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_s MONMOUTHSHIRE, sinn mer assises for Monmouthshire were ^'e Shirehall, Monmouth, on Saturday. r*r°>i Pollock was the presiding judge, and h aecompanied by the High Sheriff (Mr Arthur ans), the chaplain (the Rev. Chas. Treheme, irnor canon of St. George's, Windsor), the *°r of Monmouth (Mr Honey field), and the (Mr John Moxon). The judge and high-sheriff were escorted from his lordship's j?~lEulgS to the Shirehall by the Monmouth II P of the Royal Gloucestershire Yeomany **issais, of which the high-sheriff is a lieutenant. THE GRAND JURY. S' ^en"1einen sworn as grand jurymen were ^r tt. Mather-Jackson, Bart, (foreman), Mr S. g^anquet, the Hon. J. M. Rolls, Mr F. M. *ttnerman, Mr J. E. Brewer, Mr H. H. Clay, „aP^ain Codrington, Mr F. Crawahay, Major- general Dunn, Mr D. W. Jenlcins, Mr R. W. -j-nnard, Mr R. Leybout-ne, Mr Llewellyn, u Lyne, Major R. H. Hansel, Col. F. ^CDonnell, Mr F. J. Mitchell, Mr H. J. Parnall, j>r1y • B. Partridge, Mr E. J. Phillips, Captain W,, Powell, Major C. T. Wallis, Mr A. Adams "'lams, and Mr Alfred Williams. THE CHABGE. Jnaro POLLOOK, in his charge to the grand said he was glad to see there were only six (in which seven persons were concerned), and only two seemed to be of a serious character. w°wld refer to these only. In the case of the »la ,^toc'c^eni who w»s charged with man- ^ghter, it seemed to be undoubted that the v., of tha death of Lewis was the fight lo^fa the men. Whilst fighting the men fell jjSether, and Lewis died soon afterwards. Now. « One of the combatants in a fight died from Jfes received in the struggle, however fairly it conducted, the person inflicting the injuries 5htka tne f,ye °*' t'Ui -aw guilty of manslaughter. ^itK 0^t'r case Elizabeth Adams was charged „ 'h attempting to murder her two children by •ting their throats, and also with attempting to su'c'^e > and, according to the inedieal k nce' t'ie won,an was 'n a mental condition Bwl* as ma^e 'ler irresponsible for her actions, bill ^'le 3ury would say whether there was a true 0r not. The other cases did not call for any Wcial direction. TRIAL OF PRISONERS. The calendar was a very light one, there being persons involved in six cases, which oom- one charge of manslaughter, one of at- v^pted child murder, two of bigamy, and two of ^sebreakmg and theft. HE LOST HIS WAY. w labourer, named Wm. Morris (22), pleaded guilty to having broken into the dwelling- of Mr Clias. Williams, mason, 26,. Usk. ret, Oaerleon-road, Newport, at midnight on W1 4th, with intent to steal. Mr T. M. Phillips appeared for the prosecution, and prisoner was "^defended.— In evidence it was stated that two V?1'Virion saw Morris go over the wall at the back 5^'Niams's house, and, hearing the sound of being broken, they followed and promptly reared the delinquent,—Prisoner, who said ho as drunk and had mistaken the way to his house, was found guilty, and sentenced 5 months' hard labour, the* Judge remarking rjac it was no doubt true that drink had led him COmnut the offence. A. SAD AFFLICTION. A- respectable married woman named Llizabetb ? an>s (26) was charged (1) with having, at her A6t!?e in the parish of Aberystruth, on March a h » attempted to murder her children, Ruth a Adams and Sarah Ann Adams, by cutting jj throats and (2) with having at the same 'iatrHn^ place attempted to commit suicide by MI-T?K -*er own throat. She pleaded guilty.— ?h'ii n'eH aPP8aret* for the prosecution, and Mr *h" f°r the prisoner.—Addressing his lora- to*rr P'J'PS said it was clear from the tc) ed:cal depositions that at the time the woman gutted the offences she was not responsible her actions. Some months previously she had 110 n confined of a. child, and, although thera was taint of insanity in the family, she suffered a disturbance whioh sometimes afflicted in such circumstances.—Dr. Sloper, called th 1 defence, said that three months before jkJ? assault prisoner attempted to drown {foil and a child. She suffered TOl melancholia then. She had made /jjjeral attempts of one kind and another, and he think she was now in a condition as to íant them giving her the custody of her •afaii ^en..—Dr. Bolton, medical officer at Usk said prisoner had been under his observation °e April 11 th, when she was admitted to the She was depressed in mind when ad- j, 'ted, but she had progressed so favourably that COnsidered her a sane person and fib to have of her children. At the same time he °'ild advise her family to treat her gently and tiehlr ^er" Such treatment would undoubtedly t, better for her than confinement in any place. £ faf°?er told him that she had, taken a chill th f r confinement, and that was the cause of aberration.