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^a—SB——a—a—■—mmm TREDEGAR CATTLE SHOW. J. S. STONE BEGS to solicit the attendance of the Public visiting the above Exhibition to his Stands of Carts, Implements, and Machines, by the following Makers, for whom he is Agent: Crosskill, Beverley; Barrett, Exall, and Andrews, Reading; Comes, Barbridge; Samuelson, Banbury; Fowler and Fry, Bristol; Bentall, Maiden; Garrett and Son, Saxmundham Mary Wedlake and Co., London; Wm. Dray and Co., London; Mary Church and Son, Haverford- west; Howard, Bedford; Williams, Bedford; and others, competitors for the best Show of Implements, &c., and for the best One-horse Cart. Show Rooms, Great Dock Street, Dec. 8th, 1853. NEWPORT WORKING MEN'S INSTITUTION. Under the Patronage of JAMES BROWN, Esq., Mayor of Newport. AYOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT will be given in the TOWN HALL, on MONDAY EVENING Next, December 12th, 1853. The much admired Vocalists, MRS. TILLEY, of Cardiff, MISS MARSDEN, of Merthyr, and others, in the town, are engaged. By the kind permission of Major Montgomery, the splendid Band of the 1st Royals will contribute their valu- able services. Gir To commence at Eight o'clock. Tickets, to admit a Member and Lady, Is. Non-Member and Lady, Is. 6d. Youths under 14 years of age, 6d. December 7th, 1853. Newport Freehold Land Society. SEVERAL Allotments on the Fair Oak Estate for Sale. For particulars, apply to the Secretary, between the hours of 10 A.M. and 5 o'clock P.M. J. H. PHILLIPS. 46, Commercial Street, December 8th, 1853. PARSNIPS AND CARROTS OF an excellent quality on Sale.—S. HARSE, No. 8, LLANARTH STREET, opposite Dock Street. USK PRISON. lyOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Visiting Jus- _L 7* tices are ready to receive TENDERS for supplying the Prison with the undermentioned Artieles, for the ensuing Quarter, viz.:— Good Household Bread, at per ewt., made in loaves to weigh (separately) 6oz. and 8oz., and, at the time of delivery, to be baked not less than 48 hours. New Milk, per gallon, 40 to 60 quarts per day.—Tenders f yr supplying five gallons will be received. Oatmeal, per cwt. Indian Corn Meal, per cwt. Salt, per cwt. Best Yellow Soap, per cwt. Candles, per dozen Ibs. Red Ash Coal, per tram. Rock Coal, per tram. Meadow Vein Coal, per tram. To be delivered at the Prison, free of expense, in such quantities and at such times as the Governor may require. Sealed Tenders, directed to the Visiting Justices, to be sent to the Prison, on or before SATURDAY, the 17th inst., or they will not be received. Security will be required for the due performance of the Contracts and the Visiting Justices will not pledge them- selves to accept the lowest Tender. Names of Sureties to be mentioned in Tender. All demands relating to the expenditure of this Prison, must be sent to the Governor, on or before FRIDAY, the 16th inst., in order that they may be examined, and paid at the ensuing Sessions. W. H., BOSWORTH, Governor. Usk, Dec. 3rd, 1853. CHEPSTOW UNION. TO MILLERS, BUTCHERS, GROCERS, &c. PERSONS desirous of Contracting with the Guardians of the Chepstow Union for Supplying the Workhouse with 100 Sacks of best Seconds Flour (of 2801bs.), at per Sack, in two deliveries, are requested to send sealed Tenders (with samples, of-not less than 21bs weight,) addressed to the Guardians, and indorsed Tenders for Flour," at or be- fore 10 o'clock A.M., on Saturday, the 17th inst., to the Clerk's Office, at the Workhouse. At the same time and place, Tenders will be received for the Supply of good Mutton and Beef, at per lb. The Guar- dians agree to be charged 4d. per set for Leg Bones, to weigh 481bs. Also for Groceries, Milk, Coals, and the usual articles consumed in Workhouses (except Clothing), for the Quarter ending 24th March, 18o4. Security for the due performance of the Contract will be required, and persons tendering must send Samples, and name two Sureties in their Tender. Each Tender to be in- dorsed for what Article tendered. The Guardians do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest Tenders. By the Board, WM. COOPER, Clerk. Union Office, Chepstow, 5th Dec., 1853. Useful Text Books for Mechanics, dfcc., New Editions, price One Shilling each, Dedicated to ROBERT NAPIER, Esq., Vulcan Foundry. THE PRACTICAL MECHANIC'S POCKET GUIDE, j_ containing Rules and Tables for calculating the Work- ing Effects of Prime Movers, Machinery, of the Strength of Resistance and Pressure of Material, with Practical Tables of the Weight and Cohesive Strength and Strain of Iron and other Metals and the elements of Machinery, including the Mechanical Powers, with Practical Examples and Illustra- tions. By Professor WALLACE. WALLACE'S PRACTICAL ENGINEER'S GUIDE. WALLACE'S UNIVERSAL CALCULATOR'S GUIDE. WALLACE'S PRACTICAL MATHEMATICIAN'S GUIDE. ———— WALLACE'S GUIDE TO COMMERCIAL BOOK- KEEPING. HOPE'S PRACTICAL CHEMISTS' GUIDE. BELL'S MERCHANT AND BANKERS' COMMERCIAL GUIDE. W. R. M'PHUN, Publisher, Glasgow A. HALL, and Co., London. Sold by all Booksellers. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, JL made in a cause William Herbert Howell v. Ann Price," and another. The creditors of EVAN HERBERT, late of Abergavenny, in the County of Monmouth, Dissent- ing Minister, who died in or about the month of October, 1850, are by their Solicitors, on or before the 7th day of January, 1854, to come in and prove their debts or claims, at the Chambers of the Vice-Chancellor, Sir William Page Wood, No. 11, New Square, Lincolns Inn, Middlesex or in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Thursday, the 12th day of January, 1854, at 12 o'clock at Noon, at the said Chambers, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the Claims. Dated, this 1st day of December, 1853. RICHARD BLOXAM, Chief Clerk. J. GREGORY AND SONS, 12, Clements Inn, London, agent to the Plaintiff's Solicitors. NEW BEDDING MANUFACTORY, 15, ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARADE, BRISTOL. T> MAGGS (from HEAL and SON, Tottenham Court J) Road, London,) begs to invite the attention of Families Furnishing to his large Stock of French and English Bedding, consisting of Feather and Milpuff Beds, Horsehair, Wool, Cocoa Fibre, and Alva Mattress, Palliases, &c. 4 FEET 6, by 6 FEET 3, WOOL MATTRESS, 12s, 6d. IRON BEDSTEADS! IRON BEDSTEADS B. M. wishes to call attention to his large Stock of Iron Bedsteads, all fitted with the Patent Joint, which for sim- plicity, strength, and cleanliness, is preferable to any other. THE PATENT FOLDING IRON BEDSTEAD, 12s. 6d. A Large Stock of Counterpanes, Quilts, and Blankets, MATTRESSES RE-MADE EQUAL TO NE W INSURERS in AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS are reminded that the ATHENAEUM FIRE OFFICE REDUCED the Rate of Insurance upon FARMING STOCK at Midsummer last, to 3s. per cent., ■without the Average Clause; the propriety of which step is apparent from the fact of the Combined Offices having now followed the example. The Athenaeum offers similar advantages to Manufacturers, Warehousemen, and Merchants, upon many descriptions of risks, both at home and abroad; the lowest rate being charged, consistent with the actual risk incurred in each case. CHIEF OFFICES. 30, SACKVILLE STREET, PICCADILLY, LONDON. BRANCH OFFICES. Athenaeum Buildings, Manchester Tithebam Street, Liverpool: 110, Grafton Street, Dublin 69, Miihren, Hamburg. CAPITAL, £2,000,000. HENRY SALTER, Manager. AGENT for NEWPORT—Mr. Robert Campbell, Monmouth- shire Railway and Canal Company, Newport. Application for Agencies, accompanied by references, to be made to manager. CUPISS.S CONSTITUTION BALLS. rtlHK best and most effectual Medicine for preserving I Good Health and Primp Condition m that Noble Animal, the HORSE. Also for NEAT CATTLE as will be seen by the following Testimonial, presented to the proprietor by T. B. Toosey, Esq. Levens. Westmore- land, a gentleman well known and ot high reputation, and which is selected from a very great number of others To Mr. Cupiss, Diss:—Sir,—Having used your Consti- tution Balls for many years, both in the South and North of England, I have found them the most beneficial and safe Medicine for both Horses and Cattle, of any I eTar used, and 1 have no sort of objection to your putting my name, certify- ing that by their use, I have kept my stock in perfect health. In the Tongue disease, I have found them (properly given) « perfect cure. 1 am, your obedient servant, T. B. TOUSEY. Levens, Westmoreland, 15tb October, 185' The CONSTITUTION BALLS, are prepared only by FRANCIS CUPlSS, M.R.C.V.S., Diss, Norfolk, and sold to- ^enlists sn^ Patent Medicine Vendors, in Packets at 6d. each Packet, with proper directions, and a Pamphlet of Testimonials from many gentiemen who have used the Balls, in various complaints. Any gentleman using the Balls may consult the Pro- prietor gratuitously, either peisonally, or by letter prepaid. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. E. NEWMAN, PIANO FORTE and MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 59, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT, opened the central and commodious No. 1, COMMERCIAL-STREET, OPPOSITE THE WESTGATE HOTEL, On THURSDAY, the 1st of December, with a large Stock of PIANO FORTES, and other Musical Instruments. He takes this opportunity of informing those who intend purchasing Piano Fortes, that the large number he has sold during the last Three years, have given the greatest satisfaction. Encouraged by the patronage he has received, he has an assortment of first-class Piano Fortes, by the same eminent London Makers, which will be ready for inspection on the 1st proximo. P. S. The HOUSE and SHOP, 59, High-street, TO BE LET. Apply to E. NEWMAN. PENTWYN IRON FOUNDRY, near PONTYPOOL. THOMAS SPITTLE, SOLICITS the attention of Water and Gas Works Companies, and the Public generally, to his extensive Stock of CAST IRON PIPES, of all Sizes, from lin. diameter upwards, with Junction, Taper, and T Pipes to match. All Pipes above 3in, diameter, are cast in dry sand moulds, set vertically. AH orders that he may be favoured with, executed with promptness and despatch. October 6th, 1853. WOOLLEN CLOTHS. LI2WI-S and beg to intimate their return from the Markets with a complete assortment of BEAVERS, WITNEYS, and MILLED CLOTHS, Fancy DOESKINS and WAISTCOATINGS, of the Newest Styles for the and for Quality and Price, well worth the attention of Tailors and Private Families. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTH HALL, 31, HIGH STREET, NEWPORT. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, AND SHAWLS. AT THE GOLDEN KEY, 169, AND AT 68, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. PHILIP JOHN tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the Nobility, Gentry, and Public of Newport and its vicini ties, for the large share of patronage they have favoured him with during the last ten years.—He begs to call their attention to his present large and varied Stock, purchased for the Winter Trade, in the best Markets at very advanta- geous prices—French Merinos, Cobourgs, Wool and Cashmere Shawls, Real Welsh Flannels, Blankets, from 3s. 6d. to 25s ^APvery Cheap and Large Stock of Woollen Cloths, Beavers, Pilots, Tweeds, Moleskins, Cords, Hats, Umbrellas, Hose Stays, Furs, &c., &c. An Early Inspection EE^G™-0BSERVE ADDRESS, 169 COMMERCIAL STREET. OUTFITTING AND READY MADE CLOTHES ESTABLISHMENT, 86, COMMERCIAL STREET ONE CONCERN. ATKINSON AND COMPANY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CABINET MANUFACTURERS, UPHOLSTERERS, and CARPET WAREHOUSEMEN, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, V TSIHSON'SfTO^A^^HfeEllLE^KfeTAIL DRAPERS SILK MERCEES, LACEMEN, 69, 70, 7L, 72, 73, 74, 75, Westminster-bridge-road, Lambeth, London. Shawls, Furs, Mantles, Family Mourning, &c. — — JAMES BREMNER, TAILOR, DRAPER, &c., 44, PARK-STREET, BRISTOL, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF MASONIC CLOTHING, DESIRES respectfully to inform his numerous Patrons in South Wales, that he has just returned from the London ) Markets in which he has selected a Stock of Goods, suitable to the coming Season, consisting of Beavers (Plain and Reversible), Doeskins, &c., &c., which he trusts will meet approbation, and ensure to him a continuance of their favours. — —— — — f IF YOU REQUIRE FAMILY ARMS. J, /-N END Name and County to the Heraldic Office.