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MESSRS. TOOGOOD & BECKINGHAM, RAILWAY WAGGON BUILDERS, SOUTH WALES WAGGON WORKS, Newport, Monmouthshire. —Repairs by Contract for a Term of Years. PRIVATE ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE, at WHITCHURCH, near Monmouth. MR. MILLARD, SURGEON, & RESIDENT PROPRIETOR, (licensed 1834), has Vacancies for either sex. Terms moderate. RAILWAY WAGGONS, COMBINED AND RAIL- WAY WHEELS, GOODS' CRANES, &c. MR. JAMES MURPHY is prepared to supply Wagons, Railway or Combined V* heels, -RUBBER Springs, Drawbars, &c., at a short notice. Broad and Narrow-guage Locomotive Carriage and WAGON Wheels, repaired and turned on their axles. Several Wrought-Iron Goods' Cranes, of the most ap- proved construction, capable of lifting Two to Three Tons, ready for delivery. Dock-street, Newport, July, 1854. \TT R. MATTHEWS & Co., TEA and TT • COFFEE MERCHANTS, 19, COMMEBCIAL- "STREET, Newport. A large and well-selected Stock on Sale good quality combined with moderation in prices. RAILWAY HOTEL, DOCK-STREET, NEWPORT. GEORGE SEABORN, grateful for the kind support accorded him by his numerous friends, begs to state that he carries on the above Hotel, as before, -with every accommodation for his friends, and the public generally. The best wines, spirits, ales, &.c, are still sup- .plied. Agent for the Cotswold Brewery, Cirencester. Q1 Q° MILKERS' HOLDFAST & FIRE- /CL/CL RESISTING SAFES (non-conducting and vapourising), with all the improvements, under their Quadruple Patents of 1840 51-54 and 1855, including their Gunpowder Proof Solid Lock and Door (without which no safe is secure.) THE STRONGEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST SAFEGUARDS EXTANT. MILNERS' PHCENIX (212°) SAFE WORKS, LIVER- POOL, the most complete and extensive in the world.- Show-rooms, 6 and 8, Lord street, Liverpool. London DEPDT, 47A., Moorgate-street, City. Circulars free by post. A-GEYT for NEWPORT Mr. ROBERT WEBB, Iron- monger, &c., High-street. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN BIRMINGHAM. t, A LFRED ASTON having purchased the V £ V Salvage of the Stock injured by the alarming fire at J^ST PauPs Lamp and Tin Plate Works, informs the .J* of Newport and South Wales, that he intends ELLNO such at prices unheard of. X KARGE fOOT ,Wns, slightly injured, at 2s., worth 7s. F0LL.et PAILS &(F 20d. patent stamped enamelled VA,SINS, 3d., worth Is. kettles, preserving pans bowls, "AKIIIG PANS> &C-J At one fourth of the original cost. 139, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. „ holesale buyers treated en the most liberal terms, lo •cash. J. ROWE, SHOEING AND GENERAL SMITH, BEGS respectfully to announce that he has commenced business in the above line, at MER- ^'HANT-STREET, near the Moderator Bridge, Newport, AAD trusts by strict attention and good workmanship, to ent public favor. _m_ TAMES BLOYE, Wheelwright andtfci* Penter, Merchant-street, near the Moderator Bridge, Newport. SIR WILLIAM BURNETT'S DISINFECTING FLUID. T?OR the destruction of OFFENSIVE SMELLS in HOUSES, ON BOARD SHIPS, and for the PREVENTION of CHOLERA, has now become "So VAT.n AT5T/K that none should be without it. It is the Only Disinfectant used on board HER MAJESTY'S SHIPS at the HOSPITALS OF SCUTARI, and at the CAMP'IN THE CRIMEA. Sold bv all Chemists and Druggists, and at the Office, 18, Cannon Street, Loudon Bridge, in gallons 5s., quarts 2s., Pints Is., half-pints 6d. each. N.B.—The public are cautioned against AN IMITATION of this article. GAS FITTINGS. THE largest Assortment of every descrip- tion of Fittings, selected from the best makers, lncludinrr many entirely new patterns for the present season. Estimates and contracts for Gas Fitting, to any extent. None but the best and experienced workmen employed. Reference, if required. i t JOHN MIDDLETON, No. 151, Commercial-street, Newport. ECONOMY OF FERMENTATION. BUSHES PATENT ROOT GRATER Manufactured by FOWLER and FRY, Temple- g,"te, Bristol, entirely supersedes the necessity of Cooking Turnips, Mangold, and other Roots—it effects a Saving of FROM 30 to 40 per cent, of the roots, besides that of fuel. PrinWMekimonials and directions may be obtained gratis, bv applving to FOWLER and FRY, Bristol, Licensed Makers of Corne's Patent Chaff Cutters and ge- neral Agricultural Implement MAKERS »j JeJ™c LT I The Root Grater rnsy also be seen in the Agricultural DEPARTMENT of the Crystal Palace, Sydenham. CANDLE LAMPS. THE high price of Oil, and the reduction in the price of Candles, has directed public attention TO CANDLE LAMPS. Those manufactured by PALMER ^ND Co., may be relied upon as excelling other Lamps in facility OF management, cleanliness, and general con- venience. They are adapted for giving any degree of I^GHT, and are suited to all purposes of domestic use. Palmei and Co. having rendered both the Candles and LAMPS as perfect as possible, care should be taken to pro- CURE Lamps and Chimney Glasses, stamped "PALMER & CO. as they cannot be answerable for the burning of their Candles when the Lamps or Chimneys used are not of their own manufacture. *n A fresh stock of the above well-known Lamps, Candles, I &c., just received by JOHN MIDDLETON, Ironmonger, 51, Commercial-street, Newport. b REMOVED TO NO. 74, COMMERCIAL-STREET. THOMAS FROST, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Newport audits vicinity, that he continues, in all its