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PREPAID TARIFF FOR SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS. 'SOUTH WALES DAII.Y NEWS.¡)r I)ly New? ¡ WOP.HS. ) Three S;x !& oneo in Insemon. Tm;t:rtlùn!I118eïlOn.\ Ca.rdift 1_- 'i:wi\- s. 'd. ) a. ctT?J"'—?' s. d. [3WrJls 06iI?O_j_l__6j_?_P 1.71623 ) 5_0' 36 Words] 1 0 j 2 0 i'5 0 i 4 0 t5 W..rds ) 1 5 )_2_6 t 5' 9 j 5 0 0 54 Word. f'l 6" i 5 0 ?4 6 j 60 ???0'5 f'O 6 0 '& j 1 0 9 Words) i Thasec!.ar"es&?p!yon!ytothe classes of adettis- meflt pe(.¡tie,l :.el..w, awl arc sti-icly to those for Vf; iiisertit!n, ,xiid PAijs Fo;t l'EY wc,; TO 1;õ¡,;n.TI0: ii either (If these con- d¡tir.lI:i :s .mt co;npJie<t with. the adyertisement wili be cll;).r.úd by tt.M business fcate :— At'A.L'.?.i?fS WA?l'Ki). JtlOCSES TO BE SOLO. APAm'KM'SroLET. MO?EYWAMRU. AKTfCi.s Losr. Mo?RY To LKM). A;H'tC;.i'S FO'?O. Mi.SCJ.LL.t??O? WA?'TS. BL'St'<t;);S b?H DISPOSAL ?i).SCI:LLA?.EO''S SALES. HUS:??- V'A'-Tt?D. PART?ERSH)PS WA?.'tRP. HOUSES t')J.HT. SHUA'MO?SWAXTED. HOUSES \VA?THD. SiTLATiO?S VACANT. GENERAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. Y No-FiCrs, Uuvcran'.ent. Announce- nteitts, èlllll l'¡<rHa,mellta.ry E!edioll: charged One for per ii, Public CulHlXm¡as charged iJlepenC8 per line for I each inerttoa. Public, 'ImiicipfJ. Pa.rochin.t, and Notices; Tenùers te., tl?n Nf?icea a.re charged Sixpence per luie, &nd a.tl other c!a.-<se, uf per line per insertiu:). of these chm-a:es are, however, subject to TeÜud:o:l in a.ccor<lanc with the number of inser- tion:! onkTe,L Particula.rs m&y be obtained !tt: our Chiei'a.t.dBt.mchOtlices. wh6'tl advertisements in man- uscript.nia.y ctlciilatq eight wun¡ to a hue, and 12 lines tu an incit. lit charging a(lverti,nieiits the lines are not cOIUJ¡;ed, but the advertisement, including large line" (hJ.j¡e1. white space,, is and the ¡¡pace occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve lines to all-inch THE NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS, Adverthers and others having' to remit smal1 snm,¡ to this <>ttke are to semi POS)AL NOTES rs STEAD OF STAMPS. The Nul."< m",y be obta.mc<t at every Po<,tOfHce in the Kingdom for the foUawing su.tns a.nd ch?es Arcount c.! Notes. Cost of Note. One :biUi¡:g. Ihl.lfl'enny. Eighkeupcuce 11 a1f!cllny. g ¡: :;evc!\ and Sixppnce One e 1't1l !Üllings T\'vpence. Twe; v'.) and sixpeuce shil1i: T".vopenc. Sev(:ute811 shiJlings and sixpence.. Tweuty Twopence. The Not"s" may be trarisniitte(I just received from he Put UrUcc but if greater security is desired the and at which it intended to make them paya.bte (D. i)unca.n a.ud Son. Cardiff), ui,,iy be As posta.! notes are only is:maù for the nxed sums )Y s a.bove gh-on, it -.viU not always be pc?si' by sending Izi IL,:I" tile N'ii! -Iv:iyg be le.<.< shiiting) ttlay be ,vÍlle,l iu 1""skl" "tam! @iHn:?isnaL ??NISH'.—??nted. LKSSONS i'T'SPANISH.— SCtiUOL.—Comrae'.cifd Eùuc:ti(;u i.4 a AJi ,uh;ects tai!ht. (..ooddiet.No sx:ias.—r!i')!d, f'ni.y Pre.-iS, UrI -tul. <+í2 ??R R. Mu/ARi ATKlNS, tute Or?ni.st St. John's. ?i. Cij.!iton(who w&s a!so appou-?ed Or?tn?i, for the fine Art a.nd Industrial Kxh'iuun held illl ardiff J"rin;.¡ the months of AUg¡Üit aJ1cl :l:pte1,Jh.r !at), .itrdi.T?r'?ighbourho'jti. Test;n:ot(j!s a?d hj?hest 'efenmce"l Le"S<Hls oil Har1l1(llIi:IIl1, (ran. Trms, Uia.Doi'nte \.nÚ lI.uu?.'C?.t?n.' 4183S \UUX<.t LADY, who had ha.d consitiera.bieex. in chihlre!1, a Ite. a.,i I)AILF r?.ri?Add'reM"?'K.'W. "Somli Wftlea Da.'ily Nt-ws."<??.rditt'. 5?.30.5 '??OrN<? LADIES' SCnO'jL, CUt'TON.—BoM'dcrs I?ri.J:)i. _4',?' Ða;nr;Uc txim1!t. I ASTF,D 'e'?rAXTER immed?be'y, gopft CE?'?nAL'SKH- In,L$penc'h;e.pply ?oIl's Haswell Villa, POlltypr:lh, 557 ADIE, be :r:ttd wttl. hy app' J?J i!i'? a.t .M:'s H?edeii's I:H?i.stry U':?e, ?06. IV l!<)USHK!??RR.-Ap?:y \tn. V?hiley', 49? GJeùe.trpet. !'ennrth. b7 ??y A'? ? F. D,'?a, good GL EfG:I:f.:E-rt,ff for ? ? stnH.U far.1ily. Ntrrseuta.id M." Mr John, cl101llidt. Penai-th. &:4 '6 AN FED, glootl Glt'NEUAL A'rT from Boa.h. _5i.3'' íhtlttíans it ltCanr. t\BAt'r;HY.—Wanted, &t tar?e Shop near Pontv- j?pridd,thor.).?hlyexperi*tCf-:iSALr'.SWO?!AN jt-id DRK.?S.AK?;R (We:sh). S'U-'try .E30. -App;y. Naws" Uttlce. Curditt.? ,I T"A T), a,n experienced ASSISTANT and f-u .Al'l'lU;,TIC:. iif-rH.s.i.ry—Apply W.HH.r"is. ;i and ProvIsIOn Merchant, 1H, ttreet. :\J vrLh:, r. 562 I)ltF>I.K [U.