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Francis's |M11 I SSL E Sffelsatn. .1- 9Je ffletisSk Tieffiedt/ for I COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROATS, J HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, fr INFLUENZA, &c. I VOIT have not BIISM j done your mmm L,KE 1T- 1 best to remove that NOfflWQ LKE ,T- j u INSIST ON FRANCIS'S. I t*aMy Cough ""til INSfST 0N FRANCIS'S. I I you have tried (ST fjHgyj I ;II-. -c "s «• Don' be cajoled into | purchasing'somethinglike I OWJES WORD is |3U^ a shabby sub- | or stitute. INSIST ON FRANCIS'S. B ^kCAUTIOK NOTHING LIKE IT. I It is acknolwied&d by all to be the B l Premier themedy in all cases of ■ COUGHS, CQLD5, BRONCHITIS, &c. I pleasant to øoBtaJas NO Poison. I IMPARTS S$MM TO WE CHEST AND LUNGS. | Obtainabie from all rejpite Gbemists and Dealers, in Bottles | »gr and 1 Fpancis's galgatn I ,-===-=- THE NAME OF I DICK'S IS A HOUSEHOLD WORD AND AN UNDOUBTED WARRANTY FOR •JOOD & CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES. ———— j All ouf Establish meats are now full of the Latest Fashions and the I Navvest Improvements in the Boot and Shoe World, suitable for all classes, at the Lowest Possible Prioes. I I C K S 17. HIGR STREET, BASGOB 4' MUSKET STREET, HOLY HEAD, 7, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON, PALACE STREET. CARNAR' <IN. TMPOBTANT NOTICE. WANTED I f' ..L I ..L-J. EYERYROD Y 10 VISIT THE | GREAT WINTER. SALEj AT I TIIO M A S' S ■. LONDON HOUSE, BANGOR L( .AYS ONLY. FOR 28 TAYS ONLY. =- -=- y, ATCHES, aad all kinds 01 jaKGB, fxc. The tfest aiKl <- 'lie&pt :-t place for above in «>T the Old rlc-iablishioeiit ,f the late JUliN HUGHES, E r PCOL STREET, ki lil NP., p O F E 11 T S and Qr( v, E K peofkietes. Established Hundred Yea.rs .t", 0 I;i)X of CLAPTKE'S B 41 PILLS: is -writranted to cure all discharges from the U ri- T.&t f Organs in either sex (acquired or constitutio- nal), Gravel, and Pttiris in the Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors vhroughout ths worldLi. or sent to any address by Lhe Makers, The Lincoln and Midland COUN- ties Drug Company, Lincoln | jj AiJii AEL'S ALMANAC for lt>67.—Contains i\' hints to Farmers and Gardners. Birthday Information for every day. When to buy, sell, speculate, &e. 12S pages. Price 6d. FOULSHAM. 4.Pir.'3uia:-3r., L)noon, ,8J C THE FINEST BREAD. I THE FINEST PASTRY. SNOWDON FLAKE. THE GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. ^BENSON'S ENGAGEMENT RINGS IN • HALF-HOOP, MARQUISE, GIPSY, AND ALL OTHER DESIGNS, SET WITH BRILLIANTS, RUBIES, EMERALDS, PEARLS, SAPPHIRES, OPALS, TURQUOISE, ETC, ETC., ETC. 6,000 IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. PARCELS OF UNSET GEMS TO SELECT FROM. WEDDING RINGS AND KEEPERS. MERCHANTS NETT CASH CITY PRICES, SAYING ALL PROFITS, SELECTIONS SENT TO THE COUNTRY ON APPROVAL. The FINEST, CHEAPEST, and LARGEST STOCK of RINCS in LONDON. Illustrated Book of Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Watches, Clocks, Plate, &c., at Reduced Prices. Post Free. SIZE CARDS SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. i OLD JEWELLERY AND WATCHES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. J. w. BENSON, HI. the Queen's Jeweller, Steam Factory: 62 & 64, LUDGATE HILL, AND AT 22, ROYAL EXCHANGE, E.C., and 25, OLD,, BOND STREET, W., LONDON. ( 1=-==- THE BANGOR AND ARVON PERMANENT I, *■ BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY REGISTERED OFFICE: I PLAS LLWYD, BANGOR. PRESIDENT ALDERMAN JOHN EVAN ROBERTS, BANO-OR PRESIDENT ALDERMAN JOHN EVAN ROBERTS, BAN «OR RESERVE FUND INCREASING ANNUALLY J62215 I Paid-up Shares, 4)10 each Entrance Fee, Paid-up Shares, 4)10 each I Entrance Fee, Snbscription Share, 5s and r per ebare2fl tid. upwards per month. J | Advances repayable (by Monthly Instalments) in 5 10. 15, or '20 years on Leasehold and I rte- j hold Properties. ADVANTAGES: To Subscribers. 1. A convenient place far Investment, with Abso. ute Security and Good Intoraat. 2. Investments withdrawable at ANY TIME by Notice or other Arrangement. r To Borrowers. t i 1. Funds always available for advances; 2. Kaey scale of Repayments. H. Moderate Solicitor's Charges (by Speeds Arrangement). 4. Premium added TO, and not deducted FKOM, ad f ance. 5. Mortgage effected with the utmos Despatch and Bacrecy. 