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I JlEW n tVSIC. SOLD BY E. NEWMAN, AT HIS J IUSlC REPOSITORY, 5P, HIGH STREET, N) *WPDRT. NEW MUSIC. THE 1 HAKISTAi [r\! I AN OPERAS IN THE PUT USI'A ALL FULL MCSIC Sl/.li: FttOM JiNGRAVt '!> MffSIC PLATES, ,NUT TYPE.) URW.. j a Tuive Hater it .124 Pianista 2s Kideiio Beethoceii J:1 :s ta t'ropiiete Mryerheer 117& 118,each 28 Puritani Bellini ll:> 2s TVIidsunimer NigM's Dieam Mendelssohn 111 2s Othello Rossini. 111). 2s <'tmerent ola n,,>ini.. 100 28 Der J'Veiscbutz Weber 107 2s L'ndadi Chamlluoi Donizetti., • 106 '2s 1\1 sssaniello Aaber :03 .s Sennramide Rr>&,mi 23 2s Lucre/ia Borgia I hrw&tti*. 33 ls.,& 95 2• La F" v 0 r í ta 3i> 2s I..is! Day of Pompeii I'arirfi 39 2s Z «inp« Herohl .». 4U 23 L'Kliiire D'Amoie (Love s>pftll) Donisett'.— 41 2s A nna Rolftna Donizetti.. '47 2s Fra Diavolo Auber 57 2s La Somiambula Hellini •••• 2s Nino Verdi •• 2s Don Giovanni Mozart «. 2< Crown Diamonds Auber » •••• 2s I Lombardi Verdi 71 2s Norma Bel lint 75 2s Robfcit l,e Diable Meyerbeer ><jZ •••• 2s I,a Kiglia del ReKgimento (Daughter of the Regiment) Donizetti., '«* 2s Figaro (La Nozzo de Figaro) Mozart 2s II Baibitre di SeviRlia Rossini 91 2s St ib 11 Mater (llie whole 10 pieces) Rossini 35^<5c27.. 2s J'asloi a Is Symphony (the whole four movements) Beth oven•• 72 2s Les Huguenots Meyerbeer 1 *6 <5c 97, each 2s Lucia di Laminermoor Donizetti.. 98&.99,each2& Don Pasquale Donizetti.. 121} 2s Le Domino Noir Auber 121 3s "The PIano-forte arranltpments of these Operas are the besl in Ftirope.— Atlns, May 11th, 1850. Waltzes, Quadrilles, Polkas, Mazourkas, Songs, B 'allaHa, &c., ike., equally modeiale in price, and brought out in a" much su- jituor slyle to the deal music. Any One No. can beseut tree, by post, for 30 stamps,, or Three Nos. tor 78 stamps, by addressing Mli. F«. NEW MAt J, Pttno- turtf and Music Kepository, 59, High-street, Newpoit. Tbt; system in winch the PIA NISFA has been Published Monthly lorTe1l Y ea r?, 11""11: ivcn Ihe peatest *austacUon to the tashuonable I rii sical world. This system is rapidly superseding the olid mode wtuchttTKing enormously. It Rives about 109. or Pis. worth of music for 2s., but no reduction (eveo if 100 Operas are taken) can he made Irom llie marked price. Sole a^est for Newport, MR. E. NEWMAN, Piauolorte and music Keposilory, 59, High-Street. Cardiff, MESSRS B1R1) and SON, Duke-Street. Neath, M R, HIBBERT. Swansea, MESSKS IVEY andPEARCE, Wine-Street.. Ø" Catalogues Gratis. TYDEE TIN WORKS, NEAR NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSIIIRB, NOVEMBER 20*TH, 1850,. WANTED, at the abore WORKS, a JK>M,-TL"RNER„ t who ,oultl be requiretl to undertake tine "aolIe oi t!fce i ("Id-Rolls. None hut RxperieHced' Hands need apply. • GENTEEL FURNISHED APARTMENTS A SITTING ROOM ani! BSD ROOM. commanding a pleasant prospect, and beini; in a wy retired spot, yet almost in the centre of the town, may be had, fotmished, on application to A. B., MuRUN OI-YICK, KEWPUKT. DENTAL SURGBKY. FIFTEENTH YEAR OF ATTENDANCE. Mondays Chepstow. Tuesday* Abergavenny. VVedn .Newport. Thursdays. Cardiff, ) t'ridaya and SaturdayB.M(/»WK>oth. ) MR. J. MOSELY, SURGEON DENTIST, OF RIO, 1 ERNER^-STItEET, OXFORU-KTKEKT, LONDON, HAS the honour to announce to his Patients, and the resi- dent.; generally of the Principality, that he is now making his usual 1'eriodical Visits and that he may be consulted in all rdating tu his Profession, On Mondays, at the George Hotel, Chcpstow On Tuesdays, at the Angel Hotel, Atvergavenny On Wednesdays, at the King's Head, Newport; On Thursdays, at the Cardiff Arm" Cardiff; (All at private apartments;)" And on Fridays and Saturdays, at Mr. J. PaweB'u, Plumber Monnow-street, Monmouth. Attendance from Ten to Five. Mr. L. M. is enabled to, offer to his patients advantages wily attainable in the Metropolis the whole of the Mechanical Department is designed and executed at the Town EstaMtxh- ment, whereby a sure and accurate fit is guaranteed; and lb. J" M. being the manufacturer of the newly-invented MineTsl Teeth, a great saving is made to the patient-scts and partial Sets being made for little more than half the usual charges. Every recent improvement adopted in the construction of Artificial Teeth, to suit each individual case, among which is the last, new invention of adding an Artifieial Gum to the Teeth, whereby the youthful contour of the cotratenance is per- fectly restored. The Teeth arc also fixed upc»» atmospheric principles, so as to cause a perfect articulation and mastication they are quite indestructible; they never change lMour, and are fixed from one to a complete set, without extracting the stumps, and are worn with perfect ease upon the meet tender gums. Filling with gold, and the various cements now in use Sealing, Children's Teeth attended to, and every operation pertaining to Dental Surgery. Consultations free, and every information without expense. Rcfcrcnces to the Faculty, and very many Resident Faro ilies Constant attendance at Town Residence, No. 30, Bernois- street, Oxford-street. Nov. 1,1850. THE PILLGWENLLY AND NEWPORT GAS CONSUMERS' COMPANY. (Tor Incorporating and giving Powers and Privileges to the C.lll,aJlY. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT APPLICATION is intended to be made to PAR- ) LIAMENT in the ensuing Session, for leave to bring in a Bill for the better supplying of the Town and Borough of Newport, in the County of Monmouth, also those parts of the said Town and Borough lying inthe parishes of Saint Woollos and Christchurch, in the said county of Monmouth, and also places adjacent, comprising the said parish of Christchurch, or some part thereof, all in the said county of Monmouth, with Gas; and for incorporating certain persons with all usual and necessary powers into a Joint-Stock Company, for the Ma- nufacture, Sale, and Supply of Gas, to the Inhabitants, Houses, Huildings, and other places of the said town and borough, parish- es, and district; and for such purposes, to acquire Houses and Lands, cumpulsorily or by agreement; and to open up and by Mains, Pipes, and other things, in the several streets, roads, lanes, bridges, docks, wharfs, (luays, and other thoroughfares and places of the said town and borough, parishes, and district; and to raise and levy Tolls, Rates, and Rents for the use of such Gas, and to grant certain exemptions therefrom; and also to confer, vary, and extinguish such other rights and pri- vileges as may be necessary in carrying out the said under- taking. And Notice is also hereby given, That it is intended by the Bald.HIII, to take powers to Amalgamate the said intended Com- pany or Undertaking with a certain other Company called The Newport Gas Company," which was incorporated bv an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty intituled, An Act for better Lighting with Gas the town and borough of Newport, in the county of Monmouth or to Sell or Lease the said intended Undertaking to the said Newport Gas Company; or to authorise the said intended wX7J°n,KUrC £ a8e °r ta!?C,0n Lease the Undertaking and Works and other Property of the said Newport Gas Company i and to amend or repeal the said Act. p nj' Dated this 15th day of November, 1860 R. J. CATHCART, CONNEL..