-Wanted, an experienced an<l :\la::tl -\I,,iker alSo eX'JeriCnC eù Y (I¡¡ng J.:twe" tu s<"v0.-Apply T. Yoz-atb, 'Yan:a. 56J "-I' EW CATtDH.'F F & 1-, cili:ItK of the WORKS.—Apply by letter, Hn- c¡n,i;, rd,)n"!H'l', t.) Dr. :-<hecu, lIPI!. :ee. 553 I 'jjtHu?i.Lij and CO., ttie ('?r<ui[ Drapers, h9,ve jTi. VACANCIK3 f<? aevera,! experienced Hands. Persona.1 application preferred, or ii ib be by letter, full ¡'>f\l'ticahrH of all previüug situations must be and 552 YlTr;MUNm:ATIVR UCCUPA't'iO? is ottered to :t.)? eithe:' ,:ex, ever)'where.-Sellù addl'e;,¡sed enveloPQ to A. H. Snt!)t.'r':an(t, 22, BenhiH-roa.d, London, S.E. M8 ra?U MYLLI?r:I:S.—J. E. Davics, .Merth'/r, ha.3 a. i_ Va.ca.ncy fora. FIBST HA?'D. Sta.temIIparti- =:dars. 543 It,kl an experienced ASSISTANT to the General to Cllle, Pontypridd. ?_ 5'M H'?ANTEn, n. YonnK M?n to attend to horse und tbetn!. Apply H. Provi,'ion WaterJoo-street, 519 t?TANTHD? Fm ER, coHst?ttjob to a good n?n). ?1 Hours6to6.—AppJyW.West!?he,Patcnt Fuel S'oI'ansea. 5O 'I'bree Al()UT,DE-itS and Tivo FIT- 'rER:pp!y 'Ya.tl'l')O tTtrANTED, Young Mn.n aa WAREHOCSEMAN, T V to tiU up his time &t counter.—Apply C}. M. Ctiuson, grocer, Merthyr. 523 "T ATCHMAKERS AND nlPr.Ov¡..R.Vn(l V V all IMPROVER.—Apply P. diddle, Mountfuu Ash._ 524 '?.?7'??TRD two experienced Young Men, for and Co., l1ow..e, 518 'V?rA?TED. Mtire JUNIOR CLERK for Sh:o- ? ? broker' OfRce, Ca-rditf, niust ha,Y. had previous experience a.nd write ,=,horthand.-Ap1,Jv, sta.tinK re- ferences, sa.Ia.ryrefpiired, &c., to fl., "Daily News" Ctt'<-e. 501 T?/tr ILLIN HRY.—Wa.nted, MT?x p cri enced'?H!! [ne?. 171. Ap.dy, w?h fun particula.rs, to J. L. 'tho!na.a, Ûl'apcr. Puntfr:hlla.¡. 497 'l-lifÜ ¡.; f \VfU)ted, 'Mod to stMn fittings.-f(¡}Tis ri Hicvc!e Makers, Pontypridd. 560.S4 ?TR/'A?TED. ? re.pJct?.MeY6?TH in?ShMjroker's ?V O?iee one weH educs.ted, Md whc c?n gpea.k IUlIl wntc l' fr'l!cl: one can also speak md write German.—Apply, in own handwriting, to Z., Box 2, Post U.1'icC), :w!tllsea. '!P8 ?IVIL SEHVICR APPOINTS HNTS?T?ion by ??/ corre.p?ndo.ce. Amet.??r '?ftht.'Sei'vicepre- M''f:;s, throt?h post, <?di(]ate.s f\'r Ch'rksu? s, Excise, .>:I;"m. &f'. Success gna!ant.().—.M, 43, Linto;i- L<linton, 469 ,VA:-in:n, an experiellCt,j -frÜjXER-cen"- tOlJ\etl to serve. Must be able to speak \YeL-h. -App)y t.. ft. Thomas, Trcherbert. 473 C LFP1f; A.sista.nta, und Young Ipn WANTED; homf, :t)'roa.d. a,nd sen,.—-P:).rtit;u!3.rs, SItua.t.ion d, 3. Lea.r.dcr street. J.i'.erpooL 443 -v-;r}:;Œ= I a.nd District.— '??7'A?tKD,nA(iKN't'?.rCMUS a.nd District.— v 7 ?"f t&na.s apply ?. Trickey, ?t. John's Coffee T.t?m. Ctn'i?tmas-strsct, Bfisto). M& A f'K?' i' Wanted to Form Chtbs in every town !ind ??_ v)Ua.?e throuxhout Wntes. ProtitAblo empto' !<)t fo:- a)'t'.re tur.f. J.ibcrtU c?n)nt's.-<ion.—App!y '?ibura]." Houth ?n.Jes Da.i)y ?fews' Ottice, Ca.r<liM. j ? CEX'i'S '\?A?TKT).—S2-< c?y ea.me<U)ySening ??_ <u''R(tb:)er Stamps; splc'idi'i opportunity for ??)?.e?ncct?M,nr a.n;.(n:e w?th sp?rethr?; tcnna or a.n;.(n:e with sp,,t,-e t:irie; tcnna t? n'i2:ht. M??iiftcturer, <hipuc;ih?n. WU?? ? N ?:) U? i R t A L A? D M?m?WMEKrASSU?XCJ?S. )[ Au(t.t:(")n,t Agents wa.ated everywhere. Sp?n- .tid tern?.—Apply (with !ita.mp) Manager, 25, I'a.M- ?treet. S'vansf?. ° ?y' ?r?XTS V.'?T??I\V?!?u???n?"L? ?? A ')?". ?ocic.y. c-t?b!ishcd mi. f,,r C:niifr, :!1d. Spccia.) te)-!M given to ?' t sf.bcr Nen.—App;y 8npcántende!:t, 11, Northcoíoe-strect, 515 C\ N'c;WI:S. -AÔRXTS,-â;ä- COLLECTORS c f\'t- S<.)Uth 1es n.nd .ol1luí>uthsh:re.- ,?y tf ?r ''vH, H:i:-ueM, a.?J UfU, Arc fh?togra.?herR M'I!i,;h-3t:'pet,?T.Yport.,?L)u. 417 ILHJ M INATRD lo .:4 !>t:tl!¡P. S.OCO so'd tn avewecks.- S. n..d ('< Artists, :L'.thyl'. x fl \()t"SC .MAN meet. with office work, ¡'J.. 0;' :wy li"ht employment. Good reh'rences; vne t fonr 2, Y:')ie:.s-t.t'cet, .Hr:ton Ferry. 9)UU'f ,\I\J\:ER YOtlJjg!u.sWlÍ::+a Situati'n S_? M geH?rn.1 h:md.—A<fes? 56, Uroa.Jwa.y, H.oath, "'oc,jJ:EJ:.1' P1WPIÚ ETOU: -Ie"Zhauici\1 Ea- i. g-ineer. nf nnny yea.fs' experienco at Colliery w"rk, C(,t O'J. &c,. has (.m(J to for rc:a,nu.ble E. Z., South W3;.ja DMty News" c.Sce, Ctrliff. f25 ? ? U0<. !?K s ASSISTANT. -Wnt."ç a-Re:en¡' melt. "n np connt!']' 4 year: g"nll a,d 19.—A. W.o<i,' 40, Regt-nt.strect, .solJthf>hl, Lcj(;t.t(;r. 522 itAVI-,I,I,Fll. RE EIIENT'tnte(I by Rh JL mftn with ,)()d connectip.t. Pro- ?;-?);M or F! on w.ry ?f con)!t?aaro:).