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---SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1879.


SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1879. "CAMBKIAIR^^ALSMCOCKT OB, THE WAY THE WIND BLOWS. De omnibus rebus et quibusdam aliis. BEER FOR PAUPERS. Newport Workhouse had atone time an mienvi- able notoriety for the quantity of intoxicating drinks consumed within its walls. Ten yeara ago the consumption of these drinks cost the union J £ 700 a year. It used to be a standing joke that the guardians drank only 60s. sherry. An adven. t aroma reformer determined to strike a blow at the upas tree," and a great change has been pro- duced. The little bill" has been diminished to at least one-fourth of ita former proportions, and lItill it is larger than need be. The guardians de. serve credit for recent attempts to grapple with the evil. A oase occurred on Monday, before the borough magistrates, illustrative of the way in which even paupers are influenced by drinking habits. Mary Sullivan, a comparatively young vomaa, was deserted by her husband 14 months .& £ vo, and took refuge in the workhouse with three ebflvren. Her work entitled her to half a pint of beer a &y, not very much in itaelf, but sufficient to keep ahY* a craving for more. On the first Ifomiay in thb month, paupers are allowed a day out to 8e8 their trends- That is a day generally aDued. evening muddled with drw Mary Sullivan and her lonagetit child J.h the workhouse 'oil the 3rd Jinst for tiM nsual holi- day. She went amofigst her f/w^ds» and seems to have yielded to a strong- tempt*W^ to get beer, for she stripped herself and child of part of the clothing furnished by the guardians, and sent several of the garments to the pawn. øhop Others were reserved for a second carousal, but that did not oome off, as she was apprehended by the police. The magistrates naturally commented on the facts proved before them., and denounced the practice of giving beer topaupera. "xEolus joins the magistracy in the denunciation, and counsels the guardians to a.1 with this question vigorously, and put down a practice which ia evidently doing great mis. ohisf. PAWNBBOKJB'S DCTUS. Persona who risk much are apt to think they may do an unusual thing; aometimea, and not be amenable to public opinion. This is a fallacy where pawnbrokers are ecnoerned at all events. Whtn the cage of Mary Sullivan, the panper from the Newport Workhouse, came before the magis- tratea, ana of the facts proved was that eaoh article pawned at Mr. Freedman's had the union mack upon it. Mr. Freedman excused himself on two gOunds. Firat, that the woman who pawned the articles for the prisoner was a regular oustomer; and aeoond, that Monday is always a busy day. He therefore took in the bundle without examining it. and did not observe the marks. This is all very well as far as it goess but a little reflection will ahow that that kind of reasoning may be carried a great deal too for. A pawnbroker is bound to exercise ordinary care, lest he be an unwitting instrument to cover a felony. oaa8 mean* °' detecting a wrong, were in his hands, if he had been disposed to do his duty. No doubt the risk was Mr. Freed- man's own in this particular instance, and he has forfeited the money advanoed on the pledge. That does not exonerate Mr. Freedman from blame, and it would have been more satisfactory if he had detected the cheat which was being practised on himaelf and the public. A PLSASAJJTEB PBOSPECT. f .Kolni" ia happy to turn to a brighter side of lowly life. One of the most humane efforts of the l oor-law ia te maiDtain industrial sohools for boys and girls, thatttoy(may|be delivered from the taint of pauperiam, and qualified to fight the battle of Ife m trae men and women. Ely and Caerleon are favourably known aa places where good work of thia kind ia being daM. Beth institutions are well spoken of, aa they are managed ■fry men of the right stamp. At Caer. leon there is a good band of music, and tiM boys play credKably. A few of the boy? have shown a talent for juvenile theatricals, and on Monday last seven of them performed a little l'iece, in two aete, entitled Mac Beard," at a popular entertainment in Caerleon. There are some well meaning persons who are jealous, west ohfldrest educated at the expense of the rate- payan ehovld knew too much. This is a gnat mistake. If they are te make their way in the irorU, it is fitting that they should be able to use -their amtra faculties in the beat posable way. It doee not follow that these boys wiW. become actors; and yet aotors they must be on the world's stage. Let us hope they will be none the worse men for the reflection in alter life, that whilst they were being trained at too big school in Caerleon they