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MONTEZUMA'S DAUGHTER. By H. Rider Haggard, N [COPYRIGHT 1893.] A-itbor of "She," "Allan Quartermain," &c. SYNOPSIS. CHAPTER 1. tells why Thomas Wingfield, at the mumand of Queen Elizabeth, writes an account ".r his experiences against the Spaniards, and )beir rule and conquest in Mexico. CHAPTER II.—The parentage cf Thomas Wing- field is dealt with. He tells with pardonable V»ide that he sprang from the Wingfields of Wingfield Castle, in Suffolk, which passed into iiii- hands of the De la Poles through a Contumacy of his father. He shut hiir- -le1f in a monastery at Seville in Spain and sent his son awiiy "to mortify his iesb." The father escapes and tinds his son, whom he addresses Hark you, my son Tito-na-s: Ihere ia a country called Spain, where yonr mother was born, and there these devils abide mho torture men and women, aye, and ^azn them living in the name of Christ. I was betrayed into their hands by him whom I name ihe chief of the devils, though he is younger than I am by three years, and their pincers and hot Irons left these marks upon me. Aye, and they Would have burnt me also, only I escaped, thinks Jo your mother- but such tiiles are not for a little Jkd's bearing; and see you never speak of them, Thomas, for the Holy Office has a long arm. iTou are half a Spaniard, Thomas your tikiii Mid eyea tell their own tale but whatever skin £ d eyes may tell, let your heart give them the Keep your heart English, Thomas let to foreign devilments enter there. Hate all Spaniards, except your mother, and be watchful nt her blood should master mine within you." ihe chapter concludes by an allusion to a dark thadow which hangs over his father and mother's wuae at Ditchingham. CHAPTER III. The Coming of the Spaniard. And now I mu-it go back and speak of my own Matters. Ag I have told, it was my father's wish that I should be a physician, and since I came back from my schooling at Norwich, that was when I had entered on my sixteenth year, I had Studied medicine under the doctor who practised iiis art in the neighbourhood of Bungay. He was a very learned man and an honest, Grunstone by same, and as I had some liking for the business I made good progress under him. Indeed, I had learned almost all that he* could teach me, and my father purposed to send me to London, then to push on my studies, so soon as I should attain my twentieth year that is, within some five months of the date of the coming of the Spaniard. But it was not fated that I should go to London. Medicine was not the only thing that I studied in those days, however. Squire Bozard, of Ditchingham, the same who told my father of the coming of the Spanish ship, had two living children, a son and a daughter, though his wife had borne him many more who died in infancy. The daughter Was named Lily, and of my own age, having been horn three weeks after me in the tarn* year. Now the Bozards are gone from these part?, for my great-niece, the grand- daughter and sole heiress of this 30n, has marned Mid Jraa issue of another name. But this is by the ¡ way. From our earliest days we children, Boiards and Wingfields, lived almost as brothers 1 and sisters, for day by day we met and played together in the snow or in the flowers. Thus it would be bard for me to say when I began to love Lily or when she began to love me; but I know tliis-thtt when first I went to school at Norwich I grieved more at losing sight of her than because I must part from my mother and the rest. In all our games she was ever my partner, and I would search the country round for days to find such flowers as she chanced to love. When I came back from school it was the same, though by degrees Lily grew shyer, and I also grew suddenly ishyi, pfer^e^ipg that from a child she had become a woman. Still, we met often, and ¡' though neither said anything of it, it was sweet to us to meet. Thus things wenton till thisday of my mother's death. But before I go further I must tell that Squire Bozard looked with no favour on the friendship between his daughter and myself— and this, not because he disliked me, but rather because be would have seen Lily wedded to my shier brother Geoffrey, mv father's heir, and because be would have seen Lily wedded to my elder brother Geoffrey, my father's heir, and not to a younger sou. So hard did he grow about the matter at last that we two might scarcely meet except by seeming accident, whereas my brother WM ever welcome at the Hall. And on tbijs account some bitterness arose between us two brother?, as is apt to be the case when a woipan comes between friends, however close. ITor it must be known that my brother Geoffrey also loved Lily, as all men would have loved her, and with a better right perhaps than I had-for be was my elder by three years and born to pos- fWsjoas. It may seem, indeed, that I was some- what hasty to fall into this state, seeing that at the time of which I write I was not yet of age Ml young blood is nimble, and, moreover, mine was half Spanish, and made a man of me when many a pure-bred Englishman is still nothing but a boy. For the blood and the sun teat ripens it have much to do with such matters, M I have seen often enough among the Indian gwoples