atts tut 1tttintt I .AUCTIONANTM:EÑ'rs. I ni. ■ Measre BEYJSOiN & HUGHF« Cuams, Anchors, etc. at, -Swansea ouaES- Mr r. Jai:. 10 D.-upsr's Stock-in-Tride, B'urnitu,* V AK o Messrs MADoox t RMR~e>! e Jan* 9 toots and Shoes, at, ftnmh EMEK*. t T v» W.v •••* •••••••• J an. 15 tewing Machines. Houselmt'i £ and °°- MR Jr T^URNITURE.*C.,at Swansea. Jan. 9 Timber, Trees ami P J' b°BEBTS. es-«P°rinnock Jan. 9 Leasehold Property atT- HOuKKTS & SON. ™Pert.^ at. lreyivian ..Jan. 10 Household Fur,STEPHENSON. Mineral Estate at r- lanflaff-green Jan 11 Live and Dean V Cardlft Feb. 16 _arm"'g Stock, at Cardiff ,.Jaii- 16 1% ,/rTJ \V °* a« impor UntMineral Estate. iVi sFi P* .STEPHENSON is instructed to 'IHLKSOAV 1b^vAUCTIOK. at the Koyal Hotel, Cardiff, on Bubiect tn 5^ February, 1877, at 2 for 8 o'clock precisely. FK iEHn?^°S ItloriB of sale to be then produced, all that ^nvvn?.^ lARM called Graigwen, situate in the 130 !JS near Pontypridd. Glamorganshire, and containing VALIUM hereabouts of pasture and woodlapd, with the the nno MINERALS underlying the same, '"c "f,n" J, tu. ,a.ffis_°f house and steam coal for which the Aberdare and hi oudda Valleys are celebrated (some of the more impomn of «re 110 w worked upon the adjoining properties of the ureat Western Colliery Company), as well as beds of excellent Jrejlay and building stone. The property is situate near the laff Vale Railway, within one mile of the rapidly growing town Pontypridd, and about 13 miles from the shipping port of ardItf. It is intersected by the road leading from Glog tOoPontypridd, t i&d being on an eminence overlooking the town, the surface is 'ligible for building purposes, while the. commanding position M the estate with regard to adjacent mineral properties must efcsure t&e e&r]y deveiopoiBSt of its minerals. » ^lang and particulars of sale are in preparation, and may be til ou application to Messrs Daltcns, Spencer, and Corbett, solicitors, Cardiff. or te the Auctioneer, 21, Queen street. Car- ft dill 13450 (I Bute Docks, Cardiff.—To Shipchandlers, Stock Buyers, and AjJ Otheis. 2 1VTESSRS BARNARD, THOMAS, CLARKE, w v" and CO. have been instructed by the Tniat.pptA <4V.r.i Ul by TENDER (subject to the itsnal conditions) iu Four Lots and TRADE PuAlJf. BOOK BRRT4 ariri T TU* c* POLluY, belonging to the estate ol Mr J A Holmes sMn ehaudler, Bute Docks, Cardiu, in liquidation P iiig at ecstor stock-bo'o^k nr? °f general shipchandlery.amount- it L* 2 -The S &Ce' t0 the ,um of £ 9S6 iB lld- LoT 2.-The .lAeue, FIxtures, and Trade PJant. The lease annual rent of £ 180 fnr'ti ? °* February, 1874, at an Tue fixtures and traH««i t 5 yearH» an(* £ 200 afterwards. LOT 3 —The Book are valued in the sum of £ 9614s 6d. sum of £ 275 19S 4^. amounting, as per schedule, to the it iirthe Grea? £ rifa^*re Policy on the life of Mr J. A, Holmes which six nremi^i. tu&1 Assurance Company for £ 750, on R Lot 1 wiS to £ 170, have been paid. J. prices T nt.« 9^ a j ^la:)onnt off the cost on stock book *■* S, a?d iTwin be 8old for Bum. tU d»r hv ~Lot one-third cash, and the remain- and 4—cash' two and four months' date. Lots 2,3, the inventories and schedule, may be seen on J' after FR1 n»y ♦ u K°^h"ay terrace' Bute Docks, Cardiff, on and ftbj in. 1 V ,n j,^8 instant, and tenders (marked Tender i th. n. 1 wiU be roce'^ed at the Office of the Brokers up to Ice o'cloca; p.m. on TUESDAY, the 9th inst., when they will «| opened m the presence of those who attend. *3 Imr/2r ?n for further particulars to be made to Messrs OfficI8aCh Bohcitors' Cardifl» or to the i 4. Orockherbtown, Cardiff, January Jst, 1877. 13426 r-* -^sasemhly Rooms, Cardiff Hotel, Aberdare. jylR. G. CORP •will SELL by AUCTION, at ihe rooms' on TUESDAY, January 0, Place AK J STOCK-IN-TRADE of Mr Price, Commercial dash«uR',>er??rep comprising Drapery, Hosiery, and Haber- v PURNiruRE80 greater portion of the HOUSEHOLD Sale at 12 noon. »^'particulars see bills and future advertisements. ^auctioneer's Office, The Hayes. Cardiff. 13491 Bre-iishire.-Sale of Timber. Trees, and Poles, gi-owinz on i)m ?ai j' and lycoch Farms, in the parish of J very near the Devynnock Station, on the M^eajn and Brecon Railway. •K W. J. ROBERTS will SELL by r>„ AUCTION, at the Tanner's Arms Inn, in the village of Thr ou TUESDAY, the 9th day of January, 1877. at f *5, e o ciock in the afternoon, subject to conditions, in the owing or such other lots as may be decided upon :— r,^ 1,—28 SYCAMORE, 18 BEECH, 1 ASH, 1 LIME, i oHESNUT, 2 WYCH, and 1 SPRUCE. This lot is growing on Tycoch, and adjoins the turnpike road. Lot 2.-5 ASH, 1 OAK, and 1 SCOTCH. this lot is on Bailie Farm. Lot 3.-132 OAK POLES, 8 CHESTNUT, and 4 LIME. LOT 4.—81 OAK, 26 LARCH, 3 ASH. and 1 SCOTCH. The last two lots are on Aberear Farm, Close to the Devyn. nock station. The respective Tenants will show the different lots, and any further particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, Lion street Brecon. 9 Dec. 15th, 1876. 13518 By order of the Mortzagee.