—Fee for Search and Sketch of Anns, JMI rfcx o, gj or Postage Stamps.—Crest Engraved on Seal, Signet Ring, &c., 8s. 6d.—Arms with SA \f{mp on Plate, for Book, £ 1 Is—Companies and Families Armorial Dies, and Seals.—Tostimo- l- i Memorials Votes of Thanks, Written, Illuminated, and Emblazoned. I Arms Painted, Empaled and Quartered, Monumental Brosses for Kfer Churches. j \s&$7 H. SALT, LINCOLN'S-INN HERALDIC OFFICE, Great Turnstile, Lincoln's-Inn Fields, London. ^fr PIANO FORTE WAREHOUSE No. 2, DOCK STREET, NEWPORT. PROPRIETOR,—H. J. GROVES, ORGANIST OF ST. WOOLLOS CHURCH. PIANO FORTES (J FOR SALE AND ORGANS HIEB' PRIVATE RESIDENCE, STOW-HILL. WILLIAM MOSS, CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, 53, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT, BEGS to return his sincere thanks to the Inhabitants of Newport and the surrounding Neighbourhood, for the J) very liberal support conferred upon the late Firm of Moss and NEWMAN and, as that Firm is now DISSOLVED, he is desirous of informing the Public that he still carries on the above BUSINESS, in all its branches, at the old Establishment, 53, HIGH-STREET and begs to assure them that nothing shall be wanting on his part to merit a continu- ance of those esteemed favours with which he has hitherto been honoured. N.B.—A Large Stock of Furniture of every description always on hand, and Orders speedily executed by experienced Workmen. OPENING OF THE NEWPORT AND HEREFORD RAILWAY. THE Public are respectfully informed that, a well-appointed OMNIBUS will run to meet each Train on the above t Railway, on and after the day of Opening, to and fro from the THREE SALMONS HOTEL, USK, AND THE MAMHILAD STATION. The THREE SALMONS HOTEL has recently been enlarged and improved, in all its departments, with a view to the Accommodation of the numerous Railway Travellers and others who may visit Usk and the Neighbourhood per the above Railway. THREE SALMONS HOTEL, November 30th, 1853. The PORK, BEEF MUTTON, SAVELOY, & SAUSAGE TRADE, 58, COMMERCIAL-STREET, OPPOSITE HILL-STREET, NEWPORT. GEORGE BATESON The Beef and I GEORGE BATESON The Bteef^nd^Mu^ purest and the most choice Saveloys and Sausages Begs to announce that he he has made arrangements to has now added thereto secure suppliesAof MEAT, of the very best qualities; all being suitable to the taste of the Epicure, and on the|most reasonable terms. G. B. is open to contract with respectable families, at advantageous prices to them. SHIPPING SUPPLIED. TEAS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. DELIVERED CARRIAGE F R E E TO ALL PAR T S OF ENGLAND. Tea Warehouse, 2, Bucklersbury, Cheapside, London. THIS Warehouse has been established a Quarter of a Century, and its successful progress during that period ha J_ gratified our anticipations. The patronage of the public has elevated its position to one of the LARGEST 1M THE TRADE. Our main object has been, and still is, to supply the public on Irade rerms and the facilities afforded by railway communication have also enabled us to do this to Consumers m all parts of the Kingdom* Free of Carriage. Great and assuming as such an undertaking appears to be. it is obvious that to do Business on a Wholesale Scale, it is necessary to have wholesale appliances. In conformity with these ideas, we took Premises in a Bye Thoroughfare, where space and accommodation are sufficient to carryon trade to any extent, but without those merciless and enormous expenses inseparably attached to retail shops in prominent situations, whereby an extravagant profit is rendered necessary. Hence it will be seen that we are in a position to supply the public on the Best and most Economical Terms—in fact, to supply at first hand, by which all intermediate profits are saved. The recent alteration in the lea Duties enables uw to make a general Reduction of Fourpence per pound on all descriptions of Tea, at the same time maintaining the qualities as previously. By our contiguity to the Tea Market, we alio avail ourselves of the advantages resulting from any fall in prices. The following are our present quotations:— BLACK TEAS. GREEN TEAS. Common Congou 2 9 Common to Good Green 210 to 3 0 Sound Congou 3 0 Good Young Hyson 3 4 to 3 8 A good useful tea, for economical and large consumers.) (This will mix with the 3s. 4d. Black.) Strong Congou. 3 Fine ditto 4 0 (A tea very much approved of.) Fine Hyson 4 0 Fine Souchong Tea. 3 8 (We recommend this with the 3s. 8d. Black.) (Pekoe flavour. For general use.) Common Gunpowder 2 10 to 3 0 Pekoe Souchong 4 0 Good ditto 3 4 to 3 8 (Avery superior Tea.) Fineditto 4 0 to 4 4 Fine Pekoe Souchong 4 4 Finest Young Hyson. 4 8 (This tea possesses a high reputation.) (This is fit for any use.) Finest Lapsang Souchong. 