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PREPAID TARIFF FOX 13MA.LL ADVERTISEMENTS *SCCTH WALES DAILY Ws. r- ¡Newa I' WoMa. Oee Three f Snt I.. O!l06 in I tmxTti n ¡IDserwon&. laaertMMM CMdM _i ) TinM*. ? t 9. < d.)a. d.t L d. 0 6 ) 1 0 f l 6 2 0 W oro3 I 0 9{ I 6 [ 2 3 { 3 0 ? Wor.is "l 15 -Worda I i 3 [3 6 f a 9 ) 5 0 I MWor.id; 1 6 j 3 0 t 4 6 j 6 0 ??hex.t!-??) t ) hn. of', 0 3 0 6 0 9 1 0 9 W"rds) Theh:1.r;" 3,1'ty only to the c1a. of adTertiøeo ;:t pe.:j'e'l !<)W, anù are strict.ly CO.lfined to th.)" whid> :J.ordên'fj ror \)E!;T1V. ¡aMrtion, :u.d P_UD J'()I\ PR;'¡;Iï' 1\}- ¡S:R.l'!o:'4 if ei!her of the!Je CODdiMoa>l i" Bot -:(;p!icd with, t!te advertitcNtent wUI be ehtfjfed by B'LiI:.)iOiI !I<e rt W_ST!I:). I H""BS TO tt LET. "¡t;w;;t 1"00:"1). Wjuna. ro:<. 1 SjtLM. BU!ol;r.A>I Be''9M T.t LWT. WAjtTBB. ttooSM GENEKAL ADVERTISING TARIFF. tmd t' u' .m)entMy Mt?'Otta -tre cr?r?ed One ShUting p;r r e-tch bsertit>ll. Prospectu- o! Public \:oIDp4ni. 'rj pr tine" for l'a')He, 1, }bmidpa1, ta't Bchoo: n.mid .'i"t;cee. and (J"nNet8, &1: nre chV\l Six;m per Iu}ù for e;lth i!\rt:<m. AII':t1oa 1S'f)t ..¡'e :Iarged SÓ::¡P":Jc;! J.<)r JiJ1<; a!lld a.1I other o: ¡;,)ulIee per hue per iK«r- üon. .I;},' ùi cha.r(?'S a:.re, however, subjt.'f"t to) re.juc:i':n la =-rri:õ¡;e wit.h the IlWlJVer 01 inØt!rtioll.IJ Wl'ienèlJ.-P;,¡.rt:CQIMi may be vttaiDC'1. N our Clüe1 &¡¡d Br-"1ch l"I,n:¡;R.! '.Tre ¡emJ:n¡;- !>{1.('n1llements in manu- ecript, 'xorusto a J:ne, Md t2 )tHM to :.1\ i;¡,h. In cl1r¡ing a'\vert¡mel\ts t.he lines :ue not. \J4)¡w'e<1, but tllO a.hert.¡.ment, jnc¡udtng hrg-o Ul1<)"I. J);3, aud white ¡;l'(cs, is mea.unù, and the 1p:1.C" o.upi,lls chóU¥eù at the rate of Twlllvc lines ,0 tll ind1. (!idunüto\\¡d. tnfOME EDUCATION.-A.i EvMgcUc? Vic?r, m a. j?J_ n'.o?heatthypa.rtot the country, wishes to meet Wit" 'FÜC, rl'pceta.ble LAO, to educate with hiil own Soil. '1'aiJ.s Hio,:era.i-e.-A.jtlre&! }Irs Andrews, 7, :Somer- ¡et-pL.I<e. The :'Imnb!iI. 1,Jl GOVERNESS 'YAXTED in a. ;;6ntJema.n's tInijy t" take char;;e OI and in.1;ruet one chill!, e nin3 y':ó:ra, anJ to a;¡si"t i.t housekeeping'; must be I g'ouJ 1I<J,¡iewonw,Il. MemiJcr of Christia.n Church pre- 'erred.—AadtMa, with refeMnce9. ..nd stating a;t., sa.!ary expecte!. cxperÜmce, Ac., to X.Y.Z., care of Me-MN. t)wsn at d Uryaut, S\fiM linH Chamoera, T? fR. F. ATKI?S, Mus. Bne.. Oxon., hM c'ne or two ?.j_ VACA?CIKSforFi-m'?o:toi:'upn.s. Terms, 3.Ja per quarter, whic\1 (Km be entered upon at any ttme. J:'riv:\te IJS8011S ia SlnlIg and H&rnMuy a.I;;o Iesson9 ftnd practice upon a. Two-manual Org-J.lI, a.t Feratey House, Seven>-roa.d, Canton; 418&S )IacCreanor, Writing-mast;>r, .12: w? Yt'eUin?ton terra.c?, C?rtUS, te&chea Ladies' Mtu Gen'.le'aen'? F&shion?bte WfHinsr in Seven LeasoM. g\luteed. 301°- a SITUATION, M urer. Governess; r, ne'irhbourh.od ot CardtN pleierred.-Apply, A.W. outh Wales Daí!y Xew: OfUce, Swansea. 48628 r. PRO\'I\CIAL STORES, LLABOIDY, ?) Near WmTLAXU, CAKMARTHEKSB1RE. — Wimted Kesident euergetic PARTNER, who had geaera! knowledge oi bmmeja a.nd moderate capita.1. The busi- embraced every description of g'oods; also la.rge ex?ort- inx butter trade ca.n be profit.\bly increaaed to a.tuMst My extent. Such it favourabl opportunity rareiy occurs. Th& pr"prietor is so fully occupled wIth hlil other bu.ÏueB,i th<<.t, he e&ntMt gl\'e thia piiMe the atten- tion ita importance demands. H preferred, sujt&Me perwn ma.y have the entire business.—P. P. EHis, Haverfordwest.3016 ouutit "tr)JJnt. ood GENERAL SERVANT for a a T-aU family; a.Me to wiLSR.—Apply 2, Windaur-tM- race, PeMtfth. W ELL: RECOI.MESDED, Dome"cic" of every bUnC!l can meet with im- mediate SITUATIONS by applYllIg to Miss Joneo, The Bazaar Registry OiHce, 19, Union-street. Swansea. 3;)08 ",T A-TED, a App!y at tlíe DMiy V News" OSce, Cardif. '? tT ANTE?D, immediately, an experienced LAUN- 1? DKES3, su)g!e hamied.—App!y, ?iviuy refer- mces, to )Irs Gruver, PontyprKld. 3059 "T ANTED, a GENERAL" SERVAT; onc that l' l' understands her duty; abletowaab.—Appiy5, Bridge-street, Newport, Men. 3043 NURSE.-wanted, in CardiS, an experienced NURSE ?_?) to take the entire charge of a Baby eight mont.ha olJ: must have unexceptional referenc<Js, and be of re- Specta.Me parentage.—Apply, by letter on!y, to M.A., South Wale Da.iiy News" "ntce, Cardia.48573 JitUJtj011 tfîaUt. four COAT a.nd two TROl"SERS HANDS. N()ne but competem and steady men need ap.dy.—Thomaa and Junes, Merchant Tatlors, Car- marthen. ANTED, a. Youns; MAN as bread ba.ker, we!! I1.C- V T customed to hu duties.—Appiy Daily News" 0<Bee. r-r-m >UH vaalcw:¡rs, L..ifes, Grocer and Draper, Nant-y-GIo. 3-t93 W AYTEDlmmedia.tely, a Fresh Meat SALESMAN to fill up spare time at prvvisions.-Apply, with full particulars, to .Morgan and Francis, American Market, Pentre, PoutyDndd. 3106& A.\D DRESSMAKERS—Wanted an .L- experience HAND.-Appiy, with full partieutaN, to i!. A. Evaua, Ystrad Rbt'B.tda. 3C8H AN. Davies, maiua, Mon.. ia in wa.nt of a JUNIOH ??.<t for Hie Uroeery and Provisipa T?ode.—Apply p ftbove. 3 8a VfT ANTED immeù¡ate].y, a SALESMAN and MANA- ?? GER. ot SUiea. Brick. Works, in the Uouuty o! by tetter to SUiea," Post OtHce, 6watMea. ,¡S719 DRA1>ERy.-LeWiS Lewis, Swansea, has a. Vaca.ncy tor a. good steady young MAN (Wclsh.) 3Q97 a steady X'ouug' )Ia.=-Apply, st&ting age, salary, and reference, W W. Trewent, Pembroke._ 308Í ir?KAPERY.—D. Jenkins, Newport, Men., ha??a. ?f ?acMcy for?ood steady Youn? Man. 3C80 rno DRAPERS and'.MlLLINERS.-Wanted'iiNme- JL diately, experienced Youn,? Man, Y oun Lady and }Illlmer. Sbtte partlcu!ars.-J. E. Davies, Merthyr.30S:J "T ANTE!?, imme,j-i.tely, at experienced 1 OU'G T V MAN in the Grueery Trade, to take the ma.na\te. meEtofa?roceryshop.—Appiy personally to ThoniM Jones, Grocer, Fochriw, via Carditf. 