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JOHN WILLIAMS. AUCTIONEER AND ACCOUNTANT, OfEces No. 3, CLIFTON PLACE, NEWPORT, DENTAL SURGERY. TWENTIETH YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. Mondays, Crickhowtll Tuesdays, Abergavenny Wednesdays Newport; Thursdays, Cardiff; Fridays, Chepstow Saiuidays, Monmouth. T\/| R. L. MOSRLY, Surgeon Dentist, of 30. Berners-street, L* I Oxford s reet, London, has the honour to announce to his patients and the residents generally of the Principality, that he is now making his usual PERIODICAL VISIT, and that he may be consulted in all relating to his Profession, on Mondays, at the Hear Hotel, Crickhowell; on Tuesdays, at the Angel Hotel, Abergavenny; on Wednesdays, at the King's Head, Newport; cn Thursdays, at the Cardiff Arms, Cardiff; on Fridays, at the George Hotel, Chepstow; (all at private apartments;) and on Saturdays, at Mr. J. Powell's, Plumber, Monnow-street, Vlonmouth. Attendance from Ten to Four. Mr. L. M. is enabled to offer to his Patients advantages only attainable in the Metropolis the whole of the Mechanical Department is designed and executed at the Town Establish- ment, whereby a sure and accurate fit is guaranteed and Mr. L. M. being the manufacturer of the newly invented Mineral Teeth, a great saving is made to the patient-set" and partial sets being made for little more than half the usual charges. Every recent improvement adopted in the construction of Artificial Teeth to suit each individual case, among which is the last new invention of adding an Artificial Gum to the Teeth, whereby the youthful contour of the countenance is perfectly restored. The Teeth are also fixed upon atmospheric principles so as to cause a perfect articulation and mastifica- tion they are quite indestructible; they never change colour. and are fixed from one to a complete set, without extrecting the stumps, and are worn with perfect ease upon the most tender gums. Filling with gold, and the various cements now in use, Seal- ing, Children's Teeth attended to, and every operation per- taining to Denial Surgery. Consultations Free, and every information without expense. References to the Faculty, and very many Resident Families. Constant Attendance at Town Residence, No. 30, Berners- ttreet. Oxford-street, where Patients can always be attended, and Letters addressed will meet with immediate attention; and Mr. L. M. begs to remind his Patients, that he has not any connection with any Dentist residing at Bristol, or elsewhere. London: 30. Berners-street, Oxford-street, November 21, 1851. OLD GROSS XJETTS 1.. dt TAVERN, NEWPORT, MON. FREDERICK CLARK begs to inform the public and inha- JL. habitants generally of Newport and the surrounding district. that he has taken to the above old and respectable INN, and he trusts that, by keeping the very best of articles, in Wines, Spirits, Beer, &c., combined with moderate charges, and paying every attention to the convenience and comfort of his customers, he may receive a share of their patronage and support, which it shall ever be his study to deserve. An Ordinary every day, at one o'clock. Good Beds and Stabling, Lock-up Boxes, and a careful Ostler kept. Every attention shall be paid to those gentlemen, dealers, and farmers, who may honour him with their kind support. Newport, December 9th, 1851. fwwoa NEWPORT, ABEBAAVBNNY, AND HEREFORD RAILWAY. NOTICE OF CALL. Fourth Call, E2 per Share; making .tl0 paid. NOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Directors of the X™ Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford Railway Company have this day made a Call of L2 per share, upon the respective Shareholders in the said Company, payable on TUESDAY, the 3rd of February next; and the Shareholders are requested to pay the same accordingly, to any of the undermentioned Bankers London—Messrs. Masterman and Co., 35, Nicholas Lane, City; the Union Bank of London, 2, Princes Street, City. Hereford—The National Provincial Bank of England; any of the Country Branches of the National Provincial Bank of England, in England or Wales. Abergavenny—Messrs. Bailey and Co. Interest at the rate of 95 per cent. per annum will be charged on all sums not paid on or before the said 3rd day of February 1852. By order of the Board, THOMAS PRITCHARD, Sec. 26, Spring Gardens, London, Nov. 20, 1851. JONES' FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, MONMOUTH. THE Visitors' Half Yearly Meeting, for the admission of Boys into this School, will be held on TUESDAY, the 16th of DECEMBER next, at 12 o'clock. Applications for admission must be made to the Head Master, some days previously, who will furnish the necessary printed forms to be filled in and returned to him before the said meeting. There are at present sixteen vacancies. TO COAL PROPRIETORS. WANTED, a SHIPPING AGENCY, for a first-class Colliery. The Advertisers have extensive connexions in Devonshire, Cornwall, Ireland, and Liverpool, and are well acquainted with shipping. References of the highest respecta- bility will be given. Apply by letter, post paid, J. and P." at the MERLIX Office. WANTED TO BIBS, THIRTY COAL WAGGONS, to carry five tons each, suitable (or the Monmouthshire Railway and Canal Com- pany's Tramroad Apply to Mr. F. PHILLIPS, Rock Coal Wharf, Newport Monmouthshire. €.7000. THE above sum is ready to be advanced by Trmteea, at four per cent., on Green Fields. The Money is in the Funds, and may be had immediately after the payment of the January dividend. Apply to Mr. CHARLES HASSELL, Solicitor, Bristol. NOTICE. 