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rial, JItgal, &t. THE EXPLOSIVES ACT, 1875. In pursuance of "The Explosives Act, 1875," and in aocarda-aoe with the directions of the Board of Tra-de in this beiha'lf, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the several Railway Ootapanies whose respec- tive names are set forth at the foot of this Notice intend to aipply to. the [Board of Trade for the confirmation; of Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, and' 19 of their Bye-Laws for regulating the Loading, Unloafdffinlg, and! Conveyance of Ex- plosives on their respective Railways, aa^now proposed to be amended 'by such Railway Com- plies and asi set out, in the Schedule hereto. And Notice is Hereby also Given that during one calendar month from the date of thus Noti-ce, any local authority, corporation, or person interested may forward objections or suggestions with re- spect to the 'said Bye-Lafws to the Assistant- Secretary (Railway Department), Board of Trade, Whitehall Gardens, London., S.W., at the same time Ibransfaaiittinig copy of suohi objections or suggestions to "the undersigned as below. 19th December, 1902. H. SMART. THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO. Bye-Laws Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 19, for the Regulation of the Loading, Unloading, and. Conveyance of Explosives by Railway, as proposed to be ameAldied. _.1 6. Gkmpowdler and! aJly Exploistve authorised by t%.8. Secretary of State td be packed in metallic ■cases or cyliudert as outer packages, if packed inmetallic cases' or cyliiffters which fuJfil all the ivquirements! of the Explosives Act, 1875, and jre of a.*pattea rapproved by the Company, may be conveyed along with, ordinary Goods traffic in a carriage not containing any article or substance iwMefto cause or communicate fire or explosion. 7. -No ExpifcSiae of the 5th (fuftminate) Class, nor any Explosive "of the 6th. (ammunition) Class containing its own means of ignition, nor any KxplosiVe of the 7th (Rework) Class, shall be V totw^yed in the isaine carriage with any Ex- plosive not of the class and division to which, it I befongs. 8. There shall mot^be conveyed; in the same carriage with any; Explosive; anything of the mature of .Lucifer,or other Matches, Acidls or other Ghcmieals, Petroleum or other inflammable' liquid, Calcium Carbide, Oily Goods, Charcoal, Lamp Black, or any other article or substance' of an inflammable nature"or liable to spontaneous ignition or t'o cause or communicate fire or ex- plosion. 9. On each sidie of every carriage containing any Explosive there shall be Axed, in con- spicuous characters, by means of a securely at- tached label or otherwise, the wiord "Exiploative," or the name of the Explosive -vriffi, the word! "Explosive," except when containing Explosive packedi in metallic cases or cylinders as provided for in the 6th of these Bye-Laws; and every carriage containing Explosive shall be placed as far as practicable from the eaiginie attached to the train. 12. Explosive, unless containoo in metallic cases or cylinders, shall be conveyed only in a Gunpowder Van. 14. In loading or unloading any Explosive, the packages containing the same shall, HiS fair as practicable, ibe passedi from tlikntd to hand and not to be rolled upon the ground, and in no oaise «hall any such packagesi be rolled unless clean hides, cloths, or sheets have been previously laid down on the platform or ground over which the same a-re to 100 rolled.' Packages containing Explosive shaSi' not be tlifnwn or dropped down, but shall be carefully deposited and stowed in such manner as to prevemF-any displacement of the packages during tran^tT 15. Np person while euijployed in loading, stowing in any carriage, i6r unloading any Ex- plosive, shall wea;r boots or shoes. with steel or iron nails, stee). or iiron heels, or metal tips of any kind, pr»*have about his persfVn any lucid. match, eJfJ&osive, or means 'of stn^imig a light; amd' all persons; employed1 'inwthe loading, stow- ing, or unloSadkig of any Expl'owwe shall, while V ..«uch loading, stowing, or xoiloaiflSojg' are going on abstain from smoking:. 