&HOPE,NEWPO"'S°LID!< Iludyer-street, Westminster, Parliamentary Agents. ■—■—■— DISPUTED LIFE ASSURANCE POLICIES. V^;n?^"Tr from tbe Times of the nth of ance offices and M con9tderal>le interest to life assur- ?! offices and the public, was concluded yesterday in the assurance o^f^soV Jhe,Kle ^'omPa"y held a policy for an advance the n«vm » f J\b,1on Company, as security for an Albion on th £ ?i policy was now disputed by the of the assured » k tline lt wa8 effecte(*> the fact was concealed jvon^k"? a man of in,emPerate habits, tZ nu«tion a9 M^h Vftce' T,ie chief evidence turne,< "P™ exhibited and !hJ *leSree of intemperance that had been • i" re~ult was that a verdict was given against for^l^n^0?10!6' not,only ,or Ule amount of policy, but also „,inf. interest, from the date when it became due. The cir- 1, ance f the actm*1 being brought by one officc against o ler, presents a striking illustration ot the uncertainty nicn may attach to all policies under the present system, and nows that the only mode by which absolute security can be obtained hy the public, must lie in the general adoption by as- surance offices of the plan of protecting themselves in every case, by due inquiries before the granting 01 eaehjpoticy, and of afterwards assuming the full responsibility of the complete- ness of such inquiries, by holding themselves precluded from raising any future question. In the present case, two offices are found to be diametrically opposed in their opinions as to what can properly invalidate a claim and yet the public are exppcted to be abte to guard themselves against such contin- gencies. Similar cases have occurred before, and even if they were more rare, they would seriously injure the progress of lite assurance. THE LONDON INDISPUTABLE LIFE POLICY COM- PANY, (incorporated by Act of Parliament,) No. 72, Lombard-street, London. TRUSTEES. Richard Spooner, Esq., M.P. J. Camphell Rcnton, Esq | James Fuller Madox, Esq. M. P. 1 William Wllberforce, Esq. Richard Matins, E9q.,Q.C. | DIRECTOR*. William Adams, Esq., New I Robert H. Fonnan, Esq. Broad-Street. I Ordnance, Pall-mall. J. Atkins, Esq., White lIart- I J. Hamilton. Esq., Alfred- court, Lombard-street. plnee, Thurloe-square. Henry A. Bevan, Esq John. J. Matthews, Esq., Arthur- street, America-square. I street West, City. J. T. Bramweli, Esq., Lau- C. O. ParneJl,E8q" Norfol.. renoe Pountney-lane. street. Park-lane. John Dangerfield, Fsq., Chan-, cery-lane, j AUDITORS. G. Cmnming, Esq., West-j James Turner, Elul, Parlia- hournegrove. ) ment-atreet. W. I). Starling, Esq., Change-I David Henry Stone, Esq., alley, City. | Poultry. BANKERS—The London and County Bank. o MEIIICAL ADVISER—B. Phillips, Esq.,F. R. S. SOLICITORS —Messrs. Atkins and Andrew. SKCKETARY—David Alison, Esq. Paddington Local Board, 24, Connaught-terrace, Edgeware- road. I be Kev. J. S. Boone, A.M., I Thomas Jcrvis Amos, Esq.. S»arihope-St., Hyde-park. Yoik-St., Portman-square. taptain Creed, Norlolk-crcs- G. Y. Robson, Esq., East- cent, Oxford-square. I bourne-terrace, Hyde-park, rnries Pemberton, Fsq., East- and New-square, Lincoln's bourne-terrace, llyde-park, inn. and Lincoln's-inn-fields. MEDICAL A DYISER-J. B. Brown, Esq. SK(:R PT i o v /1 u 111 1: ry\ —VlldJlCS IIU^IIILU, r«M|. Vi\m v nn8 °' "119 Company being indisputable, form T^i ^R()VISI0NS ANI) NEGOTIABLE SECIRI- lor their validity is not dependent, as in the case of or- < 1 nary policies, upon the import of previous reports and other documents. F Owinft to this important improvement in the practice of life assurance, the progress of this Company has been rapid from the commencement of its business, and is steadily advancing. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, Manager. AGENTS. NEWPORT, MR. R. C. SLADE, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. -MONMOUTH, MR FARROR. JUNR., BEACON OFFICE. Cheltenham—Messrs. Wight and Bailey, and Mr. William Selkirk; Abingdon, Mr. E. Davies; Bath. Mr. James Pea- rock; Bideford, Mr. Hohert Holman; Bridgwater, Mr. John H'irmaii Bristol, Mr. J. M. Clement Hurford, Mr. John Hollowell; Cirencester, Messrs. Bailey and Jones Devonport, ^lr-J. M. Banfield, and Mr. John lleydon; Exeter, .ir T. Sandford Gloucester, Mr. W. U Green, and Mr W. F. Man- 8e" Haverfordwest, Mr. W. Perkins; Malvern, Messrs Skey and Scwell Oxford Mr. Hands; 1'enzance. Messrs. John, R<>dd. and Darke Plymouth Mr. H. Cawse, and Mr. J.O. Bellamy; Reading, Mr. S. Fullbrook Swansea, Mr. Geo. A. Bevan; Stroud, Mr. Wm. Foster; Swindon, Mr. A. T. Braid; St. Austell, Mr. James Andrew Taunton, Messrs. Carver and Giles; Tavistock, Messrs. Gill and Vigen; Tiverton, Mr. K M. Winton; Totness. Mr. A Melhnish; Trowbridge, Mr. p, Cadby; Tewkesbury, Mr. J. A. Parker Worcester, Mr. ThooMUoHow&y. ujji NEWPORT FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY Enrolled pursuant to Act of Parliament. PRESIDENT: R. J. BLEWITT, ESQ., M.r. VICE PRESIDENTS: Joseph Corsbie, Esq Mr. E. V. Jenkins, and Mr JohnCathcart. TRUSTEES: Alderman Rich. Mullock, Mr.Philip John, Mr.Thos. Richards, Mr. James Hewitt, and Mr. William lownsend. TLTEASLJRELL: Mr. William Evans, Dock-street. BANKERS: The West of England and South Wales Banking Company. SOLICITOR R. J. Carthcart, Esq. SECRETARY: Mr. J. II. l'hillips. THE Committee are highly gratified in witnessing the unabated satisfaction which the recent pure ase o •> Oak Estate has given to the members. 