of Anahuac, who at the age of fifteen Will take to themselves a bride of twelve. At the least it is certain that when I was eighteen years of age I was old enough to fall in love after Such fashion that I never fell out of it agam altogether, although the history of my life may I to give me the lie when I say so. But I take it that a man may love several women and Jove one of them the best of all, being true m the spirit to the law that he breaks in the iat-ier. Now, when I had attained nineteen years I was* man full grown, and writing as I do in extreme old age, I may say it without false o,iiatne, a very handsome youth to boot. I was DOt over tall, indeed, measuring but five teet nine JAChes and a. half in height, but my liirbs were well made, and I was both deep and broad in the chest. In colour I was, and my white hair not- withstanding am still, extraordinarily dark- huod, my eyes also were large and dark, and my hair, which was wavy, was coal- blaek. In my deportment I was reserved and Jfrave to sadness, in speech I was slow and temperate, and more apt at listening than in talking. I weighed matters well before I made ap my mind upon them, but being made up, ^nothing could turn me from that mind short of death itself, whether it were sot on good or evil, on folly or wisdom. In those days also I had )ittle religion, since, partly because of my father's secret teaching and partly through the workings of my own reason, I had learned to doubt the doctrines of the Church as they used to be set out. Youth is prone to reason by large leaps as it were, and to hold that all things are false because some are proved false, and thus at times in those day I thought that ther,) was no God. because the priests aitid that the image of the Virgin at Suogay wept and did other things which I knew that it did not do. Now I know well that there ill God, for my own story proves it to my heart. In truth, what man can look back across a long hfe and say that there is no God, when he can see the shadow of His hand lying deep upon his two of years ? On this sad day of which I write I knew that Lily, whom I loved, would be walking alone I beneath the great pollard oaks in the park of Ditchingham Hall. Here, m Grubswell, as the spot is called, grew, and indeed still grow, cer- tain hawthorn trees that are the earliest to blow of any in these part, and when we had met at the ^hurch door on the Sunday, Lily saidthat there WoaKt beWooiri upon them by the "Wednesday, and on that affcernoon she should go to cut it. It may well be that she spoke thus with design, for love will cunning in the heart of the Jtyost guileless aaa truthful maid. Moreover, T noticed that though she said it more her father and the rest of us, yet she waited to speak till my brother Geoffrey was out of hearing, for she did not wish to go a-maying with him, and also that as she spoke she shot a glance of her grey eyes at me. Then aud there I vowed to myself that I also would be gathering ha.vthorn bloom in this same place and on that Wednesday afternoon—ye-, even if I must play truant and leave all the sick -of Bungay to Nature's nursing. Moreover, I was determined on one thing, that if I could find Lily alQnt" I would delay no longer, but tell her all that was in my heart; no great secret indeed, for, though no word of love had ever passed between as as yet, each knew the other's hidden thoughts. Not that I was in the way to become affianced to maid, who had my path to cut in tiie world bfit I feared that if I delayed to make sure of her affection my brother would be before me with aer father, and Lily might yield to that to which she would not yield it once we had plighted troth. Now it chauced that on this afternoon I was 4ard put to it to escape to my tryst, for my Toaster, the physician, was ailing, aud sent me to visit the sick for him, carrying them their medi- cines. At the last, however, between four and 1ve o'clock, I fled, asking no leave. Taking the Norwich road I ran for a mile and more till I ',Ad passed the Manor House and the church ^arn, and drew near to Ditchinghain Park. Then dropped my paca to a walk, for I did not wish come before Lily heated and disordered, but father looking n.y best, to which end I had put 'n my Sunday garments. Now as I went down ijje little hill in the road that runs past the park, saw a mau on horseback who looked first at the J,ridle-path that at this spot turns off to the rijrht, then back across the common lands towards the "Vineyard Hills and the Waveney, and then along, be road as though he did not know which way to turn. I was quick to notice things—though at this moment my mind was not at its swiftest, bdng set on other matters. and chiefly as to how I should tell my tala to Lily—and I saw at onco that this man was not of our country. He was very tall and noble-looking, dressed in rich garments of velvet adorned by a gold chain that hung about his neck, and as I judged about) forty years of age. But it was his face which chiefly caught my eye, for at that moment there was something terrible about it. It was long, thin, and deeply carved the eyes wc-re large, and gleamed like gold in sunlight; the mouth was small and well shaped, but it woro a devilish and cruel sneer; the