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FRANCE. The Moniteur has the following from the disturbed districts in Ardeche According to dispatches, dated the 21at, received to day in Paris, 300 muskets and 17 prisoners left St. Andeol. for Privas, under the escort of an imposing force. A judicial ex- amination is going forward, and calm is completely re-estab- lished." The command of the army to be assembled in the eastern provinces of France, is to be given to General Barrguay d'Hilliers. The crusade against the press, of all hades, except the Bo- napartist, continues. The Legitimatist conductors of the Corsaire and Opinion Publique have been condemned for pub- lishing a review of a Honapartist book, entitled The Era of the CaBsars," and the Siecle announces in the following terms its its own impending prosecution We have received to-day a citation to appear before the Tribunal of the Correctional Police, next Tuesday, where we should certainly he condemned, only that we have raised the question ol incompetency. What have we done 1. Why, sim- ply this W e have simply pointed out that, with regard to the affair of Allats the two jotirnals-tlie Constitution net and the Ordre-were giving each other the most cruel contradic- tions regarding the opinion of M. Baroche. Now, here there was no discussion 01 any kind, religious or political, but sim- Illy a comparative view of facts drawn from dilleretit journals. Formerly it used to be raid, I If the police accused me of car- rying off the tower of Notre Daine, I should at once take to my heel* We may say at present, that it the police of the press, armed with the late law, accuses you, prepare you money at once." HOLLAND. ORAND DIICHY OF LUXEMBURG. The Hague, Nov. 23.—The Chambeis ol the Grand Pt:i'hy of Luxemburg have closed after a short but stormy session. At the concluding sitting, the following motion was passed, after a warm debate of several hours. This motion, which bears upon the present state of Germany, is thus worded Seeing that the government which has contributed to the i-e-establisl)inent of the Diet has declared that it will not asso- ciate itself with any coercive measures against a constitutional state of Germany Thar,notwithstanding,coercive measures are carried out in the name of the Diet and of the states which compose the Diet, that Ilesst- is invaded, and that nearly the whole ol Germany is under di-iiis Hope that the government will endeavour to obtain that neutrality, of which it has spoken." After having voted the Budget for Public Works, the Cham- bers adjourned to the second Tuesday in February, teaviogthc President the power of convoking an extraordinary session, if circumstances shall require it. DRNMARK AND THE DUCHIES. The Hamburgh Borsenhalle has the following from Copen- hagen of the date of the ]8th of Nov The Minister of War has published the official report of the 1088 of the Danes in the reconuoitering skirmish on the 14th. at three wounded, and four missing one Schleswi*- Holstein officer and five soldiers having been taken prisoners by the Danes. In another skirmish which took pI, ce on the same day at Breckendorf, the Holsteiners had three men killed, and fourteen taken prisoners. The Danes sustained no loss Very great activity prevails in the Duchies of Schlesuig- HoUtein, and decisive events are evidently in preparation. "It is stated that the British Cabinet demands, under nil circumstances, an armed intervention in SchleswigHohtein for the interests of the Danish monarchy." AUSTRIA- The editor of the Lloyd has been fined 100 florins for having inserted a military communication. The Wiener Zeituug officially contradicts the reported ill- ness of his Majesty the Emperor Ferdinand. It was rumoured in Vienna that Kossuth had escaped from kutaiah. The movement of troops still continued. It was stated in Vienna that a telegraphic dispatch had been received from Constantinople, announcing that Sultan Abdul IVieschid had bten poisoned. The rumour, however, was not credited. PRUSSIA. The Prussian Parliament was opened by the King at Berlin, the 21st instant. His Majesty, in his speech, said lie hoped that the negotiations respecting the formation of the German Confederation would soon come to a prosperous end, and lie trusted that the national armaments would snflice to protect the national rights, and effect an arrangement of the common fatherland, suitable to the condition of Prussia. The Prussian monarch's speech is warlike, but we mistake if it be not the contrary of war causing. Defiant as it is to Austria, and contemptuous to the soidisant Bund of Frankfort, it carefully avoids whatever might give offence to Russia. The heir to the Electorate of Hesse, it is weil known, is a son-in- law of the Russian Emperor, and was one of the princes at Warsaw. To have prejudged in the speedl the constitutional question of Ilesse, would have been a defiance to Russia, as well as Austria, and would not have been ventured on unless there were no hopes of the court of Berlin remaining on a good understanding with that of St. Petersburg. The speech evi dentty does not abandon that hope, and the framers of the royal speech must have had some reason to count upon it. SYRIA. Accounts from Beyrout, of the 4th instant, give the details of an insurrection near Damascus, headed by ftlohamet and Hassan, the Emirs ofBaalbec. A corps of the Turkish army, under Mustapha Pacha, marched against the rebels, and de feated them, with the loss of one thousand men. The Emirs were both taken prisoners, and conveyed to Constantinople. AMERICA. Liverpool, Sunday -By the toyal mail steam-ship Canada, Captain Harrison, which arrived shortly before noon to-dav, we have advices from Boston to the Lhh, and by telegraph from New York, by way of Halifax, to the 15th instant. By the arrival at New York of the steamers Empire City, Goerokee, and Georgia, we have advices from San Francisco to the 5th of October. These steamers collectively brought specie to the amount of of 3,120,000 dollars in gold dust. Upwards of 4,200,000 dollars in gold dust was waiting at Panama, for shipment when the three steamers left. The destruction caused by the fire was being rapidly re- paired. The intelligence fiom the overland emigrants was very dis- astrous; multitudes were said to be starving, and cholera lias broken out amongst them. The most praiseworthy tenbi-ts were being made by the people of California to send over the mountains provisions and waggons for tile Sijfferers. Busi- netlll at San Francisco continued brisk, andftHe money-market sound. We have advices from Jamaica to the 31st tilt. The eho lera was taging with great virulence. The Kingston returns for the 28th report 53 new cases, 18 recoveries, and 30 deaths -remaining 85 at Port Royal 21 new cases, three recove- ries, and 11 deatlis-remainilig 34. Sanitary measures were being actively carried into effect. Hunt (Whig), is elected'governor of New York State. The President has issued a proclamation promulgating a commer- cial treaty with the Sandwich Islands. At New York, the cotton market is heavy. Flour firmer. State and Western Canal, 41 to 4f Wheat firm, and in good demand, at steamer's rates. Exchange, J Of to 10.. The receipts of Flour continue moderate, and the home trade rather active for export. There is also a fair demand for home use. Grain is in demand for Home use and export, with sales of Canada at 105c. to 110c. in bond. The favourable advices by the Africa have induced have in duced holders of Tobacco to be more firm. and, in some in- stances, demand an advance which buyers do not willingly accede to. Freights to Liverpool—Cottton, 5,32c. flour, &c., !e. to ic. heavy goods, 15s. to 20s. grain, 4. To London-To- bacco, 22s. 6d. to 25s. flour Is. 9d. measurement ocds, 27s. 6d. to 30s heavy gooods, 2ds- to 30s. To Havre— Ashes, 6 dolls, to 7 dolls.; rice, 8 dolls.; barks, 8 dolls.; measurement, 10 dolls. Ntw ORLEANS, Nov. 11.—Cotton is quiet, with sales of 7.000 bales middling at 13Jc. Tobocco has advanced ic. Sales in the week, 6,0000. Choice lots at 10 Jc. to I I c.

