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r PBEPAID TARIFF' FOR BMAXiL ADVERTISEMENTS COUTH YT&JJS T.ALI-Y KSWA. I* I ta*IM in | 1 paily&rtm VeitM. Om Tar** Sii AOu««ia Ii>s«rttMk. flnaertuMi*. InserVi.-iii Cardiff I i I Tfr—a. I •. A. | i. J d. I t d. | 6 2 0 KrWordaj 0 9 J 1 6 I 2 3 i 3 0 16 Words j 10 J 2 0 J 3 0 r 4 0 e Word. lIS I 2 6 3 9 6 0 k Word, I 1 6 I 3 0 ) 4 6 60 Eschextr >. line of I 0 3 08 10 • WordsJ ^Vh»se charges *pp!y "T cl*sse» oi »dT»rti»» ■B'at 8J>e.,ift<t below, and are ^tri-tly c^.vfined to those Whioh «.re ordered for COSSICUTVVB in»»rti«n, and TAIB 7ea tttjtVtMB To i*m*Tio* if either ot eondiiious is pot complied with, the »dyerti»«ni«.t will be charged by tt.e Ituo ni'si »<*l» :— A ;<T V AXTRBk Hot'SX* TO IKT. arvvisTs ro l.*i. M'nsy Wan—so, AKTICLJ0 LUT. VONBT TO L»*S. arvvisTs ro l.*i. y"S:T W.Ino. AKTICLJ0 LUT. VONBT TO •AJCKH^S Foi;NI>. Mi.scK.LAKKr.rs W A t>UefN rott DbiPQgAlte I Basisfc-xa WMTTM. PunjxaairaWMTj*, Borses TO Lør, SITUATIONS WJJRRIM, llotK-'ji firruATioss VI UTJat., GENEltAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. PA.IlLUII:r.1'.iR1' Noncrs, Goverumtni Announcements, end Parliamentary Elect.ons are charted One Shilling p*r line lor e.-sch Insertion. Prcwpectuses oI Public &>i»p*n!ej nr> rliarg*! Ninepetvrc per line (or each Insertion. TuHlle, Municipal, C»roc)ii;.J, and tabool b Jard Notices, Ten,¡. &;1 are Churned Sixpence per line ior each iiHertkm. Auction aro charged Sixpense per 'ino, and ail oilier ronrpence j>er line per insei- Uon, of these char?e»«are, howover, subject to f fwluctiji. 11\ accordance wfth the number of insertions ►rderei. — Particular* may be obtaiu-fl at our Chid and Ur*'icii O.'icoa. • ADrsA7;811i when sending art vertisewmts in DInu. KTipt, majr calculate .h:hl; word* tv a Jine, and 1 lines ao inch, lu oijkrijlii/ advertisement* the liaea are jot counted, bat the adverliiMuient, including lar-re lues, U&shas, and white spacct, is measured, »ud the race occupied Is charged at ti.« rate of T— .1— lines to I loch. hlE NENV POSTAL ARPvA^GEMENTS. Advertisers and others having occasion to remit onaU sums to this Office are requested to tend PCHTAIi NOTES, INSTEAD OF .STAMPS. Tlie n..te:i may be obtained ;ar. every Post-ofHca iu the kingdom for the sums and Charge* :— Amoo»it "t Postal hte. Coat of Note. OiJ" :1'ilIln¡:- Eiarhteenpence Halfpenny. U..lfa,('T')wn.. One penny. Five Shilling (lU\) penny. S«ven slr.iliiv{s and six^e:.ce Onepenny. Ten shillnsB f-.vopence. Tw-slve »l 11 il;ng-.i and gi.)0uce T*0|«nco. Twopence. Seventeen ilÀIJîh¡r¡ an 1 sixpence Twenty 81" :Iiu"ø Twopence. The" N'otP.i" he transmitted as received fro n the Post Office; but if brea;e:: security ¡,J desired the n& ue and Office at which it is in- tet.ded to make them payable (L). Duncan and Soap, (V-dlff ( may be inierted. AI postal notes are only f >r the tixad aoru8 above given, it will not alvaya be possible, by sending one or more of them, t.) up the exact remittance desired. In nch casea the balance (which will alwayabe leas than a xhtUiaa;) ta»f be added in postage stamps. gamestif WANTEbTa (roodGENERAL SERVANT in a small fcrnily.—Apply *18, C'aatie-st., Swansea. 121tJ T ADtES Caa be »ttited vith Ladies' Maids, C >oks, ?1 A NursM, ttoos«i»aid^ v»nera] Servants, by apply- Cj[ at Mrs Beedeli Kegitry_ Frederick-street, pardifl. _» 120j WiTANThU), a GEKERAX. €RVANT\ITApply~Tt \V Cram yell Hoa^e, Gloegop- .rf4Ce| Roath. )lf>7 \\f ANTKK, Rood GENERAL fc-RVANT at '▼? «<»J reference mdispe.wal>k_A ,y MrB „ flDartaa, corner Martin-street, MorriBtou,SwaD^ea IUuAtin,s Vatnu, WTANTED, a BLACKPICKLER. ^ApTT „7Thl -▼ T P. Nantyglo Tin Plate Wyrka, Bryaaiawf C0S90 TWUESSMAKING.-Wanted, by 10th 0/ April,t,jrolVfh AJ experiet>ced Hand, to take charge of wor roo,n. We'* mdigpcnsable.—Apply, with full particular n* PaTles, Draper, Porth, Kfiondda Valley. 1.\4 WANTED, a uood MILLINER,with town experient. j and able to spe-ik Welsh Apply to LI. ThwW Uraper, Treherbert. 1>13 j WANTED by a Arm of Solicitors, a YOUNG MAN as Cashier and Bookkeeper —Apply, stating aire, quadra cat* ong, and salary required, to Lex, South Wales ;l>auy hews" Office, Swansea. 1222 P ARE NTS AN UGLrA HL>IAN S. Wanted, a Youmr M I' S.y about 16, a-j Apprentice to tho Millinery and Dressmaking liujnifss.-A. B., "South NVitea Daily ewI" Office, Newpoit, Mon, 1221 ) ANTED, a respectable YOCTil as Apprentice to ▼ ▼ the Outfitting; trade. Age about Id —Apply, V .doae4. Outfitter, lihymney- 1205 '-p|RAPEPvY.-C'. M. Williams, Aberystwitb, has 1 W Vacancies foe a "ooJ pushing Junior and sharp .Improver Welsh. loe J1. a Got to V. Price, New Tre.i«4 "0S7,) mo TIN PLATE WORKERS.—^Wanted, a steely hand I iu the abCTe line, acuustomed to jobs m an lron- ahop.-Apply, statin-wages, to RJ. Pardoe Ironmonger, Aberdarc KIKPlTllS aud SON, Pontypridd, have a Vacancy for • JJ. .JUNIOR to the Grocery. Welsh indispensable. Personal G'- ROCERY —W anted immediately, strong Vounar MAN, about IS, as Improver, and to make himseii -generally useful. Personal appl can on preferred.— WUllauw, Queen-street, blmua. HJO WANTED, Two experienced Y ;ua„' Ladies for MAN l'LE and MILLINERY SALES. Apply, witft full particulars, tJ Evan Thomas and Compauy, Hil^i-Street,, Cardiff. 1 fjnjO~ MANtLe^MAKERsT—Wanted, several tiist-class j 1 Worker*, to lire out-dotirs,—Apply B. Evans ft Co., j bwausea. L\— t w IT ANTKO, an experienced YOUNG LADY, to r.f serve in the Millinery, an" Fancy eouuter. oWb uuliipensable. Inclose carte and salary required. i' Joues and Co, Waterloo Home. Can. 1193 ;JT*r ANTED, an intelligent YOUTH as JnniQr Clerk. Salary to commence at 10s per week.—Apply, stating age 'ud experience, to -Mr Oavid Shepherd, (public Aocouaunt. 