3084 IlRAPERX .—AtTiM PROVER wanted.-Apply, stating terms, &c., to Mr ThomM Grove, Nantyffyltca s.e. 308 T?DriLLINERY and DRESSMAKING. — Wanted, a JLri. Praettcal FIRST HAND. to take cha.rge o{ work- room. Gocd character indispensable. State sa!ar", reference, with carte.—Address. Meadamcs Daviea and pvans.Goidcn Ele. Cross Inn, R.S.U.,Carmai-tht:n.,hire. 3;f/j itnmediate)y. a good strong JUNIOK VT AsSlSFANT to the General GrocerYand Provi- JÎü Trade: Appiy to Lewis Kiehards, Biaenavon. 3070 ANTED, for a Shop, a Y8rTI:( abõUtÏ4tOwrit.e ?' V invoices, eoileet accounts, aud keep & daybook. ddreSlt, X. -X., "DaUy News" Onice. 3ú1-i DR.PEIY.- Wanted Wetsh indispensable.—App!y at the Cloth tl:d!, Aberdare. 4$677 T'- ,0 DRAPERS.—Wauted i)nmedjate)v, & poshing j HAND, of steady and sober habit.}. Weish.— Appfy, stating- ag'e. salary, .md experience, to D. W. t)&Tie-' Duora.ven-pla.ce, Tonyp&ndy, RhollddJ. Vaiiey. 3U49 a. pushing- YOllilg man, a..s above. Must be obliging, a good sajemaC, stock keeper, a.nd window dresser.—Apptv, st;J,ting- salary, reference, &e, toT. Edwards,'Pontypooi, Mon. :.0j4 ",T ANTED,-a thoroughJy respectablc-aDJwcll.wu, T t cu.ted YOUTH M an Apprentice to the Printing. App!y. JobMng Dep&rtment, "Daily News" Otnce, MESSAGE BOY.- -AppJy V V at the South Wa!es Dtjiy Newa" Omce. ?LKRK a<Muatomed to House Agency Business— ?..?'y? ?'?.? ?-'? J???'??? Hfos., Ipswich. g? _¿\gdt$, ilrrtJlm, &c. ??0 TRAVELLERS AND OTHERS.—Wanted, a MAN ? to travet Card:S a.nd district.—FuU p?rtieuiar! Manufacturing Company, CoJchester. 304.2 UT¡Tio. Grocers, BotUerg, and others, throughout the Kin\)m, to mke up the .A¡cency for Tonicine Beer, a s!-ack!jng a.nd refreshing- bevHr.!ge also {or Btout. Doth are non-intoxic&ung-, and weU adapted for tab)e u9e. N0 iicense requ"'eJ.—M&nmactured by Thos. Ho!t 74-. County. terrace-street, New Kent-read, London, S.E._ _?_ ?9? t'tTANTED. Ancnoneers, Shopkeeper? a??d Hawkera ?T to SELL BIRMINGHAM GOODS. IHuatrated 1 to SELL BIRMINGHAM GOODS. IHuatrated Who)esa!e Cat&lo¡,;ue Post free.—Apply, Hemy May, 11, BinnÍ11gham. Z\:i) A GENTS Wanted, FOR PRINT- J:]L 7,. in the £1 a towed.—For parncu'araapp:y Baxter Md Co., 321, Rtgh JHoIbo;B, London. W.C. 2921 Astuntnce. t V tor CM-dia &Dd dtstrict. LibemI te!'n)8 to ood men,-Apply to Manager, 0, 8t C&rdia ?? "MONTHLT mty be ?dded to iaeome by?e of 3?? our Packet Teaa and French Co?ee, in t?s Lhe mxt !uerttive Agency in the trade. Prospectut and rreM opiniona oost free. W? ite to ?liwer, OMver a)xi Co., MerchacH. 331? South?te Road. London, N. 8544 476SO c.SitUJtiøus 1\1 anttd. OnOCifti Y-anlPRõ"iSIQN. \V.lDteJ RE-F.NG.\GE- ?.?? \? ? ? ?s ????c tra..e M ASSISTANT .'r ?b?n??'??-. ? ?' E?P?i.nce 7? y?rs. Total ??J? ?'? "'??? Mferences ?en.-Addresa A.B., South ?esB?y?,.a.. pm? Aberdare. 3079 T?Pe?n?????SION MERCHANTS.-An ???? ???r?? -Addreet Grocer, Post-oSee. Ca.tie.rbld. Cardi<f. 3055 ?t'?ER-SHELP.-E?.r?? ?,Y.tuyTw..?? ??.-Add? .i$(tUJntous rœ¡.. 'W'mTANTED, about 10-hofse power Vertical or Hori- zontai ENGINE, anct 0-foot MORTAR MILL. Xxchan.e for 7-horse poer PortaNc and MUl.—jr.hn Lewis, Contractor, Trebarris, Pontypridd.3495 ",XT A:'iTED in !ar2-e or smail quantities, Americ&ll VV and Benzo!ine BARRELS, 4s Id each. d.IivereJ in BristoI.-Addre-ia, B. HarrM! AtbMn Wh&rf Cooperate, Temple Back?, Bfiat'?i, iate of PortwaU-'a.'o. 43736-8?11 ",T A:"iTED, Six Ton Foundry LADLE, 8I!Cend hand. TT —Thomas Peckett, AtJa8 Engine Works, near Bhatot. 3C3S TTtTANTED. in targe er smaa qILwtitie.s. foièx.Po;t. ? V tton, Petroleum aod BenxoMne EARJEUiLLS, de- Evsrea tn HrMtoI price 3a 9.d each.—Addrewt B. HftrrK, r'ortwai)-!a!te Cooperil4\e, Briato). ZS3S ? ?R???rf????- *<-W?? FLOUB, J? FRLIT.?ODA? aad other BAR&EL3.—Dobson. 8e<t& Md Drv S.M.? Worka. Caidm. 4?:? pJrlmtntøt &t. fT?O Professioaat Men and others.-TO LET. FUR- JL NfSHED APARTMENTS, suit&bte for & sins?e ü.\ 159 per week.—Appiy to Mr 1:. Emery. 20, Queen-street, CardiS. _3071. O bt gd.-OU$t$, mxd, &c. -'V ORKNEYS ANDARTIZANS' DWELLINGS.—To I T Let, within easy distance o! the Docks and other 1:\r;;e works, suitable DWELLINGS for the above. Houses in a clean a.nù healt.by ne;hbourhocd. Rent from::s a \VE'ek. -Apply to Owen and BT)'ant, Howe Agents, 15, Swiss H.UI-chambers, Cardie. 3!H Tt/BTOSS BANK, Lhnda9.rcQd.-Ta LET, verv good J?A HOUSE; hea'ithy situation; retit !ow. 3tM7 fTT?O be LET, that detached Dwei!:n?-hous3 and Pre- JL mises, \h:teh?H, Pembroke. — For particu!ar9 apply to W. Trowent, Pembroke. _SOS:! FARM, to LET. with immediate p',)'We83iou. AbollJ 17,) :I.<t"es. :wth a. ui<nt valuable a.nd t-xt.ensive sheep walk on tte aJjoining hiUs—three and & hatf miios from Brecon. Sale ot sheep takes place next week.—Apply to Major L!oyd, Dinaa, Drecon 3'63 HD RIGHTON TERRACE, NEWPORT. ROAD. — TO LHT, a. PRtVATH conveniently situated, and with imnte-iiate pos- Mon.—Apply to rr R. Emery, 20, Qtteett-gtreet. Car..it. CO U:NTR'{ Exece<iixgty so"d new ?/ HOUSES. be had at Near ca¡hvay station. oSt Llear' Chnrh IÙ cbapei_II cia" Good eotivouenee to shooting, hunting', &c. Renta very ntuderaie.—Appiy, Rev. W. Edwards, St. Cteara. 8ag 4ô66 TT?ENARTH.—To be LET, Bermmta. VUta, CItve-r.-ad. JL Runt moderate. Immediate p.;s?e?ion. K3t PEN AlTlI.-å in choicest JL situation. Rent ;i:23.—Appiy Mr Price, Builder, l1erbert-terraøe, Pcna.rth. ;)ù35 IDONTYPRiDU.—To HTf, FAMILY JL known To the residences sl"lbles, <:O:1oCh-hollJlt', '1n.} two acres o:.f Jllkture Lmd. Tucre n also & kitchen garden.—For particuiitrs -tpp)y t? Dt. sa above. LET, orLEA.sE, onvetvc!o-:e- mttoo tcrm, Ten-ruOIJlt:d Selui-<let¡.l:eJ 'dLLA, elX\1wiy tit:i.shed, with :wt.a.ltle ou¡housetl, "rù", and a<coll1modIl.Lioll TOad at tJ.I.Cii, n:o"t ple<1S:D'y öi'u. a.ted, aud comma.nuin; a splelulill v:ew of the BUrT)' mvr'),uJ Garmarthen Bay.