—J.Y., .?'r'?'?'" ?-'?c,?'t?F. 514 ") '¿' 1 A 1£(PJI."ittti ,Auiíl'hncntz &r. LT, L.jj- jù.y.- p,u: no;¡ n.idence; hui.ie c<mf(-,r''s. :\[oLÍer¡¡,t tMtnH.j ?.!r-) \11:3. l\f.¡mhles. 549 ,nbM t' UKTAI?Y FUK?JSUHD'APARTMK?T?; <? T.'i'n:-mo':cr?tp. P'ea.s;.ntly situated.—10, Wood- IlI.n(.ac., \(<rdsworth .trfct, Koa.th. 535 CW.U.'liP.TABU: f,0?)CtNC!S fjr a Rmle Gentle- ?7 t.?. 'j',jrins tu<:dera.te.—Appty "Atboi-t," nt L?ckc'a Adv?r?si?g Otticc, Dock-atreet, Newport, Mfa. ? ? ?d—?OMSSS??? t "BRY HEN WYSG Jt_ nOL'SE. situate at Troedyrhiwtrwyn, a. desirable detanhed E.jUnUy Resittence, wi'th StaMe and Coach- house. Tha hc'de. contains dining, drawing, ?nd six SoI;cttoM, Pontypridd. ° 55120 ?N THE BANKS OF THE U.-iK. ha Let.. "G'a.ny<a.f!i.t genteel with GRAXIERS n.nd OTHERS.—To ba LET irom l.st of M.t.Y next, th& FRONT LAWN at Wenvoo Castle. co-'ta'nins: 71 a.-res. more or of Mr E'.a.i:.9, The Vighwell Farm, Wenvoe, to Wt,.rkmen and others.—How to p.tydo'.vn.—At'dresi-t letter to Air E. It. ?0 LET, HOUSH. Yo. 7, ?Ljun;, P!oa..<a.nt. Tre- the );e.st parrot <M or D. s, A'erda.re. _510 'f A NO to LET.—45 Acras of LAND, at ?tintreoda. tu ?lr Edward U&vid. Ltandait'. 491 be LET & UOUSK in P:uk- ff'r to \V. and S. Uemo, ??. Mary-street.* ?o ??t.-?usm?as ?r?mis?, CARDIFF.—To *LET,UOU.SEMd SHOP. No. 21. ??J?T?ATE-STREET?CARDI? Heru, 74, St. ?1'ary-street, 56107 LET UOUSE Md SHOPri307 L.1 \ANSEA.—A r&re opportKaitv. To b< LKT, the ? SuUTU WALES HOTEL, Hinh-.strcet., ?' a.'id Shop to be Let in ?Y??' STABLE," Mi(fsT('RES'toI?t,"smt&bIe ??. for ? ha.y a.r.d cur;! bn:np?. To Let, No. 43, Canton. Apply to Stephen Jamea, 2S1, Carditi'. 4bH LET.—YARD"and'STORE< feet 1,382, Nea.i.h-roa.d, H:.fod, _492 LET, with immediate spa.cic'f.-t prettii- A one-horse power pM ?TAlTLE COACIt-HOUSE. and LUET, at of ?? JL{.:cbmc;id-ro..d, to be LET. only j.;10 per Chamber", C.ndUt. ?32 Let, v/ith ? the WINDSOR HOTEL a:ti! !;REWER\ ?;tn the or to ?r .J. U. dt:i._ 5o&09 ?u?inrssM fcr TE ST7)UK f.;r J)iSPOSAL. Poanlon s'jod. c'm- TA 'iT ON P;K FANC'Y ??ARE?? s H STO C K. ? T<. ? S<)LD b.y PRtVATE TREATY, in job o, ?' ?UE?Jl?TS .SHOP, nicely Htted, doin.<! tnixed trade, (if)tt!st: garden, wM'ehous'?. Jte;iT, va.h'.s,- 'S S -VL't- — EST'A H'ED' he 01', M i. JEWELLERY, and EAKCY ?y.Si- \nr &n(l GAXETIH' ? v l'i.tb!t..hed Monthly, M tho ?nd 'Mfdmut for or Property. Pft- 2a per year, one Mpy ??s?';< ?'or ?a?.—?cn??s, ???, ?c. ?REKUOI.D*'PRbt'KRr?'Y(??ALE.?? Apply ?o He:u'y Ue&rd. ? ??JiRAP AND FERTILE LAND in the North-Wcst climnto a.ud faci!itics, a.nd iu tite of pro-tperous settlements—Apply to Northern Railroa.d Agency, 20, LiTdrpoo!. Houfes —Address W., "CardiS OiEce' 4S2' _t. to PnrchMt) Two UousHS for ?Os a. Ynontit; imtnc- and notbins to pay for Sa.h):waU bu:It;Mven frontage, 2Cit. length of garden, 130ft. jfcr ??.-?h?in? ??!5, ? by Green ?70 T)ine77 ?? WOOD, Moses Gate, BoRnn. H_?'CRIXONTAL ENGINES irjORIXO N I Ga.te,BoIton. ° '55119 ? TEAM 7ft. 6in7, ? 28tt. by 7ft., :6ft. by 6ft. 6in. a!;d 7ft., 24f' hv6ft. Mn., 21ft. by 6ft.,16ft. by ;ft:.6in.,5ft.by5ft.a.Iso severa.1 other", one and two Sues, single ':).Ed doHb!e ?HORYXONTAL'ANTDVERTICJCL P:i.teut €b:u'K Pumps, Hydra.utic Lifts, Traverse KearH, reduced. All ?izes in Dvna Steel and Co., Newport; Bute-street, ('M- dt'tr; ?ndS'vf?."ea. ?TEA?I ENGINES, 2 to ?2 hoMe-poWer (Shepherd's t? pRten!), ?troni?, durabie, and ?cotHTn?a!; c.?st tha,n h.).'f the prire ofau"rdin:i.yenKhie.—Sn!e ?lAkcr: Stanley n.ndDavips, Hyde. Ma.n- SALE, 1 Cornish Condensing a. iot of Wooden TTa.iK 20 two-ton (.'of! R. S. ReyTiicur, HiUTy Port. R.S.O. ?31 tt) rcon fora. A' one, ? ROJLER, 28 feet 5 feet doublc-rivfttt'd, Inured :<,r pressure of 75 1!)-.— Apply Spilier and Co., Cardiff. 508 ?TEAM BOILERS.—Wanted' ?? B ,Is;'s to George Dobsc.n, ?i?tjns ?qu?ti?s. ?UTrr'?GON'"W'0'R!S? ?ARDlFf'.?.foMph Chief Wo.'k.s n.nl OrSce, E:).t Moors. L- r n12. it's. _n_ Y70HSALE.?r..?ni.;n- (.f MARINE STORE O??T i.' J:I!<?-Li.vy :td )i,;ht !xe.) to;-jth-;r-ai?! fre ùnrnt Q!1.wt.ity, aùout 10 tons we,:k.- Offer. fei' ;'mli0 to be "eJlt D., "outh \Ytile. t)nj'y r??O A'UCTIO?KKH??'HEA.r JACKS. sniI'PF.rs' _JL DHAPERS, ?c.—Se&nief' Si'k U?'brel!?, 't. _JL DHAPERS, &e.-ç:1med Si'k 't. al<t If1 iest 15. dozeit. Cq:,h, Dctt.-7a.: HHt street, l,((}(l::u.. 'tv. 1ferlh;0d if rpq!¡jj.11 .i11iSc.dhuî£úHS. ?<CrT AXD I}f!HL'?.iA'iIU,(,w?t?'?;re?d'?t; ?JT Ir?tft:)tR.'Uf-f;n!).r?': c?