forehead lofty, indi- cating a man of mind, and marked with a slight scar. For the rest, the cavalier was dark and southern-looking, his curling hair, ?ike my own, was black, and he wore a peaked chestnut- coloured beard. By the time that I had finished these observa- tions my feet had brought me almost to the stranger's side, and for th" first time he caught sight of me. Instantly his face changed, tho sneer left it, and it became kindly and pleasant looking. Lifting his bonnet with much courtesy, he stam- mered 50m'thing- in broken English, of which all that I couid catch was the word Yarmouth then perceiving that I did not understand him, he cursed the English tongue and all those who spoke it, aloud anà in good Castiliaii. "If the senor will graciously express bis wish in Spanish," I said, speaking in that language, it may be in my power to help him." What! speak Spanish, young sir," he said, starting, and you are not a Spaniard, though by your face you well might be. Caramba but ill is strange 1" and he eyed me cautiously. It may be strange, sir," I answered, but I am in haste. Be pleased to ask your question and l«t n.e go." "Ah!" he said, "perhaps I can guess the reason of your hurry. I saw a white robe down by the streamlet yonder," and he nodded towards the park. "Take the advice of an older man, young sir, and be careful. Make what sport you will with such. but never believe them and never marry them-lest you should live to desire to kill them Here I made as though I would pass on, but he spoke again. Pardcn my words, they were well meant, and perhaps you may come to learn their truth. I will detain you no more. Will you graciously direct me on my road to Yarmouth, for I am not sure of it, having ridden by another way, and your English country is so full of trees that a man cannot see a mile." I walked a dozen paces down the bridle-path that joined the road at this place, and pomted out the way that he should go. past Ditchingham Church. As I did so I noticed that while I spoke the stranger was watching my face keenly and, as it seemed to me, with an inward fear. which he strove to master and could not. When I had finished agaiu he raised his bonnet and thanked me, saying — Will you be so gracious as to tell me your name, yon.ng sir?" "What is my name to yon?" I answered, roughly, for I disliked the man. "You have not told me yours." "No, indeed, lam travelling incognito. Per- haps I also have met a lady in these parts," and he smiled strangely. "I only wished to know the name of one who had done me a courtesy, but who, it seems, is not so courteous as I deemed." And he shook his horse's reins, I am not ashamed of my name," I said. "It has been an honest one so far, and if you wish to know it, it is Thomas Wingfield," I thought it," and as he spoke his face grew like the face of a fiend. Then before I could find time even to wonder, he had sprung from his horse and stood within three paces of me. A lucky day. Now we will see what truth there is in prophecies," ho s:tid, drawing his silver-mounted sword. A name for a name Juan de Garcia gives you greeting, Thomas Wing- field." Now, strange as it may seem, it was at this moment only that there flashed across my mind the thought of all I had heard about the Spanish stranger, the report of whose coining to Yar- mouth had stirred my father and mother so deeply. At any othei time I should have remembered it soon enough, but upon this day I was so set upon my tryst with Lily and what I should say to her, that nothing elso could hold a place in my thoughts. "This must be the man," I said to myself, and then I said no more, for ho was on me, sword up. I saw the keen point flash towards me, and sprang to one side having a desire to fly, being unarmed except for my stick I might have done without shame. Butspring as I would I could not avoid the thrust altogether. It was aimed at my heart and it pierced the sleeve of my left arm, passing through the flesh—no more. Yet at the pain of that cut all thought of flight left me, and instead of it a. cold anger filled me, causing me to wish to kill this man who had attacked me thus and unprovoked. In my hand was my stout oaken staff which I had cut myself on the banks of Hollow Hill, and if I would tight I must make such play with this as I might. It seems a poor weapon mdeed to match against a Toledo blade in the hands of one who could handle it well, and yet there are virtues in a cudgel, for when a man sees himself threatened with it, he is likely to forget tha.t ho holds in his hand a more deadly weapon, and to take to the guarding of his own head in place of running his adversary through the body. And that was what chanced in this case, though how it came about exactly I cannot tell. The Spaniard was a fine swordsman, and had I been armed as he was would doubtless have overmatched me, who at that age had no practice in the art, which was almost unknown in England. But when he saw the big stick flourished over him he forgot his own advantage, and raised his arm to ward away the blow, Down it came upon the back of his hand. and 1o his sword feU from it to the grass. But I did not spare him because of that, for my blood was up. The next stroke took him on the lips, knocking