Branches, at the above address, the business carried on bv his Uncle, the late Mr. E. FROST, for the last 25 years. T. F while soliciting a continuance of the patronage enjoyed'by his Uncle, assures his Friends and Patrons that it will be his study, by moderate chorges, and unre- FITTING attention to the wishes of his customers, to merit their continued favours. „ I An APPRENTICE WANTED. A Premium re I' Clocks and Watches of every description on the most reasonable terms- FT HOW ROOMS, 14, WINE-STREET. ^5 Under the entire Management and -IQ^NNTCNILENCE ■'fMrs.W C. THOMAS, for INFANTS' B ASSIN ET JTES, BASKETS, BABY LINEN, LADIES' AND JU\ ENILE °UXFITS alwavs read v.. F MORNING WRAPPERS from 10- Gd. I PARIS CORSETS that do not require Lacing. ALL THE NEW WINTER GLOVES & HOSIER! The NEW ROYAL BALMORAL and EUGENIE PETTICOAT. Bristol, October 11, 1855. Bristol, October 11, 1855. PAPER HANGINGS.—REDUCED TRICES, AT W. W. LODER'S, 42, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. \\7~ W. LODER begs to inform his Friend » • and the Public in general, that lie is now SEL- LING OFF his large Stock of PAPER HANGINGS, at a EDUCTION of 25 per cent., ami that all Papers bought of "N will be hung for 6d. per piece. N Flocks and Glazed Grounds from Is. 3d. per Piece. POOR RATES—PARISH OF ST. WOOLLOS. pi. BENJAMIN LEWIS, Collector, begs -i-L to state that his Office, at Ruperra-street, will be open for the purpose of receiving payment of Poor Rates, from 8 to 10 a.m., and from 7 to 9 p.m., until February next. Newport, 2)th November, 1855. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS. THOMAS J. JONES, CHEMIST, near the Bridge, Newport, has just received a large supply of BLUE VITRIOL, (now so extensively used for Dressing Wheat as a preventative of Smut, Grub, and Wire Worm), which he is enabled to offer at a very low price. DAVID DUNCAN, RAILWAYPOINTS and CROSSINGS MANUFACTORY, OAK FOUN- DRY, OAKENSHAW, near WAKEFIELD, Yorkshire, and HOPE FOUNDRY, NEWPORT, MON. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. LEVY J. MARKS, Chronometer, Watch, and JLj Nautical Instrument Maker, Dock Parade, Pill- gwenlly, Newport, has a Vacancy for an IN DOOlt APPRENTICE. A premium required. One professing the tenets of the Church of England preferred. FOR LAMPS, OIL, and COTTON, go to ASTON'S, 139, Commercial-street. FOR GOOD & USEFUL IRONMONGERY go to ASTON'S, 130, COMMERCIAL-STREET, New- port, and 4, HIGH-STREET, Birmingham. ROBBERIES FRUSTRATED. A STRONG CHAIN BOLT on the Door, is the best means of preventing Theft in Dwelling Houses. They are easily put on, very efficient, and at a trifling cost. W. BCLLOCK & Co.'s Solid Link Chain Bolts can be obtained at ASTON'S, 139, Commercial- street, from 8d. each. GORGET Patent Self-Adjusting SHIRT, G Six for 42s. Patent ELLIPTIC 3-Fold COLLARS, 12s. the Dozen. PATENTEES, COOPER & FR lER, LONDON. Agent at NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, B. EVANS, LONDON HOUSE. List of Agents, see inside Wrapper Bradshaw's Railway Guide. i GLOUCESTER. WILLIAM OLIVE, FISHMONGER, POULTERER, &c, NORTHGATE-STREET, IN Retiring from Business, begs to return -L his sincere thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and In- habitants of Gloucester, Monmouth, and their neigh- bourhood, for the favours conferred on him for the last twenty-five years, and begs to inform them that he has disposed of his business to Mr. SAMUEL LONG, who, from his experience and knowledge of the trade; will, he is con- fident, give satisfaction to his patrons, and be respectfully solicits a continuance to him of that pat-ionage which Mr. OLIVE has for so many years received. SAMUEL LONG, in succeeding to the above Business, respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal sup- port received by Mr. OLIVE, and assures his Friends and Patrons that any Orders-Town or Country-confided to him, shall be most carefully and punctually attended to. Sea-fish from London and the West of England Daily. Native and Mumbles Oysters. licensed Dealer in Game. IMMENSE SALE OF FURS. JL RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. SELLING OFF UNDER COST PRICE 26, COLLEGE GREEN, BRISTOL. CHARLES ISAACS Begs to thank his highly-esteemed Patrons for the very liberal support that he has received for the past-Eighteen Years, and to announce his intention of RETIltING' FROU BUSINESS. HE HAS RESOLVED TO MAKE A COMPLETE CLEARANCE OF HIS STOCK DURING THE APPROACHING WINTER, AND WITH THE VIEW TO ACCOMPLISH THIS, EACH ARTICLE HAS BEEN MARKED DOWN IN PLAIN FIGURES, TO PRICES MUCH BELOW THE ORIGINAL COST, THUS AFFORDING TO PURCHASERS AN OPPORTUNITY NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN BRISTOL. THE SELLING OFF WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE WHOLE IS SOLD. Hours of Business each Day from Ten till Five. P.S.— CLEANING & ALTERATIONS AS USUAL, Executed with the greatest promptitude and care. The Extensive SHOP and PREMISES to be LET. T) DRAKE, ENGRAVER, PRINTER, and I I;. STATIONER, 11, SHERBORNE-LANE, King William-street, London. Joint Stock Companies supplied with Share Certificates, Official Seals, Dies, and Presses, Brass and Ziuc Door- Plates, &c.. &c. The usual orders for the Counting-house generally, con- tinuc to receive the advertiser's careful attention. N.B.—Bankers, Public Companies, and Commercial Firms are, in case of requirement, referred, by kind per- mission, to corresponding customers of long standing. PONTYPOOL.