4 8 Fine Shot Gunpowder 5 4 (This is a rare tea, very scarce, of an extraordinary flavor.) Finest Gunpowder Imported. « 0 j COFFEES. The Coffee market is very uncertain—prices changing daily. We quote the present prices:— Ordinary Ceyion Coffee Q JQ Fine Ceylon Coffee 1 0 Fine.Plantation (Recommended) 1 2 Finest Costa Rica Coffee (Strongly recommended) 1 4 Fine Mocha Coffee 1 6 Finest Mocha Coffee 1. r "Tn .» Our Coffee is Roasted by the latest Improved Patent Machinery. Having briefly alluded to ihe principle on which we conduct our business, we respectfully solicit the attention of Hotel Keepers, Schools, and all large Establishments, who will derive considerable advantages from these arrangements- .NoTE-Teas are Delivered Carriage Free to any part of England, when the quantity ordered is not less than six pounds but the carriage of Coffee is not paid unless accompanied by J -ktovt t F HORNE, ROBINS, CO., late MANSELL, SORNE, CO. 2. Bucklersbury, Cheapside. Agents appointed for the Sale of Packet Teas and Coffees. Terms sent upon application. Ø" Agent for Newport—Mr. W. CHRISTOPHERS, 7, Commercial-Street. GLENFIELD'S PATENT STARCH Which is used in the Royal Laundry, and of which" Honourable Mention" was made at the Great Exhibition of1851, IS now so universally known to those who have given it a trial, that the Manufacturers deem it unnecessary to add a word in its favour, further than assuring its numerous Consumers that the PRICE and QUALITY remains as hitherto. # To those who have NOT yet made a trial of it, they would respectfully recommend their aoing so, for the following reasons, which to all unprejudiced minds must be sufficient :— 1st.—It is the ONLY Starch used in Her Majesty Laundry. (See testimonials from the Royal Laundress.) 2nd.—Being an article of easy solution, it requires no boiling; and hence a very great improvement on the old boiling kinds, such as Rice and Wheaten Starch. 3rd.—Its well-known qualities of ELASTICITY, STRENGTH, PURITY, and DURABILITY and 4th.-Its moderate Price, which places it within the reach of all classes. To be had of the following AGENTS, in NEWPORT, &c., who also supply rPTTTx-a WOTHERSPOON'S Machine-made CONFECTIONERY, SCOTCH MARMALADE, JELLIES, JAMB &c. WILLIAM EVANS, Wholesale Grocer JOHN DAVIES, and W. R. MATTHEWS and Co. Cardiff ••• JOHN HIBBERT, Grocer. Merthvr THOMAS PEAROE and MATTHEWSl BROTHERS, Swansea Mr. PHILLIPS, and MATTHEWS BROTHERS, And wholesale, of WOTHMSPOOtr, MACKAY, and Co., 66, Queen-street, Cheapside, London. ) -a. CROWN AND ALBERT HOTEL, NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. JAMES WESTELL begs to return his sincere acknowledgements to the Inhabitants of Newport and its Vicinity, for the kind patronage he has received since entering on the above Establishment, and trusts, by strict attention to the comfort of those who may favo ur him with their visits, combined with moderate charges, still to merit their future support. An ORDINARY on the TREDEGAR CATTLE SHOW DAY, at Half-past One. The ANNUAL DINNER of the TRUE BLUE BENEFIT SOCIETY will be held on THURSDAY, December 29th 1853, at Three o'clock precisely. WINTER FASHIONS. HENRY WOOD, Tailor and Draper, 172, Commercial Street, Newport, RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentry, Clergy, and inhabitants generally of Newport and its vicinity, that he has JL-tt, just completed his purchases of Goods suitable for the ensuing season-all of which he has carefully selected from the best manufacturers. ga- EQUESTRIAN PONCHOS AND WATERPROOF CLOTHING. • SILKS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, FRENCH MERINOS, FURS, &c. HENRY THOMAS HAVING just returned from the Markets, begs to solicit the Early Calls of his Patrons, Friend s, and the Public, inspect his New and Varied AUTUMN STOCK. ALBION HOUSE, 13, COMMERCIAL STREET, CORNER OF CORN STREET. Family Mourning supplied at Small Profits. COKE FOR SALE, AT THE NEWPORT GAS WORKS, FOR HOUSE- HOLD PURPOSES. Price, (id. per cwt. j or 3d. per bushel. WATERLOO INN, ABERSYCHAN. Mr. DAVID ELEY RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends that his HOUSE- Ift WARMING DINNER will take place on WEDNES- DAY, December 21st, 1853. Dinner on the Table at Four o'clock.-Tickets 10s. 6d. each, a Bottle of Wine included TEETH. TWENTY-SECOND YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. Mondays, Chepstow; Tuesdays, Abergavenny; Wednes. days, Merthyr Thursdays, Cardiff; Fridays, Newport; Saturdays, Monmouth. Messrs. LEWIN and CHARLES MOSELY, SURGEON DENTISTS, of 30, Berners-street, Oxford-street, and 21, New Bond-street, London, HAVE the honour to announce to their patients, and the residents generally of the Principality, that Mr. L. M. comirenced His USUAL PERIODICAL VISIT on MONDAY, the 14th November, and may be consulted on all relating to the profession, on Mondays, at the George, Chepstow on Tuesdays, at the Angel, Abergavenny on Wednesdays, at- the Castle Hotel, Merthyr; Thursdays, at the Cardiff Arms, Cardiff; Fridays, at the King's Head, Newport; (all at private apartments), and on Saturdays, at Mr. J. Powell's, plumber, Monnow-street, Monmouth. Attendance from Ten to Five. Messrs. L. and C. M. are enablel to offer to their patients advantages only attainable in the metropolis the whole of the Mechanical Department is designed and executed at the town establishment, whereby a sure and accurate fit is gua- ranteed and Messrs. L. and C. M. being the manufacturers of the newly-invented MineralTeeth, a great saving is made to the patient-sets and partial sets being made for little more than half the usual charges. Every recent improvement adopted in the construction of Artificial Teeth, to suit each individual case, among which is the last new invention of adding an Artificial Gum to the Teeth, whereby the youthful contour of the countenance is perfectly restored. The Teeth are also fixed upon atmos- pheric principles, so as to cause a perfect articulation and mastication they are quite indestructible; they never change colour, and are fixed from one to a complete set, without extracting the stumps, and are worn with perfect ease upon the most tender gums. Filling with gold, and the various cements now in use Scaling, Children's Teeth attended to, and every operation pertaining to Dental Surgery. Consultations Free, and every information without ex- pense. References to the Faculty, and very many Resident Families. Constant attendance at town residence, No. 30, Berners- street, Oxford-street, where patients can always be attended, and letters addressed will meet with immediate attention and Messrs. L. and C. M. beg to remind their patients that they have not any connection with any Dentist resid- ing at Bristol, or elsewhere. London, 30, Berners-street, Oxford-street, Nov. 4th, 1853. Just Published, Morton's Cyclopaedia of Agriculture. PART 24, price 2s. 6d.; and division 6, price 10s.