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A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. latent OUce Seal of tlreat ritain.—Diplome de Ecole de Thar "tie harmacifii de Paris. Imperial College of Medicine, Vienna. The patentee considers it necessary that every expedient should 06 adopted to secure the Public against Imitations of the Tri»se None are genuine unless the Engravings of the Seals of the patent office of England, the Seals of the Ecole de Pharmccie de "wis, and the Imperial College of Vienna, are affixed uyon each rah?Per' anc* aroun^ each case. Imitations of the same are TRitothe 8everest penalties the Courts of Law can award. fHfcSEMARjNo. 1, -1, and 3, preparedin theform of alozenge, Pockt °r taste or smell, and can be carried in the waiscoat minisi 'n tiw cases, divided into separate doses,as ad- ^a'Peau> Lalleman, Roux, Ricord, &c., &c. J/JIESEMAR NO. 1, is a Remedy for from trJi 'TION, andall the distressingconsequencesarising strength !°? a.residence in hot climates. It has restored bodil are now inn, vi8°ur to thousands of debilitated individuals, enjoyment of health effectually )„ « TRIESBMAR NO. IT., D entirely erkd,V», shor< space of Three Days, completely 'n Cttbebs have i 8 a" tfaces of those disorders which Copaivi'ud health of a va°.°rgl?eenthoughtananUdotefor, totheru n P°"i°n of the population. thp v s from the vital stream, so as altogether to eradicate the virus of disea.„ l^ii it with the insensible perspiration the medium <Tf the P«res of the skin and urine, and is a never failinir T« J ,Lt class of disorders which unfor- tunately, the Sih vdclan treats with Mercu.y, to the theVsable destruction of the patient's constitution, and whch all p,.a"aparilla in the world cannot r*move. Price 11, orfour caSes in one for 33s, which saves l is; and in cases, whetebv there is a saving of El lSs. To be had whole and retail in London, of Darby and (Josden, HO Leaden hall street, (opposite the India House) Messrs. Garrett Brothers, ruo6ists, Newport, Mon.; R. H. Ingham, druggist, 46, Market ■treet, Manchester; J. Priestly, themist, 52, Lord street, Liver- Pool; Powell, book-seller, 15, Westmoreland street, Dublin; Evans, Chemist, Cardiff. HUMAN FRAILTY; a Popular Medical Work, on Nervous- ness, toss of Strength, and General Decay of the Faculties, price post free, beautifully itlsstrated with 100 Engravings. This contains, in plain and sympathising language, practical fretaarks on various disorders, and recommends itselt as a safe unerring guide to the restoration and permatren t preservation "f health. Piper and Co., 23, Paternoster Row and from all ^gentg for the sale of the Triesemar.LUOS OOMPOSITE CANDLES.—Tke PARAGON COMPOSITE"CANDLES,made by W. S. HALE, London, require sneffing, and exceed in brilhancy and softness ot lght the finest Wax or Sperm, at one third the Price, defying comparfgonin their cleanlines of burning, without the slightest th° *° Better and as two will give the light of three moulds, fj are reallytheaper than common taliow candles. by all the principal Family Grocers in Newport, ana every her city and town in the Kingdom. Observe the "Name, W. S. HALE, em each Packet, as thew are e*eralspupjous imitations. K AYE'S WORSDEl/L'S VEGETABLE FILLS cannot be equalled as a Family Medicine. "-Testimonials are constantly arriving from all parts of the world as to their astonishing efficacy in destroying ww oause and removing tbe effects of disease.—Mr. J4. GptFDBlNG, 0f Stroud, derived such benefit from them, ■when expecting nothing but death, that he sad, they areworth a guinea a box." Hundreds of Cases of Care accompany each box. Sold in Boxes at Is. 1^1., 2s. 9,1., and 4^ '6d.. by all dealers in Patent Medicines. Wholesale Dep £ t, 22, Bread street, London. I1430 I M: PER I A L OINTMENT. T' e Cures which are performed by this celebrated Salve are quite astounding. Piles, Bad Legs, Abcesses, Ulcers, and Kheum¥.tism quickly succumb to its irtiki- ,ences. Everybody should possess it 27. Wingfield-street City, August 4, 1856 —Gentle- men I think it my-duty to inform you of a cure effetfted by your Ointment, in a wonderfully short space of iime, on an old gunshot ■wound which was accustomed periodi- cally, about twice a year, to reopen aral cause great pain, which has given rcie great trouble for fourteen years, but now, I am happy to say, it is perfectly cured and almost invisible. Tendering my acknowledgment to you foe the great services yocur medicine renders to the public, I am, your obedient servant, W M. W ARNBa. Prepared and Sold in jars, Is. ltf. and 2s. 9d. «*ch, at 122a, Aldersgate-street, London M holesale by Sarn-ar, Hannay, Oxford-street Barclay, Farnngdon-street; Newbury, St. haul's Churchyard, London Retail by all respectable "Chemists.. DINNEFORD'S PURE FliUID MAGNESIA JU.' An excellent Remedy for ACIDITIES, HEART BURN, HEADACHE, GOUT, and INDIGESTION as a mild aperient, it is admirably adapted for children and for delicate females, particularly during pregnancy. COMBINED vith the ACID.ULA.TED LEMON SYRUP, it forms an Effervescing Aperient .Draught,-which i9 highly agree- able and efficacious. From the numerous high testimo- moniais rewind by Mr. Dinnefori in favour of the above Prenanatfim, a few may be selected, From Sir Charles