—PHOTOGRAPHIC LIKENESSES. MR. BEAUFORD begs to announce that his Gallery WILL OPEN at Pontypool, on MONDAY NEXT, the 3rd inst. Parties who require correct Photographic Portraits, are therefore respectfully requested to make an early call, from Ten to Three. Coloured Portraits 5s. 6d., complete; TAKEN INDE- PENDENT OF WEATHER, by his Accelerator, registered useful; as Exhibited by him at the Crystal Palace, Dublin Great Exhibition, New York, &o., and now at the Paris Universal Exhibition. For Christmas Presents and New Year's Gifts, Portraits in -Brooches, Bracelets, Lockets, Rings, &c. Mr. Beauford, a gentleman of distinguished ability in the Photographic Art, has taken up his residence for a brief period in this town; and by the aid of the Daguerreo- type Accelerator,' an ingenious instrument of Mr. Beau- ford's invention, is enabled to furnish portraits remarkable for accuracy and beauty of finish.- Merlin. MODERATOR LAMPS. c THESE much-approved and elegant LAMPS, comprising many novelties in design and material, at prices from 10s. to 80s. Colza, oil, cottons, lamp shades, chimnies, &c., &c., &c. JOHN MIDDLETON, No. 151, Commercial-street, Newport. BILE and INDIGESTION, Sick Head- ache, Flatulency, Heartburn, and all Bilious and Liver Affections, are speedily removed by the use of COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUSand FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, which have now been held in the highest estima- tion by all classes of society, for upwards of fifty years. Prepared only by JAMES COCKLE. Surgeon, 18, New Oriuond-stroet, London and may be bad of all Medicine Venders, in boxes, at Is. IU., 2s. 9J., 4s. 6d., and lis. NELSON STREET GLASS WORKS, BRISTOL. THIIL PUBLIC, by their PATRONAGE, aPPrcciate being supplied with Table Glass, direct Profits Works, thereby saving all intermediate pv' £ !?ff *inest ,^nd best Specimens of Cut Flint Glass are nrodrn P tb° P.RF mise-% equal to any this country can In- n^ T' l i sultable either for the Nobleman's or Trades man s labie. wHlf T^Ier?h°W are fiUetl UP antl well-stocked with lab^o Glass, of the purest colour, most modern de- signs, and unique shapes. All marked at the lowest Cash Prices, in plain figures. The Company respectfuUy invite public inspection! Bnlhant-cut Ornamental Window Glass. Ornamental Hall Lamps Electro-Plated Cruet a* other Frames, with Glass, MARK BOWDEN AND COMPANY AILT CHIMNEY GLASSES. l.J TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. BRITISH PLATES'^il^J|IICK» WITH GILT Size of Plate. 1. s. d. Size of Plate. £ s. d. 36 by 24 3 1 G 48 by 36 g lo 6 38 by 26 o 8 0 50 by 40 7 0 0 40 by 30 4 0 0 52 by 42 8 10 0 42 by 32 5 0 0 54 by 44 9 7 0 44 by 36 6 0 0 60 by 50 12 0 0 An extensive assortment of ve superior Bedroom, Chev il and Gilt Chimney Glasses, always m stock. LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTORY, Nelson-street, Bristol. MARK BOWDEN AND COMPANY. MUS I or APUBLIC MEETING will be held in the TOWN SCHOOL ROOM, PONTYPOOL, on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, at EIGHT O'CMCK, for the purpose cf Establishing A CHORAL SOCIETY In connection with thrown. The Rev. THOMAS DA VIES, tM.A., in the Chair. All Persons interested in the Cultivation of Sacred Mlsic, are especially invited to attend. Pontypool, Nov. 27th, 1855. | SWAN INN, CRANE-STREET, PONTYPOOL. IPItOSSEWS HOUSE WARMING I) < DINNER will take place on WEDNESDAY, 5th of DECEMBER, 1855. Dinner on the Table at Five o'clock. ■ Tickets, Five Shillings each. — — *a, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. DO you want to CUT your CHAFF, BRUISE your OATS, and SLICE your TUR- NIPS? The Largest Stock of Implements and Machines of every description, also, Carts, Waggons, &c., may be seen, at STONE'S Show Rooms and Works, Great Dock-street/ Newport, Mon. Catalogues sent, post free, on applicrtion also, Cata- logues of all the Chief Manufacturers, for whom J. S. STONE is the PRINCIPAL AGENT. November 23rd, 1855. c' SOUTH WALES RAILWAY. Timber Pier and Temporary Station, at Neyland (Mil ford Haven). THE Directors of this Company will re- ceive TENDERS for the following Works, at Ney- land (Milford Haven), viz. :— J 1st. The Construction of a TIMBER PIER. 2nd. '1 he erection and maintenance of a' TEMPORARY STATION BUILDING for PASSENGERS, the Buildina to remain the property of the Contractor. 0 Drawings and Specifications may be seen at the Engi- neer's Office, 18, Duke-street, Westminster, on and after THURSDAY, the 29th instant; and the Tenders (marked Tenders for Works") are to be lIent in on or before THURSDAY, the 20th DECEMBER next, addressed to the undersigned. The Directors do not bincl themselves to accept the lowest Tender. By order, FRED. (T. SAUNDERS, Secretary. Offices South Wales Railway, 10, Eastbourne Terrace, Paddington.. • j 23rd November, 1855. ,1, .