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Ir RES H JJUTTER twice weekly from Llanboidy, in pounds, BEST SALT J5utter 'educed from Is Id to lOd, to clear heavy stocks on hand, ^wiscon-i :er:ibly below the average of present I'^ice, and should be appreciated by an in- %eut public. Q- E O R G E HOPKINS JLJL AMERICAN MARKET. HAYES, CARDIFF. 34372 J °B N Q pBTERS, Sl* QUAY PARADE, AND 2°8. HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA, OFFERS DAILY FOR SALE ^IND-QUARTERS BEEF, at 8d per lb. J;0RE do <!o at 7d i er lb. ARCASES MUTTON, at 9d per lb. ROASTING BEEF (Ribs and Sirloins), 9,Ipcrlb. £ Hl&{> JOINTS, BEEF, from 5d to 8d per lb. ]puS & LOINS, MUTTON, %d per lb. & NECKS, Ditto, 9d per lb. BREASTS, Ditto. 8d per lb. ORKj from 6J to 7 id per lb. SAUSAGES, 6 £ d per lb, or 6s per dozen. EST BEEF STEAK, 9d per lb. MtJTTON CHOPS, lOd per lb. Tenns-Casi at time of Purchase. 40" 59 u IL AN C H 0 It. V AN S. GOODS REMOVED, by Road or Kail, EFFICIENTLY, EXPEDITIOUSLY, ECONOMICALLY* *185-. -m ?00 D B R 0 S., ». EST CANAL WHARF. CARDIFF. «82« ",rd}t1'.i¡¡¡J ttl)UCø. Jsete-Lzt: WT' Y- EDWARDS V T CARDIFF and NEW YORK STEAMSHIP LD E: '1'1, 'cias* Steamers of this Line will sail as fol- „ FROM CARDIFF TO NEW YORK. • 2.300 tons.SATURDAY, Mar. 1. 1NDDA," a,000 tons.. SATURDAY, Mar 2'' •UiEUBINA," 2,500 tons To follow. FROM NEW YOivK TO CARDIFF. "KHIWINDDA," 3,000 tons.. -SATURDAY, Mar 1 KHEOLA," 2,300 tons SATURDAY. Mar. 11 "RHEUIiLNA," 2.500 tons To follow. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING for all classes of GOODS and PARCELS to and from the inland towns in England, and places in the WESTERN STATES of and CANADA, including CHICAGO, St LOUIS, MILWAUKEE, St PAUL'S, TOLEDO, BUF- FALO, DETROIT, TORONTO, &c, &c, in conjunction Sfh the Erie, Great Western of Canada, Lake Shore, and icing". i> Southern Railway Companies. W. Y EDWARDS, Cardiff and Newport; TUUNER, EDWARDS,AND CO., 13ristol; 84603 "ABOLLEV, 51, Soutii-street New lork. 582. gT 8TEAM BETWEEN „ (CARDIFF, SWANSEA. yy BELFAST, GREENOCK, & GLASGOW, *° a1' Daru ,!» <? ,for Goods to the-Noi th of Ireland, and The^l ot Scotland Steam-ships AVON, Capt in Fry; AILSA, AiJv^ SEVERN, Captain Mills and PRIN- ^°sail»iti'^< Captain Iluckman are intended »«ist 1 r*8 aiM* Passengers, with liberty to tow ••follow ,Vesselg (unless prevented by cirumstances), 5um,' month of FEBRUARY °« EAST BUTE DOCK BASIN, <\Aijt iT?r CARDIFF: 1 Sat^nW T0 BELFAST AND GLASGOW. ^turdav 8 P-m- 13 Thursday 6 a.m ,5 P-m. 22 Saturday 5 p.m. .• Tuesda* 0iI BELFAST TO CARDIFF. Tuegdav P-'n. 18 Tuesday 8 p.m. Gl Aar./vnV». 2 P,m. 25 Tuesday 2 p.m. ,8 Mon,Ja^ G0W 10 CARDIFF VIA BELFAST. *'on.lav 2 p.m. 17 Monday 2 p.m FPIW'XT V 2 t>-In- 24 Monday 2 p.m u No. 1 SHED, SOUTH DOCK, sv v-v,. SWANSEA: 6 W.V T0 BELFAST AND GLASGOW 12 19 Wednesday 3 p.m av 7 p;m. 26 Wednesday 7 p.m. » Fri,v BELFAST TO SWANSEA. l''ri<iav •• 1 P-m. 21 Friday. I p.m » (;i i(if,n,„•• 4 P-m. 28 Friday .3 p.m. 'Urn™.?,. T0 SWANSEA, TIA BELFAST *3 Tl,u,.„, •• 2 P.m. | 20 Thursday 2 p.m ^0,'d3 arJ P-m. 27 Thursday 2 p.m. ^vtrtTLre be alongside ONE HOUR before I PabjIT ;,1Ine of soling. or-ii. ^h'n, 17s 6d Deck, 10s. Green or», 1^K0W n> 20s; Deck, 12a 6d Soldiers or ltcturn T' k tø °1e ^J^ete issued at Fare-and-a-half, available for A. "'on t ^am "J -Q1,as^ow t0 William Sloan & Co.: Greenock, to •Oa u Liuidroy & C». Belfast, to Robert Hender- to Son; Bristol, to Mark Whitwill and Son Swan- Jones. & Brother; Newport, to R. Burton n, and III Cardiff to SkCarniK BAYLOR & CO., 83, Bute-street, Docks. February, 1879. ai648 WHITE STAR LINE «88LrfS~ll.-«» ROYAL & UNITED STATES HA IL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL" f gron« Passengers to all parts of the UniJ Thcs\ we!l-kuov. n magnificent steamers are »» sail weekly as under, carrying Her Majesty', th« waitfc*' 5'tates mails;— Britannic Thursday, Feb. 20 Republic Tuesday. Feb. 25 Germanic.. Thursday. Mar. 6 Adriatic Tuesday, Mar. 11 »„ rrom QUEENSTOWN next aay. c*> eonstnicted in seven water-tight compartments. Jfatre passage 8i days in summer, 9| dnysin winter. These spendid vessels combine the highest speed • to.' orti and are unsurpassed in their attractions to and State-rooms amidships, l™ouslj v "Hilied. Piai os, libraries, eleciio ells, bath-roon s, T nhop, &c. Ye, ;u-crages are unusually sp-cious, well-hghtea, fe- and warmed, and Passengers of this class m tl the utmost civility and attention. Stewardesses "Ii the women and children. I,!J to BARNES, GUTHRIE, and CO., Bute Docks, r to F. LOVETT, Windsor Hotel, Penarth, near Jfc*1; GEaBEVAN, Swansea; EDWARD PHILLITS, »tr'L'y Hi'l, Ebbw Vale; John Cppeland, 124. High- it 0n 'rt!iyr; Messrs Harse and Brown, Newport, CohAop and Son, Brynmawr; James S '•H TiTdon-ar or to 1SMAY, 1MRIE, and Co., 10, Water-street, Liverpool, an* 34, Leadenhall-street, London CUNARDL^EYAL mail LIYERPOOL TO LINE. LIYERPOOL TO JiSW YORK AND BOSTON ^RY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. ^Y1'8 ^mpany has been established for Forty Years, jj is noted for its safety and comfort for all classes of "^n-ers. to D. and C. MACIVER, Liverpool. 19 AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, j,. EVERY WEDNESDAY. ..J,iflt-Clus, full-powered Iron Steamships. Accoinmo- lOll fllJr passengere equal to any European Line. Pas- and goods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf foe Pennsylvania Railroad. This w the shortest and -qt routo to the West. wApp]y to RicHAKDsoy, SPENCB, and Co., IT and 19, JjWer-Btreet, Liverpool: JONES Baos. aud Co, Bute V°<*s, Cardiff; Jambs AVHR, 102, Bute-road, Cardiff; tf* Bros and Co., Dock-street, Newport; ROQBB JONBS, nth-irtreet, Pontypridd; TILNBY and Co., Abertillery. 80003 ALLAN LINE. «HORT*ST OCBAN passAax TO A.MERICA. HALIFAX, CANADIAN, AND UNITED STATES MAIL. Composed of Twenty First-class Steamers. LIVERPOOL every THURSDAY, and LONDON- every FRIDAY, for HALIFAi, PORTLAND, and BALTIJIORE. Through Tickets to NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, and to al) åIolnte in Canada and the St^te?. Low Fares and excellent Accommodation. Passengers who secure their Tickets before leaving me are met at the Railway Station by an appointed A'" ent of the Company, who takes .charge of them until 0!Q8, CO on board the steamer. The Canadian Governnrtent grants Assisted Passasres by Allan Line. Write for the Pamphlet Lord Duffcrin In Manitoba, Apply to Allan Brothers, and Co., Liverpool or London- •«ri-y; or to G. Bird, 46, Bute-street. Cardiff; T. J. 1!1!e. 7, Temple-street, Swansea F. Foley. Foley's Hotel, rf*^th D. S. Thortiao, British Schools, Llandovery W. plton Loeke, 10, Oreat Dock-street, and John Young, Jfew Packet Wharf, Newport, Mon. j920_ ( THOUSANDS ean testify that the EUROPA INFANTS' P0W Ivr n ^-t DERS' are safer and more active -W J' .A «N I o than any yet introduced. For all diseases of Children they are invalu- able—They are free from OPIUM or C>OWDERS anything injurious to the yoUngesi babe. Paokets, IS lid. by all 6o«a_ OQI 07 Chemists, or from the Maker, B. A. PO WDER8 anything injurious to the yoUngesi babe. Paokets, IS lid. by all 6o«a_ OQI 07 Chemists, or from the Maker, B. A. GEOUQE, Pentre, Pontypridd. KO PERSON SHOULD BE WITHOUT s Drs Bruce and Trail's Catalogues of Bosks and Articles, 70 pages. Post free 2 stamps. Vain- | J-J* Recipes from Is to 10B each.