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Family Notices



Jand jjfntelUgeace.









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. CiU'bif Jntclltfcita.



LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE CARDIFF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN INSTITUTION. This event took place (according to announcement in our last week's paper,) on Thursday afternoon last. The site of the intended building is that lately occupied as the principal post-office of the town, and immediately adjoins the premises at present occupied by the Associa- tion in St. Mary-street. Colonel Stuart, M.P.,who had kindly promised to officiate on the occasion, arrived from town by the express train, and was met at the sta- tion by a deputation from the committee, who had ac- companied him to the site, where a considerable number of ladies and gentlemen had assembled, but the attend- ance would certainly have been much larger, had not two or three very heavy showers of rain in the morning de- terred many ladies especially from being present. It fortunately occurred however, that not a drop of rain fell during the proceedings, and the afternoon proved fine and pleasant. Messrs. Batchelor's band were in attend- ance, and performed several pieces of music in their usual first-rate style. The bells of St. John's church also rang merry peals. At the appointed hour of three o'clock, S. D. Jenkins, Esq., having been called upon to pre- side, expressed the pleasure he felt in acceding to the invitation, and congratulated the members of the Insti- tution on the auspicious event that had brought them together. He felt extreme pleasure in being present to witness this beginning of their new Institution, and hoped that when completed, its results would be found exceedingly beneficial to the young men of this town. He had always taken a strong interest in its results, and thought it was the duty of every Christian man to do so he then called upon The Rev. Canon Morgan, who offered a most impres- sive and appropriate prayer, couched in beautiful lan- guage, imploring the Divine blessing on the work then about to be commenced. Mr. S. P. Kernick, one of the secretaries of the Insti- tution, then came forward, bearing a very handsome silver trowel, and said-Colonel Stuart, I am requested by the committee of the Cardiff Young Men's Christian Association, to present you with this trowel, for the pur- pose of laying the foundation stone of their new building. The friends of the Institution feel honoured that you have thus specially identified yourself with a movement ror the social and intellectual elevation of the people, ind in order to commemorate the event they have in- scribed on this trowel the following words :—" Pre- sented to Colonel Stuart, M.P., by the Cardiff Young ] Mens' Christian Association, on the occasion of his lay- ing the foundation stone of their new building 24th Sept., 1857." A LIE uowei was men nanaea to tne gallant colonel, and the Mayor then read a document, setting forth the origin and progress of the Society up to the present time, and giving some details of the intended building. This statement, engrossed on parchment, was placed in a bot- tle, (containing also a copy of the New Testament, the last annual report of the Institution, a list of the classes, &c.,) and deposited in a cavity in the stone. The stone was then lowered to its place, and Col. Stuart spread the mortar, and observed the other customary forms, saying, In the name of the Holy Trinity I lay this stone;" after which three hearty cheers were given for the gallant member. Colonel Stuart, who appeared quite embarrassed by the enthusiastic character of his reception, begged to ex- press his most grateful thanks for the kind manner in which his humble efforts to assist had been received he felt so greatly overwhelmed by a sense of their kindness, that he was perfectly unable to express his feelings in words, and, therefore, could only once more seriously thank them. (Loud cheers.) The Rev. J. Holmes, (Wesleyan minister,) then gave a brief history of the first formation of the Young Mens' Christian Association in London, with its steady pro- gress, which he considered a proof that it was carried on in the true spirit of Christianity. He said that a spirit of humility had dictated its operations, and having been attended with evident blessings, its sphere of action be- came more extensive, and branches had been established in several large towns in the kingdom, where their ope- rations had become very important. He congratulated this town on the large measure of success which had attended the efforts of the Association here 'established, and where there was need of all available means to stem the torrent of iniquity and vice. Having referred to the pecular beneefits derived from the operations of the In- stitution, among which he classed as most important, the influence of sympathy among the young, he recommended it to the patronage and support of all classes, more espe- cially of the employers of young men. He concluded a very eloquent address by exhorting the members them- selves to stand firm to their first principles, and study to persevere in full trust of the Divine blessing on efforts made in sincerity and faith to turn sinners into the ways of righteousness and peace. Mr. R. Corey, sen., then