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¡ fMpjring JTrtias, \v Al1-Gí1UltD and CUitK, and the i the S-DLTH of IRELA.), per FASr »«u p, 0n thtt GKEAT WESTERN RAILWAY, aud ^ater' f S^AMSiilPS, via Miiford Haven. Iho leaveSteamers run Daily. The Cork Steamers ^•iv< v-11.01"1' Tnursdays and Saturdays, returning 51 on- •• ^ednesuayg, and Fridays. 44953 Y. EDWARDS » » CARDIFF aiiu NEW VUttik STEAMSHIP LINK. Steamws of this Lme will gall as fol. CARr.'i v ..J NEW YORK. &i'r «7 BlSA> 2,500 tons. SAT UKD AY, liar. 27 » 3,000 l-jui SAT IHtDAY, April iO ^OLA, 2,i>0U tuns. SAT U iii) AY, 'itw* FROM kkw x" -k 'ro cAUnrFF. •ftglpLA,- 2,300 tons,SATUliOAY. •taii?4NA," 2,:00 tons .SATURDAY, April 17 'jnj, ^M)DA,' ii,WO tens sATLHiJA Y, May lj G00iK^U-il t-'f L,AOj;-<U for ail classes of [ Eiiu'. « and PARCELS to and from, the inland towns i.i AilKiii anJ Place* 1" tl'« WESTEUN STATES of J"0P!« ar:d CANADA, including CHICAGO, St MILWAUKEE, St PAUL'S, TOLEDO, 13UF- *^h th I'OIvUNXO, &c, &c, iu conjunction \liciii.*e.' (Üe;¡,t Western oi Canada, Lake Shore,and B»n Southern Itiiilwav Companies. 3jJ'- Y EDWARDS, Cardiff snd Newport J TURN Kit, El'W AKl>is, ANi) CO., Ilristo!; kfiOo F' PULLEY*, til, South-stroyt New York. 2 J^ £ -,r /CARDIFF & BRISTOL. WTE 0R LAUY mary Fronl Bute Doaks, 1, ruin Batliurst Basin, 1<JXU, Carum iirLto:. -a;<v;;rS(lay ..„. 7.15morn 1 Thursday 11, 0morn av £ «lln ^ay 9- 6 mo. a o Saturday ..„ 1. 0 aiVr «*Wa;'y -I-.L' after f. 4. 0 after 'UWoi y •••• 1-'5 aiter 6 Tuesday 0 after j ecl'iesday ■> •"> after 7 Wednesday 6. 0 ai'tsr 1,l!'bday 3. o after S Thursday e.30 after 9Frid J 4. o mora It-' Friday 7. U mucu Saf —"I aiter lU(.Saturday 7.30 morn ii ^ay —— 4!l5 after IJi.Aioiiuay .30 mom l.pp'day j.,j after 1.T.,oaii,„ .9 nimu 1; ^<ssuay alter 1"clu"s ay "(9 0 after 6. o morn 14 Wednesday .45 rnoru ciVn'.8(lay •• «. 15 morn 15 Tlmi-sday 10.15 morn 7. mnont 16 Friday 10. mom l^OiiJ^'i ly T.3j morn .7 Satu-day „11.1 morn 2 fy f-.4". morn 1) Monday 1.45 aftei 2 a\y ,s"u.y .ll. 0 morn i.0 Tuesday 3.1.> after i- ,Uesday ..12.15 after 21 Wednesday 4.30 after i' ••• l.io after 22 Thursday 5. 0 sftar ^:Sati'.au ••».-■ -15 after 3 l-r^ia.v o. •> sft>jr o„ u,day 3. o after f"- Saturday (\30 after "u ( 4 30morn 20' ? "<r day 7.-J5morn Tn v5- 0 afer ^Tuesday — S.S0 mom Je^day' eS5 2,a Wednesday { r,:V"u'" lj j,1.0'sday 6 1:0 morn 23 Thursday „10. 0 morn a. i. 15 inoru ;i) Ei-idi,y 10.45 morn 'b (),¡ t)-and-fros, marked thus a, rassens-ere will have 't. (.1¡ l} hou: s in 'Dri!ltol: or, if they ¡,:n 1 and embark Uerlal, i- a; they wid have about two hours. ). 42100 J^c^r ROYAL MAIL LrOIRPOOL TO Y0IiK AND BOSTON Thto WEDKRSDAY AND SAT CRD AY. is n°ni^r*uy Oesn established for Forty Years, •S52?1" its safety and comfort for all classes ol hJ,u'y:0 C. MACIVER, Liverpool. ifl ««»U Judd, Beaufort House, Bryuinawr; John b "lialiia lon Heaaroed, near Cardiff S. c' au^ Co., Emigration Olfices, Neath; W. H. > «rocer, Biaenavjn. ALLAN LINE. XA_ SHORTEST OCfSAK PASSAQK IO ^iliM^f,^ 01 twenty first-clas? Ttoval Mai] Steamers. ,!lJ evorv =HV3~From I 'VEKPOOL every THURSDAY fRllli6^1"'0 Ti E DAY. From LONDONDERRY I)Z,IE A and zo- QUEENSTOWN every alternata AND THE UNITED STATES. »i ta un p.: ,ct3 to al' P0'iti at Special Rates. Pam- t.^Spsgj -Maiiitob.r, Wester.i States of America; ,„t nP^let emoo i.\ina: Keporta of the Tenant J -isted pe'a'es to Canada, free on applicatioo. jj.