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WELSH MATTERS IN PARLIAMENT, of WilUSH FABIMEBS JCsD DOG LICENSES. Ink the House of Ooimnaiiis on Friday Mr J. fl. RJberte asked the JSecre.ta.iy to the Tre* ..Hairy whemhta' be was aware Uiat the re- caiijfc .'nsflusall of the Inllaud Revenue inspector tftUiiSo-ned at DcnMgh. to grant the fcenami- rarrnejis exemptions from dog licenses was uauiaiug great <i.^a.tiisPaotiiaa in the neighbour- Iiioioid; whetlhar it was a. fact that an exeanp- 11')on rtfuried' to Maurice Roberta, of TaanjgiilKtg, N&aiibgJjvin, and that the dog had tlo be ItMtel, aliso ifn the case of Evan Ed- frails, Llidiart-y-Green — if so upon what gaioiiiiwlte; anld wlietdief, in view of the ex- tore* nw valine of t4u;<jp dogs upon such farms, lie wtoiikl oatieir aw inquiry iajito the oases re- taitradl to. iSic J. Hubert: The law anily gatUii-tft ^saai!!i)ti:*ti froou dog Mcemses to persons who are ftunietra or shepherds, and who use tflio «k»gvs "soklfy in ten<jlng sneep or cattle on a form, (11' in the calCiiig or occupation of a -sjluq^hciiUl'' Of IDLe two per-santi meaitionied rn tihe que^iiiun the former had only two Mivm and1 two sheep, aaid tlhe latter liadl two ooWt. In the OpiaillOll of the Oomniisskxiigrs ♦f Inland Revenue it would be doing widLonoe to tlhe Act to gnaait oertljficaties of ♦xamptnosi in such rasas. I understand that the inruimber of diogn .kept by petpsoms who are aCla bona-iidie famuens has given rikse to much ooiapiaiutt, on the part of f airliners acid others. F< jxiattytjce, the BUjamiding committee of the JLwt.iwew and County Council of Cajnarvcn, adkiressad! a strong reniiantstrance to the Ip- lamkl RarvTeime niofo very lung ago on this sub- e jtofc of excuuptiouw. MoreoviA, I need mot remould my hon. frieawl that tliefie exeuiptibna Boputewcsilt tJ{ icui'rewj>oiKling Joss to the roDite- pay-eir, a&: lliiei yioJd of tlie dog licenses* jø agapiiopHjajbeld niot to tlhe Exchequer, but in t'd.tof Ðf iBrtxK. She nLait/tei- does not BeJeoUl to lrtei to call for an inquiry but if juy hoai. friend hot* Wl1Q- ni^bemiail evidence to adduce tt). .suij>]>K>ritj of hi, piea for exemjitilun I shall 1M Jijappv to oontfcdiar ilt. THE WELSH CHURCH BILL. In the House of CVmmi'oaiK on ThursAtay tfst-r M. Hiidkfi-Jitxich asked Ure Home Seorf- fcary wheither the wordu in the twelfth clause •f the EsteiUiOfcihetl Ghurdh E«i', Irü' yidiurg for appeals agbiawst any decisioai of the WeGsUi Conmniiiftiioners on oertiiui poiiriB, were ai ten^ed1 to give a rig'hit of 8tppnil in all thw •a»es in wthach it W;LS givien by the forty- •eociiid' «ectfioii of the Irish Church Act, auJd, "d whletliec lie wouid explain t:ll: (iif- ference anld tlie reoBorn for it; and wheitilier by 28 of the lull it was i.n/Uniile<l that &ka repivfiesnative bodlr of the Church in Wales shouM be ohargcxl witili the jKiyment ♦f siaump dfUit/y on uotiveyMice to thoiii hy AVeteh v;iom'incriKiou)e<n» of the cliurclies, pijr*onages, or jirivat'e beaiefavitions whL«jli wtu-e now, anki iwioo.d'in^ to the b. would ••till raniaiii, tili<?i proparby of the Chuxch. Mr Atiquitlii: The aniswetr 00 the fii^t que&'tion iB in taie aiaiuutjn'e. Oltiuse 12 of a.ie bull hafi a. someAVhait wider scope thaai (•lie arbittratteoji station of tlie Iitsh Church Aot, and thorcfiwe in (111:4W1I1 in more genierdl 'cimiis. It willl give a riglht of appeal not ♦»n-l(f CIl qnebitioiic; of coinpen^a'iibn; aniriing »:xlar dlau&tB 17, 18, and 19, but alt-'o on i|Urtsii.i<<n« as to wlija.t conisitituites a pnivntb benia^aotiiicii' wdnlhdin the meaning of olauee 5, :jM»d wlhaJt aamouailt is jw-yable ini isa<b't«fuCt'i'on of aiiif exifcltiaig intei'e^t in reailt oliwrge ftiukr ciiawe 16.Tlw oluswer to the second «jue*i:i>on is fchoit clause 28 of the bill conres- to sedaiou 35 of the Iiush Ohurdl Act, arnvl- 1 aim liifoiuiied tlikiit the Coniiia'jNsi^ai'e'ra •f Iiit ii Teanumaili-iii-ois convey dd 1,628 •hurcls* with. echuolhousee, kaxdSs, and b«r:ii g::o«jiids, to the rej>itisen,tQ.tive