out a tooth and sending him backwards. Then I caught him by the leg and beat him most un- mercifully not upon tho head indeed, for now that I was victor I did not wish to kill one whom I thought a madman as I would that I had done, but on every other part of him. Indeed I thrashed him till my arms were weary and then I fell to kicking him, and all the while ho writhed like a wounded snake and cursed horribly; though he never cried out or asked fur mercy. At lust I ceased and looked at him, and he was no pretty sight to see-mdeed, what with his cuts and bruises and the mire of the roadway, it would have been hard to know him for the gallant cavalier whom I had met not five minutes before. But uglier than all his hurts was the look in his wicked eyes as he lay there on his back in the pathway and glared up at me, Now, friend Spaniard," I said, "you have learned a lesson and what is there to hinder me from treating you as you would have dealt with me, who had never harmed you ?" and I took up his sword and held it to his throat. "Strike home, you accursed whelp he answered in a broken voice it is better to die than to live to remember such shame as this." "No," I said, "I am no foreign murderer to kill a defenceless man. You shall away to the justice to answer for yourself. The hangman has a rope for such as you." Then you must drag me thither," he groaned, and shut his eyes as though with faintness, and doubtless he was somewhat faint. Now as I pondered on what should be done with the villain, it chanced that I looked up through a gap in the fence, and there, among the Grubswell oaks three hundred yards or more away, I caught sight of the flutter of a white robe that I knew we! and it seemed to me that the wearer of that robe was moving towards the bridge of the "watering," as though she were weary of waiting for one who did not come. Then I thought to myself that if I stayed to drag this man to the village stocks or some other safe place, there would be an end of meeting with my love that day, and I did not know when I might find another chance. Now I would not have missed that hour's talk with Lily to bring a score of murderous-minded foreigners to their deserts and, moreover, th.s one had earned good payment for his behaviour. Surely, thought I, he might wait a while till I had done my love- making, aud if he would not wait I could find a means to make him do Not twenty paces from us the horse stood cropping the grass. I went to him and undid his bridle rein, and with it fastened the Spaniard to a small wayside tree as best I was able. "Now, here you stay." I said, "till I am ready to fetch you," and I turned to go. But as I went a great doubt took me, and once more I remembered n.y mother's fear, and how my father had ridden in baste to Yarmouth on business about a Spaniard. Now, to-day a Spaniard had wandered to Ditchingham, and when he learned my name had fallen upon me madly, trying to kill me. Was not this the man whom my mother feared, and was it rlhb that I should leave him thus that I might go a maying with my dear ? I knew in my breast that it was not right, but I was so set upon my desire and so strongly did my heartstrings pull me towards her whose white robe now fluttered on the slope of the Park Hill, that I never heeded the warning. Well bad It been for me if I had done so, and well for some who were yet unborn. Then they had never known death, nor I the land of exile, the taste of slavery, and the altar of sacrtfisai CHAPTER IV. Thomas tells His Love. Having made the Spaniard as fasll as I could. his arms being bound to the tree behind him, and taking his sword with me, I began to run hard after Lily and caught her not too soon, for in one more minute she would have turned along the road that runs to the watering and over the bridge by the Park Hill path to the Hall. H earing my footsteps, she faced about to greet me, or rather as though to see who it was that followed her. There she stood in the evening light, a bough of hawthorn bloom in her hand, and my heart beat yet more wildly at the sight of her. Never had she seemed fairer than as she stood thus in her white robe, a look of amaze upon her face and in her grey eyes that was half real, halt feigned, and with the sunlight shifting on her auburn hair that showed beneath her little bonnet. Lily was no round-cheeked maid with tow beauties save those of health and youth, but a tall and shapely lady who had ripened early to her full grace and sweetness, and so it came about that, though we were almost of an age, yet in her presence I felt always as though I were the younger. Thus in my love for her was mingled some touch of reverence. "Oh it is you, Thomas," she said. blushing as she spoke. I thought you were not—I mean that I am going home as it grows late. But say, why do you run so fast, and what has happened to you, Thomas, that your arm is bloody and you carry a '.word in your hand ?" I have no breath to speak yet," I answered, Come back to the hawthorns and I will tell you." No, I must be wending homewards. I have been among the trees for more than an hour, and there is little bloom upon them." I could not come before Lily. I was kept, in a strange manner. Also I saw bloom as I ran," Indeed, I