„v,asfa^R8 to C:.ua.da for Farm Labourers and full Da,estlc Servant1). •^Uottlara on aoplicitl-.d to ALLAN BlCOTiiKRS & CO., r Or to Q nl J .mes-f treQt, Liverpool. b^W-a'roiV 't45' ^tJ-street, Cardiff; T. J. Buse, 7, I, Tliom-, ,,Wa'uu' '< F. Foley, Foley's Hotel, Neith; l>. J{e> 10 pS> ^ruiah Schools, L and..very t W. Miltoa Ak5 et WhnJ6^ I'oek-street, and John Youngr, Screw ^'tiUerv- vi J?1 'on' M jn- < A■ T'ey, Market-street, J»ia'Uiew ila.Ui.uws, A Uproar u, near New|>.>ik s 4920 _^meiiican line. ^"iTED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LXVJEKPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA. feffst-cl- „ EVERY WEDNESDAY. »*h tor ru!P°'vrered Iron Steamships. Accommo- uni'l",S"utirj C(iu:i! to any Kui opean Line. Pi3- Ito.jl'e Pen, J.? '?Ulled at Philadelphia .on the Wharf i f(JUte V'illu Iiailr°ad- This ij the shortest aud pPly to r ha V"i3t- L4t?r-8trePt ,;fAK"fi0!r' Srssoa, and Co., 17 and 19, re., eet, Livcrpovl; JoNEs BROS. and Co., Buto b.s"a JAMSS ATRK, 16. Bute-road, Cardiff; Jif^'&trBBt ^°-» Uock-street, Newport; iloyEa J ONUS, r,, "T'zT., aud Co., Abertillery; -E7 ncoed, via O-rdifx. tiOOOi Postal DELIVERY or THB Aa WALES DAILY NEWSJ 0?n°«ncI!titor9 o{ the SoDTH WAI.ES DAILT NETS be* tioh 0ritic« t h b-v a sPecial concession of the Postal W m„ are tnabied to despatch their First Edi- 3 4.-rilln= b-v the Mails leaving Cardifi at 2.30 ^tits of a" £ a* Country Subscribers residing within GLA MORGANSHIRE. CARMAETHENSHIKB, tE MBROKESHIRE, ..CARDIGANSHIRE. P°rtl°ns ot BRECONSHIRE and HON- So/^nev v n comPr'seJ T-iiliin the Tredegar and Sair^Wxi* ?*v i'ostal Districts, may now na^e th« iby »I. J8 DAILY NKWS delivered at their residences « £ '«tters 811116 P°3' as that which conveys their Loo» In Si Ml f°rward°HD Editiok ot the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS tin, otW PrePail-1. to residents of the following and St°l?'»rthPlace3 the Cardiff Postal; District in b. ^ari. ^st morning delivery:— eSully Micliaelstone-le-Vedw tj Courtyralla Castletown b Dinas Powis Marshfield j>°1vil8.'aa Cadoxton Penarth if^to^8 Barry Llandough Caerphilly Lis vane Jj*lyr Bed was Llanishen Xj^ajntr,^ Ystrad Mynach Whitchurch Pwllypant Taff's Well j.^yroi StMellons Tongwynlaia ^drewa Cefa Mzblf Walnut Tree Bridg# on ^est ot England subscribers receiTe thdf wternoon of publication. p0F SUBSCRIPTION. »4x £ TI; PosT"FaE2 .099 0 omcE^ IW ° ^Mary-street, Cardiff 1>V>t,Hise s; ^O^TANT TO MEN: J B^SEa Q-cic?nce' Free b-v Post> iu Envelope. Sffigs PBOULIAB TO MEN lh9n;.cQns^^ I0NAL or ACQUIRED: On the })*cint51I5at'y Oi^?Ces' ant* Treatment of all Diseases of ^Sts ns' tor which Mercury and other per- It i» ?,n<1 conat1*Uf?d' *? tlle destruction of the patient's ot Tj: the BOnc- by English Phvsicians. °f Men P0sitiv;e REMEDIES for the Cure SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London 3250 tilt PIZV. JOHN SHEWARD, of jefyeg » Kent, writes, October 29th, 1878 :—•* My in 'e3> anrli 80 scattered that I dreaded the simplest °l th» aH energy and pleasure in the perform. The despondency I endured became 1 K in ,_earable. Since taking COBDEK'S PILLS the ton Wy,uealtl1 for the better is very marked. atroni,B horrible depression, my nerves ar» fei- v«d T HZ' a°d mJr general health very greatly r'6m^,nn,0t how truly thankful I feel AND Dleasing change. COBDBK'S ^nfe^orovu v?tS.Pr?RU3 Pu,LS K've strength, energy, r«T^ y 40 constitutions in any way 2s la Neuralga—Ask for "COBDBN'S wil]~.f"? <s_ 6d, and hare no others. Any faw sent » T,em t^ey are not in stock, or they ^o»rt ^vinoA C *\ee on receipt of 33or 64 stamps J. -Si. Brig-1, °y the Sussex Drug Co., 135, Queen s- ^J^isinaa iV Agents—S. J. Proctor, Penarth, and 0177 Bute-street, Cardiff. 