1 hey can but regret that this excellent property, although extensive, is insumcicnt to afford an allotment to every member; owevc>"> ^1' that the great exertions which have hitherto been made w^ U be taken as an earnest of continued and una a e ac 11 their part, to effect, at no very distant period, an equally successful result. nf The Committee observe with pleasure, e ai y members (nearly 100 Shares having been taken during the hst three weeks), and they would again request all who are desirou" of obtaining a CHEAP FREEHOLD to jom th Xj without delay. All Estates are allotted according to priority of membership..T The Society is not restricted t0 Newport-persons rcMdmg in the surrounding villages or towns may join it and will thereby possess all the privileges of resident mcmbers. Persons can be daily enrolled, at.the Secretary s R^'jnee, ^o 2, Charles-street; or at Mr. E. V. Jenkins s, .I) ugg comer of Llanarth-street; of whom, also, any further intima- tion may be obtained.. Entrance Fee, Is. per Share weekly Paynients ls j l P 'r Share, every Monday evening, between the hours of eight ana ten, at the Offices, 9, Llanarth-street. Rules, 0d each, or by post, 8d. No person can hold more than Six Shares. Offices, 9, Llanarth-street, Sept. 2t), 1850. REGULAR TRADER FROM LONDON TO CARDIFF, NEWPORT, <1e. THE SCHOONER GRATITUDE, D. JONES, Master, IS now loading at Topping's Wharf, Tooley-sfreet, London, for Cardiff, Newport, Merthyr, Dowlais, Aberdare, Aber- gavenny, Brecon, M-onrnouth, Pontypool, Cowbridge, Bridgend, and places adjacent., and will sail positively On FRIDAY, DECEMBER (ith, IS50. For freight, &c., apply to the Master on board Mr. Richard Burton, Wharfinger, Newport; Mr. Thomas Richards, Aber- gavenny Messrs. Prosser and Co., Brecon Messrs. J. it. & G. Seovcll, Toppin g's Wharf, London; or to Messrs. W..pir nd Son, Cardiff. London, November 19th, 1850. 'cr D'ALMAINE'S PIANO-FORTES FOR 25 GUINEAS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY, FREE OF CARRIAGE. rri R. PRICE, MUSIC SELLER, NEWPORT, regpect- Lm fully apprises the public of Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire, that he has been appointed Agent for D Alniame s Piano Fortes, winch he is enabled to deliver to those who may honour hue with commissions, at Newport rf .rt;H1'w !,a,'Rl!,0r Ht any °,f lhe 'n^ermediate Stations of the South Wales Raihyay, at the Manufacturer's Prices and direct from the Manufactory in London. D'Almaine's Piano Fortes are celebrated for combining ill the latest, improvements of construction, with richness of toile, and elasticity of touch; possessing, also, peculiar ekg-anee of form and polished nicety of workmanship, uninfluenced bv the varied ctlects of climate, and recommended by the Inost "emi- nent musicians. (Compass, 61 octaves; height, 3 feet t 4 inches; width, 4 feet depth, 2 feet 2 inches. At the uniform nett Cash price of TWENTY-FIVE GUINEAS. Mr. T. R. PRICE continues to give instruction on the Piano Forte, at Schools, at the usual scale of charges made at Schools—Four Guineas per annum. (sP-S" The newest Music constantly on hand, at 25 per cent off the Published Price; also, some at Half-price, and One- third for Cash. Commercial Buildings, Newport, Aug. 23, 1850. FAMILY HOUSE, NEWPORT. TO BE SOLD OR LET. MR. E. S. BARBER, being called upon by the Magistrates to reside in the county of Glamorgan, is desirous of other Selling or Letting his House and Premises, near SAINT PAUL'S CHURCH, NEWPORT. Nearly Two Thirds of the Purchase Money may remain on Mortgage. Land may be rented, if required. HORSE AND PHIETON FOR SALE. FOR SALE, the Property of a Gentleman having no fur- ther use for them, together or separately, a BROWN COB HORSE, 14 hands 3 inches high, rising six years old, quiet in harness, and free from vice, in good working condition also, a neat DOG CART PHAETON, nearly equal to new, with ^amps, patent axle-trees, <Src., complete, 'lobe seen for' the next week, at HARDWICKE HOUSE, near Chepstow. BRITISH PLATE, CROWN, AND SHEET GLASS WAREHOUSE, 140, COMMERCIAL ROAD, PILLGWENLLY, NEWPORT, J AMES SANDERS, desirous of acknowledging with gratitude the large share ol public patronage he has received during the past six years, begs to announce that, having effected considerable alterations in his premises, he has now made arrange- ments for carrying 011'the British Plate, Crown, and Sheet Glass Trade, in which department will be found a large assortment of LOOKING GLASSES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. J. S. also begs to state, that he has made arrangements for extending his House and Ship Plimbimj, Glazitu/, and Painting Business Together with Venetian Sign, House, and Ornamental Painting; Gilding and Paper Hanging. From this establishment arc forwarded, to any part of the town or country, Patterns, with Prices, of British Plate, Crown, and Sheet Glass, per foot; and J. S. is prepared to give Tenders for work to any extent, in riumbing, Glazing, and Painting, in Newport and the neighbourhood. Zinc and Wire Blinds Manufactured on the Premises. Pipe and Sheet Lead, Oils, Paints, Turpentine, Brushes, and Dry Colours, always on Sale. Cheap Paper Hangings at Wholesale Prices, for lteady Money, AT HENRY TRAPNKI.L AND SON S, CITY CABINET, UPHOLSTERY, & PAPER HANGING ESTABLISHMFINT, 2, ST. JAMES' BARTON, BRISTOL. PARTIES making alterations or changing houses, are invited to select their Paper Hangings at the above address, where they will have an endless choice, at the lowest prices con. istcnt with honourable trade. The proprietors make it a rule te 3 urchase these goods Wholesale, and for Ready Money, direct irom the first Manufacturers in the kingdom; and they aro therefore enabled to offer great advantages, both as regards price and style. I hey have always the most Fashionable Papers to dhow, and to any extent, from a Half-penny to a Shilling per laru. A visit,therefore,to the Pap er Hanging Department of the City Cabinet and Upholstery Manufactory, will be found to be a great saving of time, trouble, and expense and will show the advantages derivable from Cash Transactions, the object being to do a large trade, upon small profits and quick returns. Observe,—HENRY TRAPNELL AND SON, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterer^ Papei Hangers, and Dccorators, '2, The 'RttftftTi RriefrJ 'RttftftTi RriefrJ "1' .0, 'fJ.. IMPORTANT TO PARTI LS FURNISHING. JL HOUSE, ACCORDING TO MAY BE FURNISHED IN TWELVE HOURS, AT H. TRAPNELL AND SON'S CITY CABINET ROOMS, 2, ST. JAMES'S BARTON, BRISTOL, ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 26 YEARS. rvRfiriSHiNG ESTIMATE roa X?»OR FURNISHING A FOUR-ROOMED IC COMFORTABLY, for £ IS. 17. O.-Kttcbcu, LAVAGE, Parlour, Slairs, and two Bed-Rooms. KITCHEN. 