— Also, voloume first, with many engravings. Cloth, 37s. 6d. or in parts at 2s. 6d. each. Agents Wanted to solicit orders for this work. THE FARM ENGINEER. A Treatise on Barn Machinery, and the application of Steam and other Motive Powers to Agricultural Purposes, by R. RITCHIE, C.E., Edinburgh in 10 parts, at Is. each and one vol., cloth, 12s. THE AGRICULTURISTS' CALCULATOR. A Series of Forty-five Tables for Land Measuring, Drain- ing, Manuring, Planting, Weight of Hay and Cattle, by Measurement, Buildings, &c. One vol, roan, 9s. THE FARMERS' GUIDE. A Treatise on the Diseases of Horses and Black Cattle, 3with instructions for the management of Breeding Mares and Cows, by JAMES WEBB, Veterinary Surgeon. Cloth, s. 6d. HOW TO CHOOSE A GOOD MILK COW, Or a description of all the marts by which the milking qua- lities of the Cow may be ascertained—by J. H. MAGNE, Professor of the Veterinary School, Alford-with a Supple- ment on the Dairy Cattle of Britain, their qualities, management, and productive results, with hints for "se- lecting," by JOHN HOXTON. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, 3s. THE PRACTICAL MEASURER, Or Tradesman and Wood-merchants' Assistant, with plates, by A. PEDDIE. New edition, enlarged. One- vol., roan, 6s. 6d. Now Publishing, Rhind's History of the Vegetable Kingdom. Embracing the Physiology, Classification, and Culture of Plants, with their various uses to Man, and the Animals, and their Application in the Arts, Manufactures, and Domestic Economy-illustrated with upwards of forty engravings, on steel, 22 of which are coloured, and upwards of 500 wood engravings. In 22 parts, at Is. each. BLACKIE and SON, Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, and 78, Stokes' Croft, Bristol. THE ADVANTAGES TO BE DERIVED FROM TAKING ARE lat.-SOUND AND REFRESHING SLEEP. 2nd.-GOOD APPETITE. 3rd.—ENERGY OF MIND & CLEARNESS OF PERCEPTION 4th.-GENERAL GOOD HEALTH AND COMFORT. 5th—THEY ARE FOUND, AFTER GIVING THEM A FAIR TRIAL FOR A FEW WEEKS, TO POSSESS THE MOST ASTONISHING AND INVIGORATING PROPERTIES. THIS singularly-efficacious medicine is now being introduced into every Family; and rests its claims for patronage on the most creditable authorities :— No. I. The Rev, Mr. Ciementson, of Horncastle, is taking Parr's Life Pills, and recommends them to all his friends. He says there is more real benefit in relieving and assisting the constitution, in Parr's Pills, than any other medicine he ever took, and they have been of essential benefit to numbers of his friends who have tried them. No. 2, From Mr. T. F. Ker, chemist (late of the Manchester Royal Infir mary) 82, Moss Lane, Manchester. June 22, 1843. Gentlemen,-It is with much pleasure that I beg to inform you that Parr's Life Pills have an increasing sale, and that many respectable customers have expressed, at different times, the most flattering opinions respecting their unrivalled qualities for the cure of Sick Head-ache, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, and all Impurities of the Blood. It is indeed cheering to learn, and give publicity to such opinions as the above, knowing that many are averse to the use of patent medicines. It is gratifying to learn that Parr's Life Pills may be relied upon as a medicine invaluable to good health, and a happy progress to old age. I am, yours, &c., X7 „ Thos. Foster Ker. No, 3. From Mr. H. C Farmer, Kidderminster. Kidderminster, April 13 1853. Gentlemen,-I wish to inform you that I have been suffering from great nervous weakness and pain in the back for some time having tried several things, at last '00* t0 Parr's Life Pills, and the effect has been really surprising, having restored me to perfect health 1 am, Gentlemen, yours obediently, No 4. H. C. Farmer. From Mr. Charles Fairbank, Halsalm, near Hull. Gentlemen,—I beg to acquaintyou that my wife has been severely afflicted with a bad leg for the last twelve months, and during than period has tried almost everything without receiving any perma- nent relief. She began to take Parr's Life Pil)s a short time since, and her leg is now quite healed up. My daughter, who has been ill for about three years, has received great benefit from Parr's valuable Pills. TO LADIES. Parr's Life Pills are espcially efficacious in all the variety i of ailments incidental to the Fair Sex. Ladies even of the most delicate constitutions, will find them partcularly beneficial, both before and after confinement; and for general use in schools, they cannot be too strongly recommended. They mildly and speedily remove all Skin Eruptions Sallowness of Complexion, Nervous Irritability, Sick Head-ache, Depression of Spirits, Irregularity, or General Derangement of the System. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. None are genuine, unless the words "PARR'S LIFE PILLS," are in White Letters on a Red Ground, on the Government Stamp, pasted round each box; also, the fac-simile of the Signature of the proprietors "T. ROBEKTS and CO., Crane Court, Fleet Street, London," on the Directions. Sold in boxes, at Is. I%d., 2s. gd" and family packets at lis, each. by all respectable Medicine Vendors and Chemists in Town and Country. i Full directions are given with each box. t; ACHILLES INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL jE100,000, in 10,000 Shares of JB10 each With power to increase to One Million. Sir Henry Winston Baron, Bart., Chairman. Col. Lothain S. Dickson, Deputy Chairman. T^HE advantages offered by this Company will be seen oi -1- an investigation of its Kates of Premium, which art F AT latest and most approved corrected Tablei ol Mortality, and the terms of its Loan business. It offer; to the Assured the security of a large subscribed Capital combined with all the advantages of a Mutual Assuranc< (Jmce Eighty per Cent, of the Profits being dividec amongst the policy-holders every five years. Policies are indisputable. No Charge is made for Policy Stamps or Medical Fees. One-third of the Premiums on Assurances of JE500 it allowed to remain unpaid, and continue as a claim on th< Policy. Policies not forfeited if the Premiums are not paid when due. Loans are granted to Policy-holders on liberal terms. A Policy of the amount only of the sum borrowed, being as collateral security, required. For the convenience of the "Working Classes Policies are issued as low as £ 20, at the same Rates as larger Assu- rances. Dually^™3 Pakl Quarterl7> Half-yearly, or An- a Any other Particulars, or Rates of Premium required foi any contingency, can be obtained of the Agents of the Com, pany, or at the Chief Office, 25, Cannon-street, or of the Secretary. HUGH BROWN TAPLIN, Secretary. AGENTS. Abergavenny—Cornelius Lloyd, Esq., solicitor. Cardiff-C. H. Court, Esq., 10, Wellington Terrace. Carmarthen—Frank Green, Esq. Chepstow—Messrs. Baldwyn and Morga MATRIMONIAL INSTITUTION. FOUNDED 1846. Offices -12, John Street, Adelphi, London. THIS Institution has been established many years (with great success) as a medium for the introduction of parties unknown to each other, who are desirous of formin«- MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCES, but who, from some cause or other, cannot find Partners in their own circle of acquaintance, suitable in position, &c. This Establishment is conducted on the same principle as adopted at the various institutions of the kind in France, Holland, Germany, Russia, and America, and presents equal advantages to all classes of society. The strictest honour and secresy are maintained in every case, and none but parties of respectability treated with Prospectuses Application Forms, Rules, and every in- formation sent free to any name, initials, or address, on re- ceipt of twelve postage stamps, by order of tho Directors, LAURENCE CUTHBURT, J.I. txt John Street, Adelphi, London, the Work on Matrimonial Alliances, by a Clergy- man, winch is of peculiar interest to he unmarried, sent >"•9 o& receipt of twelve stamps. An Unreserved Sale of Fat Stock, At the BEAR HOTEL, NEWNHAM, Gloucestershire, within a quarter of a mile of the Station on the South Wales Railway. JAMES EARN Respectfully informs the Public that he has been instructed TO SELL BY AUCTION, As above, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of December, 1853, (being the day after Ross Fair),— ONE HUNDRED & FIFTY very prime Ryland, Down, and Welsh Wethers and Ewes, six fat Pigs, 5 five- year-old well-fed Bullocks, Martin Heifer, 2 three-year-old Steers, 11 capital Cows, 32 very superior two and thre-year- old Heifers, and a fat Bull, the whole of which are of first- rate quality, very nice weights, and have been fed regardless of expense. <•- N.B.—Keep will be given for the Sheep and Cattle nr^il the 21st of December. A deposit of five pounds will be re- quired on each pen of sheep and each beast, and the residue when taken away. Trains will arrive from the north at Newnham 9,);), from the south 9.58. Sale punctually at eleven o'clock to a minute. Bear Hotel, Newnham, Nov. 18th, 1853. MONMOUTHSHIRE. To Railway Contractors and Iron Masters. Important Sale of Ash, Larch, Wych Elm, and Poplar TIMBER TREES, together with seveial COPPICE WOODS, PIT WOOD, and CORD WOOD, cut and ranked, &c. Mr. WILLIAM DAVIS Begs to announce that he has received instructions to offer FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At LLAXTHOITT ABBEY, on WEDNESDAY, the 14tb day of December, 1853, at Four o'clock in the afternoon, (subject to conditions of sale then to be produced) THE undermentioned lots of TIMBER and COPPICE WOODS, all growing on the Llanthony Abbey Estate, in the County of Monmouth, and commencing about two miles and a half from the Llanvihangel Crucorney Station, on the Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford Railway and extending upwards, along the Cwmyoy Valley, on the east- ern and northern side of the river, then running downward over the Farms and Larch Plantations on the western and south-western portions of the Estate. Lot I. 732 TIMBER TREES, growing in the Loxedge Wood, of which 167 are Ash, 52 Beech, 4 Wych, and 509 Larch the ash, beech, and wych, are numbered with white paint, and the larch are numbered with black paint, from 1 to 500. Lot 2. 479 TIMBER TREES, growing in the Wirrill Wood, of which 352 are Ash, 47 Beech, 11Wych, and 69 Larch; the ash, beech, and wych are numbered with white paint, and the larch with black paint from 1 to 69. Lot 3. 873 TIMBER TREES, numbered with white paint, as under, on Maisybulin farm, occupied by John Williams; 184 Ash, 23 Wych Elm, and 10 Poplars; on the Court farm, occupied by Robert Gwillim, 395 Ash, 15 Wych Elm, and 31 Beech; on the Henley Park farm, occupied by James Perrott, 46 Ash, 5 Beech, and 2 Wych Trees; and on Brad- ley farm, occupied by Thomas Jones, 133 Ash, 14 Wych Elm., and 15 Beech trees. COT Lot 4. ool TIMBER TREES, numbered with white paint, as ouows :—4q trees and two wych elm trees, on Tycynol arm, occupied by Thomas Lewis 43 ash and two wych 6 "I'o011 yisha farm, occupied by Jacob Watkins 24 ash ana z wyeb elm, on Penworlod farm, occupied by James ijewis 19 ash and 5 wych elm, on Trondy Glace farms, 3 occupied by J ames Watkins and Thomas Price 5 ash, on Liewynbadron farm, occupied by Thomas Jones; 5 wych elm on Nanty Carney farm, occupied by William Thomas elm> on Nautv Gwythal farm, occupied by William Williams 113 ash and 12 wych elm, on Gam Vawr farm, occupied by William Pritchard 144 ash and 5 W"JC^I I1' 0I\ RM> occupied by John Symonds and 61 ash and 17 wych elm, on Llwynon and Dairydeon farms, occupied by John Price and James Howells. Lot 5, 381 ASH TIMBER TREES, numbered with white paint, as under on the Birches or Vedow farm, occupied by Matthew Farr, from 1 to 20 on Porthycwm farm, occupied by Ann Watkins, from 1 to 50 on Blamyoy farm, occupied by J. P. Upton, Esq., from 1 to 121 on Tvrhunt-y-bwlch and Penywern farms, occupied by William Davies, from 1 to 85 and on the Middle and Lower Darren farms, occu- pied by David Thomas and Evan Watkins, from 1 to 105. Lot 6. 