19, yiieen-street. Cardiff. 113* >XTgYANTKD an experienced ASSISTANT for Provision i, counter. Kuowledjfe of Welsh necessary —Apply Hmrri*. 1H, Iligh-btreet, .Nleithyr.^ lldT T- O rAKl'.N'i.i anJ GU ARDIAN^. Wanted, by an Architect and Surveyor, a Youn^ Gentleman as „.xled Pupil. Moderate premium. — Address W. L>. ey. ti. Trinity-street, (Jardiff. llal iiTlUdAlurftiAUKElt. -Wantel. pra-nical, steady •rS MAN, to take charge of Bil'iard-room. Special A;:dre*> W, U„ "Da 'yN^, Swanse^ and I | .Skirt HANDS. Out-door; good wages. A'so a tSiTouKhiy experienced Macbiimt.-Apply P. Evans and Co Swan ea. WANTED, an Ex;>erienced SALESWOMAN for the ,ihowro«Bi. Knowied^e 01 Welsh necessary. Apply, aii'i state full particulars, to W. H, Edwards, I»c Emporium, Carmarthen. L ff^O BAKEitS ASSISTANTS.— Wanted, a YOUNG • i!A"f, il.Tut !o, ». u.Hiome'1 Sinai I .<lI' K Shuiabeer. Pembroke i 17; F |V, UKOCK4W A.SStST \MN -Wanted at V,a /OOd i: 1 hiouuuits iouiv'ji >ia > lur a rea«iy money Urocery "and Provision Trade. Welsh n oessary Total abstainer ..nd nOIl-llmoker-Appiy, wIth ^e, salary, and references, Urynmawr, 1171 COPPER" SMELTER. VV»ated, by a a practical f#*UKNAl'K MAN, accustomed to fetxi anil tap (olast fur- naces j referre-l) tor Ke^uiu*. Must be temperate 3 yearn eiiifa^enie.it; vrx^es, LI per month. —Address im- imedintely to N. 2, care of Messrs G. Street ft Co., 30, toruhii;. Loudon, E.C. 508U7 II \8APERY.~ H. Lewis, Aberdare, has a vacancy lor I I an experienced YOUNG MAN (Weljh.;—Apply istating IC. "penellce, &alary, Ac. 117 >yjn<j DRAPERS' A3 iTANTSi — Wanted, ai7~exper- I ienced hand. Welsh indupendable.— Apply at JSran Cu'e. Trehorbert. 1179 k\\T ANTKO, an honest, sober man as FRAME y f SA WYRR and FOREMAN of MILL,ab:eto sharpen hib sa vs. No one need apply unless »re 11 able to convert tiiaber m! > ,-a"t;inc;9 State A'a^'es and age. -Jo;nrJ ^ros., Pembroke Di>ik. 5083S SjfVUflG Tit A 1>E. -An APPRENTICE Wanted. — AU- J f dress Get-ffts Stephens, Chemist and Dr!v,'(fist, pew Milford, Pom, Hit WANTf'.D, Clerks, Assistants, Puriers, Storekeeper"). Ninety Vacaucie;, home and abroad. Particu krs, «*itnlw» 2d. Secretary, J, Lean.ier-stieet, Liver- »o' 8 .\ltUdt$t SmteUcv^, ACTIVE Energetic AGENTS wanted by the City Life Assurance Company (Limited), for Swansea, )»e»'.t\ Abeiavon, and Bridgend districts. Special facilil ttes .iveu to clIlemen 111:\ position t., tiiflnei c-: bUiii, le-ss,* 1202 \\T AK HK.S, Rin^s, -le'vel ery, Klect.ro-Vlate, Cutlery, illustrated Catalogues free. Agents W uitfd J lioej Simtnous, Dudley-street, Biruiiii'rliani. lU;) a di_STS WANTED. C2 weekly and commission.— Knclosc stamp for spec;mens. Bel^ille and Co., jFari w .rtb, Pol ton. 1113 GOOD-, JcweTlery, Watches, Sarmo- B* muins, &c. Aireuts .vantel. New specialities. Kuiarjei lliusti-atod B->ok i'ree. — \Dply llenry May, tin mli>x ham. 1030 AGKNTS Wan.,ed, for Tonic in Beer, St^jUt, Ginger A18, and COQp4:r, aJl n >11-intoxicating and well *laf>ted for general use. Manufactu cd If 1 bos. Holt, Couutv Terrace street, New Kent-road,London, S. E. 103'; A AND G. TAVLOlt, Ptio-.ograohers to the t^ueen, • re>iuir<> J,'<^<1 MEN as Canvassers. Als<), any Auii>b:r of Foiamen, Tiioe-keepers, dsr!<i, to K'"U Clubs for their Kxct;!siur Portraits in uil.—Apply at th,; si u:l in, Crown-couj t, Duke-street, Cardiff Arcade Studio, and Postern Studio, Castle-street, Swansea 914 A OK TS wanted v> aeli TEA. in packets, from li 6d JT*. per lb French CuMr. n 1 lb, 4 lb, aad J lb tins; One and all u Cocoa, ui !t> packet- Most piofitable Sgency 111 itm W rtk to Oiiver, Oliver ami Co., pouthtfato Road. 1.000011- 50137 of either sex l.avin^' spare time at their JL disposal, or wishing to uicrcase titeir salai ies, would P° apply at 79, St Mary-etreet, Cardiff, (rym 3 l» 6 o clock cfauiy. d0033 JjWiWUanmts Wattle. ,w. ANTiÏ> seonii-ftaini flvo feet MOR» 1 AH MILL, for one eight feet. Wnto Jehn tiowl^, Contractor, Trqfaarria, Pontypridd. 1180 j^TT\0 PU1 NTlittS, -nted to Purchase, a Double I# Double Demy Columbian Press.—South .Wales Printing Work*, Cardiff. 'tV otfcer iJ ltm S — tK>t),ioni Soda and Dry Soap Works, &133 49874 49t.Er_tut(;, &t. ^10MKOR|-AP,LK FURNISHED APAlWENTB~fori Oenlieiiiati or Friends, -with M or two bed- J :»j>» Tilla. Uichmond-nHd. -tauT" jit\U\thns nntt«. T- >> O'tOCERS. —W-xnted, by a willing Tbuo; Man, :e 22, 1 8:tu:ltion to deliver goods and ist at cvuiitcr? Good referencel,-1'ùdre81!, H., r, New- r jad, J'Qrt.llëawl. rpO GROCEU3.—Situation wanted by Youn<j Man, Ji, Eisrht years'experience. Good reference.—Apply W., 12, élyùacf¡.5tI;"et, llrVUlnltwr 1212 I T-)-Ó0TfillR3 and ~~C 1 UTFnTEltS^ Wanted byan exporienccd Hand, a S:t1!atioll in the above business, or to) Manage a llraneh. Highest references. -A t.lrcsi Q, Eili*, j, Dyn(;v"r.ple, Swansea. 1215 £ 0 hi ^et.— ry^O Professional Men and other* requiring prominent -J[_ position.—To LET, No. 5, Brijhton-terracc, New- port-roail 11 rooms, lai^e garden near railway stations tr.un cars passing rent low. May be more than covered bj letting apartments which are constantly required.— Apply R. E.nery, 20, Queeii-stre.% 11:55 I '1'0 b" LET or SOLO, with immediaite possession, two JL hge seni-dctac ,ed RI<:SIvENCk:8 in Howard (3ar.Jell (f rmerly "Ten Acres"), Roatji-road, within three; minutes' walk of the Taff and Rliymuev stations, and fitted up w.th all modern conveniences. The rooms are numerous, very spacious and lofty. There is con- siderable garden ground at the rear of each house, an 1 siderable garden "round at th rear of each 110u3e an 1 the occupiers nave the privilege of usintf Howard Garden. — Apply to Lewis Brothers, Richard's.terrace, Cardiff. 11S4 t*~ OAKFUiLD-STiiEET, Koath, To Let.