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SUDDEN DEATH OF THE REV. DR. PAYXB, PIWFEsscn OF THEOLOGY, &C., & IN THE WESTERN COIILI,,GF,. Payne was found dead in bed on Monday, the 19th in-r., He"p: e .ched on S mdav evening at Mount-street chapel, Dt- vonport. The subject of his discourse was the love of (iod- "God is love." He declared with emphasis to the congrega- tion that he wished to proclaim this great truth with Lis clyL: breath, and such was the case. After the service, he fch very much fatigued and almost warn out. He ret red at his ordinary hour, and no one expected that his end was lieai. Not appearing at the usual time on Monday morning, the ser- vant entered his bedroom and, lo! the spirit had taken 1> flight to a better world. He by quite composed, and givin all the indie itions of having depar ei probably while asleep. Three, weeks ago, in -ejlying to a testimonial presented to him by his past and present pupils, he expressed a wish that, wh n he should be disabled from attending to his official duties, I kind Providence would take him to his rest. The Wish of U: pious and venerable man has been gratified. An inquest m s held on the following day, when, after hearing the evidence, Miss Pajne, the servant, and the senior student, the jury turned a verdict to the effect that he died from natural caus. We believe his useful life was terminated by an affection of th heart. IN a lecture at the Manchester Mechanics' Institute, Mr. }', Warren said The first cotton cloth was made in. Derby 1773 by Messrs. Meed and Strutt, and it was then prohibited by law from being sold in the market." PERSONS hawking "full, true, and particular" accounts I f trials, murders, &c., without the printer's name, are liable to a fine of £ 5 for each copy, and also to penalties for Ull- stamped news. SPANISH BONDS. —It will be highly satisfactory to the holders of the 3 per cent. Sp.mish Bonds to be informed that arrangements have been completed with the agents to pay the dividend due on the 1st of Julv next. £ 60,000 was forwarded for this purpose by the Spanish Government from. Madrid on the 9th instant, and £ 40,000 additional was to follow next day. making the sum of f 100,000 required for this purpose.