■ I, t WELSH MELODIES. JUST PUBLISHED, price One Guinea,1 a very handsome Volume, gilt letters and edjjes, iii, Collection of the most admired ANCIENT WELSH MELODIES, arranged aseffuctive Solos for the HARP, by JOHN THOMAS, (of Pen-y-Bont,) Professor of the. Harp, at the Royal Academy of Music," London; Member of the Academia di Santa Cicilia," Rome Honorary Member of the "Society Filarmonica," Flo- rence and Musical Judge of the late" Abergav.enny Eisteddvod in 1853, as performed by him at his Cone^rts, and before the different Courts of Europe. The above arrangements will admit of being played on the Piano-Forte as well as on the Harp. London to be had of Messrs. B00SEY & SONS, 28, Holies-street, Oxford-street and also of Mr. JAFIN THOMAS, 88, Great Portland street, Portland-place, v ——————————————-—————————————————;——— MR. A. WEBBER, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT. AUCTIONEER, AND APPRAISER, 145, COMMERCIAL- STREET, NEWPORT, MON. r" '"c MR. A. WJEBBBR begs rfspect|l«0|; t: 4f call the attentiofi orpfcr'e'ons -lesirous ofi" LeU^ng, i | Selling, or Purchasing Businesses, WarehousaVl'ublie VI" Private Houses, Villa Residences, Builrtiag Ground, Yards, &c., &c., to his COMMERCIAL ltEGISTER, established for the purpose of registering every description of property to let or brought into the market for disposal. CAERLEON MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. HpHE Committee beg to annouuee to the I Public that the following Course of Lectures will be delivered in connection with the above Institution, in the FREE CHOOL, Caerleon :— MONDAY, 3rd December, 1855, the Rev. D.JoNES ANTIQUITIES OF CAERLEON." WEDNESDAY, 20th December, 1855, J. KEEBLE, Esq., —" ATMOSPHERIC INFLUENCES." MONDAY, 7th January, 185G, T. M. LLEWELLIN, SSQ-, —"THE RHINE AND ITS ASSOCIATIONS." MONDAY, 28th January, 1856, JOHN HARRISON, E, gq,, —"THE POETRY OF BURNS." MONDAY, 18th February, 1856, J. E. LEE, Esq. FOSSIL REMAINS." Other Lectures will follow, the particulars of wlnch will be duly announced. The Chair to be taken every Evening at Eight o clock precisely. Reserved Seats, Sixpence Back Seats, Threepence. Tickets to be had at the Reading Room. J. P. FEATIIERSTUN,) CHAS. JARVIS, VSecs. JAS. JARRETT, J Caerleon, Nov. 28th, 1855. In attendance periodically, at Newport, the first Wed- nesday, and Cardiff and Swansea, the following Thursday and Friday, in every month. MR. GRAHAM YOUNG, SURGEON-DENTIST, (of N>. 5, Unity-street, College-green, Bristol,) begs most respectfully to announce that the success which has attended his professional visits to Newport and Car- diff, during the last eight years, has induced him to extend his journey to SWANSEA, and that, for the future he may be consulted on all cases relating to his r>rof»ssion' at Mr. WANSBROUGH'S, Plumber, NO. 11, Commercial- street, Newport, on Wednesday, December 5th Mrs WILLIAMS', 64, Crockherbtown, Cardiff, on Thursday" December 6th; and at Mrs. HENSIIAW'S, 5, ProspeJt- place Burrows, Swansea, on Friday, December 7th and periodically on the first Wednesday, and the following Thnrsday and Friday, in every month. 0 To those who study economy, Mr. Young is now enabled to offer a very supc-rior and useful description of Artificial Mineral Teeth, at 103. Gd. each and where many are required, at a still more moderate rate. They are guaranteed never to change colour or decay, and so' closely to resemble nature, as to be uudistinguishabie I. from the natural teeth to which they may be placed adjacent. Superior descriptions of Mineral Teeth, in every variety, on proportionate terms. I The whole of the mechanical work undertaken by Mr. Young, is executed by himself, or under his immediate direction the workmanship and finish of which ha engages to be unsurpassed in beauty by anything to bo obtained in London or Paris. Defective Teeth rendered sound with white enamel cement, and all the operations appertaining to Dental Surgery performed according to the most approved methods. No. 5, Unity-street, Colleen-green, Bristol. DKEjDGE'S HEAT.-ALL, or celebrated Em- N y brocation, has long been known throughout the West of England as the most efficacious Remedy for Rheumatism. Sprains and Bruises. Rheumatic Gout. Spasms and Cramp. Rheumatism. Sprains and Bruises. Rheumatic Gout. Spasms and Cramp. Lumbago. Stiffness of the Joints or Pains in the Limbs and Neck. Numbness. Frozen Limbs. Sciatic and Paralytic Affec- I Chilblains, before they are tlOUS. broken. Tooth-Ache and Face-Ache. It is likewise an infallible cure for that dangerous dis- order, the Quinsey or Sore Throat, in which it was never known to fail after a few hours' application It is also an excellent Remedy for Whitlows, so common on the fingers of couutry people who ave exposed to the cold aiul it is confidently recommended to all who may suffer from any of these complaints. OBSERVE—That none can be genuine unless the Stamp affixed to each Bottle contains the name and address of BARCLAY and SONS, No. 95, Faningdon-slveet. who have pui chased the property in this valuable fruit; the Executors of the Iuventor, WILLIAM DRSIIGI., late of Wishford, Wilts. Retail price, Is. Hd. and 2s. !J.|. per Bottle. ABERNETHY remarks, that disorders of the digestive organs cause a great number of other diseases KAYE'S WORSDEl-L'S PILLS are a speedy, mild, and most efficient remedy for Indigestion, Headache, Bilious Affections, Costiveness, &c. Sold everywhere, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. Gd. Wholesale Depot, 22, BREAD IR. lid., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6t!. Wholesale Depot, 22, BREAD STREET, London. MERCANTILE AND MATHEMATICAL JlpAY & EVENING SCHOOLS, CROSS HOUSE, STOWJ&UJI" CO'sdICTED BY MR. AN» MRS. O'BRIEN, AIDED BY ,J§X Miss AND MASTER O'BRIEN. Afpnenig Class every Tuesday and Thursday Evening, froin^^eD to half-past Nine o'clock. A WBiich Class will be formed on Tuesday, November 20thj fpperintended by the French Master of Hereford Gran^ar School. MutM* basses daily, after the School duties are finished. A &&■.Boarders can be accommodated, who will have the classes, if so disposed. NyJfjMti, November 17th, 1855. •|%fTWYN FIRE-BRICK WORKS, JRA&TXEAR NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. VLB^R]JIAM BRAIX (successor to the late of Brain and Price), Manufacturer of every Fibe BRICKS, of the best quality, BURS, GEOUND FIRE CLAY. '^JS B.