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SALEM RAOCE^,1^001'-—Monday last Cap!. • -Thotnas roac^ entertained the child- 'tM e to an excellent tea m t^e 8pacioUs Z11 uncler the chapel. All tho youthful Kcholars^11"11^ enjoyed themselves. GRAND BiLLii5S'ATCH-—We notice from an aaveiti8eTUcut. ^5 issue that Mr Harwood ha- eu§aged W, Coofcthe chamPion billiard player, and Iimbrel, an0^" wcl1 knowu Professional, to an ^hibitinn^0^1 llew billiard-room « the Eagles Ho# this town' 011 the 21th iust- A T'Umv uairu,fiF'P'1'-11 ^laulin was brought ui ^.Wedue8dav th^ iu* ^ore Mr J. P. d. eftW011' charged j Kglfv?atP^ygrous. The ffence Was proved V* .yniie Jones, and the defendant mis Sp/totl l'° t°urteen days' iin- Plisonment. ^HK DISTKPSS IV$'u,^ AI.ES.—In addition to Wlt' G-enedl and v 'f iie],of F«nd, started this to aid tli- working-elusses in South >»ales, we aro learn that collections were vu'Harris the <loscmng cause by the u fjsh Baptists of t#1 thoP™ycr-ineetin^ STEAUN-G A T* -UI'TJ-ON-.—On the 9 th in SI.. JjtoreDrW-1,o/ ind Mr J. P. de Waitoni Abraham BkwUrirn P'ourer, was charged with paling a W 0f rnut* ^rC ProPerty of -"Wrs Marv :ry j0I1(J° fJ;™Jlt{ Market Ilall. From the "Vidence it armo-ir- tIie Prosecutrix left her "UU> and on murnv/01"^ a lumP of ^nct and pieo'of mutton misfit person named John arry had met the nWcr i11 tlle Drum Tavern, •^he meat concS#"1??' coat- Suspcct- that it was stolen ^e at ?nce gave ••Uormation to tho rnv/trlx'' an(i prisoner was r^matelyapprei;,1^ the tavern, with the S of mutton m fes«on> Prisoner, who Admitted the oltVn ^\?ent('lu;ed to two months f '*rd labour. U'' TW SQUAup T i SOCIETY.—The annual *<>oial meeting of S Pty was held-°u Friday ^emng fn t:1( 'n|1(lerneat1' Turf-square d .nfeHMrla"» ESBronym;r' Zv pr"si- u<ut of the society >ymg tUe chair- 'n™ members and tlieir iv'ioJ1'the liumber of about hundred sat down t^-T Vrepast' con- ->t.ng of tea, coffee sJ' »' (ic' &c*' Pre" Pared by a number of hif' suitable address «» chairman by song, and ^Citations by several i,,i and gentlemen, and a pleasant evening was >„ £ 1,0 a close by votes "t thanks beine ,Z0 the ladies who had charge of the arrnm,, t> t" tJie singers and reeittira, to the chairm-ml pecrc<"ary, and to Mr •'arreft Robert, ( £ n V' Music), who had granted the o ia Pianoforte for the evening. L Use WANTRD !—"JE magistrates?" was question asked'lasr 1>y almost «veryone ^thm and without tho F's ot thc bowigh- 1 magistrates' room ThrPrCJa contaiued several •'»portant cases—two lL?b/ llnd one a^ault PT of two magi,strn^l0aSt WCre rquired. | ohce officers were s?ut f Ant imd scour1' the S™ f0Jthe mi^i»Sni„dt<>rs <*)«»«. "d w%ai "2itl,as io" ¥'(T ,ot?'Ur- w- M ■ Iioberts was the onlv nnlattumed "P-« The Vrnt°^ Tas ailn°uneed to be T^°n' b'ing l5re" uted to return in con^oqnoW S 8°n s lllness- r said that the other WCro in town- b«t where, no one knew l>t j ts fiis'P0f'ed of ,).g e o f e case of drunkenness n^d to ad30urn the V Patrick RdlW and \f, would have been obliged to snend J^inPrison> a^ait- bail them out. This fart ^\?10 cotl"nent, and tin10 h\ hopcd that a repetih °f UU injustice t0 the Public will not occiir in MEHSHS MORKIS A.VD G-RI/r PttI1!E»-—Thc I)r ffered byth, above -known firm for prizes offered by the above manures the best crops grown with Pateut manures were esliibited °on Satoday uS °f Mr Lews Lewis' drapery e- t;il?mC1" In this district, of which Mr R wlau'rafon ^ach, i8 the a^ent ih.J, vcn candidates, out of which t1u lt owlWCre«fcd P'«s:-Mr Edmund Jones, Ty'iilH^ JTI^rog, a silver teapot, value' £ 8 3s (crop pol ^36^on3' 9 ^wt-> ^qrs., 18 lbs); Mr Robert T> ?r-vl^'wdlo)1' ilaullytai, J,;„ teapot valui^ P« acreT ,J2 tons, G cwt., 0 qrs '>11 1 !e'?'