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KILSBY JONES ON THE ELEC- TION AND THE BALLOT. THE MORALITY OF POLITICS. EXTORTING PROMISES AND BREAK- ING THEM. Being market day, the Rev. Kilsby Jones paid a visit to Crickhou ell on Thursday, to support the re-election of Mr Maitland. He. accom- panied by Revs. J. Evans, J. Jenkins, and D. Thomas, Llangunider, ascended the platform. The Rev. KILSBY JONES remarked that at the last election it was his (the speaker's) pain- ful duty at Hay, to catechise Mr Howel Gwyn (the Conservative candidate) very closely. Amongst other things ho aske 1 Mr Gwyn, is this ballot safe—because secret?" "I hope so" re- plied he—" Hope won't do for me, Sir." I should think so," said Mr Gwyn but "think go" wouldn't do for him, and Sir Joseph Bailey, With the gallantry of a gentleman, stood forward, seeing that Mr Howel Gwyn was compromising the Conservative side and said, It is safe The people wouldn't believe him (the speaker) they called him a lying, dirty Dissenting parson. (Laughter.) Sir Joseph was the scripture of Toryism. His name was an authority, and it was by virtue of that manly declaration that they (the Liberals) won the election. They were having a hot contest iu Brecon, and they naturally asked him what was to be the result. He didn't know. He never whistled" out of the wood," no, not till he had seen the last stick. (Laughter.) Would Mr Maitland be in ? He didn't know, but he ought to be. (Cheers.) and if the Liberals were true to their principles he would be. As to Wales,Wales was pre-eminently the home of Nonconformity. That meant Liberal- ism—advanced, enlightened. Could a Nonconfor- mist be a Tory? Could fire be co]d? Could water be dry ? Could light be darkness ? Could righte- ousness be unrighteousness? Nonconformists were the teachers of Liberal principles. They had had to suffer for them. Their opponents spoke of their ministers as "preachers," as if that were a mark of contempt. He was glad some of them were able to preachand preach the devil out of those confounded Tories. (Laughter.) Toryism alway appealed to their backs, the stomach and their bellies Liberalism to their convictions, and in the freedom they possessed they could breathe tiieipure air of the mountains, and stand upright and say, "I am a man." Let the farmers a, remember that they were as necessary to the landlords as the landlords were to them. Some one would say that he was trying to sow dissension between landlord and tenant. Nothing of the kind but he wanted them to act in the coming struggle like men, and the landlord ould treat them as men. They were not now told that the Ballot was not secret. They knew it was. And if it were not secret, what was the inference he was to draw ? Would their opponents punish them? Did they look upon them as eo many pigs, horses, or wild mountain ponies for the market, to be sold to the highest bidder. In what century were they living, pray? Did the Tories mean to threaten them ? Threaten! A man that threatens cannot do much, and a man that would be frightened by a threat was not the shadow of a man, or the great grandson of the shadow of a man. (Laughter.) As to the Western Mail, he always felt comfortable when it abused him. If the Western Mail praised him, they must put it down that he had lost his character. (Laughter.) He was not afraid of free speech. He was only afraid of rowdyism and blackguardism. Let any Tory speak out what he liked, but if he could he would try to upset his carriage. (Hear. hear.) Let there be perfect freedom ot speech. The speaker con- demned the Imperialism of Lord Beaconsfield, who, he thought, would make a splendid Prime Minister to Nebuchadnezzar. (Laughter.) What was the fate of his Imperialism ? Let the heaps in which Babylon lay tell. Mr Jones, referring to an observation of the chairman, said that a better landlord than the Tredegar family could not be found, and he believed they had returned 20 per cent to their tenants, and Mr Maitland had returned 25 per cent to his. He did not wish anything said unfair to any one, as they fought only upon principles. As a man said of a shoemaker, he was an exceedingly nice man-except as a shoemaker—but as a shoemaker he wouldn't have anything to do with him. (Laughter.) The proceedings then came to a close, ATTEMPTED CONSERVATIVE MEETING. Mr Sydney Da vies and Mr E. G. Davies imme- diately ascended the wagon. Mr E. G. DAVIES said that Mr Jones had not gone- into the question of politics at all, but had only made some general ren)arks of a social char- acter. He (the speaker) wished to call the atten- tion of the electors to some remarks made by Mr Evans at