—All ? rders punctually attended to. Tff«*tmONIAL TO TOM LL. BREWER, ESQ. MANAGER OF THE COALBROOK VALE j £ Q#WORKS, NEAR NEWPORT, MON. A V a MEETING of the AGENTS and .f}.rWORKMEN of the Coalbrook Vale Works, and o^1(arjgfeTENDS of the above-named highly-esteemed and <1 ^oapgfhcl Gentleman, it was resolved to present hini*S$^a Testimonial, upon his retirement from the liei»liMurbo0ft; and that a Subscription List be opened for"tba» porp9se> which will be closed on the 10th of next ffjje^amount already subscribed, exceeds 120 Guineas. Subscriptions will be received by Mr. C. J. Guest, Coal- brook V^ale, treasurer; apd Mr. Thomas PhillipsUoalbrook Yaje^aecretary. post-office Orders made payable at Brynmawr. (Joalbrook Vale Ironworks, Nov. 15, 1855. rv" THEXONDON TEA COMPANY'S "0RESENT PRICES are 3s. 6d. for good jp Tea, to 4s. 6d. for fine qualities the rare and rfc8& sorts also sold in 2, 4, and G-lb. packets. Tea, Goffj £ b> and Spices ordered by post, sent carriage-paid, to aU ttirts of England, from the WEST-END Warehouses and OffijS, 4, Wigmore-street, Cavendish-square. Purvevors to^SEe, Sole Agents for Marquis's celebrated Chocolate. Price by post. (ESTABLISHED A.D 1695.) JOHN FREEMAN, Manager. MOt) ONN W VARIOUS SUMS, jVv V J TO LEND, on personal or other in connection with Life Assurance, returnable bjCfJaarterly or Half-yearly Instalments, in three years. Application to be made to Mr. A. WEBBER, .Auctioneer qd Appraiser, 145, Commercial-street, V* Newport. 4, A.- WEBBER, T'OUSE, ESTATE, -AlTD INSURANCE AGENT, AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER. •. v begs respectfully to call the atten- f "f ^tung, ^Oar-^u, JV Houses, Vrlia Residences, Estates, Lund Sr^mfEgWotSar purp^s. Businesses Warehouses, &c., &c., to his Commeicial Register, estab- lished for the purpose of Registering (free of expense) every description of Property. The Register has been found to be a great public convenience. By its use Persona wishing to Sell, Purcuase, Rent, or Let, \»ill save themselves much trouble, annoyance, and expense, as probably they will at once hear of places to meet their views aud wishes. Office: 145, Commercial-street, Newport, Mon. MONMOUTHSHIRE. USK DISTRICT OF TURNPIKE ROADS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the I Tolls arising at the several Toll Gates, Bars, and Chains, in this District, hereunder mentioned, will be Let by Auction to the best Bidder, at the Town Hall, in Usk, 011 YVEDNESDAT, the 19th day of DECEMBER next, at iwelve at noon, for one year, commencing ou the First t aS-o January, 1856, at Twelve o'clock at noon, for the Si?{T^ear' anS* ending at T welve at noon on the First day of January, IS57, in the manner directed in the Acts passed in the Tnird and Fourth years of the Reign of His .s aj^s y ing George the Fourth, For Regulating Turn- S i-ov it tv. T, Tolls were let last year to a former m, nrn °f £ 1,182, and will be put up at that SWAA T> f,Bri(1S0 Gates HUI Llangibby and Monks- p. 01 ^ycarne Gate and Clyrha Bar and Chain, The above Tolls will be IQt under conditions as shall be „ ''must nroduc^ !'i° "e bidder for the said t!ps for DavznPTit V ^U)0 be named) sufficient sureties lor payment of the rent quarterly and p-v down ^^arTe^srcntl6?0^1"0'1 wiil ^^lowed in the lrtstq • part thereof, and also pay the ex- pense of the contiact note and stamps. x x, m J- SHEPAHD Clark to the Trilsteeg of the said Turnpike Roads. Usk, 5th 1855. MONMOUTHSHIRE. CHEPSTOW AND ABERGAVENNY TURNPIKE • ROAD. SIlIRENE IF TON BRANCH. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Tolls arising at the Toll Gates and Bar, called lcThe T1 _<rwm and Shireuewton Turnpike Gates," on this ftrmcb of Road, will be Let by Auction to the best Bid- t the Town Hall, in IJsk, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th 1 f DECEMBER next, at Twelve at noon, for one year, t 0 r on the First day of January, 1856, at Twelve cormn f0ythe said year, and ending at Twelve at noon, ■if" "First day of January, 1857, in the manner directed A cts passed iu the Third and Fourth Years of ky wei^n of Hi8 Majesty King George the Fourth, << vMutating Turnpike Roads," which Tolls were Let fj -to a former Renter at the Sum of £ 107, and will j it Wat that sum. °J'- 'folk wnd>3r the conditions to be pvo- duceaatthe letriHg. Whoever happens to be the best bidder for the said Tolls must produce (at the time to be named at t.i 11 'sufficieU•> ^e for payment of the rent quarterly and'uay down £ 10 P°i cent, as a deposit, and which wil[ be allowed in the last quarter's rent, as part thereof ..IU; a]30 pay tbe expense of the contract note and stamps' J. SHEPAHD, Clerk to the Irustees of the said Turnpike Road. Usk, 5th November, 18o5. UNIVERSAL PROVIDENT LIFE ASSOCIATION rriBE Business of this Company having been B transferred to the BEACON LIFE AND FIRE asstjrAJ<CE requested that the several Policies aUC' *^er''1^cate3 may be forwarded to the Manager of the last named