— H. Knight. Dein-strea^ "Kxiur. and J. Harria. Swan Garden* WoiveibmiAos. SWANSEA. SWANSEA. 32, HIGH-STREET, W & SWANSEA. « AMERICAN FRESH BEEF, 4d to Sd per lb. AMERICAN FRESH MUTTON, Bdto M per lb. CHEESE, 3d to 6d BUTT ER, Finest Mild-cured Canadian HAMS^, 15A.VJON, 6d per lb. American HAMS, 6d per lb. BACON, 4d to 5d per lb. R. STEWART & CO, PROPRIETORS. 7217 40298 AUCTION^APPOIN TMENTS Messrs BEYNON & HUGHES. lg & 10 Household Furniture, at Swansea • 21 Husehold Furniture, at Swansea Feb. 27 Household Furniture, &c., at Swansea March 4 Horses, Carriages. Harness, &c., at bwansea Mr T. H. DA VIES. j,e^_ jg Semi-detaehed Residences, at Swansea. Feb. 19 Househoid Furniture, at Swansea Mr G. K. EDWARDS. 19 Fancy Goods, Ironmongery, &c.. at renby MR. F. G. GOUGII. Feb 18 Hate],at Llaneliy • •-VA-i,™ e Messrs GUNN and JONES. bookseller's Stock, Fixtures, &c. at Cardiff. • • 19 to 22 Messrs JOHN F. HARVEY and CO. Wit es and Spirits, at Swansea Feb. 21st Messrs W. & S. HERN. Semi-detached Villa, at Cardiff 20 Mr EDWARD HOWARD. „ nth Wreck, Materials, &c., at Sw lisea ■. •• •••• Messrs R. JONES and SON. Cattle, Horses, Crops. &c, at Bridgend, -ten. Mr J. M. LEEDER. Household Furniture and Effects, at Swansea. Feb. 17 Leasehold Residence, at Swansea.Feb,18 China, Glass, &c., at Swansea ieD- „a Household Furniture, at Swansea. Mr MADDOX Household Furniture, at Cardiff rcu" Me.srs MUNN & KENNARD. Miscellaneous Goods, at Cardiff Auction Rooms Feb 17 Messrs STEPHENSON, ALEXANDER & CO, Household Furniture and Books, at Cardiff Feb 20 Mr WM. THOMAS. Timber, &e, at Pembroke Dockyard. 'eD- M Messrs TRIBE, CLARKE, & CO. Freehold and Leasehold Properties, at Cardiff leD. Freehold Property, at Cardiff i?eD* Messrs W. H. WILLIAMS and CO. Stock of Chaudlmy, &e.. at Swansea. Feb. 17 :=- "OUlEVS CHAMBERS AUCTION MART, CROCK- HERBTOWN, CARDIFF. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- 1. DER & CO. will SELL by AUCTION, at the above rO.im3, on THURSDAY, February 20th, 1879, at two o'clock precisely, a quantity of modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE And Effects, consisting of dining and drawmg-room suitea, mahogany dining, and other tables, sundry couches, gilt pier glasses, a capital 3-stop Harmonium, in oak case, birch, half-tester, brass, and iron bedsteads, palliasses, feather and floclc bed3, baths, gas-fittings, mctal disheovers, scveral superior dinner services and breakfast ses, cut and engraved wille decanters, clarct and water jugs, champagne, port, sherry, hock, aud claret glasses, soda water glasses and tumblers, plain and star pattern. Also, a great varietv of BOOKS, Including the Popular EncJ"c!opæ<lia, nearly new (leaves ncut), bound III cloth, 14 vols. Practical Ma:1\zine illustrated, 2 vols. Pictorial History of Scotland, 82 vols. Universe Hanes Erytanuiaid a'r Cymry, 17 vols.; and other valuable Works. • There will be no reserve, as the whole must be abso- lutely cleared, to make room for further consignments. CARDIFF. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN ANGEL-STREET. "VFESSRS TRIBE, CLARKE, and CO. XTJL are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, by order of th Trustees of Colonel Graves, Deceased (tubject- to conditions to be produced), on THURSDAY, February 27th, at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, at Three for Four o'clock pm., all those extensive FREEHOLD PREMISES. No. 18, Angel-street, Cardiff, now in the occupation of Messrs Stranaghan and Stephens, Grocers and Provision Dealers, consisting of fronfr shop, warehouses, cellars, and appurtenances. n The above premises are let on lease for a term of 99 years from the 25th of December, 1845, at a yearly For further particulars application may be made to Messrs Surridge, Hunt, and Williams, Solicitors, 42, Lombard-street, London, and Romford, Essex; .0 Thomas M. Harvey, Esq., Solicitor, 6, Old Jewry, London or te the Auctioneers. 4, Crockherbtown, Cardiff, Feb. 5, 1879. 40482 SALE THIS DAY. BE A. BORG, A BANKRUPT, ADELAIDE-STREET, SW ANSEA. TO SHIPCHANDLERS, SHIPOWNERR AND OTHERS. MESSRS W. H. WILLIAMS AND co. have been inst.ucted by the Trustee to SELL by AUCTION, on the Premises, Adelaide-street, Swansea, on MONDAY, the 17th of February,1879, THE STOCK OF SHIPCHANDLERY, SHOP FIXTURES, & TRADE UTENSILS. Belonging to the Estate of A. Borg, a Bankrupt. The Stock consists of navy canvas, dwptnck side- lamps, chains, nails, brushes, preserved provisions, paints, oils, tar, cork fenders, buckets, and all the usual ironmongery and miscellaneous articles kept by the Trade The Lots may be viewed on the morning of Sale, which will commence punctually at 11 o'clock. There will be no reserve. Auctioneers' Offices, Albert Chambers, High-street, Cardiff, February 10, 1879. 7277 40527 TO WINE CONSUMERS. 76, SAINT MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. THE REMAINDER of the WINES and SPIRITS uusold at the sale of Saturday last will JL SPIRITS uusold at the sale of Saturday last will be offered to the public, by Private Contract, THIS DAY, at the Sale-ro ms as above, where samples may be tasted, and prices obtained. H, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. MR MADDOX has received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY NEXT, February 20th, 1879, at the above address, a quantity of modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Comprising walnut loo table, mahogany sideboard, chests of drawers, pier and swing glasses, feather beds, wash- stands and tables, nmhogany hair-seated and other chairs, quilts, lace curtains, pictures, writing-desk, work boxes, jewellers plate-glass counter, show-case, model ship, ironing rtove and other sundries. fnr been removed to the above premises securities for °ah^ 1 s.ale> ,beillg' several consignments of (A*° • No resene. Sale to commence at Two Auctioneer's Offices, 76, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, 40574 SALE THIS DAYT