-Aberdare.-Desirable Dwelling « houses, Factory and Land, with the Engines, Boilers, Machin- n ery, Plant and other Effects. 'A ]V| R DAVID EVANS will shortly SELL by T j Auction (unless previously disposed of by private eon- 3 tract), by order of the mortgagee, under the powers contained | m a. certain Indenture, dated the 30th day of January, 1873 all I those Six several MESSUAGES, or DWELLING-HOUSES with E the Appurtenances, situate in Canon-street. Aberdare, afore- I Baid. now or late in the several occupations of Mr Daniel Thomas. j| «T8 Elizabeth Morris^ and others. And also all that FACTORY jjt with the Engines, Boilers, Machinery, Plant, and other Effects jS and Fixtures belonging thereto, situate in Canon-street, Aber- ■jjt ^are, aforesafd, formerly in the occupation of Mr Thomas j Eoberts, afterwards of Mr Edward Gilbert Price, and now of f Mr Thomas Pryce Parry. I Fuller particulars will shortly appear, and in the meantime further information may be obtained from Messrs Minshal I and Parry Jones, Solicitors, Oswestry, to whom application may be ■"J made to treat by private contract. Xerthyr Tydfil, January 3rd, 1877. 13501 4 Radnorshire.—In the Parish of Llandewv, Ystradeny. "\7 ALU ABLE LARCH to be SOLD by TEN- ▼ DtR:— LOT 1.—523 LARCH POLES.—Scribe marked 1 to 523 inclu- sive. LOT 2.—920 LARCH POLES. Scribe marked I to 920 inclu- sive. Lots 1 and 2 stand on Bryncamlo Farm, and Mr Price, the Tenant, will show them, as v. ell as the roads set out by the vendor from each Lot to the publie road. LOT 8. -215 LARCH POLEs. Scribe marked 1 to 276 inclu- sive. Stand in Cwmferdy Wood, adjoining the public road from Penybont to Abbey Cwm Hir. LeT 4.—560 LARCH POLES. Scribe marked 1 to 550 inclu- sive. Stand on Cwmferdy Farm. Mr Jones, the tenant, wi l shew lots 3 and 4, as well ai the road set out by the vendor from lot 4 to the public road. The lots 1,2 and 3, lie about three miles, and lot 4 alhoutfo-ir miles from Penybont Station on the Central Wales Railway. The poles are long and of useful size, suituable both for railway aDd telegraph purposes. The Vendor does not bind himself to accept the highest or any tenaer. Sealed tenders to be forwarded for the whole or either lot not later than 1st February, 1877. in accordance with a form to be obtained (as well as other information) from Mr J. B. peundley, Kerry. Montgomeryshire. 13516 TO BE LET BY TENDER.—The TALBOT JL ARMS HOTEL, St Mary street. Cardiff. These very extensive promises are most eligibly situated, in the most im- portant throughfare of Oardiff, and command a very large and first-class trade. They are in close proximity to the new station of the Great Western Railway Company, and to the circus, and are immediately opposite to the new Theatre, Music Halt etc.; now in course of erection. A lease of 21 years will be given. ingoing tree. Tendersto beadaress ed to the South Wales Brewery. Cardifl.—JOHN BIGGS. 11770 | 2_. ]yjONEY i MONEY MONET ?! *100.000 r^dTTo be advanced upon good o g Freehold, Copyhold, Leasehold, and other annrnved g| ntun." r4te 0t Five Pounds per centum per an- § 8 Smaller amounts on personal and other secure*. at a* g >. moderate rate of interest, oov-uriues, at a 1.2 No Bills of Sale required. Apply to T. J. Price and Co., Commission and Insurance 55 Agents, College Chambers, Swansea. 10906 FL E Y A~~N • keeps a Register for Businesses — Public-houses Hotels, and Private Residences, &c., to Let and for Sale: N.B.—No charge made for entering same. Licensed Valuer, Accountant, House and General Business Agant, Rent and Debt Collector; Agent to the London Guarantee and Accident Company (Limited), and General Insurance Agent. Inventories taken, and Valuations made (or Probate and Administration. Tradesmen's Books arranged md posted up periodically. Charges strictly moderate. Whole Houses of Furniture and other effects purchased for prompt cash. 13453 OFFICSS—No. 14, SOMERSET PLACE, SWANSEA. TIT I L L I ▲ M SANDERS ^iQTATTP A TIO N E E H y ESTAIEi AND INSURANCE AGENT, n MARY STREET, CARDIFF, CARDIFF -.Noa 0!^ PROPERTIES for SALE^ t r nouses in Hussell-^ree t aDd 18' BuZ2ard-"treet; and four Diamond-street* ^twe^ve^f^0'8^604» three houses in r lesidences in Metal-street m Topaz-stAet; six genteel Bath and Myrtle Villas Parti w 86 ^?n in Gold-street; and C \THA Ys —Siv- v! rart,idge-road. detwhed aott^es in°^uy18IireIftty*Str0et: &nd twosemi- 1 the corner of Clive-road and COrDer shop in and stlOp and III Holmsdale stmet. Kyasabov? PUFChaSe WOney bt haVC "bovc i efalt' bD u.di01t. "College Chambers, 2, College street. Swanses. MipwmT T T PRICE and CO. have re- LSfeJtO. 1. J. L b AUCTION, at the ceived y°next, the 9th January. 