°P 1oi Mr J. Owen, Cefn, was hi'4ly b3' judge UMr Humphrey Owen V' ^™arvon), and Mr R. H. Parry awarded hit 7 platad teapot, value 21s, as a third Prize^^tand that the name enterprisinp firm Uf dTVy' the district agent, again intend prizes for the best crops grown wi ';XW'Ueut patent manures ENTERTAINMENT nv THE XAV VL FILI'E1;Y VOL- UNTEBR8.—The most popular of pif <'llfcr,t;llu_ ments held this season was Rivefi ;Cal bat" tery of lioyal Naval Artillery Voliu" 7 per" mission of Lieutenant Owen1; on T a/ cveninS> in the Guild Hall, the proceed, be* ^'0ted in aid of the poor of this town. Althu ,)rKX S for admission were doubled on the rc occasion, the xooai was literally erowded aiinan^ lV-ere .obli-edtole,,tvoowiligtoi)i.gufflc* t,i tnoijidat*.oii. Each side of the room was pr'ofi/ coratcd with flags, and above the platform \iL ^ue dis" play of Union Jacks, fixed bayonetsfords> bc^" mets, &c. The stage also was fitt'u^ 1,(> rc" present the deck of H.M.iS. Kwdlcn?Aayr and moonlight. Thc scenery, provided ■*jeon' artist, could not fail to attract' attl011' as rt nhowed the bahvark of the vessel a11^ ^•lc rigging, with sailing sliipg of war'an c sca in the back ground. The stage, of COIIT*?^1*^8"1^" ed a capital deck, and the oapstai?1 niim^ armaniejts, liiebuoyv, shells, wii of about twentj' four "jolly and ],<" °-'vnio members of the Navul' ArtHlery vT^'f T1°1i board, caused an interesting surprise ,re miTi of the audience when the curtahis^by rWrf Rule Britanwa having ],,cu su^er I) T Petty Officer U gliomas, and Uni, Edwards, the c.ew joining in thel0art{ tl programme of an entertainment o>rornin„1)t .Excellent" was then proceeded with \Vi' iV,, among the soloists were Gunnei ()fw W. Thomas, Pool-street, Chief Pc Car .rln,. L. R. Thomns, Gunners W. W. Xewt^ k1„° Rowlands, R. H- Williams (flute), Iceedin^s Vigars, and 1). T. Edwards,whilst the heino- «f were much enlivened by the capital lanren- Gunner Coop]and. Gunner J. H. FJ Gmircr dered a soug and danced a hornpipe, ;.g;lve a John Jones—a genuine "Jack Tar' which Wel8h song and chorus, the vocalizaLioi0f sino-- ^as truly characteristic of a sailor's styl aiaon^ xng- This accomplishment was lacktliomsw the rest of the "crew" except Guniijf the Williams who gave a line example An grace uotcs" essential to a real tar's George excedeni/reeitati.n was given by Gunn of the Owen, story, by Instructor Bf'up auci ghost ot an olci ]lorsc whose iloeh was 'icartilv eaten by tiie saiiQrg in the navy, w'crcvr" relished—(HOL the fl^^ 0f course)—by Nation and tlie audience. addition to the violin Instructor 1'0lJ< ])ia7e^ several solos on »?tcnre in a creditable '-xcixi.-ing thegi^ in his efforts to ^f'P,110 instrument in the piano, at whid T,lll!'0l~ J. Williams dinner It was rather unfortuuil^c on the part < ov,e I). T. Edwards in allo^^g hiniseif to jn„s powered bv his patriotic'and j>0iitic:,i ^hp whilst singing the Red, V, und v'lld the emphatic manner ni which. he clialleic,,lled Russian Bear," referred to the «on„ the for strong expressions of disapproval j 0f majority of the audience of the nitr<xl0uo.]lt i)olitical feelings into a meeting tfhere SUC0^0 £ to be disregarded entirely. The p01'fonncoiu. the crew with the handspikes and cavstan^uc!erl panied by vocal and instrumental mu4c, frotho, roars of lamrhter and appiausc. In additiU is, excellent <* <^iel Petty OCTicer i, the and Gunners rhomas, Newton and Row]iei\ to musical abilities of the crew were sh advantage in a glee called "Windlass Song," rendered by them under the conductorship of Gunner