-F<Jr apply to J. Micj¡"el, grocer, ew.atre"t, Burl)' Port. 4;2 J;\1f jalt.)nU$t$,nu\, &(. CRDIG.A:s-TO be -OLD-b)'-l;jYa.-Cnir:rct, ?/ Two M'eU-iitnatMd New 110U,,S, sÜrute ill orth- lCi.e.terrace, l>eiug respectivt:ly !\cs. iO ..n<l 2l, WIt II a. frontae oi :!1 feet, and CtJ!;t.J,il1.in; tlve betil'OOWS, front parlour lwjth bay wÎ1¡dow), back: parlour, cookÜ¡g itit.chen. pantrv, coalhcuje, water closet, nuti. a. garden measuring- HiC'teet by ii feet. W&ter .Mid !;oras.?..ve t)eeu I:ud m. Lettae, 00 ye&M. Ground rent, ;1;.1 Ts.—Appty to Mr John Morris, Builder, Xo. 1C, SALE.- To be SOLD by PRIVATE ?J? TREATY, 3 Houses in Peun'th Road, Upper ",r"e' lIo\l$cs ill Clive-street, Lower Gr;¡.nge; 2 Houss 'm West Luton Plac, and lIonse: in Charles- street, Clive-street, Uva.th; All let t,) rcspect:lble tenants. A eousiù¡¡ra.ble ponion oi the vurcha.,¡e IUOUey c:J.n reo main on lHortga.ge.-AppJy to Mr A. Lovett. aecre'a.ry Me. chants' Aasocmtion, W, Dune-street, CarJiS. 3004 ?a'?0 be SOLD by Private Coutr?ct, ei?ttt-roomed House Jt_ with a.bout eitfttc acre;) ui ?ood L.md, about Nve mi.es from Cartliff. ben;rat eight-roomed Uouses with larse Md back e'ttrauce; ]eMe yenrs. Eigrht Freehold Housel!, inc1udin; :} Comer Shop, pried £2,500. Eight Freehol 1 'Houses, prtce R2,4CO. five Freehold lIou$es, pried j&l,a00. Two Freehold Hou-ea, pr:cs jb5CO. Kight Le.t'e))old Houses, rents J::130 a. yenr, price iEl,-M)0. Two Homes, inctudiny a bhop a.nd U.tkehou9e, renta .652 a. ye.ur, pnec ;&;500. Four ViU:M in i;Me 999 yetu-s; Lvuld bt; sold in <otj), price .6500 i"r two or ;1;.1,000 tor the f¡)ur. Three uine-roomdd Villas in Se\'eru.r'Jad, price £1,200. Ttvo Houses, including a. corner shop with stable aad coach-house on the Lower price dE700 ViJaa in Sta.œy-road. 'nu-ee Shops with the Houses, eight roouM in etM:h with Rxtures, o-J. 7. 9. and 11, C&sMe-rottd could be so.d 611U!1y. Three Hou-es, reu).fjje42 18s, price jCtM. Ten seyen-rootued Houses, price £¡!OO eitch. Eight Mven-ruomed Houses, price Stx seven-roonaed Homea, price .S2<X) e;&ch. Four seven-roomed Houses, price £200 each. 'Iwv seven-roomed Houses, price ench. GrouHd tent.), jE12 yeM. price fMtse unexpired &bout 93 yetrj. Ground rent, &'? a. leMe unexpired !ibout 95 \"eJl.T! price i&sOU. Ground rents, £15 a yea.r, lease tilnxptreJ about 97 yeara. price £:J7;J. AH theoe ground '-ents wiil pay itboUt .E.}U per cent when the leases expire, when the hou.>e.:i will come to th" owner of the ground. TO LI!:T. —Three large Shopj with the Houses and eella.rs, ei?ht roonu in each, with nxturea and g&s nttingrs. suita.b)e for dr",pers. iroumongers, druggiats, furuituru Sh0P, green- grocer, pawnshop. Nine-roomed House in DaviM's- creseent with gits fittings and w.e., &Nd lar¡;re garden a.ad back eutrance, a.nd Venetian blinu. Shop and bakehouse in centre oi C.nton. Corner Shop and :¡, huge Bakehou.e to :2& ot Hour, :tnd stab!e. -utd room to put flour, on the Upper Grange.-Apply to Mr Thomas Davies, Houaa 2.l.d La.ml and Lite an.1 ¡"ire h;ll1"U.nce Agent, 3-i, Cow. brid;,e-roa.ú, Canton, CMdiiT. 'tC277 -7- ?c ?—?m??m?, &?. ?t?O LET, ? very desirable frea fuU-iicensed HOL'SE. ? Yt'eII ntted bar a.ud improving tr&de. C?mtort?bio hotlse anll every convemence. Incoming lUOuerate. FuJI part¡culars of Nclme3 and Taylor. Auctioneers and Public Accountants, Monmouth. 348 f?O LET, in good posit'on, a ea.pita.l SHOP, with pb.te- JJL ?1?8 front, su.ta?fe for draper, tailor, &u.,&o. roo,Jj y hou;.e, with every conv,-mence. Kent moderate.—Fult particulars of Nelmos aud T:ty!or, Auctioneers nud Pubiie A(;C,juutailt, Monmomh. 35CO 1DENARTH.—HOUSE to LET, in the very test posi- tion (Windsuf.roa.d). Splendid opportunity of opening a nrst-chtss Drapery or Alihinery t;tablii;¡¡lJent. Willue altered to >;ui$ ny respectable appljca.nt.-App¡y W. R. Thorne (Mesara H¡¡.ncock nad Thorne). l'el\:1rti. ;01 HUSINESSPREMISES, in thoruugh good contiitiol1, cornet' of t:a.,tle-street, WiL.Q or \yithout ba.lwhouse. buitabJe for any bus;lle8.- Appty E._Ya.ns, 33, Meteor-street, Ca.i'dui, 349J mO DRAPERS and OTHERS—TO IJi:" _CÄ Appty to John Lewia, F:urMd House, Swansea or Mesr.; J. H. TI¡awa.s and TiJoULSon, C;umarthen. 3095 mo LET, with early POiSesion, all SHOP, _t. HUOSE, and PHEjtHSES, situate Nu. 27. Duke- But:et, Cardllf, now in the occup"tion of Mes:>r:> Step:¡ell- sou Uros., Hoot Shoe !lal¡wacturers.-Avply to Lewis Hopkuia, Auetioaetir, 5. Ca.ruuf.3092 npO B2 LET, with immediate possaaaion, a.l[ that JjL de-ôimble HOUSE. SHOP. and PREMISE:?, No. 5, Crockherbtown, Cardiff, suitable for Ii. dra.per, grocer, or ironmonger.—Apply to Mr Lewia Hopkins, Auctiouecr 5, Queen-street, Cli.rditf. :JU93 be LET. No. 30, GreiU; Frederick-street, Ca.rdiff. t Lafge premises we!l adapted Cor buainesj.—Apply M the Urewury. St J ohu-íSeet, CM-miT. 2:.I(j:J rjj?O SCHOOL?ASTERS?md?Others—?t. Andrew'9 JL Presbyterian Churt;h, St. Helen's-ro.td.—1'he Two Mtachedtj the above Church are iO LbT, fron the 29th September next. They have been used for the last seven years ait the schoolrooms of St. Andrew's College. — For further pMt.M:ttl.i.rs apply to Johu T. Wiltiams, Chemist. & Nelson-street, Swansea. 4ö!j62 A BEMARE.—A doub!e.!icenaed HOUSE. Mtuate in a ctlutra.1 pla.ce in Aberdare, with breweryatta.cheJ. -p11 to lli l¡¡aa.c T¡¡orn. Undertaker, Aberùare. H;4Z ?'?FFICES, M junt Stuart-square, Bute Doc?s. Ground ?? noor Mtd first Roor.—Appfy to Jos?h BUott :md Sous, Bute nt$pt for ÜJpo.ar. ?jp)0 be DISPOSED of.?a eout;try GROCERY ana JJL DRAPERY BUSINESS.—Appiy to John Morris, Gfynarthen, Rhydlewis, R. S. 0. I ??0 BmCKMAKt!.RS, &c.—For SAL?, an ol.t-estab- JL lishcd RRiCK, TILE, PIPE, and COAL BUSINESS. weil sit.uated, with fir,¡t.das.,¡ COUIl':CtiOO, oíIering" an opportunity very seldum met with. Clo.e to rail and nver. ure fortuue for buiness ma.t:l: ull l,I.rtil:ubrs Auctioneers and t'u.?tc Accouutamt?, MonmoutI). 