1877, a above Booms, on J JUACHINKS, by the most modern large assortment of tnoge by Wheeler and Wilaon, Wife Man d'G fbbsSI a te Patent, Grover and Bauer, the Ah ion wncox ana t the Princess of Wales, &c. Combination «ock, tne^ ]ot of HOUSEUOLO FURNITURE, Also a in bedsteads, carpets, hearthrugs, pier consisting of cna^nd tahlc8>' chests of drawers, «kc., &e., fo^etlfer with a quantity of Electro-plated Goods of the best qu. ty. Goodson view morning of sale. sale to commence at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. A.tioneere Office College Chambers,College street,Swail Res, 4th January, 1877. 13511 ro Ironmongers, Boilermakers, Farmers, and General Dealers. Strand Iron Warehouse, Padley's'Wharf, Swaiises.-lir B, nightingale having been appoinsod Agent for Messrs Berger ijpeDce, and Co, necessitating alteration of premises, and requiring room for storage of Iron, has instructed MESSRS BEYNON and HUGHES to offer for SALE, on WED VESDAY, January 10th, 1S77, the whole it'his Stock of New and Second-hand CHAINS. ANCHORS, tfAlLS, RIVETS, WEIGHING MACHINES, ANVILS. VJCES, SHEEP HURDLES, CARTS, HAKNESS, HORSES, DoG- JAR'J S, &c, &c. Full particulars will appear in future advertisements. Auctioneers' Offices, Victoria Chambers, Oxford street, Swansea. 11554 In the Hfgh Court of Justice, Chancery Division. Re David Jones' Estate.—John John T. Ann Jones, widow. Important sale of valuable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, com- prising a MESSUAGE, or PUBLIC-HOUSE atd PREMlSliS, called the Royal Oak public-house, situate at 'J revivian, near the town of Swansea, in the county of Glamorgan. and now in the occupation of John John, which will be SOLD by AUCTION, pursuant to an Order made in the abo*e Matter cLnd Cause, and with the approbation of the Vice-Chancellor Sir Charles Hall, the Judge to whose Court the said Matter and Cau«e is attached, by MESSRS EDWARI> ROBERTS and SON, the persons appointed by the said Judge, at the Royal Oak Public-house aforesaid, on WEDNESDAY, tt.e 10th January, 1877, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon precisely, in one Lot. The property may be viewed by leave of the tenant, and par- ticulars and conditions of sale may be had gratis of Messrs Fielder and Summer, of 14, Goldman street, Doctors Commons, E.C.' Messrs Vizard, Crowder, and Co.. Solicitors, 65, Lin- coln's Inn Fields, W.C. of Mr David David. Solicitor. Swan. sea; Messrs Brown and Collins, Solicitors, Swansea Mr John Gascoin, Solicitor, Swansea; at the place of sale and of the Auctioneers, Picton place, Swansea. 13395 REBS AND JONES, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. OFFICES: STATION STREET, TREHERBEBT, 6. QHURCH STREET. PONTYPRIDD. "21 U:lldn, and fcirtf. GRET WESTERN RAILWAY. The Directors of this Company are prepared to receive TEN- DERS for the ALTERATION and DOUBLING of their Cwmbran Branch Railway, and for the Construction of STATIONS and STATION-YARDS at Cwmbran, Pontygarnedd, and Ponthir. Drawings and specifications may be seen, and farms of tender and Bills of quantities obtained, at the office of the Engineer, at this Station. Tenders, addressed to the undersigned, and marked outside Co Tender for Works at Cwmbran, &c. will be received on or before TUESDAY, the 16th instant. The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender, FRED. G. SAUNDERS, Secietary. Paddingtoii Statior, London, 4tb January, 1877. 13514 QTfiDTFF I N F 1 R MARY. All persons desirous to CONTRACT for the SUPPLY of the following ARTICLES, or any of them, to be delivered free of cost at the Infirmary, in such quantities daily as may be required, for the quarter commencing January 10th, 1377, and ending April 13th, 1877, are requested to eend to the Infir- mary sealed TENDERS on or before MONDAY, January 8th, 1877 :— MEAT (Joints, Ac., as specified), at per lb. BREAD (Best Seconds), at per 4 b loaf. MILK, per quart. COAL, per ton. Accounts to be paid at the end of every month. The Tenders will be opened at a meeting of the Committee, to be held on TUESDAY, January 9th, 1&76. The lowest or any Tender will not neeeesarily be accepted. (By Order) WILLIAM CAMPBELL, M.D., secretary. Infirmary, January 4th. 1877. 13517 TO L I G H T B ]it M E N Wanted TENDERS for CARRIAGE OF BRICKS from New- port to the Glamorganshire Canal, Cardiff. Address Box No. 4, Newport, Mon. 13356 luDUc ^ppoinUtttttts* GELLIGAER SCHOOL BOARD." WANTED for Troedyrhiwfwch Board School, an EX-PUPIL TEACHER (female). Salary £ 40. Provisional certificate and sewing. Duties commence 25th March, 1877. Applications, with recent Testimonials (copies, and not exceeding three), to be sent to me on or before TUESDAY 23rd January, 1877. (By order) FRANK JAMES, Clerk „ 134, High street, Merthyr, 28th December, lo76. 12415 C A IT D I F F U N I 0~N. APPOINTMENT OF WORKHOUSE SHOEMAKER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Guardians of the Cardiff Union will, at their Meeting, to be held on the 13th Jannarr. 