M. Clarke, Eart., F. n. S.,Physician to the latfUaiieen Dowager, See. The Solution of Magnesia, prepared by Mr. Dinne- fotd. is a very useful and agreeable preparation of thai fedicine.; wkich. to many persons is unpleasant in the Jor^o^r.. ■U '•CHA.tlT.ES H. CL^akT?;SaviMe Row.? *roaa Dr^FergUSon., of Kjagiie College; JIaspital, one oj Ie 1 have répeatedly prescriped Mr. Dinneford's Solu- tion of mwltesia, and found-it an agreeable-and useful ROBEKT FERGuaos, M. D. Copy 01 a fetter from Dr. Coi^quest, Physician to the City of iI>eni!on Lying.in Hospital; many years Lec- turef on Midwifery and the Diseases and childrenj«t St. Barthoiomew's'sEospital &C. Dear Sir,—I have been much pleased with the Bicarbonated Solution of Magn-esia, and feel, with many others, that the profession and the public are indebted to you for a htgkiy valuable addition to our list of me,licines. As an agreeable mild aperient it cannot fail tasuparaede many now>in use, but which so offend the taste4nd the stomach, as -to justify their banishment from out pre- scriptions. rnwoPBS T» Youra, respectfully, J- T* Certificate of Dr. Southwood Svatb, Physician to the London Fever Heapual. "IhanseJried the Solution of Magnesia, prepared by Mi. Dinneford, and have been irueh satisfied with its effects it appears to me to be a very convenient foria of administering a very useful medicine. Finsbury Square. SO-JTHWOOD SMITH." Prepared by DIXNEFOED & Co. Dispensing rheansts, (and General -Agents for the Improved Horse Hair Gloves and Belts) Ml, New Bond Street London. Sold by all r&speetable Chemists throughoutthe Empire. [a 5. NERVOUS X-FI-iS, SHAKING OF THE HA \DS AND LIMBS, LUMB'WJO. PAINS IN THE BACK AND LOINS, WEAKNESS. DEBILITY, &c. THE MAN'S HERBAL FILLS are £ .certain .sale remedy for the effectual cure of the above coRipIaiB<R- These Pills contain no mercurial lngrediwit whatever, and therefore occasion no risk of cold. or othei injurious effect on the system, from exposure to the weather whilst taking them nor i« any change of dtet necessary; moderate exercise pesmotes their good effe.ctB.; they are equally suitable for both sexes, and, by regulating the dose according to the directions, for every age and con. stitution they strengthen the digestive organs, and pro- duce a healthy ac:iou of the liver and kidneys are an excellent preparatory-to warm bathing. Females find these pills peculiarly beneficial. An oc- casional course removes i nd prevents irregularitieoa and obstructions and the symptoms attendant on the same, fiz., sickness, siek head-ache, dimness of sight."nen,ous- sess, &c. By cleansing and purifying the fluids ot the -body, they restore inapeded circulation, and invi^orate-Ji^ '"hole system, subsiituticgenergy and cheerfulness for languor and depression of ^psrils. VVith renewed health, salicwness, blotches, and {Umples on the skinj quickly disappear, and the coaaplejtion is restored to its natural freshness of colour and appearance. They will also be found an invaluable remedy for the followisjgdisorders,Flatulency .-Spasms, ".ot's of Appetite, Liver Complaints, Worms, >Piles, Eruptions upon the Pace and Skin, diseases which have thei» origin in an im Pure or obstructed state of tUe system, as attacks of Gout Rheumatism, &c. No better or safer prevention or raearis of relief can be had recourse to. Their invigora. ting action on the constitution almost exceeds belief; Pains in tbe Back, Gravel, Lumbago every symptom of Nervousness and Decay so speedity removed that the body becomes instantly enlivened and restored the stooping, Careworn victim of depression becomes a new man his mind, previously gloomy, wretched, and desponding, is again animated and cheerful he stands erect in the dig- nity of health, and pursues his avocations .voder the plea- sing consciousness of new vigour and increased determi- nation. Persons of full habit, subject to Headache, singing in the Ears, palpitation of the Heart, pains in th« side, &c., should take them occasionally and thereby advert many dangerous diseases. Sold, with fun directions for use, in Boxes, 2e. 9d„ 'ft ul 12. on receipt o( ih, Vh.0' 3 ftny address packed free from observation7 WI" bC BeQt EXTRACTS FROM TESTIUONIAI S S' „ From John Harris, Post Office Wor« fIVED* 1852. Sir,—I shall ever consider myself' M^y 7th' obligation to you, for the cure performed on In."? an Pills. I consider them the best medicine in the » y iyour nervousness of long standing. You may depend!.dJ°n recommend them whenever I have an opportunity, T •}} tb«n^ y0l\. me another 12s. box, by return thiv are for a lnend of mine who is almost better by taking them, but please direct them to me 8 ./r(Ti9HiRSi Westminster Bridge-road, MaI-C^i kn!,™ fn™ thl?k y0nr Pills are the be6t medicine known for nervous weaknessattended with Dains ;in the loins. I have tried many adv,,tised medicines, and ? consulted medical men, and they have alUai ed "'Se eTery occasion experienced from Prepared only by CHARLES HENRY JENKES the •ole Proprietor ;may be had Wholesale and Retail »♦' »v i DEPOT, 41, POLAND-STREET, OXFORn TREET, LONDON. °RD' re.ceipt of r *«tnitUnce, by stamps or otherwise, they forwarded direct from the Establishment* ireetrw8be Pressed to C. H. Jenkes, 41, Poland wefifjO*ford-«tree t* London 4 