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( íl/?@fl!&ØJ SYRUP i.JI.. P., i e n; RALEIGH I O THE ALL-STEEL BiCYCLE i E| whose specs.il features with Dunlop tyres and Rturmey-Archer SmN| K3| three-siieecl gear make it so nitsch better than other bicycles. Bral E3 *V\ The HnleijjH crar.k bracket is pressed from solid sheet steel, S3I B^a v^A o, ihe finest quality and tenure. 0,vin^ to U.e complicated PH a"Ca 1 point where other bicycles are notoriously weak. &|S H GUARANTEED oF O EVER. pi B*j5$I j Send a postcard /or 1 lie Book of the Raleigh, p| j DENBIGH —W. Bi'lusk, Portland Pi»(0 gj| K| I GRESFCRO- SHONE CVCLE STORKS. ifl I 11/ RUTHIN—BEEC1I & EON. | gjl 2\?j; RALEIGH CYCLE CO. LD., NOTTINGHAM. ':1 ( j; BBHKiiJ! ll!I>i?Ip | LAMBERT & BUTLEIT5 | WAVERLEV I .It. it g Straight Cat "Virginia | I CIGARETTES f la Yotir f,iends j,I-ge ty £ H c;a.ar1 you offer them, a R| Give therrr Wavcrley Cig»r» Sj Ha e'.te.s to smoke and you car.r.ot 3 Kj fail to be regarded as a rrsn Hg Kj of discriminating taste. jk ■ F03 4* I I 20 FOR 8 I C The Imrrrir.! Tobacco Co. Lf Great |g g Y;17 Ltaaia and ¡rda:.C:). Ld. jg (Scuhn^L OF EXCEPTIONAL FOOD VALUE htQC&tj* TIT- BITS -f'. -=.,¿¡ .J MIR- URN <M0 Wi £ S The cheeriest and best paper to send to your boy at the Front. Keep him Merry and Bright. -A d. I ARMY BOOTS Uepaircl ready for w,i r. Rii(I liccled, English bend sole. hobbed or plain. Sizes 6 to 10, 5' 5,0 and G, per pair. Fostage 7d. extra. WILLIAM BARON, Government Contractor, 31 Cf 35, Kigh St., StoKe=on=Trent, /■^LOGGERS.—Wanted, ten Breakcrs-iip, 1/3 dozen, J Fares paid.—l red Hill, Kimbcrley Terrace, Chard, Somerset. BO YOU WANT 1'OSTERS to advertise your business! If BO, write for uunples and prices.—Stafford and Co Ltd., Netherfield, Nott. WE BUY OLD ELECTRIC LAMPS cd. per dozen for metallic filament lamps, and lamp caps pio rata. CORONA LAMP WORKS, LTD., st. John's Work*, __21la Road, Higbgate, London, N. T> Vgy |] Cod, lin™, haddocks, 4/- stone; frying M K fish, 3, stone bass, selected, 3/ ■ I wa 1 1 kippers, bloaters, f> box salt cod, £ 1 ewt.—LACY Sc SON, Grimsby Docks. -=- 10U8 RED MMEIMMAMM RED COFFEeT WHITE BLUE 1 For Breakfast & after Dinner. wommmsepow WOMAN'S UNFAILING FRtEXD. IA PENNYROYAL TO vi'LE'S & STEEL PILLS 86 Years' Imputation. Are tli* OUIost, Safest, ami only IMiabie Peiuedy for all Ladies' Ailments. Quickly correct and relievo til# Distressing Symptoms to prevalent with the Sex. In boxet J/3 and 3/- from all Chemists 01 post free from Sole Proprietors; E. T. TOWLE & CO., LTD., 26, LONe ROW, NOTTINGHAM. SURGICAL MANUFACTURING co. Dept. Y.. Brondheath, Manchester SURGICAL, liURBER GOODS of every description Socialists in K-jtib.T Travel- line Requisites for both sex<?=. Banrlage% Elastic Stock:nus, etc* Goods not approve,! of e*chanp;c<]. Illustrated List Free. Hot Water Bottles a sp-ciality l^OBAGGO CIGARS CIGARETTES i.v^-ry known Urarid at Maiuit.ifturors' own List I'rii.vs. Endless variety of Tohaceoni^t'i' Ji"aney IthOiIi fln.l Shop Fittinpi The Trade only supplied Opening orders a Speciality. Send for Price Lint to R!i,GTF;C,¡.¡& COi-Vv, -1 T-. T, 1, g8t^jrm\n°hani I .¿- -=- R iHAYMAN's! BALSAM I !i| CURES R COUGHS&C0LDSM III I Invaluable in the Nursery agm Bottles 3 and 3 OF ALL AND STC, MS. HtS Jw* ^w|| \S I! N\\s» ^X/Tv c, Convalescence The right food ER illness ilie digestive tract l\ remains weak for aconsi-Jerabln JLJL. period. Restoration to health i 3 perioù. Restoration to }H-:llth i3 often seriously retarded by failure to take the right food. The 'Alleiiljarya' DIET is the n:(\8t suc- cessful nOllrishmnt fnv IS in convalescctice; this palatable and easily prepared ILilk and wheaten food supplies complete nutriment in a form that is assimilated by the d -lirate stoma without diftlculty or distas-e. .Digestion is thus strengthened and lost Tigour regained. The Food that Rebuilds. Jgegj^ For Adults VJIW "N* Ccckinf or Caw't Milk { Inquired. Mad* with I boiling t/atcr on'u, J In tins at Jfô, Sf. & Gf. each of Chemists. Allen & Hanburys Ltd., London, E.C. 071 VA /T\% fe/ 4B £ t (? f RAIN- COATS FOIi FAIR WEATHER AND FOUL, FROM 37s. ad. TO 636. A WI? SUMS S ISA ISCOAT ia ia Gitpensabie to those wloitquirea llghn.dfessy and fftth'cnablo garmaut. Ia 15 indi psntible becaure it: is ccoocilllcaL lb ia economical becauie ecrves t be r UTCS6 of ft waterprcof it setfi as a clu^t co;it as rf cli as a winter coab, and can l-e relied on to give iffioienb service right np.to rle ecd, Ga'Tand iaveEtigate its Derit,. W. H. WILLIAMS, i 39, High Street, DENBIGH, I I :t. >




'1 - ¿ - ! DENBIGH. !

Appeal for (V.A.D. General…