-cd. P.-jt frea, i2 ava.!nps.—V. Thf<Hi: 4?, Rt;drUi'?':reet, D'i?tnI. 5.5& 1 fW? ?ILLlfEADt-, McB:?:i'!fYit:n?v C??LTYd -L?J'\7 post free; 1,000, 5s ?I.—i!Jt's Pt'i:.tin;; Otlke,¡, 2, Lower Old rark H.!I, HïlJtDl. "67 A CE?TAtN CURE for th.< XRRVOr? "J P'Bj7T- ?C'TL 'ATKD.—Gra.t)M,a.Med!c?W<t'k, ?h.)-?!;)g s.if- tt p.s how tilt'y m.iy be .-ured ?ud i-ec<'Yer h?'tu und Yft?htv wtthout; t.ho ai.i ot ?.Mcks, v/:t.!t reciues I'cr pnrây;ng tho l)lood and rt;!Ilovin- "kin ffeetinH" s.' o chapter-) Mi HMpy ?.ria,.? :t!1Il Wtioin to ?Mry; the 't'eT]per.Mt.-t)t.-<: Stj.nn.iGl'ni' \Ii.:?) tcr?; H.v W?t..? f.nd How rr?-.edrn?mc Ap?n.ucfs aud thf. \Vf,'«!eM of the ?Jicrc?cr."? rt Dctecmig Var;.T!.? Cf.mp?ints. )'cjt f]L- foi-Twu }\Pl-'lÜ"les aud thf. \Vf,'«!eM of the :Jicro"n,pH rt Dctecmig ar;0115 Cf;mp.J.1llt: )'cjt f]L- foi-Twu Sta.mt's.—AddTcss Seci-et.u-y of Anatmny, BirmiDgb,m. M('YCLHS"AND''TRICYCLES t '\J 'i 15, CRUC'KIIKRtJJUWN. ('A1{DU?F ;ud' I n"(>.HKS, )Ila i)t). Machines :ind Acccfo:tt"< n.11 our Aherayrm. JNO. M. :}UTH, Imnm'msi:l'. Ca.itMm'then 109, L:unmas'.street, CoLT-1, T)]c OJd Bridge. Lhmcity CEoRGK. S. Cu?.S, ?:n,H?-?t!-(.?t. P<-n?r?kM i)o<k. ?'M. A?<;KL, Pe!:tbro'atre<-t. S-.v?msea, Jxo. S. Lnow?, 62, Oxt'Md-stMct. Per;ll)r,,kti i)o<k. lvif. A Pe!:tbro'atre<-t. Swan;;ea. Jxo. S. I.Pow.N, 62, Oxt'Md-stMct. lenby Jxo. Ei.s, nj'h'3treet. 432c6 ,,1. BROS. r(J factor;; of '.overy rC(!lii"ite. )lachines é:- ¡ chm"Pil. of one the l,"g.;c 01 ::s- ew and "?J?XT?UFlK'tN.??77??0'??mtcd? persons who lI11.v" 1Jten 2.dverti:;etl for to chim P, )i(I n:oncy sLnc.c 1700. frfe ¿ Id.-Duual a.ud Co., 07 StraMI, Lun/1on. lful 1£0st ani) fnun. T!.?OH?D, ?rd J')i'u?'v, on the ?it'r np:?(t, ? :r.r?e a' BUNC;f UF Kt-.t?— A,?y H.t the Suto U.. :? Police Sta.tjau, "ihü J-OHN TENKINS and ANNOUNCEMENTS. JOHN JENKTNS and CO., AUCTIONEERS and VALUERS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. STOCK, INSCRM\CF;, MORTGAGE, AND BUSINESS .BROKERS. ARRITBAjTORS. HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, FINANCIAL & (;P:NERAL PHILHARMONIC CHAMBERS, Agent3 to the Sun Fire, Provident Clerks' Mutun.! L:te a, G1.1\\ra;¡tee, and the Norwich f.nd London Acei- d.:nt a.nd UIa.3.i iasura.nco Co;npa.nies, a.nd the Endowment, Loa.n, &nd Annuita.ut Compa.ny. i ,B.-J..J. at.'d C<). prefer porsona.1 ijtter'iowi. but T.here thi.-i is not pnctica.ùle, communic.j.tion may !M m&de by post, in which case two stamps Biu&'t beenctoBcdforrepIv. BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. SWANSEA. -Free FuU-hcensed HOTEL, in ft eom- t.?) mending position. Long [case. In.?oin? moderp.tf. App!y,p<;r.-)ua.ity.to John JH;!kin93.).dCo.,Sunl'ire Olliæ, Philha.rmo.-Hc Cardift. 1—162 COGNTRY PUBLIC HOUSE"for ,tuek. t!:Ünl'c:i, &c., at v;.J.]u:1.tion. Hent £J().- App'yJohn.JenkinsmidCo.,PhUha.rmonic-chamber3. 1 '1,0 LET. in a. lc;«ling thoroughfare of Cardiff, a. JL Modern weit-Rttcd-up Shop. House cltnt.a.ins nve bedrooms, t&c. ExceUent a.ccomffiu<1atiun at of Premises. Ingoing. £50; rent, R100. —AputT Johu mid Estate Agents,'Phitha.r. mouicCha.mbeM,Cardiff. 1-161 TOy BUSINESS. &!s<rWoc.rBepo.d- jL tory, iu & busy part of Ua,rdi(t'. Doing a. good tra,ùe. rock 1"W'. lm1:1ediata IJl'S¡¡essioll.-Apply Juhu j6:ikins, hicensed Va.Iuer, l'Üilàannoniu CitMit- bers. 1—157 ?AHMFF.—A 6rst-cI?ss.*handaMa.e!y'ii?ed up. and ??' weU-?ppointed HOTEL, m tho Centrn of C:u'tti!i'. dumg a. c.Rd pM&tabte Proo! Tra.do, FOR DISPOSAL. Long lestse tixtures and furniture, £2,2.00; s:¡.tisid.ctvry 1'3.S0n3 fur leaving gi1'I.'t1. C<i.rditf.' l—io6' 1- 'ÙiEE Double-licensed HOUSE in the centre of JSL' Ca.rditi', with a good market da.y tra.de. Ingoing i;¿IJO.-John Jenkius a.nd Co., Phiih.n-tnomc Ch:Mabera, C.r,iitf. 1—1M GOOD FULL LICENSED IIOUSK. in a. Jarl"O and ?JT ituprovmg towM i!) the of Epga.nd. A guod tra.de now done. Rent low. IlIgoinJ by v.t.i'.mtion, X700 to £800. :Brokers, John Jonkiu. aut! Co., PhiJharU10Ilic Chambet-s, Ca.idi!f. l—149 <tnd in wnuna"uding po,¡tkm ni Bread tra.df, 22 per week. iiorscs, c'l.rt. tb:tlue3, :mll swck by vaiuatioll.-Johll Je.nkins and < :> San Fire Otitce, PhUka.ranxtio Cl!I.Ulb"r6. 1—I4H ?r CARDIFF.—C?.mpa.ct Fuli-liceu?e<l Ho?se ;len? Jeukins a.nd Co., Philharmonic Ch:).mbe:'a, C&rdiff. l-l-t7 £().llP"I"C'r HOTEL, in a fMhivnahlól sea.,qid towB 'l.J in South held on lung ka.i(J at a 1l10del'i1.t-8 rent..l. lngoing- aovut ;l:7üO.