- Apply to O I, Mr David Shepherd, 0.1 the premises, or \it 19, (.^uceii-street. ll;) rpo LilT, .tit immediate P0SIIe;;s¡on. I FARM, of al,()ut, 23 accn of grass land, and a run ofsev-e;i :1.cres of wood land. Very ifood house an I put, huihlin;3, close to tun,pike and parish roads, and within II mile of Ne-ath. -Apply to H. F", Taylor, Vale of eath. F;lIi!i'1; Wu2".eati1. áü84ó PE.^ARTH.—1TO LEr Durlll1Jf'a Villa. Clive-road. Aiso Dwelling lliu-e and Otike3, Mouut Stuart- s<|uare. —Apply t G. S. Siowe, Cardiff. 50<J58^ for £ x m\f vV. LTK D0CKS~^0 UTH W1LLI AM -STREET. -TWO HOUSES ior SALE.—Apply MrX>, W. Thomas, 77, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1220 171 JoRA-ST KEKT, CATHA\1i-Tho HtTUiES for sale, price £;JotJ.-Appl.r C" ioath Wales IXu'y Ntws," Cardiff. Ib2 '110 b QLU by Pr.vate Contract, elht.roomeû House I with :l1j<)Ut eig-ht acres of good Land, about the \1\1.811 from Cardiff. Several ¡¡¡ur,.roome4 Houses witil lar^e ;arJeu "nÚ hackeutranee 16:1.0 9D9 years. Eight Frseiioid HtJUl7es, indadicg a Corner Shop, price £ 2,500. E gnc r, 11 pnoo jLsi, 10*). Five Freehold Mouses, price £ 1, JOO. Two Fredrultl Hou ea, price itoOO. Eight J.a.;eh?I,j H'>UleJ, rento £ 130 a year, price £ 1,40«» T o Houses, JDctndinJ a Shop aud Bakd¡01Ue, rents £ 52 a year, pvi ie £ i00. Ji our Vilias leMe 909 years could be oW in lo price &)00 for two or £ 1,000 /or the f jur. Three nine-roomed Villas ill Severll.r<Jlld. price £ 1,200* Two Houses, iucluuing a corner 5hoD with stable and c'J.h-í;()UI!e 011 the Lower Ornnge, price* £ 700 ROATU.— Several Viiias ill Stacey-road. TUree Shope wit." the Ht>tL,ei. eight rooms Íl) each with ödure3, OJ. 7, -J, and lis Castle road could be sold siutrly. Three Hou-es, rents £ 42 18s, price If 159. Ten seven-roomed HoUoe pricc £ 200 ccl1. Eight seven-roomed Houses, pries £ 2u0 each. Six seven-roomed il<Jwles¡ price £ 200 cacli. Four seven-roomed Houses, price £ 200 each, Two seven-roomed HOjU.3, price £ <90 eaclu Ground rcuW, £ i2 a yu, prk-e o; lease unexpired about -i2 years. Ground rent, £ 20 a vear, lease 11..expied about 95 lean. price £ 500. Ground rents, £ 15 a year, lease unexpired abuut :17 years, price £ S75. All tho ground reuts wul pay abou" £ i0per cnt ",hen the leases expire, when be house; will come to thl) owner d the ground. TO LET. -Thre;! largv OpJ wit.n. the HollSC8 ami cellars, eht roo in h, with thtlU"C8 and gag fittm&. SUItable for drapers', ironmongers, dgi&t.I, furniture shop, gree. ¡;r.;cer, pawnshop. Nine-roomed House In Davies s- ciescent with Ips fitting* and w.c., and larg-e garden aad back entrance, and Venetian blinds. Shop and bakehouse in centra of Canton. Corner Shop and a lalge Bakehouse to -2A sacks of ftour, and stable, ami roem to pt flour, oi the Upper Gr,¡n;;e.-ÁW!y to Mr Thomas DavicS, llouae and Land and Life ana Fire Insurance Agen, 34, Cow- ¡ Brirl H-r "t.)O" r-arMiff, ffi7 ia %et.—^tu$i«e$5 &c. TO be LET. 103, Bute-street. Offices in suites shop and cellar8. Either separately or in entirety.¡ Apply, ift, first instance, by letter, \0 T. 0, Platt, 20, Mount Stuart-square, Cardiff. DP.APER,rto LET, at Dowlais; rturns £ 2,5 0, and may be dl)uble,1 rent, £ 42; best position stock, fixtures, and improvements at valuation.—Apply Mr Joan Lewis, Fairfield II ou.e. Swansea. 1217 rr- 0 D RAPEU3, a ROC ER 37 A.6 OTHERS. —T' >LET, j A Cambrian House, Oarmarthen, Fixtures, but no Stock. Shop oler öA) feet, large show-rooms; good cellars; fine premises; handsome double front; best ¡>NlltJon.-Apply John Lewis, Fairfield House, Swansea. 1213 Sw A'SE.= To b Let, a -ve;.yient HOUSE and :aOP.Avply ou the Premises, 185, Bih- 8tret. 1223 C.\RDIFF:=TO LET, 81.:lcious SHOP anTbWELLING- j HOUSE, 22, Tin-stree- (and corner of Platinum- 8treet), near Roath M irket, an,1 adjoining the New Tram- way, having large building ill rear with loft, suitable tor scveral hones and c:\rrbe,-Apply to Mr Davies, Mr C-iry's Offices, Wharton-street. 1101 PONT A RD C lXiS. ~T.~ be Let or Sold, a substan- tially-bui t WOOLLEN FAt,"TORY. fitted up with tne best modem machinery, anI cOIHellienUy situated. Apply lienry Jones, Pontanlul:8 1192 POTYPOUL.-To be LET, with immediate posses. idon, that old established full hcel1Si)d House. j known as the Iarket Tavern, situated in the Market- ?ia.œ. Satisfactory r. ea. 30 ns giVen. for leaving,— Apply on Vie premises. 111:)6 WA:'oI8E\-=-=-To Let, on March 25, "SHOP arid Com- modious PREMISES, Oxiord Buildings (centrally situated, 111 the o.scupati(.!1 of the Singer Sewing M ;chine COnp;1.11Y).j, pplj 3,JOxford-street. 11 Jl | TJENARTII DOCK.-SIlOP to be LET or SOLD.- B Apply oJ, Glebe-street, Penarth. 1lG6 j r|Y> LET, the IVY BUSH HOTEL,, Pfengam. Free j J. house, fully licen-ed large commodious premise- with txrensiv cellars, containing a copper, auJ. otherwise weli suited lor brewing. Aiso large stabies and outbuild- lngj, iill In good repair. W ou'.d suit a tradesman. Ingoing xybaiiiiR. ,:Oi¡'êoh rl)lStatOIl. nln aud Slerthyr P'1i]w'y,-App1y tu Eo U. Rowland, Fleur-de-lis, r 1 Maesjevm ner, C3.rditf, n 50S17 I rn> l.ET, for Shop or PriV.1te llouje, in .1. t 'antiJJ, next lioor to) Rode an,1 Cro\VJI,-Ap;¡ly D, I V*. Jvmei, Beacousritld House, Windsor-place. 11/4 '1\0 IEf, D,UIJUEXD.-Two) excellent }JU:ISESS I HOUSES, moit prominent p031tiou. 1 3.ud t, Wynd- ham-street, opposite Town Hall, with cma.nuie; [ frontage, :;tùnJ:lotls, aaJ every accommodation au.t ibie for any business;—Apply to Mr L>. Grilfitus ou the premises (who is about retirm, from business). S00 1^° LET, vith immediate po8"e8ion. HOC-SE and I SHOP, at 123, Co^vbridge-road, Canton, (;ardiIf. Kent moderate.—Apply at the above, 1114 a LAKuE SHOP to LET. Best position in Porth. j.' j.