body in Ireland by a single ve>JUig order on which ♦ue .S'taiinp only, of the nuiLi.ual amount of 16s., wei« ]H.l<i. It is not intend ed that" ad mJotrisin'' duty siliouid be paid on any jwrt ",r tdio pixjpeaiy wlik-li is to be traiififerreil; by filie cointmiseLbneiriB to the representative body iu alw, fund I will comiider the question of inieoid'iing tliei language of denize 28 so as to mitike tUns door. THE BERRIEW ,SCH<K>L SCHEME. In the House of Commons, on Momday, Tiscount Cxanbome asked the Vice-Presi- dent of the Council whether his attention had been called to the opinion of the honour- able member for the Isle of Wight and Mr J*ldwardes James, that the Order in Council nf the 12th December, 1894, as to the Ber- riew scheme was made contrary to the Act *»f Parliament, and whether it would be at #nce withdrawn. Mr Acland I have been furnished by the L noble lord with what is, no doubt,,the essen- lial part of the opinion alluded to. If there is no objection I shall be glad to see the ease and the opinion. I have mentioned in an earlier answer that the action taken was based upon precedent, including tlie case of Dauntsey under the late Government, and that the matter was not referred to me. I propose now to refer the whole matter to the law officers, and if it should appear that the practice has been taken in error by this and previous Governments, I will take the best Tdyice as to whether rectification is possible, ;J !ld, if so, what means. WEL^H DMRSJTAT^LISHMEXT BILL. In the House of Commons, on Monday. Mr David Thomas asked the Home Secretarv whether it was intended bv clause 6, snb-sec- T'on (1) (A), of the Established Church (Wales) tRill, that the amount of £97ó 6s. '■.iveii in Return 240 of last session as beim; derived by the Ecclesiastical Commissioner** from ground rents in the parish of Aberdare, >ras to be vested by the Welsh Commis- sioners in the Aberdare District Council, or whether it would form part of the central iniid to be applied in the first instance to- wards payment of the expenses of carrying t.he Act into operation, and, subject thereto, t.) purposes for the benefit of Wales gener- ally. Mr G. Russell The ground rents to which Hiy lion, friend refers, not being attached to a p.irochial benefice, will come within the operation of clause 9, paragraph B. and there- fore will be appropriated in the manner in- dicated in the second paragraph of the ques- tion. I may, however, remind him of the duty imposed upon the coiinwiissioners by sub- jection 2 of clause 9 to pay due regard to the •rants and circumstances of the parish in 'vhieh the property is situated, and to the circumstances of each particular case. THE RIVAL LISES TO THE RIIos. Tlie Ear] of Erie's Committee of th-e House of Lords on Tuesday considered the ''i'val bills. promised for the railway vice 'if Rh!<>flltanei\Jutmgog, Wi.ich were before last year, and neither of which "■vis then smxxw/ful. The first scheme p.'afflul bef<*re the coimu'iitoee was that of the Ma* DenbigiliWlilie Riaiflway, for whom Mr lii:t.!cr, Q.C., Mr Batten, and Mr Hatrt »;ppep-.red', asid it ]>op<>se'<l to construct a railway from the Wrexham, M-M, and < m ill's Quay ste»'on at Wrexham to Rhos. ^•lwoii^h RhosltylBen Rnd Tal'wrn, ending im two stations some distance apart, to meet the reijviremeaitts of the varying levels of the diV i■■■ict. aiul onie of the branch-es jinqposing a jmsc'i -Mk with a r.jihv^iy beloaigi-ng to tin; S'iiitop-iliire Unron R.,u^w<iys an<l Canal C clln- ni-ny. The other pla-n, propo,ed by the Gtrait WesitOT-n Ri j^way, was a scheme mave R'hos by the uitlli^abion of an existing sWrt lime a'nd the ooinstrtictiou of other sluart ie-mgtilis of iinv, two junc'tions wilth tlie. ex- .-utig Great Wtvteiui main line being mad'e lu^ar Ruaboii. F r the Grout Wet-torn Com- ;)-i!y Mr Po.p.e. Q.C., Mr Cripps, Q.C.. and -Wi: X'olmi. aijjipA-iired. T'lue Shrorjtshira Union and Cuasal Coiupany were rspro- by Mr Ba'Iifour Browne, Q.C., and Mr ivrnvke-Vr. asid P'eti'tilonied agjinst- bath biTlt>; Mi') Mr E. LNi'vd appeareld for 1fr G. FJfcz- !:u.gh. Mr F. T. Olten, MrH. J. lUrc'h, and L'.eut-L-.nmj-t C'ol.liel- Mex\<:libh, who opposed -he East Denibigh.