7967—4861* WOODCOCK'S WIND PILLS *01, TESTIMONIAL. D -War.* Manchester, June 13,1877. Sir.^r l Wo«dcoeV, horwich Ration tr^.Ve.. oun(1 Tour Pills an excellent pre- in v Constipation and Flatulency so tK^es o».- .?exes- possess great ad- tli« °tber Pills. Theirs uniformity in C?1'/ 0f th.iSm*J1,?8w °' ^e dose, and the cer- Wi° reQuiro action, commend them to those th. 'n the Tonic to assist digestion, relieve h. Uver ,„J lcl,i exert a special influence on remit' t'le peristaltic motion of the tt>Ji Asaimii'1^ tiom Chronic Indigestion and ktor»**>1ed more my experience in efflE?1>ill'y extends, the more their th* fou0(j appear, and. many households H»^ProBaoti^ £ nend in your prepanCtion for taS^e healthy digestion. Their Ik 'aithf^nl all that could be wished for.M *» 4|j *oxufly yours, M*1bJ y. | M~~ARGARET ROBERTS, Deceased.— Pursuant to an Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter 35, An Act to further amend the laws of property and t > re leve Trustees." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all persons being Creditors of, or otherwise htvin, any CLAIMS upon or against the Estate of MAP.GAUI'.T ROBER iS, late of 12, South William-street, Cardin, in the county of Giamor- g-an, wiúow, deceased, who died on the Ninth day of February, 1880, intestate, and letters of administration oi whose personal estate and efiects were on the Tenth dvy of March,' 1380, granted by the District Registry at Llandart, of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice, to MAllY JANE MAORI (wife of Andrew Macri of Brighton Villa. Upper Geenre-street, Cathays, Cardiff aforesaid, are required on or before the Twenty-seventh day of April, 16;0, to send to the said Mary Jane Maori the particulars of their CLAIMS upon or against the said estate. And that at the expiration of such time the ad- ministratrix wiil distribute the whole of the assets of the said iiitestate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the CLADIS of which she shall then have notice. Dated this 30th dav of March, 1S80. G. COTTRILL DOWNING, Vienna Chambers, Bute Docks, CerdiiT, 461:9 Solicitor for the Administratrix. (MKrtftau. CARDIFF. A D I E S' S C H 0 OL, -EU 13, COLDSTREAM-tERRACE. CONDUCTED BY MISS THOMAS. The NEXT QUARTER will COMMENCE THURSDAY, APRIL 1st.—Terms on application^ 520 ADAMSDOWN HOUSE, PARK- A PLACE, CARDIFF. Mrs BRUFORD'S NEXT TSRM will COMMENCE TUESDAY, APRIL 13th. The pupils of the Kinuer- Garteu will assemble the same day at nine o'cio k. 40000 1% /ITIDDLE CLASS SCHOOL FOli BUYS i.VJL AND GIRLS. WOLVERLEY-FLACE. SE YE ItN-ROAD, CANTON. Principal—REV A. WILLIAMS (Twenty Years' Experience). A thoroughly gooii piain Engiisli Education. A Firat-ciass Preparatory Department. Terms on application. t9,Qf) .IIdØJiI." 4!NI rmt' COWBRIDGE. THREAT HOUSE, COWBRIDGE.— C, EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT for YOUNG LADIES. Principals-2rlrs and ths Misses CULVEll- W l-^LL, A, A. Pupils prepared for Oxford, Cambridge, and other Local Examinations. Referees, Parents of Pupils. 43034—78U3 The Next Term will (D.V.) Commence, April 16th, ISSO SWANSEA. A RNOLD COLLEGE, WOODLANDS. PRINCIPAL: REV. E' WILLIAMS. M.A., B.D. NEXT QUARTER will begin on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th. 40094 FYNONE SCHOOL, CONSJITUTIO-N- HILL, SWANSEA. Head Master Mr EMERY. Second Master Mr GEORGE EMERY, B.A., Lond., Late one of the Senior Assistant-Masters at Mill Hill. Preparation for the Public Schools and Universities and for the Professional Examinations. There is a class Reading for the Matriculation Exami- nation of the University of London. fuWiaiim JUST PUBLISHED, "NEW EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS. Twentv-eighth Thousand, p:jce Is 6:1., post free Is Sd. REVELATIONS OF QUACKS AND _S!