iis, Brynymor, Rhiwbank Avenue, Colwyn Bay. 1771 For Sale. f6^WQ~p3>Sr6d. 3 WEEKS, is. PRETTY Silver Terrier Dog, 30s., good pedigree, very healthy, over distemper.—Apply Mrs. Henshall, 8, Kimberly Road, Llandudno Junction. A751 h HEELBARROWS.—500 for Sale, low price, YV strong, hard wood navvy barrows, 13s. 6d.; general purposes, 15s 6d each. Price for quantity on application. Builders send trade card for illus- trated list of all kinds of woodwork.—Jennings & Co., 355, Pennywell Road, Bristol. XT OR SALE, Three Pipe Organs, 13, 14, and 22 JT stops; in excellent order and at very low prlces.-Apply, for particulars, to White & Sentance, Grantham. A734 POTATOES for Sale, best for cooking, large or small quantities supplied.—Apply, A. G. Evans, Bangor. yjISH.—gst. cod, plaice, and haddocks, 10s.; 5st., JP 6s.; fresh herrings, 3s. 6d. 100; smoked haddocks, 2s. 6d. stone; kippers and bloaters, 2s. 6d. box (bass selected fish, 2s. 6d. carriage paid). Exchange Tish Co., T ish Docks, Grimsby. A721 YMSH, guaranteed fresh, cleaned for cooking, X-* carriage paid, 7lb. for_2s. 2d., iolb. 2s. 8d., 141b. 3s. 6d., from Fisherman's Syndicate, Grimsby. Give the fishermen a chance. A713 UGS IZugs !-Good all wool, 7ft. long, 6ft. R "IV h 4it), Governi, ide and weig -lent Grey, only been used a little, riiuch better than coi-nmon new. I will send one post free, 3s.—H. J. Gasson, Government Contractor, Rye. A682 5, EACH, I9°7 special value guaranteed Covers, fit Dunlop or Clincher Rims Air Tubes with valves, 3s. Lists free.—Speed Tyre Co., Wolverhamptom A66I TT/1LLIAM COTTON, Weekday Cross, Nott- V* ingham. Send for sample fancy laces and lithographic designs lace curtains. (Established 1848). 662 -A-Lf-P-AP-El?s' from i-ld. per roll. Any W quatititv, large or small, at 'iioiesate Prices. Stock enceeds 100,000 rolls; all classes.- \Vlr,te class required.-Liar- I _fk)r patterns, ?statiiig nett's Wallpaper Warehouse (Dept. 281), Camp- field-avenue, Niaiichester. A663 .r^x^ANIZED CORRUGATED SHEETS, Vj- perfect, but soiled by sea water, 7 ft. by 2 ft., 1/4 each; 8 ft. by 2 ft., 1/6 each.—Butler, Bell Works, Wolverhampton. A638 BARBED FENCING WIRE, in |-cwt. reels, 224 yards, 6/6 per reel; plain galvanized wire in I -cwt. bundles, 12/- per cwt.; wrought iron standards, 1/3 each; quantity of wire in shorter lengths at 9/- cwt.—Butler, Bell Works, Wolver- hampton. Established 1828. A639 Medical. IMiE MEDICAL HOME, Colwyn Bay.—FULLY TRAINED CERTIFICATED NURSES supplied, who live in the Home when not at cases and are under personal supervision. Patients received. Massage. Nursing appliances on hire —Matron. Tel. No. 24. 1576 Farm and Garden. EDIGREE large White Pigs for Sale. BraNN,-jis, Gilts, and Sows.1-Apjply, Farm Bailiff, P l'iresford, Tarporley. A645 ROUND I-IMF- G PURPOSES.-BRE EDON LIME has been used by Agriculturalists for centuries, and can now be obtained in Bags, ground into a flour, at 11s. per Ton. 4 Ton lots and upwards free on rail at Worthinglon Station, M.R. Bags as usual. Now is the Season to apply it to Grass Land, and for Spring Corn and Roots.