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co, 0 m FREE FARMS I OF 160 ACRES Healthy Clir"ate- Cood Crops- Free Schools. Light Taxes. Abundant Water. The most progressive and prosperous Colony. Pamphlets and information supplied gratis. For Darticulars aDPly to the Office of the High Commissioner for Canada, or to Mr. W. T. R. PRESTON, Emigration Dept.. 17, Victoria St., I London, S.W., or to the Canadian Government Agent. Western Mail Buildings, Cardiff. 11 MFE STORIES ILLUSTRATED. i A Pharmaceutical Chemist. Success in Life in the Future will more and more belong to the men, or women, who know and obey the laws of Physical Economy. The high pressure at which we live now-a-days makes a breakdown certain unless we are Bodily Efficient. Over-wrought nerves and impaired diges- tion foredoom the best efforts to failure, for- bluntly-the brain does not get a tair oppor- tunity to show what it can do. Those whose health is thus imperilled have many counsellors, I but naturally turn an attentive ear to the advice I which is based on proved ab;l ty and actual experience. If. for example, their counsellor is a chemist' they know that he brings a trained I intelligence to bear upon all questions relating to l his calling. His business affords him almost unrivalled opportunities of acquiring valuable knowledge for the alleviation of suffering, and consequently the earnest testimony of such an expert should give the force of conviction to his f opinions. Read below what a chemist (by examination of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain) says, whose scientific education and training, "Stamp him as pre-eminently suitable to form an opinion on the value of a medicine. Mr. G. H. MACK, Chemist, Mack's Stores, 165, Beckeaham Rd., Penge, v.-rites:—" I think perhaps the loflowine might interest you. A customer of mine had for a long time suffered a great deal from acute rheumatism, which was always with her, and in the changeable and wet weather was always worse. She tried every kind of rheumatic me:iicine, using all kinds of lotions and physic, and being rubbed without •ay effect. All this pain made her feel generally poorly and run down, and after unavailing medical treatment a friend of hers bought her a large bottle of Phosferine at my shop, and now, it is within my own knowledge that after taking that one bottle she is quite free from rheumatic pains, and better than mhe has been for a long time. I have her permission to send you this account of her wonderful cure for the ^correctness of which I can vouch."—Feb. 6th, 1903. PHOSFERINE THE GREATEST OF ALL TONICS. In unfailing remedy for Neuralgia, Nervous Dyspepsia, Exhaustion, Anaemia, Brain-fag, Depresaion,Impoverished Blood,Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, Indigestion. Influenza, Nervous awdsche.% Debility, & all disorders consequent upon a reduced stat 2 of the nervous system. m Phosferine has been supplied by ROYAL COMMANDS To the Royal Family. -.JN,Am.. H.I.M. the Empress of Russia. H.M. the King of Greece. H.M. the Queen of Roumania. H.I.M. the Dowager Empress of Russia. H.R.H. the Crown Princess of Roumania. H.R.H. the Grand Duchess of Hesse, &c. &C. proprietorsAahton & Parsons, Ld., 17, Parringdon Rd London, E.C. Bottles, 1/1$, 2/9 & 46. Post free 1/3,31- & 4/9. Sold by all Chemists, Stores, &c. The 3'9 size contains nearly four times the I/Ii Size. LETTER-PRESS PRINTING GOOD and CHEAP at the HERALD OFFICE, CARNARVON. ARGRAPHU DA A RIIA D YN SvVYDDFA'R "HERALD," CAERNARFON.




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