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:lnsintS5 X" |_a A UK WilAT THE XX WILD WIND SAYS. — jC Unquestionably there is no re- sue<ly up to the present age equal jo Tt'DOK WXI.LIAMS, PATENT KAI.SAM OP HONEY for all Chest Affections. Forrities the sys- tem, increases the resisting power against all diseases, Heals the lung?, and cures a winter cough when all Mber remedies fail. If you, children, or friends, are to-ing your grip on life and scarcely able to breathe, sou should try Tudor Williams's Patent Balsam of Houcy. for weak-chested men, delicate women, and ihildvrJi. It cares woe!1 all other medicines fail. burets Coughs Cold. Bronchitis, Asthma, Tightness of .he Chest. Cures tuousands of Children from Bron- chitis aud Whooping Cousth. Cures for one shilling when pounds have been spent in vain. Persons suffer- II: iroiu IJiflicuUy oi Iti-ear-liiug gi-ie it A rial. Now Commended by Surgeons and Physician- Wonderful Cures Daily, ri.ousaiids of Testimonial ■> to a,m<t from f ilto world. FEW SPECIMENS:— THE GREAT COMIC KING speaks liiglily of TUDOR WILLIAMS* PATENT BALSAM Ol' HONEY IMPORTANT and INTERESTING FACT FROM A POUCE dPVlCJiK. — i*'or week; I suffered from a severe cold, DC":1.nt c.»ugh, tightness of the chest, and bronchitis, lichen a severe cough came oil I thought I would rup- x.re a bloo{.vesse!. One of your bills was handed to on Lhp street at Middlesbrough. I went to the *earest chemist shop and purchased a bottle of your Plidor Williams s llaisain of Honey. I took a dose •:h«re and then in the shop. The effect was mar- railous it eased my cough instantly. I have found lathing so effectual. I consider it a Golden Remedy.— fours truly, FREDSUIICK Thomas (Police Constable), Herrincton. Middlesbrough XhePUBLIC jspeak HIGHLY OF IT ALL OVER THE WOBJLO.— A child of ours has been completely cured ti Bronchitis and bad Cough by your Patent Balsam of fioney. His bvealhiug was so tight, and he had such terrible pains in tiie chest, that TS had given up all hep«-~ o: nis recovery -Since then I have always kept bottle of your wonderful remedy in the house. The children are fond of it, and take it eagerly.—Yours SVWY, Idn II. EDWARDS, 19, Woodland-street, Moun- tain Ash. I ASOTHER DELIGHTFUL EXPRESSION —" For eleven yearn I have been a great sufferer from bronchitis, soughs, spit ting of blood, and tightness of the chest; foi Ave years I aho had nat difficulty in getting about; 1 could not even sleep ov lie clown at night or day. I have been under medical treatment for eleven years ba also been under treatment at the Hereford In. firmary and Buxton and Southport Hospitals, but all to no purpose. Doctors advised me that I could not expect a cure, being 64 years of age. Having heard so j much talk of Tudor Williams's Patent BaLsamof Honey, I gave it a trial, and, to my gieat surprise, the first lose gave me immediate freedom in breathing. Day by day blood-spitting from the lungs diminished, bron- chitis disapoaared, like tnagic to the four winds of the aeaven, and in a few weeks I was restored tj my usual I healtii.-Yours sincerely, Mrs EMBREY, 13, Con- .iitreet, Hereford, Ma.y 25, 1890. I Sold by all Chemists and Stores all over the World Ml Is, 2a 3d, and 4s 6d bo; ties. 14256 Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d, 3s and 53 trom tne inventor, 12S4 ) D TUDOR WILLIAMS, R.D.S.L., MEDICAL HALL ABERDARE 27e IR JOHN BENNETT (LIMITED), J WATCH, CLOCK, AND JEWELLERY Manu facturers to Her Majesty the Queen, the Royal Observatory the Board of Trade, Foreign Govern- ments, and the principal Railway Companies, I 65 and 64, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. E.C. OA—BENNETTS Workman's Silver Keyless X4 Watch. AQ —BENNETT'S Workman's Silver Keyless f S&itJ Lever. LÄDer Keyless Watches, 22, £3, S4, £5. Is Gold Keyless Watches, 25, jB6, RA £10, &c Og —SILVER KEYLESS ENGLISH LEVER XO WATCH. A fine Plate English Keyless MVH, j«welled in rubies, chronometer balance, crystal (teas. The cheapest watch ever produced. Air, damp and dust tight. O "1 A—I" return for £ 10 note, free and safe per Xly. post, a LADY'S GOLD KEYLESS LEVER WATCH, perfect for time, beauty and workmanship, With keyless action, air, damp, and dust tight, in strong wystal glass hunting or half-hunting cases. 