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ö J artnrrz hip. A B.C. Guidn to Sjock Exchange, 1907 Edition (27th).— The simples;, and best Guide tn f-verv (inscription "f Stock Exchange transactions: "üw to oyen an ac- count with small capital: contain* iiitjheat and lowest tales for last IS years.—Gratis and post free from Pub- lishers. 7291 Freeborn, franklin and Co., 12, Bank-street, Poy-il Kx^haria^. :'Ihn,'h"'er. asn IHc!lclt5 anh Œrír!1cb5. 5s eac b. 1907 guaranteed lioadster ('overs, tit Dunlop or Clincher rims AIr Tubes with valves is list free.—Speed Xyie Co Wolverhampton. 143 BICYCLES, £ 3CASH. er 15s with ordsr and ICs per raonth. Lined frames I plated rims. free tvlieel, two brakes, lamp, bell pump, spaioners: honest reliable machines high grade tyres: earriasn paid; guaranteed four years ten days' approval. Testimonials, photo, fullspecitl colons frsrn the maker- GEORGE BEATSON. LION CYCLE WORKR, 80 MOSELEY-STRKHT. BIKMINGHAM. Carriages anb IT ehidt5. UBBIER-Tyred Landau and Brougha-n also cee- R spring Victoria with iron tyres, by best London bailders, in excellent condition throughout; property Of a customer who is using motors. -Applv Perry and Turner, Carriage Builders, Fre,leric:treé"J;a.rdjfl'.ti68n UNDERTAKES writes—" Since I introduced Mar stoti's light modern Funeral Stock my trade has in creased wonderfully," EO Hearses. Coachcs. Washing ton Cars, Brougham. Landau?, some equal new bar- gains; catalogues.—Marston, 24, Bradford-street, Birmingham. y9;' Mtbttsl lUnufttts. RUBBER Appliances. Enemas, Elastic Hosiery, Ac- lists free Trusses. 2s Sd: double, is Sd.—Atkinson's ;C.T.l, Hill-street, Middlesbronsh. Kar-ah. 1870. 10 Bnss tmb illsihmg. LADIES' JaD Siil-i Blouse, elaborately tucked trimmed lace and insertion, verj' full size. 4s Ud. These blouses are worth half ziii nea each, and are latest style.—Sf>n:l P.O. to Brasch's Blouse Manufac-tur- tng Co., 203, Mile Knd-road, London. E. 19080 1Dt alt. HONEST Boot Value for town and country.— Wearers, in each pair of the well-known file Boots (reg.i, every uenny of ihe cost kocs tor skilful, conscientious workmanship, for quality. Their reputa- tion as the best is an old story. J7UFB Lorne Boots, tackets or sprigs, staud hard F usape and yet, retain their shape. All sizes and fittings. Honest materials, 8 s tid. 911 od. 10s bd. A GBICl'LTUKIST.S, Shepherds. "rers-6am A. keepers and all Outdoor V. earers, There are no Boots for you to equal" FIfe" Poot.-i at I! bd. THE Farmer's Friend is undoubtedly HOKE'S Hfe Boots at 15s 6d and 18s fed per pair buiU specially from finest waterproof leathers for Country Wear. TVLOUQHMEVS. Carters', Navvies', Miners', Road JL^ men's, and Labourers' Boots made by skilled boot- makers give iron wear,solid comiort;7s gd,8s9d, 95 6a •* T71IFE Boots for ladies, button and l*ce, black or JJ tan. glace kid or box calf. 7s Gd. 8s od, 9s 6d Shoes, ditto, 5s 6d, 6s 6d, 7s 6d. Value unequalled anywhere. Boot, for girls. btit,on and lace, glove Jj leather. Sizes-7 to la, jr 9d 11 to 1, 4s 9(1; 2, 5s 3d. Shoes-7 to 10, 3s 4d 11 to 1, 4s 2d 2, 4s 8d. For boys, stand hard wear and tear. Sizes-9,10. 4s 6d: 11 Sol. 5s 2d 3 to 5, 6s 3d. Shoes-11 to 1, 4s 4d 2 to 5, 49 Ild. All Goods sent carriace paid. EVP for my frae Illustrated catalogue, covering needs of whole family, it will save yon money. AX. Hogs. No. 62, Strathmiglo, Fife.—Tho Pioneer of the Boots-by-Post Trade. 13990 SOUTH Wales Property Gazette."—A Monthly Register of fistaces, Houses, Lands, Ac., to be Let or Sold in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of England, &c. 1,000 copies sent monthly, post free, to lohe leadjjoginhabitants of Wales and Monmouthshire Insertions free. Copies post tree from Messrs Hera and Pertwee, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, die., 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 2444 F E A T u E u s FE A T H E B 3 FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Why buy common shoddy Wool Beds when you can get best ENGLISH FEATHERS at Sd per lb. carriage paid? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Beds made loorder. Se d for samples and price list to 1i HANDY AND CO., FEATHER MERCHANTS, 6061 WELSHPOOL, XOHTH WALKS. 114 ,mtfíUUatttOUS. •*TlM"ATRIMONtAL Pott," sealed envelope 5d. with olr- JJL cnlar 9d; ;stablished over quarter of century.- Editor. Rooms 9 to 14, Trafalgar B1c1i{. London, W.C. n Utisrellaitfous KSUiiis. ARTIFICIAL Teeth Bought.—We strongly advise A. everyone to send to us any Artificial Teeth they may have for disposal. We make moss liberal oilers and are the largest firm of dental mHchantsin the world,—B. D. ana J. B. haser. Ltd., Desk 123, Princes- street. Ipswich. Established 1833. Relevance, Capital and Counties Bank, IDswicb. WELSH China.—Wanted, Swansea and Nantgarw China,Swansea and CambrianPotlery.and Dlllwyn Etrosoan Ware; only good specimens required; high prices given.—Address Colleocor. Echo Office. Cardlfl. Shanks- TfHS CHARING. Cuoss BANK. (Est. 1870.) Cardiff Branch—73. ST. MARY-STREET. I prerebes also at Mancbester, Liverpool, Leeds, &c.. &c Head Offices, 28. Bedford-street. Strand, London ;and J9,Bishopsgate-street Within. E.C. Assets, £ 036,249. Liabilities. £ 796,738. Surplus, £ 339,461 LOAS of £50 to £5,OGû made on any class of security. 24PER CENT. INIEP, REST, allowed on current accounts. DEPOSITS of £10 and upwards received as under- rp.c. Per Lnn.. subject toimontbs' notice of withdrawal tpx. 6.1 7p.c. „ 12. 19pecial terms forlongerperiod, Interest paid quarterly The Terminable Deposit Bonds payneulv 9 per cent. and are a safe Investment. Instead of paying large dividends to shareholders we pay fair rates of interest to onr depositors, and by so doing have earned the position we undoubtedly hold in the public confidence. We have been established for 27 years, and onr unique position ia the Banking World to-day testifies to the boccess of our business methods and to the satisfac- tion of our customers, Write or call for Prospectus. A. WTT-T, AMS and E. J. TKLL. Joint Managers JR01œ11. £ato£s-,ooo ADVACaill Br'PrlTOte Lender on Simple Promissory Notes. Kahilis of sale taken, and absolute privacy guaranteed. First letter of application receives prompt attention, and intending borrowers are waited upon by a repre- sentative, who is empowered to complete transaction on terms mutually arranged, no charge beirg made unless business actual ly completed. Special quotations for snort loacs. Write in confidence to C. WPLYS, CORRIDER CHAMBERS. 471n 7412 LEICESTER. 15 YEARS' REPUTATION. THE RAND, Ladies, Clergymen, Farmers, SECRET I Traders, and others requiring Cash OF BORROWING Accommodation should obtain my MOKEY IS terms before borrowing elsewhere. TO KNOW A Large or small sums (not less than RELIABLE £ 10) advanced dally at your resid- OFFICE TO GO ence by post or at my Office, as may TO IN THE ) be desired, and at easy rates on HOUR OF I promissory note aJone. Call, tele- NEED. J tihone, or write. It costs nothing to inquire. H. LEWTS. 27 CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. FHOLDINGS, Olii-c-atabtished Financiers, are pre pared to Advance sums from £ 20 to £ 3.000 at short notice on approved Note of Hand, personal or other securities. Charges arranged before transactions are corapleted. Mortgages on Property effected at current raftsof interest. Property Purchased. Trade Billw Discounted. Annuities and Fixed Incomes arranged. Money advanced on second mortgages. — Apply direct as we have no agents, Hay6s Buildings. The Hayes, Cardiff. 13938 ESSBS S7HERN & PKRTWEE, Fstate Ageots. 74, St. Mary-street, Ccurdiif, are prepared to advance from:Eloo to £ 100,000 on Mortgage of Free- hold or Leasehold Property. and from £ £ >J to £1.000 cyti pereonski security. 