0 7 6 Clolhos horso **086 Stout table, vnth drawer 0 7 Three strong chairs •• IN#; passage. (Say) four yards of floor«clotb, at 2s. T)<1. Cocoa «Joor mat •• 0 13 0 IMHl-OUR.. Kidderminster caipet, 4 yaids, by 3 (IT more or ltss,'2s. per yd.) 0 7 6 Hearth rug to match •• 1 (1 Solid mahogany table 3 ft. t> inch square Oil cove* TOT ditto •• Six iuiritatiioD mahogany chairs, cans BEATS* Fiench polished •• 1 ]A n SIAIRS. Say eig;lit Y.ards 2-4's carpet ° E O Sixteen stair rods and eyes •• 0 11 0 BEST IIID ROOM. Full size elliptic bedstead, polished EN Ameiican birch foot pillars •• 15 0 Dimity furniture complete .15 Mattras 0 14 0 Good millpu ff bed, bolster, and pillows 1)5 () Painted was H stand and table 0 14 6 Full size etiost of drawers 1 12 0 Two chairs, at 2s. 3d.046 Dressing glass, good size 0 10 0 Towel horse, painted 0 2 6 Bedside cajpet, 7 yards.080 ————— 8 10 6 TWO liED ROOMS. T "0 bedsteads 9 0 0 18 0 |\ vo beds, bolsters, and pillows 18 0 1 16 O Tw o painted washstands 5 0 0 10 0 TWO* DRESSING glasses 2 6 0 5 0 Four" chaics,painted 2 3 0 9 0 3 JG Q It8 17 () B. TSiVPNELL AND SON'S FURNISH- Ufa ESTIMATE FOR No. 2. For F urnishing a SIX-R0031ED HOUSE, in A neat and respectable .style, for £ 61 10s. Kitchen, Hall, Parlour, Stairs, l)rawing-.Roo,OI, Best and Spare Bed Room, and Seivants' Room. KITCHEN. Large SIZ^ CM hes' horsa .076 One flap STRONG table 0 12 6 Four chairs, an 38. 0 12 0 HAIL. I 12 Sa y si x y art] s of floor c loth, 2s. 6d 0 15 0 Cocoa door mitt .036 PArl Loun. 0 18 6 Super Kidderminster carpet, st y 5 yaids by 4 yards 2 10 0 (If more or less, 2s. 6d yd.) Heath rug to match 011 0 Chimney glass, best Biitish pi te, in guilt Iranie 2 10 0 Solid mahogany table, to dine eight.. 2 10 0 Oil cover for ditto .0 5 0 ST x and two arms mi hogany chairs, stuffed all horsehair, best hair-seated covers French polished -• 6 10 6 14 16 6 StAIRS. Say sixteen yards of carpet 1 0 0 T 24 Stair rods and EYES •• ..090 19 0 5 JJRAWINO ROOM. Super Kilmarnock carp-et. Brussels pattern < say 5 yards by 4 (it" move or less 3s. per yard) •• -• ..300 Heallb rug to match 0 11 O Chimney glass, in gilt frame- •• 3 10 0 Rosewood loo table 3 o 0 Imitation rosewood coucti 2 10 0 Six French polished chairsr with sweep backs, and cushions to mati'h •• 2 IJ W 15 14 0 etST BED BOOM. off) Full size fourpost bedstead «■ «> 9 o Nea$chintz or dimity furniture 1 1 0 Mattrass •• •• Feather bed, bolster, and pillows. -• Painted wash stand and table Swing dressing glass •• n 3 O Painted towel horse •• it 7 6 Three painted chairs, at 2s. 6d. •• () Full size chesl of drawers -• •• Bed loom, 9 yds. 1-4'1'. carpet •• 013 fj It 7 0 »r\«E BKt> nOOM. Full size elliptic bedstead, French polished j •? Dimity furniture, complete •• 0 18 0 Mnltrass •* 1 1<S O Milpuff bed and bolster •• •• Twofeaihei pillows •* •* ft Wash-stand and table •* 1 t> 0 Chesl of drawers •• "*076 Three chairs •* o 1() O Swing dressing glass •• • Towel burse •• 11 7 6 Bedside carpet, 6 yards •• •• o769 .5 6 SERVANl's BED IIOOM. Full size double bedstead Rlillpuft bed, bolster,and pillows Wash-stand • I 4 O Chest of diaweis •• •• R ■■ ■■ 5 OL ASS «• •* 7 G -I £ G1 10 0 K TRAPNELL AND SON'S rUBNXS K ING ESTIMATE FOR N1 3 For Fur.iishing an H I-R<'OMED HUfISE in A neat and respectable stjle, with good modern furniture, or £ 129 9s. lid. Kitchen, Hall, Dining-room, Breaklast-rooni. Stairs, Drawing-room, Best Bed-ioom, Spare Bed-room, and Two Servants' Bed-rooms. Small deal table # 0 8 6 Long one flap table 0 12 6 Four strong chairs.at3s.6d. 0 14 0 Large clothes horse .076 Small ditto .050 Knife box .050 HAIL. 2 13 0 Say 7 yds. 4 4's oil cloth, at 2s. 9d 0 19 3 Cocoa Plat I) .*5 Ii Hat and umbrella stand .150 279 D1:-11JliO HOOJI, 1 Set damask or moreen window curtains, 3.1 yds. long, fringe drapery, polished mahogany or gilt-pole, t> feet 3 15 0 SUPER Brussels carpet, lSlt. b 15ft. 6 in. 42yards •• • • •• J Hearth rug 10 match 00 ..150 Mahogany sliding table, to dine eight ..450 Six and two at ins solid mahogany hair- seated chairs o. 6 to I.) Mahogany sofa, hair-seated 4 Jo n Ditto sideboard •• ..4 1.) 32 12 6 BREAKFAST ROOM Sup. Kidderminster Caipet, say 5 ya.ds by 4 yards •• J 10 0 Hearth rug to match •• Mahogany Pembroke table, 3tt. 6in. square 1 o Six imitation mahogany chairs,cane-seated g and French polished •• *• 5 10 0 STAIItS.. Strong Du'ch carpet, say 20 yards, at ls.4d. I 6 36 sta.r rods and eyes •• 9 1 8 DRAWLMC noo.M. Super. Brussels carpet, including making, „ 18 feet by 15 leet 6 inches, 42 yards g Hearth rug to match •• •• d Two sets of rich damask window curtains, 3J yards long, draperies, and two 6 led „ gilt window poles, complete 6 10 n Rosewood cheffonier 4 10 0 Chimnej glass, in gilt fiame, best British plate, 40<nchesby30 4 15 Rosewood loo table 4 1»» Handssome rosewood couch, stuffed with b,elki ehair, covered in (I an);,sk 515 0 Six so ^\d rosewood chairs, to match <• 6 0 U BF.ST HKDUOOM — W Handsome four-post bedstead, with cornice, ploes, riogs, tic. mm 4 10 0 Handsome moreen or demask furniture, with fringed diapery complete 4 15 0 on carried forward j £ 86 » -1 Brnught furIVald £ 86 2 11 Mattrass .110 Good feather bed, bolster, and pillows 6 6 0 Mahogany washstand and table 2 lo 0 1'ressing glass, large size .110 Mahogany towel horse 0 4 0 l1 our imitation mahogany chairs, cane-seated 0 12 0 Large size mahogany chest of drawers, Frcnch polished 2 15 0 Bedside caipet, 1 yard wide 0 It) 6 Night commode 0 10 0 SI'A IIE BEPUOOM. 25 6 6 Japanned full size half tester bedstead ..220 Good dimity furniture, with fringed drapery, complete .176 Mattrass 0 18 0 Good millpuff bed and bolster, with two ,)' teatherp))tows. 2 12 6 Painted washstand and table 0 15 6 Chest of diawers, large size 1 0 Thrte chairs, at 2s. 6d.076 Dressing glass 0 lo 6 Towel horse .030 KPHCIHI. Q I A' O Ifi 0 I.tujraciaijjci, O > tiros -| 5 It 4 (j SERVANTS' BEDILOOSIS. Two lull size double bedsteads n l'wo millpuff beds, bolsters, and pillows 2 0 0 Two washstands •• j; l'wo chests of drawers •• „ Four chairs r o Two glasses •• •• 0 ° 6 17 0 Total.. £ 129 9 11 H, TRAPNELL & SONS ESTIMATE fOR No, 4. Ten roomed house, furnished superbly with good, substantial and most modern sty le furniture, for £ 267 16 6. KITCHEN. Large clothes horse, 3 leaf £ 0 10 6 Small ditto, 2 leaf O 5 6 F'our kitchen chairs, 3s. 6d. O '4 O Large two-flap dining table •• J Butler's tiay and stand 0 15 0 HALL —————- 3 6 0 Say 12 yards lfoor cloth .I 13 0 Two mahogany French polished chairs ..170 Mahogany hal and umbrella stand, French polished 1 15 0 DINING ROOM. — 4 15 0 IS feet by 15 feet 6 inches, 42 yards superior 3 ifiread firussels carpet, including iiiaking R 8 0 Handsome rug, to match. 1 10 0 Two sets of rich crimson damask window curtains, 3$long, deep bullion fringed draperies, curiains, bands,&c., complete 7 10 0 Two sIX-fect handsomc gilt or mahogany window poles, rings, ornaments, &c., complele. 2 10 0 Spanish mahogany telescope dining table, to dine twelve, with two shifling leaves 8 1 6 Eight Spanish mahogany chairs, coveicd Morocco leather, French poiished 11 t 6 Spanish mahogany lounge, in Morocco leather, to match, spring stufled, and best hair • • •• Handsome Spanish mahogany sideboard, b feet 6 inches, with cellarettc, &c., com- plete, French polished •• „ » Spanish mahogany dessert waggon •• Q BRF.AKFAST BOOM. 0J U 15 by 12,90 yards 4-4's Dutch carpet, best quality, msde complete n l fi [learth rug, to match •• *• u ,J Spanish mahogany table, on pillar and block •• 3 lo ;ix Spanish mahogany chairs, covered green Morrocco leather •• 7 10 0 3ne set crimson damask window curtains, 31 yards long, fringed window drapery, trimmed with Uce, 6 feet mahogany win- dow pole, rings, ornaments, &c., com- plete •• 4 15 0 LIBRARY. 