CLimE. FURBISHING CO. Eosissi Terms of Payment Goods at Lowest Possibl# PAYMENT Pricos. muc'TSM Quality of Coods • "™ guaranteed. OF No Objectionable I FURNISHING Documents t0 be Sifirned No Security Required. Absolute Privacy in ali FOR CASH. Transactions. LflRSSST SELECTION* of Dining Room, Drawing Room, and Bedroom Suites, and Furnishing Requisites for the Complete Furnishing of Cottage, Villa, Mansions, or Hotel. BOAflDlfiC HOUSES specially caterod for. Wa guarantee safe AS! Oe J i very. Furniture We guarantee WO sell is satisfaction. Delivered We sruai-antse An Goods to be as represented. Carriage w n n 'A Prepare and Supply rcUu* Estimates Free of Charge Worth. Per Month For £ 10 ,'o'.1lJay 7/6 O'JR l._ £ 20 ,.15/- JI „ £ 30 „ 20 wni'.M if A? g necessary ean 55 be alt-,d to suit ,} £ tOO „ 55/- tb*izzi™ ;.< £ 5oo „ £ 12 Ho Deimlt Esquired witiiiti 20 i-niles of Liverpool; beyond that distance a deposit of not exceed in:* 2/- in the £ on amount of order If n Cu*toiTif r desires to pay Cash we allow a Discount of Ten per cent., or 2/- in the £ our 1:i,;l'.<e',Å Catalogue p:1C';S. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, or Money Roturned in Full, Our System of Trading is not only convenient as regards Term?, hut Customers also obtain advantages in Prices, the great volume of our business necessitates purchasing goods in vast quantities, we thus obtain considerable concessions in prices from Manufac- turers, enabling us to sell our goods at lower prices than those firms dealing exclusively for cash. Our Easy Payment System of Business bas been fitvowahlv commented upon and recommended by the whole of the Local Press. Thousands of Testimonials received from customers expressing satisfaction with value received, and our business methods. FREE. Our Magnificent Illustrated Catalogue sent Peat Free or on application, We will forward, post free, or you can hare on application, the latest and most complete book published on I-A#t-ria-r.c FURNISHINO," containing hundreds of photo- graphs and colored illustration* also particulars of our new instal- ment system, with estimates ior the furnishing of cottage or mansion, together with extracts from the principal newapapera hi<rh!y commending our system of .ÆeíUC311. C!obe Furnishing Co. J. n. GltANT, Proprietor. 12 to 18, PEM3B3KE PLACE, JUIV333«I»OOI.. Busfnells Hours: 9 a. ro. to 8 p. m Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Telephone a Telejramti 1760. "Wardrobe, Liverpool.*

CROP YEALQS IN COUNTIES. The "Agricultural Gazette" says :-The new instalment of the Agricultural Returns issued a few days ..go shows how differently the past season affected crops in different parts of the country. With respect to the white-straw crops in England, the Southern and Midland counties suffered much less than the Northern and Western, while Wales was very unfortunate. Wheat was returned as under aver, ge in fourteen out of forty- three counties in England, seven out of twelve in Wales, and eighteen out of twenty- eight th tt grew. wheat in Scotland. For barley there were tbirty out of forty-three below the mark in England, ten out of twelve in Wales, and twenty-seven out of thirty-three in Scotland. The oat crop, as is well known, was less injured, and twenty- six counties in England, one county in Wales, and fifteen counties in Scotland re- turned it as over average. The bean crop was a good one 10 thirty-four English Cjunties, six Welsh, and only five Scotch. For peas the figures in the same order are tweuty-seven, seven, and twelve. Scotland had greatly the advantage in potatoes, but Cime off badly iu turnips and hay.

AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. At this season of the year no one should be without Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bit- ters, the Best Remedy of the Age for rarioius ailments. GWILYM EVANS'" QUININE BITTERS. Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters iJ; recom- mended for indigestion in its different forms, such as sick headaches, heartburn, cramp, flatulency, sense of fulness and op- pression after 'eating, drowsiness, ana pains in the region of the heart. It is, without exception, the best remedy for depression of spirits and melancholy. Being a vegetable "Pickrine-up," it is strongly recommended for nervous di- seases, sucK as undue anxiety, despon- dency, fainffng fits, neuralgia, and nerve i pains generally. 1

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FOOTBALL. WELSH AMATEUR CUP. SEMI-FINAL. PORTMADOC T. DRUIDS RESERVE. Played at Bangor, on Saturday, in ideal weather. The teams, controlled by Mr Hull, Chester, turned out in the following orderDruids Reserve, E. Levies, goal; D. Owen and G. Ferguson, full backs; T. Humphreys, Charles Joues, and D. Ellis, balij bac .s Bichards, McCluskie, William Butler, Howell, and Wilfred Butler, for- wards. Portniadoj, Evan Davies, goal R. Jones and A. Hughes, full backs; R. Jones, G. iavies, amd W. J. Pierce half backs; J. R. Jones, O. Jonas, W. Vaughan, William Jones, and Moseiey Jones, forwards. The game opened briskly, but for a while play was of a scrambling nature, being con- fined to midfield. The Druids' goalkeeper wag the first to be called upon, having to put in all he knew to negot ate a drive fired by G. Davies. Then W. Viiughan came into promiuence by clean defeating the Druid's defence, but the shot, which was swung over by him, was missed jjby Moseley Jones. The Druds then attacked, being considerably assisted by a foul which happened directly outside the penalty area. The player entrusted with the shot sent in with terrific velocity, and directly he had saved the Partmadoc custodian was injured. The first point was scored by Portmadoc after five minutes' piny. J. R. Janes having the honouc of piloting the ball into the net. A brief attack oh the DI uids' goal, and then tke "Ancients" attacked in earnest, the Po: t goal experiencing a series of miraculous t, rl escapes. On one occasion a scrimmage, lasting fully a ininu e, occurred in front of the goal. and it was more by good luck than good management tlnit ilosaley Jones mmagod to get rid of the ball. Another foul occurred just outside the Portmadoc penalty areti.' and tgaiu the custodian had to contend with a sting.r. Although they commanded tLe lead, the Portmadoc players did; not relax their.,efforts in the slighter., but there wss a want. of understanding the players. A penalty kick was awarded agaiust Rowicnd Junex (Portmadoc) for handling, and Lvid Jones converted. Directly the game WttS resumed, one of the Portuianoc aef> naer.j was penalised, and from the free kick their goal had a decidedly narrow escnpe. Portmadoe then rushed away, but the i ruide' defence proved too much for their forwards. Then the half hicks, amougst whom Pierce was a shining light, essayed long jrives, which had the tifejt of putting their opponents on the qui vive. Hughes, one of the Port full backs, again failed to tackle Bntier, who, however, finished miserably. The ball travelled quickly lrom end to end, but owing pro- bably to the great excitement which pre- vailed, the shots goalward were decidedly off." Oue excitiug incident occurred hereabouts, Jack King making a desperate sprint up the field, ultimately parting to Moseley Jones, who had only the custodian before h m. He headed the bull in, but in the ensuing rush, the custodian was foule 3, and with the-resultant free kick, all danger was cleared. Towards the interval play moderated ^reitly, the excessive pace having told its tale upon tLe pi tyers. Half-time, Portmadoc, 1 goal; Druids, 1 goal. The game was resumed at four o'clock, the first move go.tlwards being made by t ,e Druids, but their attack being weak, was easily re- pelled, The Port forwards then got going, but an infringement of the offsiae rule by William Jones, sent them back. Then Moseiey Jones sent behind. As in the first half the Druids' goalkeeper was the first to be called upon. A foul against A. Hughes altered th., complexion of the game, a. d although the custodian saved the initial shot, he was defeated by a slow shot which passed