- Apply t.) .J"hn Jllkill:'i a.nd Co., Pitilu¡¡.rmonie Cham. bers, Cardiff 1-14S A-¡Ü)T!"F —First-cla.ss donb]e-lice':sed PUÚLIC MOL'SE inHnte-street,. Capita ]'H()u'red,.E8'0. lJ llexGeptio¡w.l UP1Jo:rtunity. Larg.. :I.ml prL,ij L\ble tr:>cle. diff. _l28' Q WAN:¡,;A.-])esil'able Compact HOTEL, with good Va..ult, on long lse; :l"a.1 l:1.rge. 11lgoiHh ;i;;1,2i)0.-Jolm .Jellkius a.ud Co., .Philharmonic Cl1;mí. Ca.rd:K. 1—1)9 BUSINESSES WANTED '?7'RnH DOUHLE-LICr?SED JHOUSE, in a p?d _&' ? pt?tt?n in Cm'dilt', w?th Premises su;u.b!e lor a. 1101e,Llè \V lUt: and :l'irif¡ .llU;i!lS. \\anJ.¡t:d fur l..llC Spring. A !O(I\! priee will ue gíveJl fDr a.suitable c..u- .Jt.'nkins imd Co., Ac- cOll1Jt.al1t: 111ijbal'1J1Uuic tÜlllbtrsJ Crdiff. 1'1 OOD rree, Pouble.lice!Jf(;tl nuUSH iM cr near "ll:!l}b:tll M be i-'cnt C:¡,r,[jí:. F' JLJ S'.n.tionHry H'.tsijMss, in Huk.treet or district of L1:" j [aY<->l, witH geod dweHillS; a.ppuint:n,,¡:l'8.rti Ci ¡jars to ue -.cnt to JohuJenkiu.s clad Co., Philharmonic CiJ;J,mlier: t;aniilf. ? ? HONDDA YALLHY7'?''b'.r,wMen'?'?i?'"an7) _g_? ihjd?HHd. Ffjd-hct-n.?t'd PmLlCdiU:SE, M ¡;; ':¡l¡ Clljl];t;)':¡\:ni:¡', ,j u]:! ? < \R!?FF.—Fr<-e PCjtLlCJIOUSKS in thu n-?h- ?_/ bomb.-odofDut??trKet. it.?oin? irom .4J'J!.o j o.\ip AC'l' -¡¡tll1'lu:n r>nted, -¡¡:7.l>le for ? 1 OU?? JJOC?LK or??cTE LiCE?SEO' X 111 "I' new l'.utc:"trcet or Uaye. C.j¡ a!t ê:L;¡:¡ ()Üu .j ellkiu:-5 H,uti Co., Philhilxulonic Gll.1,lU)er) ? r?''WO BLTSH;j-;SS PRE.\HSES _a_ Ma?'s?Mct. Rc!it..L!)uuticO t.' .i?C: r..ri,im- ;u.itobe sent to Joh:iJt-nkii's'h'):dCo.,Phi;i?rn!o;tic -N OL!N JHNKJ?S'a?'C?h?-o'?ev??r?'lic!)')?'?. ?.9 t:mr::)? Mn!<U PU?LICHULSHS in C?'-tiifi' "r iu.meui.Ht; :'nigJttx'nrhoou., ?):<i will be p!t;"n.sd t ?MALL rc?ect?b!:) P??LiC-iIOL'SH i't 01- near )?C?.rdif}'. il!?!)p:m;tto?xc?d?l25.—Jo:iii or EO(,E in n, JtJi t,¡¡sy tlwr:lgbfê::1"e in Cardur. Hute.tret, pre- I ""I'£,< iHIJiJ¡;{ 'v'{) t(: i;'t,,0.-j tlhu J .nkillS an,! Lv., BUSINESS PREI\lI8ES TO BE LBT. BUSINESS PREMISES TO HE LET. I' CONV]Yl.J<;Nl' .FI'L'!lj; jn:j. ?_? <);n:uidtng po.-niou i;i Caidtit', '10 1;1'; L!i', Jotm Jt;k.:t3 and Cu., 1'1rii.rJI¡G2:niJ:r". i'f: l ?? '?D CK?ARS, a.t: the ??."??rt?Tst'?a? ?J!' -,i..cet, '10 i.E Li'i.—pmy John Jenkiii.- :.u.: rE?O LKT?n ? LMding Thorot?hfa.re of Cardifr. n. i:o0; rent, :SlUU.AI>Ply John Jen;i11-'Ï nnd '(j., liui1:; u.Hd .E;H,t(l AgllC; l'lilhr. m.:rlÎ(; C.L1UDer, l'àl'\l1l-f. 1'101 ? ??'JCHS iu ??(i pusition??;;t .SIC. -?.??n \?.jL-nki'i:udC<Cu.rnin' 2? ?%???'?OUS?S, with good L-,ft, to JoEY; V V co:'nnr ot; llo¡.'c a.nd He'.t S? par year.—Apply John Jenki.:? tmd Co., ?ou.s? A.t;t'nt., Ca]-d;ti; 3_?? j l A .r:N AI. \HJ..HF, Cnnliff.-T\vo b adJul!HJIg the York HuLl, to Let, "U-U i!;i- ti.t;.tiu.Kj to John Jenhhn SWANSEA.—SJtOP, suitable for;¡, tih ?3 aud (3alle autl Pouln'y J)e&n-r. (j.'od posiLioM; HOUSES, &e., FOR SALE. C!W'lUUDG R-ROAD, CANTON.—HOU3H (suitable h:' c"¡¡ vertÏ!¡g into 1>u.,j;!Cs premises), with Jarg-e work-;hop, :;t:1]ole, <liC. IJack entrance; 13 year' h.>a.). Price £100. Bad, :'iuitable ior IJ¡J.Y 1IlCrt'L..a1:t (II' ,,t1J pn)jn'îetnr.-John Jt'!l!i!! ami C(; l'ÜiÚLanlHm\c. ¡;h¡¡"llhel':>. 2123 I .f'U);'fo:\(-=SixiIb;¡JCIIbts-E's; C140 'L; eao:11.J01111 JCllkins àmi'Co. a21 I CANTON.-Four superior HOUSKS, leWng n.t 8s ? cer wef! Pricj i;240 to £2uO each. — John I Juntdus und Co. 2122 or more ;OZâ-lIo\l,;e to lh) sold -Apply to John Jenkiu.; "!HI 0. Phil. harmonic Chnùer, l'arù.tI' 2-120 r ONCCRCSS STREKT.'CARDIFF.'?nouSR to be 1? SOLD. Price .E.?O.—John Jeuki}? a.nd Co., Phil- harmonic Cba.runers, Ca.nJiff. 2-119 HOU;E::i for imm(Íi!lte sale, very chea;>Johll ",k,;and Co., PtÜlha.rmollic Chamr8. UTl>PFiIt tLLAS to be So)d at once. Priœ S415. Apply to .fo.m Jeukins a:id Co., Philharmonic Cha.mber'j, Car'liff. 2-118 LO\\ïm. CATHEDRAL-ROAD.-Cood Price £300.John Jenkins and Co. Ph.th't.rmonic Chambers, C:<ditl'. 2_ll't CATHA Y! Lower ra.ce end, 6 to pu.y 8 cent. —John Jenkins a.nd Co., Uouae a.Bd KHta.tJ AgH'its, C?rdiif. 2—'92 '?? K.'?fo?D-ROAD.—Sma.M VILLA, -!vith*e:'r]y A_ possH.s'on, .C3J5, !'j.;gc portion of v.hich <i.n re;1;2!! oH JIl"rtg(,John JCnk111-; a::1f.l (:0.) lJilil. Chamhers, C:T.rdi!f. 2'-1C1" I J..l.L SALM nvc-sixths of the purchase mom'y to re- n.n'.n oa private murtgaGe if required.