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I r <■ x v of "Mowbray," Maryvale Road, Bournvllle, writes: "Allow me to thank you for the wonderful cure of Neurasthenia and Nervous Breakdown of two years stand in g.^ritk only three bottles of your Pfaoaferine. I have been on war work at the Austin Motor Works,' age 49." PRIVATE W. G. AMATT, 5tt^oyal Berks, British Expeditionary Force. "After a long spell in hospital I was finally discharged, still feeling the effects of the nerve shock. A friend adrised me to try Phosforine, and I can assure yeu it has done me a great amount of good in bracing me up and restoring my nerves* /-x PRIVATE J. LING, V«J A.S.C., M.T. I had an attack of Neurasthenia, caused through ock, and, hearing about Phosferine, I thought I would try it, and did, with the result that I have not had any attack for two years now." (4) MR. W. O'MALLEY, M.P., wrllas: "For steadying and strengthening overwrought nern's I know of moth in g better than Phosfprine, and in depression its recuperative power has been par- vticalarly noticeable." **r\ CORPORAL W. BALDWIN, V"/ R.A.M.C., British Expeditionary Force. "I was on board the 'Royal Edward' when shp; w-= torpo-.loM, a-Ti.d, bMng several b. •>? in the water, my nerves were compldcly 't. cr :.n' •_ '1 landii g in England I obtained a supply of Phosferine; aft T taking1 thrsc bottle of ycuv iiitd'.eine my nerves were fully restored." R. L. KEAENS (Late Private). R a:s Liverpool Regiment, British -ixpcdU'ojnry I \Va" a phy"ieaYwreck, and it looked as if I w-nldmrir gain '1: ■<" iny vitalitrj-back again, but very soon the use of Phosferiao had the uti'ect ripping itbout a complete revolutiun in my condition." Tb fortunate experience of these soldier victims of nerve siock is typical of the tJions'ads of similar cases of Nervs BreaVdo- which Pkosferine !?as permanently remedied. Phosferine so speedily restored fte activity of the exhausted nerve organisms that each of these mes once ageia acquired the vitality to take up his work with even more energy than formerly. When you require the Best Tonic Medicine, see that you get PHOSFERINE i PROYBH BBKBDY FOR bmaeum ladigaitiMl Sleeplessness SxhaostioB Xanon DebilltJ Neuralgia Vateraity Weakness Premature Decay Mental Exhaustion Loss of Appetite Lassitude Heuritis F&intsesa Braia Fag JLnnmla JLnnmla BwikssiM Rhenmattaa He»:r-cbe Hysteria Sci&iiea Phosferine hn a world-wide repute for curing disorders of the nervous system more completely and speedily, and at less cost than any other preparation. SPECIAL SERVICE NOTE BfflttSfJJiSS being particularly convenient^or men on ACTIVE SERVICE, travellers, etc. it can be used any time, anywhere, in accurate doses, as no water is requir/d. The 3/^ube is small enough to earrv in the pocket, and contains 90 doses. Your sailor or ftldier will be the better for Phoeferine —send him a tube of tablets. Sold P7 all Chemists, Stores, etc. Pricee: 1/3. 3/- and 31., "be 3/- size contains nearly four times the 1/3 size. I -r-t.w." 5=1 WHOLESALE J CONFECTIONERY. OPENING- OF LOCAL DEPOT. H REES < £ JENKINS. Sole Agents Geo. Kemp, Ltd., LondonlNotedjRich Cakesfandi Biscuits)- Harvino Toffee, Moseley Jellies, itiut and Plain Chocolate. Birmingham $87-9-13earWobd Road. Temporary I ocal Depot (from where all supplies can be obtained). firidge'End. Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth. p31 sa—— m W'WawPWMWWWWMWMMW——> BMi>iaii.iy^Wiwr-wwc!Vjy^—————mammm. TKBSI IB SOMTHING IN GWILV" Jg V A N 8 QUIHIHL I.IITTRILP THAT ALWAYA DOI8 MB GOOD" 8", vvHuw a graiofial vatfqgt, "Tift IHAT TQ f I,, CW1LYM EVAN'S QUININE BITTERS Is aeientf: r.repared by qualified Chemists It Is Nat <7reat. Restorer and Natural For over i" v it has acted like a charm I When yoi. 3- 1 :nrx down. When tbf"7"" a. lack of t-h,-Prfulnegs. ,men -kllt If go. When tb, 1 feline s? misery and helplees- nea a" rr almost unbearable. There npv- r t4 a time when it was more neoes- sary to "1\ and keep well. I Do not N to alcoholic stimulants and their depressi > F t f- effects. The strength of. all spirits d and the price far and awa? I beyond -ch of most people. Take Will-* ,va_. SfTTWi It will b "■ ?s7 tb,. craving for alcohol. It will save you pounds in doctors' bills. f Notice the efTect upon your health. How mueb better yon feel in the morning and in the evening, when the day's work is 'lone. You will then enjoy your food and your labour will be a pleasure. It is Nature's Cure for Anaemia. Neuralgia, and SleepleEsnes8 It will purttv the blood and stimulate the air. culation. It will assist and promote digestion and 1m prove the appotite. It braees ttir- nerves and fortifies the muscles. It rouses the sluggish liver and this enlivens tho spirits. It removes all impurities and obstructions froa the human body and gives tone to the whole System. lliere ia DC. Better Tonic that you ein take la the sprine and summer. Rememlx" 11",1' Is only oae genuine MTlDtf tiKm ftftlHMC tMTTMK and insist upon hnving If Sold in bottles at 39. and ria.-o great savuie hy taking the larger sise. Will be v-Rt carrtage paid on receipt of P.O. from the Pole Proprietors— QUININE BTTTERS MANOrACTTJHTNG CO UrniM. HA <DESTROYER James' Depastftr, IaSianilT eixw&t fiupflrdooos Balm from tj¡. Face, Nee* w AraMt. wttboiA tejnrv to th, Ms. Of T't ehmmisti; or, tree from obser rkii rjee on receipt of Postal Order far u 541.. :Trt. or 6e.-j8»: 6 JAMBS, M Ca>rfo«isTj HoaC tUtwfos, 1'.1.. I MaxiraiimServke f Tust as one red and foar bluo S chavrons denote the fullest service jj in the War—so the name Mazda | on a lamp indicates maximum I service in lighting. r i ;1-?(ø' J ,e.t j ':16:. I EleciyisLa'mps I 1 Seid by all £ «cf>•«♦*«, Irenrnongtrs *• S;or*t ■ B TJ>« British Thomson-Houstoa Co., Ltd. h V R-^yr.I Ch,-Irrq, Park Place, j& Cardiff. Yon Save Money M ia Home BHing, by using the famous ■ ■ British-made raising agent, I BAIWIN(I p [ BAliNG POWDER I I the qsmmy, of wlkloh sm^tss a Hills go ■ t s«ek a tonf wajr. I ØM to&vooirw if (;1 ",øer øtfNIi ",ta. RPM-

,'1 Football. j


! Aberystwyth Rural Council!


Cardiganshire Pensions.I