6. asy facilities for Redemption of Mortgages ANYTIME, without any charge. Applications, &c., to he addressed to the Secretary Mr ROBERT HUGHES. Plas Llwyd, Bangor. Wo, FOG j I RAtN BE THANKFUL If you haven't a Cough or Cold in these chill, change- able days. But if you have either cough or cold, BE THANKFUL FOR GERAUDEL'S PASTILLES The real remedy for Coughs, Colds, I and Lung Troubles. FROST I I SNOW IMFORTANT TO PARTIES FURNISHING. I f^DWIN JONES, KYifTIN PLACE CABINET WORKS, BANGOR, has a Urge and extensive j Stock of all kind of Household Filrniture, c^io^istirg ot Dining, Draw g and Bedroom suites-, Bookea&i-a Cheffooieis,Sideboards, Wardrobes, Chest ofDrawe s Dressirg Drawers and all kind of Bedroom and Par- lour Chairs, Sofas and Conches in le.i,her aii(i liir o^v^rs, Iron and UrasH Bedsteads, Feather, Wool and Flock Beds, Spring and Wool Mat cresses, Dining and Drawing Room Tables, Kitchen Tables, Gbr.h*, Lressers of all descriptions. Mcst of the above are [ made on the premises under hia own supervision. Edwia Jones, owing to his increasingbuisiness, ha? cr.reda tJ,fge V\ ^rehouss in addition to hlo other promige, and invius customers to inspect his large stock, which he 'nltnrls to sell at a very small pioliv (:•'•*riar/" ft"-1 of fifteen m TO THE DEAF.. | A GENTLEMAN who cured himself of Deaf- j ness and Noises in the Head alter tonrteen I j ears' euScriug, will gladly sm..d full particulars I i of the remecy post free.—Address, A. Cii>ton, < A Y Strand, Loudon. :>t | I I The daily delight oj I Thousands. I The Tea for all. LILCHOK, TEA ANOHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA l ANCHOR TEA I Oar great aacceps |bnving brought many imita. I tions of our picket into the market, we trust that consumers will see the Trade Mark is' on every Packet. TRADE NARK. The Wingea Anchor Trade Mark will be on every packet if the Tea is genuine, and consumers may rest assured of the quality by noting this. ANCHOR TEA. ANCHOR TEA —— ANCHOR TEA ANCHOR TEA Is 4d, Is 6d, 1b lOd, 2s, & 2s 4d per Pound. SOLD BY AGENTS EVERYWHERE. Ø@i. CAUTION.-Beware of spurious and. un- scrupulous imitations of cur packets by small local houses throughout North Wales. For Agencies apply to the ANCHOR- n TEA COMPANY, 41, Great Tower street, London, E.C. CAKNAKYON AND DISTRICT. ^7ILLIAMS & QRIFFITHS Bil Posters, Dietnbu. -jr?, and 'l own Criers by appoiniment of the Town Council, Members of the United Billpo-t.'is' Association. 5, NORTH PENRALLT, CARNARVON. Owners of the Chief Pcsting Stations, all in the most prominent parts of the town and neighbourhood!1 Contracts taken for Bill Posting and Distributing fo. 20 mules round- We are the oiiiy men Bill Posters ill tie town. AU orders entrusted to our caro shall be promptly attended to and executed at the most reasou«V.<*+orrnij. I « POLE. P&ivKSTONE, W1MBORSE, NEW FORE • T and LYM1NOTUN. — Intending i Visitorc. to this district should Advertise for Apart- j mert^ in the '• East Dorset, Herald and South Hants Chronicle.5' Large and iucreaaing ciuolatiou from Doreiie'ttcr on the wist ta 6>aufhaJ»pioji on the east 4 ediiioxig. Thursdays, Id. Tl:e chargo for ad. veTÜpÐ- jnencs of 20 words, in all editions, is; Once, Is; twice, i's Sd 3. times, *a (I Office, feole. i LORNE HOUSE LIBRARY. ALL THE NEWEST BOOKS. SUBSCBIPTION 17/6. LAMPS, END OF SEASON:.— TO CLEAR AT LESS TIIAN COST PRICE. JOSIAH HUGHES & CO., t\ 'I' ,v. ¡ IRONMON GERs,—- II 1.,t/ l' R BAN GO a. THE BEST PLACE IN THE PRINCIPALITY FOR PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY. WRITING CASES, BLOTTERS LETTER CASES. POCKET BOOKS, PURSES, PHOTO ALB CMS, PHOTO FRAMES LADIES BAGS, GAMES, &c. D. WTDAVIES, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL) 19, BRIDGE STREET CARNARVON. STILL IN THE FRONT. TERWERIN. PURE TEA & COFFEE. SALES INCREASING WEEKLY FROM HUNDREDWEIGHTS TO TON$ =N=mw TO: S 0 L FALSE TEETH, G ST 3 Eh £ UTMOST YALUE SENT BY RETURN, „ dh 23 o' ottarm tnada and teeth bald ovu untu accepted. Established 1"& Bukers' Reterences: ^^Jmcssts. BACON & Co., IPSWICH. STREET. BHGLAlID. WELSH NATIONAL PRESS CO, LIMITED. PRINTERS Sf PUBLISHERS, Carnarvon. Estimates Furnished for all kind of Printing. MUSIC PRINTERS The ONLY Old Notation Printers in North Wales Competent MusiciaEs being employed, Customers can rely upon the music being cor- ectly, priutfid and revised if r.tccBsary. Also music transribed from Old-Notation to ySoIffa or Solffa to Old Notation. c Write .for Terms. SAFE FOB, CHILDREN 1 OF nOREHOUND. I TltIltTY lEAUS' KEPUT ATIOX. ^/STOPs\i Mi ere. ill!, 2/9 per oolite. ,I 1! I COUGH J A SAFE AND SPFEDY REMEDY For INFLUENZA and all (CHEST & LUM DISEASES,1 "A3 like as Eggs—u/cnien saif so." I —WJNTFKS TALS. | Every Meal Made j! Attractive and Tempting BY THE USE OF BIRD'S I CUSTARD I POWDER A delicious accompaniment to every Sweet Diah, Pudding, or Stewed Fruit- all the year round. NO EGGS.' HO TROUBLE! NO KiSX!