—App!y to John MOl'tg1'e 2—89 -( Si-ed fo!10 Jr C"Wí', in "00<1 po:;itiun, iit H.oatll. l'r¡ce only C?rdiS. ? Z—M &- -) E or Two good COTTAGES in Knole-strcei,, J,c",cr Cra,ngetown.—John Jcnkius a.n(t Co. Pnllh:1rIHoni<; Cln.mhers. CarÚilf. 2-110 ]ro:>,t\way.-Two g(;f\d COT jL.iL TAU KS to SELL forthwith.—John Jcnkin*. nnd 2—1<4 ? ? tA MOXD-STRKET, Roath?A'?oed??OUSE f.-r ?? itumt;.]ia.tc SALE.—J.jhn Jsnkius & Co., Philhar m.iic Cha.tbcrs, C¡¡,rdjlf. 2_105 -¡:O'¡::r-Ùll¿:¡;:t-l>ù;J.eanna GIvii-Mtreet, Ii1l'! Vh,'er Gmnge, tobe Sold.—John JenkinsA Co., Philharmonic Chambers, CM'ui!f. a'?ENART?L— T? o cap: ?rcOTTAGES"r'and''? J? .Sa.Io:p;a.ceorS.h'p-!Me,Peii?rth. V.'p!Iietf..r l?s per ".veck gt'our.d rent, ?5 15s p?r ?nnurn. Price £.n,,),-Jol!J1 Jcnkw; & C< PhUha.nnonic Chambers, C.v.Jit7. ?'?Ot.?Yt'rv dMirah' Jif?SES, Jet for ?S2 pei- yca.r, ,S? f .r .S1,C5C.- -JoLa Jc:ikijM aHd Co.. Phiih.T?-mc.nic WANTED TO PURCHASE. ¡ 11OL3E in G1'3en.street, 01' Hr.t pa.rt \If Lo''l' Catht::lra.l-n,a,L-}'art:c:Jl?r.:i to John Jellk¡¡¡d "? 'i;R'?r;!K?l.)y?r''JL??'L?se:ioidPU'HLlC- Ph:iha.i!'io".i<- Cha.mben. Ca.rdifi'. MONETARY. C'? '3'?? '?"' ? su!fac; BI.LJO, jEl.KO, .E700, or ? -?..?. ? t?. ?CO, r..?dy fur 1 n-?stu?nt on Mort- i;.i.? ?.: .jnce ',<J;u- Y)'-efcrred).—Part'cnjM.-i forthwith ?.: .jnce ',<J;u- Y)'-efcrred).—Part'cnjM.-i forthwith t,o John JenkhM a.nd Co., 1'ina.ncial Agents, PhUhar- !uo:uc Chambers. Ca.rdin'. LARGE SlDlS to be adva.nced on LcMHhoIds, Pree- ?L? h.d.=, RRvcMioas. or Cro'.tnd Rent. o:t .Person: Security Ranayabh; by Indi..lIillcntd.- Ai.'M '? PhHh&rm.uic' Ct??Jr?, C.j.rdi? -'3346" TOHN JENKINS AND CO. ,y (JOHX JEXKtXS, CHARTERED ACCO("XTAXT, AXD CJlARLE-; CLARKE, ACcmjNTAXTS. AUDITORS A'SD ARfiITRA. TORS, AUCTIONEERS VALUERS, ESTATE. PINANCrAL. AGENTS. Receiverships, Tt-KFieesIups, fmd OH!c?a.I Liquida.t.cr- ship..) m Ha.nkruptcy a.nd Ci't'ery underta.kem :telI!ent of Affairs pre-p:lred, anù Stucks b.ken for meLiJ!g.:> uf Creùitors, :wd l'riyate Arrangement: ma.Jc. Execntorship, Public Compames' iind :md Pro::ta.nd Loss Acco\¡at" ar;,1 Balance heets Prep:u'e<l and Aud'ited. ?"' ?'" Estates for Executor.s, a.ud T I'n,Lces. f:lles by Acction. and PnvAte Treaty of Stocks, .md Property of daacriptiou mtdMtak.u JNtSCdhmMUS ??Us< tTtTANTRD FLOUR. FRUIT, SODA ?nd other VV BARRELS.—Dobson, Soda. a.nd Dry ?Vorkt. Cardiff. 9133—49874 ?CRA?FYpON?—Bundled Shearings. Old Rails, Ac., BRICK AND FURNACE CKMKNT WORKS. i' Wanted to PURCHASE. Price from ?10,000 to JElS.OOO also SLATE QUARRIES for )ike Moonct. ?'?FFICE?DMSK.—Wa.nted, a Ma.hr.ga.ny OFFICE ?? DESK. not tesa t!mn six feet !onx.—App)y to Mr ?cn?M. ?irONEY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES BY THE _i?i_ CAHDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCH BANK, 9, CAROHNE-STREKT, CARDIFF.—Established 1345. jS5 TO B500 Pa,t!y adva.nced in town or country to ma.!e or femn.!e ?'?Eiob.000 KO APPL!CAT:0\ !<.HFUSED. oi' write to the Ca.ydirt a.nd County Advance Ba.nk, 9, Carohne-street, Intending botroweM m town or country ma.y rest ?nd expense, by direct to Mr Louia l'<MTi6tt, 49. Bute-Htreet. ? Cardie. B10 to R500 !ent genuine. 45129-8274 IMPORTANT ?OTtOE TO THE PUBLIC.—MONEY FROM B5 TO S500. To Tra.deamen, Householder, a.nd others. For pa.rtieuI&M, apply MANAGER. 2, BUTE-TERRACE, 65368 _CARDIFF. A LONG FELT WANT p)yiug to thia ofSce froiu Xl8 to &1,250, on ?OL'rU'WALES Duck, Frida.y. 55512 ?<?TM<)RLAIS"I.OAN"7)FFICR,MEETHYR.— or by letter, to &nd 21, Merthvr TydHi 19CS2' ???t ? 'other ?nns t" inun'-diate investment.—Mr Hern, C<ndi:l. 5bl06 '??bNHY.?-I'W?NTMD?bout?MO. ??,on th" ?cur!t\' ?JL .? h\'ehojd property.—A..id:'M?, Nf. 7. North Church-street. -i53 ? ? ?.10, :H15, 'J'O S50'3.—T<) ?.? it'' IN '<VANT OF AN ADVANCE r.pou any Advances :ade Joc.T.Uy at o;teh<nu-'H r-otice. 53149 A YON LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY.— ??_ St. M JE100 upou to ?H?tM.jh?hk'rs :tfid o*hcrs No 0 a..m. to 3 p.tH ?LHRGYMEN, ]-'a?;er: f.m[ ?,' ?.;ec!ia:t'cs ca.n receive upon FURNI- by ?riti:'i! t') J.)LstHn<:e ?<? ?i';)fCt ?121? SO C ?n i v\ WEEKLYN E W8, AND THE CARDIFF TIMES. FiRST EDITION. ?-CON D EDITION.6 :)i. ii ))AY. SrECLAL ISSUE DAY. '\Y'[DOV. ?. New St.y T't "A;.L >Oi:TSAND CONr-r) MKN A N by Y/)'.KR J;K.ANT iiHd RICH. C.sn ONLY Nev.- Story by JAMKS ''T" OnLDRKN'S HOUR": ?y.s. ?y MAGCJ: smiNGTON. YGOLOJ'-YN CYMRKTO. LONDON I.y &u Tm; COLLH< FOK CAKDIF; A (.ift 'f by the 'J:ro:i.j M mA !)KR.S ;-t So-.dh The ?e"<- a.t the C:n'di'i' ?"hool Relict' of ''r.)rn Mr H Rich.tr. M.P.. :):(; Other. Lw.I oit tho Moet.hig of Ca.J:it Jew. THE Of.D I'YtRn RAU.WAY COLUSiOX Inquest ai.d FtTAI, ACC!DKKT AT A BUHS!