19 10 15 feet by 12, 20 yards 4-4's Dutch carpet, made complete. 2 0 Hearth rug, to match 0 10 6 Set mahogany book shelves, with leather on edge of shelves. 7 I'eei. l»y 4 feet 3 5 0 Spahish mahogany wiiting table, with drawers aud laaiher t0p 3 IS 0 Easy chair, covered in leather, and stufled will, best hair 3 5 0 FOllr chairs, 10 match. 4 0 0 Set crimson damask window curtains, 34 lone, trimmed will, lace, fringe drapeiy, window pole. Ac., complete, same as blcaldast roum 4 15 0 STAIRS 21 15 30 yards super, carpet .37 fi 4 dozen stair rods and eves .100 1)11 AWINU-HOOM. 4 7 6 18 feet by 16". Foily-two yards superior 3 thiead Brussels carpet, Includlug maklllg 8 8 0 Handsome hearth rug, lo match 1 10 0 Two sets of i icli damask window curains rich lace and deep fiinge drapeiies complete.. 7 15 0 Two rich gill window cornices for do., com- plete, 7 feet each .330 Handsome cilt chimney glass, best British plate, size of plate, 60 inches by 40 8 10 0 Handsome rosewood 100 table.. fi 10 0 Handsome do., occasional table to match 4 10 0 Elegant losewood lounges in damask silk gimll cord, tassels, ,\c., complete.. 8 8 0 Six solid rosewood chairs to match, complete in dainask .820 Solid losewood easy chair, in <lam.->sk 3 10 0 Handsome iose«ood chellollier, plate glass back, and marble top to correspond 7 10 0 l'wo fancy occasional chaus 0 IS 0 BEST Bfcl) IWOM. 68 9 0 Thiiteen y»rds super Kiddei minster carpet 1 12 6 Mahogany tnui post bedstead, double screw nnd carved piltars 6 10 (J Rich damask or moreen furniture, made full and handsomely trimmed, complete 5 10 0 Palliass of best quality 0 18 0 Mattrass, for ditto I 6 0 Best linen tick bordered feather bed bolster, and two down pillows 7 ]fl 0 3 ft 6 in. mahogany washstand* mnibletop 3 10 0 Toilet table,with rniislmcover^c.,complete 0 ,8 0 Handsome swing dressing glass 1 5 0 1\1 ahogany towel horse mt g 4 h Four cane seat chairs, 3s6d 0 14 0 Spanish mahogany wardrobe, s'lidiou travs" and drawers under, 7 tiet by 4 |eet 6 10 0 Bed steps, with commode, complete jl() 0 HF.vr srARE BKD.ROOM. — 37 17 0 Fourpost bedstead, cornice, poles and lings 4 10 0 Handsome damask or Moreen furniture, fringed drapery, Lic., coiiipl, 4 0 Mattrass b,d, boll 1 1 0 Good border feather bed, bolster, and pil- lows •• •* «.660 Mahogany washstand, marble top .3^0 rorlet tallIe, muslin cover, clJnlplete 0 11; 0 Dressing glass •• 0 lo 0 Towel borse •• 0 4 6 Four cane seat chairs, Jg 0 12 0 Mahogany ehest drawers 2 10 (I Bed side carpet 4-4 s wide # 0 16 tt MahoRanybedstepcomtnode.. 014 6 r ifEC°Nr u AnK "(DHOOM. 2G 5 6 Japanned full fcize hall tester bed tead a 0 Uimily lurniture with hinge drapery, &e., complete •• ..176 Mattrass .J 0 18 0 Good mtllpun bed, bolster, and two feather pillows .2 10 (i Japanned washstand, one toilet"table •• 0 15 6 Japanned chest ot dravvers full sjze 112 () Three ditto chairs 0 7 f, Japanned commode complete 0 <J (. Ditio towel horse 0 '3 n Toilet glass Q Bed side carpet, 8 jards 4-1's. () lfj g TWO STRVAMLS' "0OM |TI1 D0UBLK BKDDJNO'^ Two ful size double bedsteads | Two ,„,| pnfl bed., bolsleri aDd pi|lows.. 2l l'wo washstands « Two chcsts of diawers "nil! Four chairs ?» if, ?, Two glasses 0 5 0 6 17 0 Observe: TRAPNfPTi •• £ 267 16 ujimlstery M.o«h«o"'VSfjS.?N'.l,ie and Te^f^ I he New Fmm hln; t ,n of the kingdom. 01 post fie«. futile may be had gratis on applicaion, OAK PIT WOOD FOR SATT- TO B B S0LD BV AUCTJN, BY CORNELIUS EVANS OU,V'CTH-■ W1! ,DAY 0F NOV'EMUKU, 18 )0, on L*,(-SSRS. TAUK L-O. S \V HARP ATIIRVI* .T_ IV Jack's Pill, Newport, about J°lnia« the Dry Do°k, r. -ii 30 T0NS of excellent OAK PlTWnnn It will be Sold in One Lot, withou'. au»V« 1 „i tound well deserving the attention of pwcKrs0' a" ottlc to commence <it '1'iirco o'clooW 5r» • i High-street. Newport. Nov. 18th, 1850. MONMOUTHSHIRE TO TIMBER MERCHANTS RAILWAY CONTRACTORS, &C COliNELll/S EVANS FT ^LH,efrh0n?{,r t0 amiTC°J:UaU,° ha« received instruc- ■ tirms from the proprietor. Sir Charles Morgan, Baronet, too er for SALE BY AUCTION, at t)ie KLN" s HKAI> INN, II he 1 own ot Newport, on SATUHUAY NOVI-MHHR 23rd, lboO. between the hours of four and six in the afternoon, Mibjeet to such conditions as shall be then and there produced,) tnc following very valuable COPPICE WOODS, Lot J-About III Acres of Coppiw Wood, called Coed- Mawr, in the parish of Henllis, within four miles of the Monmouthshire Canal, consisting of excellent pit wood and cord wood, Lot 2—About 15 Acres of Coppice Wood part of Mescoed Mawr," in the parish of Bassalleg, within one mile of the Monmouthshire Canal, consisting of hurdle hoop, pit, and cord wood. Lot 3-Alwut 17 Acres of Coppice Wood, adjoining to, and of the same description as the lastlut. • ^u-About 20 Acres of Coppice Wood par t of the "Slades," in the parish of Llanfihangel Rogiett, wi'lhin two miles of the Kuilway, consisting of hurdle, hoop, pit, ;tnti COrt^ wooJ. Lot 5—About 20 Acres of Coppice Wood, part of Wain- tawr, in the parish of Maehen, and adjoining the Sirhowy iraniroad. consisting of hurdle, hoop, pit and cord wood. Lot o—About 17 Acres of Coppice uod, part of Ruperra h!alg, 'u the parish of Mlehaelstune-y-Fedw, within one mile 01 the Uhynmu Railway, consisting of very excellent pit wood and cord wood. Lot 7—About 20 Acres of Coppice Wood, adjoining to, and 1 j e Si»me description as the last lot. p Lot 8—Aboiit 12 Acres of Coppice'wood, part of MCefn- 1 wii-du within one mile of the Rhvmnu Railway, consisting of excellent hurdle, hoop, pit, and cord wood. M >r a ulcw ot thc wo°ds, apply to Mr. Robert Young, Park ouoCj Bassalleg, who will direct a person to show the same 011 and after the 18th November, 185t). For further particulars, apply at the Tredegar Estate Officc, Newport, or to Messrs. Birch and Davis, Solicitors. CHRISTCHURCH AND LAN TARN AM. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY AIR. H. M. PARTRIDGE, AT the WiisroATK INN, Newport, on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of November, 1850, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to conditions of sale, which will be then produced, the following desirable FREEHOLD AND COPYHOLD PROPERTIES: LOT L—Two Dwelling-llouscs, with requisite Outbuilding*, and Appurtenances, and good Gardens attached, pleasantly situated on Matndce Common, iu the Parish of Christchurch, and at present in the occupation of John Howeils and John Jones, as tenants, who will shew the same. The premises are freehold of inheritance, and they may, at the sale, if thought necessary, for the convenience of pur- chasers, be divided into two lots, as each house would con- fer a vote for the county. Lor 2.