had opportunities of oheerful inter. course with men and women in a higher sphere of life than their own, and that thekindnesa than shown them exercised a benefioent influenoe in shaping their course for the future. "Æolus ventares to suggest that this is a "pleasanter prospect" than that whioh is associated with the other side of the picture ae given in the story of Mary SulMvan. AN OLD SXBVANT. The Swansea Town Council on Wednesday granted a retiring allowance of 12s. a week to Bennett, the late market inspector. Bennett is one of the oldest servants of the corporation living, if not the oldest. He was a member of the police force at the time of the Bebeooa Biota, and a very active member too. He has dope his duty faithfully and weU through a long series of years, and descryss the pension he has got, BWANSZA VBU LIB BAST. Thereenlittmadeknowmatthe last meeting of the town council are highly gratifying. During the put year no less than sixty thousand volumes of books have been borrowed from the lending library, while this year they are increasing above that Sgure at the rate of thirty a month. Thia number of books has been taken out of the lend. ing library alone. In addition to this there have been ten thousand copies taken out of the refe- rence library, while the catalogue, just printed, which it was estimated would yield «e^0 during the present year, has already produced more than that, and three months have not yet passed away. These are facts which speak loud enough tor themselves, and do not require dilating upon. SNUBBED F Bumours reach Æolus" as to the annoyance felt by the deputation of Swansea ratepayers who, at the last meeting of the town counoil, were refused a hearing by the Mayor. The depu. tation seems to have consisted of Mr. C. H. Glascodine, Mr. B. B. Harvey, Mr. C. B. Glover Mr. Daviea (a member of the trades' oouncil)| and others, who had been delegated at a meet. ingof ratepayers, which took place on the Monday evening previous, to lay before the council a series of resolutions which had been passed in favour of reserving the St. Helen's Field as an open apace, and.of PlUulu.81ug th* --i-orty and turning into a corporation neld. It is T^IUUE JIMEUHU That the deputation, snubbed as they evidently were, Ihould feel, annoyed, and their annoyanoe is not without cause. The ratepayers who mada up the —anting bv whom the deputation were sent to confer with the eonneil have also the same ground for feeling annoyed, so that the result is one by no meana ^oomplimen- tary to the Mayor, who is thought to have acted moat arbitrarily in the matter. The St. Helen's Field question Beems to have the same effect upon the official mind at Swansea as a piece of red rag does upon a bull. "i&olus" has heard of attempts being made to muzzle the Swansea pr ess but thia attempt to muzzle the Swansea people ia very likely to be resented warmly, as putting on the screw a little too tight. It certainly has rather an arbitray look, in these days of free thought and free speeoh, to refuse a hearing to the public when asked for in a respectful way. BAZAARS. Bazaars are becoming distinctive features of the age. but" iEolns has no very kindly regard for them, and does not think them quite the props wherewith to shore np tottering or feeble causes." Here is Zion, for instance, in one of the Welsh towns, which has a thinning congrega- tion, due to the feebleness of its minister, or the lnke-warmednesa of its people. What shall be done ? Get up a1 revival meeting. No, that has been tried so often that there ia no freshness in the speculation. It would fail, most assuredly, especially now a days, when the salva- tion army monopolise revivalism. Try a tea party. No, that ia a kind of Easter offering or Good Friday entertainment, and would be out of plaoe. ;T*y a bazaar. Eureka! and forthwith the first steps are taken. But on whom falls the labour. JSolus asks thia with deoi. sion, and he replies to his own inquiry caustically —why upon the ladies of the "canae." It is these who become henrera of wood and drawers of water, the workers in the field generally, while the lord and.master simply stands by, directs or enoonrages patroniaingly. It ia the ladies who do a lot of beautiful wool work, oroohet work, tatting; who paint, sketch, make Blippers,'smoking capa and then, having done thia while lord and master looks on and encourages, they take their place at stalls, and dispense their smiles and their goods to the visitors. Æolu" decidedly objects to this sort of thing, for why should not the gentlemen also work ? Why ahould they not, after the manner of French priaonars, make cunning work of bones and of wood, and sketch and paint alae ? But it is not for this alone that objection is raised. The