34U7' jyURNITURE DEALERS.—For SALE, a. well-esttb. t.' liahed BUSINESS, suita.Me tor a. 04bint Maku Dealer, aad others; bet position in town; good pre: ml3ea; !ow rent; eMty eommK in.-Ndlllll &; Ta.ylor, AccuulIta.nts, ïonwouth. 2;)') <« 0 LET. GROCERY aud PKOVISION BUSINESS, a. situate in ?n important bua.a?s part, ne?r shipping. Rent .E45. Stock (reduced) and nxtures at vaiuntion. Present propheMr retiriu, Rare opDortunity tea. man of businesij.—Addres-, Hotuo,"SouthWalesD<tily News," ;$v7ö SPIRIT VAULTS, r.uch frequented, £:!50; rent, .650; takll.lgs about jEI5 week:y. bouse commodious, extensive; fu:¡¡i.wed throu;¡-hou: r.EvS_u:till 1'rj¡4IS, Newpt, )'lon. 48b7a imposing appearance, Jarg-e premiees, convenient: back entrance, centre towc, £160. Trade about three barrels a week now, but c:¡.pable of 2fe.\ter extension. Iku4 often Ytelù prout ot £1 a.. week. S:.tis- factory reason assi¡'IleJ for disposal.—Mr Everett, Austin 4!:ti7-t "'0 BE DISPOSED OF. immedlate poffSion, a JL OLU-ESTASLtSHED GENERAL COUNTRY BUSINESS a'.d PR1ØIJSES. The buai-.ess comprises drapery, grocery, corn andnour, ironmongery, funuture, Jewelllery, &c., and is in compete woikn)g order. The I pTo;ni8e, which have every c 'Dvenienœ for au ex ten- I>i\e tJa.,le. are close to tne Rail".y St;¡tioD, a.ud céu. tl-aUy eit.uated in a. thuri,.hinz a.nd iLler_singly J.'opulo1J:i neighb¡;,urhood, surroulJueù by seH'-al bróe collieries, as weH aa iron, tM. and otbtM- m&m;actorÍ,¡tj. 11)8 pre- Mnt propribtor is retihnsr front bnstnesa. 'nte which is a 1a.rg-e uae, enn be reduced if required before transfer. To a ,suital>le pet-son Kood Meurity tenua wiU ))e aHowed.—A'tdress Thorns Unniti):, Merchant, Ystalyfera., Swansea Vey- 3C66 or vS!lt. ittt ItOtk, 1nriagt,$. AT GWA'l-KlN'S CLYTHA CARHIAGE''WcRK? J-?. '.LARE?CE-t'LACH. NEWPURT, ? ? NOW on SALE :— NewDo;rCart."TheDo!tc?,ter' ? ?ew \arni?ed Wo.,d (Bir.) Gadabout The Ctytha.' ? New Lome Car. with taniD.? {or cob S" ?w ???'" ??? ? ?'°?. ?'' ?b 40 New Pony 2-wheei IJ?ket Trap The Volautmu' 2? rwo?cond-t.andDo?Cart?u?tynew),?c:i ? S« New R?ve Cart (for Urocer). t ?' la TwoNewCo?orHauaeraCarta cact- ?4 New Farm Cut.. "14 New Walnut Wood Pony Car The Vohmtino .1" 46652 -v ¡ 't- ANDAU Second-hand), -i;-ftlt- class cont'ition, Jt_J ilver-p:atd tamps, \JWUIJt.i. &c.fitte<i Wih bt 'kf —Appty to OaYid Smith, cour Swansea.3£52 4VJDU.5 and oUittlJ tqui$itt$. WORKS, CARDIFF.-Joseph Be .id j)) and Co., iiuppty aU of N<;w d WATSONS, for cash. Redeiaption or s.Mp.e i.ire. W¡.g-on.; repaired bv contract of otherwise. Wor¡II,. Ea.st Moors Ojnces,14ti, Bute-street.—N.B.—J. H. and Co., undertake to let oraeii 5urpl!1.8 stcck for any owuerx or u.,ers. P.r- ÚCU!UII invited- 4:01 ?7??—???!)?M? TTjr-?RMONIUM, de4; ditto, AJ ditto (7 stops), .CS 10s; Jfjt Pianoforte (good), JE'J'ditto, ?7. 'fhH Cheapest Hou-<e in W.t!t;.s for alt wJca.lI1\I!tr11men.- Robiusou'd Hannenium Maauiactory, &), OxforJ-otreet, S\vaus<ia. FOR-SALE;-Ei;ht spieadid q<Mhty*PIGS, about 12 -1 score each.—Appiy to R. Wcbber.P.ntwyn.St. Me!Iona. :A OJ 1DOOK8, Muaie (new a<7d Bought ;-t highest prieea or Exchanged. Libn.riej pm'- ehased. A ;;ood price given for WeJsh books. A !ar,<e vanety of bocks on ali subjects in stock for Sa'e. Book- omiiup in ?i ita branc'.e3 at very moderate prices.—T. Joues. Uenerai Bookaeller, 4. Wiadham.atreet, gw?nsc? —— 3J6'2 BILIARD TABLE, by Burroughs .n.i Watts fuU ]?' ??'? ? ? "?? eempiete with balis. cue- &? A?)v? r< "?' ??' ?? '?". ?'-kin?bo?d &c.-App)y to David Hnuth. Pontatdawe, near Swan?a. 3C5i. A NGLINQ.-SaJtor Fresh-w3.ter Fish, o: evei-Yde- ?-?-?'?°"' ?" ? caught in immeMe quantiHe. with the Chinese bait. RED CHINQ ?inkin?Giadwi? Doubie strength apecially r.repared for aututrn and winter use. Fish ame!l the bait a <)ng distance, and attracted by its briUiant colour and pungency, take it voraciously. Sample, sufncient to take a. bushet ot nsh sent for 13 penny stampa.—Address, Jnica aud Co., 1m: oorLer.i. aocu ¡o; TTOHN TTENKINS and ?<OS ANNOUNCEMENTS. JOHN JENKINS and CO., AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS. STOCK INSURANCE, MORTGAGE AND BROKERS, ARBITRATOM. HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, FINANCIAL & GENERAL AGENTS. PHILHARMUNYC CHAMBERS, St. SrMtBT, CARMM. to th< Sun Fife. Frovideat Mt ?id PI&te tnsur&jtce aad the Proteetef EudowMent, LOtn, ?nd Annuity Compaay. P B.—J. J. &nd Co. prefer iatarvtewa, bat Btde by post, in which CMe tt*mpa taott ? tcf rep)y. BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. ?A\TON. CARDIFF. — DOUBLE-UCKNSED ?_? HOUSE. &40 weekh-. to be DIS- PoSHD OF. Short onty Renews harmonic Chambers, Cttrdif. —— 1—m ?A?TON.—S!NGLE-L!CENSHt) HOUSE Philh.<.rmonit Cardiff. 1—53 HOUSE. in ? ?o. (t ?:n? ?I,4'X). Very pfoHt'b!' trade.—.John Jautut'a a.tid Co., Ch-nnbera, Card'Cf. 1—ttO ?ROWN??N, ALpToN-ROAU. "e LET on t o"('M.-Apply C" Pbdmr- a. St. of to D. W&<on, E«t, 'NTYPOOL. PUBLIC- JL HOUSR. r-ntVt-ryModei-ate.—John a.nd Co., Ch-nubert. Ca.rdi'f. 1—31 ?"?AXTJN. HOL'SK, Jetikir.a -Mid Cu., J.'hi;h:n-:non!C Ca.rdi!j. _1-77 T HOTKL ?J t.') Um re.-u:t ?td Lttr.r3 Huuse ? t)OA'ra. FL'LL LfMe..6750. UteMt)a by Jenk'na tud Co., DOUCHE-LICENSED HOUSE, M'vierat.e Ra.'e John Jenkms Ce., Philharmonic l—:}i ?WANSEA.—DMir?Ue compMt HOTEL, ?l,?e').—Juha Jenkins a.nJ Co., ? PUBUO- ?/ HOUSK, tu on<: o<' the thorouyMM-ea. An exceHent for ? person ?ee.k?ng :t Jettkins -md Co., ?uu Fin; Oaiee, PhU- Ch.uubefs, L'ardia. 1-68 T?' EWPOl.T.??Good, weUsitu?ted,DOUBLJ?U- ?[ CEASED IIOUSK, doin? & I?rge tT&<ie (prcM). Free"FuMiceti8ed HOUSE.'eTtua.te It ? RA ROCERY BUSINGS, m capital ma.nufa.cturing a.Hd coUiery district in Somh stared at expense, Rent. ?50; Lease, 17 Stock Jeukiua Mid Co., tt&nhonic Cttiditf. 