—Mr Adams (the husband) prisoner's father said they were willing to ^ke ewe of her, and to become sureties if she bril* discharged.—His Lordship bound over Prisoner in the I when called upon, and the husband and *thej> were bound over in sureties of £ 25 each. BIGAMY. Collier named Elijah Roberts (29) pleaded lly to having committed bigamy by marrying '}n~tb« parish of Trevethin, o.n QY.6th,1890, his former wife being then alive.-— deferred till to-day. Robarfc James, (31), miner, pleaded not fealty to having, at Bedwellty, on 20th July, Warned Elizabeth Griffiths, his first wife, Q,n,1y Baker, whom he married at St. Margaret's Mountain Ash, in 1882, being then alive. 1*1 *• M. Phillips apf»eared for tha prosecution P'isoner was undefended. — Elizabeth l>rftlths Rave evidence as to her mamage with Wt who had represented himself to her and amily aS a bachelor. She lived about two *'s a»d ten months with liim, when she found a. baen previously married. Subae- wit s^0 fc him.—Mr Griffith?, father of last fcfkirt k6S* corr°l)orated.—Prisoner, in his defence, i 6 firsfe wife had left him and he thought she and that he had told Griffiths all about 1 CIrcumstances before he married her.—The round prisoner guilty, and he waa sentenced Wonths' hai*d labour. A FATAL FIGHT. ",Alfred Stoekden (33), haulier, surrendered to j«. "a'l to answer a oharge of having killed a man (u,1^ Wm. Lewis, at Snatchwood, Abersychan, the 14th Marob. He pleaded not guilty. The «st» 0nfr's jury had returned a verdict of. man- f^Shter against him. Mr Daniell appeared jj, the prosecution, and Mr Corner for the —Henry Smart, Snatchwood, said that he evening in question prisoner, Lewis, and b and others were in the Snatchwood Inn. ^"Establishment and polities were being dis- tt). IIS. Lewis used some objectionable language The two quarrelled and fought, and 'er'y they went outside and finished up under j..8^5-lamp. Whilst fighting on the street -Sonet fell on the top of Lewis. The fight \Vu a perfectly fair one.— Cross-examined: itu,88 Said was Lewis who first aJ^red, and called Stockden a liar T e^al times and other offensive names. iT0?"» kept challenging Stockden to fight.—Dr. f „ Watson Mulligan, Abersychan, said he saw the same evening. Lewis, who was in a si 'aPsed condition, complained of pain in the Jr°nien, and died the same night, Oa making ^U-morUm examination he found an extensive vPtute 0f t^0 bladder, which was the cause of jje was 0f opinion that the rupture was J?ttseq by pressure on the bladder, assuming that considerably distended at the time. There f. »o external marks of violence on the body.— k, ^-examined He did not really know what Jll'?t the bladder, but, assuming it was lio -Ct to disease and was distended with it would be easily ruptured. He ihto Ppisoner to a very respectable man, and -j? support of his widowed mother.—At this the Judge, who remarked that in point of lit th&re was no evidence against the prisoner, a. pped the case, and directed the jury to return °f "Not guilty."—Stockden was ac- ^lngly discharged. A KOMANTIC BOBBKKT. fit last case was one in which two youths 0n»r^' an(i which, as Mr Comer remarked in his statement, contained elements of plotting ^scheming such as had few parallels in this (9,'ntry m niodern times. Henry Ralph Sims fifooer, and James Allbuts (18), cabinet- r**er, were charged with having on the 8th May r^en into the house of Rebecca Ablarfc, at and stolen £ 42 12s Sd, the property of F. Thorne, grooer, Newport; also with b "Ing received the money knowing it to have I solen. Alibnts pleaded guilty, and owns j: guilty. Mr Corner appeared for the prosecu- Ki"1?' and Mr Phillips for Sim'.—Mr Corner ex- •jw that Sims had formerly been an ass'atant W branch shop at Oaerleon oi Mr Geo. 1. Scocer» Newport, a Mr Tuckfield being at Caerletm. Sims left ab<jut two years field had kept tip correspondence With TUCK- occasionally visited him and, a day or ta. before the robbery, appeared at Caer- *vho j?n<1 *lept at Mr? Ablart'd house, *tav Tnekfield lodged. Thft ttto prisbftftTs were totln at Tipton, ia Staffordshire, when Sims AUbuts of the way Tuckfeld used to put his b;Y away on Saturday evenings, and suggested H:) that they might make a haul by robbing th« &tcl,S,nK Kl03er. Sims, aa prime mover in ana being acquainted with ail the jX^ji'^rroundings, drew out a plan showing the h of Mrn Ablart's house and the rooms tljs the inmates and the money were usually of and ultimately they devised a scheme T'nu y- Th°J accordingly went down from to Caerleon together. The part Sims iLAWay was this He would go to bed with see that the money was put