—Apply, J. G. Shields, Isley Walton, Derby. A710 SEEDS, SEEDS," SEEDS.A. jenkinson & Sons, Abergele-road, Colwyn Bay, have all kinds of Vegetable and Flower Seeds in stock, of good quality and at reasonable prices. All fresh in this year no old stock. Penny packets made up from bulk by ourselves. All leading varieties of Seed Potatoes, Scotch and English grown. All kinds of Nursery Stock for present planting at their Cefn Nurseries, 35 acres in extent. List on application. I7OI a LBERTS BASIC SLAG.—For prices, apply to f\ W. Ellis & Co., Coal Merchants, Abergele. 1584 FRUIT and other 'Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens and Rose Trees for sale, cheap.—Groes Nursery (near Steam Laundry), Colwyn Bay. !724 HALLQTS, firm and sound, fine sample, 3s. 6d. doz. lbs. Seed Potatoes direct from Scotland. Reliable garden seeds of every description. Send for catalogue, post free, and compare prices. Rose trees true to name, 6d. each, 5s. doz.—Hamlet, Charles Street, Wrexham. A728 REENHOUSES^^ N"o7i^oft. by "12ft., £ 20; V J carriage paid lists free.—A. P. Johnson, Wilmington, Hull. II9 POHTABLE BUILDINGS, Stables, Poultry P Houses, Potting Sheds, Greenhouses, Dog Kennels, etc. Send id. stamp for large catalogue and testimonials.—J. T. Hobson & Co., Importers and Manufacturers, Bedford. Estab. 68 years. A476 | OOK ROSES, ROSES, FRUIT TREES. Special J—/ Spring Offer. Roses a speciality. 14 acres of Roses, all hardy, best sorts, and splendid value. Now is the best time for planting. All carriage paid for cash. 12 very best Standard Roses. 15s 12 choice Half or Low Standard Roses, 13s 50 very best Dwarf Perpetual or Bush Roses, £ 1 25 best ditto, i.os 12 best Teas and Hybrid Teas, 7s 12 grand Perpetuals, 6s; 6 very best Climbing Roses, 3s 6d; 6 best assorted Rambler Roses, 3s 6d; 6 Crimson Ramblers, 3s; 6 best Moss Roses, 3s 6 grand Yellow Roses (assorted), 3s; 6 Gloire de Dijon, ,is 6cl 6 Crimson or Pink Monthly Roses, 3s 12 Hardy Evergreen Running Roses, for rockeries, banks, under trees, etc., 4s 6d 50 unnamed Roses of Perpetuals, Climbers, Teas, etc., assorted from best varieties, good stuff, 14s, or 25s per 100; IS Standard Roses, best sorts, but unnamed, 10s 6d. Thousands of all best Fruit Trees of all kinds. 12 strong Bush Apples, Pears or Plums, best sorts, fruiting trees, 14s; extra strong, 16s; 7 Dwart trained or Espalier Trees, fruiting, for walls, etc., of above, 15s. Bush Fruits of all kinds. Thousands of Ever- green and Flowering Shrubs, Climbing and Herbaceous Plants, very cheap. Write for descriptive catalogue and cheap lists, free. Roses and how to grow them, "Book," post free, 4d. Plant now,—James Walters (Estb. 5° years), Rose Grower, Mount Radford, Exeter. 1791 Poultry, Eggs, &c for Sale. WOODLANDS Poultry Farm, Conway.— Sittings of Eggs may now be booked from the following breeds :—Indian Game, Black Lang- shan, Barred Rocks, Black Minorca, White Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, White Leghorns, Salmon Faverolles. In the above are winners at the following shows:—Llangollen, Blaenau Festin- iog, Bontnewydd, Gaerwen,Vale of Conway, Llan- rwst and Ruthin. 7s. 6d. and 5s. per sitting unfertiles replaced once. Cash with order. A656 MONASTERY Poultry Farm, Caldey Island, Tenby.