office, (3, Vv'aterloo-Place, Pall Mall, London i,n °Tv'er that they may be exchanged for Policies m>d Cert'ficates, xoi the saaie amount, and ou similar wms AH future I remiums will be payable to JAMES SYDNEY CROCKER, on behalf of the PPACON LIFE & FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, 0, ^VATEKEOO-PLACE, PALE MALL. RRRTOMAS DAVIES, 24, IITGH-STUEET, Newport, A rvpnt to the Beacon Company( fi oni whom Prospectascs ■uul an.T iufori«at,loa may bo obtained. BKAC0N LIFE & FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, ■NTO 6, WATEREOO-PLACE, PALL MALL, LONDON. Capital, £ .'150,000. CHAIRMAN • Mr. Alderman Farebrother •' DEPOTY-CHAIRMAN The Hon. John Cadwalader Erskine. rru:q Company transacts every description of Life and Fire Assurance business. JAMES SYDNEY CROCKER, Manager. Acrent for Newport and South Wales THOMAS°DAVIES, 24, High-street, Newport, Mon. TO BE LET, BELMONT COTTAGE, STOW HI-LL. Apply to Mr. B. H. NICSOLAS, or Mr. CORNELIUS EYANS, 61, High-street, Newport. A HOUSE and SHOP to SELL or LET in AUGHAN TERRACE, Maiudee, near Newport. This property is well worth the attention of either a Purchaser or Tenant It is the corner house of a row of ten houses, where, according to a chuse in the Lease, no other Shop is to be allowed. The situation is second to none in Maiudee. It is at present under a mortgage to a Building Society, which can be either continued or bought off at the option of the Purchaser. For particulars, apply at the OSce of this Paper, Com- mercial-street. Both Purchase Money and Rent moderate. Newport, Oct. 24th, 1855. RPO BE LET. with Immediate Possession, JL all that newly-erected DTVELLING-HOCSE, situate in a healthy and commanding position, near Cross House, Stow-hill, Newport containing on the ground floor, large kitchen, scullery, larder, cellar, and closet on the en- trance floor, two parlours and china pantry and on the first floor, three bedrooms together with a large garden attached thereto. Apply to Mr. WM. GRAHAM, Jun., Land Agent and Valuer, 69, High-street, Newport, Mon. 0 ON SALE, AT THE DRY DOCK, NEWPORT, FINE Fresh NORWAY SPARS and POLES, just imported. Patont Roofing ami Boiler Felts. Small and Large Chains. Iron Blocks far Contractors, Builders, &c. Zinc and Galvanized Iron Sheets. Galvanized Iron Nails. I Stockholm and American Tar. Pitch and Resin. Apply to WILLMETT & SONS. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, an Elegant, Light, aud Roomy BRITZKA, nearly equal to new. May be seen, and all particulars known, on application to Mr. H. M. PARTRIDGE, Auctioneer, &c., St. Woollos House, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon. 23rd Nov., 1855. 9 FOR SALE, A FASHIONABLE SOCIABLE, the Queen's Pattern, the most admired Carriage that has been introduced, with Head and Driving Seat, built by an eminent firm in London. Also, a BROUGHAM, very light and in very good condition, built in London. Apply to R. and E. VEZEY, Coach Builders, Long Acre, and 19, Melsom-street, Bath. PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF SALE. THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &C„ &c., of Mr. Tom Llewellyn Brewer, at Coal Brook Vale House, Blaina, will be Offered for Sale by Auction, some time during the month of December. Full particu- lars and catalogues in a short time. November 29th, 1855. 77, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPOHT. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. MESSRS. CORNELIUS EVANS and SON 1\ will SELL BY AUCTION, at the BIRD-IN- HAND" EATING-HOUSE, 77, Commercial-street, Newport, on TUESDAY, December 4th, 1855, the whole of the FUR- NITURE, FITTINGS, and other EFFECTS, the pro- perty of Mr. W. DAVIS, who is giving up the business. Comprising-four-motion beer-engine, small dial, ba- lance, scales, and weights, spring cart, large oval oak table and cover, 6 beech French polished chairs, 6 Windsor ditto, 3 arm ditto, 4 mahogany ditto, 4 beech ditto, 3 oak I ditto, 4 bedroom ditto, 2 square deal tables, 2 cross tables, card table, mahogany round table, 8-foot framed bench, 2 j fourpost bedsteads, feather bed and bolster, millpuff bed and bolster, 3 washstands and ware, dressing table, 2 bell t gas glasses, 16 quart jugs, 20 pint ditto, cider casks, &c,, 4 meat dishes, 3 small ditto, 6 plates, 2 oval kettles, fish strainer, saucepans, iron tea kettle, fryingpan, gridiron, strainer, saucepans, iron tea kettle, fryingpan, gridiron, double settle, 2 elbow benches, 2 buckets, ladepail, 4 fenders, poles foi booth, 2 carving knives and forks, 14 knives and forks, knifebox, 3 stone jars, 2 pickling jars, 9 pickling bottles, 2 beer warmers, spittoons, chimney orna- ments. &c., &c. The Sale will commence at 12 o'clock precisely. Auctioneers' Offices, 61, High-street, Newport, and Brook House, Llantarnam, Nov. 27th, 1855. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. MESSRS. W. H. WILLIAMS and CO. will SELL by AUCTION, at the KING'S HEAD HOTEL, Newport, on THURSDAY, Dec. Gth, 1855, at Five o'clock in the afternoon precisely, iu the undermentioned or such other lots as may be determined on at the time of sale, for the residue of certain terms of years therein, the following VALUABLE AND IMPORTANT PROPERTIES, Situate in and near the Town of Newport, viz. L T 1. -All that Foundry and Premises, known as the Hope Foundry," together with Eight Dwelling-Houses thereto adjoining and belonging, aud two stables with lofts, behind the foundry, all situated on the Canal-parade, Newport, and all now occupied by Mr. David Duncan and his under tanants, under a lea3e for the term of 14 years, from 1st June, 1854, at the yearly rent of £140. This Lot is held under a lease, granted by John Jones, Esq., for the term of 65 years, from 3 'th June, 1810, under the yearly ground rent of £ 12 17s 3d. LOT 2 —Two Messuages or Dwelling-Houses, with a frontage of 38 feet, situate in High-street, in the Town of Newport, and now in the respective occupations ot Messrs. William Watkins and Peter Potter, at the yearly rents of k25 each, and held under a lease, granted by Sir Charles Morgan Robii.son Morgan, Bart., for the term of 63 years, from 29th September 1825, under the Yearly groui.d rent of klO 12,3 6LI. LOT 3.-Three Dwelling-Houses, situate on Stow-hill, Newport, occupied by Captain John Pearce, at the rent of £ 19; Mr. Thomas Dumayne, £ 16; and Mrs. Jenkins, £ 18. LOT 4.—Three Cottages, situate on Stow-hill aforesaid, adjoining Lot 3, two of them occupied by Messrs. William Morgan and Henry John Davies, at the yearly rents of £ 9 each and the third by Mr. Simmonet, at the yearly rent of £ 7 Os Od. Lots 3 and 4 are in the Parish of St. Woollos, and are held under a lease, granted by the said John Jones, Esq., for 60 years, from 1st May, 1811, under the yearly ground rent of E4 4s Od. LOT 5.—A Dwelling-House, Garden, and Premises, situate on Stow-parade, Newport, occupied by Mr. Thomas Morris, land surveyor, under a lease to him'for the whole of the Vendors' Interest, at the yearly rent of £ 26 18s 6J and also two Cottages or Dwelling-1 louses near thereto, occupied by T. James, at the yearly rent of £ 4 together with a Stable, in the occupation of James Tooze held (by virtue "jf a lease granted by Sir Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan, Bart.) for the residue of a term of 99 years, determinable with the life of Mr. David Richard Perkins Edwards now aged about 32 years, under the yearly ground rent of £5 12s Od. And also, a POLICY of INSURANCE in the "Atlas Insurance Office," on the life of the said D. R. P. Edwards, for £ 250, with the sum of £ -17 added thereto by way of bonus, under the annual premium of £ 5 Is 8d. LOT 6.—Two Messuages or Dwelling-Houses and a Stable, sitviate in the Parish of St. Woollos. and on the Canal Bank, Newport,in the several occupations of George Biss, at the yearly rent of £IS John Vipond, £ 19; and John Green, £ 8; held under a lease granted by John Arthur Jones, Esq for 75 years, from 1st November, 1840, under the yearly ground rent of £5 17s 4d. Cf-.ir" To view, apply to the respective tenants, or Mr- John Green, Cross-streetW harf, Newport, Monmouthshire Printed particulars and conditions of sale may be ob- tained at the Place of Sale from the Auctioneers, Old A'henaeum Chambers, Bristol; Mr. LLEWELLIN, Soli- citor, Newport and Messrs. ROWCLIFFE and SON, Solicitois, Stogumber. gvDated November 1, 1855. MYN Y DDISLWY N. LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, GARDEN, AND PREMISES. MR. J. PHILPOT will SELL BY AUC- TION. 011 THURSDAY. December the 6th, 1855, at the RISING SUN ISN, Gellygroes, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to certain conditions, to be then and there produced, (by order of the mortgagee, under a power of sale,) all that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, and GARDEN, containing 19 perches, situate at Gellygroes, in the parish of lwyn, late in the possession of Mr. Nathaniel Edmunds, but now iu the occupation of Mr. Biggs, or his under- tenant, at the annual rent cf £ 12. The property is held by lease, dated the 1st of August, 1840, granted for three lives or 99 years, subject to an annual ground rent of £1. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, Pon- typool. ESTABLISHED 1803. GLOBE INSURANCE. CORNHILL AND PALL MALL — LONDON. JAMES W. FRESHFIELD, Esq M P., F.R.S., Chairman. FOWLE" NEWSAM, Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE CARR GLYN, Esq., M.P., Treasurer. FULL Security to Parties Assured by means of a Capital of ONE MILLION STERLING, for the last fifty years all paid-up and Invested. Premiums particularly favourable to the YOUNGER and and MIDDLE periods of life. Two-thirds of Profits as BONus. Life Tables according to various plans, to suit the spe- cial circumstances of Insurers. No Charge for Stamps on Life Policies. FIRE Insurance Proposals entertained to any amount. Liberality and promptitude in the settlement of claims. PROSPECTUSES- with full Tables and Details—and Forms, may be had at the Company's Offices, or of the Agents. ° WILLIAM NEWMARCH, Secretary. N.B.—Life Insurance Premiums are allowed as deduc- tions in Iucome-tax Returns. Mr. EDWARD DANIEL, Saddler, Agent, Newport. -—————.