Read ye that run the awful truth, VVith which I charge my page A worm is in the bud of And at the root of age. —COWPER. lint Published, with numerous Engravings, New Edition, Just Fubli is ftee by post for 13 Stamps> NERVOUS DEBILITY: its Causes, Symptoms, nrt Cure An Essay on Spermatorrhoea, Depiession, and ature Exhaustion of the System, showing the causes which 'l, lead to the occurrence, the symptoms which indicate its pXnce, and the means to be adopted for cure. BY A PHYSICIAN. This Work, emanating from a qualified Member of the Medical Profession, the result of many years' practical experience, is addressed to the numerous Classes who suffer from the various disorders acquired in early Life. Aso, by the same Author, Price Is.; Free by Post for 13 Stamps THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; Or how to Insure Moral and Physical Happiness, with Rules for the Preservation of Health and Strength, and precautionary hints for the guidance of the Weak, the Nervous, the Sedentary, and the Delicate. On receipt of Thirteen Postage Stamps, either of the above Works will be forwarded, Post Free, to any Address, by Mr, George Osborne, 4, Sherbourne Lane, London. [ 148a EVERY MAN who is "wide awake" will instantly make use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS, when he finds that he ought to do something to improve the etate of his health. The most inveterate hater of physic, by the moderate use of this fine Medicine, may preserve his health and do no violence to his palate. Stimulate and improve the working of all the important functions of the body, and thus help to ensure good health from youth to old age. Those who use PARR'S PILLS judiciously have seldom occasion to resort to doctors, or to take any other medicine. TO LADIES. A trial of a single box of P ABU'g LIFE PMLS will at once prove that they mildly and speedily remove all skin eruptions, sallowness of complexion, nervous irritability, sick headache, loss of appetite, indigestion, costiveness, depression of spirits, dizziness of the eyes, irregularity, or general derangement of the system:; and, by assisting the secretions, give such a healthy action to the organs as to give the colour of the rose to the complexion, and tone i and vigour to the whole frame. From Mr. Hugh Woodney, TibbAane, King-street, Manchester. GBNTTEMEN,—Having been rntich afflicted for above twelve years with a chronic disease of the livefand constantly deranged state -of the digestive orgaas, and having tried almost every medicine hitherto, with little or no relief, I was induced to try ■PABR'S LIFE PILLS; and, now ^having given them a trial for four months, I am happy to be enabled to state that I bltVe derived the greatest benefit from'their use; they appear toMn- tain the invaluable properties of a tcnic and restorative medicine, end at the same time au effectual preventive against costiveness, without weakening the nervous system. I am, yours respectfully, HUGH WOODKKV. From Jlr. John Sutcliffe, Leeds-road, Bradford. GENTLEMEN,—Having witnessed the beneficial effects of TABB's LIFE PILLS on a friend of mine, who was much relieved in a case of general debility, I beg-ar to try them myself, and I beg leave to make known to you that I never received so much benefit from any other medicine, and 1 feel confident ot a perfect cure. I toM. my surgeon what kind of medicine I was taking, and he said that I could not take anything better. It will be true economy always to have in ;the house a box of PARR'S LIFE P11&3. Sold by all respectable Chemists and Medicine Vendors in Town and Country. In Boxes, price Is lid. and 2s. 9d., and in Family Packets, Its. each. Protected and guaranteed in every country by the English Government stamp, which is affixed to each box of the Genuine Medieiao. Sole Pro- prietors, T. ROBERTS and CO., Craws-court, Fleet- street, London. APP@INTED AGENTS. NEWPORT E* J. PfffuSPS, Chemist. Merthyr Tydfil Mrs. White, Bookseller. [1412 FITS AND NERVOUS COMPLAINTS— 'KISS PIKE'S POWDSRS. ■^h's invaluable medicine, for the cure of Epileptic, Hyat«r;c, and every other'description of Fits, has for many years bciu gratuitously and -successfully administered by the above laSy but in consequence of the increasing demand and the earr.est solicitations of friends, it is now offered to the public foraale. It has al«o proved highly serviceable in Nervous Vffectionsof the Head, inducing mentat weakness, and) in some cases, bordering on insanity and in the alleviation and ure of the various species of Nervous Complaints- S, r.on«»- ment or restraint. more than that of !bein<» 1 erv emperate, is necessary during its use, as it is perfa tly harmless, and a 4shild may take it. Cures effected by this medicine have-come under the atserva tion of the following highly-respectable individuals D- Jenner, F.L.S., &c., Berkeley FrMts. Hands, E»q., sufgeon, Berlseley the Rev. Sir Geo. Prevost, Bart Stinchcombe Mrs. Georgiana Fletcher Welch, Ebworth Park, near Painowick Mrs. Wary lsabsila Gainer, of Kingsvjood, near Wottoc under Edg,e:; the Rev.:Jnhn Maynard, M A., Curate of Berkeley the Rev. E. J Carter, M A., Curate of Slimbridge and Min-or Canon t of Bristol Cathedral Thomas Croome, Esq., Breadstone, near Berkeley; Mr. T. Clarke, VVliitecliff Fark, near