moved a vote of thanks to Colonel Stuart, for his attendance and assistance on this occasion, expressing his opinion that Colonel Stuart, as M.P. for Cardiff, was the right man in the right place." The Mayor seconded the resolution, which was carried by acclamation, amidst loud cheering. Colonel Stuart disclaimed emphatically any notion on his part that any thanks were due to him, and stated that from the first intimation he had received from the secretaries he had looked forward to this day with pleasure and he should feel much obliged to the com- mittee for affording him this gratification. The Band then played the French and English Na- tional Airs, and the company separated. THE SOIREE Took place in the Assembly Room at the Town Hall, which was profusely decorated for the occasion with flags and a large display of flowering plants, kindly supplied by Mr. Treseder, of Canton Nursery. The refreshment tables were under the superintendence of a numerous committee of ladies, who discharged their duties most efficiently, and, we need hardly say, most courteously. The spacious saloon was completely crowded, there being about 500 ladies and gentlemen present. As a proof of the kindly feeling with which the objects of the meeting were regarded, we may ob- serve that most of the principal shops in the town were closed at half-past five o'clock in order to allow the assistants to attend. At six o'clock, the chair was taken by Colonel Stuart, M.P., supported by the Mayor, and Major Hewlett, of Tyr Mab Ellis. After tea and coffee had been handed round, the Mayor stated that the hon. and gallant Colonel would introduce the business of the evening. (Loud applause.) Colonel Stuart, M.P., thanked the audience for the- sanction they had given to the invitation of the com mittee by their kind reception. He stated his wish to identify himself with a cause having such an important influence on social progress and improvement. He said that the anxiety all must naturally have felt with regard to the success of such an undertaking had been dispelled in his case by the kindness and enthusiasm manifested by such a numerous and respe'ctable assembly in its support. More especially must they feel indebted to the ladies who had so eminently contributed to this result; but while their countenance inspired him with confidence as to ultimate success, it was calculated to increase the anxiety of the speakers who would have to address them-at any rate he was not ashamed to admit his own apprehensions, for it was no disgrace for an Englishman to quail before such a display of grace and beauty. (Cheers.) He referred to the success of the London institution, which had stood the test of time for many years, and said that he saw no reason why equal suceess should not attend the efforts made in a town like Cardiff, which had taken such a lead in commercial concerns, and which ought to take a leading position in promoting the progress of religion, science, and litera- ture. and of every cause which had a tendency to elevate the character of all classes, professions, and trades. He feared, however, that while showing his zeal in the cause, he was equally proving his inability to explain with effect the objects of their meeting; he should, therefore, leave the duty to the gentlemen who would be called upon to move the several resolutions, and who could do so far more efficiently. Handel's Chorus-" And the Glory," was effectively sung by a choir of Amateurs, ably accompanied by Mr. Righton on the piano-forte. Mr. Kernick, one of the secretaries, then gave a very clear and able statement of the rise and progress of the institution in Cardiff, followed by an explanation of what is intended for the future, when the building commenced that day should be completed. Master Atton (of Gloucester Cathedral)-then saug in splendid style the solo from the Messiah, "How beauti- ful are the feet, followed by quartette and chorus, Their sound is gone out," by the choir. The Rev. Canon Morgan then moved, in a very elo- quent speech, a resolution expressive of grateful thanks to God for the measure of success which had attended the efforts of the association, and in doing so urged its claims most strongly to public support. Dr. Vachell briefly seconded the motion, which was ably supported by Mr. Chitsey, of Bristol, and agreed to. The choir sang the trio from the Messiah And the ransomed of the Lord," with the chorus Cry out and shout." The Rev. R. T. Verrall, B.A., delivered a very able address on Old times and present times." Master Cotton then sang the aii But thou w\Ùi't not leave," and the choir sang Beethoven's Hallelujah^ the father." The Rev. G. Home addressed the meeting in a vetf. eloquent speech. j Master Cotton gave the sublime solo I know tbJi¡ my Redeemer liveth," in beautiful style. J The Mayor briefly moved a resolution expressive thanks to all who had taken an active part in promotirfj the erection of the new building, and recommending'' to public support. i Colonel Stuart, on the part of the meeting, thanked tbfí gentlemen who had so eloquently addressed them. J Votes of thanks to the Mayor, for the use of assembly-room to Messrs. Batchelor, for the of the band, and to the choir for their efficient servic?' and to the chairman, for his kind attendance, were passed The doxology was sung and the meeting separated.