1877. APPOINT a Competent SHOEMAKER, to be employed in Repairing the Boots and Shoes of the Inmates of the Workhouse. Salary, <630 a year, with Board, but withoat Lodging. Applications, with testimonials undercover endorsed Shoemaker," to be sent to me on or before the 12th inst. By order. W. P. STEPHENSON, Clerk. Dated January 4, 1877, Cardiff, 1349"997 :Jhú14tuø -Xiscutitc WILTS AND WESTERN BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETtf, (Established 1846). Offers special advantages to BORROWERS. The REPAYMENTS are moderate, and COVER Cost of MORTGAGE, INSURANCE, and all other EXPENSES. TERM OF REPAYMENT EXTENDED TO 21 YEARS. Advances made to BUILDERS on Simple Interest during Progress of Buildings. Full Particulars of W. & S. HERN, 8, WORKING STREET, CARDIFF, District Agents. 10881 CARDIFF BUILDING SOCIETY. SUMS from je60 to £ 3,000 ready to be LENT on Mortgs^e, SHARES MAY BE TAKEN AND DEPOSITS Made daily. Present rate of Interest on deposits, 4) ftrteut, subject to six months' notice of witharawal; 4 per ceii. three months'; and 3i per cent repayable on demand. TENTH ANNUAL REPORT. Prospectus and all information may be obtained onapplica tion to the undersiened. N.B.—TERMS of BORROWING and REDEMPTION further Reduced. PETER PRICE, SzcMTjjtr. Dated, 3, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 11428 W. (STEPHENS H CO., a Wholesale VENETIAN WIRE & SUN-BLIND MANUFACTURERS, 84, WINCHCOMBE STREET. CHELTENHAM. Illustrated Price List Free. 10923 THE "DOUBLE DIAMOND" TOOL STEEL Meets a LONG-FELT WANT In a HIGH-CLASS STEEL OF GREAT DURABILITY AND MODERATE PRICE. THE DOUBLE DIAMOND BEST STEEL IN™ THE MARKET FOR ENGINEERING, MINING, QUARRYING, SINKING. &c., PURPOSES. Sample Gratis, with Circular and Prices. M. POWIS BALE AND CO., ENGINEERS and STEEL MANUFACTURERS. Qffice-20, PUDGE ROW, LQtfPON, B.C. Pt71 GAttCfttUft. CHEPSTOW GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Principal: Georsre Dewdney, B. A. ENGLISH AND FRENCH MaSTBKS KESIDENT. 13360 THE PUPILS of the MISSES MARKS will (D. V.) RE-ASSEMBLE on JANUARY 23rd, 1877. llesi- dent rrenchaud English Governesses. Pupils Prepared for the Cahibndge (Local) Examination. Ilanow House. Iiura- ines Place, Cardiff. 1364$ ALBION HOITSIS ACADEMY' CHA.RLKS STREET, CARDIFF. PRINCIPAL—MR. W. vv TRICE. School Duties re-commence MONDAY, 22nd JANUARY 13476 THE ACADEMY, PON TYPRIDD. MASTKK—E. D. EDWARDS, M.A. Pupils prepared for Commercial Pursuits, University aid I College Examinations, &c. Duties will be resumed on MONDAY, JANUARY, 15th, 1877. AddressMILL-FIELD VILLA, PONTYPRIDD. 13477 RAUFURD COLLEGE, MAIDENHEAD, c BERKS. Conducted by EDVYD. DE EWER, M.C.P. The Education at this Establishment is strictly practical, fit- tin, boys for business or to pass the preliminary Examination* for College of Surgeons, Law, etc. Situation high and very healthy, large playing field-, fives courts.and tepid swimming bath, carpenter's ahop ami turning lathes.-For prospectuses address the Principal. 13412 /GRAMMAR SCHOOL, WOOD^ROAIX VJT PONTYPRIDD. H. W. HUGHXS, MASTER. This SCHOOL will RE-OPEN on MONDAY NEXT, Jan. 8th, 1877. A Classified List of Results of the recent Examination held Ity the Rev. W. Watkins, M.A., Glyntar, will shortly be for- warded to parents. 13417 THE ACADEMY, LLANDILO. ttEAD MASTER, H, JEREMY, assisted by a RESIDENT QUALIFIED MASTER. A thorough preparation is guaranteed for all the Prelie minaries and the University Locals. Over 30 have passed the Public Examinations, one of Whom ranked the 2nd out of 175. DUTIES wili be RESUMED JANUARY 2nd, 1877. Prospestus, &c., on adplication. December 16, 1876. 12012 ROPRIETARY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, p MERTHYR TYDFIL. Head Master-D. FRIW, B.A., Lond. Assistant Master-A. A. DR MARS, LL.D. A Limited Number of BOARDERS will be received at the School House under the charge of idra Williams, widow of the late Mr Evan Williams, M.A., Tydfil School. A Term's Fee paid in advance. The School Duties re- cotmence on the 8th day of January, 1877. Illf28 RIDGWATER COLLEGE SCHOOLT JLF LONSDALE HOUSE (LATE MR RUSSELL'S). Principa)s-Roy Dr NICHOLAS, M.A., F.G.S., and Rev W. PARKER, Assisted by several Masters, English and Foreign, A THOROUGH ENGLISH and COMMERCIAL EDUCATION >■jtfven as a chief requisite Classics ana Mathematics, Natural Science, Land Surveying with Field Practice, Modern Lan- guages, and Drill and Gymnastic Exercises. 3909 Terms strictly moderate. 11797 ARNOLD COLLEGE, WALTERS' ROAD, SWANSEA, ESTABLISHED 18(58. PRINCIPAL: Rev.BDGAR WILLIAMS, M.A., B.D. PREPARATORY TRAIN- ING Jn CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, and COMMERCIAI>«ubjects to-aittmted number of young gentlemen. A thorough;English andiCommercial.Edueation is guaranteed. Pupils wfli he pre- pared specially, if required, for Professional and College Exami. nations. Duties will be resumed on MONDAY, January 22nd. For Prospectuses and terms for BOARDERS and DAY SCHOLARS, apply as above. (litf THE EMLYN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, THE NEWCASTLE EMLYN. Head Master:-T. T. ELIAS. Assistant-Master:-B. HAMILTON Ehtion. Music :-DAVT ELIAS. DRAWING & SHORTHAND CLASSES DAILY. Twenty-three pupils have passed various public Examinations since MARCH last. Ample accommodation for 30 Boarders. Terms moderate. Town very healthy. Prospectuses, &c., on application. ThE SCHOOL REOPENS JANUARY 8TH, 1877. 