\) QUACKERY. — By DETECTOR," reprinted from the Medical Circular. A regular Quack Directory, by consulting which every young man may know where he may go if he wishes to get plundered and destroyed." Buy, therefore, Revelations of Quacks and Quaek''ry,' by Detector."—Punch. London BAILLIERE & CO., King William-street, I' Strand. 46i21 RON.-AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY JL JOURNAL of Science, Metals, and Manufactures in IRON and STEEL, Established in the year 1823as the "Mechanic's Magazine." Conducted by PEIIRT F. NTRSR", C.E. Published every Friday, for circulation in the United Kingdom, and on thin paper (under 4 oz.), for forward- ing to iJi parts of the world. CONTENTS." No. 377. 2KD APRIL, 1880. The New Gatling Gun. i The Jabloehkoff Electric Light. Our Trade Summary. Deep Boring for Suit. French Distilling Appliances—Illustrated, Tae Production of Martin Steel Raila from Worn-out Iron Rails. Occasional Notes. Steam Road Rolling. 3 Boiler Explosions in 1S79—Illustrated. Illustrated Scientific Literature. Science and Art. Metallurgy and Mining. Sanitary Engineering, Gas, and Water. Railways and Tramways. Electricity and Telegraphy. Naval Architecture Arms, Armour, and ExDlosives. Iron and Coal Trades Reports, based on B^ecial correspondence from the Provinces, the Colonies, and Abroad, with London and Birmingham Prices of Metals and manufactured goods, Notes en Current Topics, Scientific News of the Week, New Companies, Factory and Foreign Notes, American and other Gleanings,Patents, Launches. ——— PRICE SIXPENCE. Published Every Friday at 161, Fleet-street, London E.C. 43656 IL- 1 FFLML VISITORS TO LONDON. Mr EDWARD JENKINS begs to inform Visitors and others coming to London that he has Opened a PRIVATE BOARDING-HOUSE at GWALIA HOUSE, 9, UPPER WOBURN-PLACE, Tavistock-sq uare. Where they can obtain all home comforts at a .very reasonable tariff. The situation is central, and within two minutes' walk from Euston Station, and ten minutes from Paddington, by the Underground Railway to Gower-street. Terms and references on application. nT CARTREF ODDICARTREF 45517 VISITORS TO LONDON.—DANIEL'S v PRIVATE HOTEL (late Roberts), 27, Thavies Ian, Holborn Circus, E.C., established over forty years. The most central and convenient position im the Metropolis. Much patronised by Welsh visitors. Home comforts. Moderate tariff. Night porter in attendance. 45511 NDEAN'S "SWAN" COMAFWRE/ITAJY JLSO FAMILY HOTEL, 6 i BROAD STREET, BRISTOL, OBJJBLIBT DAILY, la 6d. 44274 WM. PARSLEY. Proprietor* THE GUILDHALL HOTEL, JL BBOAD STREET, BRISTQL. One of the old-fashioned Commercial Hotels; eeatnl, tery clean and comfortable, every attention. BEST WINES, SPIRITS, AND BE2EB& Moderate Charges. Managers-Ifr and Mrs CARTER, (Lata of the Globe Hotel, Exeter). <3731 I^ELLAR'S CORN PLASTERS.—Boxai JLF Is ljd and 2s Gd each. The Com Plasters are a certain cure for hard or soft corns; they completely dry up and eradicate painful corns: the Bunion Plasters a proved remedy for bunions and enlarged toe joints. Sold by all Chemists, Be careful Dollar's Plasters are supplied. RACROFRB AREOA NUT TOOTH C PASTE. By using this delicious Aromatic Dentri. frioo, the enamel of the toeth becomes white, sound. and polished like bory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful for removing incrustations of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by ail Chemists.