3664 fTtHE OLD-E.9TABLTSI-IED PROVINCI-A-L VNIóN I BANK continues tu lend immense suuis daily, from £ 10to £5.000. on Noto of Hand Alone. or other Security, at a few hours' fiotice. to all classes in any part of Eng- land and Wales, repayable by easy instalments.No good application is ever refused. All communications strictly private. Moderate Interest. Special rates for short periods. The largest, be"t known, and most honourably conducted Business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our jegular customers have expressed their entire satisfac- tion in repeated transactions with us. If desired, one of our Officials will attend at your residence at once with Cash, and carry out the advance THERE and THEN.— Call, or write (in confidence) to the Manager, Mr Stanley Dowfiing, 1, Queer.-square, Bristol, m to the Local AgentsT Davie" and Co.. 97. St. Man-street, Cardiff. -i HEATH & SONS. GRAMOPHONES. RECORDS. AND ACCESSORIES. 60LS F AQSSTS JYPTROSTYLE BE CHS TEES, P °S' BROADWOOD. PIANOLA. BLUTHNEE, A PIANO PLAYERS. ERARD. AND SCHIEDMAYES, 2C (ILIAN SELF. STECK, I LJU PLAYING JIEUMEYES, ^"WRGANS WALDEMAE. Q^UAJNb, Exceptional Discount for ruxos IS STOCK >U* 1 raou 10 6 COLLASD, MONTHLY KIRK. MAN, flIEINWAY. CARDIFF, IBACH, 4c. PUNTYPRID PENAllTH.and OEGAN-S by l'O&X TALBOT. UASOS and HAMLIN, 1066-2. jjULL Nat. Tel., Cardiff—01191. DOMINION, (to. Pontypridd-2L. MANFULNESS. —An lateventinv aad jtJL instructive BOOK can be liadFRKB describing a we, simple, and Scientific System which has been practised for over 20 years with unexampled success, together vk-ithovex 1.000 Testimonial* giving absolute pmof that the severest cases of NERVOUS EX- HAUSTION, DECAY OF VITAL FORCE, WASTING WEAKNESS, VARICOCELE, etc., have been PER- MANENTLY CUP.E P WITHO U I'Stomach Medicines, Electricity, Change of Diet or Habits, Los3 of Time or Occupation. A former sufferer writes It has life again worth living." Apply to-day enclosing two Ctamps for postage in plain envelope, and mention this paper.—A. J. Leigh, 92 and 93, Great Russeil-street, London, W.C. 16625 THEBAPION and popular remedy, used in Continental Hospitals by Ricord, Best an, Jobcrt, Voipeau, and others surpasses every- thing hitherto employed for impurity of blood, spots, blotches, pains, and swellings of joints, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, pains in back, stone, gleet, goat, rheumatism, exhaustion, sleeplessness, &e. Three forms, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, according to diseases for which intended. Price 2s 9d (particulars penny stamp) post tree in Great Britain, from the Le Cierc Medicine Co., laverstock-road, Hampstead, London, and principal tumiste. 19084 public ^ntnsements. _0_- CARDIFF. N E W H E A, T R E L PARK-PLACE, CARDIFF. SoleI*roprietor ROBERT R.ED70RD. EVERY EVENING AT 7.30. MR LEWIS WALLER'S COMPANY IN THE ROMANTIC PLAY, OBI N "JJ 0 O D. DIRECT TROM THE LYRIC THEATRE, LONDON. The only version plavcl tefor-, the King and Queen at Windsor Ca3tle. NEXT WEEK THE NEW MUSICAL PLAY, THE AID AND THE -,IIOTO P, A- Box Offiee at Theatre, 10 to T. Nat. TeL 373 HEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Lessee and Manager ROBERT REDJORD. TO-NIGHT, AT 7.30, The Great Play, rjlHE 0CTOROON. FRIDA.Y-THE, SHAUGHRAUN. SATURDAY—A MODERN ADVENTURESS. afds &t. —— LONDON. J^ONDON.—GIRCH'S JJOTEL. Ib2, STRAND. Bed, Breakfast. and attendance from 3s 6d. J"ON DON |30NX'S JJOTEL, 1, CRAVEN-STREKT. CHARING CUOS3. lied, Breakfast, and Attendance from 5s. Every Comfort. 19346 (Staanoti. NEWQUAY, CORNWALL. "VTEWQUAY. CORN WALL. -Thelema College provides :i sound inoderu, lioms educa- tio*t for" iii(iile,t number i,I gjrb. Dry and Lracin chmite. Modern preinwe? standing in owa grounds; perfect sanitation. Fees from lo suineas per term. For illustrated pfoapectiH apply to the principals. iublindilJns. TWO New Books by Leo Tolstoy.