through a hest of players. Port- madoc were again placed op the defensive, and a penalty kick was awarded against A Hughes, who handled the ball. Before the kick was given some dehy was caused bv two of the Portmadoc players standing- being thpir goal, but the referee did not object to their action, and overruled the protest of the Druids. The kick w:!s entrusted to D. Owen, who sent the ball wide of the mark, amidst (iensive cheers. This incident apparently encouraged the Portmadoc men, for they constantly troubled the Druid's defence, and all ugly incident occurred close in between J. R. Jenes and one of the Druid's defenders. Directly afterwards D. Edwards t.nd J. R. Joues were cautioned by the referee. Portmadoc now appeared a beaten team, and play gradually degenerated into a very rough exhibition, fouls occur-ing with ruuch-fre quency. The Druids' third point issued from a free kick, the custodian making a partial clearance, and Butler had no trouble in getting the ball into the With the view of strengthening the defence, J. R. Jones played centre half, and he looked in deadly earnest for the first few minutes in his new position. The concluding stages of the game saw the Druids pressing severely, but no further scoring took place. Final result: Druids Reserve, ?> goal; Portmadoc, 1 goal. NORTH WALES COAST LEAGUE. LLANDUDNO v. BANGOR. At Llandudno, on Saturday. Result: Bangor, 2; Llandudno, 1. ORDINARY MATCHES. COLWYN BAY A. v. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES. At Colwyn Bay, on Saturday, a one-sided game resulting in a win for the Collegians by six goals to nil. BANGOR Y.M.C.A. v. BANGOR FRIARS SCHOOL. Played on Saturday on the ground of the school team. The Friars school representa- tives scored first but the scores were levelled before the interval arrived. As in the first half play was very brisk and exciting in the second moiety, and the final result was: ™D?T YM £ A' 21 ^ars School, 2. Mr Johnson officiated as referee.

I —*—- FOOTBALL NOTES. The Welsh Amateur Cup hopes entertained by Portmadoc were extinguished at Bangor on Saturday, when they were vanguished by the Druids Reserve. A E16 10s Od "gate" turned out to witness the g.<me, which was a typical cup tie struggle! finishing with a score which was justified by the play of the Druid's. From the very outset of the struggle both teams set about their task in a businesslike manner. The Druid's goalkeeper was the first to be called upon, having to negotiate a drive from the foot of G. Davies, and then Vaughan distinguished himself by racing through the Druid's defence, but the shot which he slung over was sadly messed by Mc-elry Jones, who wa, rather slow. The Portmadoc players g?vc one the idea that they were going to every n-^rvt to qualify for the final- Gradually the play veered to the Portmadoc end, and the goal was placed in jeopardy by a foul which, luckily for the Portinadcc men, happened directly outside the penalty area. Taking lull advantage of ttbe new. rule on the ¡' subject, the Druid entrusted with the kick sent in a terrific shot, but the Port goal- keeper was on the alert, and was just in time to h'.irl the bail awaa when one of the opposing forwards injured him, and the game whs momentarily stopped. It looked as though the Portmadoc forwards were not content with a one goal lead, for they again went for the Druid's goal in deadly earnest. but their final efforts were sadly erratic. Then the Portmadoc defenders were placed on the qui vive, shot after shot being rained on the custodian, and the goal experienced several narrow escapes. In the course of one of these periodical attacks Rowland Jones handled the bdl inside the penalty lin-, with the usual result, and D. Jones con- verted. Almost directly after play was re- sumed. a foul was granted against one of the Portmidoe defenders, and from the ensuing free kick their goal was all but captured. A brief attack on the Druids' goal was followed by a determined onslaught on the Pormadoc citadel, and Hughes, one of the (tùl backs, occasioned much anxiety by failing to tackle Butler, one of the finest players u: the Di aid's team, but his parting shot lacked accuracy. IIereab mts.J.R. Jones (Portm'A.,lnc) provided an exciting incident by sprinting up the field at top speed, covering a good deal of ground prior to partiag to Motley Jones, who &pp ied his head to the ball aL1' sent it well in, but in the course of the rush which ensued the custodian was fouled and the free