13347 N ORMAL COLLEGE, SWANSEA. Head Master, W. WILLIAMS, let B.A., London. In the ten years during which this school has been under present management Seventeen of the Pupils have Matriculated at the University of London, two of wnom obtained Exhibi- tions: Thirty-four have passed the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations, and Forty-eight the Preliminary Profes- sional and other Public Examinations. Six Boarders (parlour) are received into the Head Master's House to be specially prepared for Matriculation and the Pre- liminary Legal and Medical Examinations. They will have sepirate bedrooms and a common sitting-room. The next Term will commence Thursday, Jan. 11. Terms per annum-lioarderø, 50 guineas; day scholars, Eight guineas. 1340t Yo UN G LADIES' SCHOOL, JL (Conducted by MISS R. A. THOMAS) No. 1. WESTBOURNE PLACE, (OPPOSITE THE SOPHIA GARDENS) CARDIFF. The Duties ot the above School will be RESUMED on January gth, 1877. EXAMINERS' REPORT. We are very pleased with the result of the Examination of your School. The pupils acquitted themselves in a most satis- factory manner, and reflect great credit upon themselves and their teacher, especially an the School has only been m opera., tion four months." JOHN BOWEN, REES LEWIS, Dec. 16th, I87t 13483 CAERAU. P ARK OOLLEGIATE SCHOOL, I NEWPORT, MON. Head Masters; REV. T. MORTIMER GREEN, tv x. u. MR. EDWIN WILLIAMS. B.A., (Exhibitioner of Jesus College,Oxford, and Graduate in Honours) Assistant Master MR. T. P. TRETHEWEY (Lond. Univ.). Special Classes conaucted by efficient non-resident Masters. T prepared for Commercial pursuits, the University, Vr2rm?Jr ^"cuiation Examinations, and the Medical and Law TK Exaa»»»ationg. °* head masters are, from their position and •n31nently adapted for hoarders. 1877 resumed on WEDNESDAY, January 17th, For prospectuses, fee., apply to the Head Masters. 18350 L LAXDOVFRY SCHOOL. VISITOR THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. **0&VALPm> °* M.A., Jew* College, SJ:C05D KTIR: CHAJlLE E. *"TBRA., late Open Scholar Queen s College, Cambridge, and First-ciass in the Mathe- matical Tripos, 1874. TV,. V** N ~AS £ CLASSICAL MASTER. GENT, B.A., Open 8choiar of University j/ Oxford, Second class Classical Moderations, 1872, and irst-c lass in Final Classical Honours, 1876, and Proxime Accessit for the Stanhope Historical Prize, 1871. <1WAR| vm A SCIIKCB MASTBR. CHARLES A. BUCKMASTER, Esq., B.A., Lincoln College. Oxford, t-'irlt-cl. in Natural Science Honours, 1874, certificated ieacher of the Art and Science Classes of the south Kensington Museum, and late of the Royal School of Mines, London, and Fellow of the Chemical Society. FRiKCfi: Mr WILLIAMS. Music AHD Sraawa: Mr H. TAYLOR. DRILL SERGEANT BOBAN. •/v?heJF?,noul,.Sa5,l,d by this School since 1872 include Two Open Fellowships, a 6th and a 22nd Wrangler at Cambridge, *nd Two First Classes and Three Seconds at Oxford, and Five Scholarships and Nine Exhibitions at both Universities. Boarders are received by the Warden, Mr Williams, and Mr I Gant. Terms moderate. Full information may be obtained from the Rey the Warden, the College, Llandovery. The School RE-ASSEMBLES on SATURDAY, January 20 th. There will be an examination for five Scholarships, each of the value of AS go per annum, held in the College-hall, on Januap mb, 1677; Subjects for examination 1. CLASSICS—Cicero's Second Philippic, ch. 1-25, and Xenophon's Anabasis, bk. 1. ch. 1-6 Grammars and Prose. 2. XATilEMATICS-luolid, bkjl 1 and 2; AIgebraSimple equations of two unknowns; Arithmetic. 3. SCIENCE—Roscoe's Chemistry, pp. 289—391. 4. ENGLISH—First 70 pages of S. Brooke's English Litera- ture Primer. One or all of these four subjects may be offered. 5. A Scholarship will also be offered for MUSIC, especial weight being given to proficiency on the organ. Candidates must send in their names and testimonials on or before January 12th, to TBE WARDEN, | LL«4* THE COLLEGE, LLANPOVERY. dducation. t_ADIES SCHOOL.-Mrs Hier iiiforms her 1_.A Friends of her REMOVAL from Wood road to4. CERID. ^*onf-yp'f'idi and will expect her pupils on TUESDAY, January 16th. -1^512 6 WINDSOR PLACE, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. MRS G. MARTIN'S SCHOOL hmited number fof Voung Ladies will be HE-OPENED on MONt»AY, January 22nd, 1877. 13127 RJLHE LLANDYSSUL GRAM3IAR SCHOOL, CARDIGANSHIRE. WILLfAM: THOMAS, M.A., wili RESUME SCHOOL DUTIES on MONDAY, January 15, 1877, when he will be able to receive a few additional Boarders. Locality salubrious. Terms moderate. A list of Examinations passed during the year on application. nsu GIL EAT HOUSE CO~WBRI D G ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG LADIES. Principals—Mrs pnd The Misses CtrLvaRWELL. Pupils prepared for Oxford and other local Examinations. Refereel-Parents of Pnpils. School duties will be resumed (1J V.) WEDNESDAY, January 31st, 1877. 