Berkeley; Mrs. Ellis, of'Xinjjstreet, Stroud; John Weight, Esq., attorney, Wotton..uudet"-ed3e; Mr. Josiah Hunt, Almondsbury-SLI in the county of ^Gloucester; Mr. W. Uaule, Stapleton road, near t Bristol; Mrs. Long. Koyal Hotel Clifton; Mrs. Glover, Worcester Cottage, Wellington pleoe. Stoke'a Croft, >ISristol Mnl. Nunt. 24. Christmas street, Bristol; Mr. Ashton, Torvington, Devon Mrs. Mallett, Buckland FiUeigh, near Torrlngton, Devon; Mrs. -Sherbour-n, 24, Mornington place, Hampstead roaa, Lon don; William -Woolwright, E-q., attorney, 10, Bretfcerton's buildings, North John street, Liverpool F. C. Ladbury, Esq., gurgecn, Wednesbury, Staffordshire; Mr. J. T. Baker, 4F>, Broad-quay, Bristol; Mrs. Marsh,'Sell Hotel, Gloucester; and many others. To Hiss-Pike—Bear Madam I shouldbe wanting in,gretitude and eommon feeiings of civility, were I not to express to ycu how much benpflt I have received from your powders. Since taking them 1 have had-scarcely a return of the epileptic ifts, which 1 feel na ordinary Messing. On two or three occasions, I have had once weekly, without epilepsy, a return of those attacks which deprived me for a time of sensibility but even this has been graduaSlytwearing away, so that I am hoping perfect restoration will be tmy happy portion. Physiciasis, Surgeons, &c., for years have exerted themselves to cure me, bet generally gave me up in despair.; but now matters are altered; and I shall not be con signedto suH'ering and discouragement. Pardon me, Madam, for thus troubling you- Your medicine I hope to assist in its aiTorts according to your wish, with abundance-of air and exercise; and,, also, to add, there.to moderation in thinking, eating, and drjaiiing with calmness of mind and feeling.-Most gratefully thacking yoit, I have- the honour to remain very faithfully yours, J. WILLIAMSON, Incumbent of Theale. 8, Lower Maudlin-st. Rear the Infirmarys Bristol, 7th Sep.^J853. N B _B&very particular in observing that the name, Sarah Merrett Pike Berkeley, Gloucestershire, is engraved in white etters on a red ground, in the governmect stamp, as none other an be genuine. [A 3 TEtUliY EFFICACIOUS AND MILD. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS PREPAiJR ED without any Mercurial Ingre- P dient, from the Recipe of Dr. Scott ot Bromley, Kent. These Pills will be found invaluable to all who suffer from bilious and liver coniplaintsi iidigestion, wind, spasms, giddiness, dizziness of the eyes, and many other I symptoms which none bwt a sufferer can describe. For habitual costiveness and as a family aperient medicine, they are most excellent-: mild in their operation, and .grateful to the siotnach, they create appetite, promote digestion, strengthen the whole nervous system, and ren- der to nature just the assistance she requires under any derangement of health. SURPHI^MIS CURE.CF INDIGESTION. To Mr.William Lambert, cbemist. 20,Jermyn-streei, Haymarket Loudon. Sk;,—I have much pleasure in offering my testimony to the great efficacy of Dr. ScotCs Bilious aId Liver I ills. Yor the last three-years I have beei troubled with indigestion .in its most obstinate form, attended with these symptoms shortly after taking a meal, viz.:—heartburn, acid eructatinns. nausea, a loathing at the sight of food, and a.sen«.ition of weighted pain at the pit of the stoniaeh. The disease baffled the skill of several ecainent medical men, both in England and on the Conti nent. I was at length induced to tryjtdr. Scott s Bilious and Liver Pills, and can vouch from my own personal experience, tha they afforded greater benefit and more spaadily than any oth medicine I fever tried they not only relieved the above symp- toms, but also created appetite, and appeared to render nature just the requisite assistance. For the relief of sick headache I iave found them a most effectual remedy. A friend whs supers from frequent attacks-tf Gout, tells nis they aflord him surprising relief. Your oblige-d servant, Museum street, Bioomsbury. JOSH- ANDREWS. LOSS OF APPETITJ .RESTORED, AND RETURN 0;1> SOUND HEALTH GO 3D SPIRICS, BR TAKING Da. SCOTT'S IBTTLOLTS AND I*IV £ A PILLS. Dagerliam, August 4, 1855. Sir,—I have much pleasure in informing you of the great be nefit I have derived by taking a medicine purchased at your es- tablishment, called PK. Scott's Bilious and Liver Pills." For a •considerable period I was suffering with a severe stomaeh com- plaint, attended every morning with a violent retching, succeeded by trembling to such an ejitent as to render me unable to hold a cup of tea; my appetite w-s entirely gone, and the little I did eat was, so tospeak, forced down. During two years Ihad the advie-e,of thtee physicians and four other medical men, but with- out beneficial eflect. Happening to meet with a bill of Dr. Scott's Biliovsand Liver Pills, to which your name was attached as agent in Romford, in which were mentioned some extraordinary cures effected by them, incases somewhat similar to my own, I resolved to try them. I feltconsiderable relief after taking the first dose, and by continuing their use, I am happy to say I was very soon restored to health, and am, at the present time, as strong and hearty as any man could wish to be and I attribute this result solei v to this admirable medicine. I may also inform you that 1 have' a brother who was afflicted in the same manner, and who ha< derived great benefit from their use. 1 make it a rule always Jn keen the pills by me, and I am of opinion that they are so ex cellent a medicine, that they cannot be too strongly recommended. Ynu are perfectly at liberty to make any use you please of this JommunFcation as I shall be most happy to be the means of I am, Sir, yours truly, To Mr. Thomas Jull, Chemist, Romford. T__w.