—Reiiable sittings of eggs, unfer- tiles replaced. Chinese Geese, 8s. each Indian Runner ducks; Aylesbury-Runner, cross; Black Minorca, Hunter's ?,tyiii, straiii Buff Orpington, cl ook's and Hunter's strain Iiid 'an Game, 5s. 'Oz.; Game-Orpington, cross for table, 3s. 6d. per doz. —Apply, Rev. Father Abbott. A743 EGGS for Hatching, 3s. 6d. per doz.—Pabo Hall Poultry Yards, Conway. A729 EGGS FOR SITTING.—Partridge Cochins from winners, 1st Special Palace, 1905 and 1906 1st and 3rd Norwich; 1st Special Wim- bourne 2nd Liverpool; 7s. 6d. and 10s. per doz. Also Minorcas eggs from grand pen blacks, 6s. 6d. per doz.—Apply, H. Simkin, Tandderwen, Upper Colwyn Bay. 1710 Colwyn Bay. 1710 HITE Orpingtons! Prize bred, exceHent \1. 'vin:er", layers; Eg,gs, now rea:1Y, Best peds, 65. 6eL, s,-cond, 4s, sdtlng. Buffs, 45. set-¡ ting.-Lee, LlandriIlo, COI\ven. Visitors welcome. A651 SIT TINGS of Eggs booked in advance. List free. Birds for Sale.—Riley, Rosernount, Upper Colwyn Bay. 1696 ell, r ?\k p r( .11, p .11, NORWICH CANARIES CITY. DIRECT FROM THEIR NATIVE or FIliibition, Breecliiig S.?ig. C'I, py Al,. ???-,y tt, "?-ty =able. ice List (?,ith Easy Pyn??,t Sy?t. free ?ceipt of addi-es?. F., A,-ia?i,.?, C,,g??,l e_tc., ?'y taogue ancl Aniatetirs' (,uide, containing 2,,5(1 tratioil?, free ?rhr? ps. Stani Llrgest collection rSinging Canaries in the iv,?,id. I,. ,Ip t'oni'ed by Roya ty V. RUDD, Bird Specialist, NORWICH. ltttO n n Horses & Carriages for Sale. () N'- AiE mo:iern Brougham, squ,are front, Wi th shafts, pole, and lugage oasket, in excellent condition. Apply at Hafod Euryn,! Tanybryn-road, Colwyn Bay. 1734 ARIZIAGES.-For Sale, Single Brougham, by Holland & Holland; Wagonette, convertible to Phaeton, by Reed, Perth, both fitted for single and double also luggage cart. All in first rate order.-Address, "X.O. Weekly News Office, Conway. All Sizes and Prices to Suit all Businesses. COBS, PONIES, WAGONS, CAP, TS, HORSES, r Sale, Hire, or Floats, Traps, Harness, &c., fo Exchange, and pay as you can. The great advan- tage of this is that horses, &c., unlike other things on easy payments, earn the payments for which you ¡I get credit as you go on. It is great economy even to buyers for cash they avoid many risks and have fair trials with view to urch?tse. Buyers 1 1 p should see these; this is an old-established place with a good assortment on hand, and does not advertise selling under various pretexts.—PARKER WOOD, 22 & 25, Vauxhall Road, Liverpool. Telephone 0213 Central. A637 INSURE IH -FOAiT MARBS IN-FOAL MARES AND FOALS. Agents required. 4_ WITH THE IMPERIAL ACCIDENT, LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL INSURANCE CO., LTD, Established 1S78, HEAD OFFICE 17, Pall Mall Bast, London, S.W, The" IMPERIAL" offers Greatest Benefits at Lowest Rates. Full Market Value insurable. All Foals Insured until 31st Dec. Full Amount Paid for Foal if Cast. Double Amount Payable for Foal I after Three Months old. Foals Insured to End of Annual Policy. Cash Payment for Barren Mares. Stallions Insured from 5 Per Cent. CLAIMS PAID, £ 350,000. Prospectuses, &c„, forwarded p»st free, » B. S. ESSEX, Manager Publications. AS'I'IiN.GS' NENN, Dictionary of Christ aiid the Gospels f?-)r f)-j,ticuia)-s of my H special offer; also list of surplus stock recent theological works, at greatly reduced prices.