13407 T- LANDRINDOD C OLLEGE. —PROPRIE- JL4 TARY SCHOOL. FOR SONS Of GENTLEMEN. The SPUING TERX will begin on THURSDAY, January 25th, 1877. For Prospect-us, Reports, and all irformation, address the Hon. Sec. or the Head Master. The gravelled playground has recently been enlarged, and a large covered play shed erected. 13506 T. MARY'S HALL, PARK GROYE) CAI(DIFF. SCHOOL DUTIES RE-COMMENCE ON MONDAY, JANUARY 22ND. Vacancies for Young Lady Boarders. For particulars apply to J. D. SIMPSON. 13613 BOUGHROOD HOUSE LADIES' SCHOOL, STRUET, BRECON, MISS BUCK. In acknowledging the kind confidence for so many years placed in her by friends who have entrusted their daughter* to her care, begs to state that she continues to offer the advantages of a Home and carefully superintended Instruction in English and the usual accomplishments* A Resident French and German Governeas. References and Terms on application. MISS BUCK will be prepared to receive Pupils on TUESDAY. JANUARY 38kD, 1877. 13455 lutUtatlnu. DETECTOR'S LETTERS REPRINTED From the I I Medical Circular." Now Ready, Twenty-seventh Thousand, price Is 6d, post free, 18 8d. REVELATIONS OF QUACKS AND QUACKERY. Detector' has done his work well. We advise tbo- public to purchase these 1 Revelations,' and see how the disgusting tribe of sbam doctors are pilloried and their doings related. I,- Public Opinion. H519 London: BAILUBRB & CO., Kinit William street. Strand. CHRISTMAS p RESENTS, AND WHERE TO BUY THEM. W. PEDLER, Is now showing a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of LADIES' AND GENTS' LEATHER BAGS, Of the BEST FRENCH and ENGLISH MANIUYACTUitg,, the wewnt.eeaaon; witjha«L i troubling you to nofcico wljeirl west to London and wkere I bought this splendid lItoct. 1 beg to inform YOII that tkeee goods have been bought to meet the INCREASING DEMAND of all classes for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. LADIES' BAGS AND TRAVELLING BAGS At all prices, for all classes. 31, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. FANCY STICKS AND CANES. SPLENDID STOCK OF STICKS IN BLACK EBONY, SILVER-MOUNTED EBONY, ROOT ASH (choice), SILVER-MOUNTED ROOT ASH, PIMENTOES, RUSSIAN VINES, RATTANS, MOUNTED RATTANS, IRISH THORNA, SUSSEX THORNS, BLACK THORNS. STAINED HOLLIES, OAKS, HAZELS, And a great variety of other CHOICE AND NATURAL STICKS, Too numerous to mention, especially suitable for WINTER USE AND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. STICK WAREHOUSE: 31, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 3933-11922 BALLS, PARTIES, AND DANCING CLASSES. BOOTS, SHOES, AND SLIPPERS In all the Newest Designs rom PARIS AND LONDON FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDREN. THE CHARLES the IX. SHOE, from 6s. 1 Id. The DUCHESS SHOE. THE F ENELON SHOE, from 5s 9(1. The ORIENTAL SHOE in White, Black, and Coloured Kid, Silk, and Satin. BUTrON and ELASTIC BOOTS, in White, Black, and J) Bronze. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of FRENCH SLIPPERS, froa> 3s aa. GENTLEMEN'S and BOYS MOLIERES and OXFORD SHOES. GtNnEMENIS and BOYS' COURT SHOE. GZNTXZMWIS and BOYS' DRESS BOOTS. GIRLS' WHITE, BLACK, and COLOURED BOOTS and SHOES. WALKING BOOTS IN LARGE VARIETY. THE NOTED PORPOISE HIDE BOOT. W C. peace, 15, CROCKHERBTOWN, & ROYAL ARCADE CARDIFF. 11934 NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION WAREHOUSE, ADAMSDOWN HOUSE (Corner of Meteor street and bottom of Constellation street) SPLOTLANDS. MESSRS H. L. BISHOP .and CO. Beg to inform their numerous customers and friends that they have OPENED THE ABOVE NEW PREMIEE3 i with a well-selected stock of 1 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CORN, FLOUR, BREAD, KE. ■ All articles of the best quality, and at tb-o lowest rsmuaera- tive prices. Messrs B. &Ce. hope bystrict personal attention to business t.4 » r-Mtinuanee of their favour and luooort, ww t < 1- 11it uoti!tS. GLAMORGANSHIRE GENERAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Society will be held at the BEAR HOTEL, COWbRlDuk, on TUfcSDAY. thtt J6th day of January, 1877, at Twelve o'clock fit noon, lor the purpose of transacting the general business o the Society. The following notices have been received' b. the Secretary :— That a duly qualified Veterinary Surgeon be attached te the Staff of the ulainoivanshiie General Agricultural Society, and that some Rentlemen be selected to fill this nost by a General Meeting of the Members. (Signed) T. PICTON TURBERVILL. Ewenny Priory, Dec. 6th, 1876. The Mooi lands, Dec. 8th, 1876. SIR,-L hereby give you notice that I shall propose, at the Annual General Meeting of the Glamorganthire Agricultural Society, the following additions, viz. ;-In Kule 9 in the third line, after the words 11 at 'noon," thete words, six clear days previous to which each member shall receive an abstract of the accounts as prepared by the secretary and auditor." In :Hule 19" at the end, a ter the words I -me exhibition," these weirds" special prizes excepted." 