1 DANIEL DAVIES, of Merthyr, in the County of Gla- morgan, hereby Give Notice, that I will not be responsible for any Debts which my wife, Blanch Davies, may contract, from the date hereof. As witness my hand, this 9th day of December, 1851, DANIEL DAVIES. KONMOUTHSHIBGi JJOTICE is hereby given, that the neit GENERAL QUAR- TER SESSIO&S of the PEACE for the County of Mon mouth, will be held at the Town Hall, in Usk, on MONDAY, the oth day of JANUA RY, 1852, and that the Court will sit at half- past Elevm o'clock in the forenoon, and immediately proceed to ad- minister the oaths to Magistrates and other persons desirous of qualifying for office. The Court will then proceed with all business relating to the alignment, application, and management of the County Stock or Rate or any Fund or Funds used and applied in aid thereof, and make vrders for payments, and consider and direct the general business of the county. All bills and demand* relating to the public expenditure of the county, must be delivered into the office of the Clerk of the Peace, fourteen days before the Sessions, and all Appeals and Traverses mnst be entered with the Clerk of the Peace, before twelve o'clock on the second day of the sessions. At half-past nine o'clock, on Tuesday, the 6th day of January, 1852, the Grand and Petty Juries will be called over, and are to answer to their names, or in default thereof, they will be fined. and all persons bound by Pecognizancei are to attend, as the Court will proceed to try appeals, indictments for felonies, and traverses, and transact the other business of the sessions. All convictions and recognizances, and all informations and depositions, must be delivered or transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace, three clear days previous to the sessions. All costs allowed by the County, must be taxed at the same sessions, or they will not afterwards be allowed. CHARLES PROTHERO, Newport, December 9. 1851. Clerk of the Peace. PONTYPOOL UNION. CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS, &c. ALL Persons desirous of contracting with the Guardians of "r!8 ^n'on- f°r lhe next three months, for Bread, Flour, Weat, Grocery, Cheese, Butter, Milk, Rice, Clothing, Shoes, Coal, Soap, Candles, Split Peag, Oatmeal, and other articles of consumption, for the Workhouse of the said Union; and also for lupplying the several Parishes in the said Union with Bread and Flour, are requested to deliver Sealed Tenders at my Office ♦v? ?T • °re l'th day of December, and send samples to be Union Workhouse, on Thursday morning, the 18th day of December, by Ten o'clock. The Board will receive Tenders for supplying the Pontypool and Usk Districts with Bread and Flour, separately. It is competent for any person to Tender for any of the Articles separately, and the Board will not undertake to accept the Tender. Forms of Tenders may be had at my office. Secunty mil be required for the performance of the contract under a penalty of Ten Pounds, that the goods supplied are of the quality contracted for. are EDMUND B. EDWARDS, D _> Clerk of the Board of Guardians. Pontypool, December 10,1851. EMIGRATION TO BATHUR3T GOLD REGION AUSTRALIA. ntOM SWANSEA TO ADELAIDE AND STONSY NEW SOUTH WALES, r» The A 1 Barque, "RICHARDSON," .JWfL 500 Tons Burthen, JOHV MORGAN, Master, A fast sailing Ship, with good Accommodation for Passengers. THIS Vessel will Sail from Swansea about the middle of January, and passage may be secured on moderate terms, on application to Messrs. J. N. KNAPP & Co., Newport. or to Messrs. LEACH, RICHARDSON, & CO., Swansea. SEASONABLE FESTIVITIES. AT this period of festivity and mirth, when friends and lovers assemble at the social board, or iB the m«tes of the dance, both sexes are more than usually desirous of sbiomc ID pers/lnal attraction, and devote a greater share of at- tention to the Toilet. It is at this particular season that those AUXIUARIKK OF HEALTH AND BEAUTY- aOWlAKDS' TOILET REQUISITES, shine pre-eminent in their power; while the rich laxuriaot tress the Iran-parent tkin and complexion, and the peailv set o teeth, form admirable trophies of their Inestimable Qualities The august patronise conceded by our Gracious Queen, the Cotfrt. and Rnya: Family, and the several Sovereigns and Coorts ot Europe, together with 'heir general use by the Aristocracy and the (lite of Fashion, and the confirmation, by experience, of the infallible efficacy ol iheae creative renovating Specifics, give them a celebiily uoparalleled and render them a peculiarly ELEGANT AND SEASONABLE PRESENT. A few words on the merits of these admired specifics will doubtless be appieciated. ROWLANDS' MACASSAR OIL Is a delightfully fragrant and transparent preparation for the Hair; and as an invigorator and beautifier, beyond all precedent, it bestows the most brilliant gloss, together with a strong ten- dency to curl, and is the only known specific capable of effectually sustaining the Hair in decorative charm, from the o c £ V*c'ed assemblies, or the effects of a damp atmosphere, j LI —7s.—Family Bottles (equal to four small,) 10s. 6d„ double that »ize, 2li. per bottle. ROWLANDS' KALYDOR, FOR THE SKIN AND Taanrw r COMPLEXION, Dreparation rr°jS CrMm* Liquid—the only safe and efficacious other OuS^p,VDg Tan> Fre< kle'' Pin,PlM' S"0,s' to the Cheek, and the .'f* Skln—'h* l"ad,ant bloom it imparts Hands, Arm,, N°I'nesrs a.nd del,ca,5* 11 ,Dduc" °f ,h* Toilet. Price 4». 6d.^n^ g|j epejtbo'°delIf,ens ARWMTEAP^WDER0COMDT°^OR' PEARL DENTIFRICE, T, T £ „ath S !r»W '° the Gum» a healthy fi.mness, and 10 the Breath a grateful punty and fngrance.-Price 2s. 9d. oer box* ROWLANDS' AQUa D'ORO The most fragrant and refreshing Pe,fume e Yjeided b_ the "Soul, of Floors." It «»..n. ,t, fresh *•'deli.htfu? odorousness for days. Its revivifying effsct, its refreshing nm. perties, and its choice perfume applied to the delicate mouchoir of the belle of (ashion. render it ao essential accompaniment to places of public amusement and crowded assemblies. In all cases of over-excitement or fat)gue it will Prove gratefully re- frrshiDg, i' taken as a cooling beverage diluted with water. Price 3s. fid. per liottle. 