CARDIFF AUCTION ROOMS, CHURCH-STREET MESSS MUNN and KENNARD having received a MISCELLANEOUS ASSORTMENT OF GOODS from a person giving up business, will SELL the same by AUCTION, at their Rooms, as above, on MONDAY, February 17th, 1879. The lots comprise-couch 1.1 hair, ditto in cloth, easy I u ™,i«d table jripsv ditto, iron bedstead, commode, 1', Jal cturesinan'-ie, pianoforte, and a large Sale at Half-past Two. SALE OF SUPERIOR SEMI-DETACHED VILLA, KOWN AS FERNDALE OAKFIELD STREET, CARDIFF. A yrFSSRS W and S. HERN have been jM instructed to SELL by AUCTION, Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, on THURSDAY, the 20th day of February, 1879, at 0 30 p.m. precisely, all that superior SEMI-DETACHED VILLA RbblDENCE, known as Ferndale," situate and being No. field-street, ltoath, Cardiff, held under lease, datea 1st June, 1874, from Charles Henry Williams, Esq, for D9 years, from the 2nd day of February, 1873, at the appor- tioned yearly rent of six pounds seventeen shillings and nine pence, payable half yearly. The house contains entrance hall. 2 reception rooms, good domestic offices, 6 bed rooms, w.c., hot and cold balbi. and is fitted with VenetIan blinds and g-a8 fittings. The property will be sold subject to a mortgage of four hundred pounds and interest. Further particulars of the Auctioneers, at their offices, 15 and 10, Working-street, Cardiff, or of Meessre INGLEDEW, INCE, & VACHELL, 40524 7282 Solicitors, Cardiff. ASSEMBLY ROOMS. TENBY. IMPORTANT SALE OF FANCY GOODS, IRONMONGERY, FURNITURE, &0.,&c. MR G. K EDWARDS has been in- _structed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above rooms, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 19th day of February instant, a quantity of FANCY GOODS, IRONMONGERY; HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c., Ac. Credit—Three months, subject to conditions. Goods on view on morning of sale. The Auctioneer begs to call the attention of the public to the above sale, the goods being nearly all new, and of the most modern style. Tudor square. Tenby, 12th February, 1879. 4C6D1 T PEMBROKE DOCKYARD. O be SOLD by AUCTION, in Her Majesty's Dockyard, at Pembroke Dock, by order Commissioners of the Admiralty, on lots 1of °' February, 1879, surplus AFRKJAN, GREENHEART, MAHOGANY, OAK mr.iTiiMj and American), and FIR TIMBER, OAK TREENAILS, and about Six Tons of old WROUGHT IRON. The tale will commence at Twelve o'clock at noon precisely. Catalogues may be had on application to the Auc. tioneer, and at the Dockyard. THOMAS, Auctioneer To the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Orange Hall, Pembroke. J N.B.—The usual monthly sale on the are of March will not take place on that date April 7th being the first sale IÚter the 26th of February, 1879. 40570 SWANSEA OFFICE OF THB « SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No 2, COLLEGE STREET. All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt at- tention, aud be executed upon the same terme as from the Chief Offloe. The DAILY NEWS delivered to Subscribers early every morning in any part of the town. t ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven •'clock will secure insertion in the next m9rainJ" iggue of the DAILY Mtwa. UriWU. SALE THIS DAY. 14, WALTER'S-TERRACE, SWANSEA. MR JOHN M. LEEDER has been in- structed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above premises, on MONDAY, the 17th February, 1879, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE And EFFECTS of a gentleman who is changing his resi- dence, comprising six mahogany chairs in hair, easy do, mahogany couch in hair, walnut. too, and occasional tables, pianoforte in walnut by Nuttinif and Co., pier glasses, Brussels and (ther carpets, hearthrugs, fenders, fire-irons. Euirravings — mezzo-tint o drawing, Tlio Dis bedient Prophet," ditto, "Animal Affection," oleo- graphs, &c. dining table, writing ditto, window poles, curtains, oilcloth, mats, oak hall table and hat stand, stair carpets, brass rods, iron bedsteads, palliasses, fea- ther beds, millpuff ditto, maliogany and painted chests of drawers, ditto wash tands and dressing tables, sets of ware, towel horses, commodes, cane-seat chairs, carpet- ing, &c.; the usual kitchen and culinary utensils, ware, glass, and china also, a costiy mechanical clock in gilt rame, various figures, representing a hunt, &c, &c. Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock. Oxford Chambers, Swansea. 40511 SALE TO-MORROW, I: THE COUNTY COURT OF GLAMORGANSHIRE HOLDEN AT SWANSEA. EQUITY JURISDICTION. JENKINS V. DAY. MANSEL-TERRACE, SWANSEA. SALE OF LEASEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE. MR JOHN M. LEEDER has received in- structions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Mackworth Arms Hotel, Swansea, on TUESDAY, the 18th day of Fcbrua y instant, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to conditions of sale to be then and there produced), all that valuable LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, situate and being No. 66, Mansel-tcrrace, Swansea, con- taining two sitting-rooms, three bedrooms, and an attic, front and back kitchen, good cellar and yard, and garden, with back entrance. Gas and water laid on. The Premises are held for an unexpired term of 81 years, at the low annual ground rent of £3 3s. Further particulars can be obtained of the Auctioneer, Oxford Chambers, Oxford-street. Swansea of Mr A. E. BAINES, Solicitor, Fisher-street, Swansea; or of Messrs STRICK and BELLINGHAM, Solicitors, 40563 Fisher-street, Swansea. GREAT 8ALE OF STAFFORDSHIRE CHINA AND EARTHENWARE, In consequence of having had a fire in the Manufactory, and re-buildiijg of Works. The Stock comprises Dresden, Worcester, Majolica, Bisque, and Salopian China, in Services of almost every variety; Parian and Lava Ware, Suites of Richly-cut and Engraved Glass, with numerous Ornaments of a varied character. MR JOHN M. LEEDER has received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at his spacious Rooms, Oxford Chambers, Oxford-street, Swan- sea, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY February 19th, 20th, and 21st, 1879, a large consignment of CHINA, GLASS, EARTHENWARE, &c., Comprising about one hundred double and single toilet sets, richly finished, newest London patterns; about fifty dinner sets, for 9, 12, 18, or 24 persons, the greater portion enamelled, and neatly finished in gold decora- tions about two hundred tea sets, from the cheaper to the most costly patterns, finished in landscape, flower, and other designs; about seventy breakfast sets, many in character with the tea sets; about twenty dessert services, finely