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f RICHARD JONES & Co,s ? jBf A ? SABF i )JU If&iViiD&i C?Jr!LiLiL) NOW PROCEEDING. The Entire Stock of this Season's Model Hats, Costumes, Gowns, Blouses, Jerseys, Ac., Greatly Reduced, to effeet a speedy clearance The LATEST FASHIONS at Wonderful SALE PRICES. —————————————————— t COSTUMES, FURS, &• FUR COATS. A Special Lot of Costumes. Latest Styles; this season's goods; to ba cleared at 63 [ All Cotton Frocks, in Voiles, Zephyrs, Crepes, etc., greatly reduced; 29/11. 39/11. 49/11. j; A Few Evening Frocks; specially reduced to clear. RAINCOATS, all New Shapes, Sale Price from 45/6. [ Although the prices of all skins have advanced 25 to 40 per cent., the whote of our Stock of Furs f; has been reduced, as usual, in spite of advancing prices. New Season's Shapes, at Summer prices. F r ^IRLS* MAIDS' DEPT. FANCY DEPT. :The whole of our Slock ot this Season's Costume, tlT"' 8 • Dresses, Frocks, etc.; reduced as usual for the Sale. r.' nr u- ci • • d- f- c White Fleecy Wool Scarves, special value; Sale iWashing Skirts in Pique, Drill, etc Sale price 10/6 price 3/1 School Drosses, in Serges, Checks, Alpaca, etc. i Overalls, plain shades, in Casement Cloth, r ;all sizes; Sale price from 19-H. long sleeves; Sale price, 7/6; usual price, 10/11. .Girls' and Maids' Overalls, in ail shades; Sale Ladies' Handbags, in Leather and Silk; Sale price price 4/11. from 4/11 to 50/ 1. L BLOUSES &< JERSEYS. Special Jap Schappe Silk Sh'rts, Tailor-made; Sale price, 19/11; usuai price, 26/11. >- Lace Trimmed Voile Blouses, handkerchief front, all sizes, very special, 12/11. I Crepe de Chene Blouses, all shades; Sale price, 15/11, 19/11, 25/ Coloured Voile Blouses, in Paisleys and Plain Colours; Sale price, G il, 8/11, 10/11. 1" Striped Twill Silk Shirts, in a variety of Stripes, Pure Silk; Sale price, 1911; usuai price, 25/11. Print Shirts, in Stripes and Checks and Floral Designs; to be cleared at 2 6 wdrth 3/xi and 4, ix. L Artificial Silk Jerseys, all shades; Sale price 21/6. All-wool Jerseys, in Saxe, Grey, Resida, Rose, Emerald, to clear, 30/ r Fleecy Jerseys, in Saxe, Rose and White only; Sale price 45/6, usual prico 59/6. Two Tone Jumpers and Coats, ail-wool in a variety of shades; exceptional value; Sale price 42/ MILLINERY DEPT. DRESS DEPT. [ -The whole of our stock of Model Hats, this season's The whole of our Stock of Black and Coloured Dress I goods, to be cleared at HALF-PRICES. and Costume Materials REDUCED AS USUAL Chitdren':J Woollen Caps, all colours; Sale for the SALE. price, 2,11l. 52in. All-woo! Plain and Herringbone Cheviots, ail iLadies' Liberty Panamas; Sale price, 4/0. new shades; Sab price, 10/9 per yard; worth 16/9 PRINT DEPT. per yi".f T .Th« whole of our Stock of Plain and Fancy Voilev 54'n- Heathe, iIiMura T*eed; Sale price, 12/0; all this Season's Goods, will be drastically reduced usua price, 17 11. to effect a clearance. S4'n- °0IKSal TttCeUs' 10 bo cleared at 9/11 ?cr yy Striped Ginghams; special value; Sale price, yard. '1/61 yard ♦ 52in- Check Suitings; wonderful value; Sale price, 36 Striped Winceyettes; Sal« price, 1/Gl per vard.. A11 ,-r c, c c- r >> r-i 1 r> c • 52m. All-wool Tweeds; Sale, price, 6/11; usual 36 rancy Cotton Checks, for Dresses; Sale price, price, 9/11. ili6t. Special Line of Jap Shan, Jap Silk and Shantungs, 36 Striped Zephyrs; exceptional value; l/6i to be cleared at 3.;ILII per yard. REMNANTS. REMNANTS. REMNANTS. 38in. Striped Luvisca; Sale price, 4 m per yard. UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY, & GLOVES. ladies' Summer Combinations with High or Low Necks; to clear, 2/114. Longcloth and Nainsook ditto; Sale price f 11. Long cloth and Nainsook Nightdresses; Sale price 7/11. Longcloth and Nainsook Knickers; Sale price 3/6. Ladies' Cutton Dressing Jackets, in all colours, [, from f Ladies' Cotton Dressing Gowns; Salo price 5/11. The whole of our Stock of Children's Cream and Coloured Coats; to be cleared at 10/11- [ 20 dozen Black, Cashmere-finish, Ladies' Hose; Sale price VIIi per pair. Ladbs'Plain and Ribbed All-wool Cashmere Hose; Sale price 3 112, 4/11, 5/11. Ladies' Artificial Silk Hose, in Black and all Fancy Shades Sale price 2/9, 3/6. [- Six dozen pairs Ladies' Black Suede Gloves, three buttons, Sale price, 2/11^ usual price 611. A few dozen pair Cream Doeskin Gloves, Sewn Black; slightly soiled; to be cleared at 4/11 per pair. t Odd pairs of Kid and Suede Gloves; all sizes, to clear, 1/11 J. HOUSEHOLD LINEN DEPT. BLANKETS. f. Goods offered in (his Department are considerably Rea| wi Blankets. Sala price, 35s junder Makers' Prices and, in many cases, cannot 3 1 *v v r' f possibly be repeated at the prices marked. Quilts, Bedspreads, etc. | All-linen Damafek Tablecloths, 66ins. by &8ins.; Saie I price, 9 1L 10/11, 12/11. A J"arSe Selection of these Goods to be Cleared TOWELS.—Union, Huckaback, Bedroom Towels; regardless of Cost. [ Sale price, 1/9J each.. Linen Diaper Towels; special; Sale price, 1J4 each Alhambra Quilts, large size; Sale price, 10/11. Manufacturers' Samples and Oddments in White Printed Bedspreads, from 6/11, i and Coloured Turkish Towels, to be cleared; Sale FANCY LINENS J price, l/0i. 1/44, 16^ 1/114 each. t „ White Twill Cotton Sheets; special value; 16/11 Afternoon lea Cioths, Tray Cloths, Duchess Sets, per pair. Cushion Covers, Sideboard Cloths; greatly reduced. RICHARD JONES & Co.E^,p ^ff y