11 BEWARE OF SPURIOUS DII A ONS! t! Offered for sale by UNPRINCIPLED SHOPKEEPERS for the sake of gaining a trifle more profit. It is highly necessary to see that the word ROW LANDS' "precedes the name of the article on the VViapper or Label of each. Sold by the Proprietors— A. ROWLAND & SONS, 20. HATTON GARDEN, LONDON, 3 And by all WfXcUblt Chimin* and Ptrfuntu, I MISS RACHEL EVANS BEGS to inform the Nobility and Gentry of Newport and its vicinity, that, by par.ieular request, she wi afford all those who are desirous of obt lining rmishma: ess s, in iauo Harmony, and Singing, an opportunity, dLLrinz her stay at Newport, which being limited, an early akphcatlUn is All particulars may be obtained at her residence, 8, Cambria PUice, between the hours of Eleven and FOllr. aOYAL ANN WINE <&. SPIRIT VAULTS THOMAS DAVIES BEGS most r*spec:fully to inform bis friends and the public generally that his HOUSE WARMING DINNER will take place on MONDAY NEXT, December loth, when he hopes to have the pleasure of welcoming kindly those friendt who have promised him their patronage. Dinner on the table at six o'clock. Tickets 3s. 6d. The Select Harmonic Meetings, on Monday Evenings, con- tinue to be very attrac'ive on .Monday week a Professional Gentleman, of considerable abiii'y, will preside. INDIA JRUBBER GOODS Will bear 300 Degrees of Heat without injury do not get stiff in Cold Weather; and are not affected by HOT OR COLD WATER. WATERPROOF Coat* Capes, Leggings Trowsers, for walking or riding; Ladies' Caoes with Hoods, Clogs,Goloshes Nuraing'Aprons, Piano-forte Covers, Bathing Caps, Sponge Bags. Fishing Stockings and Trowsers, Gloves, &c. SURGICAL-Elastic Bandages, Bottles, Airproof Beds and Cushions, Hot Water Beds for Invalids, and Hospital Sheets Stomach Warmers, Hot Water Foot Bottles. SPORTING-Fishing Stockings, Gun Covers, ame ags. TRAVELLING and STABLE USES—Travelhng^Bags, Gig and Carnage Aprons, Wrappers, Bridles, Traces, Horse Covers, Horse Stockings and Knee Caps, Buc t s, T'aca riV HOARD SHIP—Coats Capes, Leggings, trowsers, Reefing Jackets, &c., made extra strong; Sou'-Westers, Swimming Be^U^Buoy?,'buckets. Pails. Hose lor washmg decks, fcc; Water Tanks, Clacks, and Valves for Pumps; Air- ,ig" ONDHTES- Letter Bags. G» Hi*Canteen. Di™« D,««. Sc. 1UAPUTVT7RV A\ID WTVIVG PU RPCSES—Joint ings for Vater or Steam Pipes, made to any size or form Packing MACHINERY AND mXINO PiJ of Bollc Valves tor Pumps which form their own hinge; Valve Seats, and Nn, ft? a?« or''sTeam, and can be made to bear steam KMbs.on the inch,and upwards; Hose for connecting; ? ° "V P and TPI Her Hose and Buckets tof f ire V 8UPP'y I ank Hose; pure India Rubber Tube for oils, acids Locomotive and lender Ho e anf b^ilway Engines and Carnages; Ha.Uay Buffers, complete, for trucks or engines Hogar bearing Springs and Draw-bpnngs tor twi J Sinkers Jackets and Caps; Horse Defenders for Minps- Sheet Rut her al| Pipes for Mines, of a new description; ^P^ich will work in wet d aJZII, Sheet Kubber, ail thicknesses; Driving Bands for Ma.-hu.er>- which ^^7, ^ay be^ed near furnaces or steam boilers, «, no heat under three hundred degrees mil affect > J. J. Evans and Co., India Rubber and Gutta Percha Depot, 11 HIGH-STREET. OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. Teas, at Wholesale Prices, Delivered Carriage Free to all Parts of England. TEA WAREHOUSE. 2 BUCKLERSBURY, CHEAPSIDE. LONDON. A ;n the year 1830. Its Successful Progress during Twenty Years has gratified n„, THIS Establishment was commenced in lic ha8 elevated its position to one of the largest in the trade. anticipations. The patronage of the p^ supply thepublic on Trade Terms. Great and assuming as such an undertakine Our main object has been, and s, inesS on a wholesale scale, it is necessary to have wholesale appliances. In con appears to be, it i obvious that to do D cfaosen in a bye thoroughfare, where space and accommodation are sufficient formity with these ideas, our localsity those merciless and enormous expenses inseparably attached to retail shops in pro- to carry on trade to any extent, but wl gt i3 rendered necessary. Hence it will be seen that we are in a position to minent situations, whereby an extrav g omical terms—in fact, to supply at first hand, by which all intermediate profits supply the public on the best and most. e«, r are saved. tntions — The following are our present quotat • s. d. GREEN TEAS. s d n«TPa BLACK TEAS. 3 0 Young „ Common lea 3 4 (This will mix with the 3s. black.) Strong Congou lea. consumers.) Young Hyson 9 fi (A 8ood useful Tea for economical «nd JS 3 8 (U> ,hi, ,,i,h the 3,.M. fchek.')' Fm*&UCh°(|eS^i;;o.KVcVmm«iedO 4 „ S»p,™,Voo„g 4 0 Fine Pekoe Souchong L* VI nv other it is Gunpowder Tea *I I" "1111"* 4 4 (This Tea is more in repute than any om Fine Young H" on I" 4 8 i~ fP. Q a very superior lea. 4 4 The Finest Young Hyson 5 0 Finest Pekoe Souchong •••* x (l'his io high class Tea.) 5 (, FineShotGunpoider 6 0 The Finest Quopowder imported 7 0 COFFEES. The Reduction of Duties now enables us to quote Lower Prices. Fine Ceylon Coffee Vo finestMochaCc5ffee<'Str0n8ly recommended) } Fine Plantation (recommended) •••• ..12 Finest Java Coffee (superior Coffee^ ••the latest improved patent machinery. Having briefly alluded to the principle on wh^ho wUl^^i^e^onsidSle^ *e re8P?ot,'ully 8olicit the attention of Hotel Keepers, Schools, and all Large Kstabli^men Qf E when the ou^f T arr,anaerr-ents- f NOTE.-Teas are delivered, carriage ^ree;ie(1 by Tea. le ordeied exceeds six pounds but the carriage of Coffee is not paid, unless accompa^ jth0Ut a remittance. A reference is expected when orders are sen S n Brge«"py.i„"r^o».ppro,.l of„ferences. Q.„d, „„ ,ppr„ej ef be .