executed in landscape, flowers, prints, &c; breakfast, dinner, tea, and dessert sets-Mazarin blue, in bamboo, willow, and other patterns; a good selection of about one hundred groups of figures in Parian, representing water bearers, fire and wa, or bathers, grape gatherers, Rebecca at the Well, The Graces, and others; about .Rye hundred sets of jugs, in various patterns and decorations, covered nnd un- covered about two hundred tea pots, about five humlred flower pots in Majolica, China, Jasper, Lava, Bohemian, &c; about thirty conservatory vases, in various designs tbout fifteen Austrian vases, 12in to 30in high about sixty sets and pairs Bohemian glass vases, twenty Dairs of lustres, fifty pieces Jasper ware, Suites of glass, in various patterns, tumblers, spirit and water bottles, decanters, claret ju.s, biscuit jars and goblets, flower holders, fruit dishes, toddy kettles, stone- ware, white and gold plates, breakfast sets, stands, toast racks, and numerous other articles; also fifty spirit barrels, various sizes. The goods will be 0:1 view on mornings of sale. Sale to commence each day at Twelve o'clock at Noon, and at Seven in the Evening; Experienced packers will be in attendance. 40560 No. 1, NORTHAMPTON VILLA, SWANSEA. MR. JOHN M. LEEDER has been in- structed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above premises, on WEDNESDAY, the 16th day of Feb- ruary, the whole of the very costly modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE (made by Mr Heard, Swansea) and other Effects, the property of H. Kennard Bill, Esq., who is leaving Swan- sea, comprising in Drawing-room, polished oak suite, in green Morocco; do. telescope table, with patent screw and three ext.-a, lexves a:id stml for same; do. sideboard, fitted with drawers and cuproards, and plate- glass back, handsomely carved do. chimney glass, two easy chairs, six dining chairs, stc-el Îader awl irons, Brussels carpet, skin rug-, green rep curtains, poles and rings, butler's tmy and stand. iiALL.—Polished oak chairs, ditto umbrella stand, ditto table with drawers, large iron scraper, oilcloth, mats, STUDY1—Pair of book shelves, oak couch in Morocco, walnut writing table with drawers, American and other chairs, fender and irons, mahogany book case, secretaire with glass doors, curtain poles and rings. DRAWING-ROOM.—Very handsome blaek ebonized cabinet with glass brackets, inlaid centre table, lady's work table, mirror Wl painted flowers, elegant suite upholstered in black -an* maroon satin, comprising couch, 2 easy chairs, 5 occasional chairs, and music stool; black and pold Canterbury, ditto briliiant chim ney glass, fender and irons, elegant walnut full compass pianoforte, Brussels carpet, hair mats, curtains and bands, poles and rings. hairMIUo W botKj, wood wardrobe, ditto dressing table ditto o-w« f] ti washstand, bedside pedestal, and 3 chairs en suite toilet w-are, green figured curtains, window poles, Brussels and other carpets, shaving glass, mahogany, bh'ch, and pa/n ted chest of drawers, ditto withstands, dressing tables towel horses, commodes, crossing glasses he > The usual kitchen and culinary utensils' also a .mall cellar of wine, including claret, champagne sherrv &n Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. stlerry> &c- Catalogues can be had on application to the Auc- tioneer four days prior to the day of sale. The wholWVni be on view on Tuesday, the 25th, from 11 a.m. till 4p.m. N.B.- The House to be Let or Lease disposed of Oxford Chambers, Swansea. 40584 TO TINPLATE MANUFACTURERS, COLLIERY PRO- PRIETOR'I, AND OTHERS. MR. J. M. LEEDER has received a large consignment of PATENT CHALK LUBRICATING PACKING Of various sizes, to be sold out in lots to suit pur- chasers, by private contract, at a very low price. Apply at Oxford Chambers, Swansea, 40585 SALE TO-IORROW. LLANELLY, CARMARTHENSHIRE. TO BREWERS, HOTEL KEEPERS, INVESTORS AND OTHERS. MR F. G. GOUGH has been favoured with instructions from the Executor of the late Mrs Davies, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Stepnev Arms Hotel, Llaneliy, 011 TUESDAY, the 18th of February, 1879 (subject to such conditions as shall be then read), all that very desirable Double-licensed Hotel or Inn, known as the ALBION HOTEL, situate in Marine-street, Sea Side, Llanelly, and now in the occupation of Mr William Beynon. The Premises, which comprise 6 rooms on the ground floor, 5 laige bedrooms, large underground cellar, and all usual conveniences, are held under lease for the term of 99 years, from the 29th September, 186:3, subject to the low yearly ground rent of £ 3 18s 6d. The Auctioneer has much pleasure in calling attention to this property,as the house is in lL'st-r».'«e repair,having been recently painted, papered, and renovated, and from its position, and the largo business always done'therein, affords a most excellent opportutity for a safe and re- munerative investment. Sale to commence at Seven p.m. For further particulars apply to Captain Smith, Mur- ray-street, Llanejly; or to the Auctioneer, at No. 12, Murray-street, Llaneliy. 40493 SALE THIS DAY. LlTCHARD FARM, NEAR BRIDGEND. SALE OF CATTLE, HORSES, CROPS, IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. MESSRS. R. JONES and SON have been instructed by Mr Wm. Lewis (who is leaving the farm), to SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 17th day Of February, 1879, at the above farm, the whole of Ills STOCK, CROPS, IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE, &c. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, Pen- coed and Bridgend. 728I 40540 OWN-HALL C H A AI B E R S, JL BRIDGEND. RICHARD JONES AND SON, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. Agents to the Provincial Insurance Company, RKSIDSNCI—TON B-nCH. PENCOED. 81584 THOMAS FRANCIS BISSICKS, ENGINEER AND PROFESSIONAL VALUER Of MACHINERY AKD MANUFACTURING PLANT Of every description. .MT ITATIONS for the Trade or general Stock Taking*. KPKCIAL VALUATIONS and REPORTS PREPARED for Probate, Mortgages, Partnerships, Losses by lire, &c., &c. SALES conducted by Auction or Private Contract. COMMISSIONS execute! musTQlU asTtn ï!uuml't. fTlFTF ROYAL LIVER FRIENDL1 T SOCIETY is now admitted to be .the wealthiest institution of its kind in tlie lated CAPITAL of OVER HALF A MILLION, of wmcn sum £ 49,988 lis 9d was saved during the | December, 1877, and has paid to its policy holders more than ONE MILLION STERLING- Requires a number of Independent Agents 111 N and South Wales, particularly for Aberdarc, Bangor, Cardiff, Carmarthen, Abergavenny, Carnarvon, Ho'V" well, Llaneliy, Merthyr, Pembroke, Swansea, and Wrex- ham, Special terms offered to energetic men.