1—<H d 'PUBLIC HOUSE, m Ca.rdi9 ?r attd held ?t t very tow r<ut. In- — John Jenkins and Co., PhUbarmotuc Chambers, OM-difT.l—O ? ?ARDJF?,DUCKS. — iice)]MdFUBHC- modwmte.—Joau !md Co.,Aucttonct:ra. Jcc., Phi{- h.trmMnic CiTambera, 1—69 .CONFECTIONER'S,GROCER'S,andPRiVATi: ?_/ HO'fJi.L. BUSINESS, ttear the Bute Docks, Ctrdin wine lichnce, to be SOLD. Good Shop Iea.&e Sleek about by T&Iu&tion.—Johu Jeakina ?nd Co., Phdb&rmotue Chmnbers), _l—a0 ? ?ANTON.—Good Douhle-liceuacd HOUSE, iD exceHent ??ARDIFF.—SJE?!t-hceused M be ?/ disposed o! in Cantoa; incomiug J&6U; low rent.— Apply to'Jchn Jenkma .md Co., Ch.mberB, CMd!<f. ? CARDIFF, Suburbs wf. — A very spacious Single. ?_? iiOUSE, iu ? new but very ueigh- oouriiood, on ItMae ?t p<;r yea.r. j65UO.—J. 1.11 ??AUDH'F, Lower <<rauge.—Double-licensed IIOUSL ? ?ARDlF?'.—Doubie-Ucensed ilOUSE, tu eMy 'hatance OF. lusoi"? -Lf.Oad.—J 1-6' BUSINESSES WANTED. ?T?EER-HOCSE IN CARDIFF, or Ro&d-side Innae?r. j? Itigoui.? :t.ijouc ?lOO.—Joha JenkitM aud Co., ?OUN and CO. h.tvc ?evera.t CiienH re- ? sm.tit PUBLIC-HOUSES m or ?MALL?nsp?ct.tMe, PUBLIC-HOUSE m or uea.r Car- ?? ciS. liigoiug not to exceed ?12?.—JcLm Jt:ukioa ???? ?'?to'?????JeuE.? ?,d cu., Phu- BUSINESS FRKMISES TO BE LET. and SHOP, M-Shoi.,C<t:r,nn.J ? or TWO FLOORS oi a Good Ury and Convcmetit ?? WAREiiOUSEToLET; lat a<-)or -t.<od,2udiloor ?g OU8E, with Shop Front, l-st&d st&ble, iu Roa.th, ? ? OFFICES.—Two &eta uf four and con- VMuentiy-.nra.uged 0&ee9, suitttbte lor SoLcitorj, be Let iu.maii.t.teptxiitesaion.—Pa.rticul.tft oijotm ir ARSE SHOP, M & poaitioH, with excellent ? CAPITAL PREMISES, iu & Brst-clM. position iu C.tr- dia, with ?towy wn.uu<v, TO be LH1'. J—31 HOUSES, ?c., FOR SALE. ?APPHIRE-STU.ELT, very desirabte ?nd ?7a.—Juhn nud Co.,PhiU).<.rmuuit; Ctia.m- bers, ?—7? ?j EYEILAL CO'iT'AUES jn ? ?ood :etthi:. ?? topay&boumper cent. dt;a. to bM <ittd Co., House <uid ?at?ta Philh.ruiouiu Ch.tmben, c.a-ditf. 2—eo 'S tENARTH.—Fjur COTTAGES, iB s:ood iettiu.? place, j. 17 i'-et iroutage, srood repair. Grouud rcMt ?.S Pr.ce ?7))u.—John Jeukiu.! &nd Co., Chambers, RESIDENCE and OFFICES, Hem- JC' diti, TO be SOLD, w.th or without a ne:d diS. ?—tO HOUSES acd a ;!i JL street, to to p&y 7; per cent- Price ?LOCO. C&rduf. ?—5o ? <r ORTTJiKRr ROAD, CA Good JkjJL letticg Houses to be Sold.—Apply to Johu Jeu- .tnd Co, fhibuTcoMic OttrdiR. ?—5? HOUS&S, in Lower Jt, SOU), {or ??0. for F.uticuiitrs nppiy ? John &Co., ? ?? f!tHN sTREM, weu.buitt Mtd eou- _tL Te<u<mt .dt iet, to be SOLD A good iu for .esuo.—Jatm Jenkias .md Co., Philhmmouic ?ocd HOUSES in Mortimer-road, C*ntctt, oCer ? &ttOodiitY«ituteutforjt.l,.oo.—<)uhn Co., Eoui<e :md Eetate Aleuts, PhUham.ocie ChimiberB CMdiC. 2-BU ?EVERAL ifOUKES m Brook-?eet, CardifT. M?def&te ? pfi<?a. SM< letting Be?hbour?ood.—Jenkms.tnd Co., Philb&rmoaic <j<nilia. 'B_W OUSE m CtrdijT. Very prioe. Jct'kitM ?ntt Co., Cardiff. &-<}4 ??TYNDHAM CRESCENT, CANTON.-One or two V V Kcod HOUSES to Le SOLD. oSerinx invetit- meuta :<.r ??t', ??, imd ?(i7').—Johu Co., Home ..i.d Asn.t*, PhiIhMUiomc Ch.tttdjer: C<).rm. ?-42 Good HOUS.E, with showy V etreet, to pmy i)e<uly p<r ecnt Price HOUSES, iu ?ood Pries, Gnund rent — John ?eukut.t.t.i? U<j., Chambers, C.trdi:i. :I;H '!fj<OUR very desir.tb!e HOUSES, let for jB6Z per yMr, J' fur JE.l,05C,—Johii Jenkiu.i aud Co., Philharmonic ?3? "HOUSES TO BE LET. LRT.—Good Ho USE, with 'B_)ENAi.TH.ry uouveuieat RESIDENCE, in CLve- FURNISHED RESIDENCES TO LET. ??EEP?lOV-—yira.. c'.u&s cu<np!ete!y fBrnh.hed de- ?'. tuched R;SIDKNCE, within easy a<-uM8 to Ka.ilw.ty oaice.a. weU-Btockcd ?a.i-dcn; I=.wn- per to JohuJenkInsaudCo., WANTED TO PURCHASE. /4 FREEHOLD or Long- PUBLIC-HOUSE.— ?TL Johu Js.kiaa itnd Co., Auctiou«r Philharmonic CUiuMbMs. Cardii!. SHARES SALE. ? ? GAS a..d WATER. Last two .tiyi- dendso per eent.—Johu Jenkius und Co., Stock MONETARY. -?*??? ??' "? ?'? ?' ? ??E TED on ct?U?) MORTGAGE.-Johu Jeukina aad Co., A* /4 ? ??"? ?? ? ?? ADVANCED ou ?ood free- ??,?:?/?, huid secmitxs.—PM-ticufara, to John ?_ 'B' ARGE to be advanced on Le.).seboMs, Free- hnida, RcTeMion' Ground R<uta.— John Jen!:ins .ml Co., Brokers aud Agenta ?C. LEACH, BILL POSTER -'L?. ANi) DELIVERER, 17, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF, Recta ttU the Principal Md mott PromiBeat POSTINO STATIONS in CardiS. Canton, Md Roitth. A hrpe AdvertiMg Vfm to ptntde the ttretttt, wttt ???'?ver, to be Let ? MM Daj « WMtb ?T AND C pjT ERN 1849), HOUSE ESTATE, AND LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUEUS, PUBLIC AUCOUKTAKTS, AUDITORS, &e. URE. LIFE, ACCIDENT, AND MARIXE INSURANCE AGEXT3. OtT:CM: 74, MARY-STREEt. ANNOUNCEMENTS FURBISHED RESIDENCES.' TO LET. ?OUTH HANTS. — Haud?me'y furnish? RE3I. ?"? D??CH, near ?ood town. South aspect. Dry; 1465 ? ABMFF.NEAR.—A FUftNISIIED HOUSH and'7 ?/ AcrMof imuuM.—App!y Messrs ?HEPSTOW'ANT) TIXTKKN ABUEY <ne&r).—Ue- ?? Furnished for :tYe&r, or on the Freeho:d, ?3.00?.- Messra. H<n', Cardie.UM '?TEAR TEf<BY.—We!t-furni.shed, piet?ntty situated, ??j eemi-det.tche?VILLA.r?ptetewith e'c?.tnce :md comfort. t'ent for six months very modeiatte.—MeMrs. Hern. C&rdiS. l4til XRAR JT M&riu'' bed- ?rdens, &e. Rent 1301 ? AH&I .er:J ES. ?u_ RESIDED LE! with pos- ?TKO?uTGLOUCESTKHSHIRE?—Tu 1451 '?ORTIICAWL.—To be Let for a ye 'r. & Hncly-situated j_ demc);t:.i, wett-furni?hed HK?IUH?CK, with b<ty ?r??TWRK? &nd Monmouth, neM !t &16. HOUSES, ?42, JS7a. — J. NeftsiaHerB.CardiB. ?TEAK CRKJKHUWELLMdABERGAVHNNY.— Good country COTTAUM 6 bed- HESIDENUES FOR SALE. ?jT?ENBY.—Freehold Bamily RESIDENCE, with grounds Hern, TO\VN RESIDENCES. TO LET. ROATH ROAt), CAKDIFF. — Convenient ?t VILLA KE.S1UEJSUK. window, two &c.Rcnt.jM2. ??ARDIFF. Suburb. — H.mdaome RESI- ?ARDlFF.—Ver)? superior KESIDENCE, (.'SLrdtN. ?OWmu?GE-ROAD. ?/ ?ood pn;ij the uoor. Rent .