^Vnged. &. of expense. °' SIR CHARLES M. R. MORGAN, BARONST, HAS FIXED THE ANNUAL SHOW OF STOCK, AT THE NEW MARKET PLACE, NEWPORT, MON., FOR TUESDAY, THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1851. -000- SILVER CUPS GIVEN BY SIR CHARLES MORGAN For the best Yearling Bull, North Devon breed. por lhp bpgt (hgt ^ag never wQn & For the best Two-years-old Heifer, ditt,VKreed r the bpst Boar' under a year old' For the best Yearling Bull, short-horned £ > for the best Fat Pig. For the best Two years-old Heifer, dllto. d for the best Ram Lamb, long wool. For the best Yearling Bull. Hereford breeu- For the best Ram Lamb, short wool, or Southdown. For the best Two-years-old Heiter, ditto. The 8tock to be bred and fed by, and.theaPc°P«ager, )'for the best e time of showing,-Cross Breeds excluded. Half a Guinea, to the proprietor. (bpwg a teit quantity of Honev in ls-i0 Turkies, Geese, Ducks, aud Fowls. One Guinea to the person having the great. i J In 8\)1, to be produced at the Show. -000- THE FOLLOWING GIVEN BY OTHER GENTLEMEN': — Capel Hanbury Leigh, Esq.-A cup for the best ear ,ng Qeneral \hlman-A cup for the best Ram Lamb, Southdown Heifer, bred by the exhibiter. truineas, for the Georirp't/6 "y cxhibirer. i c William Mark Wood Esq.-A cup, "lue,fi hnL fide property guinfai y* Esq-' Bedwe",y IIouse~ C"F' second best ditto, bred by, and being the bona tid V p y guiinesis, tor a pen ot the best Four Mountain Wethers, bred of. a farmer not farming his own est'te. K;RE Fat Cow. Josenh R!*I c(™nty ot il''nIJlout'1, Col. Lsscelles.—A CUP for the best Glam°rg V t ^e best Fat cart ct M P., Ulanusk ^arl{ A cup for the best William Style, Esq., Wentloog Castle-A cup tor ISM covered in the county of Monmouth, Thomas Powell, Esq., The Gaer-A Piece, £ f w'ith^thS n^Jo,ne8. Esq- Clytha-A cup for the best Brood Mare, guineas, for the three best Cows, in nn > -ze must be J0hn 1 0 months of calving. The exhibited lor t-h»8 Jded property "f*' Es<l The Hendre-A cup for the best Pony, tenant farmers or persons not possessing uJ'de five years old, bred by the exhibiter exceeding £ 3U0 per annum. folate, value ten B'JM.T*8 M°^ Rectory-A cup for the best IT. W. Bootter, Esq., M.P.-A piece of, pgte in mUk Ch° "d,"g*">» Utt« 0f Po any breed guineas, for the best pair of two-years-old Hei turl,« R,>d iey Morgan Esq A cup,fokr t^l,be8t Thrf;Jref 3- or wi' hiii three months of ca ving. f the best pair of Glamor °Lv, y' g°M 7 & th°r0Ku«h-bred horse' and bred m Frederick Justice, Esq., Belle "Vue^A cup f°r y OctSs ^h"6 °J Mon^tl)^lre1l. 4 ye.„ln»Stee,s th, c.r. M.re ,„d b17 'JtSXtfS? £ & Kl?t?<te'„po.,«,.ion of the ,1™ C^' £ e"b* >>«" »»d Olspring, Gl.no,- prior to the Show ne(iwelltv House-A cUpJ°'kt.h<b"t Willinm Phillips, Esq.. Whit son House—A piece of plate. Samuel Homfray, Esq., exhibiter, and being lus value ten guineas, for the best Bull,under two years old, and 1 wo-years-old Heiter, bred by tbe « ihe pouenim of a tenant farmer who occupies property at the time of showing. the beSt pen of Pour land in Wentloog or ( aldicot Level, and to have been in his Sir Henjamin Hall, Bart.— A cup hred by the exhibiter. possession nine months previous to the Show. Breeding Ewes, mountain breed, a" fiye guineas, for the Charles Croft Williams, E>.q Roath Court-A cup value not Lady Hall, Llanover Court-A cup, B*es. Welsh l,.s than five guineas, to ,he exhibiter of the best Sdm>st best pen ot one Black Ram and thr have bePn ln usefui Implements in Agriculture. The competitor breed"above the age of twelve month i"am0Dths previous prize must be subscribers of one guinea e^h o thi r the possession of the exhibiter at least six Cupg< one gumea each to the Town to the Show. -000- tthWING PRIZES, INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF NEWPORT ANT> SUBSCRIBERS TO THE FOLLOWS NEIGHBOURHOOD. NEWPORT AND £ 8. d. „ £ 8. d. }0 Henry, Christchurch. ] ] o n„ TIT T, R. s* Agriculture, a Priend to 1 I 0 Ha e,^ H Mcrchan, N Phil^T n 1 S Allen Mrs. Bridae Inn 1 1 0 Hel»»ca ^hj hps, J E.,Chemist,Newport 1 1 0 Allen, J., Tredegar Arms, New- Ha«kins' J-' Surf?eon-Newport I | o Prichard^5Chard'/l"6" V i 1 nl port 1 1 0 2 ,ndman, John, Newport 1 1 « ^c,hdrd.Ge"rge, Llanv.hange), 1 1 0 Aker«, J. A.,Pentrebane. I 1 0 £ 1 nkins, VVm., Hair Dresser bergavenny 1 1 0 Batchelor, T. B.,Newport 1 1 0 H°NPe<vp°rt 1 1 0 p'!de>gel.Rogiet 1 1 0 Baker, Richard, Llanvihansel 1 1 0 Urreford Journal, Proprietor of 1 l o Pri^'vvT: 6 J" J n Baker, Ed ward, Ageni, Newport 1 1 0 reford imes,Proprietor of., 1 i (J Pripp' i. .lam } f! Harber, K.S., Newport, C.E.. 1 1 0 g^es, T.. King's 1 1 0 P i ^EbbW } n Beacon, Proprietor of 1 1 0 Matthew, T.edegar i i 0 "ercer- Ne"Port 1 1 0 Birch, James, The Oaks 1 1 J ^'in, Jau.es Bassalleg X x J Ph^ P & Qethmg, Merchants I Brewer, T. L„ Nantyglo 1 1 0 Tames, 3nhn, Lanfo.st 1 l Q J Bland, John. Bristol 1 1 0 Jefferi*, Benjamin,Ironmonger, PeJkt tk"068' a°. uVan i 1 n Baker, D., Veterinary Surgeon, Newport 1 7 0 Pnlak a lathern. 11 Chepstow 1 1 0 Tones, vVm »Fartn Field 1 1 0 T?nh Samue'ewport 1 1 0 Bolt, Henry, Builder, Newport 1 1 J Tones, Park, near Cardiff ] I n \'ertS' ^oac^ Builder, Cardiff AdvertiserjProprielord# 1 1 renuin9, J °^n> JunM Caerleon,. 1 1 0 ewPort **• 7 n Cave, William, Brentre House, Jenkins, John, Crown Jnn p es> m Currier, Isewport,. 110 Henbury .1 1 0 JeNewp"rt.. x gees, W lHolly Mouse 1 1 0 Chard and Minow, Bristol 1 1 Tayne, Geo. lasterer, Newport 1 1 n E. Rees, Panthrewgoch.. 110 Cross, Thomas, Risca 1 1 tr eene, Richard, Langstone. 1 l n 'chards, 1 homas, aindra. 1 J 0 Collins, Henry, New Park 1 1 Keene, Benjamin, Cayo Farm.. 1 l n J,ennie, James, Newport 1 1 0 Cartwright, W. S., Newport 1 1 Keene, Rees. Penycreeg I l n n"lSC J SCa 1 1 Christopher, John, Redwick I 1 0 Keene. William, Goldclift X ^hards,John, Abergavenny.. 1 1 0 Chapman, Mark, Painter, &c., rewin, Francis. Raglaud Works 1 1 n Rowlands, Lewis, Tydenham.. 