-App y, Chief Office, 16. Prescott-street, Liverpool. 40428 WILLIAM ATHE, ITTON, Chairman. uteIS. ANDEAN'S "SWAN" COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY HOTEL, 5 2, BROAD STREET, BRISTOL. r 40497 WM. PARSLEV, Proprietor. STANDARD LUBRICATING OILS COMPANY (LIMITED), 95, CANNON-STREET, LONDON. CONTRACTORS TO HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF LUBRICATING OILS SAVING 25 pitIZ OENR Agents Wanted Full Particulars on application to HENRY DUNC AN,' GENERAL MANAGES. StotU* fry gVurto. SALE TO-MORROW? 42, MANSEL-STREET, AND VICTORIA MART, OX- FORD-STREET, SWANSEA. "V/FFESSRS BEYNON AND HUGHES J-TJL have been Instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the above places (under the powers contained in a bill of sale), on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, February 18th and 19th, 1879, the following new and substantial HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE And other Effects, the same being the Stock-in-Tr.ide of a Furniture Broker, and removed to the above places for convenience of sale, comprising 12 couches, hair and leather covered, 30 mahogany hair cox ered chairs, several dozen cane, kitchen, and other chairs, easy chairs, hair covered, arm chairs, smokirg chairs, ma- hogany loo, oval, and square tables, several office tables, round and square deal taoles, 15 fancy coal scuttles, deal and mahogany washstands and dressing. tables, marble washstands, swing glasses of all sizes, gilt and other pier glasses, mahogany poles and rings, brass poles and rings, 6 mahogany chests of drawers, Several painted do, 4 mahogany cheffonnieres, brass fender, fire irons, several parlour and kitchen fender and fire irons mahogany towel horses, brass and other bedsteads! several spring mattresses, about 30 pairs of palliasses, and other articles too numerons to mention. For want of space the above will be divided into two equal lots; one will be shown at 42, Mansel street, on Tuesday, the 18th, and the other lot at the Mart, on Wednesday, the 10th. The same class of goods will be sold at each place. The goods will be oil view mornings of sale. 0 Sale to commence each day at Eleven o'clock a.m. 40580 VICTORIA MART, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA MESSRS BEYNON and HUGHES will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above Mart, on FHIDA Y. February 21st, 1879, a capital lot of well preserved HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, And other Effects, comprising drawing-room suite, wal- nut and mahogany loo tables, dining, occasional, Pem- broke, and other tables, mahogany si leboard, Biussels, tapestry, [and other carpets, mahogany cheffonnieres, mahogany. sofa in kair, mahogany couches, window poles, pier and chimney glasses in gEt frames, time- pieces, hair, cane-seated, kitchen, and other chairs. ware, china, glass, &c., &c. mahogany ward role, iron, half-tester, French, and otliey bedsteads, feather, and other beds, spring mattresses, palliasses, toilet glasses, washstands, mahogany and other chests of drawers, dressing tables, Duchess stand and table, &c., together with a useful lot of kitchen requisites, &c. Goods on view morning of sale. 40531 Sa!e to commence at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon. MSOMERSET-PLACE, MUMBLES, NEAR SWANSEA. ESSRS BEYNON and HUGHES have been instructed -by Dr. Eade, who is giving up house-keeping, to SELL by AUCTION, at the above place, on THURSDAY, February 27th, 1879, the whole of the substantial and well-preserved HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOFORTE, ELECTRO- PLATE, and other Effects. For particulars see bills and future advertisements. Auctioneers' Offices, Victoria Chambers, Oxford-street, Swansea. 40582 ESTABLISHED 1872. MESSRS BEYNON and HUGHES'S NEXT MONTHLY SALE of HORSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &c., will be held on TUESDAY, March 4th, 1879. Entries to be made one week previous to sale. HORSES, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &c., will be held on TUESDAY, March 4th, 1879. Entries to be made one week previous to sale. Auctioneer's Offices, Victoria Chambers, Oxford-sti eet, Swansea. 49583 AUCTION MART, 18, UNION-STREET, SWANSEA. MR T. H. DAYIES will SELL by AUCTION, at the above Mart, on WEDNES- DAY, tho 19th day of February, 1879, a quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Comprising walnut drawing-room suite in blue terry, a splendid inlaid walnut cheffonniere with marble top, plate-glass back and front; mahogany marble-top double washhand-stand, mahogany sideboard with plate- glass back, mahogany dressing table with oval glass, mahogany dining-room table, patent screw, extra leaf; wa'niit loo table, mahogany commodes, patent pillS, lock-stitch sewing machine, brooms, whatnots, towel rails, iron bedsteads, mattresses, fenders, fireirons, buckets, coal scuttles, &c, &c. Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock. Goods on view morning of Sale. 40553 Auctioneer's Offices, 18, Union-street, Swansea. SALE TO-MORROW. LEASEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSES FOR SALE. MR T. H. DAYIES has been instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Cameron Arms Hotel, High-street, Swansea (subject to such con- ditions as shall be there and then produced), on TUESDAY, tre ISth February, 1S79, the whole of the well and substantiallv-built family I:ŒII,lY-TACHED RESIDENCES, Nos 1 and 2, Exeter-villas, and Nos 1 al.d 2, Woodbury- villas, Uplands, Swansea. Held for a tenll of 9D years from 1872, at the yearly ground rent of Z5 a hou-e, each house having a frontage of 22 feet and side entrance; contains drawn:u-rooni 21 feet by 12 feet; dining-room, breakfast-room, kitchen' hack kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom, two attics w.c., mside and out, cellar, and the usual pantries and clocts together with large plot of ground in the rear, suitable for croquet lawn. At the rear of No. 2, Woodbury Villas there is a hothouse (heated by steam) measuring :24 feet by 12 feet, containing seven good bearing vines. Gas and water laid on and all drains executed sccord- ing to the requirements of the Sanitary Authority. The above Lots are well worthy of the attention of capitalists desirous of obtaining a safe investment. Any buyer can have a large proportion of the purchase money advanced on the property. Sale to commence at 3.30., o'clock p.m. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at his office, or to Messrs Ilartland, Davies and Isaac, solicitors, Rutland-street, Swausea. 