„ Tnrr I certify this to be a correct copy.—THOMAS Jdll. Prepared only by W. Lambert, chemist, 20, Jermyn- street, Haymarket, London, in boxes, Is. Ijd., or three boxes in one, 2s. 9d., and sold by T. J. JONES, Newport; and the Vendors of Medicine generally throughout the kingdom. Sclu £ nM?'ANT CAUTION.-Be sure to ask for Dr. PiUs and Li*er Pills." If yon ask for Scott s for Bilious an*8?* quite a different medicine; if you ask pound which irVler Pil}8« >'°u will get a spurious corn- Take down th«» en?wi'l not have the beneficial effects. It frequently occurs^ th»t drnJSu?6-11 Pack"?e'.r customers a Scott's Pills, in an ovafbov different medicine, and causes much I8 ^"1 their medicinal effects are so opposite. PP011itment, as Should any difficulty occur in obtaining the Pills, send 16 0r37Postage Stainpi t0 the Establ!Allmentand th!py will forwarded free. 11446 ) WHAT SHALL I DO TO GET CURED P Is the question often asked by the afflicted. As your cure depends upon the treatment you obtain, apply to DR THOMAS WILLIAMS, VINE COITAQB, No. 182, COMMERCIAL ROAD, NEWPORT One door from the new Bible Christian Chapel, WHO, having devoted his whole study, for thirty years, to the curing of all Diseases by Herbs only, and from successful practice in Newport, for the last ten years,is enabled to treat patients with the utmost cer- tainty of a Cure. Dr. W.'s Herbal Pills have been experienced by Thou sands to be the most valuable yet known for the cure of Pains in the Head, Back, and Loins Nervousness, Indi- gestion, Loss of Appetite, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases,&c. The utmost attention may be relied upon by those who entrust themselves to the care of Dr. Williams. Attendance daily, from Nine in the Morning until Ten at Night; on Sundays, from Nine till Two. Country Patients mu-t be particular in stating theii cases, as that will render a personal visit unnecessary. Medicine,with thenecessary advice, sentto any parton receipt of a Post-office Order for 10s., payable to Dr. THOMAS WILLIAMS, Newport, Monmouthshire. CA UTION I-The public are requested to take noticl tbat Dr. Williams has no connexion with any other person in the profession; and that he can only be seen on cases at his residence, as above. B 28 AMERICAN WORK ON NERVOUS A NESS. Free for 12 Stamps from the Publishers, Piper, Stephenson & Co., Pateruoster Row, or of the Author. NERVOUS, MENTAL, AND HEAD COMPLAINTS -their Causes, Treatment, and Cure, as so successfully adopted by the Keformed American practice of medicine and introduced into this country by CHARLES WATSON, M.D ,u.s., Lecturer on Medicine, and late President of the Physical Society. By the same Author, and free for 6 stamps, THE NEW MODE OF CURING CONSUMPTION, CHEST AND LUNG DISEASES, By Medicated Inhalations, or remedies directly applied to the seat of Disease, with Cases, &o. The American mode of treating Nervous Afections and Chronic Diseases, has recently attracted considerable attention on account of its extraordinary success.— Critic." TO NERVOUS & CONSUMPTIVE INVALIDS. Nervous Disorders, Head and Mted Complaints Incipient Consumption, Chest and Lung Diseases, speedily and effectually'cured, Sound Health, M<ental and Physi- cal, being permanently re-established, or no charge made. By Dr. Watson, who may be consulted daily from I] til 2 Morning, and 6 till 8 Evening. Printed Directions for Country Patients free for 2 Stamps, 27, Alfred Plue, Bedfordsquare, London. GRATIS TO TH'E AFFLICTED. Poisonous Drugs and Doctors' Fees Abolished. EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY for the jLLf 'treatment and "Self Cure" of Debility, nervousness, lassitude, depression of spirits, less of energy appetite, pains in the back and limbs, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, want of energy, love of solitude, groundless fearh, palpitation of the'feeart, noises in the head and indecision, wretchedness, impaired sight and memory, indigestion, and bodily prostration of the whole system, by means of the newly discovered "'AMERICAN INVENTION' which supersedes (in the above complaints) poisonous drugs, wbch are given ucder various dis- guises, to the utter ruir.'cf'thevpatient's health. Also, HINTS TO THOSE CONTEMPLATING MAHRIAGlE," sent on re- ceipt of six stamps, by CHARLES WATSON, M.D., physician te the Bedford Dispensary, 27, Alfred Place, Bedford Squa-re, London. This novel and scientific AMERICAN IHSCOVERY shows 'the absurdity of the SJnirtish treatment of su«h easea, and will 'prove a boon to V Suffering Invalids," who may safely and speedily regain pristine h-ealth and vigour by adopting the means presented.—Jiocnirtf Sun. I' A new and extraordinary era in the scieace of medicine, Globe. The important fact that these alarm ingromplai tits may easily be removed without drugs is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as Adopted, fully explained."