- particulars apply Post-otfiee, Porth. 1150 "1.,0 LET, ifi Arcot-stieet, Penarth, SCOTLAND 1 IlOUsE "nd SlloP, with a l8rge Warehouse.— J\P;JJ.r!° Tbos. Denuius, 1, Glebe-piaee. 1143 r LET or SOLD, at P¡':SAR1'H, the finest Prcú.1i>IC X ill tn towu with pla.re-fl<>dd front ill the leadlD street, between Dock alld railway St.tiOll. Suitable fr draper 01' ironmonger. — Apply to MI Roberts, Britannia Hall, IVnartii. 1078 riloTio LET, :;ol}<i D0UBLE-L1CE3JSEB~ROADSIDE j JL INN, with skittle aliev, large gawJen, aad staoling, ill a populous district io Glam >rg-a.t15àÎrl.:o close t-J lar6e WOTKS. — Apply t.) Bevnon and Le, Auctioneers and. Y aJ uer, Swan!!ea. 500SO MAESTEG.—A rare opportunity.—TO LET, a hand- 1., some uouble-frouted cower SHOP. plate-glass windows, and 5uitt\ble for any business. GooAresidence attached, aud IMe b"3.r,letl. Fixtures, &;c., complete, ani rent "ry moderate. CommaBEtiug positio 1 in Castle-street and \le;)t-street, near railway st\tiOI1. Gravel soil, so pn:Il1Ï-e3 dry and healthy. Brilliant prospect for young man 8t:1.rting business," to whom, if desirable, shop alone ean he rented. Excellent lodgings 111 Queeu.t.reet.-Fu11 particulars on applicatieu tu T, L. Roberts, Maes teg, Glamorgan. 50191 ri^O BE LET Wit'1 immediate p'lll5eS,ioo. an old 1 established double-licensed INIf,| sltlUlie at Da.lea near Llauelly. Excellent trade. Satisfactory reasons' { for leaviug. Rent anl i.ic >:u:ng moderate,—Appiy 10 I Mr GOUGfcf, Auctioneer, Llanelly. 5J171 I Uh\tp-£!iSlat. j 60-FLEE BEERHOUSE, oeatro of Newport. ;z;" l l.n\v ront.-31." Hverptt. Sto« fI il! Chambers. !it .VLO! | j w —FREE BEERiiOUSE, main street of Ne a J f) r«.'rt. Satwiai.'tory reasoa^ for leaving.—Mr L,ç;tçi.. 1 f d\FREE HOTEL, in one of the princijal -V i» v towns in Glamorganshire.—Full particulars ZTIV. ^vuictt, Stow Hill Chambers. Newport. 50SS0 lot fatt.-irt jto,k, _(!).ragt,. ri^O be SOLD, a very handsome Jersey COW, in full J[_ nuik, with calf.—Apply to the Gardener at Bayn- ton House, Llandatf. 120d^ TTIOR SALE, a strong, active PONY, aboutT;J hands high good worker. For price, &c., apply John I J. lait .mg, The Viue, Kichmond-road, Cardiff. 1161) j J»aU,—pachiuerg, laolg, &x. { ENGINES, Mortar Mills, Saw Benches, J X Centrifugal Pumpe, 8ALE or PUfCH. HIRE.- lieiding and Platt, Gloucester. 1063 PLANING lL\CHlNES,- Sll}ttin.: )la.chinc9-; Shaping Machines. Vertical and Ratliai Drilling Machines, j t unaliiir^ .d JSheatriuif Machines, P1ate lknoiinK w.acIlW. Self-acting Sliding Screw Gutting am* Sur. feeing, wth" otall sizes, either 111 tyci or progress. List of dame an1 illustrated ¡;a,tawgueoi machine tools 011 applicatiou.-W, AWIUltn, Highroad Well Works, Halifax. 50271 tor gaU— ptscAlawMUS. FIREWOOD t 2s per cwt., delivered witbin the Borou:h,pply at the Workhouse, CardilT, JGRA^IT & SON, Cardiff, are now Discharging a CAti.v vi J. H, Wiui^i Bros.' nEST LONDuN* PORTLAND CEMENT. Iu Stock, Plaster-of Paris, Super ¡¡:o.I Coarse K j lie's, also _ia.1J. Ft)!: :ALE,¡;;Í1n -Tra.ll1-p:al,ks, Coffin Boards, Aoh 1 Shafts ot every description, anl Felloes d all Blzes. Also \)",k Sp- 'ke;, Green hea:t, in Logs and Planks, -.J, G-ant & Son, Cardiff. list* rl'W"'LY1:: CAll5fEI:3, S.ir-Ci"tern and Scales, X. Ltrge Patent American Coffee Mill (black and gjid), aud line nr Scales.- S. l'ath Wales Daily News Office, L anelly. 1163 H'l AWiLE-TOP COUNTERS, SCAI7E3. wfth all "FIT- -A for a Grocery and Provision Buduess a.so a large MIRROR.—Apply 112, Bute Docks, Carditf. 5o8i4 [, A ¡.'1l\T-L,s iu ,d:,ut case and on carved trusses, "it..1 all tlie lutest illJrr, luents IJI tOiie aud touch, tv be sold for Hid. To be seeu at 12d, Severn-road, Cardiff. n n$(tU"utoU. TKTEAT-OE-KIN.—77,OW,'JOO UiTclaimedT-A Re-iiur d8Si edition!, canUining the names of 4=1,000 persons wh,) have beena..jveTtl.jad tor to claim property awl money sinee 1700. Post iree 2s :I.-Dou":),1 and Co J, Strand. London. io51 A CERTAIN CURE for the NERVOUS and DEBILI. TATED. -ùratis, a Medical Work, 3bowin eutfertrs buw they may i..e cured mid coover health ani yitaJity without the aid of Quacks, with recipes for purifying the blood and removing skin affections; also chapters on Happy Marriages Whcf) and Whom tOo 1brry Ill" Tem- peraiuentM Stammering V ital. Foree How Wasted and How Preserved; Galvanic Appliances; aud the Wonders of the Microscope ii. Detecting Various complaints. Post free for Two Stamps, Address, Secretary of Anatomy, ( Birmingham. lw4 A FORTNIGHTS FAMILY WA3Hr In Flmr Hours, jnL hy using "THE DOMESTIC e onbmed Washer, Wrmger, and Mangier, carriage paid, and a free trial allo'IV«1.lIlustral.ed pruspedUII post free.-l1om" Bros., Pontypridd, ant.ll6. Angel-atreet, Cardiff. H16 n /CAMBRIAN BICYCLES AND TRICYCLE3. V^/ Eight patterns with novelties anJ improvements for IHal, II 0 R R 1 S BROTHERS, (&!t3t.li:¡hed 1372.) The only rlsed manuladurers III Wales W (JRK8- PO STYP RID D. Snow ROOMS ÀD OnICK- [6, ANGEL STREET, CARDIFF. Price It now ready one 6tamp. 100 Second-hand and new machines by other makers, to be sold at unusually tempting price* Machines ex- 'Changed and accassories of every description t* fttock. 'Changed and acclISSOries of every dillJCripäoa t* k. •Truat reuaifs to -Mot makflti agjja. JOHN JENKINS and 0O.'S ANNO UNCEME NTS. J 0 H N J E N KIN Sand CO. AUCTIONEERS & VA1,ITERS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUI)[TURS, STOCK, INSURANCE, !duRTGAt<E. AND BUSINESS BROKERS, ARBITRATORS. ;¡ 0 U SF.. LAND, EST ATE, FINANCIAL & GENERAL AGETS. PHILH ARM ONIC CHAMBii RS, Sf, MARi"-STR¡ŒT, Cardiff. Agents to the Sun Fire, Provident Clerks' Mutual Life and Guarantee, and thd Norwich anI London Accident all] Plate Glass Irhurnce Companies, aml tho Protector Endowment, Loan, and Annuity CuIIlp3UY. ,B.