— Tolstoy on Shakespeare." A Critical Essay, with Articles by K. n. Ciosby aud G. B. Shaw. The Revolution in Russia." New Articles by Tolstov since Autumn. 1903, on the Russian Crisis. Price 7d each,post free.-i)ept. B, The Free Ag" Press, ChÚst church, Hants. Jhtblic faints. CANCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham %j road, London, S.W.—PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Funds urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. 18584 Secretary Fred W. Howell Shrilling otieU.e5. HE TAU N'TON AN' D WEST OF ENGK-VND PEKPSTU-Uj BENEFIT HCiijDINC SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 1883. Offices; 3. TAUNTON. Secretary Mr R. A. GOODMAN BORROWING SHARKS, £ 60 EACH. BUMS OF MONEY ara ready to be advanced on security of any desoriptiou of real property—free- hold, leasehold, or copyhold—on the most equitable terms; the principal and interest repayable by Monthly Instalme n i. INVESTING SHARES. £ 60 EACH. realised in about 13 yeats auci 4 months by Monthly Pavmeiita of Five Shillings per share. FULLY PAID-UP SHAKES, bettrinr., a fixed rate of interest, payable half-yt-ariy, or allowed to accu inulate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly, or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may be obtained on application to the Secretary, as above or to 189 Mr THOMAS WEBBER, District Secretary, Tower Chambers, Church-street, St. John s- square, Cardiff. ARE YOU RUN DOWN? IS YOUR DIGESTION POOR? IS YOUR SLEEP BROKEN? Worry aad overwork can do much to b^iag about these conditions. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC, THE BEST REMEDY FOR NERVOUSNESS, WEAKNESS, INDIGESTION, S>LEEPLES3NE39, LOSS OF APPETITE, LOW SPIRITS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Testimonial. 103, Gilfach Uyaon, Iwynrodtn, Mexthyr Tydlil, Dear Sir-, in May, 1901,1 became ill from a very severe attack of nervous prostration Life was a peritct misery, as i was so Nervousness depressed, dyspeptic, and weak, 1 hava Nervousness been treated by dilierent doctors, and Neryousnew tried nearly every patetit medicine, but derived a mere tt-mporary relief. A tew weE-ks ago a Iriend trom Carmarthen Rdvised ins to try t;w.iym Evans Quinma Bitters, and I purchased a large bottle, but had no confidence then in its efiicacy to do me any good. 1 am clad to say the effect has been marvellous with me. I am now almost in perfect health. I (hall continuj its us- Jor a littlo whila longer to prevent the jlllle; returning. I can truly say that there is no tonic that 1 know of equal to Gwilym Evans' Qninine Bitters. and you are at periect liberty to publish tlus statement, as I think any person suffering from any nervous diseases will find a. true mend in Gwilym Evans' Quin.ine Bitters it perse- vered with. j, am, yours, cIte, HENRY TILLER GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC, Testimonial. Cced Talywern, Duffryn. Gentlemen.-I am pleased to be able to bear testimony to the benefit 1 have re- Weakness reived by taking Gsvilyin Evaus" yuin;ua Weakness Bitters. i have had medicine from Weakness various doctors every spring tor yeaw past, and was obliged to take medicine all last winter, but as I received httie benefit 1 resolved to try Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters, and though i have only taken three 2s 9d bottles, am able already to go about. 1 have been sutlering from Weakness, Ac. Yours truly, M. A. WILLIAM3. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BI TERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Testimonial Indigestion 4, hiwydaxth—road, Indigestion Mae^te?. Indigestion Dear Sirs,-Gwilym Evans Quinine Bitters is. in my opinion, one of the best gilts given to humanity, 1, myself, have derived the greatest possible bnneiit in stubborn cases oi flatulence, indigestion, I Joss ot appetite and weakness. i liava proved Gwilym Evana Quinine Bitteri on my own person to succeed when all ether remedies have tailed. Yours truly, T. POWELL. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININK BITTERS GWILYM E\ANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Beware of imitations. See the name "Gwilym Evans" on the label, stamp, and bottle, without which none are genuine. Sold everywhere m bottles 23 9 i or 4s 6d rach, or will be sent post irea, on receipt of stamps, direct from the sold Proprietors. QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIGHTED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. JJASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS; I AY HOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO: CARDIFF SWANSEA OFFICES OF THE SOLTH W 1?.S DAILY NEWS, NO. "H-STKEET, pipping 's:- £ 1ANAD1AN |>YCIF K.r J^INK F ASTKST For.ai!ing5 and Pamphlet, To Re Work and Wages, p.vmi Apply to C.P. lily.. f 18, St. AuguatiueVparade, Bristol; or VV. J. Trounce and rions," Bute Docks IJaviej and Co., 53, Ctiarlei-stceet; Tlau. Cook apd Son, Duke- or VV. J. Trounce and rions," Bute Docks IJaviej and Co., 53, Ctiarlei-stceet; Tlau. Cook apd Son, 0" Duke- street Stewart and Co., 33, ilountstaart-square; Captain Scott, 47, Cat'uays-terracCathay* Cudlipp, .2, City-road, Dean and Dawson, 67, St. Mary- street, Cardiff. Young and Sons, 9. Tredegar-} lace, Newj port. D. 31. lUcUard. Wenallt. Alierdare. l'hOm¡H. 19, Market-atreet, Abertillery. F. Coombes, Beaufort- Chepitow. Hills and Sons, 171, Oxford-street, Pontycynimer. Kcas .Io:ies, Hill-street, Rhymaey. J.L. Atkina, Uellyiaelog, Dov.'lais. ".iorgan. 112, Higii- st., ilerthyr. Thomas aud Son. Town Hall Chambers, and D.C. Jones, Graig Post Office, Pontypridd. West- macott, 13, Monk-street, Abcrgaveuny. Howell Bey- non, Mount Vernou, Brynmawr-place, Maesteg, Glam. WHITE STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL to AUSTRALIA, calling at Capetown (South Africa). RUNIC, 12,Wi tons tine 6 MEDIC, 11,984 tons July4 A FRIC. 11,948 tons t PERSIC, 11,9/4 torn .Sept. 26 The accommodation on these twln-serew steamers comprisbg smoking, reading, and dining rooms. Fares.—To Australia, £ 17 to £ 27; 10 Capetown, £ 15 15s to £ 22 Is. For further pa.rticn.lars apply to Local Agentn or tolsrn.'iy, Imrie and Co., Liverpool, Southampton; 1, Caclspar-street, S.W. and 38, Leadenhall-street, E.C., Londos. ALLAN ROYAL MAIL.—CANADA and U.S. Unsurpassed for let, 2nd and 3rd classes. Special rates to Ontario, Manitoba, and Canadian North West, Handbooks free.-Apply Allans, 51, Pat! Mall. 19, James street. Liverpool, and 103, Leadenhall-street, London; or to W. J. Trounce and Sons, Bute Docks, Cardiff; Captain J. A. Scoit, 15, Cathays- terrace, Catbaytt; C. Stuart, 35, Mount Stuart- uquare C. J. Cndlip, 32, City-road; Dtvies & Co., 5S, Charles-street, Cardiff. I (Bzcuxsitnis. Ii IN BELGIUM, O VIA HARWICH AND I ANTWERP, D ■ Every W eek-day. A READ "HOLIDAYS IN BELGIUM." Y Send postcard to the Continental nanager, G.E.R., Liverpool-street, Station, London, E.C., for descriptive illustrated pamphlet (free). 1S099 ENMARK. NORWAY™SWEDEN. VIA ii VIA HARWICH aul ESBJERG, By the Danish Royal Ma!! Steamers of the Forenede Line of Copenhagen, thrice weekly. Send post-card to the UNITED SHIPPING COY., Ltd., 108, Fen church-street, London; or the Con- tinental Manager, Liverpool-street Station, London, E.C., for descriptive illustrated pamphlet (free). 19098 alts Im feifor. GALE OF H.M. SHIPS AT BERMUDA TENDERS will be received until 12 o'clock Nootyon Friday, the 5th July. 1S07, for the purchase of :— 1.—H.M.S. RUPERT, twin-scraw, coast defence ship (armoured), of 5,420 tons displacement. 