—MedickV Review. 1565] THE PUBLIC HEALTH!! TANNER'S PILLS, a .mikl and effectual medicine for indigestion, stomach, «nd liver complaints. These Pills will be found one of the best medicines,ever offered to the public,harmless-and sioeple, yet thoroughly efiicaci^tts in removing Indigestion,-known by a sense of fullness and pain in th-e stomach after meals flatulence, spasmodic affections of (the chest,-giddiness inl activity and languor, sense of fullness in the throat (popu- larly c41«d the rising of the lights, I, Lisa of appe'ite, and sometimes great craving for food, sickness after meals, heart. burn, drewsiness, side headache, sour belchings,rumbling sensation in the- £ toraach and bowels, restlessness night, 6i artling and frightful dreams,- sometimes great moaning in the sleep,: nd seass-of weight and oppressionupon the chest, unpleasant taste in the mouth in the morning, tie tongue frequently covered with d yeliov/ishfur, shooting pains from the s omteh to the shoulder blades, pain in the side, yellow- ness of the eyes and skin, weight over the eyes and back part of the head, loss of memory, disziness, and dimness of sivJir, ringing noises in the ears, -and great depression of spirits They; correct the _morbid state of the liver and O' ganssubservient to digestion, promote a due secretion of bile, speedily remove babituil costiveness, destio-y worms, relieve the constitution of gouty scatter and other impuri- ties, and restore the frame to a healthy state. TANKEH'JB PILLS are tonic and carminative, pr-esnoting a kindly warmth in the stomach and bowels, and give tone and vigour to the whale system. In all cases it cannot be expected that one or two doses will effect a cure they must be steadily persevered in for several days, and them the most successful results will show themselves Price 7|d per Box. Family Boxes Is. and 2s. WA great saving effected by purchasers of legend 2s. boxes. A box sent to-any part of the kiagdom by enclosing thir teen postage-stamps. Prepared.only.byM. A. TANNEU, Kingswood Hill, near Bristol^ proprietor of the celebrated Restorative Cough Pills. AN A-BPAEXTICE WANTED. ['.WI NO MORE PILLS NOR ANY OTHER MRDICINE CURES (WITHOUT PHYSIC) OF INDIGESTION ( dyspepsia ),(<5onstipatjoii, lfatulency, pWeani, all nervous, bilious, and liver complaints, hysteria, neuralgia, dy- sentery, diarfihflea, acidiiy, palpitation, heartburn, head- ache, debi ity, despondency, cramps, spasms, nsusea, and sickness (during pregnancy or at sea), sicking fits,cougfe., asthma, bronchitis, consumption, also Children's com- plaints, are effected by DU B AERY'S delicious REVALENTA A R A BI' A FOOD, which restores health without purging, inconvenience, or expen-e, as it saves fifty times i1 s cost in other remedies. It is, moteover4'the best food tor infants and invalids generally, as it never turns acid on the weakest stomach, nor inurferes with agood liberal diet, but imparts a healthy rtlish for lunch and dinner, and restores the faculty of digestion, and nervous and muscular energy to the most enfeebled. ;We extract a few out of the aiany thousand expressions of gratitude from invatids :—Cure No. ~3\, of dyspepsia,t'coin the ftight Hon. the Lord f.tuart de Decies, I have derived Con- siderable benefit from (¡¡>I Barr)"h¡Reu.enta Arabica Fpod, and consider it due to yourselves and the public to authorise the pu,blication of these lines. Stuart De Decies.Cure No. 49,832. Fifty years indescribable agony-frota dyspepsia, nervousness, antbma, cough, constipation, flatulency, spasms, sickness at the stomach, and vomiting, have been,removed b Du Barry's excellent Food.| Maria JoEy. Wortham Licg, near Diss, Norfolit.' —Cure No. Miss Eli;tfbeth Jacobf, of Naming Vicarage, V\ altliam cross, Herts a cure of extreme nervou-ness, indiges- tion, gatherings, low spirits, and nervous fancies.—Cure No. 48,314. M-es Klizabeth Yeoeaan, Gatnacre, near Liverpool: a cure of ten years dyspepsia, and all the horrors of nervous irri- tability.—Cure No. IS,216. Dr. Andrew ,Ure, ot constipation, dyspepsia, nervous irritability.—Cure No. 3->,2t0. Dr. Shorland, of dropsy and debility-Cure No. 36,212. -Captain Allan, of epileptic nts.-r-Cure No. 42,116. Major Edie, of eulargement of tile liver and total prostration of s-i-rength.—.Cure No. 36.418, The Rev. Ur. Minster, of cramps, spasms, and daily vomiting. -Cure No 26,4 18. Dr. Harvey, of diarrhoea and debility.-Cure No. 39,8,8. Dr. Wurtzer, of consumption. Cure No. 32,880 William Hunts, Esq,, Barrister, of paralysis.—-Cure .N >■ 16,2711 Mr. James Roberts, Wood-merchant, of thirty yeafs' diseased lungs, spitting of bioed, liver derangement, partial deafness.— w Cure No. 46,814. Mr.-S. Laxton, Leicester, of twoyears* diarrhoea. J-Cure No. 5"1,612. The Dowager Countess of Onstle&tuart, of many years' nervous .irritability, bile, and indigestion-—Cure Ks. 54,812. Miss Virninia Zeguers, cured of consumption, afier her medical advisers had abandoned all hopes of recovery.