R. H. Williams. The only "busy bee" apparent "on boaVd" was Gunner Yigars, who spent his time in stitching a trowsers and chewing tobacco. It is hoped the rest of the crew were not idle because the lieutenant stayed "below" and did not come on "deck." However, the enter- tainment pleased all, aiid was throughout one of ti mos. popular and interesting ever held in this town, and it is gratifying to find th t the proceeds amo inted to X-24. Mr J. R. Davids acted as stage manager. We are glad to learn that it is the 'n ten Lion of the members of the battery to give a s'milar entertainment in this town at an early date.. PilE 11AKMON"! I'M AT TliK I'.VVILION".—Mr Jarrctt Rot^rts, of the Carnarvon Music Warehouse, has, during the past few weeks, placed at the disposal of the Pavilion Company the use of a magnificent ins', arm Tit, and whi- h is a cariosity. It is a dcplicai of a Grani Ctwrrt model, made by Gil- bert. L. I^incr, fo¡" the P;II'.R Exhibition, and is valued at 050 truica^. It has twenty stops, and each one of (hem represents the pure tone of the instrument i; is intended for. Thc following is a copy of the specification The Grand Concert M-UK:! IS built expressly for concert prrposes, and is constructed in the simplest pos- ■ iblc manner, with a view to prevent its getting out ot order. It is voiced wit i greater power than any other harmonium, beiin capable of taking the parts, if necessary, of IIH", instruments in the orchestra. It is especially adapted for solo work, and by the aid of the double touch, together with the forty pneumat.c. effects can be produced hitherto unknown. It contains the new bent reed, which produces a bold, round, organ quality of tone, entirely free from the harshness so common to birmoziiizms and the "speech" is as rapid as can be desired in the most difficult passages. Mso, the double touch, which gives a complete control over the key-board, and enables the performer to produce a melody prominently with a soft accom- paniment, thus, combining the effects of the choir and great organ upon a single row of keys; also, the pneumatic forte, which enables the player to gain greatly increased power of expression without the least extra, exertion or difficulty, and is the only forte by which complete "creccnds" can be obtained; also mechanical "ruce" swell, by which an immediate burst of tone can be produced, if required, and the following- stops Percussion treble flute, 8 feet; clarionet, 16 do. octave, 4 do. oboe, 8 do. musette, 1G do.: barytone, 32 do. voise celeste, 16 do. forte pneumatic; percussion bass; flute bass, 8 do.; double diapason bass, 16 do.; clarion, 4 do. basoon, 8 do. harp eolienne, 2 fifteenth, 2; sourdine, 8 do. forte pneumatic, grand jeu, ex- pression. -1 fo J BOARD OF GUARDIANS, SATURDAY'.—Present: Messrs. Robert Jones (chairman), J. Llovd, J. Jones (Carnarvon), E. H. Owen, E. Griffith. W. .Tones, W. Owen, Daniel Thomas, Robert Wil- hams, Elias Jones, Elias Williams, John Thomas, Edward Williams, William Griffith, John Lewis, Hugh Thomas. Robert Roberts, Robert Lewis, and Mr J. H. Thomas (clerk). Financial §c.—Total amount expended in out- door relief during the past fortnight, ;C328 Os. 4d.; ditto granted to non-settled poor, X36 15s. 6d. balance in favour of the union, JE753 15s. 4d. cheques, amounting to £ 360, were signed towards the relief required for the current fortnight. From the master's books it appeared that there were 81 in the house against 71 for the corresponding period last year; children, 25, 6 of whom were receiving industrial training. Tramps for the fortnight, 22. Afi,yeellaneou,q. -The tender of Mr T. 0. Jones, ironmonger, East gate-street, Carnarvon, for a cooking apparatus for the use of the house, was accepted.