—Pots Is 2s 6d each. (Get Cracroff s.) EAFNESS, Noises in the Ears, etc.— Cellar's ESSENCE FOR DEAFNESS has proved an extmordinary remedy. It always relieves, generally cures, and is strongly recommended by thousands who: have derived benefit. It is quite harmless.—Sold in Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d each by aU Chemists. OCKYEIVS SULPHUR HAIR I 4 RESTORER. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR N J RESTORER will darken Grey Bair/andin a few days restore completely the natural colour. The effect is superior to that producer by an nsttaneous dye, and the Sulphur Restorer does not iniure the skin.- Sold in large Bottles, Is 6d each. by all Chemists and Hair- dressers. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIRf. JLJ RESTORER, while keeping the Hair, in its proper colour, is useful for removing scurf, no other application being necessary to encourage the growth of new Hair.' Lockyer's Restorer has powerful, cleansing properties, rendering it a desirable Hair Fluid.—Large Bottles, Is 6d. T OCKYER'SSULPHURHAIR .t J RESTORER will darken to the former shade hair that is absolutely white in about 10 days; but where greyness is commencing at the front and temples the Sulphur Wash promptly colours, rendering it undistin- ruiahable from that which has not changed L»TCa Bottles, Is 6d each. 3681- TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL AND STEEIS PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregui laritles and relieye the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes Is lid and 2s 9d, of all hemists.1 tel!! &DJ"Whpre .!p of It&InpI. l tGo Maker.. PT the M.k SOUTH WALES MUSICAL: REPOSITORY, 9, WIND STREET, SWANSEA, J-. IVTRADER & SOY43* it-lo SPECIAL NEW MODEL PIANOFORTES IN ELEGANT ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, AND THE FASHIONABLE EBONIZED & GOLD MOUNTINGS, By MESSRS. COLLARD & COLLARD, ERARD, KIRKMAN, BROADWOOD, NEUMEYER, BORD, &c., &c. The acknowledged superior tone of these Instruments is due to a thorough revision of the string scale, sounding board, greater solidity of construction, and more elective mechanism. An inspection is respectfully solicited, as no such excep- tional adyantr.jres to Cash Purchasers have ever been offered in the Principality, ALSO ON THE THREE YEA US' SYSTEM, From Two Guineas per tvutrler. 40075 ■ "Q3JLY THE BEST,I QASAWAY & QO., SEEDS for KITCHEN GARDEN, FLOWER GiKDESi, GREENHOUSE, and FARM. GARAWAY & Co\s SEEDS ARE THE BEST. AU Orders over 20s Carriatro Paid. Five per Ceat. Discount for Cash. "The Clifton" Collections, 2is, 42s, and 63s, contain the necessary Vegetable'Seeds for the I ear's Supply." Priced Catalogues Post Free, J AS. Q.ARAWAY & QO., D U R D H A M DOWN NURSERIES, CLIFTON. BRISTOL. 3476 "DECKITT'S PARIS LUE. W Used in the PRINCE Of WALES's LAUNDIIV. RECKÙ'T'S- PAIIIS BLUE. Used in the DUCHESS OF KDISBUHGH'S LAT-XDRT. RECKITT'S^PAPv] S BLUE. _\1 Is used by the poorest OIl account of its cheapness. 