-J, J. anc1 Co. prefer personal interview?, but where thai is not practicable, commUnitluu may be made by t. ill which ease two stamp3 mwt be enclosed tor reply. BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. ROATH.-CaPital Double-licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE, i l populou» locality. Rent moderate. Ill-going, ;t5 I.-Johu Jenkins and G. lEAT EASTERN HOTEL. ROATH, CARDIFF,- Jf Tile LEASE, &c., oi thid Double-licensed PUBLIC- llUlhE for immediate DlSPO.:oAL,- Apply to John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, C.udiiI, r W .\SEA, Double-li emed HOUSE in principal thorij¡I hhre, near stations good lease furniture included, £ 700. Premises suitable for a bottling or posting tm.;lacs -John Jeukius 110111 Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Card i f. '1\T ¡':WPOltT, Capital Smgle licensed PUBLIC- J. HOUSE. Ingoing £ 150. Good Trade. -John JelllLiItS and Co., Auctioneers, CarJi:I, 1-10 CCARDIFF.—Single-liceiued PUBLIC-HOUSE, in good j thoroughfare. Ingoing £ L6u.-Johu Jenkins "and \;u., Cardiff. I-no FRE ruli-lieensed HOUSE, in a Seaport of South 1 Wales, doing nearly £ jl) weekly. Present lease tureo years. 11l;;vin;, Wltl1 good inventory, £ .j00. -Juuu. JeukiI1 Co., Piiilnarmoiiic Chambers, Cardiff. I—10S CAttDiH-,—BEERHOUSE ill:to large neighbourhood. Very low rent, Ingoing Aii 0<' offer. Suitable fvr a uieunaiiic.—-Joint Jenkins awl CiJ" Philiiarmonic Chambers, \)4rditf. I-tj | TO 20 HOTELS and INNS, ill or on the borders JLtJ oi tiie County of Glamorgan, to be DlSl'OSF.D Or in one or two IOIS. A L:u.gtrt: is now being dvue. (rolu whicii a good income 1:1 ùCrI v..bl, Mot of the houses are held on very, bu; leases. An opportunity for II. Brewer or Spirit Mirciiant to) extend their bu"ille:¡.- John Jenkins aud Co., Liceuseol Ylcttlailer"" Brokers, Philharmonic Cnambers, Cardiff. MAY, TENBY~irLLAXTl;ISSANT. —Small PU3LIC BUSINiisSES for DISPOSAL. lugoiugil low.- 1.1, Jenkius aud Co., Pililllarw "C ehamnJF Cardiff NO. 15, BUTE STREET, CAITIFF.—These Premises 1: to tJe LET, wHh early possession, with or without t..e stock (<1r.\¡Jery). Well sit.uate1 for the drapery, grocery, or any other trade. Present occupier has taken other premises.—John Jenkins aud Co., Pnilhar- mouic Chambers, Carditf. 1—y5 tCARDIFF.—Free Double-licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE^ old-established, and with Brewery accommodation. -Jorm Je.1klus and Co., Cardiff. 1-;).1. «>0 be LET or SOLD, a Free Doujle-iie-eused PUBLIC- X HOUSE, m a first-class locality for business, anl W1tll a.1I ullexceptiVIuble prospect or a large incre ase.— Joha Jenxms "Ill Co., Pailiiarmouic CnauThers, 1-57 DOUBLL-LICENSED HOUSE, in a good busness pos.tlon in Cardiif, to be LET. Lou- lease Very profitable class trade.—John Jenkins amf Co. Philhar- llwnic Chambers, CardIa C~l^J}YS~isS~ ALB ION ^iOAO; CANTON. This oingle-Liceuied Public-house to be LET on a seveu years lease. Premises will be altered and improved at once. Apply to Messrs John Jennins anJ Co., PnUhir- momc-chambers, St. Mary-street; or tv V. Watson, Eso Cambrian Brewery, Cardiff. 1—7) WANSEA -Deirable compact HOTEL, with good bi *V> I11* °" a long Je-MW; trade large. Ingoing £ 1,-100.—John Jenkins autl Co. Philharmonic Chambers. Cardiff. 1-0<} RAPER1 and GROCERY BUSINESS, IU a capital W:1.llufäcturillg aud colliery district in South Waies. Lease 01 plUi.se., wl1iuh have lately beau reo stored at great expense, £ 400; lteut, £ 50 Lease, 11 yeard; Returns, aooUL j £ 5,000, whIch call be increased Stock (low) at laJu..tion.-Jobu Jenkins and Co., Phil- harmonic \.JI¡¡uubers, Cardiff, 1-1)1 ANTON.—Good Double-licensed HOUSE, in excellent po:;i tivu. 1.ar)(e trade, price moderate.—Johu Juukiiii and Cv., PhUuarmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1—Ob BUSINESSES WANTED. ( OOD DOUBLE or SINGLE LICENSED HOUSE in Jf or near Bute-street or Hayed. Cash auout £ 500. — john Jenkins anJ Cv" Philharmonic Cliambers, Cardiff. A FREE DOUBLE LII.JE:-i$K!)-6ntralIY-:ltt.ed HOUSE, do.tig a re8¡JCcr.aiJle trade. A good price ¡;" .1 for a genuine eou\ern.-John Jenkins amI Co., Fhilhannonie Chambers, Cardiff. rl,nU¿Edspa)llSES- in or US¡Üllt Mary- X street. 1cllt about £ dj and £ 100. Particulars LO b" seat to John Jenkm, "'I: C J" Pniiiuruuaic Caam- berd, Cardiff. }1 IRT.CLA,:JSÇOMÙWL\CiiQT.h:;1 town. Ingoing froUl £ 1,000 to £ 2,uo-J,—■ Joon Jeukius and Lv" Philharmonic Chambers, C..r,ÚI A>EER-HOUSE IS CARDIFF, or Road-side inn near, r- 9 Ingoing about £ lu0. — Johu Jeilkws and Cv. I'll ilharmolll<: Chambers, CardÜf. í 011. JENK1::i awl CO. hare several Clients re- U quiring small PUBLIC-HOUSES 1u Cardiff or immediate neighbourhood, and wilt ue pleased Lu receive particulars of any geuume coun.¡o( ullil. SMALL, rC3pecta.hle, PUBLIC-HOUSE III or near Car- wll. Ingoing nut to exceed £ 123.-John Jenkins auu Co., Phifhiirmouic \)Ila.mi>cr- Cardiff. DOUBLE or SINGLE-LICENSED HOUSE ill a busy ..L.J' thoroughfare iu Cardiff. Bute-street preferred. Ingoing £ 200 to £ 400.—Joiiu Jenkins ami Co., Plul- hlAl"U1UUlC Chambers, Crlün. BUSINESS PliEMlSES '1'0 BB LET. ri^ENBY*.—ltoomy aud convenient HOUSE, with showy I uou'ole-frontel SH'Jl', in principal street, to be L*-f. Reut £ 75 per annum, all d whidl cau b" made IJj I ullucr-JettllJ;; III a short suuuuei seasou.—John Jeu:"i"s auj Co., Philharmonic Ciia"mber £ 0"r,tiif, 3—1"2 REFRESHMENT iUiT:1.tt:l" New Theatre Royal t; be Lr.ppll to Joall JenJu) and eel., Phil- u..t'u1ouic ()f1¡J,mbers, Cardiff. 0 .15, I3L:T.h: STREET, CA1{VIF'l"Th<3c i'rtJmÍJe:3 ii to iJe Lhii', wita eany possession, with or witlwuL t ie stock (drapery). Well situated tor tile drapery, grocery, or any other tla.Je, Present vccupier has taken otiier prt:mè>es.