—R. W. Hunter. 1 and 2, Ivy-lane, Paternoster-row, London. B' I o <TRX PH1CAL Dictionary of Eminent Welshmen, 1700-1900, will be published • shortly, 300 pages. Price, 6s. Names sent to Mrs. J Rowland, 22, Abbey-stteet, Rhyl. A744 Situations Wanted. RESSNIAKEI' wishes se?,N7'ng at ladies' own homes, 2/6 'day. Atteriii'g, renovating, cut- D ting down, speciality; Ladies', girls' and boys' suits, &c.—Mrs. Henshall, 8, Kimberly Road, Llandudno Junction. A752 npWO Young Persons require situations as X Nurses; one able to take Sewing Maid's place. —Apply, Mrs. Evans, Isfrvn, Old Colwyn. 1746 COACHMAN or Groom-Gardener, six years' reference married, and no children wife able to do cooking or house work. Welsh Coast preferred.—Apply. Jones, Bank Villa, Oakland Road, Chirk, Ruabon. A726 Situations Vacant. ;ORK PLENTIFUL. Men and 'Nomen. V J Canada. Conducted Parties. Unequalled Organisation. Work guaranteed. Temperance voyages. Choice of best ships, all Lines. Ordinary Fares. Write Colonel Lamb, Salvation Army, 27, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. 1793 HOUSEMAID Waitress wanted at once. Apply Marathon, Ellesmere Road, Colwyn Bay. 1789 REQUIRED Young Lady Apprentices for Dress- making Workroom; also for Counter and Showroom.—Apply, X.Y.Z. Weekly News Office, Conway. A753 WANTED, Managers for Abergele New Tem- perance Cafe arid Club, husband and wife to live on premises; must be experienced and total abstainers. Knowledge of Welsh desirable. Send full particulars, giving age and salary, with three recent testimonials. Sealed applications (envelopes marked Managers Cafe ") on or before March 4th to Rev. J. H. Davies, Castle Place, Abergele, N.W. A741 WAN TED for Colwyn Bay, good Cook General.—Apply by letter, Mrs Dickinson, Lowood, Brooklands, Cheshire. _7 j 1 RANTED an experienced General, able to do V V plain cooking and work of small house for family of three, washing sent out. Age not less than 18.—Apply, Mrs. A. S. Wood, Gorsefield, Llanfairfechan. 1770 HOUSEMAID, about 19, for Girls' Friendly Lodge, Llandudno, ^12.—Apply, Lady Superintendent, Girls' Friendly Lodge, Llandudno. A74° REGISTRY OFFICE. JONES, 34-0, High Street, Bangor.-Cooks, Housemaids, and General Servants requiring situations, apply above address. Prompt attention given to all corres- pondence. 1773 SILOH C.M. Chapel, Gyffin.—Caretaker wanted for above chapel. For particulars of duties apply to J. Edwards, Boderw, Cadnant Park, Conway.—Applications to be in hand on or before March 23rd, 1907. 1774 GROCERY and Provisions.—Wanted a young man (Welsh) as Improver for the above trade, to live in. State wages required.. No one without good references need apply.—Apply to J. & P. Williams, Liverpool House, Ruthin. [A747 LADIES suited and reliable maids in every capacity required at Errington's Registry, Prestatyn. A745 WANTED, Cooks, Chambermaids, Parlour- maids, lvitchenmaids, Generals.— £ 12 to £ 20—16, Bay View Road, Colwyn Bay. 1741 RANTED, at once, two Cook Generals for V V Hotels and Schools also Housemaids.— Apply, Mrs. Evans, Isfryn, Old Cohvym 1745 WANTED, a strong, capable Girl of 18 or 20, as General; must have good references.