45C3 And by the richo<st on account of its Beauty.' lipNSONS, WATCHES & CLOCKS. WATCKMAXICR AND JEWELLER, By iSpeeia! Warrant, TQ HER MAJESTY THE OUCFN, „ n _T aU(1 t>v Special Appointments to II.E.,II. THE PRINCE uF WALES. a,^T1^1-'1- THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. PRIZE MEDALS—LONDON, DUBLIN, aud PARIS. ,ita_ BENSON'S WATCHES GOLD AND SILVER Of every description suit- JEWELLERY. able for all climates, from etoSSgf" ra» Chronometers, Brrteelefs Broaches. Ke^lets Levers, Earrings, Locket?, PresentatiOn, Neckiaceo, Chains, Repeaters, So'dier3* King?, Studs, Railway Guards, and Pins, Crosses, Etc, uorkniens Watches of Also in Diamonds and Precious Stones. liENkON S "Workman's" Eng'isn Lever, as above v £ 5 5s. (Warranted.) BENSON S "Everybody's" Silver Watch, Crystal Glass as aboye. £3 3s. (Warranted.) B E N S 0 N'S ™ BLOCKS SILVER AND ELECTRO- Of all kinds at 1 to 1,000 PLATE Guineas. For Presentation, etc. Church Turret, Dinner Services, Carnage, Chime, Tea and Breakfast Services Guineas. For Presentation, etc. Church Turret, Dinner Services, Carnage, Chime, Tea and Breakfast Services Dining and Drawing-room, Cruets, Bas Itets, Hall, Shop, Inkstands, Claret Jugs, Lihrury, Bracket, etc. Spoons, Forks, etc. BENSON'S new Pamphlet of Watches, the most com. prehensive in the World, giving prices and illustrations of every kind. Just published, 2 stamps. BENSON'S new Pamphlet of Clocks, the largest yet published, with designs and prices. Free, 2 stamps. BENSON'S new Pamphlet of Jewellery, illustrated, two stamps. BFKSON'S new Pamphlet of Silver and Electro-pla.te, il'u-trated, 2 stamps. BENSON'S new Pamphlet of Turret Clocks, illustrated, 2 stamps. Watches sent free and safe by post. Watcher, Clocks, Jewellery, and Plato repaired by skilled workmen. Plate, Jewellery, and Watches ex. changed. Clubs, Merchants, and Shippers supplied. Steam Factory and City Showrooms- West-find Establishment— LUDGATE HILL; I 25, OLD BOND STREET, LONDON <4739 KSTABHSIIBD 1749. 8170 10. 11 & 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. G. A.1Ttone' UNDERTAKER, HEARSE AND MOURNING COACH PROPRIETOR. OSTRICH PLUME AND GENERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, and every requisite for Funeral Furnishing. 7 d-I EOP,.GFS PILE AND GRAVEL PMLS kX are now recognised by all as being the best Medl- eine yet discoverod for PILE and GRAVEL, as well as for the following pains, which, in 99 cam out of every 100, are caused by these painful maladies Pain in the Back. Flatulency, Griping, Colfo, a BeMe of Weight in tha Back and Loins, Parting Pains in the region of the Heart, Liver, and Kidneys; Consti- pation, Pains in the Thighs, sometimes thooting down to the calf of the Leg and Foot; Suppression and Retention of. .Urine; Pains in the Stomach, and all Liver Complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Pigg," and .many many who have been pronouncod hopeless have been thoroughly restored to health by their use. One ^Box will convince the meet sceptical of their efficacy. In order to suit all who may be suffering from ONE W BOTH of these Maladies, the Proprietor prepares this Vegetable Remedy in thirfollowing form:- NO. lr—GEORGF.'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS.. NO. 2.—GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. NO. 3—GEORGE'S PILLS FOR THE PILES. Important Testimonials from Doctors, Chemists, and Invalids, from all parts of the coudtry, will be forwarded to any address on receipt of a stamped envelope. Sold in Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d, by all respectable Chemists. By Post, Is 4d, and 3s in Postage Stamps. Every box is protected by the Government Stamp. None*.—The Title PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS," & Copyright, and entered at Stationers' Hall Proprietor—J. E, GEttRGE, M.R.P.S., Hirwaln, Gla- morgan. May be had Wholesale from most Patent Medicine Warehouses in Loudoo, Bristol, Liverpool, and Man- eheetet. 