kick which residted had the effect of removing all the danger. At the interval the scores were equal. The first movement of import- ance in the second half was made by the Druids, but their wak attempt was easily managed and the Portmadoc forwards riished down the field in a line, but they were brought up for au infringement of the offside rule. The goal which gave Port- madoc the le-.d was the direct outcome of a foul against A. Hughes, and the Port- madoc defenders were afterwards fully ex- tended f )r about three minutes. Handling by A. Hughes led to another penalty kick, and after some delay, the ball being sent wide of the mark, to trie huge delight of the Fvrtmadoc section of the crowd. This in- cideut seemingly encouraged the Portmadoc players who made strenuous efforts to equalise, but it was unfortunate that some oi them shoidd have thought fit to exhibit shady tactics, which brought them con- tinually under the ban of the referee. The Druids now ^showed wh t stayers they were, and Portmadoo ttppeared a beaten team, their custodian being defeated on the third {occasion by Butler, who took full advantage of a partial clearance. Until the final whistle the Druids had the best of the exchanges, but no further scoring took place. There was a directness and dash about the methods adopted by the winners which completely nonplused the Portmadoc de- fence. Individually they were both steady and olever, while collectively they gave as brilliant a display of passing as has been witnessed on the Bmgor ground this season. The Purtmadoc meu also played industrious, lively football from start to finish, and but for au over-auxiety, which, in the first Jhalf especially, c-.used them lto get offside re- peatedly, they must have t ken the lead. There was, however, an absence of polish in their work and in thut respect they :greatly differed from their opponents, who, in addi- tion to iufusi-jg plenty of dash into their play, paid due regard to the finer points. The Druids' forwards were far too fast for the Port-ma oc aefence, and, assiduously fed by their colieaguta in the centre, they were continually taking the ball down to their oppo ehts, line and then sending it across the goalmouth in such a manner as to make it an easy matter for the three inside men to put it between the pjsts. There Avas no dailyit.g with tne ball in front of goal. Whe*iever a ferward got within range, he let g) with dl his might- Unless they greatly deterori ite in the interval there is every ikeiihood of the Welsh Amateur Cup finding its way to Ruabon this season. Regarding the performance of the Port- madoc te .in, the defe-ice could not be de- f scribed as thoroughly sound, while ^the for- wards, though fa.rly correct in their judgment (taki >g the game all through) were wanting m the fine points of forward play. Of euf rgy there was an abundance, but it was allowed to run riot, with the result that a shot from the half backs in- tended for a forward as often as not went to an opponent. Whilst they must be car* f'd not to overdo it, the Port men would be well advised to pray heed to the finer points ot the game,^combined werk of course, being om' of them. On Saturday the halyes faded itl feeding the forwards to the best advan- tage, Ptid were guilty of k eking too hard with the result that the Druids' full backs were able to return the ball, which in- variably welit somewhere near their own men. Tho outstanding player was J. R. Jones, followed closely by the light full back, who played a strong defensive game, his shooting being particularly clean. The goalkeeper, Evau Davtes, cannot be blamed for not stopping the three shots which went past him, but he should get rid of the ball at the earliest opportunity and n t indulge in any bhow work, which generally cost goals. The right half was rather inclined to ramble, and the centre hale was positively worthless in the second half, althougn during tie initial portion of the game he worked hard ani successfully. The other member of the line did good and bad n turns. The weakest player in the forward line was the outside left. Moseiey Jones "Was carefully shadowed from the outset, being immediately swamped by two or three players if he indulged in any dangerous moves. W. Vaughan put in some telling work at times. The North Wales Coast League Cham- pionship looks like falling to Bangor Reserve, who, aided by one or twe Combina- tion players on Saturday, defeated IJan- dudno. The game was a very puor one.

