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i n MERT&YB.


n MERT&YB. I><ktCE>—Thte (ioiift was occupied on Saturday in dis- using of charges of drunkenness, and cases of assault only THE FORTHCOMING ELECTION OF GUARDIANS.—The Merthyr Telegraph, in an article dealing with local elec- tions says "When the election of Guardians especially comes round, the Nonconformist ratepayer must re- member that there is no board—not even excepting the School Boardpwhich has more to do with qvlestlons affec- ting our religious liberties than the Board of Guardians. We hftve seen 1.1ndite atterilpts ltiddB .to prdselytize inrtl&teB, to prevent Sotiiftti Catholics frOm Accepting offers of service in Protestant faItiiles, and to elidow dhÜrfJh: men and Catholics with public money for teaching their dogmas to paupers. If Nonconformists wish the princi- ples,Of. religious liberty to \J"f1 Established and faithfully carried Oiitj feliiey- itiUst draild bjjr tlteiiSS jiriiicimeg at their local 'dOrttijgfcSj and retiirii the men Whd Will r^siet eivery attempt at subverting them. We mention no names in view Of the approachiiig contests, but we hope these con- tests will display no symptoms of weakness or demorali- zation, but pass Off td the credit and to the lasting benefit of the parish." „ BDARRI dp GuAiirJiAss.—;Thd ordinary meeting Of this Bdard was held on Saturday, when there was a large attendance of guardians, the chair being occupied by Mr. G. T, Clark. The usual formal business having been dis- posed of; a loiig repdrt £ as read fromi a committee,. of Which Mr. J. C. Fowler was chairman, appointed to in- vestigate sundry charges preferred by the nurse against Dr. Gabe, the house-surgeon. It appeared from the re- port that the nurse had made specific charges of negli- gence against the. doctor. The committee heard the evi- dence of the parties themselves, and of the Master and Mr. Ward, who officiated for Dr. Gabe during his ill- ness., They came to the opinion that the majority of the charges made by the nurse were not substantiated, arid had been preferred in a moment of irritation but with respect to one patient, named M'Vie, it did appear that he was not seen from Saturday until his death, which occurred the next eveniug, and the doctor said he had concluded that it was a hopeless case, and therefore did not go to see the patient on Sunday. The committee thought the apparent hopelessness of any case was no ex- cuse for discontinuance of visits and medical treatment. The Workhouse medical relief book had not been regularly entered up, but it was explained as the consequence of recent illness, and Dr. Gabe promised regularity for the future. One of the committee (Mr. J. Lewis) happened to visit the Infirmary and, found the legs of one of the patients imported into this dispute, riaiUed Quinlan, in a foUl condition for want of washing which was clearly the result of negligence on the part of the nurse. The com- mittee went so far as to ascertain the opinions of the late nurses, the Sisters of Charity, of Dr. Gabe, and both con- sidered him kind to the patients, attentive and skilful in treatment, but Sister Francis thought he was rather abrupt in manner. It was probable that this abruptness on his part and the evident excessive irritability of the nurse's temper had brought about the existing unpleasant, and the com- mittee were of opinion that unless the doctor showed the nurse as much consideration, at least as he'had shown her predecessors, and the nurse Controlled her temper it would be impossible for them to work in harmony for the benefit of the patients or of the Guardians. The report was signed by Mr. Fowler, and the Board ordered it to be brought forward for consideration next week.






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