(., or A E!SHU\OiH AT C\LA'S GrefttI.OKSof L;{e. !'< FK' A'.n T!'K TRKATJES Ti'H A.s\ (:urrt:r. :'< T!!i: ?!U.rC[. Ci!AX.L. K;U TAL Al' t HLST.');;U'KH.' A ''<V!te HicKcd to Dc.it'j. BY A FARM!S Wu'K The C'.B!M'.T Cc'L'CiL The New Commun.-i P:'occ'n'e Tt.]; lK!S!t A Rpfore ow!: FiYP. Mr .1. J. Jenkhis, M.P.. 0:1 Tr.Je iu .outh ?on':t Co'.l. Tit.YCK The Cu'hcrs fmd tt'Le;r JlEAYY PL'.i.SHMHM' !OR A A CO!.HH:.Y. A?<t)f;AI.HIX NORTtt WALFS- WrPuk PcJ of Two AI.I.KG-KU ROMiEHV OF .S22 AT CARn:FI' HOAUB OK FtC!r!G THE IIORXSKY RAILWAY Inquest B.Kd MKK'rnYR BOARD OF GfARDIAXS The Assessment of Rents for Purposen. AfFAin LEEDS A B"y Shot by a. RAILWAY Cou.!s:ox Five Killed a:td Severa,! Injured. T! Sourft WALE, SCALE Letter from :Ir CARMAHTMKN ASSIZES Conclusion 01 the Commission. WiLn BEASTS AXn TH:;m TAMHR3 Reminiscence of MR GLARStO*iE TAXATION Deputation FUXRRAL OP T!)H RKY. T. MOKGA\ OF CARr']:'F. POACHING AFFRAY NEAR PKttBROKE A GamekcCTMr '-hot. TH:. OF A PEMBROKE GtRL AT MAXCHES- BUTE DOCKS (<JARD!1 ) BtLL. CAEnjt'F Curdifi Centre. ELECTJOX The Result. B!RTHS AXO DEATHS AXD 27 C'T!IER LARGK TOWN'S. THE GREAT WEEKLY PAPERS. 72 ?"% ?D.) 72 LONCt COLUMNS, 't ?. RICE ? )' COLUMN.S. To ?S 0/' fM GL/LMORGANSHIRK' C A mt A R T H E N- ?rO?'MOrTHSHLR? BRECON smUE CARD CEUUCESTJERSHIRE. SMtt po! lies from the Chief for Kingdor't; or for 5s M per qua.rter to My part 01 ?THIS \VEEK.' THE ?E?/ SERIAL STORY by DORA RUSSELL CAutho:' of Footprints in the Suow ) entitled "CR(ESUS' WIDOW," CARDIFF TTMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY KEWS TO-DAY (SATURDAY), FEBRUARY 4. MISS RUSSELL'S previous stones Beneath the Wa.ve," in tha Snow," "Quito True," The Yicar's <&c., ha.ve proba.My been a.3 In CRCRSUS' WIDOW tha Author iMy be expected FfUDAY NEXT. CRCESUS' WIDOW," SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH, Til!: CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH: WALES _WEEKLY NKWS. "THE NEW 'SERIAL"'STORY, EKTtTI.KD "ALL SORTS & CONDITIONS OF MEN," By the successful WALTER BESANT AND JAMES RICE (Authors of "Rc;K:y-Money Mortiboy," "The Go!den ?"The ChM/'H.in cf the Fleet." "Thn !? .\OW THH -J CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES' WEEKLY ? DRAPERY SAJ:.E, B. EVANS AND GREAT SALE OF GENERAL DRAPERY, GOODS WILL DE CONTINUED UNTIL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH, DURING WHICH TIME AH REMNANTS AND ODDMENTS Will be looked out, and marked specially LOW for a THOROUGH CLEARANCE. T? imVANS AND COMPANY, JE). JLL) ? 5.K02 SWANSEA. COMEi COME, COME, COMH, and Welcome. COME.Nove]tieabidyouCOME. COME. where thousands Yearly COME. COME. Clothing Ma.rvels &re here, COME. COMH, Miracles of Making are seen, COME. COMR, Visit the Cloth a.nd Clothing Theatres. COME. ?) COM? TO THE ALLIANCE, 33, ST. MARY STREET. 55450 )' TRADE MARK, BULL'S HEAD J. & J. COLMAN, THE LARGEST MUSTARD MANUFAC- TURERS IN THE WORLD. ASH FOR DOLMAN'S IV[ U S TAR D, TRADE MARK, BULI/S HEAD? 5772531S3 101, OxrfTRD-STRF.F.T, SWANSEA. I NOTICE. TO T!IE MANAGERS OF STEEL, AND Th\-I'LATK WOUKS, Ac. DEA? S!RS,—Tn thn.nkn'.g yr.u for the Mr.d pr-.t- ron?elh:tYe received a.t yom- ha;ids cunns sea., 1'heg.to inform you ),hn.tlh.ver;a<'e sea., 1'heg.to inform you ),hn.tlh.ver;a<'e ar'-?ngeTneuts 'witit one'of the hi)'est H.]id )?'Su I?ift!b Ruhber Manuin.ct'?rin2: tinns m ih'? K:nndo?(?'?,thcIrwc't!tii??-R!i?'?r:T.l. <tutca.Fercha.Co!up?i:Y, Li'nit'j?,to take over ¡ my business. t I am ]lOW p]ased to sly that I :];'L1l 11 ,,11 <;e. I fnrth, fd lanllfa.etnl'er, bs :1.hle to snprly y..u witti goods ou nmch bSMer turtus If toture. Trnsti::i to reccjve a COJltiw:a:lce (,f '<)lll' CUllUJ.1an(t"'5, I am Y'-i':Mveryfait.h{:tHy. HENRY AP-BOTT, rorim.?yAm'OTT&Co.) Dist.r'ctM?n'm-. Ii For tU 11"(211 \Vorks, Limited. Cd!> Pcrl¡ 'o!??:S:Ui'o]-('. 559:7 P EVOLl"'TION ii: t1;e T¡\i!nr- i. jng T"vle. A pair of trousers e t.o yon!' n18asurü in ü:\e hour, 'e look at onr wilid(Jw; to.da.y, ;1'0 the process ()f cntlill ;\m:Y3 s¡{Ir,"Ist::1t::J¡:he 5540 If' EBEl\ II AI"! AND HE WETT be to .U Rtinmincc tha.t tbeir Clca.r&r.cf f';¡,le hJ.ying terminated 13,jlle,;t; is now p'oceedjn¡:: Co.s nsnal, c.:ld Good;; of freshest Sty10 a!lol I"dl:1-b1e :\bauff!oCw.re 1'(J dail cOIlJi1;. into Stock, l1¡¡d llre mluO;ed at th'J ?'