1" 19. The Oompamy may refuse to receive, for- wa,rd, carry, Or allow to be brought,or earned upon their Railway, any carriage or package Which they suspect to be packed or sent, or to contain any aajticle or thing paickedl or sent in contrav*nitiiloni Of itlbe ØtIIÎd Act or of any of these Bye-La IVM, or not in accordance ftherewitih, and in case any carriage or packa;ge,,which the Com- pany suspect to be- so packed or sent, or to can- 0 of (thing as aforesaid, shailil be upon any Railway of the C, omPWWI the Com- pamy may open, or requires soon carriage or package to be opened, to ascertain tbe fact. 8_ Names of the Railway Companies giving tne aJbove Notice. Bairry Belfast and1 County Down: .Belfastallld Northern Counties Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Caledonian Cambrian Cheshire Lines Committee Cleator and Workington Junction Cockermouth Keswick and Pen rath Colne Valley and Halstead Cork Bandton and South Coast Dublin W.cklow and W-exford E ,¡:,t and West. Junction F-r-t ("'loci West Yorkshire Union Furn.ess I iJaist vr^ and Knot End Glasgow and Southwestern GrEat Central Great Eastern Grelat Northern Great Northern (Ireland) Great Northern af .Scotland O-mic Southern and Western Grealt Western (I n 1raeth V Highland Huhli Ttomeley and West Riding Junction Rail- vvliy and Dock Lancashire -,tii-d Yorkshire LaaTca.-hiie Derbyshire and East Coast London and North Western London and, South Western London Brighton and South Coast II T-roii'don TKibury and Southend Macc'it■•field Comniit,tee M;i.nclit.<-ler and Milford m Mmchester South Junction and Altrinclwffi Marypoot and Carlisle » -Mersey Metropolitan Metropolitam District I Midland I Midland and Great. Northern J oint. Committee Midlamd and! South Western J unction] j Midland and Great Western. Mid Wales i Neath and Brecon Northampton and Banbury J-unction North and South Western Junction, North Britdisihi North Eastern North London: N orthl Staffordshire Gldtham Ashton-upon-Lyne and Guide Bridge Junction. Portpatriok and Wigtownshire Railways Joint Committee. Port Talbot Railway amd Docks Rhondda. amd Swansea Bay Rhymney Sheffield and Midfcuid Raiiitway Companies* Committee South Eastern and Chatham Railway Com- panies' Ma raaigumg Committee. Southwold I Taff Vale West. Clare Wirral Wrexham Mold and Connah's Quay. Not^e.—Copies of objections or eugigestiotns must be forwamdSed. to H- SMART. Railway Clear- ing House, Seytttcny. Street., London, N.W. RT METAL WORK IN GATES AND GRILLES. < ss IRON HURDLES, WIRE FENCING, FIELD GATES, CORRUGATED IBON ROOFING, Sso. W. H. PEAKE AND SONS, M ANUFACTUREB8. 15 AMI 27, jEEL STREET, LIVERPOOL. i Jegalt tot. CARNARVONSHIRE HILARY QUARTER SESSIONS, 1903. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the General Quarter Sessions of tne Peace in and for the Oouoty of Carnarvon will be held at the County Hall, CARNARVON, on Thursday, the Eighth day of January, 1903, at a quarter past ten o'clock in the forenoon. The Grand and Petty Jurors, all Persons bound by recognizance to prosecute and give evidence or to surrender in dhchirge of their bail, and all Appellants, Respondents, and their Witnesses are to appear ac the County Hall aforesaid on the day and at the hour before mentioned. J. H. BODVEL ROBERTS. Olerk of the Peaoe. Carnarvon, 18th December, 1902. y794c616rl94» COUNTY OF DENBIGH. N. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 1\ next General Quarter Sessions of the Peirce tor the County of Denbigh will be held at the -County Hall, RUTHIN, in the said County, on Friday, the 9th day of January, 1903, at 11 30 o'clock a m., for the Trial of Prisoners, the Hearing of Appeals, and all other Business relating to the County over which the Court has jurisdiction. All Jurors, Prosecutors, and Witnesses are re- quired to be in attendance at the above-named hour. W. R. EVANS, Clerk of the Peaoe. County Offices. Ruthin. 15th December, 1902. N.B.—Instructions for Indictments should be sent to my office (if practicable) four days at least before the Sessions. c618a ANGLESEY HILARY QUARTER SESSIONS, 1903. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Anglesey will be holden in the Police Court, at HOLY HEAD, in and for the said Oounty, on Wednesday, the 7th day of January, 1903, when the Court will open at half-past Ten o'olook in the morning precisely. The Charge to the Grand Jury will then be delivered by the Chairman, and the Court will thereupon proceed with the Criminal and Civil Business. The Clerks to the Justices of the several Divieions are requested to transmit to me at my Office, at Beaumaris, Reven days before the Sessions, all Depositions, Returns of FineB, Convictions, and Recognizances, which shall have been then taken, together with instructions for indictments. JOHN RICE ROBERTS. Clerk of the Peace. Beaumaris, 13th December, 1902. y?86 f 615hl07i» COUNTY OF MERIONETH. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1888. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next Quarterly Meeiting of th)e Standing Joint Chmmmtftee of Quarter Sessions amdi Coniaty Council, undier Section 30 of the above Act, will be held in the County Hall, DOLGELLEY, in the sariid Coumtly, on Tuesday, the 6th day of January, 1903, at the hour of half-past one o'clock in the afternoon, when the Committee will proceed 1:10 thie conskietla.tiion of the business relating t.o the application or management of the County Stock or Itge vkhiit the jurisdiction of the Comimattee unidJer Suib-Section 3 of Section 30 of the said Adt, aaidl ail peraomts. ihiaving any dieimiand against the Committeie are requested to forward, particulars thereof in writing to the County Treasurer at DoOigelley on or before the 3rd diay of January, 1903. Dated this 12th day of December, 1902. ROBT. JONES, y778m Clerk to the æiid Committee. MERIONETH QUARTER SESSIONS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peaoe for the County of Merioneth will be held in the County Hall, at DOLGELLEY, in the said! County, on Tuesday, the 6th day of January, 1903, itt. 10.30 a.m., when the Grand and Petty Jurors will be called and the Court wilt proceed to hear and determine all matters brought before them in the following ordier—1.—In the trial of prisoners. 2.—In the hearing of appeals. 3.— In hearing motions and in the traaiSacitioii of such other business a's mi.y be brought before the Court. And Notice is Hereby also Given that all Grand and Petty Jurors, all persons bound by re- cognisance to prosecute and give evidence or surrender .in discharge of their bail, and! all appellants, reispmidieuts and their witnesses, and all persons bound by recogmsaintoe in any civil proceeding are to appear and be in aittendamce at the time and place aforesaid. Appeals to be beard mmstt be entered with me notr laiter thian two o felock in the afternoon of the day preceding the Sessions. Dated this 12th dav of December, 1902.. ROBT. JONES, y779m.' Clerk ,of the Peace. SUN INSURANCE OFFICE FOUNDED 1710. Sum Insured exceeds £460,000,000. Wot all parti calars apply to the followisc AGBNT8: CarDa.n'o.Kr William Hock Own. Bala.—Mr B. L. Jones, Mount Place. Bangor.—Mr James Smith aDd Mr Bieå. Ban. BetmmMix.—Mr Fradk, Gearr. Conway.—Mr Charles Drovw, Dcnawr, LJu. dudao. Dolgelley.—Mr Thosuui P. Jones Parry. „ Mr John Richards, N. and S.W. Bank. Holyhead.—Mr Owes Hughes. Llandudno.—Messrs Marks and Marks. UMgeM.—Mf William Thomu. Poxtmadoe.—Mr John Tobias, Solicitor. Rhoe-an-Sea.—Mr P. J. Kent. 8171 MANLY MEN.—Why sutler the pains an! misery caused by Nervousness, Prema- tm'e, Exhasstion, and Wasting Weakness t Send for my Book, which shows how every man, young and old, can be thoroughly and quickly cured without Stomach Medicine or Electricity. Specimens of letters received and guaranteed eenuine"I cannot find words to express how thankful I am. I used to tlunk I never would set eured. I wish I had seen your advertisement st first. I should have saved many pounds.—G. ji jj "j have carried out your instructions. and am BOW perfectly well.—3. G."—Sent sealed, post free, for ti* stamps. H. J. Leigh, 92 and 93, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Send at once and be cured Twelve yeaW con ifmmmm —oc—. ^a« GOUT PILLS The only remedy in the world for GOUT and RHEUMATISM that relieves and cures these complaints. Sure, safe, and effectual. The composition is purely vegetable. No restraint of diet during use. Ask for BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS. All ChamMt* aad Stcre* at Is lid and fcfid yn kb ûI7 vublit &C. GUILD HALL, CARNARVON. ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23rd. THE FAMOUS STRAND COMEDY 00. A Managing Director, Mr Horace Lingard. From the STRAND THEATRE. LONDON. Tour under the direction of Mr Hy. Johnson. There will be presented for the 1210th time, the Great London and New York Comedy Success, in three Aots. entitled "WHY SMITH LEFT HOME," By George H. Broadhurst. author of What Happened to Jones," The Wrong Mr Wright," <3kc. The Scenery built and painted exactly as that used at the Strand Theatre. PriceB-Reserved Seats, 3s; Second Seats (ditto), 2s Baok Seats (ditto), Is; limited num- ber, 6d. Reserved and 2B tickets and Plan of the Hall at Mr Rowland, 17, Castle Square. Doors open at 7.30; commence at 8; carriages at 10.20. Early Doors at 7; 6d extra to all seats except Reserved. c6218 THE THOMAS E. ELLIS MEMORIAL, At the funeral of Thomas E. Ellis it waB re- solved to form some lsiod of National Mem- orial, worthy of Wales. A General Committee was appointed, and