— All that Field of rich Meadow Laud, situate in the Parish of Lantarnain, being No. i>63, in the tithe map and ap- portionment 01 rent charge for the said parish, and containing, by admeasurement, 4A. 2K. 28P. The Land is very eligibly situate near to the Monmouthshire Canal, which runs through the parish, and it adjoins the high road which runs from Pen- lie to Cro^s-y-moleh, and also lands of John Jenkins, Esq. It is occupied by Mr. John. Bullock, as tenant from year to year at the 1 iw rent of £ 1 I. This Lot is copyhold, of the Manor of Kedcastle, and would also confer a vote for the county. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneer, at St. Wool los House, Stow hill, and at his offices, 38, Commercial-street, Newport; or to MESSRS. PROTIIERO, TOWGOOD, & FOX, Solicitors, Newport. CltINDA U FARM. NEAR NEWPORT, ftlON. MR. II. M. RARTRIDGE R INSPECT FULLY informs his agricultural friends and the public that Mr. Thilip Williams, who is about to alter his course of farming, has honoured liini with instructions to SELL BY PU BLlC AUCTION, On the premises, Oil TUESDAY, the 26th day of November instant, the following portion of his valuable HORNED STOCK, the whole of which are descended from the celebrated breeds of Mr. Dew, of Lhllvctherin, Mr. Jones, of Pentwyn; and Mr. Lloyd, of Llanlcwth — Ten superior dairy cowf, six three year old in heifers two two-year old ilitlo, (all in good season,) and four yearling steers. Also, a useful cart mare; a very superior t.ag fin v of the Cleveland breed, by Caper, out of Mr. Mostyn's (late of the Court Farm, Llantarnam,) best mare; and twelve pigs, good porkers. The Auctioneer can, with confidence, recommend the above stock, which will be sold unreservedly. Refreshments on the table at eleven o'clock, and the sale will commence punctually at one o'clock with the cows. Auctioneer's Offices, St. Woollos House, Stow Hill, and No. 3S, Commercial-street, Newport. c November 7th, 1850, PARISH OF BASSALLEG. MONMOUTHSHIRE. LIVE AND DEAD FARMING STOCK FOR SALE. MR. H. M. PARTRIDGE IS instructed by Mr. Edmund Recs, to SELL by Public AUCTION, on the Premises, at, CROES-CYN-NU-NON FARM, on TUESDAY, the 10th of DECEMBER next, all the LIVE ANI) DEAD FARMING STOCK, Dairy Utensils, WHEAT, IlAY, and a portion of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Viz. Six dairy cows, to calve in good season; two three-year- old steers; four two-year-old ditto; an excellent brown cart mare, rising six years old black ditto two-year-old filly four capital bacon pigs; twenty-five ewes, in lamb; two ricks of wheat; one ditto of hay chaff machine two sets oflong and two of short harness two sets of G.O. ditto; three ladders step ladder; one iron and one yew-tree pigs' trough; waggon; two carts; iron plough; two wood ditto; drags; harrows; large yew-tree roUer; wheelbarrow pikes, rakes, &c. Also, a quantity of useful Dairy Utensils, tubs, casks, and a portion of thtt Household Furniture. Refreshments will be on the table at ten o'clock; and the Sale will commence punctually at twelve at noon. Auctioneer's Offices, St. Woollos House, Stow-hill, and 38 Commercial-street, Newport. Nov. 14, 1850. 1G2, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. IMPORTANT AND EXTENSIVE SALE. MESSRS. GRAHAM BEG respect fully to announce tliat they sell hy PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises^ as above, on MONDAY and TUESDAY next, NOVEMBER the ;35ih and 2Cth, 1850, the whole of the STOCK IN TRADE, Fixtures, Gas-Fittings, Household Furniture, Piano-Forte, by Broadwood and Sons, and all other valuable effects, the Property of Mr. ISAAC BROWN, removed for the convenience of Sale. The STOCK-IN-TRADE consists of China Breakfast and Tea Services Teapots, Jugs, Dishes, Plates, several sets of Chamber Ware, Footpans and Jugs, and a variety of F'artlienware of evcrv description; Three boxes of Pipes, Decanters, Water Caraffes and Tumblers; Rummors, Tumblers, Wines, Custard, Show Glasses, A*c., Ac., Xrc. The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE comprises Tent and Stump Bedsteads, straw Palliasses, woolMattrasses, Feather Beds,Sheets, Blankets, and Counterpanes, Mahogany Secretaire, Mahogany Dining Table, Mahogany Round Table, Mahogany Chest with Drawers, painted deal Ditto ditto, Mahogany Night Commode, painted deal Dressing Table, Ihtto ditto, painted Washstand and Wans Ditto ditto, Four Rush-seated Chairs, Six Cane ditto ditto, Six ditto ditto ditto, Six ditto ditto ditto, Fiight-day Clock,in Ma- hogany Case, Four Beech Chairs, Copper ai ming-Pan Fender and Fire-Irons, Butler's Mahogany I ray and otaud, and a useful assortment of Culinary requisites. The circumstances under which the above aie ofieied for public competition, will admit of 110 reserve. Sale to commence at Eleven 0 Clock in the Forenoon, each day, 1 Auctioneer's Offices, 162, Commercial-street, Newport, and Blue Broom, Kagland. CALDICOT, MON MOUTHS HIRE. IMPORTANT SALE or LANDS, Under the Act of Parliament for the Enclosure of Waste Lands TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MIL PARSONS, a T the GEORGE HOTEL, CiiErvrovv, on Wki)nksDay> A DECEMBER. 11, 1850, at twelve o clock, (sujject to con- ditions of sale MOOR, P :B.T 01" H,Ol. Ó Situate in the parish of Rogiett, and county of Monmouth. comprising ( p \STURE LAND, R. I', Lot I.-A with a frontage against the VVesl and Road, and bounded.on the^v"«0IJtaillillK ,g 011 thc south by 1 wimple L pASTUKli LAND, Lot 2—A valuable pi<- ,atfe ygainst Caldicot ad joining Lot baling a I I\ iVimI>|e Laud, Road, and bounded on the soutn i\> 1 containing•••••• •••••• :•„>" i-ASTU RV/LAND, Lot 3.—-A valuable picce ,(.d ou thc Kast adjo.nms Caldicot to Twimple Land, and west by New Droves, R<ioiru^ i contaimng |, \N I,. ° uot 4.— A valuable piece 01 i adjoining Lot 3, arid bounded on the east and west by the above described Droves containiiig y 7 0 o Lot 5 A valuable piece ot PAS I URL LA IN D, adjoining Lot 4, and abutting against 1 wimple Land,containing. *•" ° 3 0 Lot. 6.—A valuable piece ol PASlUKF. LANI bounded on the south by Twimple Land, and lands belonging to Mr. William Long, and on the west by New Droves, leading from Caldicot Road to Tivimple Land, containing G 2 31 Lot 7.-A valuable piece of LAND, at the en- trance to Rogiett Moor, from the village of Caldicot, and bounded on the north by Caldicot New Road, containing. 