—Cute No. 180. Twenty-five years'nervousness, constipation, iudiges £ ion, and ,debility, from w bich I have suffered great misery, .and which no medicine could remove or relieve, have been effect- ually cured by Du Barry's Food, in a very short time. W. a. Reeves, 181, Fleet street, London.Cure No. 4,208. "Eight years' dyspepsia, nervousness, debility, with cramps, spasms, and nausea, for DIY servant had consulted the advice of many, have been effectually cured by Du Barry's health-restoring Food. I shfill be happy to answer aisy inquiries. Rev. John W. Flavell, Ridlington Rectory, Norfolk." No. 32,836 Threeyears' excessive nervousness, with pains in my neck and left arm, and general debility, which rendered my life very miserable, has been radically removed by Du Barry's heaith-restoring food- Alex. Stuart, Archdeacon of Rose, Skibbereen."—Cure 3,906. Thirteen years' cough, Indigestion, and general debility have been removed by Du Barry's excellent BevaientaArabica Food. James Porter, Athol street, Perth to IMPOBTANT CAUTIOW against the fearful dingers of spurious imitations:- The Vicp-Chancellor, Sir William Page Wood, granted an Injunction on the 10th March, 1854, against Alfred Hooper Nerill, for imitating "Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica Food." Suitably packed for all climates, and with full instruc- tions. In canisters, lIb. 2s. 9d. 21b. 4s. 6d.; 51b. lis Od. 121b. 22s. super-refined quality, lib, 6s.; 21b. I ls. 51b i 22s. 101b. 33s The lOlb. and 121b. canisters are for warded carriage free, on receipt of Post-office Order Barry Du Barry and Co., 77, Regent-street, London; Fortnum, Mason, and Co., purveyors to Her Majesty; 182, Piccadilly; and the following Agents :-Newport. P. H. Morris, Dock-road; Clements, Stamp-office; Matthews and Co., E, J. Phillips, Thomas, J. Jones, chemist; Abergavenny: J. P. Watkins; Pontypool; H. Hughes, J. B. Churchill; Monmonth: Dyke and Co., Thos. Farror; Chepstow: -Robert laylor, Clark and Son, T. Perkins, J. Gormon, W. B-Miner, Cardiff: J. B. Hopkins, John Hibbert, 3, St. M"y- < TV Merthyr: Thos. Lovendge, chemist; Aberdare D. R. Evans, J. W. Thomas, John Jones. Llb88 o MORE" PILLS, NOR ANY OTHER Medicine, for Indigestion, (dyspepsia) habitual Constipation, Flatulency, Acidity, Palpitation of the Hear* Torpidity of the Liver, bilious Headaches, Ner- vousness Biliousness, General Debility, Diarrhoea, Cough, < Asthma, Consumption, Despondency, Spleen, &c 5 Price 2d or 3d. post free 102nd Eiliuon of the « "NATURAL REGENERATOR OF THE DI- 5 GESTIVE ORGANS," without Pills, purgatives, or medicines of any kind, by a simple, pleasant, and infallible means, adapted to the ^Supported by testimonials from the celebrated Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Andrew Ure, Dr. Shorland, Dr. Harvey, Dr. Campbell, Dr. Gattiker, Dr. Wurzer, Dr. Ingram, Lord Stuart de Decies, the Dowager Countess of Castle- Stuart, Major Gen. Thomas King, and many other re- spectable persons, whose health has been restored by it after all other means of cure had failed. London: J. Gilbert, 49, Paternoster Row. [1688 LAIVS GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS If Price Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. per box. This preparation is one of the benefits which the science o mode n chemistry has conferred upon mankind; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance but now, the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimo- nials from persons in every rank of life, that public opinion pro- claims this as one of the most important discoveries of the present age and, in testimony of its efficacy, Mr. W. Burch, Chemist, West Bromwich, writes— November 8th, 1853. Gentlemen,-The enclosed Testimonial was received by me from a customer residing in this town. Your's respectfully, To Messrs. Prout and Co." W. BURCH." Mr Arkinstall, of the Lyng. West Bromwich, says I have much pleasure in bearing my testimony to the wonderful eTcacy of Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. Having been a great sufferer from rheumatic gout I have upon various occasions had recourse to them and am happy to say that, however acute and distressing the pain may be, I always receive relief in an almost incredible short time, even after taking only one dose. If taken in the early stage of the disease, they dissipate it; if later, they ease the pain, and cure much sooner than any other medicine I ever made use of I would not be Without them on any account." Further Proof of the Great Efficacy of Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, Forwarded by Mr. Reinhardt, Chemist, Hull. Sir,—Enclosed is a testimonial from a customer of mine, who is well known atiout here: he speaks in the highest terms of BI ir's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, and would be glad to give information to anybody. "To Mr. Reinhart, 22, Market-place, Hull. December 4th, 1855. "Dear Sir.—I have been afflicted with rheumatism for !2years, during which time I have tried almost everything, both inter- nally and ex'eTually, but could not obtain any permanent relief. A short time ago I purchased a 2s. 9d. box of Blair's Bills of you, nd before I had taken the whole of them I was more free from 'Pain than I had been for the last dozen years. You will please let me have another box, as I mean to keep them by me in case I should agiin require them, and oblige, Dear Sir, yours clemently, "JEIlEMIAH GAMESI." F These Pills require neither attention nor confinement, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part. "SoiC by all medicine vendors. "See the name of .1 Thomas ProtiR, 229, Strand, London," or. the Government stamp. [1638 EAFNESS, NOISES IN EARS.