8itb teyl888 action, air, mp, and dust tight, in 9troD wystal glass hunting or half-hunting cases. K —GENTLEMAN'S GOID KEYLESS JLXO HUNTING or HALF-HUNTING LEVER rally jewelled *i-plate movement, a sound and reliable timekeeper. Ditto in Silver, £ 6. —A Standard GOLD KEYLESS ^-plate, half-CHRONOMETER WATCH, accurately fined, for all climat.es. Jewelled in 13 actions, la massive 18-carat case, with monogram or crest richly mblazoned. Ditto in Silver, £ 15. (CHRONOGRAPHS of all kinds, Gold and Silver, of j Scientific, Engineering, Medical, and Racing pur ■Mes also Chronometers, Repeaters, Calendar, and Clock Watches of the highest qualitv.—SIR JOHN BENNETT (Limited). 65 and 64, Cheajwide, E.C. JEW ELLERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ladies Gold Necklets, Guards, and Albert Chains from B2; Gold Brooches and Earrings fTom jBl. Gentle- ■ten's GoM Albert Chains, in all patterns and quali- tied, from £ 3. Gentlemen's Diamond and Signe Rings, Ac. LOCKS —THE FINEST STOCK IN LONDON. Drawing-room, Dining-room, Hall, Library, Office, and other Clocks, at prices lower than wwmr. Marble Clocks from £ 1 10s. Estimates given for Church Turret and other Public Clocks. A large dock of Carriage Clocks, Hall Clocks, to chime on eign* balls, in oak or mahogany, from £ 25. Silver and Electro-plated Goods in Great Variety. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES POST FREE. Presentation Watches, P,10, EX, PM, S40. £50, f £ 250. Arms and Inscriptions emblazoned to order. Watches, Clocks, and JeweUery repaired on the Premises by experienced Workmen SIR JOHN BENNETT, LTD., i5 AND 64, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON E C. 14363 COCKLES ANT1BILIOUS PILLS The Safest Patent Medicine OCKLE'S COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Free from Mercury CACKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Oldest Patent Medicine' /COCKLE'S V/ ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Best Family Aperiea ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, COCKLE'S Fo 1 iver. /COCKLE'S \j ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Bile 04DKLF,'S COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Indigestien. COCKLE'S \j ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Heartbura. *CKLE'S COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Acidity OCKLYS COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, For Sick Headache. COCKLE'S c ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. In Use Amongst all Clarnee COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In (7se Eighty-nine Years. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, In Use Everywhere. COCKLE'S c ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, The Safest Patent Medicine. /COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, Free from Mercury. COCKLE'S COMPOUND ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, In Use Eighty-nine Years. May be had throughout the United Kingdom. In Boxes at 19 ijd, 2s 9d, 4s M, lls; and 22s 4, Great Onaond-street, Lendem. I0C0S )ar u G H E s s B L 0 0 D p I L L S, THE HERB REMEDY OF THE AGE. NOTHING will Purify the Blood NOTHING will Clear the Skin NOTHING will Strengthen nerves NOTHING will restore Bad Liver NOTHING will Cure Indigestion NOTHING will Cure Headache NOTHING will Cure Nervousness NOTHING will Cure Rheumatism NOTHING will Cure Constipation LIKE HUGHES' BLOOD PILLS. LIKE 1 HUGHES'S TRT rax. BLOOD pILLS. TIDIL THlY CURE WHEN EVERYTHING ELSK FAILS Thousands of men, women, boys, and girls testify to their never-failing virtue. Sold by Chemists and Dealers in Patent Nlotlicinett ls lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. 