40554 SALE THIS DAY. WRECK SALE. MR EDWARD HOWARD will SELU by PUBLIC AUCTION, on MONDAY, the 17th of February, 1870. at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at the Yard, opposite the Cambrian Hotel, Somerset-place, Swansea, the remainder of the MATERIALS FROM THE WRECK OF THE NOR- WEGIAN BARQUE, MERCUR, Removed from Porteynon for convenience of sale, con- sisting of her new sails, canvas,new ropes, blocks, chains, yellow metal sheathing, &c., which will be sold in lots without reserve, and catalogues of same may be ob- tained on application to t: a Auctioneer, 1, Nclson-ter- race, Swansea or from Messrs M. L. Ishdahl and Co., Somerset-place, Swansea. 40573 &.C., IDO d. PANTYFFYNON CHEMICAL WORKS, Near Pantjffynon Railway Station.—To be SOLD or LET by TENDER, in thorough good working order, being situated in one of the best localities m South Wales for Wood, Coal, and Cheap Labour, and capable of turning out per month about 20 tons of Limesalt, 60 dozen of Charcoal, 536 gallons of Naphtha. Good supply of water all the year round. Weighing Machine in the Works, and good Railway Sliding and also 8-horse power Engine, Saw Bench, and three Circular Saws, lenders to be sent in on or before MARCH 1st. -Farther particulars on application to Mr James Davies. Golden Key, Llandilo or Mr James James, Chemist, Dowlais. 70 TOBELET, that very Desirable RESL DENCE called WATERTON HALL Bridtrend com- si'vlje^ro'om^1 aWi) l^i'tlinin^'ant' ^rca^astriOins law'rrtbuilding", a^a^ttr3kL0henS,;i!.tl Three Closes of i-*A^»TTTPTr T vVTT* gaiden, and AcS;^lf1eS^D&7j;bonta be rented with the house. The property is *iH,t ^T|UlllCSi;'>f Bridgend Railway Station.—AppU-' to Mr Ihos. Rees, So lcitor, Cowbridge. 40478 J Sidilic Appointments. LANRHIDIAN HIGHER SCHOOL JLJ BOARD. WANTED, a CERTIFICATED MISTRESS for the Penclawdd Board Schools (Infant Department); Welsh preferred.-Apply not later than 23ad February, stating age, salary, and qualifications; enclosing testimonials to W. noWELL, Clerk to the Board Llaneliy, 28th January, 1879. 40575 ^MWtaflOUs! Price Id, post-free three halfpenny stamps^ FAMILY HERALD SUPPLEMENT No 27. LADYBIRD'S PENITENCE. A complete story, by the Author of M .dge," A Terrible Mistake," &o. For the above see FAMILY HERALD SUPPLEMENT. No 27. The Saturday Review" says of the "Family Herald Its novels and tales are quite as well written as the best circulating library stories W. Stevens, 421, Strand, London; and at all" New* vendors. 401:04 CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEW PORT SHIPPING GAZETTE Published every Monday Morning. Price' 2l« num, or by post 25s an~ The "CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND KFIVPODHI SHIPPING GAZETTE" contains a complete rccord oMV Shipping business of Cardiff, Swan Brigtol, Neath, Briton Ferry, Burry Port Lc ^i*0 culates among all the Merchants^ and n'rotpr. ?!r" Bristol Channel Torts, and "•ene -allv +h ,3 ot various parts of the United Kingdom, It is filed at Lloyd's, the Lombard, and most°of the Chamber f Commerce, and is also sent to the leadin-r Forei rn p ? _CHIEF OFFICES. 75 and 70. St. Mary.?tre"t CW-diff "COWAltD CONSCIENCE, NEW SERIAL STORY, By F. W. ROBINSON. Is now appearing in the "CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WAJJB« ,RII „ WEEITLY NEWS." JghcoW>{ m^eft"had^rm,i"72 2d, or sent, post fr. J L .Newsagents, pace domfor 2a yd per quarter*and^eSt1 m n'1? united Kin#. parts of Europe and the u'nited SLit r i°B1?S ancl aI1 tor, prepaid. 6 Umted Stat«s for 3s 3d per quar 72 COLUMNS FPHE CAR^F^ TIMES SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS IS ONB OP THE LARGEST NEWS-SHEETS IN THE KINGDOM, THE GREAT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR WATP« AND THE WEST OF ENGLAND WALES It contains flH the News of the Week, and gives more Local, District, aud Geneial News than any other ps^r Koch Edition is a complete synopsis of the Week's New-a for the whole of South Wales. The Serial Stories are by the most talented Novelists, and the London Corres- nondence and Leading Articles are of marked ability. Sold bj all Newsagents, price 2d. Sent post free to any Sold by all Newsagents, price 2d. Sent post free to any address for 2s 9d per quartor.^ 72 Columns | TWOPENCE.) Columns^ m R. M. H. COCHRANE, F.C.S., ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, LABORATORY, 4 PEARSON-PLACE, DOCKS. CARDIFF, Cl prepared to execute ANALYSES, and EXAMINA- TIONS of MINERALS, FOODS, &c., of all kinds. For particulars and terms, apply as above. ^87 DESTINY. — Is every Human Being Destined to a Certain Position in Life ? Can that Position be foretold ? To settle this question con- sult for terms Madame Stoffer, enclosing stamped direc- ted envelope. Four questions answerea, 18 stamps and stamped dtrectep envelop*. Correspondence to be for- warded, under cover, to Miss P. Knight, Dean-street, ,u*- .tibaxia 14 Afeahu noat-XTM 2d. Imlrn and (Emuracts. ySTRADYFODWG NEW CHURCH. TENDERS are required to be'sent to the undersigned on or before WEDNESDAY the 26th instant, for the CONSTRUCTION of a ROAD, with Culverts, &c., from To'-Incline Bridge, Ystrad, to the site of the intended NEW CHURCH Plans, specifications, &c., may be in- spected at Ystrad Estate Offices. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. H. j. COLLIER, Agent, Y strad Estate Offices. 15th February, 1679. T0 B U I L D E It S, & ADULAM BAPTIST CIIAPEL, FELINFUEL. The Trustees of the above Chapel a"e prepared to receive TENDERS for the Alteration of their Chapel and the Erection of Vestries, according to plans and specifications, which mav be seen at Mr John Bowen, 18, Union-row, Feliufoel. The bill of quantities may be had of the Architect, Rev. II. Thomas, Cwmtwrch, Swansea, on the payment of one guinea. Sealed tenders to be delivered to the Rev. J. Jones, Adulam House. Felinfoel, Llaneliy, on or before the 28th inst. The Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. WM. GEORGE, Secretary. February 12tb, 1870 40588 LLANWONNO SCHOOL BOARD. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Tiie Llaiiwol- I,) School Board are prepared to receive i, for BUILDING a NEW SCHOOL at Ferndale. 1 lans and specifications may be seen at the office of lir J. Herbert Jenkins, Mountain Ash. lenders arc to be delivered at my office, Rose Bank, x strad, Ithondda, not later than TUESDAY, the 4tli March. The Board do not bind themselvos to accept the lowest or any tender. W. G. HOWELL, Ystrad, Rhondda, 10th February,'lSTO. B40 £ 3i (Miration. CARDIFF. M JL S • EYE R DIN, XT-L PROFESSEUR DE LANGUES ET DE MUSIQUE, \lY>n« <3 Ely Yilla, The Parade, Cardiff. vS»r9{.l1Tniust ,PuUished ,1) "Map of French Lin Tableau des Verbes Irr^guliers," (3) "Hints TYi 1 French Verba." Price 61 each; Dy post, 7d. 30250 rPHJL £ oTTEGIATE SCHOOL, T[„IU !L HOUSE, PARADE, CARDIFF. :_ilR EfWIN WILLIAMS, M.A. (Lxlnbitionerof Jesus College, Oxford, and Graduate in Honour?,) PITPTT q „ STED BY EFFICIENT MASTERS. ruiif prepared f„r the MATRICULATION and Examinations of the various Universities, A Hm !