never thought that you would come, Thomas," she answered, looking down, who have other things to do than to go out maying like a girl. But I wish to hear your story, if it is short, and I will walk a little way with you." So we turned and walked side by side towards the great pollard oaks, aud by the time that we seached them I had told her the tale of the Spaniard, and how he strove to kill me, and how I had beaten him with my stafl. Now Lily listened eagerly enough, and sighed with fear when she learned how close I had been to death. But you are wounded, Thomas," she broke in -see, the blood runs fast from your arm. Is the thrust deep ?" "I have not looked to see. I have had no time to look." Take off your coat. Thomas, that I may dress the wound. Nay, I will ha.ve it so." So I drew off the garment, not without pain, and rol!ed up the shirt beneath, and there was the hurt-a clean thrust through the fleshy part of the lower arm. Lily washed it with water from the brook, and bound it with her kerchief murmuring words of pity all the while. To say the truth, I would have suffered a worse harm gladly, if only I might find her to tend it. In- deed. her gentle care broke down the fence of my doubts and gave me a courage that otherwise might have failed me in her presence. At first, indeed, I could find no words, but as she bound my wound I bent down and kissed her minister- ing band. She flushed red as the evening sky, the flood of crimson losing itself at last beneath her auburn hair, but it burned deepest upon the white hand which I had kissed. Why did you do that, Thomas?" she said, in a low voice. Then I spoke. I did it bectuse I love you, Lily, and knew not how to begin the telling of my love. I love yon, dear, and have always loved as I always shall love you." "Are you so sure of that, Thomas 2" she said again. There is nothing else in the world of which I am so sure, L:ly. What I would be as sure of is that you love me as I love you." For a moment she stood quiet, her head sunk almost to her breast, then she lifted it and her eye shone as I have never seen them shine before. Can you doubt it, Thomas ?" she said. And now I took her in my arin3 and kissed her on her lip". and the memory of that kiss has gone with me through my long life, and is with ine yet, when, old and witheied, I stand upon the bor- ders of the grave. It was the greatest joy that has been given to me in all my days. Too soon, alas it was done, that first pure kiss of youthful love-and I spoke again somewhat aimlessly. "It seems then that you do love me who love you so well ?" "If you doubted it before can you doubt it now?" sho answered very softly. "But listen, Thomas. It is well that we should love each other, for we were born to it, and have no help in the matter, even if we wished to find it. StiIl, though love be sweet and holy, it is not all, for there is duty to be thought of, and what will my father say to this, Thomas?" I do not know, Lily, and yet t cAn guess. I am sure of this, sweet, that he wishes you to take my brother Geoffrey, and leave me on on* side." Then his wishes are not mine, Thomas. Also, though duty be strong, it is not strong enough to force a woman to a marriage for which she has no liking. Yot it may prove strong enough to keep a woman from a marriage for which her heart pleads—perhaps, also, it should have been strong enough to hold me back from the telling of my love." No, Ldy, the love itself is much, and though it should bring no fruit, still it is something tD have won it for ever and a day." You are very young to talk thus, Thomas. I am aI-so young, I know, but wo women ripen quicker. Perhaps all this is but a boy's fancy, to pass with boyhood." "It will never pass, Lily. They say that our first loves are the longest, and that which is sown in youth will flourish in our age. Listen, Lily I have my place to make in the world, and it may take a time in the making, and I ask one promise of you,. though, perhaps, it is a selfish thing to sepk. I ask of you that you will be faithful to me, and, come fair weather or foul, will wed no other man till you know me dead. "It is something to promise, Thomas, for with time come changes. Still, I am so sure of myself that I promise—nay, I swear it. Of you I can- not be sure but things are so with us women that we must risk all upon a throw, and, if we lose, good-bye to happiness." Then we talked on, and I cannot remember what we said, though these words that I have written down remain in my mind, partly because of their own weight, and "in part because of all that came about in the after years. And at last I knew that I must go, though wo were sad enough at parting. So I took her in my arms and kissed her so closely that some blood from my wound ran down her white attire. But as we embraced I chanced to look up, and saw a sight that frightened me enough. For there, not five paces from us, stood Squire Bozard, Lily's father, watching all, and his face wore no smile. Had he been riding by a bridle-path to the watering ford, and seeing a couple trespassing beneath the oaks, dismounted from his horse to hunt them away. Not till he was quite near did he know whom he came to hunt, and then he stood still in astonishment. Lily and