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SStotuB I NO PRELIMINARY FEES. MONEY LENT PKIYATLEY In large or sman sunu (not less than £10¡ ON BORROWER'S OWN PROMISSORY NOTE. Established nearly Forty Years, and now lending UPWARDS OF £70,000 ANNUALLY. Prospectuses, terms for advances, or any information desired, will be supplied fret of charge on application either personally or by letter te GRJIOKGE PAYNE A SON 3, DESCENT ROAD, RHYL. Established 1870. caLii CA>t± ACCOMMODATION £10 to J31.0CC "n these Terms for Short Periods. JR £ s. d. £ L a. d. 10 Repay 11 5 0 400 Repay 450 0 u 15 ,,16 7 6 500 „ 542 10 C 20 22 10 0 600 „ 6(5 0 0 30 33 15 0 700 „ 785 10 G SO 56 5 0 800 900 0 0 100 112 10 0 900 „ 1012 10 0 200 225 0 0 1000 „ 1125 0 C 300 337 10 0 NO BONDSMEN OR SURETIES REQUIRED. Existing loans paid off. Prospectus TENT free per return of post, apply to Manager, 24 BANGOR STREET, CARNARVON. NAiioMToAinociEn Is expressly Established and Registered Pursuant to Act of Parliament to make Private Advances without Loan Office formalities. To all Classes (Male or Fe- male) mal FROM £10 TO £1000 ON SIMPLE WRITTEN PROMISE TO 'I REPAY, for any immediate need or private use; to start in business, to furnish your house, to buy stock when the market is low, to pay- rent or rates. Cash sent by post if desired. You can get money privately here, as in- terviews are unnecessary, and references are not required. Genuine applications never refused. The advance can be paid back by monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly instal- ments or if desired the advance can remain out up to five years by paying interest only. Distance no object. In terest and repayments lowest in England and Wales. Strict privacy and straightforward dealings guar- anteed. Borrowers paying extortionate in- terest elsewhere are requested to apply to us when existing loans can be paid off and larger advances made at much lower rates of interest. It will cost nothing' to inquire, but may save you pounds, by appl} f Btrict confidence m Englisn or Wesh, our free prospectus, to NATIONAL LOAN SOCIETY, 10, DEAN ST, BANGOR, or direct to the Head Office:- 41, CopporationtSt., Manchester Established 1887. Telephone City 4370y2. NEW YEAR IS APPROACHING WHEN EXTRA CASH IS NEEDED. IF YOU ARE SHORT, WHY WORRY, when we advance £10 to JB5,000 to ALL GLASSES on your OWN Signature, at LOW INTEREST and Easy Repayments? .110 Loan, from 3s. Weekly. j350 Loan, from 10s. Weekly. JB100 Loan, from 20s. Weekly. Monthly and Quarterly Repayments taken. From A*y Distance write to us and we shall arrsmge business, PRIVATE AND CON- FIDENTIAL.—Address, SAMUELS and 00., QUEEN'S CHAMBERS, JOHN DALTON STREET, MANCHESTER- Tel. 9535 Central. T\H AKi iN Gr-0 K U T** 8 BAN h ) ESTABLISHED 1870. LIVERPOOL BRANCH: 8, DALE STREET. Head Offices: 28, Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C., and 39, Bishopsgate Street Within, London, E.G. Branches: — Cardiff, Leeds, Bradford, Dublin, Etc. Assets. £1,607,949; Liabilities, JB1,256,371, Surplus, £371,078. LOANS of £30 to £2000 granted at a few hours' notice in Town or Country, en personal security, jewellery, precious stones, stocks, shares, and furniture, without re- moval. Stocks and Shares bought and add. Ii per cent. allowed on Current Account Balances. Deposits of JB10 and upwards received Subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal, 5 p.c. per annum. Subject to 6 months' notice of withdrawal, 6 p.c. per annum. Subject to 12 months' notice of withdrawal, p.e. per annum. Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Owing to the nature of our investments, we are able to nay ratee of interest on deposits that will compare favourably with dividends paid cn almost) any class of stock OT shareholding insuring the safety of capital. We have been established for 40 years, and our posi- tion in the banking world to-day testifies to the success of our business methods, ana I to the satisfaction of our customers. Write or call for prospectus. — A. WILLIAMS and H. J. TALL, Joint Managers. CASH ACCOMMODATION JB20 TO t. £1,000. Interest 2s 6d in the £ for agreed period. P20 renav £ 22 10s. £ 50 repay £ 5 5s. £ 30 repay £ 33 15s. £ 100 repay £ 112 10s. W. JACKSON, 70, Plymouth Grove, Manchester. 7,^TtO £ 5,000 ADVANCE by Vn- jKr vate Lender on Simple Promis- gory Notes. No Bills of Sale taken and ab- solute privacy guaranteed. First letter of application receives prompt attention, and intending borrowers are waited upon by a representative who is empowered to com- plete transaction on terms mutually at- tained, NO CHARGE being made unless Business actually completed. Special Quotations for Short Loans. Write in con- fidence to „ T 0. WELLS, Corridor Chambers, Leicester. MOINEY LENT AVT HHOKT NOTlCtf 4 DVANOES of large or small amount* J-\ (from £10 upwards) granted WTiH- OUT DELAY on Promissory Note only. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. MODERATE TERMS. NO APPLICATION FEES. Business Conducted Straightforwardly. Fall information supplied, either rer- ■onallv or by poet, free of cost, and all *n- JutrieT TREATED WITH CONFIDENCE. Repayments arranged tcfsuit borrower a con- venience.—Apply to GEORGE PAYN& & SONS I 3, CRESCENT ROAD, RHYL. Established 18'71) ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 841 PILLS I is warranted to cure, in either sex, all acquired or constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel, and pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 50 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. JOHNNIE JULIAS AND g OK The onlyprsrtical JBil>?• and iV'mr fcntor* in Pwllheli and TVir"mi/inc. I I AU "ark done on T&E JShortert NotM TEAM Aberdarun to Harlech. J jSotttg. JJ^ONEY LENT PRIVATELY. £5 TO £1,000- AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE FOR AGREED PERIODS. NOTE OF HAND ONLY at the following rates — Loan. £5 repay £5 7 6 JSIO repay J31015 0 J320 repay JB2110 0 JB50 repay J352 5 0 JB50 repay £53 5 0 JB100 repay £107 10 0 JB1,000 repay JE1075 0 0 Small repayments accepted by special ar- rangement, or if desired- the advance can remain out by paying Interest 'half yearly, distance no object, can be seen personally daily in North Wales for interviews by ap- pointment. Existing Loans can be paid efT and larger advances made at much lower Interest. Strict privacy guaranteed whether business done or not. Do not hesitate. Apply personally, or if inconvenient to call apply by letter, as business can be arranged by post. You wil avoid paying extortionate interest and heavy repayments above your means bv aDpving to MR. ELLIS. ROBERTS. STATION CHAM- BERS, 15. BODFOR STREET, RHYL. I 1mi N'WRI I BUY YOUR gj I FURNITURE I I From the a I LARGEST I! I MOST RELIABLE 1 I FliiM, THE J GLOBE. I FURNISHING co. 1 I (oJ. R. QRANT. Proprietor), | I PEMBROKE PLACE 1 I LIVERPOOlm. I I Discount for Cash I 1 EASY TERMS of Payments | To Suit the I CUSTOMERS. I I FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS. | DINING-ROOM FURNITURE | DRAWING-ROOM FUR2HTURE I BEDROOM FURNITURE 1 Hundred* ofluitM in mil Cavarlngs | and Woods. B WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 1 You will Sav* Pounds by doing sc. □ GLOBE FURHISHIHC CO. (J. R. aRANT, Proprietor), 1 PEMBROKE PLACE, 1 LIVERPOOL. I CLASCQW—510 SauohltluUI StrMt S BELFAST—HLSH Itrøt. B t> /-«, "^w^yu'ur good^l! < £ 3 QL H 8 R,J Id. Stamp lor 4> F8 •» IFLL «*» 3 W Hrce Sample of K]| I :3UJL»TC:HIJ3LE £ :Z>'S I I jOL STEEL PILLS 1 SFI V I*V K-PJWE ^XPUNSTORR Booklet AND Testimonials H "<>ld b" all Chbnirt* 1/1^ per box, or pott free from J t_O Tr J. W ILLIAMS, BILLPOSTER AND TOWN ORIER FOP LLANBERIB DISTRICT. All Orden Personally Attended To ¡ Addrtao: Cilmelyn, Warden STREET. Llaaberia. IF YOU SUFFER From any Skin or Blood Disease, such as Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Glandular Swellings, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Abscesses, Tumours, Boils, Sores, Eruptions, Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Gout, &c., DON'T DELAY but at once start a course of Clarke's Blood Mixture (the World-famed Blood Purifier), and the experience of thousands whom it has cured, and cured permanently, will soon be yours. The Editor of the •• FAMILY DOCTOR,- London's Popular Medical Weekly, writes: We have seen hosts ot letters bearing testimony to the truly wonderful cures effected bv Clarke's Blood Mixture. It is the finest Hlcod Purifier that Science and Medical Skill have brought to light, and we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and the public generally." SUFFERERS who are doubtful about their case should write to us, in confidence, fully describing their illness. We shall be pleased to give them the best advice free of charge. We will also send copies of latest testimonials. Write to-day. Address, THE SECRETARY, as below. I THE WORLD FAMED REMEDY FOR ALL 1 SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES. Can be obtained of all Chemists and Stores, 2/9 per bottle, and in cases containing six times the quantity, 11/ or post free on receipt of price, direct from the I Proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG CO.. Lincoln. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. JOS EP E OB ER TS GUIOCKP NT) PROVISION MERCHANT 14, POOL 8TREET, and TWTHTLTJ TEA MART, CARNARVON. THE NOTED SHOPS Eftr TRRIRIT "nd DELICIOUS For of F.TCRNSITF Flavour. For Mild Curfd Hamp aId on. r'AJ- and Smoked. For Ripe Gorgonzola. Cheddar, and other Cheeff. And Butt-er of THE nhoicest quality. Ireeh Supply of Buttar and Palethorpe'I ITENMGW Twic# WMMy.






Influenza Rampant





A Wonderful Kealiny record