in Tuck- btttti8 box, which box would be marked by Sims his straw hat upon it. The key of the be in Tuolifield's trouser pocket, the "'01ar8 being placed on a particular chair. Ha the back door of the cottage open whe>» i.,ufca to enter in the dead of night, and CAIIbat. got in he would give directions by if any person was awake, or Bnoring if that siu^y was asleep. It had been arranged ^eldfi n got the monevhewastocross the > tbe highway, go to Newport and leave that. eating-house, so *6i»ai ?s should not be short, and take the r °f the sjjoil with him for further in SJiivl'V Allbuts got the money, and left £ 10 stat«d 8 ? kag as directed, but when arrested he at had gone ou the spree and got to his u°* the rest by a woman. On getting back to]d v.home at Tipton he became rsmorseful and tH% folks, who advised him to surrender to and confess.—Allbuts gave evidence Satan, the statements of counsel.—Cross- Mi cab? admitted that he had not been long He sometimes worked at ^ejijr°?"'naking. He had been out of employ- s'Qce three months before last and lived with bh9 mother. He had been accused once of stealing a tobacco-pouch, but he did not steal it. It-had been arranged between Sims and him that fhey should go to America. together with the proceeds of the robbery.—No witnesses were caPed for the defence, but oft behalf of Sims Mr Phillips said he must be convicted by strong and conclusive evidence, which brought home his guilt tq the mind of the jury. He (Mr Phillips) submitted that the evidence rested entirely on suspicion and surmise, and on that ground he contended that they could not convict his client. —The jury found Sims guilty. Sentence was de. (elTd, This concluded the criminal business before the assizes, and the court adjourned. These assizes were continued on Monday, at the Shirehulf, Monmouth, before Baron Pollock, who was accompanied by the high sheriff (Mr Arthur Evaus) and the high sheriff's chaplain. BIgAMY AT PONTYrOOL, Elijah Roberts (29) pleaded guilty to com- mitting bigamy, at Pontypool, on the 6th May, 1890, his former wife beinz then alive, and was sentenced to eight months hard labour. THE ROBBERY OF MONEY AT OAEBLEON. Henry Ralph Sims (21), grocer, and James Allbutt (18), cabinet-maker, found (niilty on Saturday of breaking into the house of Rebecca Ablart, at Caerleon. on the 8th May, and stealing £42 12s 3d, the moneya of George F. Tborne, grocer, Newport, came up to receive sentence.—His Lordship remarked on the peculiar circumstances of the robbery, and said ho was sorry to see a young man of the position of Allbut led into temptation by another mw. He intended to mark his sense of the conduct of Sims, and afterwards passed sentence on him of 18 months' hard labour. He hoped the sentence on Allbut, namely, of three months' imprison- ment, would have a salutary effect upon him. The court then proceeded with the civil causes. FISHINS RIGHTS NEAR USK. CORFIELD v. HEBBEKT.—The plaintiff is the rector of Llangattock, near Usk, and the owner of a strip of glebe land abutting on the river Usk, and the action agamst Mr Reginald Herbert, of Clytha, and the owner of adjacent land, was for trespass. The plaintiff also asked for an in- junction to restrain defeudant, his servants, and agents from removing withiea on the side of the said glebe land, and from fishing in plaintiff's fishery iu the waters of the Usk. Mr Ram and Mr Daniell were for the plaintiff, and Mr Darling, Q.C., M.P., arid-Mr Rowlatt for the defendant. —In opening the case, which WM tried before a special jury, Mr Ram said that the plaintiff, as I rector of Llangattock, owned certain glebe land, three acres in extent, of which it was contended that the portion in dispute formed part. This atrip of land had been well known as affording excellent fishing ground, and had been let to various tenants, including the late Lord Llan- over, by plaintiff and his father before him. It was only as recently as last year that tho slightest claim had been made on behalf of Mr Herbert or any other landowner to the property. The point I in question was whether the strip of land—only a, few yards wide in places, and separated from the adjacent iaud by thorns, bushes, and briars- belonged to the glebe land or to the land in the rear, which was in the occupation of the defendant. — Evidence was given showing that there wero certain ash trees and withy trees shadowing the stream and sheltering the fish; hence the fishing rights were of con- siderable importance, plaintiff stating that Lord Llanover paid hife father £10 for the halt-year for fishing, and that he had since let it for three days per week at £5Q per annum.