110 Newport J. 1 1 « Lawrence, John, Christchurch J Rosser, William,Risca 1 1 0 Daniel, Edw., Saddler, iN ewport 1 1 i atch, Joseph, Newport i i n w^pr Thonia< High lr°ss 1 1 0 Davies, Jas., Currier, Newport 1 T atch, William, Newport. tin Reynolds, \V. & R Gloucester 1 1 0 Dew, Mrs. Elizabeth, Slough.. 1 1 „ Lang'ey• wiHiafn, Lanv^ir n Smith, M. 1 Maesglaes 110 Davis, David, Tanner, Newport 1 » Lewis, John, Tydee *J 1 0 hargeant Messrs., Machen 1 1 0 Davis, H. J., Solicitor, Newport 1 1 iewis, Charles, Clarence-place" Sharp, Robert, H uersfield, near Davis, John, Grocer, Newport 1 1 Newport 'tin c ^"ePstoiv "r;XT i 2 Davis, William, Cowbridge. 1 1 0 T,ewis, T., Pontymistre Stonehouse C. H., Newport I 1 0 Davies and Evans, Mercers ^ewis, Rev E P.. PortskewVtt 1 } 2 |peary William, Newport 1 1 0 Newport 1 J Lewis, T. F., Maltster, iNewport 1 T n Scard Moses, Newport. 1 1 0 David, William, Saint Mellons 1 } Le>vi3, Lewis, Lhn^ibbj i i n ^trac^aro* v T LV +"*# Dew. Henry, mercer, Newport l I 0 .ewis, Thos., Tailor, Newuortl 1 n Stratton.Richard.BroadHinton Dowle, George, Caerwent J Long, James. Hogiet i A Swindon 1 1 0 Dowle, Thomas, Ifton I Lloy<l> John, King's Head Inn Seys, John, Ihe Grmg 110 Edmunds, Wm., Sunny Bank, n jvjewport • ^eys, Charles, Newro 110 Bassalleg } } X Lloyd, W., Lantillio CrossennT l i n ^om"'Hantyrheos i 1 0 Edwards, Thomas, Llanarth 1 J n Leonard, Philip, Penrose l in Ihom^s, Tiliomas, ly-draw, Evans, Henry, Landowlais 1 1 U (Vlauie, A. J., Bristol J ° T Lantnth.ed 1 0 Evans, J.J..Ironmonger, New- Maule, James, R0ad SurVeVoV Turberville Edw Pont Ebbw.. 1 1 0 port ? 1 1 n Newport "urveyor Wansbrough. J. and 1. P., Evans, Wm., "Merchant,Newport 1 } » Matthews, W»lter', ° wP»ainter.i&CVJN,W^?rt } 1 ?, Evans, C., Auctioneer, Newport 1 1 Matthews, Mrs.T., Coedkernew 1 1 n I IVI "+ T o Egelstaff and Son, Hotwells 0 Merlin, Proprietor of e n r, ;oni°on^r.Ne«Polt J I 0 Bristol M J Milner.John, Whit 1 n ^am8, fteT. C., Llsng.bby.. 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 r othergill, M., Cefnruchtyr. • L t q port 110 Newport 110 Graham, W. and 11., Newport J Q Morgan, H, ButchpT, Newport l 1 0 Williams, T. Ss,, Drybridge. 110 Garraway, William, Hnstol. A Morgan, J., Lantillio Crossenny 1 1 0 Webb, W. C., Merchant, K Joseph, lobacconi^t, Q Morgan, Thomas, Angel Inn, Newport • I 1 0 O port 1 Q Auergavenny 110 Waters, Joseph, Christchurch 110 C?regory, H.,Cambrian lirewery Q Morris, Thus Newport, 110 Wells, Edward, Canal office Hallen, S. T.. Westjiate Hotel 1 Matthews, Samuel, Ifton Hill.. 110 Newport 1 10 Hall, J. W. and Co., Seedsmen. l Q Morgan, —, U-k. 1 1 0 Williams, William and Co., Newport q Oliver, C. II., Printer and Sta- Timber Merchants 1 1 0 Harrhy, J., Surgeon, Newpor tioner, Newport 1 1 0 Williams, John, Splot 1 1 0 Hodges, Henry, Bristol vaiue ten guineas, for the best Bull, Cow, i A piece of plate, value five guineas, for the best pen, consist- nrf ntfCni-° P tL'offspring being under two years old, the cow ing ot tour Yearlinsr Stock Ewes, (which shall notshowfour J •, m'nf'nr within three months of calving, and she and broad teeih full up ) bred by the exnilmer, and being his pro- hll offWinff having been bred by the exhibiter, and the bull, perty at the time of showing; cro*s breed excluded. cow and oflsDrino- being his property at the time of showing; A piece of plate, value five guineas, for the best pen, consist, cross breed excluded. T? n °f four Br^edlnf Ewes, (which shall not show six broad ADieceof plate value ten guineas, for the best Fat Cow, teeth full up,) under three years old, bred and fed by the fed by the exbioite'r and being in his possession twelve months exhibiter, and being his property at the time of showing; cross previous to the day of showing cross breed excluded. breed exc u e■. A piece of plate, value ten guineas, (or the two best i-at A piece otpt e value five guineas, for the best pen, consist- Cow9 under five years old. to be fed bv the exhibiter, on grass mg ot four. above three years oid, bred and fed and hay only, to be in his possession nine months previous to by the exhioit and ben.g his property at the time of showing the time of showing. cross hreed excluded. A piece of plate, value ten guineas, for the best pair of Two- A. piece of plate, value ten guineas, for the b>-st Piece (pot years-old steers, (which snail no; show six broad teeth full up), being less tha n five acres) of Swedish Turnips, growing within bred and fed by the exhibiter, Aid being his property at the the county of Monmouth and it a portion only of a field be time of showing; cross breed excluded, exhibited for this prize the piece so shown to be measured A piece of plate, value five guineas, for the best pair of through the who e length of the drills in that put of the field Vearling Steers, (which shall not show four broad teeth full which may he se ected for competition. IIp,) bred and fed by the exhibiter, and being his property at A piece ofhpläte, ralue five guineas, for the best Piece (not the time ol showing; cross breed excluded. being less an three acres) of Swedish Turnips, grown by a A niece ot plate, value ten guineas, lor the best pair of tenant farmer in the county of Monmouth; who does not farm Yearling Stock heifers, («hich shall not show four broad teeth more'than y acres o( arable land; and if a poi tion only of full UD ) bred by the exhibiter, and being his property at the a field e l eu f0r prize, the piece so shown to be tuu • cr0S3 breed excluded. measured as in the ]ast pri2e> A piece of plate value five guineas, for the best pen, consist- A pre™luJ^ guineas and a half, for Farm Servants or ing of four Yearling VV ethe", ('"Jich shall not show four Labourers, for ionKest 8erVltUde, uilillterruptedly, under the broad teeth full up,) bred and d by the exhibiter and e d ^e salne Farm, or under the same Family, being his property at the time of showing crossbreed