— z, Mrs D. Thomas, Plas Isa', Bangor. 1731 I ) AILWAY Construction Men, all grades, IX wanted immediately. Big wages. Regular work guaranteed. Canada. Also Agriculturists, Domestics, &c.-Apply, District Emigration Repre- sentative, 26, Watergate Street, Chester. A720 7" ANTED, several good cooks, parlour-maids, VV housemaids, general servants, £ 12 to £ 20. -16, Bay View Road, Colwyn Bay. 1715 ELECTRICAL Engineers and Contractors.— Vacancy occurs in old-established Liverpool firm for smart youth as Premium Pupil or Appren- tice.—Reply, L.L. Weekly News Office, Conway. A715 OCEAN LINERS.—Persons desirous becoming Stewards, Stewardesses, Butchers, Bakers, Pantry-men, Engineers, Stokers, Trimmers, forward addressed envelope, William Breakell, Birkdale, Southport. A718 \T ANTED, General (good), two in family, VV very good home, easy place and liberal wages.—.Mrs. Coy, Waltham Lodge, Old Cohvyn. I697 A GOOD Cook General.—Apply to Mrs. Whit- A-taker-, Glardwr, Deganwy. 1707 CANADA.—Men, Women, Married Couples, Wanted. Government guarantee work. Good pay. 1000 men for railroad construction, from 8s. per day. Join parties going early Spring. Fares moderate. Particulars (stamp), Smith's Canadian Offices, Reading. A7°3 OUSEMAIIXWAITRESS W7anted.— Apply Lady Matron, Penrhos College, Colwyn Bay. 1699 SCYTHE STONE MAKERS Wanted.—Apply, Dennis & Co., Cefn Stone Quarries, near Ruabon. A708 A GOOD AGENCY.—Respectable men, in regu- lar employment, desirous of increasing their income, are invited to apply for terms and particu- lars of a spare-time agency by which they can supply clothing, drapery, boots and shoes, watches, jewellery, household requisites, musical instruments, bicycles, etc., for cash or credit; favourable terms to agent and customer.—John Myers & Co., Ltd., Box 48, 161, Westminster Bridge-road, London. Established nearly a century. A680 A BRIGHT PROSPECT IS OFFERED to intelligent and energetic Young Men in the service of the Pioneer Life Assurance Company, Limited, 31, North John Street, Liverpool. Resi- dents in Lancashire, Yorkshire, Midlands, North or South Wales preferred. Correspondence invited. [991 Wanted. ANTED TO PURCHASE.—Ladies', gents', and children's Left-off Clothing of all description. Good prices given and customers waited upon on receipt of postcard. Jones. Ward- robe Dealer, Conway. ANTED, Detached Cottage or BuligaloA, good garde", 3 bedrooiiis, i-)rettv situation Ineigh ourhood of Lla,-ifairi'echaii b I)referred.-Rigbv,, -terrace, Llanfarfecllaii. St. George's WANTED, in March, SIX-oo,-ned Countrv Cottage or Buii,,alow, al,,out Ilaid on, high ground, overtooli-,ig sea or mountain. Hauifryn, Rhyl. A727 FAI?; '\IL, l?S.-Wai,,ted 'mijie(?-ately, a regu- ',Iar suPP13, of good \Iilklat wlioliesale price.- IAppi,?,, Alplia," V?'eeklv ,N,-ews Office, Colwvn Bay, .1 17?6 a,.re Eager Buyers of old-fashioned Jewel- iW lery, Silver-plate, Antiques, False-teeth, IOld 'h-ina and Lace, whatever condition. Old C ,o 11 daily needed for use I our electro- ld a1 1 6 plating works. Best melting prices given for small or big quantities. Diamond Pawnbrokers REED & SON, 10-12, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. Estab. 1852. A394