°'1S' Td Coi»»>ercial pursuits. nimced TlmrSm t °f Orders received. Term com menced lhursday, January 23, 1S79 For Prospectuses, &c, apply to the 40230 HEAD MASTER. MISS RIGHTON, A Lv^nnr (MRS- w. G. TdlCE.) AbbOoIAIE of the LONDON ACADEMY of MUSIC. PROFESSOR of the PIANOFORTE. iiJs wii!abe nm!U3ic;J Instruction on Wednesday even- ings win be continued. Term.-— One "rtinea a quarter, payable m advance. Lad es wis!,in- to take advantage forte pM'm £ tUIUiy themselves in Piano- w t'i tli.^ ThJ!^ obtaining a general acquaintance their liamJ tiTv1 Music, will kindly communicate earlv a D-itpJT= • I'IOHTO.V at li r residence, at as eaijy a Uiite as is convenient. 34, WINDSOR-PLACE. CARDIFF. 40502 SWANSEA. QLYN CERRIG~SCHOOL, MUMBLES, SWANSEA. applic-,UoT^Tn^"cfd September 12th. Prospectus on application to Rev E. Griffiths. 5764 34390 JpiANO, VIOLIN, HARP, ETC., ETC. -E, s WAyS^iA?^^ANEli iY- PONTARDULAIS, TF^OVQ RA' and -Neighbouring Districts. 0.on"La-;™,e°Q"S or PuPi!'s residence. H»- d ttnnl g, Brass, and Fife Pr.nds trliied. Choirs c')n- concerts Cmammui^R L- EDMUND, Garnet Hou-e, iwmamman, R.S.O Lla.nc.llv 4Q264 COWBRIDGK- riREAT HOUSE, COWBRIDGE LADIES' SCHOOL. Principals; Mrs and the Misses CULVERWELL, Associates in Arts. The next term will commence (D. V.) on THURSDAY, 30th January, 1879. Pupils prepared for Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. Referees—Parents of pupils. S3S70 NEWCASTLE EitfBYN. HE EMLTN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NE\VC ASTLE-EML YN. Head Master.—Mr T. T. ELIAS. Assistant-Master.—Mr E. 11. ELLIOTT. DAVY ELIAS. DRAWING, SHORT-HAND, and MUSIC (Piano) CLASSES DAILY. Ample accommodation for SO Boarders. Town very healthy. Terms strictly moderate. Prospectuses, &c, 011 application 17067 ST. CLEARS. LAUGHARNE GRAMMAR SCHOOL ST. CLEARS, CARMARTHENSHIRE. Head Master—T. J. MORGAN. Pupils receive an Education adapted to the Learned Professions or Commercial Pursuits. Launliarne r situated near the sea, is one of the most healthy placss in South Wales, arrl ?; peculiarly adapted to delicate boys The Educational Sh/f is ciitirely English, with the ex. ception of a resident French Master. Terms very moderate. 27 GLO U C ESTE RS HIRE! TCOMBE COURT, WOOD CHESTER GLOUCESTERSHIRE. L t D I E' S SCHOOL. PRINCIPALS THE MISSES PEARCE. SUPERIOR EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGES, home comfows, and Christian training. House beautifully situated, surrounded by extensive grounds. Payment from day of entrance. TERMS, FROM 20 GUINEAS. Vacancies for two lady boarders. 39083 tUdiug øtitfttø. wH Y P A Y R E T GLAMORGAN W'^Frr BUILDING SOCIETY, CARDIFF. Established 1867. OFFICES-J9, QUEEN STREET. jeso to £ 3,000. Money always ready to be advanced on security of Houses or Land, repayable by easy instalments, which include interest and principal. The payment for an advance of £ 60 is 5s per fortnight; £ 90, 7s 6d £ 150, 12s Gd; £ 300. 25s, &o. The principal may bo paid off at any time at 30 days' notice. Every information with the Eleventh Annual Report, Prospectus &c may be had at 19, Queen-street, on ap plication to Mr R. EMERY, Secretary. Deposits received daily at 5 per cent interest, free of all charges. 40138 4713 ITINCIPALITY PERMANENT IN. VESTMENT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED I860. INCORPORATED MARCH, 1876. OFFICES—28, ST. MAR^-STREET, CARDIFF. The Oldest. Largest, and most Equitable Society in the District. Total Income of Society since formation 4330,941 03 7d Amount lent on Mortgage £ 214,575 2s 3*1 Income for the year 1877 £ 68,482 lis 8d Amount of Bonus divided 1877 £ 3,427 18s 3d Amount remaining as Reserve Fund £ 1,142 111 lid The Offices are open DAILY for the issue of NEW SHARES and Receipt of DEPOSITS, bearing interest at 6 I>er cent por annum, payable half yearly. WM. SANDERS, 19528 124 Managing Secretary. HE MERTHYR AND DOWLAIS BUILDING SOCIETY, (Incorporated under the Building Societies Act, 1874,) Are prepared to LEND, on Mortgage, at the shortest notice, SUMS OF £ 100 to £ 10,COO, Repayable in Monthty or Quarterly Instalments. Borrowers in this Society have special advantages not obtained in other societies, or from private individuals. The legal costs are paid by the Society, and the inde- pendence of the borrower, so long as his stipulated re- payments are made, is secured by tne Registrar under the Friendly Societies Acts. The utmost secrecy is main- tained. For particulars apply to Mr E. Roberts, at the Office of the Society, 34, Victoria-street, Merthyr. 19103 SA U S AGES. fl" S. ][JAMMONDS • XX NOTED GL A.MORGAN SHIRE SAUSAGES. MADE FROM CHOICE PORK. These Sausages have now been BEFORE THE PUBLIC FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS, And the CONSTANTLY I N C R E A S IN G D B-M A » D, WITHOUT A SINGLE FAILURE, Prove their Excellence. fhe Larrest Stesim Machinery usea in the Manufacture of Sausages is Employed. WHOLESALE ORDERS SENT BY FIFST TRAINS. ADDRBSS H. S. HAMMOND, !s;o 288, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. 89044 BOROUGH OF NEWPORT. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Corporation bill-poster anderier. Rents all the principal hoardings and stations in Newport and neighbourhood. Twogood bill posters kept. Work attended to with quick dispatch. Town and country. Old established—More than quarter of a f&utury MQOI. jPnMc jloticts. NOT ICE. ROYAL INSTITUTION OF SOUTH WALES. FREE LECTURES. The High Sheriff, J. T. D. LLEWELYN, Esq., being unavoidably detained on Assize business at Cardiff, his Lecture on Natural History and Natural Science," advertised to be delivered 011 the 17th instant, is POST- PONED to another date, which shall be duly announced. W. E. KOCH, ESQ., B.A. (Cantab.), F.G.S., Has therefore kindly consented to deliver a Lecture on Palaeozoic Wales," NEXT MONDAY' EVENING. D. M. ROWLAND, Hon. Sec. pro tern. Swansea, 15tli February, 1870. TEMPLE GLEE-AND DRAMATIC SOCIETY. -B- SOCIETY. In consequcnce of unforeseen circumstances, the EN- TERTAINMENT for the RELIEF FUND, as advertised in the Cambrian," for Thursday, Feoruary 20th, is POSTPONED until further notice. 