thircTpremium^' one <uinea an(1 a d^to- excluded.. f « J- V one 8UIUEA>dlUo* All persons intending to compete foMhe^Prizes mu,st leave a notice in .writing of such their intention, at the E>tate • Nq ,1«51, and pay at the same time 5s. towards defraying the expenses of the Judges app person who took either of tK be allowed t0 comPete for tlle two Prizes triTen for Swedish Turnips, in the saiue year j v the two prizes the preceding year. ° r —ooo ° r —ooo The Horned Cattle must be in the Show Yard by Twelve o clock at noon on the day previous to the Show, for the inspecti °f ^Ihe ^heep and Pigs to be penned by Eight o'clock in the morning of the Show, and the Horses to be in the Yard by Ten °Thatfnotemore than one Servant be allowed with each exhibiter s Horned Stock, and one Servant with each exhibited SheeTh°at no8Exhibiter, or any other person interested in the Stock offered forcoopetition) excepting the one man servant, shall be present during the time the Judge is inspecting such Stock. The qualifications of the Stock to be exhibited for the above p" .^lor of P'°»ed to the satisfaction of three gentlemen, to be named by the Committee previous to the exhibition. I P j^et iNe» 6 8toc^ t0 be exhibited lor each of the 1 °^n Prizes, to reside within twenty-five miles of the New Latt J: D P°rt, and such distance to be ascertained by admeasurement, along the nearest road to the residence of t c°exceeding i3^?' The exhibiter for each of the Town Prizes to be Tenant Farmers, or persons not possessing Inn ^d property uo per annum_ No person to be admitted a claimant for any ot the prizes gi West of » ants °' Newport and neighbourhood, unless a Subscriber, and his subscription be paid into the hands o -^hgland and South Wales Banking Company, Newport, on or before the 22nd day of November, 18-51. Jileirally or iw All persons exhibiting, or persons who may have exhibited, o > [ conformably to the Kules of the Show, will be disqualified, and not allowed to enter again. rB disaualifi»j • i v. All Animals having won a Prize at a former Cattle Sho d; js not permitted that any Animal be exhibited for two prizes in the same year. r»rt Colt or Fill v • A Sweepstakes of One Guinea each, for the best Yearling y, being in the possession of the exhibiter three months previous to the Show. pniered and i v All the Stock intended to compete for the above prizes, De. t the'0ffi" l".e certificates to be delivered, before five o clocK in the afternoon of Wednesday, December 10th,1851, to the CIer^'f e Two T'V",the New Cattle Market> Newport; and each Exhibiter to pay Is. for each entry. IV o Stock to be taken away, c ock on the day of the Show. b No person will be admitted in the Show Yard before One o ci d d °aJ'of the .show (excepting Subscribers, who may obtain Tickets of admission of the Clerk, at the Cattle Mark?,t-.0" r oi Pnm c< 10- 1861) without paying Is. Tickets of admission to be had of Air. C. H. OLIVER, P™1 e rnraercial-street, Newport, on payment of is. An AUCTION for STOCK, on the Day of the Show. Application to oe ma(je to AJij coRN]lLIud EVANS, Aucuoneer, on Or before Eleven o'clock on the day of the Show. — An OB»IX(AJIT AX thji^Kinq'S Hsad IN»> ^fiWfoax, AT Q-CWB, Ptctmbe* 3|d, 1851, „ U THE TREASURER IN ACCOUNT CURRENT 'WITH THE LATE SIR CHARLES MORGAN'S TESTIMONIAL FUND. Da. £ a. d. To received from 205 different subscribers. 19u7 16 6 To Balance brought down 61010 CR. £ 8. d. By paid Hinks and West. for second-best design ex- hibited T 30 0 0 Paid MERLIN OFFICE, for advertising in that and various provincitl papers 57 13 0 Paid Da\id Morris, for lithograph cir- culars,&c. Li 3 0 0 14 0 1 17 0 „ Paid Morgan Evans, for stationery 2 17 9 163 4 4 0 Paid carriage and portE-rage of models and designs 2 12 2 „ Paid carpenter, for attendance at the exhibition of models and designs, 16s. 6d.; halUkeeper,5s. 11 6 „ Paid Hon. Sec., lor postages, postage stamps,etc. 6 12 6 Paid John Evan Thomas, Esq., at various times, as per his contract £ 1600 0 0 Less, deducted for iron railing which Mr. 1 homas was to provide 24 18 6 1575 I 6 ny Paid J. J. Evans. for iron railing. 96 0 0 „ Paid Benjamin James, tor rough wcod model of pedestal and railing 6 1.0 0 „ Paid Benjamin James, for plinths and paving round thestatue 87 3 0 p, id William J ames. for additional paving and work, to make good the alterations 16 0 0 Paid Henry Walters for paving stone 9 0 0 Paid Mr. James Salter, for assistance to Secretary 5 5 0 Paid Mr. Mullock, for a drawing 110 Paid Mr John I loyd, for expenses of the meet- ings at the King's Head 1 0 0 Balancein the hands of Messrs. Williams & Sons. 6 lQ 10 £ 1907 16 6 Approved, 8th December, 1851, B. HALL, Chairman. Examined with Bank Book, 8th December, 18.51, JOHN H ELLICAH, Hon. Sec. CAEULEUiV, MONMOUTHSHIRE. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PAINTINGS, PLATE, WINES, GLASS, CHINA, CARRIAGES, HORSES, fa., :&c. jV/TR. J. WILLIAMS Is instructed by the Executors of the l»l late Stephen Towgood, Esq., to SELL BY PUBLIC ATC HON, on the Premises, at Caerteon, on TUESDAY, December 16, 1851, and following days, the whole of the hand- some modern and nearly new HOUSEHOLD FUliNITUwE, fine old paintings, superior port, sherry, Madeira, Johannes- berg, Hockheimer. Initleheumer, &c.; about 300 ounces of plate (mostly the Queen's pattern) a quantity of books, electro- plated dishes, &c trays, coffee-pot, knives, forks, spoons, &c.; tilass decanters, jugs, champagne, hock, and other glasses two china dessert services, tea, breakfast, and other china; leather and milpuff heds, wool mattresses, blankets, sheets, quills, counterpanes, &c. The Furniture consists of mahogany sideboards, dining, Pembroke, and dressing tables, washstands, chest of drawers, wardrobes, chairs, easy chairs, heds'eads cellarets, &c. rose wood side and fancy tables, work tables, work boxes, cadities, what