1 am, Sir, Yours truly, JOHN GARSED. To Mr W. V. Huntley. 13374 To the Secretary of the Glamorganshire General Agricultural Society. SUL,-I hereby give you notice that at the next annual general meeting of the abovuociety 1 (hall prolone- That in Rule 1, Between the words 11 Vice-President" and Secretarj the following words be in.Forted.-l' Each of whom shall be an annual subscriber cf not less than five guineas and." Dated this 12th day ot December, 1876, ROuT. LETSHON, WILLIAM V. HUN'JLILY, Secretary. Welsh St Donatts. December 22nd, 1876. 1 875 J^OTICE TO TRADESMEN ANITOTHERST This is to GIVE NOTICE that 1 am NOT RESPONSIBLE for any DEBT contracted by my Wife, ELLEK HAKDING, on and after this date. 13469 EDWARD HARDING, Goiligaer parish. HE LLWYNRHYDOWEN CHAPEI7EVIC~- TION FUND. CARDIGANSHIRE. Tne Congregation worshipping until lately at this place, and ranking among the oldest Nonconformist congregations in the Principality, since it dated back in some form or another as far as the Evicted Two Thousand Ministers, has just been deprived of its Chapel and Bnrial Ground by the Lesserof the land cl%iminc immediate r)o"ebnion:-(I) As all the Trustees named in the Lease of 17S1 were dead, and no successors appointed (2) because, as alleged, although no explanation of the statement is given, the Chapel had been used for other purposes than the worship of God. As only three years of the Lease were unexpired, rather than entering into litigation the Congregation cas unanimously determined at once to make preparations for the purchase of land for a new Chapel and a new Graveyard. It is roughly estimated that no les!t a sum than £2,000 will be required for the purchase of land and for building expenses. as.d Suns advertised ..1166 9 t [ ADDITIONAL j. G. B. Brock, Bryn gyfi, So-ansea 6 0 0 John Jenkins, Brick Works. Merthyr 0 10 0 Richard Llewelyn, Mill street, Aberdare lie David Timothy, Porth, Pontypridd lit Watkins Rhys, surgeon, Pontypridd 110 T. R. Davies, printer, Swansea 110 James Williams, late of Pwlleurbryn, Llwynrhydowen 9 It 0 John Evans, surgeon. Swansea .1 10 Treanrer-JOHN JONES, Est, Solicitor, Llaadyssul, Cardiganshire. Somtary-Roy WM. THOMAS, M.A., the Grammar School, Llandysoul, Cardiganshire. J167 RTsfMATS PRESENTS. S. Bu R M A N, 9, WINE STREET, BRISTOL. WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, SILVERSMITH. WATCHES, CHAINS, 9, 15, and 18 CARAT. ilcwzl. LBRY, GOLD, SILVER, ani JET. SILVER AND ELECTRO.PLATED GOODS. WEDDING AND KEEPER RINGS. 31 I A CARD J. JYJR CARLTON RICHES, I AMERICAN DENTIST, i CAN BE CONSULTED AT COLUMBIA HOUSE, No. 23, DUMFRIES PLACE, CARDIFF » (The nearest nouse to the Drill Hall). C. R. has just left the Burgery of Dr J. H. Douglass, D.D.S., Cony, Penn. (late of Cardiff), after a residence there of 2^ vears, during which period be acquired a most intimate and extensive knowledge of American Dentistry. 11648 M R SHEPHARD, DENTAL SURGEON, CORNER OF CHARLES STREET. CROCKHERBTOWN, » CARDIFF. Dentistry in all its branches performed with accuracy and fficiency. Artificial Teeth from 5s. Professional hours datly from 10 to & ESTABLISHED S YEARS. Y^ICHI>. *B. BOULTON, DENTAL SURGEON, ACTON HOUSE, (Opposite the Infirmary), CARDIFF. ——— 11670 Painless Operations by Gas Daily. NOTICE OF REMOVAL MRS. ASHMAN'S CHINA AND GLASS BUSINESS IS REMOVED from the Roval Arcade to 20. ST. MARY STREBF, CARDIFF. (Oppoeite the Free Library). The best ana cheapest assortment in the town of CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE, VASES, LUSTRES, Ac. Please note the address— 20, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. 12801 WAN SEA SP O R T IN G DEPOT7 (Late BROOKES"8), CASTLE BAILEY STREET, SWANSEA. TO COLLIERY-PRORIETORS AND COAL MERCHANTS. SECOND-HAND COAL TRUCKS. NEARLY NEW FOR SALE for CASH, on DEFERRED PAYMENTS, or to te LET ON HIRE. 20 10-ton G.W.R. COAL TRUCKS, with m'do and end doors. 20 8-ton G.W.R. COAL TRUCKS, ditto ditto. so 8-ton G.W.R. COAL TRUCKS, with rind doors oniv. 2o 7-ton T.V.R. COAL TRUCKS, with end doors only. TRUCKS can be seen at the REPAIRING SHEDS, on the EA3T MOORS, CARDIFF, and all particulars may be bad by applying te V. A. WILLIAMS, Secretary, WESTERN WAGON 00. (Limited), NICHOLAS STREET, 10961 BRISTOL. THE OLD CUMBRIAN MIN ERAL WATER" WORKS, SWANSEA, Dec. 5th, 1876. We, the undersigned, Trustees of the late Mr JOHN BETC9, in thanking the Public 'or the kind patronage bestowed » him, We, the undersigned, Trustees of the late Mr JOHN BETC9, in thanking the Public for the kind patronage bestowed » him, beg respectfully to inform them that the Business be con- ducted in the usual way under the Management ,lII.r HERNE. who has auperintended it for the last 20 year*. trust that wo ihail be tavoured with a continuance of t".¡r esteemed oraers, which shall receive our best attentjor^ ■TJTT ,?