6 0 (1 til 0 :) Particulars may he had, and a Plan of the above Lands may be seen, at the Offices of Sfessrs. Baldwin and Morgan, Solici- tors, Chepstow Messrs. Birch and Davis, Solicitors, Ncvport; Mr. Williams, the Valuer under the Enclosure Act, Albion' Chambers, Bristol and also of the Auctioneer, Crick Cottage who will appoint a person to show thc Lots. VALUABLE SHIPPING IIROPEITTY. rOR SALE BY AUCTION WITHOUT RESERVE, (By Order of the Assignees of j0hu joneS) of Rrvnmawr Brcconshire, Coal Kerchant, a Bankrupt") AT HARVEY'S NAVAL HOTEL, PLYMOUTH MN..NIV the 25th day of November instant, at six o'clock precisely' in lilt? afternoon, BY MESSRS. BARNARD, THOMAS & R,> Thc following line Vessels :— J •> Lot I.-The Brig "FI.KEI.OM," «lS3^TWM.mtl. s new mea- sure; has one deck and two masts; was built at Dartmouth in the year lf&O. mout I 111 Length 71 fret 6 tenths. Breadth >• 3 Depth. >• 1 Has a standing bowsprit; square sterned and carvel built with « scroll head. n She is capable of carrying 200 Tons of L Goods. J Lot 2.—The Brigantine DOROTHY," of 123~? Tong> measure; has one deck and two maats as built at Corehead Prince Edward's Island, in the year 1U». ea T lect Has a standing* bowsprit*; square sterncd and carvel -built, wiUl feTh!4fiveUssCcfsCardJ strong nnd useful, are well found in s,ores and are admirably adapted for the cud*tu^ 'hiire both lying at Plymouth :-thc Freedon at M^r W, Devonport, and the Dorothy at ot■ j 'j- invent j.'or view apnlv to the Captains on boaid, and Jr inventory i or view, ctppiv iu i Albion Chambers. hristf»i. and particulars, to the AuctioiK i I Acraman ii' and for furth. r particulars, to Al^dn;' ^1\5;Vs n or M1-' OfKcial AssiKi.ee, Saint Augustine s-placc, Bnstol, or MR, L. O. Bigg, Solicitor, Bristol^ Bristol, 5tli November, 18.,0. MONMOUTHSHIRE. LOWED. PANTYGOITRE FARM. (And entered on the Second Day of Februaiy next,) A VERY DESIRABLE FARM- caHed tho A tygoitre," containing 201 Acres, namely, L>l ac res of su perior Meadow Land, 5i) of good sound Arable, and 11 of goo Orcharding in full bearing situate on the banks of the rive. Usk, in the parish of Llanvair Celgedn. surrounded by turnpike roads, and within five mile* of Abergavenny an a aijd eiglit of Pozitypool. The Farm House is newly-elected and convenient with all other Buildings in goSod repair, and two Workmen s Cottages, are oil the Land Every encouragement will be given to an emtenant' For further particulars, apply c r•(, dr,^ r?u.' I !i VIES, solicitors, Usk; or to Ml'- '^LMMElvFiLLl, agent, Pantygoitre, who will show the 1* arm. ALBION SALE ROOMS, No. 14, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. MR. T. T. MORRIS WILL SELL BY AUCTION^ without reserve, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, November 27, IS50, at the above rooms, about 3(H) Prime ULOUCI5STER CHEESE, nearly three tons weight, and FTVFJ SIDES of excellent BACON, consigned for absolute sale, which will take place at Eleven for Twelve o'Clock at noon precisely. Offices, 44, Commercial-street, Newport, November 20, 1850. 41, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. ALBION SALE ROOMS. MR. T. T. MORRIS H\S the honour of announcing that he is instructed to SELL BY AUG 1 ION, the whole of the Modern and ell-Preserved HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other useful effects, the piopcrty of a nautical gentleman, who is j lemoving, and conveyed to the above spacious rooms for con- venience of sale among which will be found the following very excellent and useful articles, viz. two eight-day clocks, in mahogany cases; one mahogany hair-seated sofa, one chintz- covered sofa, six mahogany hair-seated chairs, mahogany loo table, mahogany dining and card table. mahogany chest of drawers, mahogany and cane-seated chairs, glazed and other corner cupboards, half-tester and tent bedsteads, feather and millpuff beds, bolsters, and pillows; blankets, sheets, and quilts; pier, chimney, and swing glasses; thirty-hour clock and case, two guns, bronze urn, plated cruet stand, candle- stick, snullers, and tray Palmer's patent cilhin spring candle lamp, two dozen ivory balanced handle knives and forks, chair of the Atlantic, lancewood bow, violin, three stulfcd birds, night commode, carpets, dinner and tea ware, decanter and glasses, chamber services, dressing tables and washstands, shower bath, two sets cant window Venetian blinds, bronze, brass, aud kitchcn fenders and fire-irons; a few gas fittings, paintings, two settles, kettles and saucepans, and numerous other useful artiaels. Also, twenty-four bronze, steel, and cast fenders; four barometers, rosewood work boxeR, two sets of snuff shew jars, tobacco scales, weights, &c.; the whole of which will be on view on Monday and following days previous to sale. The Auctioneer invites a punctual attendance at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, as it is intended to dispose of the whole the same day. Albion Rooms, 20th November, 1850. r'wvrsv THE WIDOW AND THE FATHERLESS I DONATIONS towards a FUND in aid of the WIDOW and NINE CHILDREN of Mr. O'llARE, late Collecting Clerk of the MERLIN, who was killed on the night of Thurs- day, the 7th of November :— Sir Charles Morgan, Baronet, Tredegar Park £ 5 0 0 Lady Morgan 2 0 0 S)fThomasPh)U)ps. 500 E. Dowling Esq 5 0 0 Per Mr. Hallen, Westgale Hotel :) U 0 J. Biotnave, Esq, banker, 2 0 0 Anonymous 2 00 William A. Williams, Esq., Llannibby CaNlle. 2 0 t) T. B. Hatcholor, Esq., Mayor, (1850) I 0 0 W. C. Webb, Esq., Mayor, (1851) ] o 0 J. Corsbie, Esq. 1 II 0 J. Plullpotts. Esq.. solicitor 10 0 Robeit Woollen, Esq., surgeon I 0 o Jeremiah Cairns, Dock seeretaiy loo Per Mr. William Wilson, diaper, Tredegar. I 0 0 Tile Ven. Archdeacon Williams t) 10 U Thomas Pioihero, Esq., Malpas Court 0 10 0 Thomas Hughes, Esq., King's Hill 0 If) () T. Woollett, Esq., Town Cleik OK) o Mrs. T. Woollen o 5 II Mil, Logan, Victoria Place 0 10 0 Mis. Retinie, Victoria Place 0 10 0 R G. Catlicart, Esq., solicitor 0 10 0 Messrs. Duncan, Rbyrnney Co.'s agent 0 10 0 VVm. Evans, piovision ineicbant 0 10 0 Charles Cairns, merchant 0 to (I Nelson Knapp, American Consul. 0 10 (I S, T..Ienkins,l'hiph'(Jl;.er. Plilgwcnlly.. 0 10 O if 11) 0 J. Call.cait, County C >.irt cleik t 0 10 0 John Rogers, shipbroker 0 III 0 J Moyde Lewis, me-chant n I (I 0 K Wtdls, secretary Mon. It. and C. Co. 0 10 0 I. Spriit, mocer 0 10 (I Henry Cicgory. me,chant 0 10 0 Williams, limber meichant 0 10 0 John Lloyd, King's Head Hotel 0 10 II VV. C'1.iistopliers, MEH 1.1 N 0ffice <1 7 fi J.M.Scott, lUiini IN office 0 5 () ILC.FoU, ditto () .5 0 F. W. Brogden, ditto 0 5 o W. Pitt, dim 0 5 () Jacob Cliaiteiley, ditto 0 5 0 J. H. Morgan, ditto 0 r, 0 J. B. J ones, dillo. 