not, chairs, easy chairs, footstools, &c. painted bed- steads, wardrobes, chests of drawers, washstands, &c., deal tables, large pier glass, a number oi toilette ulasees, splendid inlaid loo tattle, two magnificent timepieces, clock. barometer Brussels carpets stair carpets and rods, fenders firt-iroiis, fire- guards, hearth rugs, wool mats, bed furniture, window fur- niture, &.cb-itlis, foot pans. bidet, commode, &c.; patent repetition Hichorda piano, by Broad wood and Son.neaily new, several dozens of orange will, ) rtSfrvcs. and sauces Capital pi seion, and a first-rate gig, nearly new two first-rate carriage Ioor-es; a hunvr. upwai ds of J6 ttands high, and a splendid ieaper gets of dout Ie and singl* harness three saddle*; two side saddles; curb and snaffle bridles; martin- gales &c. Garden roller litrh'8, tools, and about 30 dozen of plants a boat and scull* and a variety of other articles. The usual ns«ortment of ki'chen requisites. Brewing utensils, casks large lot of hoHI..s &c. 1 lie elegant Drawing-room Furniture, China Vases, Orna- ments, and Paiiitir.ti* will he sold on Thursday, 'he 18th inst; the wines, "htt', carriages, horses, and saddlery, on the 19th and the hooks on the 20 h. Sale will commence each day nt precisely 11 o'clock. The whole m IY he viewed three days before the sale. THE HoU^E TO BE LEI'. Offices,3, Clifton Place, Newport, 2nd December, 1851. TO INNKEEPERS, GENTLEMEN'S SERVANTS, PRIVATE FAMILIES. AND OTHERS. TO BE LET, \ND may be Entered Upon Immediately, the undermen- tioned Houses, viz.,—• The "ANGEL INN," Castl-town, half-way between Newport and Cardiff, and at present doing a lucrative business. I he house is large and commodious, and in every respect fitted up to do a paying trade. A club is held at the house, and three "fairs are held annually at. Castletown. Spirits, Beer, Brewing Utensils, &c to be taken at a valuation, say about i:70 Kent E30 per annum. The "FORGE ¡AN'S ARMS," Marshes Road, Newport. Rent very low. Coming-in about J5, for which there are icio worth of goods and fixtures. Also. a first-rate BEERHOUSE at Pillgwenlly, at present doing four barrels per week, consisting of bar, bar parlour, tap room, good underground cellar, back premises and five bedrooms; in fact, the house is fitted up in every respect to do a hrge business. Rent low. Coming-in about t40. Satisiaciory reasons can be given for the present tenants leaving. Also, To be Let, with immediate possession, No. 15, FAIR OAK TERRACE, Maindee. This house is just completed, and contains, on the around floor, large front parlour, back parlour, kitchen and back premises, garden, &e. on the first floor, a sitting-room, with three good and airy bedrooms and above which are attics, for servants'sleeping apartments. 1 he whole of the rooms are lofty, and the house is finished regardless of expense. Both hard and solt water are on the premises. Rent £ 20 per annum. premises. Rent £ 20 per annum. For particulars, apply cn the premises, or to Mr. C. B. PALMER, 2 and 28, Commercial Street, or Stores, Skinner Street, Newport, Mon. 11th December, 1851. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO BE SOLD, (PURSUANT to an Order of the High Conrt of Chancery* made in a cause of WILLIAMS VERSUS HOLE, with the approbation of Richard Richards, Esq., one of the Masters of the said Court, at the BlUDoE INN, Newport, in the County of Monmouth some time in the month of January, 1852, of which due notice will be given, the following LEASEHOLD PREMISES, in four lots, viz Lot I-All that Foundry Yard, with the Blast Furnace for cast-iron. Moulding Rooms, and Premises, known as the I.ONDoN A i\ D NEWPORT FOUNDRY, situate on the Canal Side, Newport together with Three Cottages, facing the canal, and 'Ihree other Cottages, a three-stalled Stable, and Lofts, behind the Foundry, lately in the occupation of Mr. Budgen, at the yearly rent of £ 140. Lot 2—Two Messuages or Dwelling Houses, with a frontage of thirty-eight teet, situate in the High Street, Newport, let at the yearly rent of i25 each.. Lot 3—Three Dwelling Houses, situate in Stow Hill, New- rort-two let at the yearly rent of.Elg 15s. each, and the third now unoccupied. u Lot 4—Ihree Cottages, situate in Stow Hill aforesaid, ad. joining Lot 3-two let at the yearly rent of f9 5s. each, and the other at f6 1,5s. Printed particulars and conditions of sale may shortly be had (gratis) in London, atthe said Master's Chambers, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, and of Messieurs Gregory, Faulk- ner, Gregory, and Mkirrow, No. 1, or \°w, and in the country, ot Messieurs ftowcliffe and °hcitors, Stogum- ber, near Taunton, and at the place or !>a e. WOODS. TIMBER, AND FREEHOLD PROPERTY TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY BENJAMIN SCRIVEN, at the HANBURY ARMS INN> C^F.RLE.'N, vionmouthshire, on 1 UESDAY, December 23 1851, at four in the at'ernoon. Lot 1—Two Coppice Woods, about 11 acres, on Panty- Cocco Farm, in the parish of Lanbaddoc about one mile Irom Uske. These woods are of about seventeen years growth, and con- tain a quantity of cord and pit wood. Lot 2-An excellent Hoop Cnppice, called the Plantation, about 5 acres, in the paiishof KerTiy-> Inferior Lot -3-A capital Hoop Coppice V\ ood, about lh acres, being part of Kemys Graig. add in the parish of Kemys Inferior. Lot 4-A piece of Strong Coppice Wood, about 5 acres, being also part of Kemys Graig. Lot 5-Elaven pieces of excellent Navy Timber, felled in the New Wood, also in the parish of Kemys Inferior. This timber is of very large c^'1I?e!lst10nST' „T Lot 5 —A capital Coppice, called the Long Wood about 14 acres, on the Balham Land, in the\Pirj: ^jnvaches. Lor 7-A good Coppice, called the Round Wood, about 6' acres, adjoining Lot 6. ■ 0 Lot 8—A Freehold House and Garden, in Caerleon Village, in the parish of Christchurch, in the occupation of William D Th^'Vena^it wfll show this lot, and any further information may be bad of F. J. HALL, Esq-, ^wport. MR> JAMES WILLIAMS, of Eanbaddock, will appoint a person to show Lot I, and any further internaliion may be obtained of the Auctioneer. Samuel Jerms, the woodward at Caerleon Village, will show Lots 2. 