- 11) THICKENED MEMBRANE—want of secretion =-Nervous Deafness. Instantaneous Relief Distiessing Noises momentarily stopped. An Act of Benevolence. Extraordinary Discovery by Dr. WATTEBS, when in sQhina. Just Published, for grauitous circulation—Sent free by Post, on receipt of h postage stamps, (postage), enabling deaf sufferers in any part of the world to regain their hearing by a safe and painless remedy, unknown in this country- Dr. JOHN NTCHOXi WATTERS, resident consulting physician to the British and Foreign Ear Infirmary, 32, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross, cured himself of 9 years' deafness and distressing noises by an expeditious and simple treatment discovered during a residence in China also hundreds of private patients considered incurably deaif By this book, deafness'need no more be dreaded—sufferers can cure tliemselvm-explainiug how the author was cured, tbe means used, rescuing the deaf from snares and frauds'of daily advertising quacks, etc. Eminent physi- cians and clergymen, some of whom have been cured by Dr. Witters, can honestly and truly testify the fact, having witnessed with startling amazement deaf children and aged sufferers ms.de to hear conversation perfectly, though deaf for 40 or 59 years. Dr. Watters is a member of the Royal,English College,of Surgeons, obtained his Diploma March 31, -1843, also Licentiate of the London ] Royal Apothecaries' Hall, Diploma granted Jan. 30,1830. Dr. Watters receives patients in consultation, every day between 11 and 4. In one examination he guarantees to restore hearing, however incredible it appears, without an instant's inconvenience or suffering. All letters -to be directed to Dr. Watters, Far Infirmary, 32, Spring Gar- dens, Charing Cross, London. [1154 N £ W and Improved Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, illustrated by 100 ANATOMICAL COLOURED ENGIIÁVINGS ON STBEL, just published, priee, free by post, One Shilling, a Medical Work on the physical exhaustion and decay of the frame with obser- vations on the obligations of marriage, directions, &c., by It. and L. PERRY and CO., Surgeons. Sold by Sanger, 150, Oxford-street; and Gordon, 146, Leaden- h&H-etreet, London-. PAXT THE FIRST treats of the and physiology of the human frame, illustiated by Eight Coloured Eu- gravings. P*KT TUB QzconD treats of mental and bodHjr mreBk- «es«, tiervous excitement, &c. Ttw illustrated by Three Explanatory Engravings. P,&XT THS THUtD treats of the diseases resuitiag from the -consequences of early negleet.ar of mistreatment, entailing broken health and a miserable existence. This section is illustrated by Seventeen Coloured En- gravings. PAUT THE FOURTH is devoted to the consideration of marriage and its duties. The CORDIAL IMLM OFSYRIACUM is expressly empl&yed to renovat-e the impaired p3wers of life. Its actions purely balsamic its power in re-invigorating the frame in all cases of nervous debilities arising from excesses, lias ueen demonstrated by ite unvaryingsueceps in tli<G,ttsanu$of case&. Price lis. per bottle, or four quantities in one for 33s., which saves-3 Is The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE a remedy lor purifying the system, And is recommended for eruptions on the skin, blotches on the head and faoe, &c. Ita action is purely detersive, and its benefieilll nfluenee on the system is undeniable. Frice l Is. and i3s per bottle, also a saving of Us. PERCY'S PURIFYIN(I SPECtFrCRIU.Sconstitute an effectual remedy in all-cases of debility. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. fcd., atnt Hg. per box. Sold by 'Barclay and 3»r.s, FarringdoE-strpet; Darby and Gosder, I40, Leidi'nh»!l-treet; VV. Sutton and Co 10, Bow-e4ji,rchyard; W. Edwards, 67, St. Caul's church- yard J. Sanger, 150 (fciford-street; Hannsy and Oietrichsen, 63, Oxford-street; Butler and Harding, 4, ( heapsid. ,j. Allen, 2Q, Warwick-lane, Paternoster- row Prout and Harsant, 2419, Strand, London.; MfSsrK_ Garrett Brothers, dsuglrists, Newport, Men. R. H: Inghana, druggist 46, Market-street, Manchester; J. Priestly, chemist, i'i2 Lurd-street Liverpool Powell, ■fcoi'ks0ller, I r., vvestmoreland.«treet, Dublin Evans, eiiemist, Cardie and all medicine vend. rs throughout tbe United Kingdom. [1147 DU BtHRY'S CRLERRATEíJ INFAN I FOOD, FOR DRLICJAT'E INFANTS, CHILDREN. AND INVM.ln^ KRSED the expense and dangers of k_ wet nursing, is more easily digested, and imparts more heaMitul nouri«lituent thwn Miik t acid ty, cramps, bowel.complrtints, flatulency, cough, rfsltessnpss, scrofula, eruptions, aie av(-i-],-d-bv it, and nerlect regularity of the systema;nd sound 6leepinsured. Many respectable families who have reared and sa-ved delicate Infants bv this FOGd, can be referred to, and a C'»py of their Testimonials may be had on fcrwarding a stamped and addressed Envelope to Barry Du Barry & ( 0 j 77, Regent-s-t,reet London. Price,% :-In Canister, Is, 28.; and i21b. at 21s. The large Caniatters will be forw&aded free of carriage on receipt of Poet Office Order. [1688 A.1 "■ ii -1

[No title]