48TO 8263 "F OR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXXTJRE rHE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, lor cleansing and clearing the Blood from all impurities, cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of aB kiadg, it Is a never-failing and permanent cure. t cures Old Sor6S. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck, Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackhcads or Pimples on tha Facet Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings 1 Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter. _*?r0miW* ^er ,caus« arising. fr^roml^ fe" taste, and warranted rtUutioTorenher s'ex th«OUS *° •the most delicate con- give ^ta t° iaTt^test^'ta^TUt^C^n(Xho^i^ nials from all parts). (Thousands of Testimo- CURE OF A BAD LEG. "Si*,—I have my numerous customers for your justly-celebrated • Blood-Mixture,' You are^fib^rt^1^^ **To Mr F. J. Clarke." «« E. I^OOTH, Chemist .< *'s. Liverpool-terrace, Crewe, loth June, 1876. Mr BOOTH, DEA* SIR,—I have for a loie time suffered with a bad leg—the inflammation extending from the knee to the toea—which was rapidly break ing up my constitution. I was off work eighteen weeks, and tried several of the most largely adver. tised remedies, and got worse under their influence As a last resort I obtained from you a small bottle of Clarke's Blood Mixture,' and experienced so much relief from it that I persevered, and seven (7) small bottles cured me; I have recommended it to several of my friends, who are now improving rapidly under its use.—Yours truly, Hwntr DAVTES, Engine-fitter, Crewe Works." Sold In Bottles, 2s 6d each, and in Cases, containing 8Ix times the quantity, lis eaoh-sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases—by all OHEMISTS and PATENT MEDTCINE VEN- PORS throughout the World, and sent on receipt of 80 or PORS throughout the Werld, and sent on receipt of SO or L 192 $UMPO by jp. fl. CLARKE, EBEMJST, AMVMWieqp GENTLEMEN'S I"ERCERY ESTABLISHMENT, 30, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. MR. E. ROBERTS Begs to call the attention of the Gentlemen of Cardiff and the neighbourhood, to his Stock of CRICKETING REQUISITES. CLUBS SUPPLIED AT MARKER'S (LILLYWHITE) PRICES. GENTLEMEN'S MERCERY (SUPERIOR CLASS) AT MODERATE PRICES. 46091 LINCOLN & BENNETFS, &, CHRISTY'S HATS. ¡' jpUBLIC NOTICE OF REMOVAL. JL WE BEG TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT HAVING LEFT THE PREMISES, 1C, HIGH-STREET, WE SHALL CARRY ON CUP. BUSINESS OF TAILORS, UimCERS, AND HATTERS, AT NO. 12, HIGH-STREET, WHERE WE HOPE TO RECEIVE THE CONTINUED SUP- rout OF OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. pAIRY AND BAKER, -g 6> HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. JL Ay, 41610 JgRYANT, POWIS AND BRYANT, WOOD BROKERS, LEADEN HALL HOUSE, 101, LEADENHALL-STREET, E.C, v npHOMPSON AND gHACKELL -E.. QUEEN'S BUILDINGS aud ) /PtAJiDIFF. 61, ST. MARY-STi! EET, j T II R E EYE Å R S' SYSTEM FOR PIANOS BY BROADWOOD, COLLARD. AND ERARD. ryiHOMPSON AND gHACKELL W, HIGH-STREET, gWANSEA. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM FOR PIANOS BY KIRKMAN, HOPKIHSON, AND AltM LEADING MAKERS. SON AND gHACKELL, 111 & 112, COMMERCIAL STREET, N EWPORT, THREE YEARS' SYSTEM FOR PIANOS IN BLACK AND GOLD, OF TEN NEWEST DESIGNS. rpHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, Ja- k9 TREDEGAR HOUSE, fjpENBY. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM TOIL ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, AND PIAN03 From 10s per month. THOMPSON and SHACKELI. can with confidence recommend their new Prize Model Piano, as selected by the Cardiff Infirmary Prize Drawing Committee. This j instrument, being manufactured by newly- improved I machinery, is sold at least 20 per cent. below similar Pianos by other makers, while the finish throughout is unsurpassed. In handsome Walnut with richly-carved legs, Bath desk, gilt candelabra, extra strong iron bolts and bracings, ivory fronted keys, and best ao- tion work. The touch and tone of these instruments is pronounced by ali competent judges to embrace all the essential requirements of a good Piano. Price on Three Years' System, L3 3s per quarter. Drawings free oa application. THOMPSON and SHACKELL'S New Price List of Pianos, Organs, Harmoniums, and other Musical lnstru- 8aente, in handsons^ly-iliuminftted cover, sent by post to obj addrc*. TVTESSRS W. H. SMITH and SON J-VJL delivertlie SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS at an early hour each Morning in all parts of the follow, ing towns CARDIFF SWANSEA NEWPORT ROATH MERTIIYR PORTSKEWETT CANTON ABKSDAUE PONTYPOOL ROAD BUTE DOCKS HEREFORD PEMBROKE DOCK BRIDGEND NEW MILFORD HAVERFORDWEST NEATH BRISTOL GLOUCESTER LLANELLY TENBY ABERYSTWITH LAMPETER CARMARTHEN ABERGAVENNY. The CARDIFF TIMES also delivered every Friday to any address in the above-named Towns. ORDERS to be sent to the Manager, of the various Bookstalls. I Trade Mark. ("Mandrake Pills.") Registered. B_B OW ARE YOU?—If you sutler from Bilious and Liver Complaints, Giddiness, Paini in the Head, Pains in the Back and between tht Shoulders, Griping Pains in the Bowels, Wind, and Swelling of the Abdomen, take THE AMERICAN MANDRAKE PILLS. INDIGESTION and all its train of discomforts are removed as if by magic, and the Patient is restored from a life of nervous despondency to appreciate the blessings of full health and vigour. If you suffer from PILES, Take the American Mandrake Pills. If you suffer from GRAVEL, M* ra e Take the American Mandrake Pills If yon suffer from DROPSY, or any Disease of the KIDNEYS, Take the American Mandrake Pills. You will not be disappointed, for their effect is certain. Sold in Boxes, Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and Us each. Great saving by taking the larger boxes. Sold bv all Chemisti everywl)ere.-P. P. KEALL, Chemist, 199; High-streot. Swansea. Free by Post bv the Proprietor Sold at Roath by Mr Robb Cardiff, Messra COIKWIM and Co.; Newport, Mr J. Young; Neath Mr mil Llanellv, Mr Jacob Hughes Pontypridd, Mr Bassett' Card igan, Mr E. 0. Evans; London, Messrs F Newberi and 8076—19050 J THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER R. THOMPSONS' BURDOCK PILLS over- JL comethe worst formj of diseases, and the foulest state »f the blood, stomach, Liver, and kidneys; they so to th« core of every disease, where no other med&taes have power to rea6h. naTB The GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER cures the fallmrf™ complaints Indigestion or wind in the stomach^ bowels, giddiness in the head, dimness of siirht w..v or sore eyes loss of memory, palpitation of the' heart liver, and bilious obstructions, asthma, or ttehtnesnhi the chest, rheumatics, lumbago, piles, gravel nam? in the back, scurvy, bad ie?s, bod breast, sore throat BO™ heads, and sores of all descriptions, burns, wounds white swellings, scrofula, or king's evil, eatheriksr* tumours or cancers, pimples and blotches on the faceInrl body, swelled feet or legs, scabs and itch, erympeUt jaundice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kinds. In boxes at Is ljd and 2s 9d each, sold bv mmt Chemists, or from the Burdock Pill Manufacture d Oxford-street. Swansea. "acuMy, «,