JE1960 were colleoted. Of this some JB1200 were given to something con- nected with the University that would help to perpetuate Mr Ellis's memory. The rest was transferred, with the unfulfilled promises, to a Local Committee for the purpose of Erecting a Statute at Bala. The Soulptor, W. Gosoombe John, is now busily engaged with the statute. It will be placed in an open space in the Stryd Fawr at Bala. Its material is bronze. The figure, of heroic size, is admitted tc be a faithful and strik- ing likeness. Around the base of the momu- went there are ecenes in Mr Ellis's life,—at Sohool, in College, in Parliament. It has been taken for granted that at least a thousand pounds will be contributed. We beg those who have not yet paid the snms promised, and those who have not yet had an opportunity to give, and those who wish to add to what they have already given, to send their contributions to any of us as soon as possible. The Statute will be unveiled early next sum- mer, when it will be seen that it is worthy of Thomas E. Ellis and of Wales. Shall we unveil it free of debt ? ROGER HUGHES, Bala, Chairman. WILLIAM EVANS, Birmingham, Treasuer. THOMAS JONES, Llandderfel. E. VINCENT EVANS, London. O. M. EDWARDS, Oxford. GWYNORO DAVIES, Barmouth, Hon. Sec. September, 19Q2. o599w UTOIM. A LIVERPOOL GENTLEMAN having ■ large amount of uninvested CAPITAL at his oommand, will Lend same in the strictest privacy in sums of jBlO to £1000 to any respec- table person (male or female) in any part of the United Kingdom, on the security of their own promissorynote, witho r sire ties, delay, or law ohargea.—-The amount narrowed oan be repaid by easy instalments, or arranged to suit bor- rowers. Also on Deeds, Mortgages, Dock Bonds, Jewellery, and Goods of every descrip- tion at a low rate of interest. As this office is a bona-fide private concern, and not connected with any loan office, it is requested that habitual borrowers will not apply.-For further pariioo lars-oall or write WILLIAM OAMERON, Melville-chambers 50a, Lord Street, Liverpool. Telephone No. 1197. Telegrams, Finance," Eiive-pool. yUo46 HE OHARXNO OROBS BANK (Established 1870). 119-120, Bishopsgate St. Within, E.O.) r o 38, Bedford 8t., Chairing Cross, W.G.J t,ondon' Assets, £ 512,475. Liabilities, £ 209,475. Surplus, £ 303,000. Loans of JB50 to J35000 made on any ÐIaIS of security. Two-and-a-half per cent. interest allowed on current accounts. Deposits of,910 and upwards received as under: 5 per cent. per ann., subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal 8 ii ii 6 it ? „ „ ia Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly nine per cent. and are a safe investment. -Write or call for Prospectus. A. WILLIAMS, I Joint a689. H. J. TALL. ) Managers MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. JN large or small Sums (not under £ 10) ON PROMISSORY NOTE ONLY, tQ FARMERS, SHOPKEEPERS & PRIVATE RESIDENTS. REPAYMENTS arranged to suit the convenience of Borrowers. TERMS and full particulars supplied FREE OF CHARGE on application either personally or by letter to &EORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 3, CRESCENT ROAD, RHYL. s498 Kstablishadl 1870. R. B. DA"E8,BILLPOSTER BELLMAN AND ADVERTISING CONTRACTOR, 51, HIGH ST., BLAENAU FESTINIOG. Proprietor of all the principal Billposting Stations in the Town. Terms on Application. y609cx ^ARLINGTON'S HANDBOOKS. MB «' 8ir Henry Ponsonby is commanded by the Queen to thank Mr. Darlington for a copy of his handbook." „ "Nothing better could be wished for. —British Attrllllant book."—The Timr*. Most emphatically tops them HL"—Daily Graphic. Particularly good."—Academy. VISITORS TO LONDON SHOULD USE DARLINGTON'S iflNnflN New mapt and plans. Alin ByE.G.OOOK«nd B4Map» AND E.T.GOOK.M.A. and Plana. ENVIRONS, "SSS- Visitors to Brighton, Eastbourne, Hastings, Bourne. mouth, Exeter, Torquay, Plymouth. Dartmouth, Dartmoor, Fthnouth, femotace, 88. Ives, Newquay. TintageL Clovelly, Ilfracombe, Lynton, Minehead, Exmoor, Wye Valley, Severn Valley, Bath, Weston.* ttuper-Mare. Malvern, Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, LlandrindodWells, Llangollen, Bala, Aber, Llandudno, Colwyn Bay, Conway, Penmaenmawr, Llanfairfechan, Bangor, Carnarvon, Bettwaycoed, Snowdon, Rhyl, Dolgelly, Aberystwyth, Towyn, Barmonth, Criocieth, Pwllheli, Norwich, Yarmouth, and the Norfolk Broad*, The Isle of Wight, and Channel Islands, should use DARLINGTON'S HANDBOOKS, Is. Each. LLANGOLLEN: DARLINGTON & Co. LONDON: SIMPKIN'S. Nzw YORK & PARIS Brentano's. Railway Bookstalls, and all Booksellers. PHOTQQR APHs".