&SU. — ilcrn, CarJiif. ? ARblFF. i!y ?EjI?E?CE in ?/ three nvd licni, Cardiff.1422 j% ?.?WPORT.—A MAKSIUN HOUdE, co)!- ?ARK PLACE. CARDIFF.-Genteet ?r?AHDIFF.—Richmond-territC", Owd Messrs He.-n, CMdia. ISUa—9 ?lAilDIFF.?Good'?OfJSas to IjET L?APPHI??-smEET. ROATH-—f:.M.i Trails—= y?HUC?UN?BTOW?, CARDIFF. — G<x)d Uouse. '<3802" W. & S. HERN. 74, nr. MARY STREET, ?y ?!?—??iM?, ?<??, ?? N9ATOHFFE, E N 0 I ? E E H A X D BOILER MAKER, H AWARDED, near CHESTER, inform them th:tt hi, STORKS at BKOUUII- HALL STATION. ncu.r CUESTER. are now EN- assurcd but a w.II be The stucn in the trade of BOILED, Md ?.tiisr MACmK- EHY for WORKiS, A LIST o[ BOILERS, &e., apJendid p.tir cf ?7 inch by 5 feet stroke ?F with Cor- JEDWARD RA'fCLM''FE. H&WM-dcn, ?ear Chester. 'CT AXCASBIRK doubio nvctTcd, with ?i two.;2it. by 7 ft. 3 in., witt) <t!titowa.y tubes; one Sted BuUer, 30tt.by7tt.,with EDWARD RATCLIFFE, a.u'1 Boiier Mnker, SALE, cbea.p, two douMe-nued DO!LERS, 2S:t. ?JF by 7 ft., '.v.thGaUowa.y tubes. Good for COlbj. EUWARD RATCLIFFE, ?\? SALE, second-h&ud, TWO ?? 32!t. by Mt. to now. i;ArcHFf.E, jUawu.tden. ?ECO?D??NU.Vertic.iJ BOlLi'rit.?trby'?'N?rly {? new. Onedo.gtt. d'). b, 4ft. Sin.; ot.e no. 7ft. Cin. by 3ft. 3in. one do. 5ft. 6in. by ?fj;. ch). Ail are ? RATC'LtFFK, ??'?' ??E? Secnud-hM).! from t; horse EDWARD RATUUFFE, ?T?WE?TY'SecoM?h&nd Horizon t:)J with JL eyiinders frum 6 inchM to ?7 di&metcr. All EUWARU RATCUFFE, Ha.warden. ?EUO?D-HA?D Vertic-it ENGINE and EOtLER EDWARD RATCLIFFE, 45543 ? Doub;e-cy)mderB3i<!a STEAM E.\GJNE, M:<! 12 inch eyiiuders, four feot stroke. Wrought fihaft, 10ft. (tin governor and feed pump. be 3(.en at work -at Messrs Reynotda Md A:Ieu. City Flour ?liUs, BMaoved to 'na.he room for more power.4716-t TTjIUR SALE.-3 H.P. VERTICAL MULTITUBULAR JL' H01LEK. Good 3.s new. chea.p. 6 H.P. MORI- /OKTAL, with dome, chea.p.—SoJ& and Dry SoupWorha Cardifr. 479SO ??? BOILERS, MACHINERY ?t?n?M?_ ?'EXT Oi-' Uuc'Mmed.-A RE- money aiucf 1700. Puat free, M)d C )., A FORTNIGHT'S FAMILY Four C'SlE.STie WMher,* Wringer, ?nd (thrc<? in one\ eM-rmge paKf, &nd a. free aHowed. Poatyp.-idd, nud It:, CarditT. 44216 ?')1CY<JHS? ajtd i'KtCYCL!SI'S.—WAITED pur- for l4!)'.SEW and '"CAM'D RIANS," ?ow making tor the ?eMOn 18S1. SPECIALITIEa. a. direct a.ct]n? spoke hub. with &n ?r extmet:). brokeu spokea without djn.l- or in ituy way the hub. A nt:w spoke can be put )n by it nov.ce in ? f<,w mmut€9. The New Gtmbri .n t-priny, which ia undoubtedly the moat comfortubiein !tt present, M the weight only, )M ?u extre-nely percentage of .tccidenta ca.n be to f.tulty work, executed persoos who not the machinery, ur ofthecon- etTNcttonof a..bieycie to prop3r)y do reptirs. A-MATEURS supplied with purta m rouyh or tny MOHR'IS WonM—PONTYPRH)D. ?'°" 4.3439 Snow RooMa -MD Ov?!CE—l6, ANCEL-STR:Er CARpIfF. Price iMt free one etantp. Certain Cure for Nervout DebiUty. ? RAT1S, ? ?lEUICAL WOUK, showu? safTererj how ?T they miy be cur?d Md acquire Heaith tmd Vit..lity without the aid of ?uMks. with recipca for purifyin? the smd reaMvinsr Skin ASectiom. FMeon receipt of St3.mptt) prepay SccretAr)-. Institute of A)tat)my. 2802 ?' T??R MARK- 2, North?mpton-phce, Swansen., grants l.T_]). ?5 up.va.rd.) ? Tr?desm?n, Hinuiers, F?cmera, ?ecb<nuta. ou their Stock. Ftumtoro. &c. W. AND S.' H B n (Est&LlMbed 1849), FINANCIAL AGENTS, MORTGAGE BROKERS, AGENTS F(WVEi?E.JDlNQ AND INVEST.M SOCIETIES. STOCK AKD SHARE BROKERS. OFFICE3: 74, ST. MARY-ST, CARDIFF. ü'"NOUNCEl!E"'TS (extntoted from our Ragistm) ?ARDIFF. — COTTAGK PROPERTY, 300 Years' ?/ Lcaje. Ground rent nomimi. P.ty 3 per cent.— Messrs Hern, Ca'-diit. 14.?J T??AUT?STKREr. ROATtL — ScveraT?vcU-buitt ?J?i. lIOU?S..t?rea.b??.tu).—MessMiiern, C.n-iitf. ?EClL-STREET. ROA t H.- Two G.Md o LM'l'A ? .?' ?ARD?F.—Very??ood portion. ?nodCOIFAGR ?. PROP6RTT. Price m?Bf?ta.—MeMr? Hern, C?rdift. l? TT??EEHOLD LA?D ?t .&! 8a per &cre—selected F?rma re:: "il\(jer by instilments.—tutlestpa.rticutitrs of 3le6ors Hum, 74, St.. M.u-y-street, Cardie. STACEY-ROAD, ROATH.—Very gw31 RFSIDENCE, IZI hot and \):d five very che<J.p.- Heru, I)WAILMVIZI-;F.T, QANTOI(, CARI)fFF.-Supzrior fj weii-baitt HOUStM phcj IJII).ler.¡,te.-Measra Hero, Ctudiff. 127 1DOATH.Rt)AU. CAHLM?F. — Seo:i-<leStched Bea?. gat-deii. Priœ luoJer-MeS3nl Hern, l:arolif. ?EARt?STRHK'r. CARDIFF.—Corne! SHOP, side en. j_ t?nc< &nd Two ifood Houacs, it b.tKg)tht; I)?e putttou en nwr%WL&v.-blessr-i Hem, Cardie. ltM<) UtROOK '?RKACE. CANTON, Ei.ht-nMmea YHh. J) ?otmd rM)t iow price mo<jcnnc.—Me?M Ifc;T), I.udttl WANTED. V.'URNISHEU c,)-4t preferred. Shoot- illg and jf pQ:;8ioie. -¡.1:1.1"11, Cal"tliff. 3.l0-2U ?A&Utt'F. — h? ?Md U?!ity, Cumiort?btj RESI- b4n.- Horll, &a.¡;e Ateiiti, ? ?OTI'AUM .mJ itbout .m Acre ut Uin-cen a.n<i Urc?.Md. ? —Me?t??em. C<u?fl?.? ?J EWPURT. !iwt., ?t or ne?.—Good REStDENCE.— j?j JHess.?detT.O.?iC.14 C'VRDIFF DO().-Go.'Id BUSlNk,5ti Fitl!141SM.- ? M<MK)f9Mor<), Cantiff. 219 ?_B uUSH with 7 Rooan Mtt)e hmd ne<tr a town. Rent JL? Ntode?te.—MaaNra Her!), UtU?HC. 44 COUNTRY RESIDENCE. neitrCMtHS.—MeasrsHem, ? C:trtM. SOS ?a ??Y, ur ?ot!—HJSdlUE?UE, with 8 beth-oonu. j_ RetH. ?ix?t ??—Mes-!M B?r!), Cnrdttt. 1S8 ?KVERALGood FARHS WANTHD.ran?iM?froniM ?? tu ?OO&crea. State the iuM-Mt po.rttcui-.tra.—MeMra Hen), Caxtiily. MINERALS. MINERAL ESTATES, &c. ?.UAH?Y.—Splstulid fLAG?I'MK QUAKRY m ?J? C?rn):<Jtheu.<hirc, Stust a?.< iu \V?Le?. Prieo muucr-ttc for leMe (17 ye-tra), goo.iw.il, a.d platit.- Mediirs Hern, Carditf. H2o Y?OHEST OF OKAN.—? ery superior STUNM QtJAKHY? ?r?if- _? 1?06 'l'O: QUARJiY, hi workjn? Order, with Rfulway very moderate.-hiessm Rettt. Citrdia. 