I drew slowly apart and looked at him. He was a short, stout man, with a red face, and stem grey eyes that seemed to be starting from his bead with anger. For a while he could not spake, but when he began at length the words came fast enough. All that he said I forget, but the upshot of it was that he desired to know what my business was with his daughter. I waited till he was out of breath, then answered him that Lily and I loved each other well, and were plighting our troth. Is this so, daughter?" he asked. "It is so, my father," she answered, boldly. Then he broke out swearing. "You light minx he said, "you shall be whipped and kept cool on bread and water in your chamber. And for you, my half-bred Spanish coekerel, know once and for all that this maid is for your betters. How dare you corne wooing my daughter, you empty pill-box, who have not two silver pennies to rattle in your pouch ? Go win fortune and a name before you dare to look up to such as she." "That is my desire, and that I will do, sir," I answered. "So, you apothecary's drudge, you will win name and place, will you Well, long before the deed is done the maid shall be safely wedded to one who has them and who is not unknown to you. Daughter, say now that you have finished with him." "I cannot say that, father," she replied, pluck- ing at her robe. If it is not your will that I should marry Thomas here, my duty is plain, and I may not wed him. But I am my own and no duty can make me marry where I will not. While Thomas lives I am sworn to him and to no other man." At the least you have courage, hussey," said her father. But listen now either you will marry where and when I wish, or tramp it for your-bread. Ungrateful girl. I did I breed you to flaunt me to my face ? Now for you, pill-box. I will teach you to come kissing honeeb men's daughters without their leave," and with a ourso he rushed at me, stick aloft, to thrash me. Then for the second time that day mv quick blood boiled in me, and snatching up the Spaniard's sword that lay upon the grass beside me, I held it at the point, for the gair.e was changed, and I who had fought with cudgel against sword must now fight with sword against cudgel. And had it not been that Lily with a quick cry of fear struck my arm from beneath, causing the point of the sword to pass over his shoulder, I believe truly that I should then and there have pierced her father through, and ended my days early with a noose about my neck, "Are you mad 2" she cried. "And do you think to win me by slaying my father ? Throw down that sword, Thomas." "As for winning you, it seems that there is small chance of it," I answered, hotly;" but I tell you this: Not for the sake of all the maids upon the earth will I stand to be beaten with a stick like a scullion And there I do not blame you, lad," said her father, more kiudly. "I see that you also have courage, which may serve you in good stead, and it was unworthy of me to call you 'pill-box' in my anger. Still, as I have said, the girl is not for you so begone and forget her as best you may, and if you value your life never let me see I you two kissing again. And know that to-morrow I will have a word with your father on this matter." I will go, since I must go," I answered but, sir, I still hope to live to call your daughter 'wife.' Lily, farewell till these storms are over- past." "Farewell, Thomas," she said, weeping. Forget me not, and I will never forget my oath to you." Then, taking Lily by the arm, her father led her away. I also went away-sad, but nut altogether ill- pleased. For now I knew that if I had won the father's anger, I had also won the daughter's unalterable love, and love lasts longer than wrath, and here or hereafter wi!l win its way at length. When I had gone a little distance I remembered the Spaniard, who had been clean forgotten by me in all this love and war, and turned to seek him and drag him to the stocks, the which I should have done with joy, and been glad to find someone on whom to wreak my wrongs. Bat when I came to the spot where I had left him, I found that fate had been befriended him by the hand of a fool, for there was no Spaniard, but only the village fool, Billy Minns by name, who stood staring tirst at the tree to which the foreigner had been made fast, and then at the piece of silver in his hand. Where is the man who was- tied here, Billy t" I asked. "I know not, Master Thomas," he answered in his Norfolk talk, which I will not set down. Half-way to wheresoever he was going, I should say, measured by the pace at which ho left when once I had set him upon his horse." "You set him on his horse, fool ? How long was that ago ?" How long Well, it might be one hour, and it might bo two. I'm no reckoner of time, that keeps its own score like an innkeeper, without my help. Lawks how he did gallop off, working those long spurs he wore right into the ribs of the horse! And little wonder, poor man, and he daft, not being able to spt-ak, but only to bleat sheeplike, and fallen on by robbers on the king's roads, and in broad daylight. But Billy cut him loose, and caught his horse, and set him on it, and got this piece for his good charity. Lawks but he was glad to be gone. How he did gallop!" Now yen are a