—Beautiful Photographs Scenenr, Ruins, etc., m Italy, Greece, Turkey. Russia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Palestine and Egypt, also North Wales, Is., Is. 6d. and 8s. list VsaflMb. DAKUHQTOX CHI* Llangoll«n. J lasittm ^ildrrssfs. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS. BRYMER AND DAVIES7 GRAND CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND FANCY FAIR NOW OPEN. THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF ELEGANT AND INEXPENSIVE GIFTS AND PRESENTS. DOLLS, GAMES, WONDERFUL MECHANICAL FIGURES, TABLE TENNIS. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES FROM TOY LAND. CHRISTMAS CARDS IN GREAT VARIETY. LEATHER GOODS, ALBUMS, FRAMES, &c.; SILK SQUARES, MUFFLERS, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, DRESSING BAGS, TRAVELLING BAGS, BUGS, DRESSING GOWNS, Ac. AN EARLY INSPECTION INVITED. NELSON EMPORIUM, CARNARVON. A SECRET! CHRISTMAS IS AGAIN COMING, AND I WE ARE PREPARING FOR IT, AND SHALL GIVE BETTER VALUE THAN EVER IN ALL KINDS OF CAKES, AS WE EXPECT A RUSH, Early bookmg of orders will avoid disappointment, and assure our best attention. EVAN OWEN THE POOL-STREET BAKERY CARNARVON. I CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR GIFTS. WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR NEW STOCK OF WATCHES. JEWELLERY, SILVER, AND ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS, — J BUITABEg gqa THE PRE SENT SEASON. WE ARE SURE THAT TUE LOW PRICES AND SPLENDID QUALITY OF THE GOODS DISPLAYED WILL BE AN EYE-OPENER TO ALL. ROBERTS AND OWEN, 12, POOL STREET, CARNARVON. 0695W JOHN JONES AND SONS, LTD., MEAT PURVEYORS, LLANDUDNO. 36th ANNUAL SELECTION OF HIGH-CLASS STOCK FOR XMAS., DECEMBER 17th, 1902. We have pleasure in informing our customers that we have secured fpr our Xmas. Supply a choice selection of Home-fed Stock. We cordially invite our Customers and the Public to visit our several Establishments, and judge for themselves. Our Stock consists of 22 FAT CATTLE. WBm 6 fed by G. O. Jones, Esq., J.P., Merchllyn, near Conway. 5 fed by R. Hughes, Esq., J.P., Tandderwen, netCr Conway. 3 fed by T. Roberts, Jhq., J.P. Tanyfonwent, Aber. 2 fed by H. Ellis, Esq., Tarmnelbion, Aber. 3 fed by Mr Bonner, OaelrfoJlen, Ruthin. 2 fed by Mr Jones, Llyafafl, Ruthin. 1 fed by Mr Brooklebank, Carnarvon. The above gentlemen represent our leading feeders, who have for years intelligently and practically interpreted the requirements of our trade for Xmas. in selecting the choicest small oattle only for feeding. 250 Small Welsh Mountain Wethers, selected from the flooks of Lord Penrhyn, H. Ellis, Esq., Tsilrmsibloio; Thos. Roberts, Esq., Aber; Messrs H. Williams, Hendy; W. Williams, Hafed-y-Garreg; Richard Jenee. Talyllyn Eigia. All these Wethers were pastured on the Hilts extending from Aber to Capel Curig. 200 Welsh Mountain Lambs and Young Yearling Wethers. The formtr were bred and fed on the Hills until September and then fattened on JRapea and Seeds, and represents the High- olass Welsh Mutton of the future. 20 Kerry Yearling Wethers from the Kerry Hills. 5 Fat Calves. 25 Small Porkers and Bacon Pigs. And our usual Xmas supply of the best Geese and Turkeys. We describe our stock piainly and without reference to the prizes they have gained (although 50 per oent. of the Cattle included in our stock have taken First Prizes). Neither do we affixto our description the worn-out adjectives generallv used and abused at Xmas Show of Meat. DAYS OF SHOW. Central Buildings, Llandudno, WEDNESDAY, December 17th. Queen's BuildiogB, Llandudno. THURSDAY, December, 18th. Market Hall Branoh, Llandudno, THURSDAY, December 18th. Craigydon Buildings, Llandudno, THURSDAY, December 18th. Bank Buildings. Blaenau Festiniog, FRIDAY, December 19th. All Orders will be promptly attended to and forwarded, if .necessary, to any address in the United Kingdom. Carriage Paid. rl95ws FASHIONABLE MANCHESTER TAILORS. KENNEDY, CHEW, AND THORP ARE NOW SHOWING A SPLENDID SELECTION OF NEW SEASON'S GrOODS. GENTLEMEN'S BUSINESS SUITS from £ 2;2a (made to measure). LADIES' CO S T U MJE S-L SPECIALITY. Customers waited upon at their own Residence upon receipt of Post Card. Mr THORP visits LlauclucJDo monthly, and can be seen at the Stanley Hotel. Note our Address-2, CATEATON STREET, MANCHESTER, rl72w i do- -S The Physician's n Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Safest and most Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Gentle Medicine o Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. ir*nt8' Delicate Female^ "0' -I- a- 111 4 i- I ^■«m m <— -4. and the Sickness of Pregnancy. ffMggiitg. ELDER, DEMPSTER & CO. R (BEAVER LINE) rT £ £ »T,™MAIL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL TO ST. JOHN, N.B. Lake Erie .December 24 Lake Megantio December 31 Passengers booked through to all parte of Canada and United States. Superior Mcom. modation at lowest rates for First, Second, and Third Class Passengers. Special terms to Families and Partesr intending fo emigrate. Apply to ELDER, DEMPSTER ft CO., Africaa House, Water Street, Liverpool. c78o ABERDEEN LIN ET~ TO AUSTRALIA. Via Plymouth, Teneriffe and Cape Tows, in 42 days. Damascus, Capt. R. McKilliam, 3723 tons, Dec. 23 Nineveh, Capt. N. Allen, 3808 tons, Jan. 13 THE Steamers wf this iavrarita Lis* sail fraa JL Loadoa as abova, takiag lalooa ww third elan patMafars to Temerife, Cape Towm, and all Australia* aad New Zealaad Porta. ™*• *«; «a Oapa Town, £ 9 9a to £ 30.—POST partiealani apply te Gao. Thompao* and Co., 7, SilliWr Sqaan. Leadea, E.q el6yl3i I AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERB. SOUTHAMPTON—NEW YORK SERVICM. Southampton to New York, Saturday!. Highect ^aaa ef aecommodatiaaB far Salooa. Baooad Cabi*, aad Third Claaa Passtafrs. LIVERPOOL—PHILADELPHIA SERVICB. ETezy Wedneaday, Lirerpool to Philadalpkia. ouling at Queeastowa arary Tkaraday. Pasaaagera and Gooda are landed at Phila- delphia on the Wharf of the Paaaaylvaaia Rail- road, which haa the shorteet and moat direct roata to all plaeaa ia the Weatara Statea. Apply to RICHARDSON, BPENCE, A Oe., SoiathainptoB or LiTerpool, or te W. 8. William*, 7, Market Streak, Carnarroo j « A. i9» Bangor Street, Caraarvoa j Mrs C. Williams, Doaglaa Tarraoe, Bethesda; Richard Roberta, Old Poat Office, Betheada; J. T. Williams, Meiriom House, Blaenaa Peatimior; Evaaa and Co., Town Hall,- Rhyl; R. C. Eraaa, Carton House, Bolgelley. WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, via Queenstown. Teutonic,Wed.,Dec. 24 Celtic, ..Wed., Jan. 14 Oermanio.Wed. Dec.31 Teutonic, Wed., Jan. 21 Cymric, Wed., Jan. 7 Oceanic, Wed., Jan. 28 THIRD Class passage at Low Rates, includ5ng JL Outfit free of charge, to New York, Boa- ton, Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Apply to Robert Owen, W. S. Williams, Car- narvon; O. E. Parry, Dolwyddelen; David Rowlands, Penygraig; Edward Evans, Llan- gefni; H. Hughes, Amlwch; W. D. Jones, Holyhead; W. O. Williams, Llanrwst; R. C. Evans, Dolgelley; W. Edwards, Llanberis; W. J. Parry, Bethesda; or to ISMAY, IMRIE, aad Co., 17, Cocks pur Street, S.W., and 34, Leaden- hall Street, E.C., London, and 30, Jamee Street. Liverpool. «aa Co., 17, Cockspur Street, S.W., and 34, Leaden- hall Street, E.C., London, and 30, James Street, Liverpool. «aa 1 3mlsm$g. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS~ I MARKET TICKET ARRANGEMENTS.— The issue of Market Tickets between certain Stations on the Cambrian Railways is con nued until further notice, and such tickets are now available to return by any ordinary tram on date of issue (the 6 25 p.m. mail from Aberystwyth excepted). Full particulars of Train Times, Fares,<kc,, are exhibited at all Cambrian Stations. c570yma WEEK-END EXCURSION TICKETS 1 will be issued even Friday and Satur- day to EDINBURGH and GLASGOW (by the i>ireot Route via. Whitohuroh, Crewe, Preston, day to EDINBURGH and GLASGOW (by the i>ireot Route via. Whitohuroh, Orewe, Preston, and Carlisle), available for return on the follow- ing Sunday (where Train Service permits), Monday, or Tuesday. Forpartioulara of Fares, eto., see handbills issued by the Company. I WK1E-1NB TICKETS are (aned every Friday aad Saturday froas all L. aad N.-W. and G.W. Stations ia Loadoa to Maehya- 1M& Aberdovev, Towym, Aberystwyth, Del- geUsy, Barmouth, Harlech, Llaabedr and Pea- san, Pestmadoe, Criodeth. and PwlIkeLL t Available for retara oa the followiac Buday, rrhwe Traia Beomoe peraut# Moaday, m* TOURIST TICKETS an issued from Ihe Cambriaa Statiou te all HEALTH RESORTS oa the Cambriaa Rail- ways, also to watering plaoaa in England, North Wales, English LakeDistrist, N«rfck East Oeest, ste. \\T EEK-END EXCURSION TICKETS are \V issaed every Friday aad Saturday (aatil farther notice), to CARNARVON, BANGOR, HOLYHEAD, and LLANDUDNO (via Afoa Wea), available for return ea the fellowimf Sun- day, where traia aerviee pemits), Moaday or Tuesday, J CHEAP WEEK-END (Friday aad Saturday, to Moaday or Tueeday), aad 14 Daya' EXCURSION TICKETS, are issued OR every Friday aad Saturday, from nearly all Cambriaa j Inland Stations to Machynlleth, Borth. Aberys- twyth, Aberdovey, Towya, Bannoath, Dolgelley, Harlech, Portmadoe, Qriecieth, aad