-JoÍ1!l Jellkills and Co., Philhar- monic Chamoers, Cardiff. 1—Uo O.N(, TWOf.;V)O!S of a Good Dry and Conveuieut WAREHOUSE '1") LET; 1st floor 43 W, 2ud 1100" tb 0d per weck, 01' los per week tor both; good ap- prci¡LcÍl. -J aim Jel11\}8 allol Co., Philharmonic Ctiamhers, Cardiff. • 1APITAL PREMISES, III a first-class pOltion ia Car- j ditf, with showy I'Iu.te.la.8 window, TU ue LET. Lent and fixtures reasonable no stock; unexceptionable opportunity tv open bU8lllCSli iI. a leadiug situation. Apply Jonn Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Crambers, Ca.nl.ttt. U—31 HOUSES, ice,, FOB. SALE. CIOUNTRY RESIDENCE F01 SALE. -A very desira- j ble Country Residence, with uver 20 rooms, stand- ing ill its own grounds, w1th lawn, shrubberies, orcharJ, waded garden, stabling for sev 111 horses, c')&ch-hoW!]I!, &e. About 11 milc from Cardiff, and nea: to stations 011 the Great Western a.11,1 Tiff Vale Railways. Three pack3 of hounds hunt the nc;hbournooJ, SeUm; price only £ T,5ou.—John Jenkins anJ Co" Lau aul Estate Agents, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 2—90 MARK-STllLET, CANTON.—Convenient HOUSE, with two entrances, to be SOLD. Price £ 340. £ .JOO can remain Otl mortgage it required. — Jonn Jeukius and Co., Philharmonic Cnambcrs, Cardiff. 2—SI /•J1REDEGARVILLE, "CARD1FF! -Desirahle Villa" RiJ- JI sidence fur Sale. Price £ 700.—Jonn jellklns aud Co., Philiiarmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 2—SS PENARTH.— TWO capital COTTAGES ,1 and 2, Salop- .I: place or Salop-.aue, Penarth. Weil let fur 12s per week, ground rent, £ 3 158 per annum. Frice £ 275,— John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 3—oo r|VVEL\K HOUSES in Grangetown, at moderate X_ priced.—Johu Jeuliins aui Co., Philharmonic Cham- bers, Cardiff. 2 75 I rfilWO HOUSES near Pontcanna, £ 150 eacln— John" X. Jeukius and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Carolitf i-Ï4 |P.ELfJ 'LD LAND, at Liautiiss<i.iic, aboUv :iv a.res, X' very suitao.e to iet for bunuiug, or to i>e Sold in piots.—John Jenkins and C)., i'hilharmouic Chamber- Cardiff, 2—60 1" AliGE HOUSE, suitable fo, Public-house, very X_i low price, excellent positiou.—Joan Jenkins an I Co., Plulha1'11l"uic Chambei-s, C&rditL 2—70 1_- MPROVEIJ GROUND RENTS, in ^ood let ting locality, to Plio) live per cent.- Juhl1 Jenkins and Co., Pnilharmouie Chambers, Cardiff. 2 77 l1vP PiiOPERTY fvr Sale, in improving neighbour- o 1100:1 -Johu Jeukius anti Co., Philharmonic Chain- bers, Cardiff. 2—7S APPHIRE-STREET, RO A III; vry desirable and comp3ct private resi1el1"c (Clucon-street encl). Price £ 2/5.—John Jenkins and Co.,Puiiharmonic Cham- bers, Cardiff. "2—73 SEVERAL First-class CO'l'TAOES in a good letting neighbourhood, to pay aoou; S per cent, clear, to ot: :WLD.-J'JI1U Jeukms auÜ Co., House and Estate Agents, Philharmonic Chambers, (;¡udiú, 2—c5 COTTAGES, in good lettillg ylace, 17 teet frontage, good repair. Ground rent £ 8 10s. Price £ 700.—John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 2-63 ■ ,1 REE HOLD RESIDENCE aml Ol".i:1C.h:.S, near Car- X/ tfiff, To LC ULD, with or wltlhJu a Held near.- Jonn Jenkins and CO. Philharmonic Chambers, Car- dia. 2-4,0 MORTIMEl; ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF.—Good letting Houses to be Sold.—Apply to John Jen- kins iiud co. Philarmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 40170 2—50 rawo good HOUSES, in Lower Cathedrai-road, to be A,. ^C-LD, for £ 650. Ior particulars apply to Johu Jeukm £ Co., liouse "nol Estate Agents, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff.13 SEVERAL llOVI:SE8 in Cardiff. Moderate pnce3. Safe letting neighbourhood.—Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, C",rditï. 2-35 l"otl very uesirabie HOUSES, let for ci per year I tv. £ 1,050,—John Jtukins and Co" PhilUarmonic cnamber?, Cardiff. 0.27 HOUSES TO BE LET. (1ARD1FF. Oakileld-sticet. Two semi-detaclied j VILLAjs a: "ery low rt:nta:s.- John J enkius and Cu" Ph1lhartulJu.c Chamhers, L:an1iú. EIGliT-H,UUllLl>HOUSE, 111 Wood vi He-road, Cathays, j with Stable, t,.) be L.h:T.pply to Johu Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. E" DWARD-TERRACE, CARDIFF.—HOUSE tv Le LET, -1 will be rcpalre 1 and papered, aId.lJut ill thorough oider to uit ingoing ttIl4m,-Appiý!ó John JCIIKIIIS and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, APARTMENTS TO LET. KOATH.—Comfortable FURNISHED APARTMENTS, 111 a nice locality, "uel on moderate tt:rmo.JOIHl .JCUK1113 and Co., Cardiff. WANTED TO PURCHASE.J :TEWPOítT-ROÀV ur }Ü1!J:nond-roaù, Good resl- 1. deuce, witii thTLe rcception-\O>Jms.-Johll JenklIl4 aud Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. H~ OUSE inGreen-stre01,, or first part of Lower Cathe. dral-i-oad.—Particulars to John Jenkins and Co., Piuinarmouic Cliambers, Cardiff. A FREEHOLD or Long Le.:Ïôeh01d PUBLIC-HOUSE.— John Jenkins aud CQ., Auctioneer Phiiharmomc Chamber3^ Cardiff. 10NETARY. rv rv.—A good security for this sum wanted forth- oWuUv with John Jeukius aud Co., Philharmonic C lla¡u <:1 Ii, t.anhiI. u r» and £ 1,300 Wanted 011 Mortgage of I Vv good Leasehold Properties. — Johu UklUlld Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. £200 £ 250, £ 100, and £ U00 to). De INVESTED on > MORTGAGE.-Jobn Jenkillij ami Co" Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. O/JAA and £ 500 to b</ .VDVANCIOD^on ^ood^treT- HW.O V */• hold securities.—Particulars, to John Jenkins and Co., Accountants, Philharmonic Chambers Cardi1f. ■" ARGE SUMS to be advanced on l&I.sehold3, Free- 1 J holds. ReversioDJ, Annuities (Or Ground Rent8.