2.—H.M.S. COLUMBINE, steel screw steam vessel of 272 tons displacement. Both vessels are lving at H.M. Dockyard. Bermuda, where they can be inspected by intending purchasers. The Rupert is offered for sale for breaking up at Ber- muda or elsewhere. The Columbine is offered for sale without any restric- tion as to breaking up, and her boiler and machinery will be left intact. Forms of Tender, containing conditions of sale and all available particulars, may be obtained on applica- tion to the Director of Navy Contracts, Admiralty, London, S.W. F. W. BLACK. 13036 Director of Navy Contracts. Insurance. CTTM FIRS OFFICE ^3 ALL FOUNDED 1710. The Oldest Insurance Office in the World CARDIFF BRANCH-2. CHURCH-STREET. W. EVAN LLOYD, District Inspector. Insurances effected against the following risks FIRE. j Workmen's Corn- Personal Accident. pensation & Em- Sickness & Disease. ployers' Liability, Fidelity Guarantee, ¡' including Accidents Burglary. to Domestic Servants, Funds in Hand, £ 2,545,328. X STOP ONE MOMENT. X Oil. DEAR, DOCTOR, MUST MY DARLING DIE: THERE JS VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY OR WILLIAMS' PATENT JgALSAM OF HONEY. THERE .is NO REMEDY UNDER THE CANOPY OF HEAVEN EQUAL. PATRONISED BY ROYALTY, NOBILITY, DOCTORS, NURSES, and MOTHERS PRAISE IT. WHY ? It contains PURE WELSH HONEY and an Essence of the Purest and most efficacious Herbs, gathered on the Hills of Wales, being gathered in the proper season, when its virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. THERE are thorsauds of children who die annually from Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and Croup. This is a grand discovery for the cure of such complaints. It is INVALUABLE for Weak-chested Men, Delicate Women, and Children. It cures when all other remedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. J t cures thousands of children of Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. It cure3 for one Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT. If you have a Cough, try it. If you have a Cold, try it. If you have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refreshing sleep when you have lost nights of rest. A STIPENDIARY AND A MAGISTRATE IN THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN REMARKS:- I feel it my duty to inform you that I have been using your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey in my family, which is a large one, ior many years, and have _"r\"rlA i<c /troof h'I,jnrt ncP/1 n nth IT) rf pl'lA ff)P Cough during Measles, Whooping Cough, and Bron- ¡ chitis, and can highly recommend it to all parents for such complaints." SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE. TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. MOST IMPORTANT. SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUDS. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is, 285d, and 4s 6d bottles. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d, 2s, and 5s, from the inventor. Saving in purchasing the large site bottlea. D. TUD0E WnAAiU,l», MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. 1111 SPORT FOR SUMMER. ——- Send 2 stamps lorour New 60- pageCatalogue IpP1^ NOISELESS SHOOT!JSC. f of Novelties andSpecialities in Noiseless Guns and Rifles. All shapes and patterns, Folding Guns, Cyclists' Guns and Rifles, Walking-stick Guns, Air Guns, &c. No noise, no smoke, no recoil. The wonders of the atre. Spec'al Line: Noiseless Rabbit Rifles, with 100 Noiseless Cartridges, 7s 6d, range 100 vards.-BELL BROS.. Wholesale Gunmakers. Offices, 93, Waterloo-street, Glasgow. Mention paper. 