13UO MONEY. <,t-< ?? to jE20,oco ?ud upwn!d< on FreehoM, Copy- g?j.?'U' hoid, tud Lcttaehold Properties, Revers'on- :l'rv lIJtcre3ts. ó.:c. j -IIon.1 from .e&0 to JE1,000 of Persorcd Kec'u'ity. Life iMtcreaM, KeverstOtM, Sha.res Bt Public UoMpathes, .tud other ecuritie8:-Full pait;wliu-i :md ionus of appfll:atiOlt way be obtained of Mr Si'muet Hetn, t-);t,ate Ase"t, 74, aryt, Cardiff. ?Q?????foritunie'Ji?te Invest?Eent on Mort- ?t)t!??\? K? of Good Freahotd l?roperty or ?<m?.—MetNir.< Hem, Eat.tte As'<mta, 74, St. ?ry- .t?..6?'?.? BUSINESS PREMISES. ?APiTAL OFFICES, St. M?rv street; do.. Bute <? uocka, Citrdti:.—W. a.nd ?. Heru, Ua.rdiN. J? a.u<lH.tki!?pR?iisR!diti ?o.tth (bestpoai?ou); c.I.I", shop over, sitting room. three h.,ùrOvm, attic, ba.kdwuse at the tJack of La'll1g twu a.ud .1. .!food back roadwity to premises rent £:50 a year.— Messrs Ucrn, C<H-dig. i4M 'V úOl>VILLE-l'L'RRAC¡', CATHAYS.—BUSINESS i-v rent Hern, Ca.rdi: _lSi7 (),O"VBI'tIDGE-HO..W, CANTON, c Hlr¡;5t; awl sliOP. Bedt. })o.ji!on. hM:ned.t),t.c ilud S. lierii. a?UTE-? L'R S?T,rc'?l)iVi.\?Uo()d :md wit!i ot- without, e-vceti.,ive Ce!!M- &_c. Ridd nud bael Enn.uce<Me;;sn¡ Hern, Caidil. Wlli BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. ?r?ARD:FF(Principat Street).—Tobacconist.) Buaino-s. ?? h)??'u?V9)-ymodera.te. lutmcdia.ta possession.— Messrs. Kert), Canlitï. ¡("RDIFF.-Cpit.al- PUriL!C:HOUSE bct posit'on, gooù tra.de, hog lease, rent, Itc., moderate.- W. I-.id S. liciu '=' ? 14;33 i,-i;ZST-CLASS STIAD FLOUR iii Liiicol.-i- A,hire, in ceitre of good e,,rn bhire, in centre of gooJ corn growinJ dist¡-ict, IY1LiJ Jail amI tl-atisit, to be o. ¿OLU, with p():;ses;:¡ioll Mich¡¡,elDl!8. Mil conta.ins eig-ilt p;r3 French two Hopkinson's patent bran cleaner, coru aipirator. (lauipr. Mill driven by two HùJ ??AHUIFF-??ee Si"?-Licensed HOUSE, do'.n? s<'od trii.?'F ? ')? moderate.—Mc?r:) Hern, C?rdifT. -??b??_1325 ??e "????'?tr?o.—Me?.fs Hem.'V?'tt. ??<?RTI3??t.?.—<}?d HOTKL. WtUi .unp'e acco:i)od;i- ?_ Hon.Join??pod tr.tde. Rent and tn?o);? moderate. 4;)$02 ————— 009 6:, 8. HERN. 74, ST. MARY STREET. f- Ronty. '? ONEY ADVA?CtB) by :t Ucntlem:m unconnected jLYA WtUt ?ny Cnrdia' ?oney-tehder.—John Henry JonM, 1, St.0:1I:2uare, Ca.iditT. 44XS4 ??t.HUGYMHX, F.).nnet-9, CHerks, Shopkeepers, imd ,?-? Mect?tdM etn reeeive ADVA?CHS upon FURNI- I'LXtf' etc. (withottt remove), at onto by writing to Mr J. J. Jones. IS, CoUes-e-atfeet, Sw?usea. Distance no object. __41213 ???<"? To Lend ou FREEHOLD or J.H?SEMOL!) ?'?UU. fRtJP?ii.TY. -Appiy J. A., "South W?tea U.*dy Aev.a" UtMee, Swall:,ea.. 30H6 <??'.?\ tojE7M?ra.uted?t shortest notice upon per- c&'t)\7 son.<i tecurity.—App)y John Henry Jones, r?o. jL, M,. Johi'?qu?re, C?rditf. 4428? j?SONh?Y?iT.uieedup&u.?lkindj of reat security.— A?j. Appiy Juhn Hsnry Joues, 1. St. Jokn-BquMe, IJ"'lÓ!iY. ? 44Z84 A VON LOAN AM) MSCOUHT COMPANY.—sT J'? Heten'?ro.'td, Swansea.—.65 to .ElOO advanced UpOIl allipi-icatiiii to Householders ;l.nd No Call or any day.-0;1¡ce liouim, 9 a.m. to 9 p.tn. -4.:1232- '?5TILLIAMCSNER, 13, Picton-piitco, Sw.u?en, nd- T ? YMi(;'?, Witi?ut. det?y, .B) to ?1,000 to F.?rmer?, T'yn or Co'mt'y, <m Fm-t)i:u'-e, Ca.ttle, oher 5cwit.r It<Jpa)'able by jn: stalnielit5. Wi-tz;, Hnd paid onto di-u..unted. 27(;4 t?O YOU ?A?<T MONKY ?—If so, sive time. U-f)uMa, S?r!tt. <? H?e-?treot,' Ct:r.??..ElO to je500 teni 'II.¡¡.y. So austie3 of fce. This advertisement is ?enume. 4.')1?9.s?74 IDIEDIATgADYAXCE.-Larg"c nd sma. sun), o: u10ne.y ma. be obtaine,l immediately oil to th art Share Association, 7, Ternple-street amI, os. 5 tIlÙ 6, Great London. At)ya'a.i)ab'eseeurttyt.then. RiUa discounted* uyer or sea -s of stock" or of any dejeril). tlon will find IllS source for busifjCSH. 335:;3 T;7\STABLIS?t;U l.?—The WHST OF ENGLAND J? LOAN an.DISCUUNT COMPANY, 44,Co!H;nerci?. jei,OOO.ttoue<t.y'.s!)Otice,hianypa.rtofRn?!:)ndor Wjei, or fees. The Inore a.d\1.nCtJs, on mo tha.n :tny others the Pdncipa.iity. Prospectuses by a.pplyln; e.i;er by letter or perso:iai!y at H.bove 4<J<i5 J. DLAIDERG, )L1nag-er. A 1 F.R)!E;, and others ':J Jf can obt&¡' CASH ADY.\NCKS, :u sums from £20 t &1,<M, &t t tty's) nøt¡C1J, witiocit ..Ul'et;;¡. No tecs c'.a:-?t:d. Prosee?.j g'rat.?, ty a?pttcaU<ju, e'ther p<<r- MQ?Hy or by etter, to S. H &'ber?, 2, Bu?-t?rmce Ca.r.]jff. N.B.—Intc d; ( 2pll;anta iare remntJed, that by to th .iDce they are In wIth a bona fide le:Mier,whe?l?<K;<;?ofet)tMmnjrtwu ta the Phnci- ism A CONarD?ABLE S?M of MONHY re?y ? be ?TL ADVAN?D up<M' the security o? re.?!iy ?ood Jroa iiij).r at a wit)) eMy COUOIl'¡ t'or the rfp.tytnent. The money M retuly at any 'n'aent. All cMinuunica.notis will be con. sidered strkt1Y.ri\'a.te awl co;¡t1üeuti.\1. Advance.-) ulso made UPOI, "uy)[her .tva.:Ia)jfe iie<juhty. -Address Stock a.ud ShT.re As4..i;ltit)ll. 7, 'i'cmp'e.at.reft, SW,)ea., au'l 79, Qace.) stree Cheapsiue. LoudM), B.C. '¡5! G R gAT EDUCTION OF INTEREST. MONEt ADVANCED ON THE 1We lEASO?'iABLE TERMS, FROM £5 To £1,0(1). To Fanners, 4,Lier., Tntdejmct), &c.. on their Stock, Crop, F.llrmtw'e, &c. Apply { e:so)'!y, or by.ettr, to li).N HAHRM, l\-AVERLEY HOUSE, 17613 CL!ARLES.STKEET, CARDIFF. rt?O FARM? TKAD?SMEN. A?D OTHEHS.— a. Money ?jout sureti<M or pubItt-ity.—Shouid you riqUlre an aù"Cc of C:nh, n.pp!y for a Prospectus of the NATURAL '\P.CANTlLE BANK. (Liniited,, No. 3. Gre\t ChrJe:cet Birnrins'hatn (Capita], jSl,000,000) which wiil ¡¡howh,;re you citn obtain from .£5 to JSo.ooo M.t a fia.y's lwt:( UpOIl not] of h&nd aloiiio, and without pubLeity. T:Hnterest chargù on apprtJycd Promissory Notes, Deed; Ii Life Potieit;a is .85 per cent. This bc'D? ? !wM ? i,)corp?)Mt<d B.mk, eatftbiiahed for nuking- advan;4, all d:l.SSes at a Moderate f.ltt: of borrr3 are the and iiioney-limiderq loan ill- quiries, &c. rtiiiec from the Hank no objectioii, and no good app,¡<:JolI is ever refused. Appty personally, or stitte by "ct&airiount required. N.B.