prices asked are alway exorbitant—and, hearken! in too many oases an institution, secular or otherwise, ia sought to be maintained by artificial and doubtful methods which, if worthy, ought to bo self. supported, or maintained in a legitimate w<ty. SPRING SIGBS. Old naturalists, such all Gilbert White, of Sel- borne, dwell affectionately upon the first signs shown by the wayside, or in the woodlands, of the coming spring. It is like a breath of the south wind coming over flowers to hear of pimpernel, and of celandine. You hear, or seem to hear, the cry of the rook as it takes away the twigs from the wood to build its nest and the growing melody of the grove where the choristers, our.old friends the robin and the sparrow, were amongst them, with dainty fruit loving "'tits," are taking up their posts to welcome forth fair heaven-blessed spring. Yet "jEolus," as he wanders hither and thither, now in vale mineral, then in vale agricultural, traces other signs than these. He notes the procession of laden "wains" from the stable to the field, of the busy spreading out of rich manure upon the fields, of the dotting here and there in heaps of the valuable lime, of the lopping of hedges, and clearing away of roadside scrapings; all so many prepara tiong for spring. Nature is the wonderful power exerting its influences in the advent of seasons, but man, her child and yet her head, is the director-general; planting at appointed times, sowing at appointed seasons, making nature bloom in thia part, lopping awav the wild exuberance in another. So "JSolns" muses, and he is as pleased to see the colliers beginning to put their little plots in order as he is to see the ladies begin their excur- sions for ferns and make first attempts to put the conservatory in order. From one end of fair Glamorgan to the other action, healthful to the system, elevating to the mind, beautiful in ita isaues, ia at work, and even as we say speed the plough, so also let 111 add speed the sower. THB DBAD OF DINU. Bachel has mourned for her sons uncoffined, and lying grim and decaying under the tons of fallen rock in Diaas. Last week she wiped her eyes, draped her face, and stood waiting patiently by the pit to reoeive her dead, and to pay last duties to its ghastliness. But, alas! there was but one brought forth, andnot even Lazarus, hidewus as he was, displayed a form so frightful as that soli- tary one brought up with infinite labour from the pit. Now the flat has gone forth that probably two montha will elapse before any mpre of the sufferers can be found, and Bachel must wander away from the pit to the deoerted home, and sit there in her sorrow and her desolation again. ^°lus" wonders at this. Surely appliances can be obtained, and means used for expediting this. Not only is the delay regarded as reflecting seriously upon the ability of the management, but it" is viewed with regret, a8 ruinously affecting the owners, and everyone expresses regret that such a blow should have fallen upon them. THE FOOTBALL HATCH. JColus oould not help seeing the thousands going to the football match on Saturday laat. The people flocked from all quarters. Jew and Gentile were there. Leah arrayed in all her jewellery, and Moees conspicuous by his summer clothings. Clerks from the Docks, gentry from fioath, and amidst the multitude of re- speotable Cardiffians, the usual horsey man, the usual knickerbocker men with well developed calves, the usual crowds of young men having an affinity with or for meerschaums, cigars, briar pipes, and tbe usual men who talk aa glibly of tries, touohaa down, tcoals, as their fathers did of wickets and bail, stumps and IOOre.Æolu" ia glad to see snoh gatherings recorded, as they deserve reoord and support. Every town should have its athletic dubs, even aa every town has pretty well ita volunteer oorps. Attention to physical efficiency ia of importance to tha national welfare, and so loog as barbarism exists, whether in the form of the Zulu or the Cossack, whether found in the baah or amidat the Steppes, England will do well to lllaiatain her physioal efficiency and her military spirit. LBNTILS. JMus hag been asked whether it is possible that thia vegetable, which is rapidly oomiag into demand, is so called from Lent, and from its being used at such meat-abstaining times as those which now prevail. "lEalu" eonfe?B9* that he no more believes that the vegetable is called from the season of observance than that it formed the precise material out of whioh the famous pottage of Eaau was made. The mess of pottage must have been of a very much superior description to that extracted from lentils. Turtle, now, in bowl capacious, might almost be worth a birthright; oertainly not lentiL So Bayeth "iEolus."