906 TIMBER TREES growing on the Wheel Farm, oc- cupied by Thomas Powell, of which 888 are ash, 1* wych, and 4 beech numbered progressively with white paint. Lot 7. 623 TIMBER TREES, numbered with white paint as follows 149 ash, 2 beech, and 1 wych, on Lower ilenllan farm, occupied by John Pritchard 51 ash, 4 wyen, and 1 poplar, on Middle Henllan farm, occupied by Thomas I^ewis 292 ash, 3 wych elm, 6 beech, and 52 poplars, on >1 oyadllwyd farm, occupied by William Williams 5 all(l '1\1ash an^ 1 wych tree, on Noyad farm, occupied by Evan atkins; with this lot will be sold 21 cords of cortlwood, and 13 cords of pit-wood, cut and ranked. Lot 8- 413 TIMBER TREES, of which 92 ash a,nd 2 wych are in the Tilley wood, and 32 ash on the Dillm farm, num- bered with white paint; 220 larch tree in le Tilley wood, numbered with black paint; and 67 a?°h trees in Coed Charles wood, numbered with blac painty with this lot will be sold 90 cords of cut cordwoocl and o cords of pit- wood, all ranked in the Tilley wood. Lot 9. 1102 TIMBER TREES, of which 884 are larch, growing in the Coed Wood, and numbered with black paint; 141 ash and wych elm, also SroW.luAln. Wood, and nurn- bared with white paint, and ash and 10 wych elm, num- bered with white paint, on Llwncellyn farm. Lot 10. Comprises that portion of the underwood in the Loxedge Coppice containing about J acres, now uncut, be the same more or less; and also about 14 Acres of Underwood, in the Wirril Coppice, be the same more or less; together with a quantity of orl and hazel pitwood and cord wood, growing in brakes on the Wheel r arm, the measurement of which, on the commutation map, is 41A. lR. 9p. N.B—The stores of every description ringed with red paint, growing on the land, or in the woods or plantations, aio not included in the above sale. Mr. Richard Walker, at Llanthony Abbey, will appoint i person to show the Timber and Woods, and all further lnformation may be obtained of -Mr. WILLIAM DAVIS, Land Agent, Usk. I LLANBEDER, BRECONSHIRE. Valuable Freehold Property for Sale. MR. JAMES HERBERT Respectfully informs the public, that he has recex instructions TO SELL BY AUCTION, tbe At the BEAR HOTEL, in Crickhowell, on THCBSDAY* tbØ 22nd day of DECEMBER, 1853, at Four o'clock lu afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be w1 produced. e4 ALL that FREEHOLD FARM and LANDS, && HENBANT, situate in the parish of Llanbeder, a » County of Brecon, in the occupation of the Propri°t°r?> i bounded principally by Lands of Sir Joseph Bailey* M.P., and Mr. John Rumsey, consisting of a Farm Ijo two Barns, and other necessary and convenient (all in tenantable repair), and 120A. 0B. 13P., of f,oa (l0d' productive arable, meadow, pasture, orcharding, and land, in a ring fence, and within three miles of Crickho and seven of Abergavenny both good market towns. This very desirable property has an extensive and £ Sheep-walk, and right of common on the adjoining hi^i j near to coals and lime, has a quarry with a vein of excel1 paving and other stones, which may be made a sourt*Li considerable profit, and there is also a quantity of valuable Oak and other timber growing thereon. Map of the Estate, may be inspected at the Messrs. P. and J. G. PRICE, Solicitors, Abergavenny, fr' whom any further particulars may be obtained on applic^^> v. DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE, £ NEAR THE TOWN OF ABERGAVENNY, MONMOUTHSJIIB" [i Mr. ALEXANDER U WILL SELL BY AUCTION, At the ANGEL HOTEL, ABERGAVENNT, on WEDNESDA.^ Dec. 14th, 1853, at Six o'clock in the Evening, by oI" of the Assignees of Mr. Francis Turfrey, a Bankrupt, <t|( ALL that capital DWELLING-HOUSE, called ""ji #r LOWER PENTBE HOUSE," situate on the Brecon about one mile from Abergavenny, together with the ™ j sure and Kitchen Gardens, Orchards, and several Closes^ Pasture Land, all adjoining, the whole containing abott'1 Acres.. Lower Pentre House is most delightfully situated, ft manding the most varied and extensive views of the rounding country. Very large sums have recently pended upon the Property, in the erection of a Conservato^ Hot and Green Houses, and other improvements and Lawns and Plantations have been laid out in a most tasted „ manner, by a landscape Gardener. M The Property is held for the remainder of a Term A years, from the 25th day of March last, at an an»°^ *1 rent of kl20. < k For a view, apply to the Gardener, on the Premises fi for further particulars and Conditions of Sale, to the .r tj tioneer, 49, Broad Street, Bristol; Messrs. WESTMACOTy Q BLAKE, and BLAKE, Solicitors, 28, St. John Sti^ Bedford Row, London; or Messrs. CORNISH and A NELL, Solicitors, 28, Baldwin Street, Bristol. LOWER PENTRE HOUSE, l¡ NEAR ABERGAVENNY, MONMOUTHSHIRE. Mr. ALEXANDER WILL SELL BY AUCTION, On the PREMISES (by order of the Assignees), on THVO, DAY, the 15th of December, 1853,- V, ALL the handsome HOUSEHOLD FURNlTtTfl^ riot J'L China and Glass, Prints, Books two very supet!