Pwllheli, also to Rhayadr, Builth Walla, aad Breoon, alae maular tickets an iseued from the Cambriaa Coast Stations, Aberystwyth, Machynlleth, Dol- gelley, Pwllheli, and intermediate stations, te Rhayadr, Builth Wells, and Breeoa. Tourist tiekets (available for two moafchs) ate also issaed ea every week-day between stations named above* CHEAP WIEB.1CNS EXCURSION TICKETS are iasued ev«y Friday and Saturday, to 'Birmingham, Wolverhampton, 0 Walsall, *Peterborough, 'Derby, #Burtoa-on- Trent, ♦Stafford, 'Coventry, Manchester, Pree- ton, Blackburn, Boltom, Leeds, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Liverpool, Birkenhead, Wigaa, Warrington, 'Leioeeter, 'Shrewsbury, Bradford, «ad 'Northampton, from Oswestry, T .lM»yTpyi»+oK T .1 Mifyllin, Montgomery. Welshpool, Newtown, Llanidloee, Maohyalleth, Borth. Aber- ystwyth, Aberdovey, Towyn, Barmouth, Dol- relley, Harlech, Portmadoo, Pearhyndeudraeth, C'aocdeth, and Pwllheli. Similar Tickets an also issued! from Aberystwyth, Borth, Aber- dovey, Towyn, Barmouth, Dolgelley, Harlech, Pearhyndeudraeth, Portmadoe, Criocieth, and Pwllheli to Shrewsbury. "Tickets to these sta- tions axe not iseued from WelshpooL Passengers return oa the Monday or Tuesday following issus oif tickets. For full particulars as to train tarns* and fares see bills. Similar week-end aad ten days tickete are also issued from Liverpool, Manchester, Stockport, Cheater, Oewe, Stafford, Shrewsbury, Brad- ford, Leeda, Oldham, Huddwrsfleld, Halifax, Rochdale, Wakefield, Blackburn, Chorlry, Ae- erington, Burnley, Bolton, Wigaa, Warnngtoa, Preetoa, Leicerter, Derby, Burton, Stoke, Burelem, Henley, BirkeatMad, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Wedneebarr, Walaail, Peter- bow', Northampton, Hull, Sheffield, Barnsley, te., he., to Oswestry, Llanymyneeh, Llaa- he., he., to Oswestry, Llanymyneeh, Llan- fyllin, Welahpo&l, Montgomery, Newtown. Llanidloes, Machynlleth, Borth, Aberystwyth Aberdovey, Towyn, Barmouth, Dolgelley, Har )t«V, Portmadoe, Crineieth, and PwllheJi, C. 8. DENNIS8, Geaeral Manager. RAPHAEL'S ALMANAC, 1903. Conttuna R hints to Farmers and Gardeners. Birth* day Information. "When to bay, b;11, specolate* court, marry, &o. Price 6d, by post 7d Foul- sbam 4, Pilgrim Sueet, E.G., and all Stationers. a447 K EDITIOJX f Slaitop. I CAMBRIAN RAIL W Â YB. CHRISTMAS AXD XEW YEAR c HOLIDAYS. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to SCOTLAND —On Wednesdays, J>eceiab€r 24;h and 51st, excursion tickete wall be issued for 4 and 7 days u> E<lia- burgh. Glasgow, Greenock, BaUaci, etc., aJMi-for 16 days t-o tdiufcurgii «u^d Griaycow. EXCURSION to SOUTH WALES.—On Sat- urday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, December 20th 23rd, and 24tb, excursion ticketti will be issTied to Newport (Moo.), C-aroiff, Swansea, Merthyr, etc., available for return up to, and including December 27th, except Sunday, December 2lst and Christmas Day, December 25th. The usual Week-end Tickets will be issued on Fridays, December 19th and 26th, and Satur- days. December 20tt and 27th, to Liverpoot, Manchester, Birmingham. Wolverhaanpbanl Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, etc. EXCURSIONS to LONDON.— Oil Saiturday. December 27th, and Thursday, January lat, excursion tickets w issued to Loiidoii for 2 4, 5 and 8 days. EISTEDDFOD MEIRIOX, DOLGELLEY, January 1st, 1903. — Cheap Day Excursion v licfcets will be jwmed to Doigeliey from Pwll- heli, Barmouth, Penmaenpool, and Intermediate Stattaojw. For full partMWiars as to Train Times, Fares, ete., see handbill!; iSlrooo by the Company. All information regardsng Tourist and Ex- cursion Arrangemenite on the Cambrian Kaiiways oan be obtained om application to Mr W. H., Gough, Traffic Superintendent, Oswestry. c595ym PASSENGER TJtAIN ALTERATIONS iÐr JT DECEMBER. With the foliowing ex- ceptions, there will be no alterations in the running of this Oompamy's trains for December and the Time Tables datad 1st October, 1908* will therefore continue in force until furt-har notice. On CHRISTMAS DAY, December 25th, the train service will be an under: MAIN LINE.—WMtoburch. depart, 2.25 a.m. Feon's Bank Bettisfield, Weishamp- ton, Ellesmere, 2.55 a.m.; Fraakton, *• Wliittington, Oswestry, arrived, 3.15 a m.J Oswestry, dep., 3.25 a.m.. Llycclvs, L^airp- mynech, Fourcrossee, Pwl Quay, Buttington, WeJshpool, arrived, 5.55 a.m. ;i Weaahpool, dep., 4.15 a.m. Forden, Motob-' gomery, 4.26 a. in.; Abermule. Newtawin, 4.43 a.m.; Moat lame,, 4.57 a.m.; Caersww. 