a, meeting at Forest Coal-pit, as reported in the Badical organ. Mr Davies, producing the Western Mail, read the quotation from John Bull's' comment in that pper-" There were 600 liars in the county, lie would not be surprised if there were 800 this time. (Laughter, in which the reverend gentleman probably joined.)" Now, he would say, if a minister of the gospel asked one of his congrega- tion to tell a lie, he was not fit to be a minister of the Gospel. He (the speaker) thought the people ought to turn round on such people, simply be- cause he, as a minister of the Gospel, had said such a thing. It was a disgraceful proceeding, and he didn't care whether it was a Roman Catholic, a Churchman, a Dissenter, or anything else, he had no businesstosaythatpeoplecould tell I;e. They should bring up their people in the right path. and not teach the abominabiedoctrineoflying. He believed that if Mr Maitland—(loud cheers) —were present at this meeting—(continued cheering)—waitja bit. He thought if Mr Mait- land, who was a personal friend of his, were there—he was almost certain if he heard that speech, lie would say to himself that it was most disgraceful. (Hear, hear.) Mr Maitland did not want to represent 800 liars and he repeated it was a most disgraceful thing in a Christian land. At this point Mr Kilsby Jones and Mr Evans Iagain mounted the wagon, and Mr Evans said, I'll just put before you the remarks I made at Forest coal pit. I told the meeting that I had heard that it had been stated by a Con- servative that there were 600 liars in the county, and all that I said was that I would not be surprised to find on the same scale there would be 800 liars this time if pressure was put upon them by Conservatives to vote con- trary to their consciences. (Cheers.) Gentlemen, I added that I would rather be a liar in favour of the richt than be guiltv of voting against my con- science. (Mr E. G. Davies: You ought not to be a liar at all.) I only made a.choice between two sins-the sin of making a promise—(Mr E. G. Davies Why should you make a promise ?)—The ctioice was between two sins—a bad one and a worse one—the sin of breaking a promise in favour of the wrong, and the sin of voting against my conscience, and I leave it to you to say whether mv choice is good or not. (Cheers). Mr E. G. DAVIES It is all very well—(inter- riii,tions)- fire away—(continuing) we have had canvassing bv both parties, and if they promised, they should keep to their promise. I hope there are no liars on our side. It shows the chapel screws more than ever, and it is not according to conscience. Rev. J. JENKINS here stood up and said: As ar e that was at the Forest coalpit meeting, I should like for this meeting to show whether they approve of what Mr Evans said or not. The speaker wished them to express it by a show of hands, whereupon a great number of those present held up their hands, as also for the other side V I the question, which was also put to them. Mr E. G. DAVIES Carried unanimously, (Laughter.) Mr KILSBY JONES put the following question.to Mr E. G. Davies :—Is a promise exacted under pressure or coercion legally binding ? Mr DAVIEB You oughtn't to tell lies. Mr JONES: Don't go about fumbling. Answer the question. Mr DAVIES: Who has coerced them?' Mr T;SYDNFY DAVIES here essayed to speak, amidst a good deal of laughter, and the earnest solicitations of Mr Kilsby Jones, who begged ihim to remain quiet a bit. Mr KILSBY JONES And secondly, is a promise exacted under pressure or coercion morally bind- ing on me?j "I Mr E. G. Davies (hesitating) I do not say any- thing about that at all. Mr JONES I say you must, or decline to answer. I tell you, sir, that any promise wrung out of me under pressure, or, it may be, only hinted, or plainly expressed, is not legally or morally binding. Mr SYDNEY DAVIES: Why should you promise at all ? Mr J ONES Simply because the screw is put on, that's all. (Laughter). Mr Jones then said a few words in Welsh. Mr E. G. DAVIES said he didn't understand it. Mr JONES Then the thread is worn auk and there is no catch. (Laughter.) Mr Davies wishes to convey the insinuation that Dissenting ministers wish the people to tell a lie-only last night I heard the son of a clergyman—a barrister on the South Wales Circuit—Mr Llewellyn. He said, I am a clergyman's son. and I say that no promise wrung out of a man is either legally or morally binding." w Mr Kilsby Jonas then left the wagon, and Mr E. G. DAVIES eaid I am glad to make th acquaintance of Mr Kilst".7 Jones. I am sur that man is a ^reat Conservative. Mr E. G. Davies then left the wagon, and intimated his intention of going to have a cigar with Kilsby. I,"