?h?t?d?r.Yeri'tis (.{ ?!?.V SPRTT<n CiCOnS aye already on view in ¡LJl riep!J.rt:ucuts, a:l H(JyeltÏe" will Jw ¡¡,(I'lc,f el!1ily a.3 tû s'a.on all V'LllCl' C VEDISH IWUE. 5.:¿J AMERICAN -p-TEAT 'j??AHKET, :2, RICH-STREET, SWANSEA. I 6. BRIDGE-ST., CAUDirF. A LARC! ARRTVAT. 07 FRESH BEEF, PORK, AND MUTTON, Wfuch we shall place before the at Io-ive?t 1,0.ssib1c IJ!:Ïc0S, THE EXTRAORDINARY YAI.m OF OUR 08. TEA /.gJ Has become a household word. ?' On receipt of P. 0.0. for .El, a TEN POUXD PACK- ACE will be forwarded carriage paid to any Station in ",Yales. _55957 BOOTS AND SHOES AT WHOLE- SALEPRICHS, _? BOOTS A?D SHOES AT WHOLL- SALE PRICES. BOOTS An SHOES AT WHOLE- SALEPRTCE8, FOR IN-DOOR WEAR. I''OR CLJ'- DOOR WEAR, FOR PARTIES, EOR BALLS, FUR GENTLEMEN AKD THr.IR SONS. ALLIANCE, 33, KT. MA-RY-S?TREET. 5&C53 PURE OAK AND DARK TANNED ENGLISH y FATHER 'BELTING. I For prices apply to tha I CHARLES D. P ITILLIPS, NEWPORT, MON. N.ll. — Sole Prrouridor of Pn!l.L)r'-? f REG!STHR., tho for tlie S3.le. t "t LIFE PILLS ma.y be used I wit!t<ntidpn<-(-mR.nc:),scsof I r !sick indigestion, biUous, {liver, and stotnach compla-ints, ha.bitu:d LIFE .costiyencss, nervnu;, aftectiona, < It) B Li' Lt !mosb ca.ses the sen'-a.tion of !aJ1bhes after two or three piils llavl) Ibeen t¡;,kn. TRILLS. !s.)]d by f),U'Medicine Vendors, iii § 'Boxcs,lsl.d,2s ?!,andin<M:iiy JP.e!tet.s, llJ iJ('h. '? EVOLUTION in the T.ulur- .N-? ing TMdp.—Ap;urofTrouse? P!ea.se I'jok at our 'wiHdow to-day, 'here the TJI'oce3,; of c\!ttin;! .,Hl 35, St. M?ry-street, Cardiff. 55400 'H' EA Incorneq'iencer'fthelmit?t'ons ?M_J & of the Worccstorbhire !Sauce, LEA tilcl PERRINS I'eg to sa.y th&t the original l)Gf..M [QJAUOE. outvie label, for wh¡c} the pnr,b;1ser >.J10111d l,)Ok tu <e(!ure the gcnuhe T ?? WORCESTERSHIRE ——" SAUCE. T3'ERRINS ??? Whole.?e by t?c Proprietors, \Ynrèct0r; Crosse & Bla,nkwel', C?AUCE. ?"" ? ?'? Export Oilmen ?ener?y. -?_? ?W?ld? ?° ?29'09 ? GOLD MEDAL PARrS ELECTRIC EXHIBITION. rj.m; SIX-THOUSAND SOLD. CSKn I AI.L TR.VDK3. ??\TTO" a B RAPH)LY REPLACING STEAM EXGINH3 Sir FNT TO SIXTY ECOXOMIC GAS 1'KODUCERH. GAS CROSSLEY BROTHERS,) ENGINE. MANCHESTER- 53'137 ——————————————————— r THE APPEARANCE OE A LADY Is greatly improycd ùy wearing a pro. perly cut and well.nul.le Garuient, in the! ma.ttcr of Lad'os' Ulnters particl1. b.rjy. The Ma.teria,!<! fr.-m "\vl1Íeh Fl, 1 RteM a.rs tnadp. a.t the ALLIANCE, 53. St. Ma.ry-strebt, a.i'd most excc-Iieut, anrl eve)1 tn the comnwncl' qU3.litic3 there ia still the same di.sf.utsuixhed style. I 55.KQ CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. DYNE STEEL & CO., NEWPORT, MON. MANUFACTURING CONTRACTORS FOR CORRU. GATED IRON ROOFS, GIRDERS, &c. PIT HEAD, & SCREEN ROOFS FOR COLLIERIES, ROOFS FOR STEEL A IRON WORKS, ENGINE HOUSES, TINPLATE WORKS, &C. RKFERKXCKSTO A LARGE NUMBER OF CORRUGATED <& OTHER IRON ROOFS, :N ALL PARTS OF SOUTH WALES. ——— 56111 DYNE STEEL & CO., NEWPORT, MON. t?ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, JL?_FOUR GOLD MEDALS. ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, NVIIO LT FOR WHOLE;O)1E BREAD. BOR-NVICK'S BAICINC. POWDER, JLF FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. T?ORWICK'S BAKING"POWDER, JL? FOR PLUM CAKE. DORWICK'S BAKING 'POWDER, _FOR TEA CAKK3 AND S-;CONEI. ORNA"ICK'S BAKING POWDER, FOR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS. 55224 Invaluable on board Ship. 9963 CARDIFF AND PENARTH OMNIBUSES, CARDIF. dep. ) ? 0"'1?0 407?0 9 50 Weokda,ys. ? ? ? ? ?5? ? PFX\PTH den ) 9?<r'12?b?V6*69? WM)-? ? M 0 10 45 640 ?ee??ys. ? n g g ? g ? g ? on Sattirtlays. SUNDAYS. CARDIFF, dop. 10 0 90 950 Specie! bctweea 2 and 9 p.m. PENARTH, dep 9 15 8 10 90 Specials between 1 and 9 p.m. CARDIFF ART SOCIETY. ASSEMBLY ROOMS, TOWN HALL, CARDIFF. An EXHIBITION ff OIL PAINTINGS, WATER COLOUR DRAWINGS, &c., is NOW OPEN at the above Room: free of charge to the public, from 10 a..m. to 4 p.m. A SERIES OF PROMENADE CONCERTS V,'))! be he!d in the ASSEMHLY-ROOMS. in connection with the nbove Societv, commencing TO-DAY (SATUR- DAY). at Eight o'ci(M;k. Is. Limited Dumber of Tickets fortheSeriM, 2,3 6kl each; may be had at the Exiiibition. BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE. February 4tli, 1332.

Family Notices

8-1 1'U17])-1 Y, PEn. !¡,…


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