bigger fool even than I thought you, Billy Minns," 1 said in anger. "That man would have murdered me; I overcame him and made him fast, and you have let him go!" He would have murdered you, master, and you made him fast ? Then why did you not stop to keep him till I came along, and we would have haled him to the stocks? That would have been sport and all. You call me fool; but it you found a man covered with blood and hurts tied to a tree, and he daft and not able to speak, had you not cut him loose? Well, he's gone, and this alone is left of him," and he spun the piece into the air. Now, seeing that there was no reason in Billy's talk—for the fault was mine—I turned away without more words, for I wished to think alone a while on all that had come about between me and Lily and her father, but down the way which runs across the lane to the crest of the Vineyard Hills. These hills are clothed with Underwood, in which large oaks grow to within some two hundred yards of this house where I write and underwood is pierced by paths that my mother laid out, for she loved to walk here. One of thtse paths runs along the bottom of the hill by the edge of the pleasant river Waveney, and the other a hundred feet or more above, and near the crest of the slope, or, to speak more plainly, there is but one path shaped like the letter 0 placed thus C, the curved end of the letter marking how the path turns upon the hillside. Now, I struck the path that is farthest from this house, and fol- lowed that half of it which runs down by the river bank, having the water on one side of it and the brushwood upon the other. Along the lower path I wandered, my eyes fixed upon the ground, thinking deeply as I went, now of the joy of Lily's love and now of the sorrow of our parting and of her father's wrath. As I went, thus wrapped in meditation, I saw something white lying upon the grass, and pushed it aside with the point of the Spaniard's sword, not heeding it. Still, its shape and fashioning remained in my mind, and, when I had left it some three hundred paces behind me, and was drawing near to the house, the sight of it came back to mo as it lay, soft and white, upon the grass, and I knew that ic was familiar to my eyes. Fram the thing—whatever it might be—my mind passed to the Spaniard's sword with which I had pushed it aside, and from tha sword to the man himself. What had been his business in this parish ?—an ill ono, surely !—and why had he looked as though he feared J11t>, and fallen upon liie when he learned my name I stood still, looking downwards, and my eyes fell upon footprints stamped in the wet sand of the path. One of them was my mother's. I could have sworn to it among a thousand, for no other woman in those parts had so delicate a foot. Close to it, as though following after, was another that at first I thought must also have been made by a woman, it was so narrow. But presently I saw that this could scarcely be, because of its length, and, moreover, that the boot which left it was like none that I knew, being cut very high at the instep and very pointed at the toe. Then of a sudden it came upon me that the Spanish stranger wore such boots, for I had noted thorn while I talked with him, and that his feet were following those of my mother, for they had trodden on her track, and in some places his alone had stamped their impress on the sand. Then, too, I knew what the white rag was that I had tossed aside. It was my mother's mantilla that I knew and yet did not know, because I always saw it set daintily upon her head. In a moment it had come home to me, and with the knowledge of a faint and sickening dread. Why had this man followed^iy mother, and why did her mantilla lie thus upon the ground ? I turned and sped like a deer back to where I had seen the lace. All the way the footprints went before me. Now I was there. Yes, the wrapping was hers, and it had been rent as though by a rude hand but where was she ? With beating heart once more I bent to read the writing of the footsteps. Here they were mixed one with another, as though two had stood close together, moving now this way and now that in struggle. I looked up the path, but there were none. Then I cast round about like a beagle, first along the riverside, then up the bank. Here they were again, and made by feet that flew and feet that followed. Up the bank they went fifty yards and more—now lost where the turf was sound, now seen in sand or loam, till they led to the bole of a big oak, and were once more mixed together, for here the pursuer had come up with the pursued. Despairingly, as one who dreams—for now I guessed all and grew mad with ,fear—I looked this way and that, till at length I found more footsteps—those of the Spaniard. These were deep-marked, as of a man who carried some heavy burden. I followed them. First they went down the hill towards the river, then turned aside to a spot where the brushwood was thick. In tho deepest of the clump the boughs, now bursting into leaf, were bent downwards, as though to hide something beneath. Twrenched them aside, and there, gleaming whitely in the gathering twilight, was the cUad face of my mother. (To be continued.)






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