&LUM JONEs, 119U ft Paat^tmWSYtaae*. TnMKsf. I lufuss Stwresstsa I t D. JOTHAM. SONS, I 0 VERCOATS. LSTERS. y ACHTING. JACKETS. 0OMPLETE surTS. TROUSERS and VESTe. JL (to matctl). WINTER TWEEDS and COAXINGS. JJATS and CAPS. F LANNEL SHIRTS. WOOLLEN PANTS ana WW VESTS. CBBISTMAS NOVELTla AT D. JOTHAM AND SONS, 26 and 27, ST. MABZ STREET, CARDIFF. 551 ESTABLISHED 1839. 1225? IT IS A REMARKABLE FACT fTlHAT just when the approach of winter render# -L warmer and more abundant clothing absolutely necea sary, the markets have fallen so low as to enable Mesanfc W PRICE and SONS to offer the best makes in all ciassse ot Woollen Goods at a much lower price than for inaur yean past. Their stoek of READY-MADE CLOTHING for Gen" men and Juveniles is replete with the Newest Styles in Qvee coats, Ulsters, Reefing Jackets, Morning CoaM. Trorners anp Vests to match. Suits of a piece, Welsh aiSl Fincy Flam el Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Knitted Jerseys, Shirty Drawers and Pants, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Muffler% Mitts, Cuffs. Ac. • r • T-r WOOLLRK HOSIERY in great variety. WATERPROOF CLOTIIlNQ A; TRAVELLING RCQUIBITOL ADDt.SS :-THJ: CARDIFF HOUSE, CORNER OF CAROLINE STREET, ST MARY ST, CARDIFF. 28 TERMS ONE PENB. No AsATnisini READY MONST. pUMPING ENGINES. PUMPING ENGINES The attention of COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, MINING OOM- PANIES, WATERWORKS, GAS and MINING ENGINEERS is solicited to ASHWORTH, 3 PATENT "SIMPLEX" STEAM RAM PUMP, double-acting with one, quadruple-acting with two run. These PUMPS are at work in Mines, forcing Water from a depth of 10 to 980 feet in one lift. They are being made in sizes to throw 620gallons of Water up to those capable ot throwing 88,0tt Gallons per hour. The makers will be gladte advise npea, and are open to con. tract te supply both BOILERS AND PUMPING ENGINES for clearing Mines of Water; also for the raising and forcing e Water in connection with Waterworks, kc. ThePUMWs also a neat self-contained driving Bngfee, and is uaed in Mills tor the two-fold purpose of Puqip, KSORW Feeder, &c.,) and driving. AW useful for Breweries, Chednsal: Works, and as a Ship Pump. MULTITUBULAR awl VERTICAL BOILERS guaranteed -ts carpy 100 lbs. pressure, and require no Brickwork. ASHWORTH BROTHERS, Mots BBOOlt FOUNDRY, MACHUTE AND BOILER WORKS, (JOLLYJEUBST JfteAD, MANCHESTER. 10321 H. EYL'S'-OBLEBRATED'PÃTBNT .)«. ANTI-FOULING COMPOSITION, For coating iron ships' bottoms. Now used by all the leading shipowaing firms in Great Britain. Teaders, including docking, cleaning, painting, and coating can be had on application te JOHN BOVEY CO., Lloyd's Agency, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Agents for Newport and Cardiff. 10894 GEORGE WOODS CO'S AMERICAN-MADE ORGANS6 DEALERS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and the profession should acquaint themselves with the merits and prices of GEO. WOODS & CO.'S ORGANS,the leading installments of America. Can be had at low prices direct from tne factoriee by addressing Gzo. WOODS and Co., Cambridgepott, Mass., I .S.A.; or to EUROPEAN AGENCY, 16, Ludgste Hill, London Messrs THOMPSON A SHACKELL, Agents for CARDIFF and SWANSEA. 4833 LIBBEG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT Finest Meat-flavouring Stoek for Soups, Mado Dishes, and SaoeiMU Caution—Genuine X>NLY wlu bodmue-aze- "Obo Label. 10847 to.. J. M. H ■ A I COAL KIICUII, Umax HOW aa8t,. .H) »J 1^ LARGE Boon OOUb Jto. STsla. IARGE MOUSE ca",Powdh 111 art Lemtsdt SMALL MOUSE OOAIt. AUIII SMZUNR OOAL. T Al. BELAM OGAI, OubdM NUTST»AM.BOIT. fhnslslsw NCAU. STBAKOAAL. OMUL «> ards 011. Grans:" lORnma Amrnm i-«r BBfirr BAlfEY. t. MsMsa. UK MAN S E L SMITH AND 0.0., 18, EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, SWANSEA, COAL MERCHANTS., die. BEST BOUSH COAL delivered to any part of the Tosa w Oonntry, it Current Prices. Superior COKE and SMITHS' COAL in any quantities. Fall Weight guaranteed, and certified by the authoirsed PuMto Weigher. Orders may be addressed as above: or to NO. G., ST. GI&OROVil TERRACE, SWANSEA. lCOSt JAMES 00 WELL (Brother of the late Richard Cowell), COAL EXPORTER, IRON AND COPPER ORE, AND FlTWOOD MERCHANT, 21. STUABT STREET, PIER HEAD BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. 1814—1126! R A W's DRY g O A P THE BEST FOR WASHING EVERYTHING. B A WIS F R EN 0 U BL 13 IN QOUABSS, THE Oft R LAUNDRY PURPOSES.

1 JUST IMPORTED FROM LEADIXG CO Nil siSXTAL MAKERS, A LARGE STOCK OF )MARBLE MANTEL ■F PIECES. I 9 Buyers will do well to inspect 3 JOHN WILLIAMS AND SONS' [ SKOWKOOMS, I QPIilSX-STRKEr, CARDIFF. 476I •! TEN PRIZE MEDALS. FR Y "k% COCOA. -j FRY' CARACAS COCOA, prepared with Caracas and other choice growths of Cocoa, is specially recein mended. A mostdelicious and valuable article." —Standard. FRYS CHOCOLATE, FOR EATING, IN GREAT VARIETY. "In all kinds of Fancy Chocolate, Messrs Fry are pre ( eminent. 'Court Circular. 11709