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BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS -&et/i £ Dul TESTED tjt SEEDS. CARTERS POPULAR COLLECTION, Of tested quality, will product a comtant supply qJ tAt hest Vegetables all the year round. It is seiUf packed in a box, carriage free, on receipt of remittance for SlJI-. It contains 14 pinta Peas. 4 pints Broad Beans. 1 pint Runner Beans. Ipint French Beans. I packet Beet. 1 packet Kale. I picket Brussels Sprout«. 8 packets Broccoli. 8 packets Cabbage. 1 packet Savoy. I packet Colewort. 2toz. Carrot. 1 packet Cauliflower. 2 packets Celery. Soz. 1 packet Cress. 2 packets Cucumber. 1 packet Endive. 1 packet Leek. 4 packets Lettuce. 4oz. Mustard. 1 packet Melon. 4 packets Onion. 1 packet Parsley. loz. Parsnip. 3joz. Radish. 1 packet Salsify. 1 packet Sccrzonera. 4oz. Spinach. Soz. Turnip. 1 packet Tomato; 1 packet Vegetable Marrow 3 packets Herbs. Other Boxes, price 2s. 6d., 5s., 7s. 6d„ 108., lSlt 31a. Sd.^List of contents on application. k GARDEN OF FLOWERS for 59. Carters Popular Box contains Twenty-seven packets, comprising all kinds of beautiful Flowers, of easy cul- tivation, and is sent free anywhere within the British Isles on receipt of postal order for 5s. Other Boxes, price 2s. 6d., 15b., 2180, and 31s. 6d. CARTERS PAMPHLET, "How to Make or Manage a Lawn or Lawn Tennis Ground," sent on receipt of half- penny stamp. Immediate Despatch of all Orders. JAMES CARTER & CO., 0 Seebomen to t).f&. tbe ftlng, 237, 238, & 97, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. SOLID GOLD WATCH PUZZLE. GREAT OFFER BY A RESPONSIBLE FIRM. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO TRY. WE give below some of the letters in the words of a well-known proverb. To any person who can supply the missing letters and fulfils conditions below, we offer a LADY'S SOLID GOLD GOVERNMENT STAMPED WATCH, fully jewelled, price £3 as a FREE GIFT (Silver Watchea are pre- sented to Gents.). A S T C H IN T E- S V S N N E. Send your attempt on a. sheet of paper, together with stamped ddreseed envelope for reply to FELLOWS and Co., 10 Grosvenor Buildings, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham. The winner a re- quired to purchase a Chain from us to wear with Watch. The name of this paper must be mentioned. Prize-winners of last competi- tion were: Miss N. Maiden, 35, Cae Star, Betliesda, North Wales; Mrs E. Roberts, Brynrhcsvn, Bwlchgwyn, Wrexham; Mr J. M. Roberta, Talywaeunydd, Blaenau Festin- iog. ,.d y zb 0 Yon Need Not Pay 10/6 for a 10/6 Blouse if I you buy from the makers. H Bave the retailer's profit ■ 1 by buying direct. For H example, this handsome I Blouse. ACOORDION PLEATED, I trimmed figure-8 work ■ and lace, made in a H ^HI/ITS VEILING ] I shades, we sell or 3/6 I (3<1. extra for postage). interest you. I Send us a ||! KKr joofiTctl Wa.rehoure, jff'wF\ WANSTEAD, Esaex. 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Write at once for free catalogues* Tyres, Sundries, Sewing Machines, Phonographs, &c. at/uW/prictf "D MEAD GYCLE GO. Dept. 258K. 8% PindiM Street, Liverpool, & 19, CWiag Cross Read, LondA SICK AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. AGENTS WANTED, SPARE TIME IN ALL PARTS OF NORTH WALES. GOOD fROMOTIOH FOr, STEADY MEN OVER TEN TflOUSANIi MEMBERS HAVF JOINED. MEN JOIN FOR jo WEEKLY Wu>MLS A V I10Hiu)XFN from 2s 6d TO 6d WEEKLY PAY. CLAIMS PAID WEEKLY. FOR FULL pari in TJAP8 call or WRITE TO THE DISTRICT SECRSTAR Y FOR NORTH wKliE 10 TFIE walls T. H. ROBERTS, 144. HIGH ST., BLAENAU FESTINIGG. PUBLICATIONS. This Journal has a greater circulation BY MANY THOUSANDS per week than all other Agricultural or similar paper in the United Kingdom. b arm, Field, and Fireside. ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS. AGRICULTURAL, RURAL, and DOMESTIC JOURNAL. For the Country Gentleman. Farmer, Rural and Suburban Resident, and all interested in the Farm, the Daily Live Stock, the Stable, Poultry, Garden, or the Home. 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BRANCHES at Aberdeen, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Bel- fast, Cardiff, Cork, Croydon, Dublin, Dun- dee, Edinburgh, Eteter. Glasgow, Gloucester, Hanley, Huddersfield, Hull, Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London (West End), Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Notting- ham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Reading, Shef- field, Southampton, Sunderland, Swansea, Wolverhampton. SUB-OFFICES. — Bath, Buxton, Cam- bridge, Carlisle, Derby, Dumfries, Greenock, Grimsby, Halifax, Inverness, Limerick, Lin- coln Londonderry, Middlesboro', Newport (Mon.), Northampton, Oxford, Paisley, Perth, Preston, Stockton-on-Tees, Torquay, Wals&ll, Waterford, Worcester, York. TERMS.—According to requirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to any of the above offices. "The whole law tor six-and-eigh t pence. "Westminster Gazette." 1902 EDITION. INCLUDING LEGISLA. TION OF 1901. NO MORE LAWYERS' BILLS! 69 8d SAVED AT EVERY CONSULTA- TION. Now Ready, 800 closely-printed pages,- con- taining 5000 Statements on Po;nts of Law, verified bv Notes and References to Auth- orities. THIRTY-NINTH EDITION (1902), Carefully Revised, including the Legislation of 1901. Price 69 8d sost free. EVERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER. A Handy Book of the Principles of Law and Equity. By a Barrister. 39th Edition :1902). To which is added Concise Dic- tionary of Legal Term* This Standard Work of Reference forma A COMPLETE EPITOME OF THE LAW8 OF ENGLAND, always kept up to dace, comprising Rights and Wrongs of Individuals—Com- mercial Law-Law as to Goods Stolen or Lost -Criminal Law-Parish Law-County Court. Law-Game and Fishery Laws-Poor Men's Lawsuits-Bets and Wagers—Bills, Promis- sory Notes, and Cheques—Agreements—Copy- right—Patents—Trade Marks—Insurance— Libel and Slander—Divorce—Mortgages— Stock Exchange Practice—Trespass—Nuis- ances—Transfer of Land—Wills, etc.. And Explaining the Law for Landlord and Tenant-Master and Servant— Workmen and Apprentices—Heirs—Legatees —Husband and Wife-Executors and Trus- tees—Guardian and Ward—Married Women— Infants-Partners and Agents—Lender and Borrower—Debtor and Creditor—Purchasers and Vendors—Companies—Friendly Societies -Churchwardens — Clergymen — Doctors- Bankers—Farmers — Contractors-Sportsmen Farriers—Horse Dealers—Auctioneers — House Agents-Hotel Keepers-Pawnbrokers —Surveyors Railways — Carriers — Con- stables, etc., etc. The New Edi/ion for 1902 comprises the Important new Acts of Parliament of 1901, including the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901; Intoxicating Liquors (Sale to Children) Act, 1901; Larceny Act, 1901; Youthful Offenders' Act, 1901; besides the Companies •ict, 1900; Money-renders -net, 1900; Agri- cultural Holdings Acts, 1883 to 1900; Work- men's Compensation Acts. 1897 and 1900; Wild Animals in Captivity Protection Act, 1900; London Government (New Boroughs) Act, 1899; Infections Diseases (Compulsory) Notification Act, 1899; Small Dwellings Ac- and many other Acts of recent years. 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