-Cul'rac(''OI1l\ts opened. Depositos rMeived. W7 DAVIU -1-URNHH, Manager. POSSBSS ALL THE PROPERTIES OF TH\'INESl' ARROWROOT. R 0 AND DOLSON'S OltN TpLOUR J BAS TWT'rEA' ""ORL¿,.yYmil REPVTATl°N. And is (;"Cllled for Uj2iforn2ly Sapenor quality. SM 5U ? fNTAL SURGEON. 1-i RACIAM YOUNG, A,t.? ?. ? 7. V-uk-sti-eet, Bristo). ?"?'?'?ofMsio"a)]y. CARDIFF- FIRST and n?RryrfYW?'SL'?Y ia every uiouth. at 63, CHOCK. Oct.2?h-.nd'° ??'? ?? "?? ?'?? WKD?ESDAY, fr,)IA 9.15 i., Nir Edmun-is, Chemist, 5, High.street, ?? 20??-?.?- °?'- ??" W??SDAY; pve'rv???'?' ?'? THIRD THURSDAY in ?RF?trot?- 1'°??. chemist, 22. CAKOLI?iH- 0?7?,'d? ? ??; r?t v&t. 'THURSDAY. WF?N?D?' BEAUFORT SQUARE next visita LYU\FY- ??'' ?' ?'?'' ?? ?-'?' ?° ?'? !?- THURSDAY '? ''°'? H<?Me, Kic?-street; next yisita Ma Fea h)r?- ?" ?'°"' ?? ? ?e.? ,???(,? A?eMMyfor?nunit H i ? t? fey ??.$%;f;??? MEMHYR TKDFIL__ IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. '?/!rR DAVID EVANS hr's received in- *?'i. strnctions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, in One Lot, at the Hotel, .Verthyr TyJnI.otiTUKSDAY.the 26th day of October, 1SSD, at Four for Five o'u!oe'< in the of by con- amI to such conditions of sa1e as sla I be thcre and then all those two huilt, com- modloui DWELLING-HOUSES AND SMOPP, with the premises tii, reuiito belongiJlg', InlO'n foS 2 a.nd 3, lIlerthyr 'fJ,j¡'il, aitl iil)% in the respective occupations çf lllHvell Iotiei, gnlcer :1.1\(1 prev'sion dealer, a.ud Mr J. S. Weir. ehen.i.)t :t)i'l dru;ist. is hel,1 a for DO years from the Jst 1841, at the very low rent of 23 11'1 6d per The premises are most favo-ii-ably ill the of th where no fres: I ell-II be o¡,taille.1 business Bein", alld in feet rep:1ir, they aitog"1!ther offer 811eh tbat the !;()lkit3 3peda.1 attention to this as an opportunity fu o\Jr;<. further appJy to the at hi" Otc M, Mcrthyr TydS): or M Messrs. Morgan and Neaie, S()¡k}to! Pontypridd. PENCOED, NEAR Bt?IDGEND. GLAMO!'GAN.?!imE. SALE of VALUABLE BUInnNGan.t AGRtCULTUR?L LAND, F\R)i HOUSE, COTrAGK, & BUILDINGS. MESSRS H. JONES and SON have .1,1. been imtructed t.) SELL by AUCTt ON, at the Wyndham Arno Hotci. Bndgcnd, on SATURDAY, tho 23rd day of October, 18SO, at Three p.m., subject to the vi Sale tv be then and there produce<1, the PROPER'! Y, situate at Pencoed, near Bridgend, aixl adjo:nin,- the Turnpike roa't:— [&LOT l.—AU th.tt c]<M" of PASTUHR LAND called CM to -Lbe ys gubor Fiic'i. orlÎllanee survey 3a. Or. numbered 30 on the tithe map for the pti-ish of Lcn' 2.-AU that close of ARABLE LAND ca!!ed Cae coi)taiii' inz acconling to the orùnari1:e survey 3a. ir. 5p., numbered 122oii the s;ii,i tit.h'' ma.p. L<.t :Al; that chao of A:BLI LANO called Dwy Env, coutaining ::cc,¡rtlin: to the survey 2<1. 1r. 17p., numbered 34 on the said iiian LoT4.'—A!I th.tt .FARMHOUSR, wi:,h conTenisnt it)?;mda)M:t)!tr;oeT?)CtosfKof PASTUKR LAND :n!jt)ming, e:t! e t ( ?e Hir an? Cae Crwn), contt.ittin?. :n!jt)ming, e:t! e t Cae Hir and Cae Crwm, conhiuill, according to the urvey, 3a.2r.Hp. and 4a. 2r. 37p. respectively, numbered 33 and 35 on the said TJthe H.ip; and :Uiio the Reversion Expecta.nt on a. Le&se of and ;n a C,jttage and Garden adjoining, held for & term of 60 ye-irs from 2Sth M.iy, 1, at a ground rent ct 10s per The above.)T!ent:otied property is situate within a few m!nutes' wa!k ft the Peneoed Raiiway Station. It is of mixed freehoJd and copyhold tenure (the latter beillg held of the of Coity W;1li! and api).ur teiia-it to it a rig-ht of ol pasture over about of common land withia Alanor), and, with the exception of the Leaaahold Cottage, the whote of the is in the of the owner, Mr Morgan Howells. The is of excellent quality; the greater portion of it has a frolltaze to the turnpike reaù, and i8 rery el-igiblefor Part of the purchase m-Meyof each lot may, if desired, remain 011 For plans and further particulars apply to the Auc- tioticers, at their or Oflices, or to Mr THOMAS REES, Solicitor. Cowbridge. NEW AND SECOND-HAND ¡- f OCOMOT1VES, QTEAM CRANES, CONTRACTORS' TpLANT, TO OILER S, AND AUj DBSCBIFTMN OF MACHIN B TOOLS. A I BEFORE PURCHASING WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS TO CHARLES Tr? T?HILLIPS.' '?' JL?. JL NEWPORT. MON. <767t DL.,ESS MATERIALS FOR THE AUTUMN. -"EBENHAM AN!) RWE,!T MATEHIALS. patteraso! which wiU be sent post fr-e-c-t-o L-mies at a d)stM)ee on :.r.ppJieation. The Stock comprMCj materials from lOd per yard and upwards, and includes every approved novelty of Home and tore?n productio:), bouarht direct from the Mmm- faeturer, and marked at the lowest possible net cash pnce. 14575 CAVEXDISH HOUSE, CI-IELTENHAIVI. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER. 13 FOUK GOLD MEDALS. B OR WICK:S BAKING POWDER.——' FOK WHOLESOME BREAD. D"'RWICK'S BAKING POWDER. FOU PUDDINGS AND PIES. ?ORWICK'S BAKINGTPOWDER;——* ?-i?OI?PLUX C.\KH. BAKINGTPOWDEK -FOR TEA CAKE';¡ AND SCONES. BORWICK'S BAKING 1/OWDER.—— —- 10 FOR NORFOLK DUMRLINGS. r CARDIFF AND PENARTH OMNIBUSES. CARMFP dep ) If) 1 0 i 0 7 0 10 0 We.¡!, days. f 11 5 1 50 ,) 0 80 f 12 0 3 0, 6 0 90 PENARTII, dep ) 9- Ó-12 0 go 6 c 9 0 Week days. ? 0 1 0 4 5 40 ) 11 5 20 5 0 8 C Later'Busses on Saturdays. SUNDAYS. CARDIFF, uep 10?02??9?o10?0 PENARTH, dep. 915 1 3:) 8 15 9 U ???? Spee'a]? between 2 and 10 p. n;. each way. The"S(tBTn "ALES DA!LT NEwa' CM) be obtained in London <ti)y, imntediatefy Mtel the trriva) of the 10.45 a.m. Trau- from AtessM SMm! & Son's Do'-kstaU, p'aùdll\toll, and fro!)) Mr W. H. FvxumT% 22, Bom-eue-sh-eet.. Fleet.street THIS D A Y'S T E X T. Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath tr\lIohteJ us into the kingdom of h)-< dear S.'t), in w!'o;n we have redemption through his blood."— ?oioa. 1, 14.ADVT.- 4S173

Family Notices


[No title]

-_---------WORKING PEOPLE…

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