19078 CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL. c POSTING, and CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES AND WOLLKS-1, PARK-STREET, CARDIFF. SECRETARY—FRANK H. SIMPSON. Proprietors of the Principal Stations in Cardiff and Neighbourhood. Contractors for all descriptions of Advertising, Circular Distributing, <fcc. All orders promptly attended to. 332—1044 WORTH KNOWING. GEORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GREAT FREDERICK-STREET. CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL l POSTER, who rents the largest number and best private bill-posting stations in the town and neigh- bourhood. All work entrusted to him will bespeedily and faithfully executed. N.B.3ill Posting sent by l oat or citii will bare immediate attention. 1.. i -rtssts. _p-p I Act" M#88 91 SOLID SILVER LEVER. SUt'SRMR TO P.1 SiErANia lti 1 Ft if In tha 'AOKS'— aYcrlta&">e triirmpHof nscc'.iaaical E vk //0ts&lll—yo» hava enlbo«ied^R'thatt!sa ber,tl>mbis R- e t.,y cmn flWe, 9 iatt»3aBatch-lndKStry«aa'i»ttfclntoIt, togsihorurith g IKVSSHTIOJIS, I R¥ EOYfil.-tJSW&ES POTS*?,.and in- i pf\Ny)vv clawed in H. SAKUEL'a WATCKSSifiEitii-aat adcUtionai 1 fe| cost to the parchacer. I A ummcE OF- THE SOUS asvaktasss 1 i I SSCURED-t3Y DEALING WITH H.SAML FfHST HAND, i H mcifOilJunt. | Ecaconsiield Biuldings, Cfcorley, Lar.cs,, KTkfl 1 f& Laidy's or G«nt.'s, Keylcis or I near Sir,—It is r.ov tz y«ars thl# week R lifcyaind, sa.n»a pffico, viz., £ is,- I since I purchased my watch for fe In ihi.m mi- i, .I, | K«ver a belter xvaich have you turne.l ou: as tcgzrd'i B ,t. fims-kecping and durability. It has been in use every & AllO "cde Park House .lay dnring^th.t time. It still ticks as true B| VI,.A l'i?a>n, K.O., as ever and k».eps accurate It has Thb! x it c ^uwatn. done me pood service as we 11. as yoa. n •• 0 oH*Samuc" Yours truly, H>:NKY CI.ARKSOS. Dear o;r,—Over 20 yc^rs v.%o I bought one of your watches. It has had so^veiy 'TH0&8AKBS I Rvj-f Specification | rou^a Isxnduaj daring t.Jat period. Or. one gp „ ff fg Iff occasion it was fiUed with salt water as the Y 1 > j-ver, fu-.)" /M gl AW'.V— tesclt of a; accident, but after cleanlr.» it FSixiiHJi'43 I •S,T'e. 0*^5", //4T"W- R '1 was as good as ever and is-nil: a good tirae- LWIEB3 .mpinrod Ea-ir.ce W aeel § (if ¥ § -1 keepe7.-Yourssincc-;ely,R. J. N. NISBET. U £ and Patent Barrel. Move- | M. ] STTI This Tr.arvellous bargain is but one in the "^us rfii^-proo: Ca'^and | i'' f F~ InfinHe array of wondsrful vaines H. Saranel en-:o«-* "In 50IlB''s'L- J f •IB P"T is showing at hia nunisrous esta&iialiments, \,4-APED>CASES.* A F 1^,1 || F& This Tr.arvellous bargain is but one in the "^us rfii^-proo: Ca'^and | i'' f F~ InfinHe array of wondsrful vaines H. Saranel en-:o«-* "In 50IlB''s'L- J f •IB P"T is showing at hia nunisrous esta&iialiments, \,4-APED>CASES.* A F 1^,1 || F& carapi'istr.^ In addition to Vj ate has, Gostl, Wonderful Protfuc- 5 P |B Sir" lye? and Gem JeweHary, Clocks, Cutlery, nan i iF.,uVinr swr» I iS JpS I.ectro-pJate, &c. For example:- f | lit || |fcZ GENT'S REAL CiOLU /fr REAL GOLD if 1 IM fji k If AI.BEslTS BROOCHES, from <9/*0 1 Vvf tfi| 7fl ■■ LADIES' REM. GOLD «S R LUSTROUS DIAMOND \oi|f I 12 101 WATCHES (warranted) 0 W RINGS,.Choicc.'S:onc«$t? WWi' fIf SOI.ID GOLD LONG Of" SILVHR-PIATEO 'DIN- GUARDS N'ER CRUETS W/V Full Warranty with all Watches, and a MONTR'S FSKE TBIAI.. allowed v.ith everything lo convince tlie jpnichr.ser of valne and quality. j'" SEE H. SAMUEL'S MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY TO-BAY 1 Train Faros Paid (up to SO miles) of purchasers speeding 25/- upwards. j SRHOEL'S MASVELLOUS SUCCESS HAS EHCGURAGED A HOST OF IM1TRTOR8, ROM, U JWEVER. WITH H. SAMUEL'S RESOURCES, KOR OFFKHiHft THE SAME A3T0MlSKiNG M ILUE. See, therefore, that tho Shop you euto^ iMiars tie ga 4. SAMUEL,7 sj MABY.ST.. \t Manchester, London and 53 Branches.) AJ—1_ t ra Full Warranty with all Watches, and a MONTR'S FSKE TRIAL, allowed v.ith everything lo convince the jpnichr.ser of valne and quality. j'" SEE H. SAMUEL'S MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY TO-BAY 1 Train Faros Paid (up to SO miles) of purchasers speeding 25/- upwards. j SRHOEL'S MASVELLOUS SUCCESS HAS EHCGURAGED A HOST OF IM1TRTOR8, ROM, U JWEVER. WITH H. SAMUEL'S RESOURCES, KOR OFFKHiHft THE SAME A3T0MlSKiNG M VALUE. See, therefore, that the Shop you antez, iMiars tie s.