3, 4, 5 and any further infor- mation may be obtained O Mr- ONES, Bultmore; or of the Auctioneer. Mr. 1HOMA- AKKR, ot Wilcrick, will appoint a person to show Lots 6 and 7, of whom any further information may be had. A Sale of FARMING STOCK, at the ELMAN FARM, in the parish of Lanbaddock, on Thursday, the 18th of December And a Sale of FARMING S rUCK, HOUSE HO LO F UR- NI IUKE, Ac., at Burllwddeg Farm, in the parish of Llan- hennock, un Wednesday, December 21th, loo I. TO BUTCHERS. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT AT HEWELSFIELD COURT, BETWEEN 50 and 60 Prime FAT BULLOCKS, COWs! and HEIFEKS, about equal numbers Short-horns and Herefords. Also, from 500to 600 FAT SHEEP, cross-Downs, principal iy Wethers, and of convenient weights. For full particulars apply to Mr. Robinson, on the Premises. ROBERT SHARPE. Dated, December 2nd lfl51. TO BE LET, From Christmas and Candlemas next respectively,the following VERY DESIRABLE FARMS. rpHE RED HOUSE FARM, consisting of a convenient 1 Farm House. Barn, Stable, Cider Mill, Granary, and necessary outbuildings, together with 125A. In. 2JP. of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land and Orcharding, situate in the parishes of Ljanvih-tngel Yesterne Lpwerne, and Tregare, in the respective occupations of Mr. Cale and Wrs. Jones. THE UPPER RED HOUSE FARM, consisting of a capital Farm House, two Barns, Stable, Cider Mill, Sheds, and requisite outbuildings, together with 118A. OR. 29p.,of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Laud and Orcharding, situati adjoining the above Farm, and in the parishes of Llanvihangel Yestern I.ewerne and Penrose, in the respective occupations of Mrs. Jones and Mr. Cal». These Farms being now the property of one proprietor, and the Lands having been much more conveniently arranged for occupation than heretofore, are rendered more valuable and worthy the attention of enterprising agriculturists with moderate capital, to whom encouragement would be given, For further particulars, apply to Air. WM. GRAHA.M, Jun., Estate Agent, Newport, Mon. MONMOUTHSHIRE. VALUABLE NAVAL OAK TIMBER AND COPPICE WOODS, Growing on and adjoining TREOWEN ESTATE, in the Parish of Wonastow, Four Miles from Monmouth. WILLIAM MERRICK HAS been favoured with instructions from John Arthur Herbert, Esq., to SELL NY AUCTION, at the Ki„g.s Head Inn, Monmouth, on FRIDAY, the 26th day of DECEMBER, 1851, at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon pr cisely (subject to conditions then to be produced), in the following lots, viz.:—• T NVR. Lot 1. 121 PRIME OAK TIMBER TREES, some ot uarge dimensions, numbered from 1 to 121,suitable for j. Thick Stuff, and other purposes together with the ra B Six Acres of Coppice Wood, growing in the plantation, as the Gorse Coppice. „ «oti Lot 2. 334 OAK TIMBER TREES, 6 BEECH, 3..A^"f and 2 WYTCH, numbered in like manner, with the Fallage o^ 3s Acres of Coppice, growing in and described as the Larg Lot" THE FALLAGE OF 12 ACRES OF COPPlc^> of Good Growth, on the \A hite Hill, on the same Estate, an is well worthy the attention of wood dealers in general. N.B.—John Price, the Woodward on the Estate, will show the Lots; and for further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, Cross street or to Fraacia Evau., Brecon New Jtioad, Abtrg»Yejm7. IMPORTANT HOUSE PROPERTY FOR SALE. I TO BE SOIkD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, IT^OUR Dwelling Houses, (leasehold, 49 years unexpired,) situated in Castle-street, Pillgwenlly rental, £ 40 per annum, subject to a ground rent of £ 5. The premises are substantially built, and let to solvent tenants.—Also, to be let with immediate possession, an excellent INN being an OLD ESlABLIsHEl) LICENSED HOUSE, in a rapidly im- proving seaport town in Glamorganshire. The comin in will he about ZIO!I. This is an opportunity rarely met with! Rent E30, and taxes only £1. 10s. per annum Application, to be made to MESSRS. CORNELIUS EVANS and SON, Auctioneers and House and Insurance Agents, Post-office, Newport. HAWK'S FARM, ITTON, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO BE LET, ON the 2nd of February next, in the Parish of Itton. in V0Lwt7.T0vLWonmo,nh- HAWK'S FARM, with the late FOX & HOJNDS, making, together, Eigty-Two Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, with a good Farm House, and convenient buildings; within three miles of Chepstow, with good roads thereto. Also, a desirable COTTAGE RESIDENCE, with good Garden, Stable, and Paddock. Rent. E12 a year, free of taxes. Forjfurther particulars, apply to WILLIAM CURRE, Esq., Itton Court, near Chepstow. USK, MON. TO BE LET, AND MAY BE IMMEDIATELY ENTERED UPON, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE & SHOP, with Plate Glass I(rod^1, known by the name of the LONDON HOUSE," in one of the best situations in the town. Rent exceedingly moderate. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM PRICE, Painter, Usk. Decembei 10, 1851. PIGS FOR SALE. A T the NEWPORT CATTLE MARKET, alter the Show, on the 16th December, a capital BERKSHIRE SOW and Eight Pigs will be sold, separately or tog ther, and Two very good YOUNG SOWS, in farrow to a first-rate Yorkshire Boar. WANTED, A Person competent to keep the Forge and Mill Pay, in the Office of an Iron Works. He must be a neat and expedi- tious writer, correct at accounts, and able to give satisfactory references. Apply by letter, stating age and salary required, to A. B Post office, Cardiff.



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