———————————————— SOVEREIGN LIFE OFFICE, 49, St. James's-street, London, Established 1845. TRUSTEES. The Earl Talbot, B. Bond Cabbell, Esq.,M.P. Sir Claude Scott, Bart. Henry Pownall, Esq. THIS Office, the new income of which was _1_ duubled during the last year, presents the security of a large paid-up capital; moderate premiums for home and foreign risks. No stamp duty is charged, and all policies are declared indisputable. The last bonus added four-fifths of the premium paid to some of the participating policies. Provision can be made for the payment of a certain sum on attaining any given age (as 50, 55, or 60), or at death, if it-occur previously. By a small annual paymenf, £ 100 may be secured to a child, on attaining the age of 14, 18, or 21. Prospectuses and other information will be furnished on application to the AGENTS. Newport.Mr. H. M. Partridge, Auctioneer. Monmouth Mr. J. Maddocks. H. D. DAVENPORT, Secretary. Active Agents wanted in other Towns. BONUS. Policies effected on the Participating Scale before the 31st of December next, will be entitled to share in four-fifths of the profits, to be divided at the close of the present year. NEW EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COM- PANY, incorporated by Act of Parliament, 7 and 8 Vict., cap. 110. Chief Office-449, Strand, London. Branch Office—Savings Bank, Worcester. Policies Indisputable. Capital, £ 100,000. TRUSTEES. Sir James Duke, Bart., Alderman, M P Sir Charles Hastings, M.D., D C.L. William Fergusson, Esq., F.R.S. George James Guthrie, Esq., F.R.S. DIRECTORS. MR CHARLES HASTINGS, M.D., D.C.L Chairman. GEORGE BEAMAN, ESQ., M.D., F.R.C.S., Deputy- Chairman. H. MEMBURY WAKLEY, Resident Director. The progress of the Company, from its commencement to the end of the year 1854, is shown at a glance in the sub- joined table :— PoUdesbisrsuld. Sum3«*mred. Annual Prems. 1851 301 98,500 3,439 0 1 1852 677 278,885 10,608 12 2 1853 1,025 413,785 15,836 3 6 1854 1,282 500,165 18,750 13 3 Mutual Assurance. Policies payable to the assured them- selves. All descriptions of Jjife Assnrauce business trans- acted, and everv facility given for payment of premium. HAJT-creditpreanmiHS. Annuitiesand EudowmentsgraBteti; No entrance feet, and all medic tl fees paid by the Direc- tors. Prospectuses, Forms for Proposals, and further informa- tion, may be had at either Office, or of the Company's agents. AGENTS. NEWPORT—Mr. T. J. Jones, Chemist; W. R. Graham, accountant; J. G. H.Owen, Esq. H. Suffell, Esq. MON- T. J. Thomas, 5, High-st. CHEPSTOW—Mr. H. Miles, schoolmaster. ABERGAVENNY—Mr. J. Michael. Applications for Agencies are requested. ESTABLISHED EXPRESSLY FOR MARINERS. MARINE LIFE AND CASUALTY MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Offices, 60, FENCHURCH-STREET. TRUSTEES Sir James Matheson, Bart., M.P.. -• Major Moore, East India Company. Capt. Mangles, Director of the Royal ail, and of the Australasian Pacific M-.il Steam Packet Companies. Duncan Dunbar, Esq. DIRECTORS. Chairman—P. D. Hadow, Esq., Director of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Deputy Chairman—Capt. Mangles, Director of the Royal Mail and of the Australasian Pacific Mail Steam Packet Companies. N. B. Acworth, Esq., Director of the General Screw Steam Shipping Company. James Allan, Esq., Director of the Peninsular and Ori- ental Steam Navigation Company. Samuel Cunard, Esq British and North American Mail Steam Packet Company. Capt George Denny, H.E.I.C.S., 29, Great St. Helen's. William Fane De Salis. Esq., Direct, r of (he Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Capt. W. H. Hal), R.N., Managing Director of the Sailors' Home Institution. James Hartley, Esq., Director of the City of Dublin, and British and Irish Steam Packet Companies. Joseph Mai com son, Esq., Portlaw, Waterford, Director of the Cork and Waterford Steam Packet Companies. Robert Rodger, Esq., Tunbridge Wells, British and North American Mail Steam Packet Company. Capt. Henry Shuttleworth, Director of the General Screw Steam Shipping Company. Arthur Anderson, Esq., Director of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Auditors—W. S. Lindsay, Esq., M P.; C. R. Colman, Esq. Secretary and General Manager- W. C. Morgan. Assistant Manager-Henry Heath. Established for Assuring the Lives of, and Granting Superannuations to, Officers and Seamen of the Naval and Mercantile Marine. Assuring the Lives of Fassei-gjrs by Stsam and Sailing Vessels. Assuring Daggage and Personal Effects, and for General Life Assurance in all its branches. All particulars may be obtained at the Offices of JONES, BROTHERS, and CO., Great Dock-street. Newport -8 NOTICE OF REDUCED CHARGES FOR LIFE ASSURANCE. rfiRE LIFE ASSURANCE OF SCOT- I LAND begs to intimate a very considerable Reduction of the charqes (or Premiums) for Life Assurances without Participation of Profits. Ihcy are now lower than those of any other Scotch Assurance Company; and for Assur- ances of £ 500 or upwards, One-half only of the first five yeai-8, ProTiiwiiis need be paid, tOQctfocv with tHiO est on the other half. 2 he following arc the first year's payments requi < .i for policies of £ 500: Agc 20 £ 4 1 5 Age 45 £ 8 9 4: Age 30 5 6 9 Age 50 10 4 4 Age 40 7 2 8 Age 60 15 2 9 The ASSOCIATION was founded in 183S, and is Empowed by Special Royal Charter and Act of Parlia- ment. The Income is One Hundred 11.ci(sillid Pounds cr Annum and last year alone, 1200 Persons joined the Institution, being a greater accession of EnOauts than any other Scotch Company experienced. Copies of the 16th Annual Report ma;/ be had, gratis, at tne Oj/iecs or Agencies. vv la, [JI T110S. FILACER, Res. 6ay. LONDON .20, KING WILLIAM -STREET, CITY. EDINBURGH.. 2, IIANOYER-STREET. -P. AGENTS. Brecon George Cansick, wine-merchant, p r High-street. Cardiff B0WCI)> assistant-overseer. Cowbridge Mr. J. S. Homsby, National Pro- vincial Bank. Hay Mr. J. Foyster, National Provincial Bank. Merthyr Tydfil Mr. A. C. Fuller, Newton House. Newport. Mr. D. E. Davies, 26A, High-street.