-lrire Brit — Mr Lrtitlor >iid that the people of blre tVstrict (wiideh had 10.000 inlki'lJLidamits) almiost unainimously <les('i\il the East Denbighshire scheme, and would KVi'lier have mome at t-tfli than tlhe Grea.t Western ]iroposal. The Ea/st Denbigliishi^e \vou!]id erraite campeihiitrjon with the Great W'tiiri' t'l'ii, woatfkl give direot access to Bitten- h,t,ad,v .lHl WGldd afto tvake the Rhos peopie right in,to the tdivu of Wrexh'a/m. Tt wmi'M J tso db so ait 50 pdr oetnt. of the receipts, so fchaib ai auuinient amioiuit of inoriey wouid be left to pay a (ilvideud of 3 to 4 peir cenlt on the ouitClary. Thfe scheme had this year the suppicA of a lkvrge local landowner, end tihe ) ownar of tlhraa or four works in the district. It would oosb about £ 60,000.—Mr S. Mo>ss, J.P., ohalnman of the Denibiglwlil e County CounJciil, was the first T^itmess for the East Denbighshire! sciheme, his evidence bore otut Mr LiiiDDlar's- sibbomenft as to local feeing being emphatically in favoua* of thait scheme. -nMr E. Hoiwon, J.P., eQiairi»an of t'lie Rhow Pbiish. Coiuicfl, spoke of the growing jxxpuiliaJtiioni anld the. increiaBisg Unade of the dllitriLot, aind of the refusal of the Grea.t Western Coi^painv to give a Hn>e to Rhos until tki» indepoiwientt scheme was mookd. He was oonfident tlie capital would be 8ub- sctWoad i& the. district. Several torgo public mdeti'ngs kid been kekl, anfd without a dis- semtiemt voice had pronounced in favour ot tlia East Denlbigihslhiire scheme. The people Looked upon the Great Westd111 38 meij a block line.—Mr I. T. ^amB, agent of the North Wallea Mwiere' Ftidemfocn, saal Wiait FedieiTaltrlotti was in favour of the East ■Doadxg^h^ sdlieme. Mlh»r to, evi^ droloeof traders, ma.wufaiAur4», etc., wtas giveaiu end the comtmatte« adfjour-ned. The Select iCommittee of the House of Lords heard further evidence in reference to the above-mentioned BiHs on Monday it- nesses ",eye now called in opposition to the East Denbighshire Railway, and in favour of the Great Western scheme.—Mr Lambert general manager of the Great Western Rail- way Company, said that since the proceedings last year the Great Western Railway Coin- pany had improved their scheme. He denied that the Great Western Company had neg- that the Great Western Company had neg- lected the district until the East Denbigh- shire line was projected. At one time the district was declining, but the introduction of bridkmaking had brought back pros- perity to the district.—The evidence for the Great Western Railway Company having been closed, Mr Balfour Browne, Q..C., on behalf of the Shropshire Union Railways and Canal Company, then opened their case in opposition to the Great Western scheme, contending that it would destroy competition in the neighbourhood.—Mr Pope, Q.C., pro- ceeded to reply on behalf of the Great Western. He said the only point for the committee to consider was, which scheme would benefit the district most ? He sub- mitted that the evidence proved that the Great Western scheme would fulfil that re- quirement.—Mr Little, Q.C., replying on the case on behalf of the East Denbigh Com- pany, said the inhabitants of the district were in favour of the Eaat Denbigh scheme, be- cause they knew which was best for them. For 20 years the district had appealed to the Great Western to give them railway accommodation, but the Great Western would not move until they felt that the work would be done by a powerful competitor—the Man- Chester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Company. The committee were of opinion that the preamble of the East Denbighshire Bill had not been proved. They decided to proceed with the Great Western Bill, on the under- standing that the railway did not go further the Rhos station. i--


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