13454 SAMPLES OF SHIRTS. c OLLARS, L INENS, &c., jpOST FREE. ROBINSON and CLEAVER'S CAMBRIC POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS. Children's, Is 3d Ladies', 2s 2d Hen's', is 3d Hemst-itched:- Ja.dies', 2s ll Gents', 35 lid >er lozan. Samples and Price Lists post free. Embroidered Hamlkerchiefs, from Is to 2% each. To the Queen, Ac. ROBINSON AND CLEAVER, BELFAST 145a0 TTYINNEFORDS MAGNESIA. This pure Solution is the best rettedy for Acidity of the SW coach, Heartburn, Head- ache Gout, nnd Indigesltion. D Ui. LN FY 0 R D'S MAGNESIA. The safest and most gentle aparient for delicate constitu tiofti, Ladies, Children, and Infants. Sold throughout the World. 14356 TEETR. -Complete Set, One Guinea Five years'warranty. GOODMAN AND Co., 56 Qi»een-st., Cardiff 130ill)14 MAISH'S LTVER PILLS in Bristol.- During the past decade Messrs Hodder and Co £ genta) sold over thirteen thousand boxes of these pills §5aiM: C«LlMn»u a&*k ehemisl* 1 %xtsitteas ~XXTARNER'S "SAFE CURE ▼ ▼ FOR ALL K ID-NEY AND LIVER TROUBLES. w ARNER'S I I SAFE CURE FOR GENERAL DEBILITY and BRIGHT'S DISEASE. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS proclaiming its merits are on file and may be examined. Its claims are unimpeachable. Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Pamphlet mailed free on application to H. H. WARNER & Co., Limited, 86, Clerkenwell-road. London. E.C. 185e 1-1607 3694 EVERYBODY has seen children waste away, until life is sometimes despaired of. SCO'iTS EMUL- SION of Pure Cod Liver Oil "hecks vra-st- ing in C'iJ<f:"1. TpVi^RYBODY rA knows that it will not do to let a cough or cold run. SCOTT'S EMULSION stops it short, and restores to perfect health. EVERYBODY JLJ hears SCOTT'S EMULSION of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and 80da "poke well of. EVERYBODY has heard physicians prescribe SCOTT'S EMULSION as a wonderful flesh producer and general strengthened -+- EVERYBODY who has tasted SCOTT'S EMULSION, finds it perfectly easy to take. Many sa.y it is as palatable as milk. EVERYBODY who needs such a remedy ought to askno further testimony to SCOTT'S EMUL- :O;IOX's curative -powers than the fact of its 1: ,1')1.3 and continued sale. EVERYBODY who has tried SCOTTS EMULSION speaks well of its effects, and recommends it to others. Try it yourself. EVERYBODY can find SCOTTS EMULSION at the shop of any Chemist, at 2s 6d and 4s 6d. SCOTT & BOWNE, Limited, 47, Farringdon-street, London, E.C. 1291-c GEROLSTEIN, THE CHAMPACNE OX' NATURAL MINERAL WATERS Pure, Sparkling, Delicious. Highly recommended by the most eminent members of the medical profession as the Finest and Cheapest Natural Mineral Water known. 16s for 50 pints, 2li for 50 quarts. GEROLSTEIN COMPANY. 155, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. 14571 Sole Agents for Cardiff, Newport, and District-S. D. CHURCHILL & CO., 138 aud 1J9, Bute Docks. 4631 go.a 3tatt for Classification. I IMPORTANT SALE OF STOCK, CROPS, IMPLE- MENTS, &c. GRAIGWEN FARM, EGLWYSILAN, Two and a half miles from Caerphilly, and one and a half mile from Pwllypant Station, Rhvmney Railway. "VfR W. BRADLEY (of the firm of 1.TJL Bradley and Lnscombe) is favoured with in- structions from Mr Robeit Morgan, who is retiring, to to Sail by Auction, at the above address, on THURSDAY. Oct. 22. 1891. the whole of the well-known STOCK, CROPS, IMPLE- MENTS, &c., comprising Herefordshire Cows, Heifers, Calves, 1 Fat Bull, 33 Fat Wethers, about 130 Sheep, 30 Lambs, Horses, Implements, 2 Waggons, 2 Mows, Well Harvest Hay, 3 acres Oats, 2% acres Barley, &c., 0:(". Three months' credit on approved security on purchases of £10 and upwards. A discount of 5 per cent. per annum for Cash. Catalogues may now be had at the Auctioneer's Offices, Tower Chambers, Church-street; and at Sale Room, North-street, Cardiff. Luncheon at 11 a.m. Sale at 12 noon sharp. 835 GROOM-Coachman required immediately; ex- I.X periencetl; not afraid work married and abstainer preferred; age, references, wages, I, 849, South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 849

Family Notices


.__+_-__-----.-SATURDAY, OCTOBER…


------------THE BISHOP AND…





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