- oIm IODkill3 and Co. Mortgage 8rQk ert aaA FinanaUI ghilharmonw lUiamwra. GanUA ami ffoUim) [tequbtites. BUTE WAGON WORKS, CARDIFJ.—Joseph HeaJd B.) an I Co., supply all-kinds of New and Sccoud-hand W AGONS, for cash. Redemption or simple hire. Wugons repaired by contract or othorwise. Offices, J, Pearson- Docks, Cardiff.—N.B.—J. H. and Co., undertake to let or sell surplus stock for any owners or users. Par- ticul:1.rs invited. 45701 POIMJ. MR. J. BLAIBERG, PRIVATE MONEY LENDER, an t BILL DISCOUNTER, 15, Dumfries place, Cardiff. 4S00 MR, EVERETT, having several Sums of MONEY placed at his disposal for Investment, is prepared to negotiate Advances on Mortgage or Personal Security. — Apply Stow Hill Chambers, Newport, Mon. 5"3:,0 /"CLERGYMEN, Fannera, Clerks, Shopkeepers, and \y/ Mechanics can reeeive ADVANCES upon FURNI- TURE, etc. (without rsmo -ai), at ones by writing to Mr J, J. Joues, 13, College-street, Swansea. Distance no object. 41213 IA VON LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY.—St X* Heien's-road, Swansea.— £ 5 to £ 100 advanced upon application' to and other. No sureties required. Call or write any day.—Office hours, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 44232 A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, having MONEY to LEND, is prepared to Advance sums to suit borrowers from £ 5 to £ ">00,ou shortest notice.—Apply T. G. Jenkins, Accountant and Auctioneer, Royal Arcade borrowers froal £ 5 to £ ">00,ou shortest nutice, -Appl y 1'. G, Jenkins, Accountant and Auctioneer, Royal Arcade Chambers, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 50134 0 YOU WANT MONEY '!—If so, save time, trouble, I and expense, by applying direct to Mr Louis Earnett, 49, Bute-street, Cardiff. £ 10 to £ 500 lent daily. No sureties or feci. This advertisement is genuine. 45120-8274 SPECIAL NOTICE. — MONEY AD- VANCED to all classes without delay SPECIAL AT A REDl:(;EIJ RATS 01' I"I!R&!T, Instal- ments arranged to suit borrowers. —Apply, TERMS TO personally or by letter, to S. Blaiberg, 2, Bute-terrace, Cardiff. Private residence, FARMERS. Bedford House, Newport-road Established 30 years. N, B. -No fees unless the money is advanced, 1920<3 ADVANCES Made at the following rates, which iu- ciu te every "har6, without Bill of Sale £ eo A<lvllcd. repayable by Tweh-e lonhly Instal- ments of £2 3s 4d. £ 50 Advanced, repayable by Twelve Montilly In8ta- ments of £ 5 4s 2d, £ 100 Advanced, repajable lJ,v Twelve Monthly Instal- ments of .£10 8 4d. Other term, mutually arranged to suit GOlTowers. Send for Prospectus, stitiug Amount required, t Manager, UJ, ))ok-dtrcet, K lVport, Mon. Established nearly 50 years. 50178 GREAT REDUCTIT>N~OF INXEUB3T. MONEY ADVANCED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS, FROM £5 To £1,000. To Farmers, Hauliers, Tradesmen, &c.. 00 their Stock, Crop3, Furniture, &c. Apply personally, or by letter, to lMOK llALaUS, 47613 279, BUTE-STREET. CARDIFF. D Y n eT steelT & c o 7, ENGINEERS, NEWPORT, MON., A!'iD DYNE STEEL & SON, ENGINEERS, SWANSEA. ENGINES AND BOILERS FOli WINDING, HAULING, AND GENERAL .PURPOSES. CONDENSERS AND STEAM TRAPS. STEAM AND IIAl) CRANES, BLOWING FANS, PICKERING'S AND TANGYE'S GOVERNORS, CAMERON, AND OTHER STEAM PUMPS. PULSOMETER3. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, GIFFARD S PATENT INJECTORS, AGENTS' FOR TANGYE BROTHERS- HYDRAULIC AND OTHER LIFTING JACKS, HAND POWER PATENT ROCK DRILLS, CRABS, PULLE f BLOCKS, SACK IIOISTS, WESTON'S PATENT BLOCKS, GAS, STEAM, AND WATER TUBES, STOCKS AND DIES, TUBE EXPANDERS, AND ENGINEERS TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. fEARN AND CO. RAM PUMPS, WITH SI.VCUIK OR DOLBLK RAMS, and Single or Double Steam Cyliuders, for FEKDIXG BOILERS, USPRRQRO'J.NB and for General Pumpiug Pur- poser-. I THE EXHAUST INJECTOR, for feeding Boilers; works I with f'xlta11 st 8tefIl from engine Qnly. ECONOMY OBVIOUS. Simple to manipulate. Certain in action. No Back Pr¿s5ure on Piston. I EFFICIENCY GUARANTEED. BOURDON'S (OWN MAKE) STEAM PRESSURE GAUGES, (The only real Bourdon Gauges.) PATENT FEED-WATER HEATER. RIVET FOUGES AND SMITHS' HEARTHS. ¡ WHITE lETAL FOR LEARINGS. PATENT SPLIT PULLIES FOR BELTING. AMERICAN MACHINE BELTING. PATENT STEAM TRAPS AND UNIONS. I DUDGEON'S PATENT TUBS EXPANDERS. 25 pH cent, d'sjfount I MANUFACTURING CONTRACTORS tOR IRON ROOFS, o GAS-WORKS, IRON PIT FRAMING, BRIDGES. &c. Dr:1.winciS and Prices on application. I TREDEGAK-PLAf-E, NEWPORT, AND ¡ EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, SWANSEA. ISSPCTlO:, IXVIISD Of EX0I-SK3 GESR \[, MACHINERY AT NEWPORT AND SWANSEA. 49295 P\T>T>'C; T>ARR'S LIFE PILLS maybe used Attxv b g with conli lence iu all cases of sick headache, indigestion, bilious, liver, and stomach complaints, habitual LTFE costiveness, nervou< affections, &c. III mo. cases the sensation of ilines3 va.ui;:¡:;e,¡ after t.va or tnree pIll" have been taken. 1-V1T T H Sold by all Medicine Vendors, in Boxes, Is l.Vd, 2s 9d, and in Family Packets, lis each. 50320 pURE "^fHEATEN E AL FUR BROWN BREAD. So highly recommended for its nutritive and dietetic properties, manufacture 1 by SPILLER and Co., from the finest Wheat (decorticated), also Wheatan Meal, specially prepared Ior PORRIDGE, Which id preferred by many to Oatmeal, may be obtained by consumers from tht) IJrilldple Provision Merchants and Flour Dealers in South Wale4, Somersetshire, &c. Abo t he finest PASTRY FLOUR, (Type Vienna), manufactured by a Nw Patent Process. All the above packed before leaving the Mill, in bags of BIbs. and upwards. SEE rIIAT SPILLER & CO.'S 9319 Label protects the mouth of each bag. 50733 JpOR IMMEDIATE SALE, GREAT BARGAINS. LOCOMOTIVES, three with lfi.ti:i. cylinders, copper box uJ. tUOeD. RAILWAY" CARRIAGES.