ø mahogany bookcases, elegant marquetrie writing table, WltØ cabinet, a very neat oak book-case, oak cheffioneer and J chairs, handsome mahogany and iron French bedsteads, > j • ther and milpuff beds, mattresses and bedding, an A mahogany wardrobe, ottoman bedstead, a capital linen Pr^J marble dressing-table and washstand, with china chan^ service, two American rocking chairs.. A valuable collection of Plants and Fruit Trees,- 10 mental iron garden arches, garden seats and rollers, fencing, rick of hay, and other valuable Effects of I Francis Turfrey, a Bankrupt, at Lower Pentre House, abefl one mile from Abergavenny. |i The Sale will commence at Eleven o'clock precisely. II Important Sale of Beer, Casks, and Valuable Effects, AT THE BREWERY, ABERGAVENNY. Mr. ALEXANDER WILL SELL BY AUCTION, On the PREMISES (by order of the Assignees), on FRI the 16th of December, 1853,— ALL the valuable and nearly-new BUTTS, HO"^ HEADS, BARRELS, and KILDERKINS About 700 Barrels of very prime STRONG BEER, aJld PORTER. Stock of MALT and HOPS; An entirely new three-action Pump If Two capital Spring and Two other Drays One Spring Three other Carts One Spring and Two other WaggonB A powerful Draught Horse Nine Sets of nearly new Harness Handsome Newfoundland Dog and Scotch Deer Hound; Hunting Saddle and Bridle; Whitechapel Cart, Two Pair of Trucks .j-arf Weighing Engine; superior Mahogany Desk and Table; 8-day Dial; Copying Press; a quantity of new a variety of Brewing and Guaging*Instruments; Chaff-Cutting Machine and other valuable Effects y, Francis Tnrfrey, a Bankrupt, at the Brewerv Aberg3ve Monmoutlishire. The Sale will commence punctually at Eleven o'cl^i Further particulars and Catalogues are in preparoiioo,ljcs- may be had five days previous to the Sale, upon tion at the Brewery at the Offices of T: II. Ht) pa; Esq., Official Assignee; F. H. BALL, Esq.,Trade Assigji< the Auctioneer, and Messrs. CORN-ISII and PUllN^ Solicitors, Bristol; and of Messrs. WESTMACO^i. BLAKE, and BLAKE, Solicitors, 28, St, John's Str Bedford Row, London. GLAMORGANSHIRE. BOVERTON PLACE ANNUAL SALE- IMPORTANT SALE of CHRISTMAS BEEF, MUTTO^' and PORK, and. some EXTRA STOCK. Mr. ROBERT EVANS Begs most respectfully to announce that he has been instructed by the Messrs. Smith, TO SELL BY AUCTION, On MONDAY, the 19th day of December, 1853, on the mises at BOVERTON PLACE, near the Town of LANTflf £ MAJOR, and within nine miles of the South Wales way Station at Bridgend, and five of Cowbridge,- THE undermentioned truly-valuable FAT STOCK, viz. THE FAT STOCK. 200 prime Fat Ewes and Wethers 20 Fat Bullocks and Cows A prime 4-year-old Devon Bull; 30 Bacon Pigs and Porkers. THE EXTRA STOCK. 50 Wiltshire Breeding Ewes, put to a Hampshire RaH1* 3 excellent Cows, in and with calf; 1 4-year-old Bay Horse, about 15 hands high, adapted for saddle and gig purposes; 1 5-year-old handsome Bay Horse, stands 15 hands 2'iJ1" i-a capital fencer^ aiul goes well in harness; 5-year-old Black Carriage and Saddle Mare, about 1^? hands high; 2 Cart Horses 1 ditto Entire Horse; 1 2-year-old very useful Colt, by Elvino, out of an 01-" cellent mare. Mr. Evans begs to observe that the Fat Sheep are of tfr^ pure Leicester, Cotswold, and Dorset breeds,, and of such description as is saldom offered for public competition the Bullocks, Cows, and Pigs, are very prime, ami in first r»*Jj c mdition. The particular attention of Butchers is to this important opportunity of selecting for the forthco^" ing Christmas Markets, as they are without exception pf 'the 1 cfli that can be pr. d c(d. W The Stock may remain on the Premises a Fortnigbt from the day of Sale, free of any charge whatever Refreshments on the Table at Eleven o'clock; and the S»le to commence at Twelve at Xoon for One punctuallv. Three months credst will be given upon approved security' to purchasers to the amount of £10 and upwards, or discouJlt will be allowed for cash payments of the same amount, 1\6 the rate ol o per cent, per annum. FOREST OF DEAN, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Important and Valuable Freehold Property and Coal Fields. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr, CHARLES BURTON, At the ANGEL INN, in the town of COLEFORD, on Friday e bth day of January, 1854, at One o'clock in the After' °^QiSubject 8uch "Conditions of Sale as will be ana there produced), in Three Lots AT T I Lot 1, LL that Freehold Piece of LAND, containing abou. t One Acre, with the newly-erected extensive Chemi^ j works standing thereon, called OAKWOOD ChemiCA*; situate in Oakwood Mill Valley, in the centre the Forest of Dean, in which Xaptha and other Chemica'? w-e manufactured; together with all the Plant, Engines, Machinery belonging to the said Works. This Property is singularly well situated for the :Man11 facture of Naptha, and other Chemicals, on a large sca'^ being surrounded by woods of very great extent. Coal oVpt 3s. per ton Lime very close at hand, and a ready sale f° the Charcoal. A tramway runs at the back of the PremIse: leading to Lydney and the South Wales Railway, fr^T which it is distant only about five miles, and the Colefor'1' Usk, and Pontypool Railway will pass close by the Promis0*' Also, all that COLLIERY, or COAL FIELD, adjoining the above Premises, called THE FLOUR MILL COLLIEfty, comprising about 162 Acres of the Coleford High Delf VejJJ, and two other Veins of excellent Coal. » This Property has also the same important advantages, to Tram and Railway communication to the Port of Lydne; Lot 2. ] All that Desirable COLLIERY, or COAL FIELD, calle £ HILLIER's LAND," comprising about 80 Acres of the Cd ford High Delf Vein of excellent Coal, which may be work0 by Level. Lot 3. '1'1 All that COLLIERY, or COAL FIELD, LEVEL COLLIERY," comprising about 74 Acres of the ford High Delf Vein of excellent Coal. This may also ™ worked by Level. bØ These two last Collieries adjoin each other, and may worked together as one Concern. to For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, or to Messrs. NORTON and KING, Solicitors, Monmouth. Newport, Friday, December 9, 1853. V Printed and Published for the Proprietor, EDNV riob DOWLING, of Mount Pleasant, Hill-street, in the of St. Woolos, in the MERLIN General Printing 5 b/ situate in Corn-street, at the Borough of Newport* WILLIAM CHRISTOPHERS, No, 7, Commercial-1*' in the said borough. J