<;<:a— ga 4. SAMUEL,7 sj MABY.ST.. \t Manchester, London and 53 Branches.) AJ—1_ t ra (L_ The Physician's ra k P k SS l| Cure for Gout, pj ,/P 1 | |i j Ja Bheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Bemedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Safest and most I Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Effective Aperient for -C- Regular Use. MAGam'ESIA rjlHERE IS NO OUBT that it is the "live" man who gets there." The man who never tlags and is ever on the qui vive. lie is perennially alert and eager —and looks it Why is he cheery, so con- fident 1 Is he immune from the everyday .ittIe ills that upset others so much? Not at all. Only, he is prompt in regard to him- self as he is in his business. He puts his finger on a weakness at once, never letting a headache, or any other ache, due to temporarily arrested stomach action have a chance. There is no other way. Attack little ailments at once. A timely use of B E E C H A -M 'S pILLS D gEECHAM'S piLLS JgEECHAM'S pILLS B E E C H AM'S pILLS will neverletthem grow. Aches vanish and you keep brisk and up-to-date. That is a business asset. This is something to tell someone else. Everybody more or less suffers from stomach troubles in these strenuous days, and no one can afford to be ill. Indeed, the need for a safe and speedy medicine, to relieve promptly and surely the minor ills that depress the brightest men, is universa- Here, is an impressive fact to remember. Over six million boxes of BKECHAM'.S PILLii are sold every year That is eloquent testimony that while the need is great and widespread BEKCHAM'S PILLS PILLS -,LW ET THE JpUBLIC N EED. I Prepared only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helen's, Lane. Sold everywhere in boxes, price Is lid (5G:pi11s) and 2s 9d (168 pills). THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. NO FLUMMERY. No bought or I Manufactured Testimonials. HAVE C YOU J'J BAD H LEO With Wounds that discharge or oftierwise, perhaps sur- rounded with inflammation and swollen, that when you press your finger on the inflamed part it leaves the impression ? Il so, under the skin you have poison that denes all the remedies you have tried, trom which, if not extracted, you never can recover, but go on suffer- ing till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated, the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured. or there may be wounds; the disease, if allowed to con- tinue will deprive you of the power to walk. You may have attended various hospitals'and had medicaladvice, and been told your nsci" hopeless, or advised to submit t» amputation; but do not, for I can cure you. I don't say perhaps, but I will. Because others have failed it is no reason I should. Send at once a Postal Order for 2/6 to ALBERT, 73. FAR RINGDON STREET, LONDON, and you will rcceive a box of < GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT LP and Pills, which is a certain remedy for tbecuneofBad Ltg:s,Housemaid'sJK nee, Ulcferatea Joints,.Carboncfes, Poisoned Hands, and Bunions. (Copyright.) A WELL-KNOWN REMEDY. HAYMAN'S BiLSA M. Forward 2s 6d Bottle. BEST REMEDY FOR COLD I CAN GET.T. Bolton, Up. Halliford. CURED COUGH AND COLD FOR 36 YEARS. \[ E W P O E T OFFICES i\ OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, 1 BRIDGE-STBEEX.

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_M_'-------..-_--WHERE ANALYSTS…




---------__.-_--HAUL OF CARTRIDGES.I

----------------T.B.D. AND…

--------------ISUICIDE'S II…