-—His lordship grew quietly facetious as the case went on, and when Mr Ram had finished with a statement of the rights of the rector, the Judge said that was the second time he had had three acres in dispute on that circuit, but he had never seen the cow.— Prior to the adjournment for luncheon, his Lordship suggested an amicable Settlement of the very email action, but after lunoheon Mr Darling lamented that he could not come to any agreement with the other side.—-His Lordship suggested that he might give learned counsel his assistance, and pointed out that the case had been very fairly fought. The" oyster" was really so small that it was emphatically a case in whioh a little ivo and take would be advantageous. hIr Ram: Although the oyster is small, it does not admit of sub-division it must be all or none.—His Lord. ship: In any question the fishery would follow the land. You would obtain an actual line of delimitation, and the fishing rights would follow. I have known some very good cases which I ought to have stopped go ultimately to the House of Lords.—Mr Darling I do not know whether your lordship thinks there is any probability of the House of Lords not being in existence next year?—'His Lordship: Being n silent member of the House of Lords myself, I have not considered it. (Laughter.) — Mr Darling then suggested that the jury should have an outing and inspect the locus in quo, as the case could not possibly be finished that after- noon, but one daring juryman, taking the breath out of the foreman's mouth, said the jury dtdn't want a, trip. and would rather sit there and work the case to bare bones.—The next witness after this interlude was John Mayberry, labourer, 66 years of age, who spoke to mowing the land, and to the difficulty be had in cuttmg clean between the trees and underwood which formed the alleged boundary, and to the then owner of the land (Wm. Morgan), telling him the strip did not belong to him. From the Morgans the defend. ant purchased the adjacent land in 1862.—Joshua Bevan, nephew of Wm. Morgan; James Hughes, gardener, employed by Mr Lindsay j and other wittiessess were called, and tbecase had not con- cluded when the court: rose. The business of the Monmouthshire Summer Assizes was continued at the Shire-hall, Moil- icouChj oil Tuesday, before Barort Pollock. ACTION BY A RECTOR. The case of Garfield v. Herbert again came on for hearing. This was an action tried before a special jury brought by the Rev. Booth Corfield, rector of 'Llangattock-nigh-Usk, against Mr Reginald Herbert, of Clytha, in respect of alleged trespass on the part of the defendant on land belonging to the plaintiff alongside of the river Usk; and the plaintiff claimed an injunction restraining the defendant, his servants or agenta from removing the withies, and from fishing in the plaintiff's fishery in the waters of the riveradjommg his land. Mr Ram and Mr Daniel! were for the plaintiff, and Mr Darling, ( Q.U., M.P., and Mr Rowlatt for the defendant. The action was brought to decide which of the two parties was entitled to the ownership of three acres of land and the strip alongside the river. Plaintiff claimed it as part of his glebe, ib having been in the possession of his father, and defendant con- tended that it was part of the property occupied by persons named Morgan, as shewn by the deed Whfth the Morgans conveyed to the defendants, and by the acts of ownership of the Morgans while they remained owner's. The jury retired at half- past two, and on returning into court a quarter of an hour later found for Corfield—damage* Is, with costs and injunction. BBTTI'ESTKNTS. Mr Ram, addressing his lordship, said he did not purpose to trouble him with the case of Mardon v. Peddocke, in which the claim was for moneys due under a deed, and the counter-claim for rent and damages. With his lordship's consent, the parties concerned had arranged terms, and they would ask for a judge's order if necessary. His Lordshio concurred.—With reference to the case of the Tewkesbury Brewery Company v. Pack- wood, in which the claim was for goads sold ;and delivered, and a counter-claim for wrongful dis- missal, Mr Gwynne James mentioned that terms had been come to by the parties, and the case would not be proceeded with. His Lordship assented.—After the case of Cprfield v. Herbert had concluded, Mr Ram informed the judge that Mr Corner and himself had arranged terms in, the case of Prosser v. Prosser for money lent. His Lordship expressed his pleasure at the satisfactory course which had been adopted, This concluded the business of the assize,








LORD TREQECAR'g ESTATE. ...............















Wedding Beits.