—A vaccination contract was ordered to be prepared for Dr. Williams, for vaccination in ie bouse. In pursuance with a notice of motion, TI I onES (Carnarvon), proposed, and Mr J. Lloyd seconded, that a washing machine be pur- chased for the house. This was agreed upon.— a-M ,0Iie.s was addedfo the workhouse committee. —I he business was unimportant, and of a routine character. COUNTY MAGISTRATES' COURT, SATURDAY. -Before Dr. Millar (in the chair), Rev. Canon Wynn Williams, and Mr E. G. Powell. D¡'ullkenness.-Hichal'd Williams,quarryman, was p & y Sergeant Williams with being drunk at 1 enygroes, and was fined 2s. 6d. and lis. costs. 1 he same officer preferred a similar charge against DavId Jones, alias "Hen Bregethwr," who was ordered to pay 20s. including cost-Sergt. NVillianis also brought a charge of drunkenness against Rowland Griffith Humphreys, Fron, Xant- lie, whom lie found in an intoxicated condition at Penygroes. Defendant was -fined' 13s., including costs. ° BOROUGH POLICE COURT, lioND.Y.-liefore nr W. Roberts. Drunkenness.—V.V,. Williams preferred a charge of drunkenness against Edward Hughes, a Fliift shire labourer. The officer found the defendant Helplessly drunk in Hole-in-the-Wall-street. In default of payment of 6s. fine and costs, lie was sent to gaol for seven days. A Family Dispute.- Sarah Hughes, Grcengate- street, i". husband. Mr Allansou appeared for the complainant, and said that he and Mr George Thomas, who had been retained for the defendant had come to an arrangement. The case was there- for.; struck out. Alleged Robbery at 8eiont Flour Mill.- J olIn I Thomas, Morfa, and Hugh Grey, miller, were brought up on remand charged with stealing 'a quantity of flour, the property of J. Edmunds tic Co.. Seiout Mill. When the case was called on, the informant was not present, and a messenger was sent to procure his attendance. In the meantime, D.C.C. Prothe;-o, who conducted the prosecution, handed to the bench a letter re- ceived by him from Mr Edmunds. The latter having put in an appearance, Dr. Roberts, addres- sing him, remarked that Mr Prothisro had handed him a letter in which he (Mr Edriunds) desired to withdraw the case against the deft niants. He (Dr. Roberts) was the only magistrate present, and therefore would not express any opinion on the 't -i application however, he could say that it was his (Mr Edmunds') duty to the public and to society in general to proceed with the prosecution, having brought the charge against the defendants. As .there was not a second magistrate present, lie would not say any tiling, and it was his duty to further remaned the defendants.—They were there- fore remanded till Friday, at 11 o'clock, bail for the same amount being accepted for their appear- ance. The informant and witnesses were also bound over in their own recognisauces to appear and give evidence on that day. Charge of Assault.—■ Patrick Reilley, one of the Ir;sh denizens from the neighbourhood of Tan'rallt, was brought up on a charge of assaulting "Margaret. I arry, of the same locality. The case could not be disposed of bv one magistrate, and had it not been for the timely aid of Moses Williams, a potter, who undertook to bail him out. Patrick would have been obliged to spend several days in prison, await- ing his trial. Alleged larceny.— Mary Rowlands, daughter of Rowland Rowlands, potter, was brought up in custody, charged with stealing a scarf. The case was adjourned, owing to the non-attendance of a magistrate, but the accused, fortunately, was let out on bail.













. E „ MOLD.