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Family Notices


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-_---------WORKING PEOPLE…

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CAEHLEON ENDOWED SCHOOLS SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GOVERNORS. A special meeting of the governors of thew schools wM held on Tuesday, to consider an inf portant letter received from the Charity Commit siouers as to the result of an inquiry by M< Skirrow, the inspector, and also Mr Jackman'X report. The Bishop of LIaudaff presided. th< other Kovernors present beinz the Rev. C:moN Hawkins, the Rev. Canon Edward", the Rev. Mr Archer. Messrs L. A. Honhay, M. M< Cope. A. A. Williams, and T. Party, the cleilk (Mr Gibbs) and the surveyor (Mr Crook) being also ia attendance. The minuter of the last meeb, ing having been read and confirmed, the surveyor road a long report on the condition of the property I oisthe Charity, referring to the several poinM mentioned i)i Mf Jackman's report, and con* eluding by stating that in his opiniott it would be necessary to expend IZ950 in re- pair!), and JE850 upon the draining of the property, making a total outlay of B1.800, in comparison with Mr Jackman's estimate of JE1.400—namely, EGOO for repairs, and JS300 for draining. The sur- veyor'a report was adopted. A letter was received from the Charity Commissioners, dated October the 4th, reply- ing upon the following subjects, which an« out of their letter of the 13th September, and which had been submitted to them for ex- pl:)n )t!<m: lu reply to the nrst ques- tion, Is the iufant school entitled to 5a pot head for paase? in standards under Clause 35 ? i! I was pointed t)4 that there are no standards in th< i of ant school. Secondly, the governors having I granted the sum of j510 annually to the Rev. Canon Edwards for "the improvement Ot < pa timody" in the church, asked th?t. the grant b< contin"ed, and the Comi'iissioners replied thtt there was nothing whatever in th< scheme to justify such payment, which would no*, be allowed in future. Thirdly, it was asked if it would be necessary to re-statt the accounts for 1879, which had been examined and an 1 the reply was in the negative. Fourthly, the comn'ission'rs replied that t!:ey would allow the grant of j23 per annum to the Vicar of Llaugwtu in conai'ter-ttion of the churity property in that pariah. Fifthly, it was nsked if the eommissionera. in their letter of the 13th Sept., were correctly understood to propose that the sum of JE250 per an'tum, available for elementary edu- cation, should include Clauses 36 and 3f, v. bich gave £100 for scholarships :i nd E20 for religious in- Btruction, maMng a total of £370. The commia- s!o')ers answered "No," stating that the sum of 22.)0 was exclnsive of those clauses. The Bishop havmg suggested that every para* II graph in the letter '*f the 13th should be considered ) sepirately, and the principle only discussed, and that a committee should afterwards be ap* poicted to draw up a reply, the various claused were considered sena?tm. Clause 1 was considered to be dealt with by the surveyor's report, which was ordered to be sec!; to the Commissioners. Clause 3 required the Governors to consent to an alteration of the scheme, by substituting the aum of E250 Ver annum for the present payment by average attendance and passes i standards, which at the present time is very low, but which in the future may largely increase. The Governors, after a long discussion, resolveJ to resist to the utmost the proposedc}¡an(;e, :'nel upon putting the resolution to the meeting sit voted for itaud one (Mr Cope) against. The Rev. Mr Archer declined to vote upon the question upoa the ground that he did not approve of it'* j wording and tone. During the discussion upon this subject 1'1 it was contended by Mr Cope that tb< consequences of the defiant attitude of tl< governors in compelling the Commissioners M dr.?ft a. now scheme, which would require to M submitted to the Committee of Council of Edn* cation, and receive the Royal assent, would pro* bably recoil upon themselves, as it was extremely probable that, in the event of their being com- polled to adopt this course, they might Sad othe< clauses in the scheme which woulu. also require con-iderablo amendment, and that, among othef matters, the constitution of the governing body have to be considered. He further pointed out thut the first consequence of this Act "ould be to imperil the Government grant, as it wa< quite clear that the Education Department and the Charity Uommissionerswere conjointly dea'ing with this 35th clause. Mr Cope also asserted that his reason for disapproving of the action of the Kovetnora 'as the wretched quality of the educa- t:on now afforded the inhabitants of Caerleon, the result of the last examination of the Govern* ment Inspector phoning the emciency of the school to be upwards of 20 per cent below the average of England and Wales, and 50 per cent below a good elementary school, as shown by the Government grant. Clause 3 w.is disposed of by the foregoing re* solution. Clause 4 (ireiv the attention of the governors to their disregard of several clauses in the scheme, thereby cami!Jg a probable loss to the charity, and also pointing out their personal liability in the event of any loss. Seme of the governors ae;)eed that there was practically no defence to this cotn* plaint of the Commissioners, the Bishop remarking th:tt he feared that both himself a.ud the other governors hall not suHIciently studied the scheme, other governors stating that they had felt every confidence in Mr Fox, the late clerk aad treasurer. In discussing this clause it was elicitet that the eatate of the late Mr Fox would probabtt pay about Is L) the pound, the sum owing to t!t< charity being .E665 2s 2d. It also transpired that a further loss had been incurred through tenanM security'iaving been secunty JaVlng bem obtained. 1'he estimated total loss, including Mr Fox's debt, was £i 300. fhe Clerk remin fed the governors that there w- a balance of about .8130 to the credit of the church and road account, which, if not re* quired, would after October 31 be transferred to the general account for educational p,lrpo under Clause 2 of the!seheme. The Rev. Canon Edwards made an application for the whole of Una balance for the purpose of recasting the beiis of Caerleon Ci.urch. Mr Cope urotested that the roada leading into Caerleon had a prior cLim. and ponted out that nothing had been subscribed from thM fund towards their repair for the past two year«, whereas the church had received t\ro sepa.r- ate grants. Eventually the governors agreed to give.ESO to theCaerIeon.Loca!}Buard for the repair of the roads leading into Carleon, and the remain- ing B100 to the vicar, as an instalment of about A.300 required by him for. the above-mentioned porposp. Mr Cope strongly objected to this grant of m09 to the vicar. The Clerk stated that the grant could be made by the Governors without consulting the Commissioners. Mr Cope under- took to prove to the contrary, and the subject wat forthwith referred to the Cummiasioners Mes<ra Homfray, A. A. Williams, Cope, Parry, and Canon Ed ward;; A-ere appointed a committee for drafting the reply to the Coniiyiissiotiers' letter, and the meeting \\as adjourned till the 26th inst., i.o receive the Commissioners' report.