0 2 ti John Hyndinan. merchant 0 5 0 T. Spinney, Cheltenham 0 5 (I — Currie, tea dealer. 0 5 0 J. Davies, 0 5 0 VV. Ferguson, tea dealer 0 5 0 West, Risca Coal Co.'s agent 0 5 0 Williams, commission agent 0 5 0 W. L. Kelly, bookseller O 5 0 Benjamin Lewis, giocer 0 5 0 R. M. Toogood, auctioneer 0 5 0 1 yler. Bandmaster, 77ih Regiment 0 5 0 Hugh Morgan, huteher 0 5 0 S. 1. Hallen, Wesigate Hotel 0 5 0 Buiijamin Price, draper 0 5 0 H. Hayues, Lloyds' Agent 0 5 0 K.V.Jenktas. druggist 0 5 0 John Jenkin., Crown Hotel 0 5 0 ^raser> Mon. and Glamorgan Bank 0 5 0 Wm. Jenkins, solicitor 0 5 0 George Latch, solicitor O 5 0 — LeOraod, Tredegar Wharf Co's agent. 0 5 0 J. H. Phillips, schoolmaster. 0 5 0 Jarnes Hawkins, surgeon .050 Stringa, hardware denier. 0 5 0 W. R. Matihews, provision merchant ..050 T. l\l. Llewellin, solicitor. 0 5 0 J. Smith Phillips, H.M. Customs. 0 5 0 John Davies, provision merchant 0 5 0 B. Mason o 5 0 William Jenkins, assistant overseer 0 5 0 Supt. English 050 T. Turner 0 5 0 H. E. Rees 050 T- M. Smith, Maesglas 0 5 0 Cornelius Evans, auctioneer 0 5 0 I. Wilson. draper and tea dealer 0 5 0 John Handy, deputy town cleik 0 5 0 Rev. James Coles O ri o Rev. Edwsrd Hawkins. St. WooiloV 0 5 0 Mrt Edward Hawkins. 0 9 6 A Fiiend, by ditto .01 (I Mrs. R. Ruscoe «) i Mrs. Hughes 0 5 41 Mr. H. J. Davis, solicitor O r» n Mrs. II. J. Davis 0 5 0 Mrs. Ann Towmend, Caidiff road 0 5 0 Mrs. Reynolds, Slow-bill, and Friend 0 4 6 Messrs. Wm. l ay lor, agent 0 5 0 J, Wildy 0 5 0 Richard Mullock 0 5 (I Christopher O Reilly, surgeon 0 5 0 W. Bodger 0 2 G W .D-Lvans, Clerk to Board of Guardians 0 2 0 W. G. Greenland 0 2 ti — Cousins, Bristol 0 2 6 — Meiijus, Bristol 2 6 "bam Coinplon, groocr. 0 3 0 Johnsione, agent .020 James Ewins.jun., confectionei O 2 6 J. IVlinchin, draper 0 2 6 '• I. Morris, auctioneer 0 2 6 Jlenry Slicppard, provisiou merchant. 0 2 6 J • Lewis, mercer and tailo. 0 '2 (I J. Job Evans, ironmonger 0 2 6 Benjimin Jeffiis, ironmonger 0 2 6 Charles Oliver, bookseller 0 2 0 B. Evans, draper, London House 0 2 (j J, Bryan, Secretary to Gas Company 0 2 () James Garratt, druggist 0 2 6 John Russell, merchant () 2 G Jarnes Capella, hardware dealer 0 2 6 Joseph Young, Westgate 0 2 6 Evan Evans, slnpbioker () 2 tI William Speary, wharfinger. 0 2b S. Iggulden, victualler 0 2 6 — Phillips, grocer, Canal-side 0 2 6 ]i. J. Phillips, druRgist.. 0 2 fi Chorles Phillips, coach propiietor 0 2 6 K. Morgan, draper, Waterloo House. 0 2 0 Henry Mullock 0 2 6 V Allen, draper, Albion House 0 2 0 Leonard Hadley, corn merchant 0 2 G R. Burke, hatter. 0 2 G Reed, bookseller 0 2 6 Haynes. game dealer 0 2 0 Webb, iionmonger 0 2 6 Grout, bookseller 0 2 6 J Walker, lea dealer 0 2 0 Keyse. corn merchant 0 2 6 J^dwards, shipbuilder 0 2 6 Pirie, Monmouth and Glamoigan Bank. 0 2 6 Wansbrough, Brothers, psinlers, &c. 0 2 6 Powell, saddler I) 2 6 Thomas Richards, builder. 0 2 0 Hev. W. Phillips. RiMca 0 2 0 Mtssrs. Thomas Jones, ship broker 0 2 0 Roberts,TredegarWharf Company's AgentO 2 6 W. W. Morgan surgeon, 0 2 6 James Davie*, currier 0 2 Ii Palmer, porter merchant. 0 2 6 Murphy, cattle dealer 0 2 6 Webb, clerk 0 2 6 Griffith Thomas, Hope and Anchor 0 2 6 T.h.ing, bank 0 2 6 GriHilhs, builder 0 2 6 Willmett, shipbuilder .]* 0 2 6 Wm. Davies, TheGoitrey. 0 2 6 Lewis, draper 020 F>ans, draper Q 2 0 Latch, watchmaker 0 2 6 John Morgan, grocer. 0 2 6 Supt. Huxtable II 2 0 John Clarke, corn merchant 0 2 6 S. Munday, grocer 0 '2 6 Dew,draper 0 2 6 Jack, hatter 0 2 (i John, draper J* 0 2 0 Taylor, Pill-road 0 2 6 MIS, Scott, Viotoria Place 0 2 6 Naish 0 2 6 M. Morrison, Victoria Place.. 0 2 6 W y bio w ,1 9 fi Bev. VVm. Baxter n o Mf' VJAlMi"lpS 0 2 6 Mrs. E. Oakley 0 2 (I Rev. CL I). Sparks, ditto 0 2 6 Mrs. Taylor 0 2 6 Sharpe, Stow Hill 0 2 0 Henry Williams, Victoria Placo 0 2 6 Moses 026 Clapp 0 2 6 King 0 2 6 Mr. W. Tombs, CommerciaLsireet 0 2 6 W. Evans, Jack's PilI. 0 2 G CJeorge l.ttieson. Commercial-street 0 0 B. Young, Pill 0 2 0 Captain Parfitt, Dock Master. 0 2 G Mr. Cullum, Comptroller, Customs and fiiend ..036 ilowland Nicholas, Customs 0 2 6 A Friend 0 2 0 Mr. Seward, Customs 0 'J- 6 J. S. Stone, wheelwright 0 2 6 'J'. Jivans, South VValos Railway Station 0 2 6 David Lewis, builder 0 2 6 T. Scandrett, senior 0 2 6 T. Walker, coach proprietor, Pontypool 0 2 6 Loder, bookseller .026 Burns '"nor Le Couteour, merchant O 2 0 B Baker, Bush Inn 0 2 6 W. J.Saer •••• » JJ JJ Jones •••• U 1 0 Mrs. Morgan » jj J> Bebell •••* Z, 2 Mr. James Birch, solicitor 0 2 6 Hey. Williams, Crick •••• 'aPtain Sharpe H 5 Mr. John Jones p Philip Rees .♦•••• •••• 0 2 B £ .friend •••• 0 2 0 <V Llandoivlais NO/ r ,zJ:br"ke. Crae Ceilog n o 2 p. WHEELER 2 ft 0 33 0 nee (j 2 (j :»12 1 Morgan ^'ss,ck> "lafiisirates" clerk o o r 31 | .£75 13 6 Secretary to the Com • J. M. SCOII, moneys collected and hi"Pointed to appropriate the gratefully received. wl<om further subscriptions will be l WKHUN Office, Newport, Nov. 21, lm t v. ,18<,>0. MONMOUTH UNION. f VALUATION OF THE PARISH OF DIXTON. TO LAND SURVEYORS, VALUEKS, AND OTHERS WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. WIIRHUAS the Commissioners tor Administering (.he TV Laws for thc Relief ol the Poor iu England, in pursuance of the powers vested in them by an Act passed ill the sevcirh year of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth 1 intltu led AnActto liegtilote I'arociiiil iiisessillents have, ) by an Order under their Hands and Seal, bearing date the (ith ( day of November instant, directed to the Guardians of tie ¡ Poor of the above Union, ordered a valuation to bemadeof flic Messuages, Lands, and other Hereditaments, liable to Poor I Rates in the Parish of Dixton and the said Commissioners ) have further ordered that the Guardians of the said Union should appoint one or more competent person or persons touiak- such vallfutioll, NOTICE IS HEREny GIVEN, That the Guardians of tIle said {h\lon will rccd"c Tenders < from any person or persons willing to contract formukin'r such valuation. Such valuation must be made within such time and upon such terms, as will be specified in tile contract, which'con- traet will be subject, nevertheless, to the approval of the Poor- law Commissioners. The form of contract may be seen at the Clerk's office in thc Workhouse. Workhouse. The I curlers are to bo sent, to the Clerk, at. his office aforesaid on or before Friday, tbe 2'.Uh day ot Nov. niber instant sealed' and marked lenders lor Valuing the Parish of Dixto'n." The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest tender. By order of the Hoard, E. RICHARDS, Clerk. Monmouth, 11th November. 1H50.

N I'.vv riihl POST TABLh.