40393 TO-MORROW T> H Y M N E Y RAILWAY At COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next HALF- YEARLY ORDINARY MEETING of the Rhymney Rail- way Company wiil be held at the Cardiff Arms Hotel. Cardiff, on TUESDAY, the 18th day of February, 1879, at One o'clock in the afternoon, for the transaction of the general business of the Company. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed on TUESDAY, the 11th day of February, 1879, uLtil after the said Meeting. JOHN BOYLE, Chairman. W. ME1N, Secretary. Cardiff, 3rd February, 1879. 7253 40442 TO-MORROW. R HIM NEY RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to the Standing Orders of both Houses of Parliament, an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the Share- holders of the Rhymney Railway Company will be held at the Cardiff Arms Hotel, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, the 18th day of February, 1S79, at the conclusion of the business of the Ilalf-yearly Ordinary Meeting, to be held at One o'clock, on the same day and in the same place, when a Bill now pending in Parliament, intituled "A Bill to authorise the Rhymney Railway Company to construct certain railways in the County of Glamorgan, and for other purposes," will be submitted to the Proprietors then present, in person or by proxy, for their approval. JOHN BOYLE, Chairman, W. MEIN, Secretary. Cardiff, 3rd February, 1879. 7254 40443 EGIMENTAL ORDERS by Lieut-Col. HILL, commanding 3rd Glamorgan Artillery Volunteers. Cardiff, 15tli February, 1879. I.-Gun and Recruit drill on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Squad drill on Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur- day, at 7.30 p.m. 2.— I. and K. Batteries, Penarth. The following pro- motions have been made in the above batteries, viz :— Sergeant Meazey, to be Battery Sergeant-Major, vice Griffiths, resigned. Corporal Sims to be Sergeant, vice Meaz., y, pronioted; Bombardier W. White to be Corporal, vice Sims, promoted Gunner F. Luen to be Bombardier, vice Whi e, promoted; Corporal F. Evans to be Sergeant, vice Wiggins, resigned Bombardier W, Pearn to be Corpora), vice Evans, promoted Gunner J. Brillat to be Bombardier, vice Pearn, promoted Gunner A. Watson to be Bombardier, vice Angrovc, deceased. 3.—For duty during the ensuing weekCaptain Hamilton, Lieutenant Trayes, Surgeon Granger, Ser- geant Pliillip3, Corporal Fletcher, Bombardier Foster, Trumpeter Gunter. By Order, (Signed) C. F. HURST, Captain and Acting Adjutant. EGIMENTAL ORDERS.—1ST GLA- MORGAN ARTILLERY VOLUNTEERS. Swansea Castle, 15th February, 1879. i-Full-dress parade on Monday next, to fall in at the Castle Hall at 7.30 p.m, for inspection of clothing and a march out. Band to attend. 2—Repository drill at the Shed on Wednesday and Friday, at S p.m. 3—Recruit drill at the Castle Hall on Wednesday and Friday, at 7.30 p.m. 4-MorrÍ¡¡ton Battery. Full-dress parade on Monday at 7 p.m, and gun and squad drill on Wednesday and Friday, at 7.15 p.m. 5—On duty fjr the week :—Sergeants J. Biker and J. Weaver, Corporal T. Jones, pnd Trumpeter Wright. By order, D. O'SULLIVAN*, Cnptain, 1 st Glamorgan Artillery Volunteers. RJLHE CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES DOG SHOW. THE FIRST GRAND ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF SPORTING AND OTHER DOGS WILL BE HELD AT THE MARKET HOUSE, ST. MAiiY-STREET, CARDIFF, ON TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY APRIL 15m AND 16TH, 1879. COUNCILLOR LEWIS, Hon. Sec. 40353 JNO. EDWIN GUNN, Secretary. TO-DAY. ISSIONS TO SEAMEN. Under the distinguished patronage of The Lord Bishop of Llandaff I Lady Aberdare Lord Aberdare Lady Mary Windsor Clive Lord Henry Somerset, M.P. Lady Dyncvor Lord Tredegar Lady Tredegar Lord Windsor I Lady Walker Sir Ivor B. Guest, Bart. Mrs Olivant Sir George Walker, Bart. The Mayor of Cardiff. Colonel Stuart, M.P. J. W. Stradling Carne, Esq, H. Hussey Vivian, Esq., D.C.L. M.P. C. W. David, Esq The Dean of Llandaff Cole,nel Hill The Ven. Archdeacon Grif- J. Perry, Esq fith W. Done Bushell, Esq The Ven, Archdeaeon R. F. L. Jenner, Esq Crawley George Thomas, Esq Major T. P. Turbervill Archibald Hood, Esq Dr Taylor, Ex-Mayor, etc., etc., etc. A Grand Exhibition of FINE ARTS and BAZAAR will be opened (by kind permission of the Mayor) at the Town-hall, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, the 11th day of February, 1879, and close co the 25th. The Exhibition will consist of a choice collection of paintings by the first masters, exquisite btatuary, antique china, bronzes, rare Japanese, Chinese, and foreign curiosities, ancient Egyptian pottery, model, and interesting objects of natural history. Vocal and Instrumental Entertainments will be held each evening by well-known lo;al aid other artists, assisted by the bands of the 3rd G.A.V. and lltli G.R.V., by kind permission of Colonel Hill, C'iptain Shden, and officers of the above Corps. The Exhibition will be opened each day at 10 a.m. Admission up to 4 p.m., One Shilling from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sixpence each Season Tickets can be ob- tained at 58 each. The proceeds to be devoted to the building fund of the Missions to Seamen Reading and Refreshment Rooms, Penarth Dock. Forms of application for space can be had of the Hon. Secretaries, on and up to Wednesday, the 5th day of February, after which no application can be entertained. J. G. MADDOX,Hon. L. WHITWAM.y Secretaries, 40439 7245 Town-hall Cardiff, HE SWANSEA COFFEE PUBLIC- HOUSE COMPANY, LIMITED. CAPITAL EIO,OCO. IN 10,000 SHARES OF £ 1 EACH. FIRST ISSUE 2,(00 SHARES. FIVE SHILLINGS per Share on application, and the remaining FIFTEEN SHILLINGS per Share at such times as the Directors may appoint, but no call to exceed Five Shillings per Share, and at intervals of not less than Three Months. DIRECTORS. Mr JNO. T. D. LLEWELYN, CHAIRMAN. Mr F. S. BISHOP Mr THO"; CHARLES The Rev J. U. GAUNTLETT, M.A. Mr RICHARD GLASCODINE Mr S. S. H. HORMAN-FISIIER The Rev S. C. MORGAN, M.A. Dr. PADDON The Rev A. J. PARRY Mr S. B. POYY ER Mr JOHN TAYLOR Mr THOMAS TRE V Mr F. E. WILLIAMS BANKERS: THE GLAMORGANSHIRE BANKING COMPANY, SWANSEA. SOLICITOR: Mr C. H. GLASCODINE, 4, Fisher-street, Swansea. SECRETARY: Mr R. G. CAWKER. REGISTERED OFFICES—10, Temple-street, Swansea. PROSPECTUS. This Company is formed for the purpose of establishing in Swansea and the neighbourhood Coffee Houses for the sale, at moderate price, of Refreshments, with Coffee, Tea Cocoa and other drinks not alcoholic. It is desired to meet the wants of a large class of the community by providing places where rest, refreshment., and the opportunity for social intercourse, now cliieflv sought at the public-house, may be obtained, and Meet- ings of Clubs and Frien :ly and it or Societies may be held. The movement is