4.59 a.m.; Pontdolgoch, Carno, 5.11 a.m. ;i Lranbrynmair, 5.20 a.m. Cemmes Road, 5.29 a..m. Machynlleth, 5.42 a.m. Giandovey, 5 50 a-m. Ynystog, Bbrth, 6.3 a.m.; LLaa- fih:angel, Bow Street, 6.11 a.m.; Aber- ystwyth, air., 6.20 a.m. The 3.20 a.m traam from Shrewsbury, due at Welshpool at 4.0 a.m., will run aa on Week-days. The 6.25 p.m. Aber- ystwyth to Oswestry, will run at the usual Sun- day times. MOAT LANE TO BRECON. — Moat Lane Junction, dep., 5.5 a.m.: LTandinam. Dol- wen, Llanidloes, an- 5.25 a.m. Llanidloes, dep., 5.27 a.m. Tylwch, 5.35 a.m. Pantydwr, 5.45 a.m. St. Harmons, Rhayader, arr., 6.0 a.m., Rhayader, dep., 6.2 a.m"; Doldowlod, 6.9 a.m. Nefwbridge-on-Wye. 6.18 a.m. Builttt Road, 6.29 a.m. Builth Wells. 6.35 a.m. Aberedw, Erwood, 6.50 a.rri Boughrood, 7.2 a.m.; Three Cocks, arr., 7.7 a.m.; Three Cocks, dep., 7.9 a.m. Talgarth. 7.14 s.m.; Trefeinon, Talyllyn, arr., 7.27 a.m. Taly- llyn, dep., 7.35 a.m. Brecon, arr., 7.45 a.m. The 5.30 p.m. Brecon to Moat Lane, will run at the usual Sundlav t-imes. I MACHYNLLETH AND BARMOUTH.— Machynlleth, dep., 5.55 a.m. Aberdoyey, 6.1& a.m.; Towyn, 6.23 a.m. Llwyngwrii, 6.35 a.m.; Fairboume, Barmouth Junction, 6.46 a.m. Barmouth, arr., 6.50 a.m. The 5.55 p.m. Barmouth to MarihjynJleth wall run at the Hfmal Sunday times. PWLLHELI AND DOLGELLEY.—The fol- lowing trains wiLl run at the usual Sunday tuam: 8.49 a.m. Afon Wen to Pwllheli; 9.0 a.m. PWU- heli to Dolgelley; 4.26 p.m. Dolgelley to Pri- heli 6.40 p.m. Pwllheli to Afon Wen. On FRIDAY, December 26th, the 8.45 p.m. train from Wbitchurch to Oswestry, will run at altered times as under: Whitchurch, dep., 9.55 p.m.; Fern's Bank, 10.2 p.m.; Bettisfield, 10.9 p.m. Weishampton, 10.14 p.m. Ellesmere, 10.22 p.m; Frankton, 10.27 p.m. WhittingtoBj 10.35; Oswestry, arr., 10.40. This train will run in connection, with the 9.15 p.m. L. and li. W. train from Crewe, due Whitchurch 9.48 p.m. th; scope to set down on informing the guajrd at the preceding stopping station, and to pick up P«*»engere when signalled to do so. ji Oswestry, November, 1902. c574ym. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS COMPANY'S REFRESHMENT ROOMS. REDUOTION IN PRICE OF TEA. THE Cambrian Railways Oompany announce JL that arrangements have been made with Messrs Spiers and Pond, Limite", for the prioe of a Cup of Tea in the Refreshment-rooms at the Company's Stations to be Reduced on and from the let January next to 3d per cup in the First olass Rooms, and 2d in the Second olam. — a573a RAMS are now Conveyed between Station! on the Cambrian Railways at a chargo aa for two Dogs, with a minimum of Two hillinkm each Ram. ——— y576oms COLLECTION A DELIVERY PASSES GERS' LUGGAGE.—Passengers' Luggage is Collected and Delivered by the Company or their Official Town Porters at the following Stations; Aberystwyth, Aberdovey, Barmouth, Criocieth, Towyn. Applications addressed to the Stationmastem at the respective Statiens will reoeive prompt attention. y317cma THOUSAND MILE TICKETS. TEE Cambriaa Railways Company isaaa First-clw» 1000 i>nd 600 mika Titkvta^ t&o Coupona of which enable tlko purehasora ta travel between statiotu ca th* Cambrian Rail- ways during the period far whieh the ticket* are available, until the Coupon* are exhausted. The price of each ticket is Cfi bm 1000 miles and jBSf 17a id lOG atilea, Wing about 11 per wile. Applieatiem for the 1009 er 509 ml* tiekcta mst be made in writing, firing the full same and addreaa of the purohaaer, and accompanied by a lemittamce, te Mr W. H. Gevgh, TraAe Superintendent, Camkrian Railways, Osweetry (ehequea to be made payable to the Qundriaa Ce. er erder), froaa whom alao boob containing 100 eartiloatea for authorisiM Oa use «t the tickets By the purchaser's family, gueats, er ear ployeee cam be cbtamed, priee M eaeh beolt, remittance to veeompaay erder. C. S. DENNISS, General Manager. A. JJ^IOHARDSO N S WONDERFUL Is PARCEL OF MUSIC, We WORTH FOR 1&. CHE CHESTER MODEL IRON PIANOS, Beat Value for Money. 81 guineas cash; by instalments, 15s 2d per month. THE POPULAR IRON PIANOS. 14 guineas oaah; by instalments, 10s 6d Per month. OUR POPULAR AMERICAN ORGANS, US stops, a knee swella, mirror top: 12 guineas oaah; by instalments, 9s 4d per month. Teeing and Repairing by bad Workmen, Singly or by Yearly Contract. The whole of North Wales District. Ii, BRIDGE STREET BOW, CHESTER, and JUIGEHT STREET, WREXHAM. T D t DICK —V MALR%DILY FOREST, PRUST, (I AND ALL OTK™"1 TREES&PLANTS EVERGREENS, 1 ROSES,&c. Btoeks Qvite Unequalled for I QUALITY,' 4 VARIETY,' & EXTEKT.' | Priced, Catalogues Posr Free. NURSERIES 500 ACRES. CHESTER