—Nine composite and 33 second- ciMS carriages. MULTITUBULAR STEEL BOILERS.—Two new ones, IJit 7in by 3ft 9in. CRANES.—-Four double-purchase wharf, and three plat- form jigger cranes, each to lift tw-j tons. All the above are in London, the property of a railway company, and well worth the attention of buyers. PULSOMETER, No 5, with pipes and foot valves. PORTABLE ENGINES, 10 h.p., by Clayton 8 Rus tvn, Proctor. Several smallcr sizes. STEAM CRANES.—Taree narrow guagc complete. STEAM GANTRY, by Taylor,Birkenhead, to lift 15 tons. ENGINES Vertical, 12io by 24in. Nine other slIlaUer sizes. PUMPS.—Donkey and Boiler combined, 12 x 8, direct acting, 3-inch Gwynne's Centrifugal Vertical Boi1eT, with two direct acÚng- pump audeugines all combined. ROCK DRILL.—Ingersott's, with flexible tubings and tunnel g-ear, by Hodgson and Head, and the smaller ones. f And a large quantity of other plant and sundries. For further particulars, opply to QHARLES J>HILLrrS, NEWPORT, MON. TRAPS MARK, BEAD. ¡ J. J. coI-MAN' THE LARGEST MUSTARD MANUFAC- TURERS IN THE WORLD. ASK loa ÇIO L M ANa "jyi" USTARU.; TEAD* *JUL £ »riii.'g HXAnT <8302 It is evident that Camomile is Nature's own simple and safe remedy for Indigestion and all Stomach com- plaints, for during the last fifty years safe remedy for Indigestion and all Stomach com- plaints, for during the last fifty years •J^ORTON'S 0AMOMILE pILLS Have afforded relief to thousands. Sold in Bottles at la Ijd. 211 9d, and lis. A plel.8ing appearance is the first letter of recom. mendation. GODFREY'S EXTRACT OF ELDER 1 FLOWERS. For Softening the 3!m and Improving the Coi&plexioa. In DotU«% .I!t.b¥,14,J, SITING, li81. CABINET AND J^URNfSHING JTy "Si ARTM E NTS. B Eyans and (joM:pANY Beg reipectftllly M i'ny ite SPECIAL ATTENTION to their LARGE nd CHOICE STUCK of CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, FLOOR CLOTHS, AND FURNISHING MATERIALS; Also to their iXTENSIVP. anl ARTISTIC STOCK of FURNITURE, to suit all Rinds of rooms. Drawl > £ rs and 1.stimatfH supplied for every description of House Furnishing. g jgJVAys AND ^JOMPANY, 1, 2, 3, & 4, TEMPLE STREET, 5, CAER STREET, k TEMPLE LANE, SYANSEA. 50712 AYE'S "y^TORSDELL'S pILLS B EST s PP-IING JEDICINE Of a purely vegetable nature. AYE'S ^yORSDELL'S J>ILLS Preveits Spots and Rashes. KAYE'S O RSDELL'S JpiLLS Purify ,he Blood Thoroughly. K AYKSWORSDELVS pILLS A Mild ,ut KTeetual Aperient. J^AYE'S ORSDELL'S JpiLLS o Cure ndi<re3tion, H adaihe. AYE'S TyoRSDELL-S pILLS Ct*4 Rheumatism, Gout. K AYE'S w ORSDELL,3 pILLS Cure Dyspepsia, Constipation. AYE'S ORSDELL'S pILLS túre Liver Complaints. AYE'S "jy ORSDELL'S JpiLLS Cure ervous ComplainU. KAYE'S yy ORSDELL'S pILLS Sold bv all Chemists in the World. Price Is lij, 923t> 2s M.and 4s Gd per Box. 50319 ROWN aid POLSO N'S PATENT _0 CORN FLOUt Is equal to the finest arrowroot. BROWN ami POLSONS PATENT CORN FLOUR Has a vorld-wide reputation. BROWN aui POLSONS PATENT CORN FLOUR 39557 Is distinguijjhet for uuffonnly superior quality, 226 BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER. t) FOUR GOLD MEDALS. ORWICK ii BAKING POWDER JD FOR WHOLESOME BREAD. ORWICICS BA-KING POWDER. FOR PUDDINGS AND PIES. ORWiCKS BAKING POWDER. JD ■ FOR PLUM CAKE. B"ORVn:CTS BAKING POWDER.- FOR TEA CAKE'S AND SCOEg. B OR WICKS BAKING POWDER.- 0 *934; 1 OR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS G In»lliable on Board Ship. CJ In»lliable on Board Ship. CJ rjlHISTLEBOON HOUSE SCHOOL. Principal 1. M. If, N'LVYKAN, M.A. (Late Exhibitiousr of Jesus College. Oxford), with I' Assistant Masters. NEXT TERM vill BEGIN on April 27'h. _u CARDIFF A\TD PENARTH OMNIBUSES. CABMff, .1.7"ISS M JTP1 Week day 3. j 12o 30 60 90 Week days, j 12o 30 60 9 0 9 ——————— 9 0 12 0 ~~3 0 6 G Q PELTTH, dep 10 0 1 0 4 5 6 40 Weekdays. j 11 5 2 0 5 0 8 C Latr 'Busses on Saturdays. SUNDAYS. CARDIFF, uep~T-. 10 0 2 35 10 0 PENARTH, dep. 915 130 8 9 l) Specials between 2 and 10 p.m each way. æw SERIAL STORY. H ROUNDHEAD AND CAVALIER" (i Tale of the Taff Vale), The Historical Novel which gained the SECOND PRIZE at the National Eisteddfod, BY BETIAH GWYNFE EVANS, APPJARS WEEKLY IN THE CARDIFF TIMES$SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, And will be continue! weekly until its completion. NEW ^ERI AL S;roRY, ENTITLED STANLEY BRERETON By the gifted and popular writer, W. HAKRISON AINSWORTII, Author of "TilE TOV.-RR OF LONDON," "OLD Sr. PAIL'S," "TUK MISBK'S DAVQIITUB," and many other well-known and widely-read Works. We have much pleasure in announcing to our readers that we have just commenced in the CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, An Original md TiirUltng Storv, from the pen of W. HARRISON AINSWOirrH. long acknowledged to be a most attractive writer. Although a. very familiar figure in the Walks oi Literature, Mr AINSWORTH is new to our columns, and will, we are sure, prove a welcome feature in our FICTION CONTRIBUTIONS. Greater Novelists than he, it must be admitted, there are but there are few iudeed whose productions have been so universally read and admired by all classes of readers as have Mr AIISWOR.Til WILLIAM HARRISON A INS WORTH, is, iu fact, a Novelist whoso works all sections i-e.-d with avidity and enjoj- with zest. The NEW STOny, STANLET BRERETON, now commenced in the CARDIFF TIMES It SOUTH ":7.LES V EEKLY v,;I, we venture to anti- cipate, riyai in interest the most popular of the Author's works, ana will enhance !ii» fame as a NOVELIST FOR THE MILLION. A SYNOPSIS of the Chapters already published will appear at the head of next wr.ek's instalment.

Family Notices


THURSDAY, MAROR 31, 1831.…

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